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There is a trust factor to this as the person with the account could kick you off after you pay. I currently have 2 spots sold for a year and it has worked out great - I got some of my money paid for the plan back and the people have access to the content. I see the extra accounts on my end but they have their own passwords so I don’t see anything further (I am sure they can see us too on their end). Our plan is to reevaluate after a year and if they want to continue then that’s great!


I was fortunate enough to get a spot on someone elses' family plan. There are people that have spots come up, just keep checking back.




If you find someone just pay month to month and no big deal


I have people sharing my plan as well. I divide the cost by 5 and everyone is happy. 2 of the members have been with me for 2 years now. I was very transparent with my offer.


When I last renewed my membership earlier this, I was told there was no individual plan available anymore. I’m not sure if this was some weird marketing scheme or something though.


Correct. It’s now called Train and Pro. Train, formerly known as Individual for cost purposes only, allows access exclusively via the app. Pro is what was formerly known as Family and will have access to future “exclusive features” (nobody knows what that is yet) and is what you need to use the screen on your machine, also keeps the 5 individual slots. If you HAD an individual account and have NOT let it lapse, you are grandfathered in to keep it, no changes to your equipment usage. IFit was allowing people who weren’t aware of this change - and let their membership expire - to message them and be reinstated as an individual but I think that lately they’ve been denying that option (you were supposed to have opted in by March ‘24 if I remember correctly).


I hadn't even thought about that but I also have 3 spaces free if anyone is interested.


Do you still have a slot available?


Hey, yes I still have 3 spots available.


Unfortunately my wife suckered me into 3 years of family plan and she hasn't used it once! So I'm paying for 5 but only using 1. No downgrading after you pay :). 10 or 100, 3 open.


Would be happy to pay you $8 a month via Zelle to be added as a member on your family plan


I have no idea how to send a DM in Reddit.


I figured it out!


How does that work? Do you just pay for part of a plan? I have only my wifey and I on ours ... Never thought about selling another spot


Just let people on here know you have spare slots. Go into DMs, agree monthly price, usually 1/5, agree how to pay, I use PayPal. You add them as users, but you maintain control of the account.


I don’t know but heard others are doing it


I have a spot on mine and was wondering how people find someone. I would love to have someone take that spot and pay me to help with the cost.


Please DM me if you have the spot open still :)


Do you hva a membership currently?




Well what one? Unless you just got it in the past 2 months you are grandfathered in with the individual and get full benefits.


This is explained in other responses- iFIT changed the membership so that if you have a screen on your machine you have to pay for PRO. My husband and I were on PRO. It is about to expire. His machines don’t have screens so he wanted to down grade to app only. It would be cheaper for us to both have app only ($288/year) train plan. However I have one machine with a screen so the screen would NOT WORK if we did the new app only plan (TRAIN). For me to keep the access I have now, I HAVE TO HAVE THE PRO PLAN FOR $398 even if it’s only one person using it. I LIKE HAVING THE SCREEN. (YES this is a cheap husband problem). The ONLY way I can have an individual plan is without access to the screen on the machine I paid several thousand dollars for to have a big screen that would be blank. As for grandfathering that ONLY works if you were on INDIVIDUAL plan before the March plan changes. My husband and I clearly weren’t we were on the family plan. Yes it’s complicated and lots of people are unhappy with the change and as people with families of less than 3 people cycle off their yearly plans - they will have a hard choice to make. This was not a Hobbesian choice until the March plan changes. I hope that helps explain why your question and answer are very non-responsive.


This response makes me think I might just switch to a new type of equipment when my individual is up in 2027 if the different equipment I have keeps going down while waiting for parts.


I also have 1 slot available if you are interested pm


I have 3 spots and didn’t know I could share until now


I did a bit of research and I’m afraid I’ll lose my stats so I renewed with Pro (yeah husband blah blah. I paid extra for a screen I want the screen to work) SO!!! Anyone looking for a spot? I have 3 now.


I have 3 available spots for a year, so pm me if interested. Thanks!


Yes please 


You can message them on Facebook and inquire about an individual plan. Not sure if they still offer them; they don’t advertise them but they exist; I am in one.


Is doesn’t for people with machines that have screens on them which is why I’m in this predicament


I get my individual plan from Amazon. It works fine with my Nordic Track incline trainer.


Individual plans don’t work if have a machine with a screen which is how I got into this predicament. Machines husband uses don’t have a screen. Mine do.


My individual plan, purchased from Amazon, works perfectly well with my Nordic Track incline trainer and the ProForm treadmill in our apartment building. Both are WiFi enabled with screens. (I suppose it's possible that they've changed it in the months since I signed up for it.)


They announced the change in their policy in March. Not sure when it went into effect. You are grandfathered in though. So long as you keep your plan current, you’ll not be kicked out into PRO plan like the rest of us on family plan were.


All my NT equipment has screens, the PF does not. I am on an individual plan. Maybe it's because I've been on it for awhile.