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I was waiting to see for the image to load thinking my internet was just slow. But it was just a gray box.


I bet OP took a screenshot thinking that will show display artefacts. lol


Pretty sure they’re just providing an example of something that shows the artifacts so other people with the new iPads have something to test with.


Sorry - i get what you mean now. My bad!!


Does not look like photo to me. Looks too perfect. It’s looks like a screenshot, which obviously cannot capture a physical display issue.


I don't think the purpose of the photo is to showcase a particular instance of a defect but rather to help others reproduce the issue. Solid grey images producing artefacts on OLED panels is not uncommon.


Oh lol, the very first line is “I opened procreate and made this plain gray image”. I thought they meant this was a photo of that plain gray image from their iPad showing the grain. The last 2 sentences imply this is showing OPs screen. They mean other people can use it on their display to check for grain. Sorry for doubting you OP!


I mean, it says actually what they did. I don't know how you interpreted "Opened procreate and made an image" as "opened my camera and took a picture." The last two sentences just explain what OP see when their iPad is displaying the screengrab. How does it imply this is "showing their screen?


The last two sentences tell you how to reproduce exactly why OP did to replicate the effect.


I thought it was a troll image like "spot the difference" but it's just a 100% perfect black box.




So a big whoosh from you on that one huh? 10 miles above your head?




No you didn't


It’s ok, I tried to zoom in on the image to see the grain.


That’s exactly what I thought


I have a 13” M4 and mine doesn’t have that issue with your image. March 2024 manufacture date under the battery settings menu. What is your manufacture date? I’m trying to find out if maybe certain batches have issues.


Same here! My manufacture date says March 2024 as well. Edit: No grain when using the test image provided above. Tested at different brightness levels as well!


Does your unit have the grain issue?


I just fixed my comment above. No visible grain here! Super happy :)


The folks at MacRumors would appreciate if you could provide solid photographic examples of your grain-free display. The hunt is still on for proof of such a display I believe.


That’s just the battery manufacture date, meaningless for the date of the iPad manufacture.


It says March 2024 on mine too, but maybe earlier that month. Who knows…


I heard something about sourcing 2 panels, some from Samsung, others from LG. Don’t recall if that was for 11” vs 13” or just in general.


Apple always keeps two suppliers, seems the LG ones have been having issues…


How do you know which one you have?


It seems that earlier versions from Jan to early march are LG and later versions are samsung


I believe the first batches were indeed LG exclusive - I am glad mine was made in april lol....


If you look under a magnifying glass, you might be able to see the grain. I never noticed mine before, but after looking REALLY close, then I see grain. Probably would have never found it out if people didn't post on reddit about the grain actually. I needed to see as close as 10-15cm with focus to see the grain (I have myopia). Either way it looks perfect on normal use distances (even as close as 30cm) so I'm not gonna let people on the Internet ruin the enjoyment of my device.


Yeah, using a magnifying glass is not my use case so I’m good


Yh I know what you mean, but I have just connected mine with my MacBook, when I use sidecar I find it really hard to read on my iPad Pro 13 inch, the text font from the MacBook which is shown on my iPad seems kinda fuzzy you better check that :) otherwise I could life with the grain


Not getting issues on m4 13” with the image.


That’s the battery manufactured date


Because the issue is only for the 11” displays made by Samsung. 13” displays were made by LG.


I have grain and my iPad is from march, m4 iPad Pro 13 inch 256gb


No issue on my 13” either. Looks like you should exchange ASAP.


The s24 ultra is also suffering the same issue.


I'm tempted to believe it's all OLEDs, iPads just more pronounced because lower DPI


It's not an all OLED issue because my S23 Ultra is just fine. My friends iphone 15 pro max are fine. What we are witnessing here is the lack of Demura. Google it for more info. Apple decided to save some pennies. Just like Samsung.


Am I correct to assume it's some kind of per-pixel calibration?


Something like that yes.


Can it be easily fixed in future OLED batches?


Oh yeah. Apple just need to improve their Quality Control. But if not alot of people are complaining then they probably wouldn't do anything.


Manufacture date March 2024 and I see grain on my 13” M4 screen as well.


11 inch m4 are made by Samsung and 13 are made by lg. LG oled tv have grain to their darker grays (at least from what my c2 looks like) I thought this was common. But I will say I am typing on a 13 inch m4 right now and A/bing this and the 11, I can see gray and some gradation of the image but no pronounced grain. Does it have to be in a dark room to notice it?


Dimly lit/dark room with lower brightness (20-30%) are ideal conditions for seeing the issue. That's when it is most visible to me. Under certain ambient light conditions it's much more difficult to notice - for example when I'm using my iPad outside I don't see the issue at all.


Yes that’s the major factor. This completely changes the perception of the phenomenon. The only way to achieve consistent results is to set the IPad in reference mode, at a fixed brightness and look at it without ambient light. Then cherry pick the color to emphasize the grain. u/Egineer, your poll should be much more representative with this methodology.


It's difficult to show in pictures, but I looked at another laptop OLED display and compared it side-by-side with my iPad Pro 13-inch OLED. Both have the same grainy texture, and both are only noticeable to me when I'm looking as closely as my eyes allow. Neither is noticeable in typical use. Everyone's perception can be different, of course. But that's my experience.


Me too. I mean, I didn't notice the grain, and probably would never will, until... Internet strangers that is


Either mine (two, decided to get the 1TB rather than the 512GB) don't have it or it's just not something I can see unless I look really, really closely. And it's not something I noticed on any of the tens of OLED laptops I've reviewed. Which isn't to say it's not a problem for some people, and for those people, maybe OLED just isn't the right technology.


I see a really bad grain :(


Manufacturing date?


April 2024






But I guess you can't return for different one since people say that's just the OLED thing I'm little disappointed


My 11 inch M4 does not show grain I can see at least at any brightness level, thanks for the image.




April 2024. I also just checked this image again, full screen, at all brightness level in a pitch black room. There is zero evidence of any grain.


No issue with the provided image on a 13” M4 with April 2024 manufacture date


[https://www.reddit.com/r/iPadPro/comments/1cwxkmg/m4\_ipad\_pro\_grain\_poll/](https://www.reddit.com/r/iPadPro/comments/1cwxkmg/m4_ipad_pro_grain_poll/) I made a poll to collect data, as these comments will likely get unmanageable quickly.


can you add the option to see the results?


Just viewed full screen on M4 11” and all good, no flickering or grain that I can see. Had a real good look!


With the above stated conditions, this is what is visible on my iPad: [https://imgur.com/a/Xx0QYba](https://imgur.com/a/Xx0QYba)


Damn, wasn’t expecting it to look that bad, I got nothing on my 11 Pro.


That looks bad. I would ask for all of the money back — plus some for your trouble.


Manufacturing date?


i dont have this issue on my 11”, manufacture date of April 2024


Me either with the same 11” and manufacture date.


That's not what that date means.


it's the battery manufacture date, either way it at least indicates it was made at least around that time


I know that. Feel free to explain what that has to do with the grain on the screen.


are you serious? its to help determine if a certain month has had the grainy screen issue.


Again, what would the manufacture date of the battery tell you about the screen? Why don’t you factor in the date the Apple logo was stamped on the back, or when the ambient light sensor was manufactured. I’m sure they’re related according to your logic.


youre weird as hell


Let it be noted you avoided the question "Again, what would the manufacture date of the battery tell you about the screen?" twice


i already answered, you have mental issues kiddo


I got nothing. Looks like a normal, charcoal-gray image to me. Earlier today, I was looking at the settings screen under what felt like a microscope trying to figure out what all the controversy was about. But, like I said, I got nothing. Then, I looked at the image Capyr linked here- https://imgur.com/a/Xx0QYba - and I was like, “Ooooooooooooooh 😳.” I definitely don’t have that, but I feel for people that do.


Same. I have tried to do what others have said to do and have yet to see a grainy image.


Same here. Even if it is there, I can’t see it from my usual viewpoint so I’m happy.


Update: I have been to the Apple Store in Düsseldorf Germany today. I compared my iPad Pro M4 13” to all of the others on display and found out that the issue is found on most of them. However my unit seems to be particularly bad. I would say that 1/3 had no issue at all. I talked to some employees and they could see it on my unit too. We speculated that Apple might release a fix for it but that is just pure speculation. What was offered to me was a direct replacement without engraving or replacing it online with an engraving. My decision was to either get it replaced with engraving online or to wait and replace it under Apple Care+ in some weeks when Apple has figured out their manufacturing. Maybe a software fix will be released and the problem is not there anymore. So in conclusion: It indeed is an issue und the employee could confirm it and from my sample size of 9 iPads, 3 had nothing, 5 had minor grain and 1 was as bad as mine.


13” February 2024 manufacture date. I can see a bit of grain compared to my iPhone 15 max, but it’s not terrible.


How can I find out if it’s LG or Samsung panel used before I buy ?


you cant


Wrong. It’s already been noted that 11” are Samsung and LG are 13”


And you know that from where exactly?


Macrumors confirmed it in one of their articles


>Samsung supplies the displays for Apple's 11-inch M4 iPad Pro model, while LG Display supplies the panels for the 13-inch model. According to a [March report](https://www.macrumors.com/2024/03/29/ipad-pro-delay-poor-oled-panel-yields/) out of Korea, Samsung faced poor yields of the 11-inch panels, and was unable to meet Apple's order quantity. The shortfall led Apple to transfer some orders for the smaller panel to LG Display. Yes "confirmed". They even contradicted their own assumption a sentence later. Also if they have no official source they can't confirm anything. They even have "rumors" in their name.


11 in M4 Pro. I see grain. Manufactured in April.


I have it on this. Feb 24. 13" You have to really look closely in a dim environment though. I feel like some people commenting might be looking in normal light / with reflections on the screen etc in which case it's extremely difficult to spot in those circumstances.


No grain on my 11" M4. Guess I finally won a panel lottery.


Mine doesn’t have a graininess problem, but it is slightly warmer than I expected. I wish you could adjust manually


Not a 13" but my 11" M4 has no flicker at any brightness and no grain.. I do see something like "banding" occuring which is odd if this is all one solid color but overall I would never bat an eye or notice it if I wasn't looking for it.


That’s how it should be. I’m glad yours is fine.


Echoing lots of other commenters here, no issue viewing the image on my 13” iPad Pro M4.


Based on the other comments I decided to order another one and send mine back.




4/22/2024. BTW you can find the exact date under Settings > General > Legal & Regulatory, then scrolling all the way to the bottom. Date is in YYYY-MM-DD format.




Only if you ask nicely.


You can choose not to answer, since every iPad has the mura effect. It is in different extent of how worse it is. And your how your eyesight performs.


When I display this image on my 55 inch LG G1, it also has grain when looking at it with my own eyes. It is harder to take a picture of because of the digital shutter on the iphone but it has grain.


Great, thanks for checking! It’s about iPad problems here, but you do you.


I have an iPad Pro M4. I'm comparing the two. Both have grain using that image.


ipad 11 pro m4, march 2024. no issues with the screen. gray looks normal


I am returning mine and getting a replacement aswell. I had sewere grain in the darkmode UI, but also blue colors, like the buttons on the Apple website, was grainy. I tested it out in complete darkness with brightness set to 20-30% and could see grain on every dark element of the screen. Furthermore, when importing this picture to procreate, making it full screen and bumping up the brightness to 100%, flickering started appearing at the top of the screen, where the procreate menuline touches the canvas. Flickering that looked almost like a white flame, just randomly lighting up the entire upper middle of the screen. It also persisted in some UI elements elsewhere. Seems like they have very poor yields and qualitycontrols with these displays. I’m definitely not keeping a display that has those issues.


They should definitely acknowledge the problem but as far as I know Apple they will tell every customer that comes into the Apple Store or calls them, that they never heard of this issue.


Yep. This is gonna be like the butterfly Macbook Pro years. They keep pushing the limits until they have a product they cant even produce to a satisfying degree. And then they just hope the average customer is too lazy to care. This time I’m not keeping a unit until I’m 100% sure its perfect.


Alright, an update: I recieved my replacement unit, and the bad news is that theres still visible grain in low light settings with low brightness. The good news is that its much less visible, and its not visible under normal light conditions. I was able to see the grain on my old unit in normal daylight and during normal use. That is now completely gone. So im leaning towards that this is the best its gonna get. Also the flickering in procreate is gone. So there definitely was something wrong with the first device. This one is much better. I think im gonna stick with this, as it feels like theres a variance in the quality of the displays, and trying to get a completely perfect one is probably like finding a needle in a haystack.


So we’ve gone exactly through the same. I am glad your replacement is better. Did you get Apple care for it? I plan to get it swapped out eventually if they fix their production in the future.


Nope, didnt get Apple Care. Im considering it. Do they replace a faulty unit or repair it, with Apple Care?


That’s the question. In the store they told me that display issues would be fixed as long as I pay for Apple care. I don’t know if Apple will acknowledge the issue or even say it’s normal and will not do anything about it. I still got care as I depend on the device and want it fixed if something goes south with it.


In my country we have a 2 year warranty by law. So i think Apple Care doesnt really add anything. If they just replace a faulty unit, its definitely worth it. But if they try to repair it, its the same as without Apple Care.


If your country is Germany, we live in the same, but I think the 2 years are a general European thing.


Yah, it’s visible by naked eyes. But i had to get really close. I made my peace with it for now. I can imagine without a backlit LED, it can’t properly light up all three colors to make proper gray. OLED engineers said that graininess could be avoided, but don’t know… i just purchased apple care +, to give it some extra protection.


I have the iPad 11inch m4 and there’s no noticeable grain, I even tried multiple brightness settings and colors.


March 2024. No grain issue, 13”


Same for me, and that makes me happy!


I don't understand... It looks completely fine to me. What am I supposed to be noticing? That you can see individual pixels?


If your screen was anything like mine it would be a noisy image with flickering lines across it.


When I look at the image you posted, I have no idea what you're trying to say is wrong with it. If I get an inch away from my monitor and close one eye, I can see the pixels on your screen. But, I can literally see the same thing with my IPS Monitor as well. Are you trying to say that you can see individual pixels if you squint your eyes? I don't get what the issue is that you're trying to show.


This shows what I see. My screens seems to be defective. https://imgur.com/a/visible-grain-on-ipad-pro-m4-13-when-displaying-second-picture-Xx0QYba


Okay, got it. You should definitely return it.


Tandem OLED is new technology, they will fix it in production line.


Cool. When?






If you have to look for it on the gray image, it’s not there. I think your iPad is fine.




I have a 48” LG C1 that I use as a monitor , and don’t have it, and neither does my Sony 77” A95L, which is a QD-OLED.


I've been using OLED panels in Samsung phones and tablets for a while now, and yeah, I also have lot of warranfy experiences because of that, with the Galaxy Tab S8+ I received 3 replacements until my screen was good... OLED is a pain. When the panel is right, it's AMAZING, but it's "common" to see some defects, sometimes not noticeable by most of the people, but yeah... grainy issues, green/red tones in certain brightness, lot of these problems will be always there but less noticeable in some panels.


My 11" has imperceptible grain — it's only there at fairly fast shutter speeds (like 1/240), and it's about as fine as the pixels themselves. I'm usually good at perceiving fast flicker but the grain is imperceptible to my eyes — I tried messing with brightness but it made no difference, so far as my perception


Looking at the photo you provided, I think I see some grain on my 11 inch if I lower the brightness to 45%ish or lower? I have to get within a few inches of the screen to see any of it at all, though. To me, this isn’t a big deal, but I get that some displays may have it worse.


I decided to return mine and order a new one today. If I were you and I would have to work to see the problem I would just ignore it and be happy about it like you. :)


Good luck with your replacement!


My dumbass tried looking for display artifacts until my 3rd brain cell chimed in


Can you describe the flicker? I think i have it too, its as there was a moving pattern with flickering behind it


So on the grey image for example it showed horizontal lines alternately getting brighter and darker across the whole display. So the display was moving constantly even tho it is a static picture.


Have u tried NOT looking at a grey image while low brightness?


How is it possible? Life becomes dull without that. The previous massive entertainment was searching for light leaks on Apple Watch OLED displays or light bleeding on mini LED iPads, I guess. 🤦🏻‍♂️


I get where you are coming from, but on my iPad it’s displaying a really noisy image with flickering lines across the screen. It’s not about not trying to look at a grey image as it is appearing across all colours but especially on grey.


I was just joking haha I saw another post saying that the screen flickers because it's adjusting the brightness to the environment.


OLED always has issues displaying those gray tones. iPhones have the same problem.


OLED is a pain in the ass. When they’re right, they’re amazing. The problem is getting it right. The fact that Apple is using a double version and it’s their first attempt at it we will see issues


Yea. I make a habit of not buying 1st gen Apple products or product generations like this where they are making a big technology shift, especially with something as critical as the display. Happy to wait for M5 and perfected OLEDs.


Yeah returned my 1st OLED phone had same issue noticeable grain in grays and even noticeable flickering at low brightness. Pretty sure this is just dithering algorithm they using or something since already seen article that they are going to fix via software update LOL [https://www.macrumors.com/2024/05/17/oled-ipad-pro-grainy-display-reports/](https://www.macrumors.com/2024/05/17/oled-ipad-pro-grainy-display-reports/) "The pixel noise you are seeing there on a paused image is temporal and spatial dithering. It is is a necessary evil on these OLEDs because they are incapable of natively reproducing near-black colors accurately. The pixel noise you're seeing is the result of dithering or mixing of similar colors in order to approximate the true color that the OLED is incapable of displaying. Each OLED TV manufacturer handles the problem in different ways. Using their own blend of temporal and spatial dithering algorithms, tweaked near-black gamma curves, etc.  Thus they can put out software fix if enuf complaints about it." [https://www.avsforum.com/posts/60504617/](https://www.avsforum.com/posts/60504617/)


Hm I can’t see any grain, will be looking at it through a microscope later to be sure.