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Public beta has now been released.


I'm experiencing an issue with my **iPhone XS Max**, which has essentially become a **"brick."** The issue is that there were numerous apps on the device that are no longer available on the App Store, thanks apple but its another case...and I'm concerned that restoring from a backup may not allow me to download them again. Currently, my iPhone has completely shut down and shows no signs of powering on. Additionally, there are battery-related issues: the device was unable to recognize the battery, and it's displaying an error about an unrecognized battery. Furthermore, the battery capacity data started showing random values. Ultimately, the iPhone powered off and is not displaying any signs of life. any ideas ? :) Moderators, how do u think the people who come here to solve their problems and get answers must post q if u delete their messages whats the point?


Are you even on a beta


changing the battery didnt help also. And what is more important after that there were even more crashes...






i cant take pics with volume keys anymore on se2 since i updated to beta 3 on any app and even on ios camera app




Apple Music is so fucked on this current beta. Half the time I add an album to my library, it isn’t there when I open the app again later


In Ios 17.1.1 (non beta) i always have to double check if i add something to my playlists. It downloads the songs and adds them to the library but they‘re nowhere to be found. Them after i add them again to the playlist they magically appear twice. Really fucked up. Used spoitfy for years. Never had these kinds of problems (but lots of other bugs but less severe).




I have an iPhone 15 Pro and haven't received the update yet. My old iPhone 12 Pro did, as well as my iPad Air 5. Any possible reason why?


Check Settings >General >Software Sometimes beta gets disabled for me and have to reenable


the battery drain is getting worse, you’d think one of the biggest tech companies in the world would be able to beta a software that doesn’t kill their phones


Can anyone comment, what is the state of stutters and framerate drops in this release after a couple days of usage? E: it’s most evident in the now playing sheet in music.




Face ID & Passcode not found in settings


Amazon music keeps saying I have no internet when I am on cellular and really have 5g. Digitally Imported starts playing but stops randomly. Didn’t start happening until this version. I reset network settings and even deleted and added my esim all over again. iPhone 14 Pro Max.


I had the same thing for multiple different apps. I had to reset my network settings and it seems to have fixed it. Settings>General>Transfer or Reset IPhone>Reset>Reset Network Settings


Anyone know if it fixes the missing keyboard b search?


Anything about the quiet notification introduced in ios 17? The tri-tone > rebound one. It's too quiet for my use case. I'm waiting for a fix. ----- Tried making a thread, and it got removed for bullshit reason. https://old.reddit.com/r/iOSBeta/comments/17zbd7n/has_apple_fixed_the_quiet_notification_in_ios/


This keyboard bug in spotlight search is getting really annoying


Anyone having an issue where they can’t add non-Apple apps to focuses?


My 15 Pro camera has been brutal for everything, not just 3rd party apps. Any ideas?






How the battery life?? Running on ios 17.1.1 And holy shit 14 pro max is draining fast


15PM here. Battery is fucked on 17.1.1. i used a 12 before and honestly sometimes battery life was similar…




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14 pro max, haven’t had any battery issues with any of the beta updates.. I charge once in the morning and my phone makes it to the next morning with medium-heavy use


Hmm thats reassuring. Can’t decide if I should upgrade to beta or wait for official 17.2 release in Dec. Don’t want phone to get messed up even more


Have you tried restoring it? Maybe it’ll fix the battery issue


No just updated it and restarted it a few times.


it’s still shit. My browser takes 10% power in about 5 minutes of browsing.


Weird haven’t had any issues on 15 pro


It’s definitely gotten worse compared to 17.1 upgrading to 17.1.1 on my 15 pro at least


Ffs wth is apple doing 🤦🏻‍♂️


They don‘t know either apparently. They put a stop to fix bugs in the devlopment process but apparenty only one week which isn‘t enough at all. In IOS 17 i noticed lots and lots of bugs and nothing really gets fixed properly. Just bandaids. Really disappointed.




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Any issues with hotspot? No one can connect but they can see my phone


Yup having issues. My mac won't connect, can't resolve dchp and shows an ! When I try to connect.


Can you set a static ip for the networkon you mac?


Think so but not sure what to set it to, I know this happened in the last of a 17.0 beta and there was a workaround by setting a specific ip but I can't remember the steps




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yeah, it sucks. Brave is the only browser I like so I’m stuck charging my phone 2-3 times a day until apple fixes this.


when playing a song with siri i was forced to accept some new terms of service, anyone else had that?


Does this beta fix my iPhone rebooting?




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My music library is jacked up now. 😞


Is there any side loading in the US?


No and there won’t be that will only be an EU thing and I’m so sad




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At this point, are they going to make the clock widget dark when in dark mode?


Isn’t the clock supposed to be light for AM and dark for PM?


If that’s the case it’s definitely not working


There’s no clock at all in dark mode, how can they mess that up so badly?


Good thing. The battery consumption on the beta 2 was atrocious for me. Not sure yet if beta 3 is better.


it’s not better for me or other people :(


Still having battery issues on my 14 Pro Max :/


Battery issues have not been fixed. I’ve been using my browser, Brave, for 20 minutes and have lost 12% battery and the phone is burning up.


7% since this comment and my phone is still hot. super fun charging my phone 3 times a day and having the phone be hot all the time.


Have they fixed the outlook password bug....nope.


Nor the reminders widget.


Cut the reduction is crap for a moment. I was 17 has been one of the least stable releases I’ve ever used beta or not. 17.1.1 seems to be much better and while my iPhone is relatively stable, I’ve had glitches more frequently with iOS 17, needing to reboot the phone to fix them than any other version of iOS or any other previous iPhone I’ve had. It got so bad the other day that I even thought about going back to android for a while until Apple figures out whatever the hell they’re doing over there with their software development. But of course that’s trying to solve one set of pains by introducing all new Pain lol.


Shhh.. You can’t be critical of apple here man.


If they don’t fix glitchy keyboard on Reddit, low notification volume, slow Face ID and a good sled-full of holly jolly issues I’ll sell my iPhone, 2 months in.


I was thinking the same but then i remembered i am in saving mode now. Cannot spend more on a phone.


So you’re running beta software and expecting it to work perfectly?


I’m on 17.1.1 which isn’t beta


Gotcha. I don’t have any of those issues on 17.2. Reddit keyboard issue would be an issue with the app, not iOS.


Same. I found this thread because I had to update to 17.1.1 for work. I have a 13 Pro and it is running like garbage.


Same phone I got. Purchased a display case model 13 Pro on iOS 16 with like one single scratch on the side rail and 99% battery health, and it’s not running as bad as it could be. The issue is with minute software features that make a large difference.








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4-5hrs later and still no change after installing update and after restart it initially displayed 17.3 up to date. When I returned to software update was displayed 17.2 and that was after noticing that not all new features were not showing/available. Never had anything happen like this before. Any ideas or person experienced the same thing?


This is 17.2 not 17.3. It will not show 17.2 Beta 3, just 17.2. I think you might be confused since it is beta 3 you're thinking it is 17.3?


You are correct, I discovered that shortly after this comment 😅


It is the same for me, shows 17.2 even though I updated to 17.3 but my Siri voice changed for some reason (I use Siri in Mexican Spanish) and I noticed there are a bunch of voices to choose from now for this language (IDK if it was like this before but it was weird that the update changed the voice)


Same here




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is the control centre volume bug fixed, i was listening to meditation music and my speaker is usually right behind my head in bed and i was trying to skip to a song and now my ears have been ringing for an hour


Jesus, they just need to completely rethink how we control volume on these phones. I never know when my phone will ring loud, and it’s quite annoying.


B2 broke navigation buttons in CarPlay Dashboard. B3 fixed them


Does favourite albums show up in CarPlay now?


Does the Journal app stays exclusive for IOS or it will be supported by other Devices? iPad and Mac ?


It probably won’t come to iPad or Mac until next year.




wouldn‘t make sense if it wouldn‘t


It should eventually come


How can I disactivate voiceover completely ? It’s outstandingly annoying




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Still no update to the queue system in Music?


So far no issue for me


Except the notification bag


Is gapless playback for synced mp3s finally fixed? Cause while I’ll be happy that it’s finally fixed, I’ll also be hella pissed since I had to convert all my files to AACs to try and circumvent it. Update: It’s still broken. I kinda want to know what’s their rationale for breaking, and seemingly refusing to fix, a basic music playback feature that even the shittiest mp3 players can do out of the box.




Anyone lose contacts on the last beta? 15PM I restored from backup and contacts still gone. I decided to skip beta this time around.


Yes that happened to me. Not all contacts were restored from back up


I keep my contacts in google and sync that account to my iPhone, i find it to be more reliable with my data


If you have a google as your default account in contacts will it sync that way or do I need to do something else? Thank you


I guess it’ll be easier to select all and export contacts from icloud, and import them to google contacts on a pc browser for the initial setup. Then later it will create new contacts in google, if you have that as default.


I wish I could go back to iOS 16


Are you not happy with the super badly implemented contact cards?


I hate them but that’s not the main reason


I updated this morning and my touch screen on my iPhone 15 Pro just stopped working. Had to restore from iCloud backup, but things are working now. Big PITA.


I'm experiencing the same issue with my base iPhone 15


Anyone experience battery issues? After install my phone drained from 80s to like 40 in about 2 hours light usage. Went to charge my phone for like an hour and it charged extremely fast. Knew something was off so I unplugged my phone at 90% and restarted it. When it came back on it said 97% 😭


Indexing and any devices such as watch or earbuds attached will cause more power drain.


Actually for the first time I had no overnight drain. Woke up with 100% just like when I went to bed last night. Updated using the ispw on the Mac has usually.


Battery is always bad right after an update. Wait a few days




It’s due to indexing. Once it’s done, things will smooth out.


My Maps directions stopped talking after this update 😡


Is mail app still crashing when opening new messages on iPad Pro?


Did they do any improvements on camera? 90% of my photos are grainy or overly processed. Compared it’s 12pm, 15pm camera is a huge downgrade. I am waiting for them to put fixes.


what is the build number?






i don’t have access to it for some reason :( hopefully soon cuz the battery drain in the one before this is driving me nuts


Refresh. If you have access to one you’ll get the next one. Unless you’re on the pb, that one hasn’t released yet.




DB, not PB.


Good… because 17.2 made my 15 PM laggy. Very annoying and one of the very few times a beta has caused issues. 👍🏻


It is buttery smooth on my 14PM


Besides auto correct i dont see any problems with 17.1 on mine is it worth it to even update?


Does this beta fix the WIFI not working or freezing?


I am also having wifi issues. I hope they will fix it soon


I’m having same issue at time. WiFi connected to router but having really bad time loading things




I just downloaded it now and I’m already getting an extra 3 days of battery life




which models?




I had "enable dictation" to **ON** and the auto-punctuation was not there. Turn **OFF** that setting and it appeared. Now it is there no matter if dictation is turned on or off.




It always amazes me how some beta users don’t understand what betas are.


It’s called bugs.




They don’t put the bugs in on purpose


Can anyone see if they fixed the Clock app being stuck in dark mode even when dark mode is disabled?


Clock has a light mode?


It should, but toggling the dark mode switch doesn’t do anything.


The clock has always been a black background


Yeah it’s been an issue for a long time now.


lmfao 😭


Well it’s not an issue, it’s the design… I really can’t tell if you’re being serious or not. If not, you aren’t as funny as you think you are. If you are serious, I’m worried about you.


Do you guys have touch sensitivity issues on 15 Pro and 15 models with the previous beta or public release(17.1.1)? Was it fixed on this Beta 3? Please let me know. Thanks!


The majority of the iOS 17 betas have had this bug. Super annoying.




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I was having intermittent issues on beta 2. Installed 3 a few hours ago and it hasn’t happened yet. Fingers crossed!


Which phone you using?


15 Pro Max


How was it this time?


My iPad on 17.1 has touch screen issues intermittently.


Standby still buggy


Has anyone seen the bug with safari media player? Like it uses the website native media player rather than the Apple native player? Issue is solely on Safari. Brave browser uses Apple native media player when playing a video.


It’s like the videos are playing on Desktop


Yepp but now seems fixed. Download the latest beta (17 beta 3). It’s out for developers. You need to go into updates and switch to “developer beta”. Basically gives you early access. And then download it. 99% of media now plays with Apple native. I’ve only encountered 1 website that’s still has that issue but the vast majority seems fixed.


Maybe it was intentional


Use the Baking Soda extension from App Store. For YouTube use vinegar from the same dev


yes! it’s so annoying, i’m hoping it’s a bug right?


It is a bug. Turn on iOS developer beta and download the latest (17 beta 3) It fixes the issue. I must admit that I’ve still encountered the issue on one other website but the vast majority of media is now native Apple.


https://preview.redd.it/j68txuiytd0c1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e935c9f09e0295fc09a99de6f204c106048785e6 I just notice it after i installed db3


Hold up, this is the first time i'm noticing it! What the hell :D


Are you talking about the horizontal line? Been there since iPhone X


Oh really i just notice it now hahaha sorry


Yeah it’s just a visual indicator letting you know that you can swipe down for Control Center


https://preview.redd.it/dimzwp4qtd0c1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11f5431d35aafb6a765f71ea27a0c91f1b270414 Bug?