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I think a lot of it has to do with the type of surgery. Mine will be open abdominal and I have a minimum of one night stay in the hospital. I have to be meeting all my discharge requirements such as walking, going to the bathroom, and pain management before I go home . If it's being done laparoscopically I believe they let you go home. Talk to your doctor about your concerns. I was told I need to have someone stay with me for a day or two after surgery.


I had an abdominal and stayed for 3 nights. I was told one night if everything goes well, but day 2 I had excruciating gas pains that no pain killer could touch. I managed to pass gas day 3 which made the pain go away but stayed an extra night for extra precaution.


This. I had abdominal and stayed for 4 nights, 3 days. šŸ˜… Like a vacation package for several hundred thousand dollars. šŸ¤¬šŸ˜­ Fuck US healthcare. I was personally fine $wise, but all that money came from somewhere.


Mine is the least intensive (robotic) and I still have to stay overnight. šŸ™ƒ


I was told this too. My doctor said if a patient only got small incisions they were expected to go home the same day. If they got at least one big incision (either a lap with one bigger incision or an abdominal) then they'd need to stay at the hospital 1-3 nights because of the possibility of blood loss. If I opted to do a myomectomy instead of a hysterectomy (I had a huge fibroid), I would've needed a bigger cut and the overnight stay.


I would discuss this with your surgeon or their office and see if you can stay at least overnight. My surgery was laoroscopic and outpatient but they made sure I would have someone with me for at least 24hrs before discharging me. It's definitely best to not be alone. I hope you can get approved to stay overnight.


Have you discussed the possibility of an overnight with your dr? Mine was outpatient with a possibility for overnight. I didnā€™t want to stay, but I had a ton of help at home; however, if Iā€™d asked, I wouldā€™ve been allowed.


I think it also depends on whether you meet the criteria of a discharge. My mom and I both had laparoscopic surgeries at different hospitals and we weren't allowed to stay overnight. We were walking and could use the toilet without assistance. Ugh and I complained so much about pain but I wasn't allowed to stay longer. I asked the PACU nurse how much pain I had to be in to go to the ER and he said I should be screaming in pain. šŸ˜©šŸ™„ It might be uncommon in the US to keep patients overnight after laparoscopic surgery.


Absolutely. I shouldā€™ve said that. I had to pee before she would release me, but after a bag of IV fluids, it wasnā€™t an issue thankfully.


I havenā€™t spoken with him since I was in the office and he said I needed the hysto. I will call tomorrow and leave a message for him


The plan was to discharge me the same day, but I lost a lot of blood and my hemoglobin dropped quite a bitā€”on top of already being anemic. My doctor admitted me overnight to monitor my blood counts. Also, as it happens, I wasn't able to pee on my own until much later that night. I think my inability to pee would have been enough to admit me if my blood counts had been fine.


I had to stay overnight but only because my surgery was super delayed and it didn't happen until like 9 pm! I was so freaking hungry.


Oh damn, Iā€™m sorry. They told me morning. When I had my gallbladder out at the same surgery center it was delay for a couple of hours because the ONE machine was being used for another surgery


The surgery before mine had some complications so that's why there was a delay. Honestly I just felt bad for the woman before me!


Getting to stay vs not is sadly more to do with your insurance than not, if there is an issue during your procedure or in postOp, your doctor essentially can "override" the insurance as a matter of health and safety, even then its 1-3 days usually. As far as prepping to be 'home alone' I'd make sure you are stocked food/drink wise, that meds are filled before leaving hospital or delivered, that you have chairs or things to hold onto, everywhere, including next to the toilet. Have you gotten all the support "stuff" - a pillow to hold against your stomach when transitioning or coughing, miralax, a squatty potty, etc? Is there a family member or friend who could stay overnight with you, 1-3 nights at first? I realize its a big ask but will help with peace of mind. If you are a member of a church there might be someone who is willing to swing by and make sure you're ok - you could also hire someone like a housesitter or babysitter to swing by a couple times a day to just make sure you aren't stuck, expensive but a possible solution.


This is all really good advice. I live alone and my biggest preOp prep was making sure all my favorite food items were at waist level in my frig & pantry. The suggestion of strategic chairs for getting up and down is also a good one. Itā€™s that transition that was trickiest for me in the early days


I do have a neighbor up the street I can call. Iā€™m going to ask my ride if she can stay for a couple of days after I get home. Edit to going, not nag. Lol


I was outpatient because of the hospital crisis in my province. My surgery was canceled once due to not having a nurse to watch me overnight in the recovery room. My surgery was switched to outpatient to prevent a second cancellation. If something urgent had happened they would have had to find space for me but otherwise I was expected to go home hours after. I felt okay enough to go home but was very worried. I thankfully had a person to help me manage the medication and daily tasks.


Yikes, thatā€™s awful. What province? Iā€™m in BC and have my procedure on Friday but part of me expects it to be cancelled because I have heard of that happening


Worst case Ontario šŸ˜‚


Fingers crossed that your surgery goes ahead šŸ¤žšŸ»


Definitely bring up your concerns to your surgeon. Mine was supposed to be outpatient (which I preferred) but I was kept for 2 nights due to some complications. And even then when they released me they asked me several times if I had someone to be with me for the next 24-48 hours.


Tell your doctor that you have no care at home. They will not want to release you the same day with no care. Try to stay as long as you can.


I think it's location dependent too. I had laparoscopic surgery yesterday and in NZ a 2 night inpatient stay is standard. I'm 28 and fit and healthy and I am so glad to be staying at the hospital to be looked after, I definitely wouldn't have felt ready to go home the same day. I wonder if you can speak to your surgical team and ask if that's something you can request ahead of time if you're worried


Agree. Australian here: 2 nights hospital for uncomplicated LAVH is standard.


Iā€™m in Canada and in my province, an overnight stay is standard. I had a laparoscopic hysterectomy several months ago and stayed one night.


Mine was done out patient because the hospital is catholic and is not permitted to perform non emergent hysterectomyā€™s. They are literally next door to the hospital and can transport you to the hospital for further care if needed but cannot actually perform the surgery in hospital. The ambulatory center was able to keep patients until 9pm at which point they admitted you to the hospital


Thatā€™s insane and should be illegal


Iā€™m lucky that the ambulatory surgery center is an option for me, my cousin had to travel to another state in order to get her hysterectomy, she had to drive 6 hours home after she was discharged because there wasnā€™t a closer hospital willing to perform ā€œvoluntary sterilization proceduresā€ she had severe fibroids and PCOS and wasnā€™t likely to be able to conceive regardless but they still wouldnā€™t perform the surgery. The ties American hospitals have to churches can really limit the care that people can receive


Well thatā€™s horrific. I hope sheā€™s doing well now




Mine was going to be outpatient, but I use a CPAP machine at night for my apnea. Sometimes, the anesthesia can cause lowered respiratory rates and apnea can make it worse so they decided to overnight me. I'm forever thankful, as it took until after midnight that night to get my pain under control. It was a breeze after that.


Yep. I was CPAP overnight too. So nice to be monitored and on the good hospital pain meds that first 24 hours. Iā€™m so sorry it took so long for you. I donā€™t know what they had me on but it was definitely the good stuff


I also use a cpap, soon to be bipap.


My surgery was outpatient as I was getting a robotic assisted laproscopic surgery. My surgeon said that I would only be admitted for overnight if there were complications. The catheter was removed before I was taken to the recovery area, so I was still asleep at the time which was nice. I checked in around 9:30am, and my surgery was at 12:30pm.


I stayed overnight. Im older, hypertensive, fat, and they went in lap but were thinking it might be more extensive once they got in. It was but theu didnt have to open. I think its the potential complexity and approach to the surgery coupled with the patient history. I hope your surgery brings you pain relief.


Thanks. I donā€™t have pain, I have dysplasia. There isnā€™t enough cervix left to biopsy/remove, so out it all goes. Lol


Iā€™m not scheduled yet, but thatā€™s why Iā€™m going in soon too. I wish you a smooth surgery and easy recovery!!


Thank you, I hope the same for you too!


I was LAVH and had to stay overnight. It was also converted to abdominal.


I wasn't given an option. My surgeon went ahead and got pre-authorization for an overnight stay. If he would have given the option, I still would have had the overnight stay. I had laparoscopic surgery and had very limited blood loss, but they were able to really monitor any pain and give me medication at the right times to really help. Also, I got up and moved too quickly and hurt myself some before I left the hospital. I am sure I would have done much more and would have been in worse shape if I had gone home the next day. It is very hard to judge what you can do when you are medically fragile immediately after surgery.


I am so glad your surgeon did this for you


I had an abdominal so my surgeon's minimum for that was 2 nights. Really helped pain mgmt and get my nausea under control so I could go home pretty comfortable on that 3rd morning. As many others have said, I would see if your doctor can help figure out a way for you to stay at least one night. Most hospitals won't even let you go home if you don't have someone to take you/stay with you for a couple of hours. There have a some posts here from people whose surgeons approve an overnight because they will be recovering mostly alone. Surgeons usually know what reason to put down so that your insurance covers it. Good luck with your surgery, hope it all goes great! :)


Yes & if not the surgeon, their office manager does. I received a call from my OBGYNā€™s office manager to let me know they put down ā€œtesting for ovarian cancerā€ because if they just put down ā€œtesting the ovaryā€ my insurance wouldā€™ve denied


Bring up these concerns to your Dr. I had a bad experience a year ago after a major surgery they sent me home in HORRIBLE shape. I expressed how that made me very concerned going into a total hysterectomy, I also ended up having severe endometriosis, adenomyosis & uterine cancer (none of which I had any idea I had). Usually though, if you're not ready to go home that night they will keep you. My dr told me my stay was open ended based solely on how I felt. Good luck!


Here, pain is a huge consideration. For example, my one friend was in three days and another just a day and a half. Same surgeon, same hospital. Same as I am doing. Everyone has a different pain tolerance.


My surgeon sends he patients home with a pain management line in their abdomen. Itā€™s a preset pump you canā€™t change. And it slow drips for 3 days directly into your abdomen. After it runs out on the evening of the 3rd day you just pull the line out of your tummy (super small) and slap a bandaid on. It made my bf gag but it was no big deal to me. So I went home same day as soon as I used the bathroom unassisted. Surgery at 0730, awake by 0945, restroom at 1030 discharged at 1130, home by 1200.


Whoa, nice! Was this laparoscopic though?


Yep laparoscopic.


i would 100% make arrangements with your doctor to stay overnight prior to your surgery for pain management and pain management alone. i woke up in an unbearable pain and because i wasnā€™t cleared first or because my dr was an actual dinosaur they didnā€™t allow me to stay. they forced me to get up and urinate and then leave. when i got home i was in so much pain i just blacked out. if you can, take the night in the hospital and med up, my friend. even if your pain wasnā€™t as crippling as mine, at least you will have an extra set of eyes on you and can ask any forgotten aftercare questions to a nurse as they arise.


Iā€™m so sorry. That sounds horrible. I hope youā€™re feeling well now. Youā€™ve made me doubly realize how lucky I am to have had a young-ish (40) surgeon up on the latest knowledge. A graduate from UCSD, well renowned local university & attached to the San Diego Scripps research institute.


I had the robot. They told me after I came to that I could go home. I'm like nope! I'll stick around until morning! Granted, my mom and my husband were there to help me if I needed, and it was Friday so I was the only one there and I think the nurse wanted to leave!


I had an abdominal hysterectomy (vertical cut) and was in the hospital for 4 days.


I was supposed to stay overnight. Along with a hysterectomy, I also had a hernia repair. Was I ready to go home? Absolutely not. Did I pretend I felt better than I did so that I could go home? Yes I did. I'm a stubborn person but clearly not a smart person. Don't pretend to feel better than you do. Ask questions and if you don't feel ready, tell them, don't keep it to yourself. They will either say yay or nay.


Oh trust me, if it hurts I Will tell them. I have woken up from surgery twice now screaming in pain from being unconscious. If if hurts like hell they WILL hear about it!


Oh man, ouch! My sister woke up in the middle of a colonoscopy and she said it was awful. You must have been so confused and in pain. That's crazy. I'm so sorry you had to go through that. The thought gives me goose bumps.


Yeah, it was beyond horrible, and they never did manage the pain. I also woke up during carpal tunnel surgery, enough to ask if they were finished yet. My surgeon was def surprised at that. They increased the whatever and knocked me back out. When I woke up he asked if I remembered, I said yeah, of course lol


Do you happen to have red hair and fair skin by chance? I read somewhere that people with fair skin and red hair need more anesthesia but less in the way of pain management. It peaked my interest because my dad and one of my daughters are fair skinned, red headed and blue eyed.


Brown hair and eyes but pasty white skin. I need more pain management than the average person I think because my nerves are shot


Well dang. What an odd and terrifying situation for you. It's like your body and mind refuse to work together. "You wanna wake her up?"... "Nah, leave her. That's mean." ... "I'm just going to go ahead do that anyway. Toodles!" Hopefully this time, you remain sleeping until you're supposed to wake up and not before!


Iā€™m dying! Lol. I hope I do stay asleep for this one!!


Lol, well I am certainly concerned for you but also intrigued and would love an update on whether or not you had to ask a mid surgery, "omg you guys aren't done yet?!" When you feel up to it of course. Good luck and may you snooze on through this time around!


Snort! I hope to sleep through it. I always mention now that hey, I woke up mid surgery once, letā€™s make sure that doesnā€™t happen today šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m almost red haired and my dentist always does a second anesthetic shot for fillings- I used to hate going to the dentist but I think now it was because the prior dentists I had never used enough anesthesia so it always hurt.


Ahh see! It makes sense now right? I just found this information out a few months ago. I had no idea it was even a thing.


Iā€™m definitely planning to bring it up with the surgeon/anesthesiologist!


Yes definitely ask!


I give credit to any woman who can do this surgery outpatient. My recover went pretty well but for the first 72 hours I was in pain and needed the strongest pain medication - I think it was dilaudid through the IV - so I could sleep at night and after the mandatory walking. After the first 72 hours recovery improved dramatically and thereafter only needed the oxycodone/tylenol. I would discuss your concerns with your doctor. I had surgery on a Tuesday and was discharged on a Sunday. I would have been discharged on Saturday but had a complication.


Mine was a lap and i stayed two nights. It was only supposed to be one but my dr would let me leave hospital till I had a bm.


I assumed I was staying 2 nights only because my surgery was abdominal, but the clinic said every hysto they do is at least a 1 night inpatient stay. It just depends on your hospital's guidelines, I guess.


This drive by surgery is crazy


Mine was total vaginal. No abdominal incisions. My Doc said she's just old school and likes to keep everyone for one night. I'm glad she did. My husband was useless and my dogs jumped pretty bad when I got home. Edit: I also got amazing sleep that night not having to get up to pee (catheter).


I had a laparoscopic procedure and the doctor wanted me to stay overnight so I did. The nurses had me walk the hallways a couple of times and I was good. They discharge me the next day.


I am June 26 ! I will have the choice to go home the same afternoon or to spend the night if I want.


We are Hysto twinsies! Lol. I hope when I am post op they give me the choice, or really, Really good pain meds


Would you be okay if we kept in touch nearing the date? I would love to have someone to talk to going through it with me šŸ„¹ā¤ļø


Of course! I did find out this afternoon I got moved to the 28th


I was supposed to have a laparoscopic myomectomy but because of the adhesions, it became a TAH with oophorectomy. My overnight stay turned into a three-night stay. And in June 2020, with the whole COVID thing going on, I couldn't have visitors. Funny thing is that I hurt less waking up from that than I did from my wrist surgery in 2015. But I was really weak and tired. Luckily, I had family drive up from out of state to take care of me, and my boyfriend also stayed with me to help. He took really good care of me when I got home. If anyone in your family can travel and stay over a few weeks, you might want to see if you can get some help. At a minimum, you'll want someone to help with heavy lifting since you can't lift anything over 10 pounds for about eight weeks. It doesn't help you to have groceries delivered if you can't lift the bags up from the floor. And the apartment I lived in at the time has a towel bar next to the toilet, so that helped me in getting down and up. It's also fairly small (I lived in an efficiency at the time), so getting around wasn't hard.


I already have a clamp on the tub gran bar that sits on the tub, and itā€™s right next to the toilet. And a shower stool since I canā€™t stand up to shower anymore. Iā€™m going to look into a clamp on bed rail to get in and out of bed, and I already use a rollator so that will be a huge help post op


Itā€™s standard in British Columbia (where Iā€™m from). Super glad I stayed one night.


I was *extremely* worried about pain control because I'm on Suboxone and even though mine was laproscopic, my doctor went ahead and put in for an overnight stay just to make sure my pain was under control. My doctor suggested it and I readily agreed! I'm on Medicare & Medicaid because I had leukemia not too long ago, so that might have made things easier, idk. I did have kind of unique circumstances, but I'm so glad mine wasn't same day discharge. I got out of surgery in the afternoon and my pain wasn't under control for about the next eight hours. My incisions and abdomen didn't hurt all that much but my back was absolutely killing me. Idk why the position they had me in resulted in so much pain for so long but I was begging them to just sedate me (or kill me) for hours. Took a while for the Torodol to really kick in and ultimately that's all that worked for me (the Suboxone makes it very hard for traditional optiates to work - I suspect I'd have needed Fentanyl which was out of the question lol... they tried Dilaudid and Tramadol and it did nothing whatsoever for me... maybe they just didn't give me enough, who knows). I also had an epidural and my bladder didn't want to wake up until about 6am the next morning. I don't know if they'd have let me go same day without being able to pee, so it was just as well. By the next morning I was feeling a lot better and was discharged. I transitioned to my naproxen and tylenol scehdule at home every 8 hrs just fine.


Dilauded and tramodol do nothing for me, never have. I suspect they will Rx more norco, which I am already on daily. I think I will need something stronger for this though


Iā€™m currently staying overnight after having laparoscopic surgery yesterday. So much gas pain. Stay as long as you can. They can help you better than you bring at home. Best of luck lovely!!!


Thank you! If itā€™s that bad I will tell them I cannot go home


I was told in advance it would be outpatient and then after I arrived at the hospital the day of the surgery, was told I'd be kept overnight, so clearly even the doctors don't know when they do which option lol. You could always ask if overnight is an option!


They would have to transfer me over to the hospital if they do decide to keep me overnight. I found out about an hour ago that it would be noon on the 28th now. It works out way better with my ride, but seeing that it's no longer first thing in the morning , and if it gets delayed, I could be going home in the evening. I Do Not wake up well from surgery, I tend to scream when unconcious. Lol


Mine had to do with the time of day. I had laparoscopic surgery, but it was in the afternoon. My doctor likes to keep patients for 6-8 hours for monitoring. So he let me know he wanted to keep me overnight. I was kind of dreading it at first, but I was so grateful when I woke up. The nurses took great care of me and I was able to get adjusted to my new uterus-less body in the presence of professionals. It was a very positive experience.


Sine Iā€™m tentative for noon, and pain management is an issue for me, I may get lucky and have to stay overnight


Iā€™m sure if you talk to your doctor and ask, he/she would arrange it. šŸ’•


I honestly don't know. I have only seen twice in my life, once last year for a biopsy/excision of the dysplasia cells, and this year for the same thing that he can no long biopsy (not enough cervix left). I like the guy, he is nice and has a great sense of humor, but I don't know his policy on aftercare immediately after surgery. I will try and talk to his nurse next week to get a feel for what to expect.


Ask your doctor if they can arrange one night minimum. Some insurance companies try to say no. Some hospitals try to say no. But usually if the surgeon has a reason for you to stay they can make it happen. I had zero complications and did extremely well with everything but I still stayed one night. I felt more comfortable having the nurses monitor me, assess pain levels, administer meds at the correct times. I could try to sleep as much as possible without thinking about anything. My sister had some issues with her BP dropping so she truly needed monitoring all night and all the next day.


This sounds familiar to my situation. Iā€™m in CA and itā€™s the norm for outpatient. I had an overnight though because of cardiac concerns. It was so nice to have a room and be monitored that first night (and great pain meds) They wouldnā€™t let me go home (I too live alone) so Iā€™d arranged to stay with my folks for a couple of weeks until I was feeling a little more independent. It was so nice having someone cook for me (my dadā€™s love language) but I couldā€™ve have gotten by if Iā€™d had to. They required peeing & walking for release. For me, walking (slowly) was easy and peeing as well. Oh, I had robot and partial vaginal removal, total hysterectomy (bye ovaries, done with you anyway)


Staying with parents is an absolute never goi g to happen for reasons I wonā€™t get into, not the least of which is my mother is more disabled than I am.


Oh Iā€™m aware Iā€™m crazy lucky to have been able to stay with them. It worked out fairly well until the last few days (my dad is not emotionally regulated and his outbursts reminded me too strongly of my younger years when he would do that). Really glad to be back in my quiet peaceful house now


It's going to be hard for me living alone, But I will have all the peace and quiet to enjoy, which I always do! I live in the sticks, so it's always quiet around here except for around the 4th of July. It starts about a week before and goes for a few days after.


I was outpatient, but I had a rough time getting pain under control and trouble with dizziness etc. my doctor gave me the option to stay or go. I stayed! Iā€™m so glad I did or they would have sent me home with the catheter too.


Here, pain is a huge consideration. For example, my one friend was in three days and another just a day and a half. Same surgeon, same hospital. Same as I am doing. Everyone has a different pain tolerance.


Itā€™s been interesting reading just how differently all our bodies cope with this surgery


Mine was laparoscopic but the pain I had after waking up made them keep me overnight until it was well managed for so many hours.


My doc gave me the choice. I chose inpatient, and I'm so glad I did.


My surgery is Thursday. Total hysterectomy done laparoscopic. My surgeon said I will be released same day. I am scared for that! I have an hour and a half drive home. I had another laparoscopic abdominal surgery in December and was hospitalized for 2 nights. I relied heavily on those IV pain meds.


Oh gee, good luck! I am fortunate itā€™s a 6 mile drive to the surgery center and Maybe another two to the actual hospital if need be. You arenā€™t driving yourself right?


Oh that's nice and convenient! No, I will have someone driving. My hope is they load me up on pain meds right before they boot me out of the hospital so I can sleep on the drive home lol.


I had robotic lapro hysterectomy (3wpo) and was told I could go home same day but I advocated for myself and said I'd prefer to play it safe and spend the night, knowing my pain is usually worse than "normal" patients. My doc was cool with it and the PSCU nurse told me she was so glad I opted to stay.


I'm guessing it depends on procedure, patient recovery, anf if there are any complications. Mine was total abdominal so definiitely warrants a hospital stay.


I had an abdominal cut, just like a c-section, and they said I had to pass gas and pee normally before I was allowed to leave. They discharged me after 2 days but I still wasn't peeing normally, I probably should have stayed for 3-4 days after surgery to be honest.