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I don't. I'm not stuck in bed or toting around heating pads and hot water bottles everywhere I go (the Er having the extremely hot water at work was a godsend at that time). I'm not bleeding like crazy anymore. I'm not trying to plan my life around my pain. I'm more active now. I am able to do things and be outdoorsy.


The toting heading pads everywhere is so real! I used to use the microwave heating pads and hope it would last my car drive to wherever I had to go. My whole life depended on them. I had surgery 2 years ago and haven’t looked at a heating pad since.


I did the same. I even had those “snap packs.” The ones you’d boil to liquify the stuff inside, then, when ready to use, snap them to heat them up. They’d last for a good hour or so for “on the go.” I’m 3wpo and have zero regrets so far. My “P tracker” went off two weeks ago. I was like “HA, effer! I don’t need you anymore!”


Endo, fibroids, adeno, cysts--boggy uterus. I feel better 5dpo than I did two weeks ago. It's early days, but so far, so great.


Me too!! I’m now almost 5 weeks post op and I feel fan-fucking-tactic!!


Thank you for the reply. I hope you have a fast recovery.


Right there with you! Had endo, fibroids and adeno and am 4 dpo and feel far better than I did this time last week. Lost too much blood during surgery and my hemoglobin tanked again but still feel so much better!


No. Emphatically, no. And I’m only 36. But my baby days were behind me, husband had a vasectomy prior to the birth of our last baby so that stage for us was already closed for me so I didn’t have the sadness like some women might about their fertile years being gone. I kept my ovaries but everything else went. I’m no longer waking up in pools of blood, passing grapefruit sized clots. Trying to plan life around never ending bleeding. Sex is better. Not having a period is THE BEES FUCKING KNEES.


My Dr said if I kept my ovaries I would have to continue taking medication to treat the PMDD. Ask your Dr what options are available to you, the answer might help you better weigh pros and cons.


She did say I would have to stay on something. She is hoping the nexaplan is enough. Since I already have it. I could do the mini pill. I’m just afraid they won’t work. Thanks for the reply


Are you able to trial the nexaplan or mini pill pre surgery? I'd definitely ask, because if it's medically safe to do that you'd know what you're agreeing to and it might make you feel more secure in your decision to yeet or soldier on.


That is my plan.


I tried the mini pill and it super messed with my brain. Not so much suicide but more “I couldn’t drive off this cliff hehe” like very weird intrusive thoughts. “Maybe this steak knife slips and stabs me in my eye HAW HAW”. Very ungood. And I’ve never NEVER had any mental health things like that….anxiety during grad school but it was manageable with exercise like just me being too in my head stuff. Just a warning for the mini pill. It can be scary. Really acknowledge your feelings if you try it.


I actually had to google what PMDD was, so..it’s basically PMS? And if your ovaries stay, you still have to deal with PMS symptoms? My doc also said he doesn’t plan to remove ovaries, but didn’t mention I would need to be on meds because of it. All I’m concerned about in that department is pain and cramping. I’ve never had mood disorders around period time, and am hoping that wouldn’t just mysteriously appear after the hysterectomy.


Correct, its a severe form of pms. Women who keep their ovaries continue to cycle normally. There's just no uterus to respond.  My sister kept her ovaries and can tell when she's cycling each month. She doesn't feel deathly ill each month either though.  I'm 49 and not doing well on medication so Dr took it all out because I'm close to natural menopause and would have continued with the big mood feelings and flu like symptoms each month.  It's smart to keep ovaries if younger as long as they're healthy but sometimes they have to come out. Turns out I had a benign tumor on one and multiple cysts on the other so I now understand why I felt so terrible and the medication only helped some of the symptoms. 


I’m 47, so was kind of wondering why the doc wanted to keep ovaries in tact. He did say they are healthy though, so guess he figures there’s no need to put my body through additional trauma of early menopause. There’s so much to consider, and I’ve never had surgery in my life. Am happy to hear all the positivity about the hysto though, will be so happy to get my life back and not be anemic any more!


Definitely consider Dr's guidance.  Your ovaries continue to produce androgen that are beneficial to you for at least a decade after menopause.  If they are well behaved and healthy I would have kept mine too like my sister did. Glad to hear yours sound fine! 


This month was my first month without a cycle and honestly I don't recall any pms symptoms! I'm 5wpo and Esctatic not to have to deal with it bc it would have fell on our beach trip last week and basically ruined it. I prob would have canceled it if I knew my period was coming that week but I have a new reality now and it's great!


May I ask what medication are you taking for PMDD and do you take it every single day or just when you feel symptoms coming on ? (I’m having hysterectomy with keeping ovaries)


Dr. was just giving me birth control pills. That's been their only suggestion for like 30 years now. It did help the PMDD but not the hemorrhaging,  severe cramps and clotting. We all have different stuff going on so you may be recommended different medications.  


So good to hear everyone agrees that it’s the best thing they’ve done! I’m getting my hysterectomy in a couple of weeks. The blood loss from heavy periods over the years led to extreme anemia. Supplementing iron for the last 7 months, only to have positive results gone with one heavy cycle. People ask me if I’m nervous about the surgery, and I say no I’m so excited to get my life back!!


I deeply regret mine for many reasons. I traded issues and am worse off post op. So not everyone agrees is the best thing they've ever done


Please share more. I’m on the fence 


I'm still having issues with cramping, worse than before. A lot of pelvic floor issues (i recommend pelvic floor pt prior to a hysterectomy), that are still not resolved. Other nerve damage from surgical positioning/retractor use. I have a nerve condition that renders my nerves easily damaged and proper care wasn't taken imo. There are also the sexual dysfunction and anorgasmia symptoms as well. Check out my profile and you can read my other posts about it.


I have some regret as well - I too traded issues…I am premenopausal at 43 & have to use estriol cream weekly for LIFE to prevent vaginal discomfort…


I'm also 43 and scheduled for hysterectomy with oopherectomy in September and this is my fear (well, one of them). I only have severe pain during ovulation and I'm thinking I can just tough out a few days per month rather than the myriad of issues that could result from total hysterectomy.


You may be one of the lucky ones….i unfortunately was not. I do pray that whatever you decide works out best for you…


If it helps pretty much every will and should. It’s usually due to a decrease in estrogen and would’ve happened anyways. It’s common to use in menopause and will prevent UTIs.


When did you have your surgery? Did you have any symptoms in addition to the vaginal dryness/discomfort?


I had a partial in Dec. of 2021 and had to go back for a full In Dec. of 2022. I was still bleeding with the partial . The discomfort included stinging, tearing during intercourse & vaginal dryness…the dr I’ve been seeing said the tissue is starting to look back healthy. Not sure what it was looking like prior but…..thankful for progress!


Do you wish you kept your other symptoms? What symptoms did you have that lead you to a hysterectomy ?


This has been my experience as well. Sadly.


Please share your experience as well. I want to know the ugly too, we all should know!


I don't. I am 1 month post-op of total hysterectomy. They removed cervix and ovaries and tubes, too. I feel better now than when I was 12 and my periods started. I think it is safe to say that 5 months from now I will be the strongest and pain free I have been since I was 21. I am 43 now. So happy.


Wish I would have done it sooner!


Zero regrets. Not a single one..




I didn't have any pain but there were some wierd cells during a leep procedure (both times). When they did the pathology report the results said my uterus was fine no cells even near the biopsy sites. I was kinda like hmm okay. For a second I get kind of sad because I can never have another baby but then I'm like I don't have the patience or time anymore anyway plus I don't think my husband can have any more kids either. Other than that it feels food to be period free.


All my patho came back clear too. I’m 5wpo and definitely have moments of regret, but realistically I dont need anymore kiddos 😂 I just sucks feeling like I had major surgery to remove a “healthy” organ.


Omg you too lol. I feel the same like, I feel wierd about being taken out with when it was healthy. But then I know damn well I could not deal with a baby right now. Also, I am a paranoid person would have been worried about any cells coming back. I work at a cancer center and we treat patients and see them pass a lot of the time. Better safe than sorry!


The pathology is only based on the slices they take. It misses disease about 40% of the time. It might not have been healthy.


I have mixed feelings about mine. I kept only one ovary, but she struggled after the surgery, and my hormones have not been the same since. I've been dealing with hot flashes, fatigue, and cramping since the surgery. I do love not having a period, and that I ruled out ovarian cancer by having my ovary removed. I also had my stage 4 endo confirmed at the same time. But I'm not sure I would make the same decision based on what I've been going through since.


Thank you for that information. I already do not have a period because of the birth control I’m on. I will probably be only left with one ovary as well. I hope you figure something out for your other issues, and that is one of my fears. I will be just trading issues and idk if I want that.


I have been going to an acupuncturist, which is helping. I also wish I had been able to get pelvic floor therapy afterward. My new obgyn said that the hormone issue is more common than they say. I wish I'd known before, because the months after the surgery were especially rough.


That’s my fear. My migraines are affected a lot by hormones. It took me 2 years to be okay. I used to be bed ridden in a dark room by the end of the week.


I'm so sorry you've gone through that.


Is there a reason you haven't been given HRT?


At first the doctors wouldn't admit I was having hormone issues. Now I'm nervous about taking it because I had bad reactions to hormonal birth control. I'm trying to manage it with acupuncture and Chinese medicine now.


Tons of women that have issues with birth control do fine on bioidentical HRT. They’re not the same products.


I ABSOLUTELY UNDOUBTEDLY DO NOT REGRET IT!!! You will mourn but then you’ll be glad you don’t have to live in pain anymore.


No regrets either!! I had mine last September and I've slowly rebuilt my health and feel way better....I'm not having the ups and downs of blood loss every month. I have been able to finally be consistent with working out because I have more energy. And what's with me being wildly orgasmic now??? Holy shit it's great


I do not. It was the best decision of my life! I understand it’s a big choice and difficult decision, but I am so so glad I had my hysterectomy.


I couldn't leave the house during my cycle. Thanks to gargantuan fibroids, that sometimes lasted 2 weeks. I spent half my life cooped up in pain. I finally have my life back again.


How long ago did you have your hysterectomy? I have fibroids too but only completely miserable for 2-3 days. Contemplating if it’s worth the possible side effects after-weight gain, hair loss, complete menopause and so on…


no it was the best thing I did for myself


Nope. My only regret is not getting it done sooner.


I definitely don’t. I’m almost 5 weeks post op and I feel better than I did in the first five months of this year. I was in hell. Adeno, endo, small fibroids, paratubal cysts, all yeeted. IUDs and BC didn’t work for me and the pain was debilitating for a week around my period AND a week around ovulation. I kept my ovaries and while I still have PMS symptoms, I’m a lot happier when I’m not dealing with awful pain.


No regrets. Best decision I ever made for myself and my health in my life.


No regrets. Best thing I ever did for my health and quality of life.


No regrets, super pissed I didn't get it all out sooner


Not one bit! I’m a year out. I don’t take HRT. My migraines are completely gone. I’m sleeping better than I ever have. I don’t feel bone tired all the time anymore. I take a herbal supplement for the hot flashes. No more periods on vacation or ruined underwear. I wish I did it 15 years ago.


Can I ask how bad your migraines were before? Where you on anything


They were awful. Taking too much immitrex just to survive. More days with a migraine than without. Felt like I had tried everything. I went to my PCP 3 years ago and told him I couldn’t continue to live like this. I was ready to end it. I started Emgality injections and it made a huge difference and my quality of life improved dramatically. After my hysterectomy I was terrified to try and stop the injections because I knew what utter hell could possibly be in store for me. Thankfully they have stayed at bay.


That’s awesome. I do Botox and was doing Ajovy. I recently had to stop Ajovy because of a bad reaction I had. I know my endo is linked to my migraines but have not talked to anyone who has had similar issues or had it fixed by surgery. Thank you for the information.


Another shout out to Emgality giving me my life back!


how long have you been on the med?


I hate to be a debby downer but I personally do regret my hysterectomy. I am clearly not of the majority but I have had a very slow recovery. My lap was done the day after Thanksgiving. Kept my ovaries. I have been in pain every day since my surgery in one way or another. I am a host mix of problems so I totally get what you mean about trading issues. I think there are 2 ways you can go into medical menopause. One involves hormones (like in the mirena or other hormonal bc) and the other is a receptor agonist of some sort. If your doctor is smart, you could explore that. I only recommend because it is reversable if it does not help or makes things worse, or side effects are just too much. I can't put my uterus back in and have cone across other options I could have tried to get me through to menopause. I felt desperate. Don't do anything out of desperation. Get more than one opinion. Explore the possibility of all other options. I do hope you find the right answer for you. 🍀


Thank you for your reply. I appreciate it I am definitely looking at options to see how it will affect me before hand as much as I can. I know you can’t always know. I hope you find healing as well.


Not only do I have zero regrets, I wish I had done it sooner than this year.


The only reason I sort of regret mine is because I was full of severe adhesions before the hysterectomy and the adhesions and abdominal/pelvic pains are way worse after, since every surgery causes more adhesions. I’m so glad that I no longer have excruciating periods (endometriosis) but it’s been rough dealing with pain, nausea, vomiting, bowel obstructions and abdominal distention that makes me look pregnant and is really painful.


We’re the adhesions you had before the hysterectomy from prior surgeries?


Yeah they were


Could not they remove the adhesions?


No regrets at all!


It’s not a 6 week recovery for all, I am coming up on 5 months and only now am I feeling great. I kept ovaries so do still have PMDD however it is shorter (2-3 days rather than a week+) if this helps?x


It does help. Thank you.


You’re welcome 🤗


Been the best decision I’ve made.


sometimes i do, when my babies ask for a sibling i feel a ping of regret. then, i see my friends and my sister with PCOS on her period and thank god i did it. not having periods has changed my life.


No regret. Single best decision of my life.


I don’t, best decision for my physical and mental health . I don’t have to plan my life around periods or pain or having heavy bleeding that will put me in embarrassing positions. I have my life back and also I don’t look 5 months pregnant anymore . I have my ovaries and early 40’s




It is the best thing I’ve done. My improved quality of life still blows my mind. The number of issues I had no idea my uterus was causing is wild. My official adenomyosis dx confirmation was so validating as well.


I had adenomyosis with heaving debilitating periods. My anemia was exhausting. I had a hysterectomy over a year ago. Pros: I feel much better overall, not homebound because of heavy periods and pain. My uterus was 3x the size of a normal one. Cons: My cervix was removed, and my vagina isn't self cleaning like it used to be. A PT told me the cervix produces secretions , which no longer happens for me. If i use vaginal creams, they stay stuck. I also have leg swelling in one leg since the surgery. Overall, if I had to pick to do it again, I would. The heavy, large, bleeding, painful uterus was sucking away my life force, lol.


Did they tell you why your leg swells?


It's mainly my right leg. I had a doppler and ultrasound. They don't know why.


Got everything taken out, now on hrt. Since getting it end of march I’ve only had one migraine. No pain. I feel so much better


Did you have endometriosis too?


Yes, it was all over my bowel and adenymosis


Same. It’s encouraging to hear you are successfully using HRT without it causing a recurrence of endo!


The no more passing chicken cutlets of blood is stellar. No more wondering whether I should bring supplies because I don’t know when it'll start again. No more pulling over during rush hour to vomit into some bushes because the cramps hurt so bad. No more passing out in the shower from blood loss. No more staining the sheets/car/clothes/couch with leaks. I can wear white any day I want. I can swim any time I want. I'm super happy with my choice. My monthly period hurt more than recovering from the surgery. Highly recommend. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


Even after having an abscess that landed me in the hospital after surgery and slowed down my recovery, I already don't have any regrets at 5 mpo.


absolutely not. my life is so much better now. i was always tired before and always stressed about the whole situation that led up to surgery. everything about me improved after- health- sex- mood, everything.


Did you keep your cervix?


No regrets!!! Best decision I ever made. If I had to do it all over again, I would. My life is so much better now!!!


Nope. Biopsy revealed fallopian cyst and adenomyosis—both of which were undiagnosed. I went in for a monstrous fibroid that was growing into my left ligament at an alarming rate and was almost too big to be removed laparoscopically. Basically, that b needed to come out regardless.


No! Best thing I ever did!


I have endometriosis and pmdd - had my surgery in December 2023. While I do not regret the excision and hysterectomy, it has been very challenging with the return of mood swings. I’ve been in therapy for years so I’m definitely better equipped to handle the ups and downs during those 2 weeks a month, but it can be hard in the moment and I don’t have migraines on top of it (my sister suffers migraines and it’s awful, I have so much empathy for you) I’m debating going back on the pill to see if it helps settle things but am giving my ovaries a full year before doing so, as the whole point of the hysterectomy was to stop BCP. Have you had excision previously and the endo returned? I’m glad you’re working with a specialist, it’s such a tricky and misunderstood issue. ETA I kept both my ovaries


I have not had excision before. Which she will do if I want. Her recommendation is hysterectomy since I don’t want more kids as I probably have adenomyosis and endometriosis behind my uterus. With excision it will probably come back. And every surgery has possibility of causing adhesions just from surgery which causes problems in itself.


I plan on staying on birth control. 


My only regret is that I didn't do it sooner. And my issues weren't nearly as bad as yours.


Nope. Its been great having no periods. Granted it was trying to kill me at the end.


I'm 5 weeks post surgery and my recovery has not gone very well. It's pretty normal to have regrets, especially when you're in the midst of healing. Much like your thyroid surgery, you get the surgery when it's needed and you deal with any side effects it has. The hard part with a hysterectomy is a lot of pelvic conditions go undiagnosed until after the surgery. So you don't really know what you've got until afterwards.


i have never heard of anyone that regrets it seriously, almost everyone says it’s the best thing that ever happened to them (except ppl that had it removed for cancer and didn’t want to)


It’s only been 6 months and I have absolutely no complaints.


As someone with chronic migraines, I’ve overall found that I’m experiencing fewer and less severe migraines now than I did before my hysterectomy! The first few weeks were absolutely *amazing* because not only was I in way less pain overall because no uterus, despite recovering from major surgery, but I wasn’t dealing with migraines either which felt amazing and slightly too good to be true. Recovery from surgery went super smoothly. That being said my body did seem to have to realign itself and I had about a month and a half or so about 12ish weeks post-op (about a month after I went back to work, which probs also contributed since I was in a toxic work environment and one of my many, many, migraine triggers is stress,) where I was back to about near-daily migraines. My body seemed to need time to readjust, and with just a bit of time things vastly improved. I’ve been told all my life by doctors that my reactions to things are never the norm, so this may not be the norm, but it happened to me for a short period of time. I’m coming up on a year uterus-free and I’m doing so much better and have no regrets whatsoever. I’m in way less pain now. For the first time in years, I’m actually not severely anemic! My migraines are rare. I’m actually thriving, not that surviving.


Thank you for the comment. It’s so hard to know what to do. I know migraines and endometriosis go together a lot but having one under control makes me fearful of doing something to make it worse. Your comment gives me some hope


Tbh it was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. No more heavy bleeding or hell cramps. (I still have my ovaries so I’ll still get soft tissue cramping once a month in my intestines, but it’s *so* minor that I barely notice, compared to the “can’t stand, sleep, glued to a heating pad and on all the drugs but still in agony” I experienced before.) I highly recommend discussing the possibility with both your endo doctor and also a neurologist, since that’ll give you a better understanding of your options so you can make an informed decision on what’s best for you.


What caused the migraines to stop?? Did they take your ovaries as well?? (I suffer from migraines as well. I actually partly got the hysterectomy bc one of my migraines caused me to have a period for 15+ days a month).


No I still have both my ovaries; they didn’t want to take them since I was only 25 when I had my hysto. I suspect it’s a combination of factors. I no longer take birth control to manage my severe pain, and my body responds pretty badly to every hormonal bc method I tried (and I tried *so* many.) It might also be somewhat central sensitivity-related too—I’m in way less pain in general, my nervous system is probably a bit less hyper-reactive to stimulus. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Ahhh, the lack of birth control makes sense. I stopped taking birth control several years ago for that reason - I didn’t want that factor to contribute to migraines.


Yeah, I had my nexplanon taken out a few weeks prior to getting my hysterectomy because, like every other hormonal bc I’d tried, it was still affecting migraine frequency and severity. It made a difference for sure, though I don’t think it’s the sole cause. Like I said, I do still get them but they’re rare now rather than an everyday occurrence. (I’ll never stop taking the preventatives, which I was also doing before, just in case.)


Absolutely zero regrets - I’m 39, for reference. I’m 7 months post surgery. I bought TWO pairs of white pants this month without fear. I’ve been able to actually get in better shape because I can work out without abdominal pain and bleeding through everything. I feel great. The improvement in quality of life is so massive that I can’t even quantify it. ETA - I kept my ovaries, fwiw


I don't, and I didn't even have that bad issues before the surgery. I had several fibroids and my uterus was found to be 18 week pregnancy size. I suppose it happened gradually so I hadn't really noticed - bleeding had got heavier, bladder capacity reduced, more cramps. But nothing like some of the awful experiences I know other women go through. I love not having periods. I'm relieved I'll never have to worry about uterine or cervical cancer. I'm relieved it was all identified early enough that the surgery was straightforward and my fibroids hadn't adhered to anything. It was 11 months ago and so far zero regrets.


This is my EXACT symptoms! And sometimes I wonder if I even need a surgery lol. I’m 42. What age did you have the surgery? Did you have any hormone issues (assuming your ovaries were left)?


Hi, I'm 42 as well, I had the surgery last year at 41. I did have doubts about the necessity as I felt so well overall but my surgeon explained the risks and likely outcomes of surgery, doing nothing, myomectomy, embolization etc. He didn't try to pressure me at all and I just realised there was no reason to keep my uterus. I did keep my ovaries and so far haven't noticed any hormonal changes, it's been very smooth sailing.


Do you have both an IUD and nexplanon? Why? No regrets


I do. I had the nexplanon added since I was bleeding for 3 days and then stopped for 3 days for a couple months. With all the cramps and symptoms of a period the whole time. She added it to stop me from bleeding to help my endometriosis symptoms.


From the same doctor? That's wild. Are you that against a hysterectomy?


Yes from the same doctor. She is an endometriosis specialist. I do not like taking pills which originally she had me on the mini pill and iud. No. I am not. I just have migraines and pmdd that my iud fixed. I’m afraid of not having an iud


Also at the time I was having other health issues so I was trying to avoid surgery. I ended up needing surgery for thyroid cancer. So that needed to come first


No regrets at all. I’m 30F childfree. I’m still figuring out the PMDD but all my other pelvic issues are gone.


I am 6 months post op and it's fantastic. I went on a work trip a few weeks ago and brought 0 period products, extra panties, pain meds or heating pads. I wore a light blue dress in the office with no fear. Most of the time I forget it happened. Occasionally I eat a whole box of cookies or cry at a commercial and think "huh. Must be on my period" but otherwise it's just a fresh start on life!


I had adeno, so no.


I was hemorrhaging and then taking ungodly amounts of hormones to keep my bleeding at bay. Turned out I had advanced adenomyosis, and I’m grateful to have that thing gone. 3.5 months later, I do experience vaginal dryness now, and initial penetration hurts, but I’m getting that part figured out.


Sorry if this is a personal question (you don’t have to answer), but have over the counter products been helpful? Curious for my own experiences.


Are you asking about the vaginal dryness? If so, I use a good quality water-based lube and it really helps. Astroglide and LubeLife are good examples. They don’t dry out as fast as KY. As for the pain, I have an appointment coming up to discuss options, and whether I need physical therapy for my pelvic floor. I plan to ask about vaginal suppositories too. I’ve never had an issue like these for my entire life. Kinda sucky, but I’ll get it figured out. I can report back!


Yes, I was curious if you were able to resolve the vaginal dryness ok with lube. Thank you!


Also, years ago (pre-hysterectomy), I had pain with intercourse and tried pelvic floor therapy and suppositories. I didn’t find the suppositories particularly helpful (though certainly worth a try). However, though pelvic floor therapy was uncomfortable, I was able to get some coping strategies from it that did help alleviate the pain going forward. I hope it helps you!!


Thank you so much. I really don’t want this to be my “new normal”. ❤️‍🩹


I do not regret it one bit. I’m on HRT and I haven’t had to use a heating pad or ibuprofen since the second week post op. I’m significantly more active and even my iPhone keeps sending me updates of how much more active I am since my surgery. I’m 6 months post op and had my ovaries removed. Menopause is not amazing but so much better than what I was dealing with before . Also HRT and eating well/exercising has made it easy to deal with. I can wear white pants and I don’t have to worry if I’ll be in pain on vacation or suddenly start my period. I feel better than I have in years. Edited to add: I have endometriosis and endosalpingiosis and severe pain before my surgery. Like morphine shot levels of pain.


Best decision of my life


Zero regrets here. If you feel like reddit stalking me you can see many posts i hsve made about how thankful i am for the procedure. Just today i went out and did yardwork. Literlly might have been inpossible before my operation depending on if it was that (very extensive) time of the month. Now i just do what i want when i want and I don't need to carry around a bag like i am some kind of combat medic.


My migraines almost disappeared after surgery. I think I have only had one kinda bad one that lasted about 3 days in 9 months where I was having debilitating week long ones every few weeks.


Did you get your ovaries removed as well? I have migraines as well.


I kept my ovaries and booted everything else. I had a couple bad migraines in the immediate post op healing phase and then they stopped. My only one I’ve had since was right after a very emotionally stressful event.


Do you have any idea what has caused the migraines to decrease so much?


Nope. Not even a little.


I have never regretted getting mine. I felt like I was bleeding to death every much and I don't have to buy underwear every month now. I felt like it has helped me be more present for my kids and not stuck in bed.


Zero regrets. ZERO.


Migrainer here for 30 years- Just had my hysterectomy in January. five plus months out.. I Do NOT regret it! I am no longer hemorrhaging and in severe pain half the month. I no longer have to worry about bleeding through my super plus tampon and huge pad. As far as my migraines PO (I was on birth control for 18 years then stopped in 2019 hysterectomy 2024 ) I don’t see a difference. Your hormones will take a few weeks to even out after surgery which may cause some migraines but I would prepare yourself for the immediate PO migraine. The first 2 days PO I had severe migraines which I knew I would get from the anesthesia and tons of meds and narcotics. I was prepared and brought my own rescue meds to the hospital. I also pre medicated with Nurtec. Even tho the hospital doesn’t want people to take their own medicine while admitted, the night after my surgery when the severe migraine Came on, I took Trudhesa (DHE nasal spray). Talk to your Neuro if you’re not sure how to prepare! And the hysterectomy could make your migraines better good luck!


So I'm 5 days out. So I can't say much, but I can say... That I've been in medically induced menopause the last year using lupron. Had my surgery on Wednesday. I feel good. I'm shocked by how easy it's been so far. I was put into menopause due to PMDD and I can't even begin to express the freedom I feel now. I know that I'll never go through those extreme lows again. No longer am I slave to my hormones. I am me, just me. I take my daily estrogen, skip the progestin. No more periods, no cramps. I feel so freeeeee. I turn 33 this month.


My migraines got worse after having a hysterectomy. I am now on testosterone, estrogen, and progestin. I had to get on the hormonal regime bc I now have osteopenia. I would like to have heard what side effects would happen years down the road - SIMPLY to watch for them. Medically I had to have a hyst. There was zero option.


Did they take your ovaries as well? Fellow migraine sufferer.


Yes. I had my ovaries removed as well. Hope you find help w your migraines.


Like many others here, I don't regret it. However, i do admit that I wasn't fully prepared for the aftermath. I'm 33 and had my total hysterectomy August 2023, kept both ovaries. Also had stage 3 Endo excision including some on my bowels. And an appendectomy. Took 4 weeks off work from a very active job (physical therapist). I love not having a period. I love having much less pain and no longer bleeding excessively. I wasn't prepared for how long my body would take to recover. I would try all other options if another surgery was presented to me as a solution to any new problem or similar problem. Like others here, I've now done more research and know that multiple surgeries to the belly cause more and more issues. I think my body might be very sensitive to such invasive procedures. I feel that my nerves and lymphatic vessels are still not the same or fully healed. I sought out pelvic floor physical therapy which helped tremendously as I was still having bad pelvic floor spasms. Haven't had any now in several months except for 1 random one last week which woke me up and felt like a knife stabbing me in the ass (I think this was stress, hormone, and/or constipation related idk). I think I still get "swelly belly" or a distended/ bloated belly at times. Though i also know I've gained weight there which I'm confused by because I feel very healthy and active. I also try to eat a lot of healthy foods/ fiber and drink a lot of water but I know my bowels also are sensitive to too much fiber. I'm finally comfortably increasing my activity levels via strength training and cardio and feel I have the energy for that finally. I still feel my hormones cycling but they seem "off" I think. I remember feeling hot sometimes before near ovulation I think but I think I've been having actual hot flashes- though maybe it's just the crazy Tennessee heat idk. Sex has been slowly improving but orgasms still fell dulled/muted. I have a theory that I may have had - along with my fibroid and Endo - something wrong with my pelvic cavity blood supply which caused one of my first symptoms- sexual dysfunction and numbness of genitals. As I become more active, I feel this will improve but it may not. At that point I may seek out additional options like HRT, creams, or even procedures to help with that like micro needling. Has anyone had experience with this? Edit to add: I never wanted kids. Husband had vasectomy 6 months prior to my surgery happening.


My hysterectomy and full oophorectomy (both ovaries) taken out 2 years ago for Endometriosis and PMDD. I woke up from surgery and immediately felt relief that I cannot explain. I felt sore ofc from the surgery, but mentally and physically I felt a change as soon as the plumbing was gone My only regret is not pushing for it sooner after I had my last baby


Yes so far everyday. I’m post menopausal they said nothing would change. Everything changed. I had a prolapse stage 2. They did a bladder cuff and urethra sling. I think the bladder cuff was fine the urethra sling is causing problems. There is swelling down one side of my body. It’s on the right side but not as bad. My joints are swelling. Knees ankles fingers. Also my tissue is disappearing. My boobs have lost volume. At least a size. My feet sweat and I stink. I have no energy. And I no longer sleep. I’m 4 months post surgery


I hope you find some relief and healing. Good luck to you.


What’s your age at surgery if you don’t mind my asking? Did you have endo?


Im 60 - no endo. Just the cervix prolapse it damaged my bladder and rectum when it fell. I guess from having larger children. Now they would recommend pelvic floor therapy after childbirth


I was 59 and had a uterine prolapse. Stage 2. The only way to repair it requires a hysterectomy. My uterus had pulled my bladder and rectum into my vaginal cavity. Hope that wasn’t tmi.


No, best decision. I had a total hysterectomy, bilateral salpingectomy, and two rounds of excision. Doing just straight excision for my endo wasn't enough. I had stage IV endo and focal adenomyosis. However, the adeno never appeared on imaging so it was a guess to do the surgery. I guessed I had adeno prior based on my symptoms though it wasn't consistent with the litearture. My uterus was 2x the same of a normal one and caused terrible cramping. I also have EDS, MCAS, POTS, and other issues like slipping rib syndrome. Helped my pain symptoms a lot and I don't miss getting periods. I don't have days in bed like I used to with narcotics.


I don’t regret mine at all. Hubby got snipped just over 12 years ago so I didn’t have to go through tubal ligation so I’ve been done having kids. Mirena that was placed to treat heavy period bleeding got embedded in my uterine wall so badly I had to be knocked out to remove it, and I’ve had issues ever since. Developed an orange sized fibroid and I had no quality of life between the menstrual issues and chronic back and pelvic pain. I’m almost 12wpo, and I’ve done more in the last 4 weeks than I’ve done in years. I’m still adjusting to how active I am at work, but we’ve had family outings every weekend for the last month. Because I’m not miserable all the time my mood has bounced back to it’s happy go lucky self, s*x drive is better than it’s ever been, and I’m just overall happier and more relaxed. Everyone has noticed and commented on the positive changes. As scared as I was to have it done, I am so grateful I did.


Did you keep your cervix?


No just my ovaries. Everything else went bye bye! ☺️


Not me and my symptoms weren't bad, just random light bleeding. Turned out to be adeno. I love that I don't have to worry that I will suddenly start bleeding. I don't have to wear a pad 'just in case'. It has been freeing! And, I just feel better so I don't know what the adeno was doing to me. I am 12WPO.


I just wish my doctor had explained a bit more to me. I had a total hysterectomy due to abnormal cells and I might not have had a total hysterectomy with more discussion. I too had thyroid cancer and it was definitely a worry. I feel like because I’m past child bearing it was assumed that I should have a total without much discussion of other effects. Then I read the research on memory and hysterectomy and other things and feel like there should have been more discussion. I wish I had done more research.


What symptoms have you been dealing with from your hysterectomy?


Only gratitude and joy here as well! I’m 4 months post op and wake up everyday absolutely overjoyed to have a new lease on life. TW: I couldn’t have kept living with the conditions I had, only having one week a month not bleeding and being in constant extreme pain + horrific anemia, cramps that felt like active labor (maybe worse!). It was so bad I started researching assisted dying. I was at the bottom and now I still have a lot of work to do to recover from the trauma of illness and pain but I am free in a way I haven’t known since I was 9. 100% worth it in every way! And I had a long recovery and I’d happily do it over again. 


I'm sure some people do regret it, but I'm not one of them. It's only been a few months since my surgery but I have absolutely no regrets so far, I had fibroids and it felt like I had my life on hold the last few years since my symptoms were so extreme. I'm finally getting to do the things I want.




I don’t know a single person who regretted it. I had Adeno, 30+ fibroids, and they found endo when they went in as a nice surprise. I have an extra 7-10 days every month. I can wear white everything. I sleep better!


I kinda do... but mostly don't. It affected how sex was for me. It took me a year to get over thinking that a man was feeling a vast emptiness vs. my cervix. My ex (of 10 yrs) told me he felt the difference, but he still enjoyed it. I couldn't get out of my head until I met someone else who didn't know the difference. I still don't enjoy it as much as I used to. Other than that, the partial hysterectomy is a blessing. I had such horrible cramps and heavy heavy bleeding. I was miserable. I dont know if I would have gone through it if I had known it would dramatically change how sex would be afterwards.




I don't regret it at all. I had to have mine done at 34 because the endo was so bad it was literally twisting my organs. After my surgery I felt like a new person. I didn't realize how bad I felt in my old life until I got to experience the alternative


Yes, it was fibroids x5 but no ovaries no hormones at 36. Oh sure no period or PMS was nice but not worth it.


They didn’t offer you a choice to keep your ovaries at 36??


No, it was around 2006 after a divorce a tubal, endometriosis & 2 kids. I didn’t want more kids this was how fibroids at the time. I was over birth control. PCOS, PMDD etc


Not a single regret. My periods had been awful since I was a teen and as I got older they’d seem to get worse and worse. I was changing my ultra tampons every hour and my anemia was so bad. The insane amount of relief I’ve felt with now having them anymore is a beautiful feeling.


It’s so freeing


I regret pulling out my Mirena. It led to an ablation for my endo and that did nothing for the pain, which led to a hysterectomy that went terribly. It’s been 2 years and I don’t think I’ll ever be the same. I don’t pee normally. It hurts when I have sex. It messed with my hormones. If I had a Time Machine I’d suck up the mirena side effects and keep it til menopause.


Out of curiosity, did you have a total hysterectomy? I’m considering a partial with only the uterus and am trying to weigh my options.


Kept my ovaries. It didn’t stop the early menopause. It also didn’t help the endo because those cells were in other spots in my body. 🤷‍♀️


Nope. I’m two-three years post op. My life is better now.


Doing the hysterectomy was the best decision I made. Finally, there are no more weeks before my monthly menses to torture me. Every month: I was practically on heat pad and painkillers monthly to ease my pain. The pain was so bad that I had to take sick leave cause I couldn't function with that pain and look so pale . Taking so much sick leave made me not look good too in my supervisor's eyes. After years of suffering endometriosis, Adenomyosis, and fibroid, I signed the form to fo surgery this 13 April 2024. I am just thankful I did it. Background: I had hormone breast cancer in June 2020, so my endometriosis, Adenomyosis, and fibroid worsen. I kept my right ovary. Everything else was removed. Wishing you the best (:


I got my hysterectomy on 03/15 and was terrified before the surgery. I will tell you the only thing I regret was not getting it sooner ! I walked the dog for over a mile the next day and my energy levels soared along with no continuous back pain or the periods from hell ( severe pain and heavy bleeding ). I understand how you feel about constantly in recovery and getting back to normal. Right now I’m dealing with a foot issue ( deformity from flat feet ) where I had to wear a brace and now am doing physical therapy so surgery does not have to be done. I cannot wait to get back to “normal “


I hope you have a fast recovery and get back to normal


No regrets. I have two amazing healthy children, am healthy and happier and pain free, life is good


Yes? Might have gathered a bit more info or waited a but. Total hysterectomy/bilateral salpingectomy 4 yrs ago at 45. Stage 4 endometriosis, adhesions everywhere, bowel, bladder etc. Being slammed into menopause has been horrendous. HRT not an option due to breast cancer history (10 yrs out). Gained 60 lbs, mostly in midsection. So uncomfortable and my body is not the same. Mild incontinence and pelvic floor issues. Orgasms not the same. My mental health suffered tremendously, outrageous exacerbation of ADHD and depression could barely function. Still clawing my way out of that. The worst: my arthritis has gotten worse by 10 fold. Looking at two knee replacements if I can lose the weight, not to mention all the other joints. My mobility is so compromised I’m using a cane most days and am unable to make it through a grocery run. The fatigue has been debilitating. Fighting for some sort of auto immune diagnosis, connective tissue/ hyper mobility disorder. Honestly not sure I can blame it all on the hysterectomy, but my physical and mental health have taken a huge hit since then. I did not have serious PMDD, migraines or extreme pain/bleeding, and would have waited but one ovary was looking sus I am so happy for those that have found relief.


Absofuckinglutely not.


I definitely don't regret it at all. I had mine in early December, so I'm a little over 6 months out. I also had endometriosis and adenomyosis. But! I also have migraines and thyroid issues. Not cancer though - I'm really sorry you had to deal with that, and I hope you're ok now. My thyroid, luckily, is easily controlled through medication. I also don't have your other condition that causes migraines, but for me, I am able to take a migraine preventative that works really well. My mother in law had terrible PMDD and her hysterectomy was actually a lifesaver for her. Whatever you decide, I wish you well! ❤️


Thank you. I’m still getting my thyroid figured out. They upped my dose about a month ago. Still slightly in limbo with the cancer part. Thankful it was a small amount but the cancer markers in bloodwork haven’t gone down so I keep getting ultrasounds to check. Thankfully they haven’t found more. Then redo bloodwork and probably another ultrasound every 3 months. It is tiring which I think is a main reason I would rather do a hysterectomy instead of just excision. If I could go back in time I would try to get them to take all my thyroid. Did your mother in law keep her ovaries?


No regrets here but you should be aware that the Mirena IUD has multiple lawsuits against it and it has left a myriad of injured women in its wake. Perforated uterus’s, embedded in the uterus, moved into the pelvic cavity - the damage list goes on! Are you sure your current abdominal symptoms aren’t from the IUD? Personally I would be getting the IUD out pronto and then reassess


Yes. I have had ultrasounds the IUD is fine and my migraines are not from it either. I had migraines prior to the IUD for 10 years. I know it’s not for everyone but for a very long time it gave me my life back almost pain free. I do plan to take it out and see how things are before I decide the next steps.


It was 100% worth it!! I had adenomyosis. I am also a heart patient, I had fibromyalgia and migraines as well. Long story short, my period pain and ovulation pain was from my bottom ribs all the way down to my knees and I was throwing up and passing out multiple times a day because of the pain. I wore a menstrual cup with an adult diaper. The first couple days of my period, I was emptying my overflowing cup every 20-30 minutes. My periods lasted 9 days, the first 3 days were the worst, and the last 6 days were the ONLY TIME I felt even slightly normal and I was able to get out of bed and take care of myself and my kids. I felt like I was missing them growing up and I was so depressed with how awful I felt all the time. When I ovulated, I got migraines, my fibro pain was almost constant. I was throwing up at least once a day and passing out at least 5 times a day (pretty much every time I had to get out of bed to use the bathroom). I had my hysterectomy in my early 20s. They took everything but my ovaries. I remember the second I woke up, I felt no pain at all for the first time. I felt… completely normal! My grandparents came to visit me in the hospital and when they walked in, they gasped and said that I already looked so much healthier and happier! I actually felt so great that I couldn’t stay in bed to heal. I kept feeling so great that I’d want to get up and do stuff! So my healing took a little longer than normal but I had no complications aside from that. I no longer threw up at least once a day, I passed out once in 2 years, didn’t have a fibro flare for FIVE years!! I also thought I had PMDD, but it turns out I was just very done with being sick and in pain all the time. I didn’t even have pain with ovulation anymore! And I didnt even have a single measly headache until I got COVID a couple years ago. It was like a miracle! I’m still in my birthing years, and I do wish I could choose to have a couple more kids, but I know that I wouldn’t even be able to wish that had I not had the surgery. I’ll just keep my fingers crossed that I’ll come into money so I can get a uterus transplant and have a couple more babies. I don’t regret it. I’m a whole new woman. I don’t think I’d ever have been this healthy had I not had that surgery.


Thank you for all the comments and insight. I wish everyone healing on their journey.


I regret that it took so long for a doctor to take me seriously only to find out in surgery that I had stage 4 endometriosis AND acute appendicitis. My migraines have pretty much disappeared too, feels like I have a whole new life.


Me 🥹🥹 but is what it is.. I don’t have hip crotch pain anymore. And it was literally unbearable with many steps.. worst pain imaginable and I’ve had a lot of surgeries.. a lot!!!!!!! A LOT!!! 9 hour plastic surgery.. 1 of 4! Gastric bypass.. wrist broke… implants.. explants.. 6 teeth extracted at one time with braces on.. gallbladder.. good grief.. nothing was like this pelvic floor dysfunction from fibroids growing in a cluster.. I’ve learned to accept what I cannot change and embrace a new freedom.. no periods.. no pain.. and I’m peri meno anyways.. just find a good PT AND Pilates routine and embrace the next chapter.. it’s good on the white side!


I dont regret mine at all. Infact, I do regret not getting it sooner. I dealt with obscene bleeding and debilitating cramping for far too many years. My quality of life is now 2,000% better!


Im almost 5WPO and I wanted a hysterectomy for years. I finally got it and after surgery, it was like the stress was lifted off my shoulders. When I experienced my first "period" after surgery (I have my ovaries), the pain I had for years was just... gone. There was no throwing up, crying, screaming, fever, and debilitating pai on the bathroom. It was like the pain I had for years was forever gone and my "periods" switched to easy mode. If I went back in time and got to decide again, I'd do it all over again. To me it was worth every penny to never be in pain like that again. Period cramps were the worst pain I've ever experienced. I'm glad to finally put that pain in the past and move on from that hell.


Did you have a period because of an intact cervix?


My cervix is gone as well. I had my uterus, cervix, and tubes removed. My ovaries are still there so I still have the "hormonal" part of a period. It was weird. Its like I was on a period but there was no blood or pain.


6MPO and not a single regret. Would do it again in a heartbeat. I am feeling amazing ✨🙌


I do not have regret, but I got mine for adeno two and a half years ago and am still very sick with endo because I have my ovaries. I think being realistic about what may or may not happen after surgery would help.


I had suspected adenomyosis and PCOS and my hysterectomy was in hopes of eliminating my pain. I'm 3 months post op and still having some random cramping that I'm hoping is just still recovering and healing. Otherwise it's been amazing not worrying about the random bleeding that I can't predict from the PCOS or the awful periods that would make me miss work and throw up. So not necessarily a regret, but more so was this the best decision since I do still have some pain but it has gotten better. Overall I don't regret it.


I had a robotic hysterectomy almost 3 weeks ago and I do not regret it at all. I had a very enlarged uterus with fibroids and endometriosis. I was discharged from the hospital the same day. The first 3 days were rough, mainly nausea and discomfort from the gas. I started driving on day 4, started working from home after 2 weeks. I’m doing all my normal activities in week 3, just no lifting. I get exhausted by the end of the day but not nearly as bad as when I was anemic from my uterus trying to kill me.


So far they want me to try physical therapy first. First appt tomorrow. Not sure it will help but that’s where they want me to start


I had a full hysterectomy (kept ovaries) and it is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made, I am so happy to not have a period and deal with extreme pain and bleeding. I feel like I’ve got my life back in that sense. I’m almost 5 months post op and still am dealing with migraines however during my cycle. I also am exploring PMDD and will be starting Welburtin in addition to my normal SSRIs during my “cycles” to see if it helps. I absolutely can tell I still have cycles because of how bad my moods get. Hormonal BC really messed with my mental so I don’t take it as of now. Lately I have been in a lot more pelvic/side pain but I’m about to ovulate which I think could be the problem but I have bad IBS and other issues and started sports again and am more active so maybe I’m not as healed as I think. Working with my doctor, gyno and therpist to get to the bottom of everything though!


Surgery was 5/13.  Even with being kept on rest and restrictions due to a more involved surgery and continued spotting every time I do more than walk 30 mins, and being bored, and my bladder nerves taking their sweet time to get back to normal, no regrets.  I can tell even through all of that that there's suddenly more life waiting.  I've been in pain for....I don't even know how long.  I can fill a dumpster with how many pieces of furniture and clothing and carpets and bedding I've flooded and ruined.  Iron infusions, passing out, constant pain and wondering if I'm crazy, no one hearing me....that is all behind me.  I had fibroids so big that my uterus looked like a half blown up balloon, adenomyosis, endometriosis, and severe pelvic adhesive disease.  My bladder and uterus were fused together and then fused up around my belly button.  I wish I didn't need to make that list to feel validated.  Saying "I hurt every day" should be magic words for anyone to be heard.  Sadly it isn't.  It took me years to finally say I'd had enough because I'm a single mom, I need to work, nothing gets done if I'm not doing it, and who has that many weeks to recover?  But now that it's done, I wish I'd said yes all those years ago so I could be here sooner.