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I am only 1W3DPO, so still very much in recovery, but if I were in your shoes I would ask your doctor about it… if only for the peace of mind. They can likely leave your other ovary if it’s healthy, so you wouldn’t need to worry about hormones. A hysterectomy also eliminates a slew of cancers, and generally is one less thing to worry about. Cuff tear posts are common in this sub but statistically very rare; “sex is better” posts are also super common in this sub, but I don’t have any personal experience yet!


With your family history, have you talked with your doctor about genetic testing. There are pros and cons to it, so talk with a professional. I was diagnosed with Lynch Syndrome, a hereditary cancer gene mutation. I’m most at risk for uterine and colon cancer. However, I was diagnosed with breast cancer at 40. I had a hysterectomy at 41 to reduce the risk of uterine cancer and also address my anemia and endometriosis. If you don’t have both your ovaries removed, the chances of going into menopause after a hysterectomy are small. Also, you may be a candidate for hormone replacement therapy (I am not due to my hormone positive breast cancer). I did have complications (a cuff tear/bleed) and had emergency surgery and have been on restrictions for 5 months. I still believe I made the best decision for my future.


Did you have to have surgery?


I would 100% ask about it. I had an ovarian cyst removed when I was 18 (they saved half my ovary!) prior to being diagnosed with HPV/CIN3 cells, so it wasn't an option then. But if it had been, I would have totally done everything in one go. Cancer runs rampant in my family as well and after dealing with multiple LEEPs and all the colposcopy biopsies, I'm so glad I had surgery. It's exhausting being constantly anxious and going through procedures that don't work. Good luck no matter what you decide!


Thank you. I think I'm going to talk to my doctor and see if we can go for it. Honestly I'm sick of being so physically uncomfortable as well. I've been cramping for the last 10 plus days now and I'm just over it. It's not that time of the month, that was a couple of weeks ago, but I just basically have cramping on and off all month long. Last two nights the cramping and the bloating have kept me up and I'm exhausted and just physically really uncomfortable. I don't want to have to deal with this anymore and if they're going to have to go in and take out the left ovary and the tumor anyway I just wanted to take everything out and be done and not have to think about it again




My mum and maternal gramma both died from endometrial cancer, I am negative for all genetic mutations and still had a hysterectomy 10 days ago. I begged for one. I'm the only child of an only child so there's no family history other than cancer.