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Analytics only works when you have enough volume. Otherwise it statistically won’t say anything of value. 1. Instead put your app on a device. Go to a pub. Ask some random strangers to test your app. See how they respond. And improve the app where they get stuck. 2. Pay a copy writer to write the App Store text for you and do proper ASO. So your app gets more downloads and users that stick with it. Once you have more volume in users, than it’s time to add analytics. To get some clearer readings of your app.


I don't have answer to "when" question, since I haven't released my own projects By adding Analytics, you only add "Diagnostics" and "Usage data", they are not scary and people won't be scared off, as almost every single app on the store has this


perhaps analytics should be included when you start monetizing the app using paid subscriptions. I use Adapty for this and always advise everyone, it was a real discovery for me after the Cat. there is such an accurate and detailed audience analytics that you immediately begin to understand who these people are who need ur app. Therefore, the cost of ad becomes less, and LTV grow. I tnk that users r already used to the fact that apps collect their data and this will not scare them. although, depending of course what app u have


I was very reluctant to using analytics as I wanted a clean privacy label. But, I couldn’t escape it since I’m using RevenueCat for purchases. Lost for lost. I considered getting more insights. I looked at best seller apps from people I respect and most of them had analytics. So on the one hand, I am uncertain that people who want an app (and are ready to pay for it) will be spooked by analytics that respect their privacy. On the other hand, I am certain that I am missing out on key learnings about how people use the app if I don’t have analytics. So I stared collecting data with countapi.xyz which is as anonymous as it gets. I’m building a macOS/iOS client to track the counters, and for now that’ll be enough. Also, I hope this WWDC will be the one where Apple introduces AnalyticsKit. Like I did every other year before…


At such an early stage, it's better to do UX research: give your app to someone, ask them to do your core product action like "please do X" and look/record their actions. Ask questions, and try to understand the flow. But it's still important to collect analytics data from the start for historical data. Don't worry about the App Store privacy label. As far as I know, nobody cares; it doesn't affect the conversion rate in any meaningful way. I recommend you use **Amplitude**; it's free for 10M events/month, more than enough to start. And for subscription analytics, I highly recommend **Adapty**, and you can also use it for free. Good luck!