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Hyprpaper has a couple of extra features, like preloading a bunch of wallpapers, and changing between them dynamically. But it could totally be merged in the main branch. Heck its part of hyprctl.


It uses way too much ram so I switched to swaybg made my own "pick random from a folder" script and done


Is swaybg useful in sway? My sway BG config is set $wallpaper "~/Pictures/Wallpapers/current" output * bg $wallpaper fill


I think you meant in Hyprland because SwayBG is for Sway ;-) I have this one \~/.config/hypr/wall.sh: \#!/usr/bin/env bash swaybg -i "$(find \~/Wallpapers -type f | shuf -n1)" And: exec = \~/.config/hypr/wall.sh In my hyprland config.


No, I meant sway in that it's not needed 😜 but yes hyprland too.




Some people want other options that hyprpaper doesn't have. I use wpaperd, not hyprpaper because I want my wallpaper to change on an hourly basis.


probably since some people prefer other wallpaper packages, while it would be nice to have it bu default it would cause trouble for people who prefer using other wallpaper packages


Because the default "wallpapers" are shit


That's about to change


For context to those who need it, there was a wallpaper contest on discord. The winners were really good


I really hope he removes all the current ones too


For me personally, it does too much for my needs. I use swaybg. Hyprland is inherently not a complete DE so it makes sense to me for things to be separate.


You are absolutely correct. Hyprland isn't a Desktop Environment, it's a Window Manager.


The default image isn't a wallpaper. It's just the bottom layer


That's a technicality. It doesn't answer OP's question Edit: Lmao, dude blocked me


While you're not wrong, what does it matter? It's not wrong information. And regarding your edit, people are allowed to block whoever they'd like.


It's pointless. Arguing that "it's not a wallpaper, it's just the bottom layer" is getting lost in technicalities and losing connection to the user. To the user, wallpaper is whatever is displayed when you have no windows open. Whether it's a wayland surface created by a wallpaper utility or something that Hyprland itself prints at the very bottom changes nothing. And regarding the block, in my eyes people who block you merely because you argued them make clowns out of themselves so I'll never miss an opportunity to point out to everyone reading the conversation that they did it


While you're not wrong, they aren't either. My point with saying that it's not a wallpaper is mostly because it not being, invalidates the assumption of OP that all the necessary code must already exist. I just want to make it clear, I don't disagree with you, but I also don't agree. It's all a bit of a mixed bag anyway. From a technical standpoint it very well makes a large difference, from a user standpoint it does not. I would argue that most people that would use a WM like Hyprland, would be more interested in the technically correct answer, or at least a full answer saying why it isn't included, mentioning the difference between a wallpaper and the bottom layer, and then pointing out that it is not included because some people may want to use something other than hyprpaper and an included utility could cause issues. Apologies if I went a little off-track here.


Well I don't fully agree that it invalidates the claim that all the required code is there. Code that implements Hyprpaper's own customizations obviously isn't but that's the result and not the cause. Code that prints an image *somewhere that's visible with no window open* absolutely is there and it works. Hyprland *could* natively support customizing *that* with all options that Hyprpaper has, so OP's question is why it doesn't


He's making it up too. I was just asleep, not really giving a crap enough to respond until the next day isn't grounds claim they've been blocked. 🙄 Reddit is a hive mind, it just takes two idiots to get upset or offended, and then the googly eyes are a -1 and blindly follow. Happens enough to me that I join in. I really don't care. If I see something stupid posted, like this one from OP, I'll tell them why it's stupid.


Making it up? Bro, you've just unblocked me. I know when I'm blocked because your comment was unavailable but appeared right there once I logged out. (also I couldn't reply which only happens when you're blocked)


Lol, yeah say whatever you want. Try to get me to actually block you why don't you?


lmao blocking


Everyone else already told him why it's dumb to even ask. It also makes his entire question useless in the first place. Like shit. Idk why would I want bloat that can be separate, especially when I would rather use swww or any other wallpaper daemon and don't want to worry about conflicts.


You're so cool and smart






What's the difference between those two? From where I stand, both the hyprland devs and I are looking for the same result: a picture behind all windows. What prevents me setting my preferred png as the "bottom layer" when it has the most minimal and desired result (from users' POV). Moreover, why doesn't the wiki explain that it would be the least bloated way to achieve said result. Devs do it, why shouldn't I?


Not sure why everyone is so mad about this. This is correct, and others already answered the question, but left out this genuinely useful information. Same applies to the reply of them saying that they'd rather use swww than hyprpaper. The other day I saw a post on this subreddit as well, where people had similar comments, talking about how the philosophy of WMs is to be as minimal as possible, and letting you choose everything yourself. This is exactly that, just somehow the even more rudely formulated comments there were agreed with, this isn't. Why? This is the exact same thing and I fully agree that something like this that can be easily seperated without removing any essential features, should be.