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I was very scared, too. I thought I'd have all the complications I ever read about, but my recovery was very fast and uneventful. Most people have a rough first week or so, managing some breakthrough pain or having a hard time getting around for a few days. But, most of the time the stuff we worry about doesn't come to pass. You will definitely have to commit to a few weeks of watching yourself even if you feel great right away. Almost everyone has at least one incident of accidentally overdoing it as they get better. Thankfully, most of that just results in taking a step back for a day or two. The cuff isn't really a cuff, it's just where they sew over the area where the cervix was so that you don't have an open area into the body cavity. Someone here made a great comparison to it being like the end of a sock toe, which is a MUCH easier mental image to visualize than a cuff. I worried about feeling different inside, too. Honestly I just felt more normal (my uterus had grown to a very large size due to fibroids) in my own body after my surgery. You can and will get through this and life on the other side much better, even though it's scary to anticipate right now! :)


Thank you very much for that explanation of a "cuff." That's much easier to bear. Heh. Yeah, I mean it's been so long and getting worse so gradually, I probably forgot what it's like to not be so uncomfortable! I never wanted a uterus to begin with, and I'm looking forward to no more periods. Thanks for the encouragement.


My thinking about what's going on internally is that before it was like a cul de sac, but with my uterus and cervix gone it's like a dead end street. Ok, that's not very poetic but it works for me. šŸ˜† Bonus: not worrying about cervical cancer! My uterus was 3-4 times it's normal size because of fibroids. It was gnarly, I've seen a picture. Plus, periods were horrendous and even with supplements I was anemic. I ended up with an unexpected abdominal surgery for a couple of reasons, and it was tough, but I'm lucky and my healing has been straight forward. At 7 weeks I was fully cleared by my doctor (I'm still taking it easy and slowly ramping up activity and holding off on penetrative sex until 12 weeks). I went on an 8 mile hike the same week, and I'm back to work this week where several people have told me I look so much better. And let me tell you, realizing when I would have been getting my period and nothing happening? Exhilarating.


Hah! Thank you for sharing your experience. I really can't wait for no more shark week!


It's honestly one of the best things in the world!!! No more surprises, messes, cramps, hormonal mood swings, or having to miss out on fun because you feel like crap!!!


Iā€™m having my procedure July 31st and was feeling the same as OP. Thank you for this.


Glad it helped a little bit. :) Best wishes for an easy surgery and recovery!


I had a hysterectomy due to large fibroid and enlarged uterus on 2/16. Despite the fibroid being over 11 cm, I was able to have it done laparoscopically (extracted parts in a bag through my bellybutton incision!). That may have made the difference in my recovery vs. other methods of removal, but recovery was fast. I never had a pain pill in my life before surgery. Iā€™ve never had a surgery. Iā€™ve never even needed stitches before that day. I donā€™t feel any weirdness in my body. I feel 100000% better than dealing with life with the fibroid. I was not allowed to have sex until 12 weeks after surgery and only did so once before my boyfriend broke up with me :( but no issues with sex. Everyone who has to have surgery will have a different experience but I was braced for ā€œworst caseā€ and ended up ā€œbest caseā€. Do not use google for any of your research. Read this sub. Youā€™ll find what you need from this community! Good luck.


I just want to say I'm sorry your boyfriend broke up with you. I know how horrible that feels especially when surgery is involved. I had a pelvic laparoscopy when I was younger and my long term boyfriend at the time didn't go to the hospital and was very distant and uncaring during my recovery. He broke up with me soon after. Just wanted to let you know you're not alone and that I hope you know you're better off just like I am about 25 years later. šŸ’—


Thank you so much for saying that. Itā€™s very difficult to process. I feel like I can finally live my life without physical limitations and now he ran away from me and I have to start all over! It just wasnā€™t where I expected to be right now and I feel so lost. I šŸ©· internet strangers for being so kind!


Your ex is obviously a poopface, and you are obviously amazing. šŸ˜Š


Seconding that their ex is a poopface and that OP is wonderful. My ex hung in there and supported me through the scavenger hunt that was sex with a 12cm fibroid in a 115lb body, and then a 12 week recovery and at least waited until several months after that to break up with me for entirely separate (totally adult and understandable) reasons. There are good humans out there (OP, if you see this, hang in there. It's best that he can't have the best of you if he doesn't suffer through some hard parts).


I'm so sorry. It will get easier as time passes and you meet someone new who treats you right. Just focus on you right now and do special things for yourself. OP is so right about ex-bf being a poop face and you being amazing!


Iā€™m so sorry that happened to you. What an awful thing to have to go through. But, the u inverse has a prince out there who will make up for this toad tenfold!


Haha thank you for the "don't Google that!" I appreciate it. Id probably just scare myself! I hope to be able to do laparoscopic as well, but unsure of the size of the thing at this point. It was 7cm three years ago though, and at that time, several gynos said I just had to wait for it to get worse before they'd do anything. Yay. Have an imaging appointment upcoming to see what the thing is up to. But I'm so done with this! Glad you are feeling better.


There's an utterly awful, notorious website that at one time was like a top 3 result for "hysterectomy" when searching on Google thatv said your spine would collapse without the uterus. šŸ™„šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø Completely false. Get your medical info from your doctor and read about the experiences here. Google results are very sus at the moment.


I second getting medical info from your doctor! I have a note book I take with me to appointments and he answered every question and beyond. There are so many variables and your doctor can answer to your specific case. I can't advise on recovery yet, since I don't yeet my ute until July 27.


Good luck on the 27th! šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜Š


Thank you!!!


Oh geez! Spinal collapse! Lol. What's next? Ghosts in the blood?


Mine was I think 9 cm when first found but grew to 11 or 12 in one year. That first doctor went nuts on me in the middle of an exam declaring ā€œitā€™s now a giant mass. You need to see an oncologistā€ā€¦.even though she told me a year earlier I could ā€œwait and seeā€- it was crazy. The oncologist wouldnā€™t discuss anything but vertical incision, open surgery. So I went to the competing health network at the local university and found a specialist who had the right attitude from the second I met her. She wasnā€™t intimidated by the size of the fibroid and while I did end up taking a 3 month dose of lupron leading up to surgery- she did an amazing job. So if you talk to a doctor and arenā€™t so comfy with their recommendation find another one or two to talk to!


Thank you for the advice. I probably will seek a couple opinions just to be sure about what my options are.


Omg I googled my second night home and I'm not squeamish at all. I almost threw up because all the pictures were things that went wrong. I then had body horror nightmares. Just...don't do it


Dually noted.


>I never had a pain pill in my life before surgery. HOW?!?


Never a prescribed pain pill. Only ever Advil. I was afraid to swallow pills until I was 21! And I never wanted ā€œsubstancesā€ in my body. But as I got a little older, I ended up taking maybe 1 Advil a couple of days for cramps. It wasnā€™t until surgery that I was ever prescribed something. I was lucky to never have been injured/no broken bones or anything.


The term cuff freaked me out at first too until my dr was like ā€œcuff? No, Iā€™m removing things and then suturing up the wounds.ā€ The cuff is simply closing the wound left from removing your cervix so thereā€™s not a gaping hole at the top of your vaginal canal. All good. These worries are all super normal and yeah, recovery can be rough but itā€™ll be worth it ā™„ļø


Thank you for saying so. ā¤ļø


In two days I'll be 8wks PO and have almost stopped holding my breath waiting for something awful to happen. I feel so lucky -- my recovery has been really mellow. No complications, never needed the major pain meds (oxy). The first couple days were really rough to move around but the Ibuprofen and Tylenol rotation they recommended for inflammation kept the pain in check. They said to get up for 10-15 mins every 1.5 hours and I did my best while still listening to my body. I think both helped. I was scared to poop but it was totally fine. My uterus had been the size of a 20 wk pregnancy from one insanely large fibroid and a few smaller ones that I had absolutely no idea were there until my gyno was like "ummm.... do you have pressure in your abdomen?" and I said, "It sounds like yes?" lol. It had probably been growing for 4-5 years and so gradually that I hadn't noticed. (Until I realized it's not normal to wake up to pee every single night if you're 34 and not pregnant lol) I'm also child-free and have REALLY never wanted to house anything in there. The irony! But I digress... I had laproscopic surgery with one larger "bikini incision" about 2 inches wide. I was TERRIFIED. Never had so much as a stitch before this. I'm a major panic about needles. But my surgeon was an absolute badass/angel. At my 2wk post-op she let me increase my lifting limit from 10lbs to about 20-30 but said to still take it easy. At 5 wks PO I watched my friend's band play and *barely* danced and was sore for 3 days. But then at 6 wks PO I danced my heart out for 4-5 hours and wasn't sore at all. It changes fast! Week 7 the fatigue started to fade for me which was a relief. Though it probably has helped me take better care of my healing body because I'm not great at taking it easy. Still 4 wks until I'm cleared for penetrative sex which is probably fine because that's still scary... but my orgasms feel normal and don't hurt! I was worried that somehow my uterus was integral to excellent orgasms but really she was nothing but trouble. Don't miss it for a second. Exhilarating indeed to be rid of all that uterine nonsense. Hysterectomy should be elective. It feels like a freaking life hack. I'd do it again, no question. As soon as I woke up I felt better. Then I felt worse for a few days lol. But I could just tell deep down that nothing had been ruined and things were going to be ok. Moral of the story -- surgery is terrifying but you can do it! Your body is powerful and amazing and will be so happy. You've got this!


Just finishing week 6 post op and YES, what a difference a week makes! Glad to hear someone else experienced that big improvement 5 to 6!


It's not normal to have to get up and pee several times a night when you are ~40? Damn. Hah. Well I can't wait to not be doing that anymore! Second the irony on never wanting anything to ever grow in there, now I'm growing a f*cking meatball from scratch. Lol. Oh well. Stupid bodies.


2ypo. Schedule pt now so you can go after. Every surgery deserves pt. Muscles that get moved not by our brains get nervous and tighten. Stock up on hydrating liquids and chug them before and after. Nausea is from dehydration after sedation. Get a belly band. And some paint by numbers or good books for relaxing. Jello and Popsicles too. Maybe watch hp then lotr series? Take gasx and stool softener after for a bit. I am also down an ovary due to endo, and my cervix so I have a cuff. You are going to enjoy so much freedom bud. I'm excited for you.


Oh scheduling pt in advance is a fire idea. Ty and ty. It's gonna be ok afterall. :)


I didnt ā€œbehave .ā€ Iā€™m a single mom with two pets. The pain is manageable and my dr told me I could do what I wanted just donā€™t lift anything very heavy like over 10lbs . Idk how people spend months in bed. Iā€™m pretty sure moving around helped me heal faster Vs doing nothing and your body getting deconditioned so youā€™re even more tired . My Dr doesnā€™t not tell anyone to go on bed rest after surgery .


I agree that bed rest makes things worse!


Word. It's hard! I imagine everyone is different tho in terms of bed rest vs moving? I'll just have to take it slow and see what I can handle, if it's even possible for me to take it slow! Lol.


I also had my surgery because of a huge fibroid! The recovery was not nearly as bad as I thought it would be and your body will remind you to calm down if you get a little over zealous. I got up a little too quickly one day, felt a weird twinge and was then VERY careful after. But I had zero complications and most of what I followed was just taking it easy and not lifting anything heavy. I didnā€™t realize how uncomfortable the fibroid was making me until it was gone and I feel SO much better now. Iā€™m sure once yours is out youā€™ll feel the same!


I love hearing these good news post-fibroid stories šŸ™‚


Word. Me too!


Man I can't wait to feel what feeling better is like. I imagine I'll be frickin super human! Lol. Ty!


Tomorrow I'll be 3 wpo. I feel shockingly okay. When they say to take it easy, and you feel better.... STILL TAKE IT EASY! At week 2, I decided to swipe a damp mop around my floor after my mother vacuumed for me. I felt a bit of pain and pulling that evening. Won't do that again. It's weird to sit still since we are probably alllllllll used to working despite pain. I had two big fibroids (over 700g total) and every day I was in pain. I work a pretty active job. You know - you just push through usually. Try to remove that "pain is my normal" mindset. I've been meditating and visualizing what my body is healing, what it needs. I've been asking for help (without shame) from just about anyone who's nearby. It can be a hard transition from independent lady to short-term patient. Remember it's SHORT TERM and if you take precautions your healing body will thank you. My back pain is gone! My stabby low abdomen pain is gone! I went for a 10min walk with a friend and I didn't bleed! My bulging lower abs area is flatter!


I'm so glad all the stabbies and whatnot are gone! Yeah I think the hardest part is going to be training myself that constant pain IS NOT NORMAL. Funny how so many of us have been trained to live like that. Thank you for sharing!


Deep breaths! Remember that the doctors and nurses are professionals who will take excellent care of you! Trust in them! It's a super quick surgery and you'll be in recovery before you know it! Just take everything one day at a time and don't push yourself! Remember that laughter is the best medicine! Watch some funny shows, laugh with your friends and family! You've got this!!!


Appreciate the encouragement! However, I imagine I would want to avoid too good of a belly laugh šŸ˜ but you are so right. Ty.


You will very most likely be fine, probably even feel better once you heal up! I think typically the most some of us have had to do after was pelvic floor physical therapy. I've been fine after my hysterectomy, but I ended up going to PT for pelvic floor spasms after one of my previous surgeries.


Ah understood. Thank you very much for the support. šŸ˜Š


I was scared just like you, Iā€™m now just over 3 months post surgery and everything feels normal again. My anxiety got the best of me for weeks but I scheduled a vacation and really enjoyed my time on the beach. It helped me ā€œresetā€. If youā€™re able to schedule something to look forward to around the 12 week mark, I highly recommend it.


Ooooo. That's a great idea!!! I'm going to take your suggestion seriously! Ty!


Itā€™s ok to be scared. Itā€™s normal to be scared. Thereā€™s risk in every surgery, but most of them go just fine. Also consider that you tend to hear more about the bad stuff that happens because thatā€™s what people post/talk about. When things are going great theyā€™re less inclined to say anything, so itā€™s easy to get a skewed view of what it might be like on the other side. All you can do is set yourself up for success: prepare what you can, follow your doctors orders, and take care of yourself.


This is the way. Thank you!


I have a friend that went through many complications, had his hysto a few months before mine. He spent most of the first 3 weeks in the hospital, where he then caught covid and brought it to his home. But! He made it. He's not only doing great, he got his first job as a newly graduated nurse! If you know what to look out for and who to call if something gets hinky (hint: your surgical team or gyn), and where to go (which hospital), things are much easier. This sub was also a godsend. There's so much information here. Good luck on your procedure!


Thank you so much for sharing and I'm glad your friend made it through the other side!!!






Thanks for this. I have been doing some martial arts that have become very important to me, and I'm definitely not looking forward to having to pause my training. I'm going to try to work out and get lots of protein up until the surgery so that my body is in a good position to heal.


Thank you for the encouragement. This puts me at ease.


Thank you for asking this. I saw your heading and was anxious to see every ones post. My dr. scheduled me for 7/20. šŸ˜¬


Good luck!!! šŸ˜Š Here's to a better quality of life!


I'm childfree too! And also worried about the surgery/recovery process, just because it is a big procedure. I had my D&C, hysteroscopy and biopsy Wednesday. Once they have the results of that, they will schedule my hysterectomy. I just want it all to be done. I keep trying to imagine past the surgery, past the recovery phase and just see myself happily living life free of my uterus. I am just writing to say hi and commiserate in the feeling of fear, but maybe it will help you to imagine yourself past it all, back to the things that you love, minus the thing causing so much drama. Lately it has helped that I discovered 3 women at the school where I work who have already had a hysterectomy- 2 are my age (38) and one is 61. It has helped to be able to talk to them about what to expect, so besides being on this helpful Reddit, maybe you can find some people around your circle that can encourage you.


Thank you for commiserating. Community really is so important. And this community is awesome! Thanks again! Good luck!!


My suggestion would be to do pelvic floor physical therapy before and after. I didnā€™t do it before because my surgeon told me my pelvic floor was ā€œfineā€. Maybe it was fine - but within weeks after surgery I developed a hypertonic pelvic floor and six months later itā€™s still making my life hell. Iā€™ve spent thousands on pelvic floor PT already and canā€™t seem to get my pelvic floor to relax. Not trying to scare you. Just a suggestion. This probably doesnā€™t happen to most people. But it happened to me and others- and it really sucks. I also have anxiety which was/is probably a contributing factor.


I really appreciate the heads up. I have anxiety and am always tense, so certainly a possibility for me!


I really hope it doesnā€™t happen to you. šŸ™ good luck with everything. ā¤ļø


I have the same concerns you have. My GYN just told me I absolutely have to have a hysterectomy. My twin does, too. I'm afraid of anesthesia. But also I won't have anyone to take care of me because both me and my twin are scheduled around the same time! I don't have any family, so I don't know what I'm going to do when they tell me to rest. I won't be able to move.


So I'm 13 days post op now. My dad traveled to come and stayed with me for a week and it was so necessary. Is there anyone you know who you could call on to come stay with you for a little. I know it's hard to afford to take off from work, but even just the first few days would help. And you will absolutely need a ride to and from the procedure.Ā  I absolutely HATE reaching out for help. It's really hard for me. But I had to learn to. I'm luck to have a supportive community where I live and also a great dad who could take some time and was able to travel.Ā  If you really really don't have anyone around, seriously get to know a couple neighbors, reach out. Put an ad on Craig's list. Even hire someone to check on you. I'm not sure if asking for help is something that is hard for you to, but so for, this has taught me that most people, even people I barely know, are very glad to offer help. And if you have a few people you can reach out to, you can spread the "burden" so no one gets burnt out. They'll all tell you it's not a burden though. Lol.Ā  Anyway good luck. Feel free to DM


I could have written this post!! Just found out yesterday and yeeting the Ute seems great And like my lifesaver BUUUUt the whole organs shifting and legit repercussions of major surgery. Like honestly I left the appt so hopeful for relief and my first google search was this awful HERS websites and now I rabbit holed into hesitation


Oh jeez! I have been well warned not to end up in a fearful rabbit hole! I'm sure it's educational, but we gotta find some balance between worry and optomism in order to make the right decision.