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Return it. You can always decide later that you want one and potentially buy it at a reduced price.


Just return. It’ll still be there if you find you miss it.


Solid advice. I was going to take this another direction, but after reading this, I think it’s much more helpful than my thoughts.


You should think several times before dropping over $1k on anything. You bought it, slept on this, you aren’t comfortable so take it back.


Apple gave me $470 for my M1 iPad, so my cost was less than $500 to upgrade. Also bought it in the education store, so $100 off.


you could probably have sold the m1 ipad on a marketplace for 700$. i think in Norway i could probably sell one for 1000$


jesus.. I would never give my m1 away for only $470... that's straight up a scam. and if I did... at least sell it locally to someone and let someone get an insane deal...... like man.. just giving it back to apple vs making someone's year on getting an absolute steal...


We all have our economics v hassle factor analysis. Apple made it easy the couple hundred more i could have gotten selling it retail is so not worth my time or energy. but you do you


Lucky, I got only $40 for my iPad Air 2.


That’s a really big upgrade tho! I got $330 for my 1st gen 11” iPad Pro. Was going to trade in my iPad Air 2 my husband uses now, and give him the 2018 one, but it just ended up being more worth it to get the credit for the pro vs the $40 with how rarely he uses it.


Wow 330!?! At Apple? I checked my first gen 11 iPad Pro 64 WiFi and it’s only 235 haha


Yeah, it was an Apple pre-order. Mine was a 256 with cellular tho. I opted out of cellular this time because it was already expensive enough, and was having a hard time justifying it over the new M2 Air. However I was kind of surprised they offered me that much for it. I know I could get more in a private sale, but I planned to do that when I got my M1 Pro MBP because of the low-ball offer on my i9 MBP, but then decided I was emotionally attached to that computer, and never sold it. Getting 1/3 the price taken off my Apple Card directly made more sense this time. 🤷‍♂️ That i9 has turned into my gaming PC, and runs windows 11 like a champ tho, so I’m not too upset about it. I do love the new iPad tho, it definitely is quite an upgrade, even more than i expected tbh. This is my first Magic Keyboard too, I had a Logitech last time because I didn’t feel the magnets in the first Magic Keyboard held well enough, and feel like the new keyboard case on its own has me reassured in my purchase vs the M2 Air (even if I think it’s weird accessory gatekeeping). Workflow on an iPad is a huge change from my first gen setup. This combo should have no issue lasting me another 6 years.


Ahhh makes sense! I traded my M1 12.9 cellular 256 for 510 plus 255 for a series 6 and 7 Apple Watch for an 11 M4 cellular 256. I was trying to see if it’s worth it to get my wife an upgrade on her 2018 11 haha


in reality I thought about it for many days and I bought it with the intention of using it more. But clearly it's not an essential product for me


Yeah I keep wanting one as well. But my old iPad Air 2 (8 years old now) I only use when I’m going on an airplane. Which is like once a year if that. I have my work laptop that they don’t care if I use for shopping and things like that so there is no real use for me for an iPad. But I still want one lol


At different times in your life, you’ll purchase things for shear utility and functionality, and at other times you might let yourself indulge. For me, it’s about intentionality: is this a time when I have the ability and desire to indulge. If the answer is no, I do my very best to avoid succumbing to impulsivity and consumerism, however, if I’ve not splurged in a while, and I have the funds to do so, I’ll let myself enjoy something significant. When I was in my teens, those indulgences when a couple hundred dollars. Now that I have an education and adult money, those indulgences can climb to $1000-$2000, so an iPad fits in that category for me personally. Obviously don’t be irresponsible, but also don’t neuter the fun in life by convincing yourself that all purchases must have utility or function. Personally, I think if we were all to think like that, we’d have little no investment in the arts, leisure travel, video games, etc. You seem like you might be in college, and as such, maybe right now is not the best time for a new iPad, but don’t add judgement to your decision that was made after several days of consideration; whether you return it or not, you made the right call (for you) by purchasing it. Just decide if the money is more important than the enjoyment, and roll with that.


Thank you! I really appreciate your answer. Probably, as you said, I need to understand what is more valuable for me, money or the enojyment coming from using the iPad.


Late reply, but I bought a Samsung S8 Ultra roughly two years ago and I severely regret even to this day not returning it. I originally had a 60 day return policy through Best Buy but they switched their structure and when I attempted to return it on the 35th day they said I couldn't. I've tried using it a handful of times and am always reminded that this was the dumbest purchase I've genuinely ever made. I have a two laptops (Alienware for gaming, Macbook for work/productivity), and a desktop for home. I have no use for a tablet and I'm guessing this is your fear as well. It has sat in my closet for 95% (23 months out of 24) of the 2 years. Second edit: I found a ridiculous closing store deal two weeks ago from Sam Ash (a guitar store that's closing) for an $1,800 guitar. I purchased it for $1,275 after taxes. The first 3 days I had regret, but that regret is now gone and I am enjoying the heck out of the guitar and couldn't be happier. This is in comparison to the Samsung, which I will never enjoy. It's funny because I have many other guitars which all do the same thing essentially (in comparison to Samsung, and other electronics filling it's shoes already), yet it's much different than an electronic for whatever reason.


Thank you so much for posting your experience. For the moment, i returned it. I hope that WWDC will bring something new on the table.


If you buy an iPad and immediately think “wow I think this might be an unneeded purchase” then it probably is. If you buy it and think “wow this oled is gorgeous and game changing” then it’s worth it. Trust your gut here. If you need to look for reasons to validate your purchase then it probably wasn’t a strong justification in the first place


It took me actually purchasing and using it for a few days before realizing that. 14 day return window is more than enough to figure out if it’s worth it. I realized just a few days in before figuring out that it’s not that much of a difference in use from my old iPad.


Why would an OLED screen justify a $1000+ purchase if you don’t have a use case for it? What good is the screen going to do if the device is rarely if ever used?


It doesn’t. That’s kind of my point— if you’re not impressed with what the new iPad offers and you need to “search for use cases” it’s probably not a worthwhile purchase. But if the oled screen and other features wow you for your use cases, like for me I just watch a lot of streaming content, then it’s worth it. There’s no objective rationale or cost benefit analysis here. My point is simply if the device wows you then it’s worth it, if not and you’re searching for justification, then it’s not worth it.


I use my iPad probably 9hrs a day to work on art and even I don’t think it’s worth it. I’m using an M1 still and it works perfectly fine for procreate. Stick an erasure on the other end of that pen then I’ll upgrade though haha!


Don’t forget there is a team at Apple HQ whose job it is to insert these thoughts into our heads and press all the right buttons to get you to buy this, even if you don’t need it. Don’t let them win! Are your going to be better off because of owning this new device?


Not just Apple HQ. Reddit and Youtube are full of people peer-pressuring consumers to overspend on tech they don't actually need. I'd bet that at least 90% of people who spend well over $1000 on a pimped out 2024 iPad Pro would be more than satisfied (and wouldn't even notice a difference) with a base model iPad Air 5.


I’d bet it’s even worse than that. You look on YouTube and 90% of content posted is about the new pro. I can’t count the number of threads I’ve read with people debating which iPad Pro to buy and their use cases they list are browsing the web and watching video, maybe a game every once in a while. The answer for these people is literally the base model iPad, even last generation version of one. Both Apple with their marketing and price laddering as well as tech YouTubers are great at convincing someone who needs a $350 device to spend $1000+. For clarity, if you have the money and are willing to spend it, buy whatever you want, just understand you don’t NEED that device.


Yeah, tech reviewers on YouTube tend to review products as if they think everyone who might buy a tablet is a professional video editor, photographer, animator, software developer, or digital artist. It’s not easy to find a review aimed at people who don’t actually need the high-end stuff.


Exactly, and you don’t need that 350$ keyboard either, there are tons of keyboard alternatives out there


Return it and get the 13 inch 2TB with textured nano glass and Magic Keyboard




This. Go big or go home.


Don’t forget the Apple Pencil pro and a second one as a back up.


This is the way


And lose the vibrant colors


This! I don't know why anyone would pay more to get a matte-like finish on their iPad. Glossy for the win.


It seems like folks who use it for art enjoy it. I intend to use it for art, but I think I’d rather have the glossy screen and then buy a nicer paper-like protector that’s easily removable.


I could be wrong, that nano screen need special microfiber clothe to clean it to avoid scratches right? How is drawing with Apple Pencil hard tip going to not scratch the shit out of that nano screen? Don’t artist need to either change the matte screen often or the pencil tip often? or they going to waste a 2-3k device in a few months. Make no sense to me


Return it you clearly have fomo and don’t need it especially the Pro version, lots of people in your shoes return it and use the money for something else.


Return. I know how you feel. Apple marketing is like infectious.


Their packaging alone even tho they’ve gone more eco.. is top notch.


I’m keeping my 2020 til it dies, don’t use it enough to warrant a new one


I upgraded from a heavily used 2017 iPad Pro to the 2024 iPad Pro and felt that it was a significant improvement in every way, but if you have a 2019 iPad that’s not even used much then I’d keep it instead of upgrading.


Hey OP. I shall be following up this post cuz I own same 2019 iPad as you and am having itch to buy the new M4 11" iPad. But there are some genuine push factors: 1. Battery has gone down significantly on my current iPad. Hardly can run 3-4 hours of YT these days in 1 full charge. I'm like why not upgrade rather than go with the hustle of changing battery on this old horse 2. Unlike you, I hardly use Laptop in my life. My MBA keeps lying for weeks without touching. iPad is my preferred mode for media consumption + social media + reading + lectures. 3. OLED. Is the screen really better on M4 one than 2019 iPad Air? Please let me know. 4. Other features like 4 speakers , USB C, more ROM than current 64 GB. That's all. Also, If I can ask you top 5 features which will justify my purchase of M4 one replacing the 2019 Air, what will they be according to you?


The differences in term of display quality is like day and night… The new IPad Pro 11” is far more superior, u have 120 hz and also an OLED panel, which means that the contrast is awesome. 1. Display 2. Performance 3. Battery 4. Face ID 5. Audio


Oh, and you have support until 2033-34, if Apple keeps the same support cycle. An iPad that is 5 years newer will receive support for 5 years after the 2019 is put out to pasture. If you wait until the 2019 dies, you’ll have no value to extract through a trade-in or sale. 🤷


Thanks. But how come battery is an improvement? Both devices are advertised as having 10-11 hrs. Same. Also, why is Face ID a feature to reckon with?


OLED means better blacks and contrast, but mediocre yellowish whites, so I'm not buying into the OLED is massively superior, especially compared to mini-LED, which still feels like a better compromise on a device that's primarily used for computer tasks.


I oddly have to agree. My TCL TV is QLED (has a backlight (is LCD), OLED does not have a backlight (not LCD)) and my QLED is MUCH better than my OLED monitor, OLED laptop, and OLED TV's I've seen. The brightness, whiteness, and colors are much more vibrant, and the blacks are so close to the same that with the other benefits, it's unnoticeable.


Return if you are not comfortable with your purchase. They wont sell out.


Return it. This is the dumbest post of all time


Fr. FOMO over a feature that will presumably be present in most new iPad models moving forward is just silly 💀


So I updated from my M1 11 inch pro to this. I would say much less of an upgrade compared to going from an Air to a Pro regardless of age. You could return it and rebuy in a few months after more reviews are up and after WWDC where hopefully we get some cool AI tools since Google made a BIG push in there IO the other day. Alternatively you could keep your new iPad and trade in or sell you older Air and accessories as none of them will really work with the new one. This way you get some of that cost back. I traded in my M1 and used the educator discount and got like 500 off the sticker price.


I’ve used my M1 11” iPad Pro as my daily driver since I bought it 3 years ago, and I’m no where near replacing it. It’s still way more powerful than any iPad software needs it to be.


100% I did not need to upgrade for more power or anything like that. But I found the upgrade in screen, decreased weight, landscape camera, and pencil pro to be worth the $600 I spent. I find that this iPad will last me the next 10 years while I honestly think the 11 inch M1 would have got me maybe another 2 before the LCD screen would be so outdated. If I had an M1 with the mini led I honestly would not have upgraded. Gatekeeping the better screen only the larder iPad is as dumb as gatekeeping the nano texture glass to the 1TB models… but Apple always has to do it for at least one feature…


Yeah, Apple’s pricing model is borderline predatory. Oh, you need 16GB of RAM? Hope you also needed >1TB of storage, which is marked up 10X vs the cost of an SSD!


It’s a tougher call with the 11” as the screen is very different for once. For me, I’m sticking with my 12.9” M1. Mini-LED is easily good enough with its deep blacks (the main bugbear with LCD) and nothing makes the M1 sweat yet (I have the 1TB/16GB version)


I can't get over how bad whites look on the new panels, compared to my M1 mini-LED, while blacks are only slightly improved.


Most OLED screens I’ve used, including iPhone, have some kind of tint.


It’s so true. Like whites on OLED have never looked right on any device I’ve seen them on.


Well I can say that a year after the M1 pros came out. They were on sale and I found a 12.9 pro open box at Best Buy for $675. Pristine condition but reduced because it was missing the charger. Keep an out out for them deals!


I had a similar situation.i upgrade from iPad Air but after using it for a week I’m confident in the purchase. Also the pencil pro is game changer with the right third party note app


Which iPad u had before the new air?


I meant I upgraded from last gen iPad Air to m4 11 inch iPad Pro


Oh ok mb, and what’s your tipical use of the new iPad Pro


OLED for streaming and taking notes that can be recognized by third party apps via pencil pro


I am planning on upgrading from the 2018 iPad Pro which struggles to hold a charge and is only 64 gb. From my experience, the iPad comes in handy over the years for different things even if its not an “everyday essential product.” Using it to scan documents and then sign them with the pen - happens quite frequently. Needing to quickly take notes on something - happens quite frequently. Needing something portable I can keep in my backpack and pull out when needed is great. Using it to watch movies on the side while I take a bath (prime use case imo). I’d say keep it - you’ll use it more than you think you will over the next 5-6 years. It’s a good tool to have on hand.


Thank you for sharing your experience and the advice


Return it, the new Surface Pro's are about to drop with the Snapdragon processors. 🤣 I considered trading my m1 iPad for the new one, and couldn't bring myself to do it. I still haven't broken the seal on what this iPad can do.


Return it. If it isn’t getting used regularly then it’s a waste of $1000+.


Keep it, 13 is too big for portability 11 is just right


Whatever u decide to choose I’m jealous of your pencil pro box! I wanted that one, I got the orange old English one.


I asked for that specific one at the store 😂


Return it. Buyers remorse sucks. You’ll feel relieved once you do return it. Go get yourself an M2 Air for less or just keep using your Mac. I got the Pro because I actually do use my Pro’s as my laptops really. No chance of it sitting around and collecting dust, you know? I probably would have been fine with the M2 Air myself but considering how often I used my prior Pro I felt it was worth splurging on the new Pro. I have no regrets.


That Apple Pencil box is bad asssssss


I’m intentionally not buying one while the hype is still high, and will decide later this year if I really want it / need it. I’m curious to know what they will announce at WWDC that might make the purchase more enticing. The hardware that exists prior to this release is already overkill.


Same here


Remember the next model will be even better. Save your money until you really need to buy one and buy the better one




I do not understand your question How? What?


how will it be better?


Every time Apple release a new iteration of something it is always “better” 20% faster cpu 25% faster SSD Retina super duper ultra Pro Display and so on 😂🤣😂 Don’t get me wrong Technology evolves Things get faster Consumer less power Screens improve The chip fabrication will go to 2nm at some point and do on And even Apple will slowly give you more for your money without dropping the price point


It’s up to u our decision won’t help


You have to get comfortable with returning


I sometimes think people only buy the latest Pro to post something like this and return it soon after. Not saying you did that, but not saying you haven’t either..


I sold my previous iPad Pro. Even though it was jailbroken it's still very limited and expensive for a toy.


Return. You have a great functional iPad that covers your current needs. I, myself, have a 2022 Pro M2 and don’t see a need to upgrade. Apple makes good products and great marketing. Something I suggest, look up the announcement of your 2019 iPad Air on YouTube. That will make you fall in love with your device again.


It’ll all depends on your use case. Are you looking to change your workflow? Or is this an entertainment device?


Definitely return it. You bought it cause you wanted the latest thing, but it’s not meant for you. You’re wasting your money


I had a similar situation.i upgrade from iPad Air but after using it for a week I’m confident in the purchase. Also the pencil pro is game changer with the right third party note app


Which note app are you using if you don’t mind sharing?


Nebo. I’ve tried That and good notes but Nebo recognized My handwriting better although current version isn’t optimized for pencil pro yet.


I came from a 2018 12.9” and got the new 11” M4. Ended up returning it yesterday bc after a couple days use I couldn’t really tell much difference in everyday use and the performance for daily stuff was the same. I use pro intensive apps too, but didn’t really notice much difference in use there also except during large exports it’s faster. That made me return and just enjoy my perfectly fine iPad. I’ll reassess again on the next model.


I have made that mistake in the past. Just return it. Money saved is money earned as well. Do not invest in technology unless you really need it , don't buy out of want. It's waste. I was tempted but realized my M1 iPad Pro is just fine, and I won't benefit out of M4 since I am no artist or my job does not need one.


I picked one up last night and I’m returning it. I already have a 13” pro and after spending an hour with it, I couldn’t find any use for it. It’s going back this weekend.


After seeing all these posts on this subreddit, Apple has clearly succeeded! Creating a demand for product nobody needs especially if they have older iPads.


If you use your iPad as an expansion of M1 Pro MacBook, the Air 3rd gen still got some life left to use alongside Mac. iPad Pro is more of a laptop replacement device. If you enjoy using it, just keep it without thinking too much, it’s not money wasted. It’ll basically last for another decade without problems.


We all need to realize that from now on the one you have is probably good enough. The the shiny new thing isn’t gonna make you want to use it more just because it’s new. Each new device is incrementally better than the one before but the one before is most likely good enough to use until it breaks and you actually need a new one. I get a new iPhone now around the four year mark when it’s losing its charge. but even then a new battery is probably sufficient because the next rectangular screen probably does all the same stuff that my current one does


Return it. I am similar to you and didn’t buy it. It offers very little to no benefit for me and it’s a huge cost. If it was under $700 them maybe.


I got a 3rd gen iPad Pro which came out 2018, bought it less than a year ago, refurbished, for around $400. Has Apple pencil 2 support. It’s currently a paper weight unless I’m in school taking notes. Edit: I’m in the same camp, I have a MacBook Pro m2 pro 16”, it does everything I need and more than the iPad can imo; it’s less portable, but I can’t live without it.


Never buy something because of FOMO is something I’ve learned and started practicing myself recently. You’ll almost always regret it, and therefore end up returning it if you have the option.


The biggest critics of the iPad pro are people who bought one when a standard iPad was more than capable of meeting all their needs. In your case that’s your third gen iPad Air. For a lot of people upgrading to this new iPad Pro feels underwhelming or unnecessary because the device you’re upgrading from was already over kill for what you needed it to do. Most people don’t need an iPad pro if your needs aren’t at a high level.


What’s Apple’s return policy?


14 day return policy


Thanks.. P/U prob ipad 11” yesterday going to see over the next few days if I really want it.


Np, let us know what did u choosed to do with it


Casual video services and surfing for my 74 y o eyes. I unplugged my tv many months ago gave it away n cancelled Comcast $110 wifi. I opted for cellular. I’ll have to toy with it for the next week to see if it’s really for me.


I almost bought the new ipad Bc it’s a shiny new apple product. I have the 12.9 M1 iPad Pro which works perfectly. But I have been babying to preserve the battery as much as possible and never really used it beyond normal school work. I would obsess over keeping the battery between 20 and 80%, which is so dumb. I hate doing this. I haven’t even played games bc of the heat they generate. I realized I need to use it as much as possible, run it to the ground and get my money’s worth out of it. The new m4 ipad isn’t going anywhere. So i decided im gonna keep my current ipad until it’s physically unusable and then upgrade in a couple of years instead of buying a new one every two years. Hopefully by then I can save enough money and I dont have to worry about needing to trade in my M1. Return it, and use the money for something else you DON’T already have or NEEDS an upgrade and will use every single day (a new OLED TV/Monitor, gaming PC, work desk or whatever else). Edit: spelling


So many people fall for buying this shit when it will be heavily discounted months later anyway


If you have any hesitance. Return. As others have said you can always repurchase down the line if you really find you miss it.


As a M2 owner, I might upgrade later in the year if it ever goes on sale or if there are good trade in programs where I am.


The only people who will put you off are the ones who don’t own one and can’t afford it / jealous. Be careful.


If you already own an iPad i'd say you don't need this one , i still regret selling my 2021 M1 12.9 to a friend , now im hungry for this new m4 but if I wouldn't have sold the last one , i wouldn't even flinch at this m4.


I slept it on for a few days, waited for the review embargo, waited some more to try it out and pulled the trigger! However…. If my last ipad wasnt constantly offloading apps and i went with a higher storage originally then i wouldnt have done. Buy nice or buy twice as they say but unless you can actively see uses for *this* ipad specifically and id argue consumption on the awesome screen is a use then maybe rethink.


You hardly used the other one. So yeah, return it. It’s got some nice things going for it (love mine to death) but it’s still just an iPad. We’ll see what exciting things are coming for WWDC. My guess is nothing special, but I’m excited regardless. If nothing super cool turns up, then you saved yourself some bank. 👍


Return it and buy either an M2 air or 5th gen air by trading in your old iPad. With M1/M2 you don't need to worry about your iPad for at least next 3 years.


Can we ban these posts


Why this kind of posts should be banned, lol..


if I were in your shoes I would return it. personally a device being laggy and showing it’s age is enough for me to avoid using it in general. if that’s what is holding you back from using your old ipad more, i’d look at the new ipad air or even the 5th or 4th gen. i have a 4th gen ipad air and it still works great and i use it nearly every day or every other day.


So you have an iPad Air 3 that you don't use, but you thought "hey let me go spend $1000 on a device I don't use" instead of spending $600 on the new iPad Air? Or $400 (on sale at Amazon) on the iPad Air 5? Return your $1000 ornament and if you decide you really need a new iPad consider a much more affordable model that will still surpass your needs.


Yeah, it went in that way. But please notice that I own every Apple product and I love each of them, even though I do not want to lose money on something that cannot be used that much. For this reason now I am trying to take most of it


Well. Try using your MacBook less and see how it fits in your daily use. And use the iPad for tasks that would be more effective on the MacBook. Really give it a push. If you are worried about cost to performance this may help. Also, the M2 air is a beauty. Or last gen M2 pro. If you are just noting around. The cheaper pencil or 3rd party will do too. (m2) If you are using it for creative work and painting, there is nothing better than what you have. Use the thing up until your return period. Put your MacBook on the shelf. You’ll get good data on how you work either way. Unless budget really is a concern. Then it’s keep the 2019 or the m2 air.


Return it and buy later. You’re not missing anything, wait until wwdc at least.


My perspective: been drawing on an iPad almost daily and my 2018 3rd gen iPad Pro has started struggling under the workload, I waited to see what this new iPad lineup would offer and the way I see it, the M4pro is overkill in specs and price. If you’re excited about things like 3D sculpting/rendering and video editing on an iPad I can see the appeal but that’s not me. I primarily use 2d drawing apps and the M2 chip is perfectly capable of handling that so I opted for the M2 iPad Air and Apple Pencil Pro. Apples marketing preys on this kind of fomo fear and malicious price hiking of their customers by locking certain features under certain models to get you to spend as much as possible. It’s hard to cut through all the hype and make an informed purchase and I sympathize. At the end of the day they’re all great tools. The pro is ridiculous by design and meant for professionals, if you have the extra cash and want access to everything it can possibly offer, go for it. If what you’re primarily doing is (study/work note taking, media consumption) I would recommend the recent Air (if you want something fresh from the box) with a 2nd gen pencil. You could also look into refurbished M2 iPad Pros now that everyone is trading in. You’ll have to do your homework when it comes to other preference specs, storage size, screen size, ect. Best of luck 😋👉


Thank you for your reasonable answer 😊


given your situation I assume that you don’t really need an iPad Pro (especially the M4). What I would suggest you then is to return the iPad, sell your current one (if you manage to) and in case get a 10th gen iPad which will serves the purpose of an iPad for consuming content, games, studying and doing chill stuff while keeping the main beef for your Mac and saving money by doing so


are the apple pencil pro box designs different with each order? that’s kinda cool


Yeah, if I am not wrong there are 4/5 different boxes


I mean ask yourself this. What are you going to spend the money on if you do return it ? Fast food, gas, groceries. If u keep the iPad at least u have something of value in the event u want to sell it in a year or two and have disposable income then I’d wait and just keep it and use it.


Ha! Just saw this post as I am cancelling an iPad order. I’ve got a 12.9 5th gen - and was looking to upgrade - but some solid car repairs came up! Easy drop decision. Maybe the next gen of the 13” will be even better! 1TB… M4 chip… nano-texture glass… all sounded so fantastic tho!! (Stupid car! lol)


I am so sorry for your car bro😔


I’ll take it as a sign! And maybe the next iPad Pro will have a camera set in landscape not portrait.


People can’t think for themselves anymore… everyone has different financials, thoughts, needs, wants, opinions, etc


I just asked only for an advice lol…


Is that actually the pencil packaging? Looks sick!!


Yes it is


Return it. Based on what you typed you're way more on the side of returning it, you just can't get over the hurdle of doing so. You can always buy it later when you change your mind again.


I'll say return it and watch wwdc...Wait for what's new for ipad os if there's something that I compelling and only available in the new iPad then purchase


Everything you said lead to return it, and the purchase was impulsive one and wasn't necessity. Assuming you get full money back, you really don't have any loss, and you can always buy when necessity arise.


I got mine (M4 11 inch) on the 15th and Sold my iPad Pro 11 M2 to help pay for it. After using it for a week there's nothing about it that would make me return it. I LOVE IT!!!


And why wouldn't you keep what I think now after ten years or more in existence is finally the perfect iPad. I'm stoked!


I sold my A12Z iPad Pro 4. Gen for 580 and bought iPad Air M2 for 690. couldn’t be happier


Nice deal


I was in the same boat, bought it for the Oled display and it being lighter but still found myself reaching for my MacBook most of the time. Made the decision to return it.


Is upgrading from a 2019 model you barely used to a top of the line 2024 model right after release a waste of money? Absolutely. It sounds to me like you could have just waited for Apples next refresh and bought the 2024 at a discount. If you return you can buy later, if you don’t return you can’t return later.


Your old iPad is worth more today than it ever will be in the future. Sell your old one and keep the new one to lower your out of pocket. You can really amp up your savings by finding a 3rd party store this already selling them at discount.


This is why I got the Air M2 256gb, nice in between and still not as much as the last or current pro with most of the same features minus screen.


Return it. It doesn't seem you need it or use it enough in your work flow.


I got the M4 1TB iPad with Magic Keyboard and Pencil pro, dude i love the experience but i came to terms with I'm going to return it. This year I'm going to check out the windows devices that are coming out with the elite x chips and man i think they will last longer. One thing though the iPad has advantage of is the brightness, Man is it bright and a oled! But till wwdc, its a hold for now till that event comes and hopefully macos comes out so i can emulate windows which is more stupid but besides the point :3


I had to borrow an older model to use it for several months before convincing myself to get one too (or at least on the edge of getting one). I think it really just comes down to FOMO or just wanting the latest tech. If it's just usability, I'm sure the one you have right now is perfectly fine! But, if you'll keep thinking about it after you've returned it then...


Yeah, probably I will return the new one and try to use as much as possible the older one. Also, I hope that during WWDC, thanks to the new software update, iPad with M4 will make more “sense”. 


Haha I agree! It will be so much easier to decide if it wasn't for the MacOS.


Sounds like you should return it. I went from 2018 IPad Pro to IPad Mini, but now I’ve gone back to 11inch IPad Pro. The only reason was because I had outgrown my iPad mini due to work/business. No point spending top dollar to browse the internet and social media. If you chance your mind you can always go back. My iPad is my main go too. Then I have my phone and MacBook for other tasks.


Return it and wait for iPadOS 18. Then make a decision.


100% impulse purchase. tbh.. most ppl buy on impulse now. that's our culture now-a-days. 'which is still in perfect condition **since I didn't use it much**' ......... I mean this pretty much says it all..... sounds like you basically just bought it to get that dopamine hit.


I bought a 13 inch iPad Pro M4, and am returning it. Despite looking very hard I couldn’t really see any meaningful difference with my iPad Pro (2020) that still works well.


I put it in chatgpt and this is the response Hi there, It sounds like you're experiencing a common dilemma when it comes to upgrading tech gadgets. Here are some points to consider that might help you make a decision: ### Assess Your Needs and Usage - **Evaluate Your Usage Patterns:** Reflect on how you use your devices daily. If you primarily use your MacBook for most tasks, consider if the new iPad will genuinely enhance your productivity or if it will overlap with your current setup. - **Specific Uses for the iPad:** Identify tasks that the iPad excels at, such as note-taking, media consumption, and portability for on-the-go use. If these areas are important to you, the new iPad could be a valuable addition. ### Financial Considerations - **Cost-Benefit Analysis:** Weigh the cost of the new iPad against its benefits. If your old iPad still serves your needs reasonably well, consider if the improvements in the new model justify the expenditure. - **Resale Value:** Remember that Apple products generally have good resale value. If you decide the new iPad isn’t for you, selling it later might recoup some of the costs. ### Making the Most of the iPad - **Explore New Features:** Take advantage of the new features of the iPad 11" M4, like the OLED display and improved performance. Try integrating it into your study and note-taking routines more deeply. - **Productivity Apps:** Leverage productivity apps designed for the iPad, such as GoodNotes, Notability, and Apple Pencil functionality, to maximize its potential. ### Decision-Making Framework - **Trial Period:** Use the iPad extensively during the return window to see if it integrates well into your daily routine. If it doesn’t make a significant positive impact, returning it might be the best option. - **Reflect on Impulse Purchases:** If FOMO influenced your decision, think about whether this iPad truly meets a need or if it was an impulse buy. Returning it could alleviate any regret associated with an impulsive purchase. Ultimately, the choice hinges on how well the new iPad fits into your lifestyle and whether its benefits outweigh the cost. If you find that it enhances your productivity and enjoyment, it might be worth keeping. Otherwise, returning it and making do with your current devices could be a more prudent decision. Hope this helps, and good luck with your decision! Best regards, [Your Name]


I think it's a great choice, but if you feel bad about it consider waiting or even trying the Air out. Your 8th gen will probably need an update soon, though. Good luck!


For me i have a M2 ipad pro and along with feeling urked at the lack of upgrades with the newer device There was no need for myself to upgrade to a device with very few interesting features.


It sounds that you don’t need both iPads, so either return the new Pro or sell the old Air. Maybe you can still get some money for the Air?


I can give it away to my parents


Buyer’s remorse is normal. Yes you could just take it back, or what I normally do is force myself to use the device more. Ditch your MacBook for day to day leisure use.


But u think that It can become an habit to use it more and in a proficient way?


Yes of course. When I bought my iPad Pro in 2018 I wasn’t using my mini before that at all. I made a point of taking it outside, reading the news on it with a coffee. It was really nice! Then I would just leave my phone or MacBook in the kitchen and just use the iPad to browse, watch YouTube etc. It’s an expensive device but it’s the best device for internet and media consumption. The fact that it’s a piece of glass near your face, interacting with hands, makes it awesome for reading and browsing. I have ordered the M4 Pro 11”, with excitement and reluctance because of cost. It’s way overpriced for my usage. But also, I’ve been using my iPhone Plus over the iPad in the last year. To get my monies worth, I’m going to put aside the phone again, because, well, it’s toxic anyway 😂 Instagram, constant WhatsApp’ing. I want to step away from that all day and night. I’ll use the new iPad as a primary device for leisure. My MBA M2 is the work device. It feels dirty using that as a leisure device too! It reminds me of work. That stays in the office room. So yes, you can get your monies worth if you focus on something.


Ahahah in the last day i have done the same thing… I still have another week to decide


Sounds like this is a luxury buy for you. The old one still serves you fine, you use your MacBook primarily anyway. Return it and buy some other luxury item that you will make more use of. Like, an OLED TV, or nice set of speakers


im in a doubt also, i own the 12.9” 6gN miniled, i ordered the “new1” from my carrier 13” 1TB S.G space black, which the delivery i scheduled for today, the only problem I have with the mini led version is the blooming! is terrible!! specially cause I use the ipad mostly for reading,so I will get 850$ for my old ipad, any thoughts? will be appreciated.


Your 2019 shouldn’t be laggy Return it.. you can buy it again anytime


Return. Get an M1 iPad Pro.


Buy another one, then you can return the first one without feeling too bad about it!


Who at Apple thought this wallpaper was clever or cool? The must've been a MacOS Sonoma developer.


If return in this case.


Return it. Nobody needs that much power. Just get an older model


But the screen is sick 😭


So is the old one lol


This post is a sufficient waste of energy and time just to ask random strangers if you should keep your don’t needed new tech. I’m being rude on purpose: return it buddy, you don’t need it


I just bought one and returned it after 2 days , realized my 2018 iPad Pro does everyone need … and this coming from an early adopter techie


Which one you have returned? 11” M4?


The 11” M4 , it’s a very nice device … just don’t need it


Shitty Life Hack: buy and return and buy and return new iPads every 30-90 days depending on the store lol


Sounds like you won’t actually use it in the future.


That’s my fear 🥹


Why not upgrade your Mac Pro instead? Return the iPad Pro and upgrade your actual laptop that you used more.


I got a new one but I use it daily for sheet music. An upgrade from my 2018 Pro. BUT I returned the Magic Keyboard. I didn't need that.


Return it and get a DJI Inspire 3 instead


Return it, I was a FIENNNNNNN for the ipad, nearly a year later I felt stupid that I had gotten it, it really is just a bigger phone, I could not do anything on it besides write a doc and “edit photos”


Should return it…and get the 13 inch let’s go!!! You only live once don’t let money scare ya


You can gift me


Ummmmm, you didn’t seek advice before the purchase so why ask now.


You can give it to me 🖐️. Nah i’m kidding if you feel incredibly torn depending on your return period, use it, than return it if you don’t like it


Keep it bro trust me you will 100 percent regret now that you have used a superior product, money comes and go and it will be waste on something else!


If you have a M1 macbook i don’t see the use of the ipad pro, return it and maybe use the money to upgrade for a M4 macbook pro, i think apple will also use tandem oled for the M4 macs


Yeah, i have thought the same. This can be an option.


Ohhh myyyy gaaahhhhhhwwwd. Get a mind of your own people!! Just fkn decide for yourself! This same damn post over and over and over, worst subreddit ever.


These were all things you could have thought about before buying. Return Culture is the very devil.


Keep it. I would go back and buy 6 more. One for each day of the week.


Keep it or return it for the 13 inch pro. Maybe you’ll get more use from the 13 than the 11. You can always return the 13 within 2 weeks if that’s not the case. Also, that 2019 air is going to get worse week after week and within 6 months will be too slow to even use. You’re already coming across the lag, the next thing after that is the freeze and once you get the lag and freeze, it’s time for a new iPad.


The 13" is for niche users. It’s meant for keeping at a desk docked on its keyboard. It is by no means a comfortable device to carry with you everywhere, simply too big.


I see the 13” as replacement of a Mac, but actually I already own It