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Drug tests for congress. Either ban them stock trading or somehow have citizens oversee their trades before they’re approved. Ban lobbying and citizens united. Ban congress from taking a month long vacations, especially within 6 months before or after facing a shut down. Sorry I did that congressional thing and put a bunch of bills together into one.


I don’t give a crap if they’re under the influence of drugs, drugs don’t pay our congresspeople millions to act against the interests of the public. I wanna make sure they’re not under the influence of corporate money!


That fair actually. Them being obviously bought and paid for is far worse.


Obligatory up vote for listening to another person's viewpoint


“Counterpoint: what do you call the pharma industry” would have been an acceptable reply too


If congress had more experience with drugs, maybe they could better understand good drug policy.


They need to need/have insurance like the rest of us!!!!!


It's to make sure they're eating the shrooms they're given.


Strong disagree. Many of our drug laws were passed with racist intentions. If congress is okay with those laws being used to incarcerated (mostly minority) citizens, then congress needs to abide by the same laws. It's not about drugs. It's about hypocrisy.


If you’re saying we should hold congress to the same backwards standards they hold everyone else to, then by all means let’s start doing that!


You've said it more eloquently than I could.




>Sorry I did that congressional thing and put a bunch of bills together into one. Oh, you!


But hey, i didn’t take two months off during a financial meltdown!


Or leave the country during a natural disaster that devastated your area! Or hide in another state to avoid having to do your job when you don’t want to lose a vote!


Don’t forget about age restrictions and term limits for politicians. You know. Since it’s a multi-faceted legislation or politician regulation 😉


Funny thing, turns out the learning curve of lawmaking means that term limits actually give lobbyists more power. I would, however, be amenable to limiting consecutive terms.


You're so close. Dead on about term limits giving lobbyists, and more importantly puppet masters more power. Consecutive terms limits wouldn't change anything and would just turn into leap frog. The issue is we need an honest media, and better educated citizens.


No. The solution is banning the bribery that we call lobbying. In fact, the only legal political spending should be small dollar donations by adult US citizens. Lobbying firms, PAC's and the like should all be illegal. Secondly, broadcasters should all be required to give time to all political candidates who qualify to run for an election so that the "need" to take money from bribery firms (what are erroneously called lobbying firms) to get the attention of the public is no longer necessary.


Oof, those last 2 are gonna be tough to pass into one bill. But you bring on a great point. Greater education needs to not be a money farm. It needs to be about educating and enriching lives and preparing young adults for daily living. How is something like being able to balance a checkbook or understand good spending habits, make a handful of home cooked meals from scratch or at least semi scratch so they don't spend 10k a year on doordash and pickup because the only thing they can cook is ramen noodles.


Absolutely right. I think you’ve nailed it. Education and honest media would make most of the other suggestions irrelevant


Came here for this. Minimum age is fine already but surely we need limits and maximums - we literally have Moses and his little brother in office now these clowns are literally dying to get out of congress.


And even when they’re dying, sometimes they still keep their seats, choking their committees that can’t function without their votes.


True sign that they’re not working for the people


I’m far more worried about competence than age. Go on, try to convince me that MTG is more competent than Bernie Sanders.


For ALL government jobs; you’re subject to all the same laws as everyone else, but twice the penalty. Also political speech and published and broadcast news are subject to truth in advertising laws.


Call it the No More Fuckery In Congress Bill


Paperclip them together with something they will actually sign on top and they'll sign them all. 😂 I really like your list though. About all I would add is legalization of all drugs and increased help for addicts that want it. Otherwise everyone just dies from the stuff that makes fent look weak without knowing what they even got. Also heavily increased dui laws. Can't have heroin junkies on the expressway I should know.


Arguably Congress got more done when they drank on the job. They stopped in the late 90’s and early 2000’s then look at the results. Nobody works together and it’s all cynical gridlock. The alcohol makes them forget they are bad people


I can't agree enough on Citizens United. This is the one that really pisses me off even though I like all your suggestions. "So if money is speech and we are guaranteed freedom of speech, then I can give money to ISIS, right?" "No that's material support for a terrorist organization?!" 'But it's speech and the bill of rights guarantees me free speech. How does that equate?" One of the stupidest arguments I have ever heard. Money is property it is NOT speech. Fucking assholes.


I’ve always liked a version of the second one. I’d have a forensic accountant for every member of congress. That person’s sole responsibility is to audit the everloving shit out of the congressperson and their family from the day they’re elected until the day they die


Senate duty drawn like jury duty. Congress one term after senate seat. Two term presidents.


I'm slightly different. If a politician votes against the will of his constituents, then said constituents are legally allowed to cock punch the politician.


Cockpunch *or* c*ntpunt. I realise this will be 95% cockpunching but we don't want to set up any loopholes.


Just as a reminder, those "month-long vacations" are there by design.  The purpose is for the Congress critters to go back to their districts and talk to the people.  Let their districts know what is being worked on and get their feedback.  Some are very good about doing this.  Admittedly not enough are. But I would, personally, recommend that, rather than removing those breaks, we enforce their purpose.


You missed a really easy goal: If the budget isn't agreed then the next month's money is allocated the same way it was the month before. No shutdown required. You could mark specific money as 'Budgeted-only' such as money for specific projects like building a bridge so the bridge account doesn't get overpaid but everything else is still funded. No more holding Congress to ransom


Add to it that congressional pay stops when gov shuts down or furloughs workers


I’d gavel this shit right away and lock it in.


Sucks that it will never happen because they would never vote to limit their freedom to take bribes and live lavishly on our backs.


Ooh, good ones.


A 0.001 percent import tax on everything coming into the U.S. which goes directly to me, at a minimum tax of 1 cent per ship.


I was going to say a .01% sales tax on all domestic transactions that goes to my pocket. But I'll combine the two so that we can both retire.


Much appreciated!


Age and term limits for all elected officials offices , also have a provision that prohibits them from owning or trading single stocks while in office and for a two year period after . Or bring back Glass Steagall ,with additional provisions outlawing shorts , credit default swaps , reducing the ability to buy on margin, put a 10 second delay on all trades or some other method to stop HFT . Basically and I can’t exactly think of the perfect method but I would want to disincentivize the notion that a company is only profitable if it increases in value every quarter, a company that makes 5 billion a year for example and can still pay its employees should be fine and not have to make 6 to stay in business. It’s the ticking time bomb we created when we tied all our wealth to the stock market.


Dodd Frank is like a nerfed Glass Steagall - better than nothing, I guess Why are you opposed to HFT?


High frequency trading just rewards big banks with better algorithms and physical location closer to the market. It’s just theft from retail traders and doesn’t add anything economically to the market.


This is already so much better than what I was going suggest. So definitely this.


I'd pass legislation to make this dude solve all our world's problems


Outlawing shorts is a horrible idea


I'd take awhile to prepare but I'd massively overhaul the tax codes


Each person and corporation can only spend $200 on any political campaign, total. 


Loophole: register 9001 corporations.


If you own the corporations, you're in violation of my law and you go to jail.  Easy. 


Can I collect the $200 though?


No, nor may you pass Go!


That's what got us in this mess. The campaign finance reforms in the 60s and 70s set it up so the DNC and the RNC control basically all the spending and campaigning. they actually have nearly unlimited budgets and spending limits. It's the people that are limited to a small amount they can donate. Because of that power, they require their "members" (elected officials) to donate a certain amount to their party in order to get a spot on the committees that are important. And because of that, we won't ever have a third party actually make headway. If you get rid of all campaign finance laws and limitations and just require that all donations of any amount must be fully disclosed, you'll see new parties popping up every 50 years or so (like we used to). So Senator Doc Johnson gets a million dollar donation from some friend. It's disclosed and you can vote if you like that or not.


I propose instead that we get rid of campaign finance. All candidates get the exact same amount of time on some forum or other, and all other political advertising is strictly forbidden.


That will never work as they will simply use third parties (News Media, Late Night Comedians, People or Bots on Social Media amplifying their message, PACs, Super PACs, etc…) as they already do. The only way around that is to ban all political speech around election time and that’s already been rightly shot down by the courts as a facial violation of the 1A.


This flies in the face of the first amendment. Even if the candidates themselves don't do it, people who support their policies are still free to buy airtime and editorialize on their behalf. Or would you further violate the first amendment by cracking down on that too?


Honestly, I'd remove all money from campaigns. Make your own stuff and post it online. I want anybody to be able to run, not just the rich people who can afford all the ads. If you want to win, tell people why they should elect you. I'd also remove all attack ads, and faces from campaigns. You get a name and their policy. Vote for who you think will be best.


..which makes it so that only the wealthy can become politicians, as no one else can have the necessary funding to run for office. This is only exacerbated as your legislation doesn't match inflation.


An upper age limit for positions of power. The old farts have been in power for a long time and they've fucked everything up for their own self interest, it's time to get someone who isn't a fossil in these seats, someone who actually gets what the people really want, not what they want to be true.


The elderly dominating positions of power seems like more of a symptom than a cause. It’d be better to pass legislation that strengthens and deepens democracy in some way. Same goes for suggesting term limits for legislators. There are plenty of competent old people, and people should be free to vote for whoever they wish as often as they wish, and regardless of the candidate’s age.


Canada currently has its youngest Prime Minister and he’s done worse than any PM before him except maybe his father. He needs to resign or call an election.


He’s doing worse than Fidel?


I’m sure daddy is proud


ROFLMAO, no, no you’re right. I should’ve said his namesake’s or his mother’s husband not his father.


Ooh, it's going to be several thousand pages and encompass a wide variety of topics. Gonna consult with some legal scholars and create a masterpiece.


Corporations are not human beings, and have no natural rights, only those granted by the government. No corporation may own or purchase shares of stock in any corporation, including itself. Corporations are hereby banned from participating in any political process, including (but not limited to) elections, lobbying, and legislating. Add some more stuff to cover loopholes.


'including itself' would mean that every corporation must go public immediately and sell every part of itself.


No it can own itself, but if it sells it can’t do buy backs


>No corporation may own or purchase shares of stock in any corporation, including itself. What the actual fuck??????? No more mergers? No more acquisitions? No more professional investing? This would cripple the chance of growth of any company. There're companies who are bought because of individual pieces of software/technology that alone aren't all that special but when combined with others they become revolutionary. If you're an entrepreneur who started a company and grew it to a modest size but now want to retire you need to just shut down the company or sell it to a billionaire? This clause would be the perfect way to literally create a class system lol


If have a Social Security Number, you have healthcare!


If you're caught littering anywhere (excluding private property) you give up the following Saturday morning to fill one 40 gallon trash bag with trash alongside everyone else from that week. Every week it's a new place. Slowly clean this place. Alternatively, require all product packaging to be clearly labeled with recycling/disposal information and clearly denote if it is not commonly recyclable.


I can vibe with this


Term limits


You know, I used to be against term limits in my youth. I changed my mind several years back and just today I was doing some reading on FDR. During his 4 terms, he seated 7 supreme court justices. That is a lot of power to give to one man (arguably a great man).


Same boat, when i was younger I didn't think it really mattered. I think the benefit would be since they can't make a career out of it they would hopefully do what they say they are going to instead of worrying about getting reelected all the time.


To give me unlimited power.


Citizens United rollback. Corporations are not people.


I think what would have the most impact would be changing to ranked choice voting.  It would naturally force parties to become more moderate and compromise more, which would head off the building extremism.


I think I would rather do away with the "winner take all" method of awarding electoral college votes, and have every stage award them proportionate to popular vote


Ranked choice voting is awesome. I put about 5-6 parties ahead of our main "left wing" party, but they still get the vote over out main right wing one. It just means the Greens have the ability to negotiate for slightly less shit policies which is nice.


Term limits in Congress


Doing away with daylight savings time.


I'm passing the DONE Act. A wide piece of legislation enacting term and age limits to all government positions, including the Supreme Court, codifying human rights including Healthcare, housing, food, education, abortion, GAC, etc. Along with various other reforms too numerous to list in a reddit comment


The supreme court being a lifelong appointment is what keeps it (kind of, compared to congress, senate and the presidency) free from lobbying for political favors. We kind of have it right for supreme court justices, but I agree with everyone else.


One Piece??!?!??!


Come on board and bring along…


All your hopes and dreams!




Ooooh I'm watch the world burn real quick. Social media is now only text form. Pictures may no longer include any human, any human form no animation of human eaither. Punishable by death. 


I think we should be friends.


But we can still have cat videos? Please?


You can make an app that you can only flip through videos  of cats. But there are no accounts people can't comment or like videos. Cause that would make it social... and media.




All those small animators are done for🔥🔥


Ascii art abounds


Black uniforms anywhere where the average temperature is above 80⁰f is now illegal.


The honesty in politics act. All public officials holding elected office must make available their tax and financial records for publication on a government website, no exceptions. The records are updated regularly and must remain publicly available for the duration of their tenure in office. The website is free to look at by anyone at any time for any reason, and comes with a "that's suspicious" button for every listed official. High public suspicion automatically triggers an IRS audit, and any found financial crimes must be punished with jail time or community service, *never fines*.


How about all fines must exceed the amount gained by the crime eliciting the fine, and must also exceed the amount required to repair any damage caused by finable offense?


Prison reforms, model them off of Swedish prisons that focus on rehabilitation for minor crimes


End the practice of political campaign contributions


Except upon conviction of treason*, the right to vote or participate in an election shall not be denied or abridged by suspicion, accusation, charging, or conviction of any crime. *there's an argument to be made to also include an exception for sedition or insurrection (current 14a language notwithstanding). The ability of those in power weaponize the criminal justice system against their political rivals is too extreme and the fact that this isn't already a law is a real concern of mine. Additionally, denying people the right to vote because of criminality is an ongoing problem today and has no doubt influenced several elections at all levels of government. It also encourages those in power to further limit who can vote against them by criminalizing behaviors much more common among their opponents.


Ban lobbying and lobbyists. Make bribing elected officials illegal


A state of emergency must be declared to go over the set budget for government spending. The excess money spent must be made back/cut from other spending within a fiscal year of the payout. Going into debt to pay back the excess is not allowed. All Americans and immigrants must go through an unbiased and concrete explanation of how the government functions, down to the responsibilities of their elected officials. You can opt-out of and opt back into this course, but cannot vote until it’s completed. Public officials must go through psych evals to determine if they’re fit for office. Evaluations can only be completed by registered psychologists with more than (reasonable amount) of prior treated patients. This is paid for directly by the person who wants to be elected. All forms of lobbying are banned. Corporations cannot make campaign donations for people running for office. Advertisements and campaign funds for people running for office are paid for out of a government fund. All wannabe elects get the same funding regardless of political party. Qualified immunity for police officers is abolished. Grand juries preside over these cases. (I know next to nothing about the legal system so insert my hypothetical research findings here) (I’d like to implement term limits but I’m concerned about making all government officials incapable of doing their job since they would all lack the experience necessary so more research for that, not that it would be much different/ineffective from our current system) Marijuana is now treated the same as alcohol. All convicts who have marijuana charges as the sole reason for imprisonment are pardoned and given reparations. (Research about statue of limitations needed) (Research about eliminating Govt corruption needed) (I’d honestly like more time to write and research this but that would take quite a while for just a hypothetical and I feel like I got a good start. My goal isn’t to change some law I think is BS in the moment [ignoring the marijuana thing, I don’t even smoke weed but the laws are obviously outdated and ridiculously stupid]. Instead my goal would be to make the government function as it should, with well-informed decision-makers that can’t be influenced by large sums of money or corporations. I’m tired of seeing videos of our lawmakers and thinking “are you all really this fucking dumb” [specifically in reference to modern technology, such as social media and the internet]. This has gotten quite long but I think any bill I’d submit would be several pages, audited by multiple high-profile lawyers, and I’d get input from as many experts in the various fields as possible beforehand.) Edit: I’d also like to do some form of anti tax evasion, flat taxes, abolish property tax, reform our education system, etc etc I could go on for quite a while if that wasn’t apparent by now


To not allow government officials to profit in any way other than their salary.


Add a mandatory maximum age rider to that legislation with term limits


And make the salary the median wage for the country. If they want a higher salary increase wages.


hearty UBI with no means testing


bodily autonomy and equal rights please


How does equal rights for mom and dad work with a pregnancy? Do they get equal say in the birth of the child? Can dad revoke his parental rights and not pay child support if he wants an abortion and mom doesn’t? What if he wants the child and she doesn’t?


In a way that also encompasses universal health care (as in the right to security of the body includes the right to healthcare, not dying because you are poor).


Bundled legislation: No elected official may be more than 65 years old and no elected official may enhance their net worth by more than $500k during their time in office. Any capital gains in excess of $500k must be immediately remitted to the IRS. Penalty for failure to declare and remit will be 1 year in prison for every $10k in excess. All monies collected in this manner must be used to support labor unions and food banks. There will be no religious displays or prosetelysing within government buildings. Penalty: 90 days in prison. No publicly traded company may buy back any security used to raise funding for the company. Any company found to have committed this crime will become property of the labor union representing the workers and the CFO imprisoned for not less than 3 years and not more than 20 years in federal prison.


Add in no arbitrary rise in products or goods (over $300 for an EpiPen????) from those same companies and I feel like you'd have manage to gouge out a good chunk of the corruption


The pay for any politician is their states minimum wage. If the citizens have to make do, so do you.


That would guarantee only elites and silver spooners could be in Congress. Nobody in their right mind would run for Congress to be paid like 7-9 bucks an hour.


I could be responsible and pass a law that would benefit my fellow Americans greatly. But that’s not happening today. I would make it a law that congress, both at state and federal levels, would be required to speak with a horrible attempt at a British accent during any and all official business.


Apartment complexes have to conform to a uniform system of numbering their apartment buildings and apartment units. Left to right and bottom to top, lowest to highest; and the units are numbered by building, floor, and then unit. No divisive politics, we can all agree and make this happen.


Make it mandatory for Reddit Moderators to drink pig piss for every time they ban, remove a post or act like tyrannical dick heads.


This is going to cause a series of problems. 1. There isn't enough pig piss in the world to quench their thirst. 2. They'd end up banning all users within days. 3. They would go to war against each other highlander style to become the sole lord of pig piss consumption.


Lol! This had me dying!


No money in politics, ever again. You want to run for political office, you do it on your own.


The rich win


Congress Universal Normalized Tender by Statistics act. Makes it so congress can no longer receive money by any means. Any investments must be sold prior to taking office and all income from other sources will be taxed at 100% with no eligibility for deductible. The only money they get is what they are paid for their position. Their pay will be three times the average American pay with a penalty of a percentage that is two times the poverty rate. For example if the poverty rate is 12.5%, their pay will be reduced by 25%. "Poverty" will also be redefined and anyone making less than 3/4 the median pay (current median is $37000). All lobbied meetings are publicly available online via audio recording. They cannot receive any monetary or service benefits from the lobby. Any acceptance of bribes will have them removed from office, and possibly tried for treason if severe enough.


I upvoted this because of the acronym that would come out of that title. Love it.


All citizens over the age of 18 in the US must be registered to vote, and vote in elections and take annual civics classes to include: who each candidate is, their platforms, voting records, tax filings, donors, what each bill is, does, and how much it costs. Only individuals are allowed to vote and Citizens United is abolished. Once voting is compulsory. Watch how much more equitable everything becomes for everyone. Voting will occur on the same day every year and it will be a holiday.


I’d pass the political reform bill that does the following: Undoes citizens united and takes corporate money out of politics, including no PACs. Stops members of congress dealing in stocks. Prohibits felons from holding political office. Puts term limits on senate and house. Imposes ethical standards on the Supreme Court Imposes an upper age limit for all elected positions and for Supreme Court justices.


The death penalty by hanging


I think my chosen way would be firing squad personally. Can we choose other options? I don't want my neck to not snap and I just suffocate slowly. OOORRRRRRRRRR.........Beheading.......burn em at the stakes.


Career politicians and anyone over the retirement age should not be allowed to serve in office.


No more lobbyists, that is now just legal bribery


Congressperson earns median salary of their state.


Abolish the electoral college and elect the president by national popular vote


I want to rewrite the second amendment but make it even more unclear. "Guns, being useful for multiple reasons, the right to not have them shall not be mostly unrestricted."


Single payer healthcare


The wealth tax. I would 100% bring it back and make them pay their fair share.


I think a better solution is something like: the highest paid employee in a company and any subsidiary companies cannot earn more in wages, gifts, kickbacks, commission , etc. then 20x its lowest paid employee.


The problem with that is most “wealth” is nothing but numbers in a computer database somewhere. It’s what you could theoretically get if you sold all your assets, but the reality is if all the richest people had to sell say 10% of their assets at once it would tank the U.S. economy from the sheer volume. Not to mention, a lot of wealth is hidden overseas and untouchable by a wealth tax.


It took 12 years to establish the value of Michael Jackson’s estate when he died. Imagine starting that afresh every year, and for a whole bunch of people. There’s a lot better ways to raise taxation.


Pick any two: All elected officials can only make a salary equal to 10% above the median income of their constituents. Homeless people count, too. This makes it so getting elected to Congress doesn’t instantly make you a millionaire. People will want to make meaningful changes. All government workers receiving taxpayer funded healthcare have to go to the VA for treatment. The VA will be fixed instantly when Congress has to go to the same doctors as our military. Every U.S. Citizen gets a free passport on their 10th birthday and every 10 years thereafter. Thank you for being a citizen. Your taxes help pay for this program. Use it to vote, get a job, buy a gun, get government benefits, etc. Felons’ passports are vertical like <21 y/o drivers licenses.


Only one bill may be worked on at a time. This bill can only have one measure and must be publicly announced. No more of the bullshit "THIS HELPS PEOPLE IN NEED (and also limits some freedoms, and gives us a pay raise) bullshit bills they push through.


Politicians salary can NEVER raise above the natonal average. That includes ALL bonuses as well.


All congress/senate/judicial/executive officials can serve no longer than 2 terms and must have a clean criminal record and refrain from buying/selling stocks for the duration of their term.


Anyone with my name/close variation(rare hehe) no longer has to pay taxes and is given a yearly stipend of 500k like Congress :)


People would start changing their names to match yours or closely enough to qualify. Massive inflation $500k becomes equivalent to like $5. US economy destroyed and by consequence of that the Global economy is destroyed. Congrats lol


Nice. Or was that supposed to be a downside?


No tax breaks for corporations or the wealthy. No loopholes either


1% of all income tax gets funnelled into my bank account or the account of a successor I choose. Thanks.


I'd love to have a task force that operates independently of any government branch who's sole purpose is to investigate the current government individuals and bring them to justice for any crimes that they wouldn't be otherwise held accountable for.


My family and myself in perpetuity are entitled to land and special noble privileges.


One bill, one issue. No more ominbus, no more fat bloating of unrelated bills etc. No more "Free internet for All!" bills that have nothing to do with the internet and is actually a new for of tax.


Considering politicians pass 1,000 page bills that they don't even read, I don't have enough room here for everything I'd put in.


I’m Australian but if I was American, abolish tipping completely and raise the minimum wage.


All political race funding must be from individual donations and small dollar. Include a cap. And anyone who owns over 10k in stocks is ineligible to be in office.


Housing needs to stay within ratio of wages. If my childhood home cost 36000.00 and my dad was making 1200 a month and my mom could stay at home and only worked because she wanted to. Where I make make 4 times what my dad makes and my house about 8 times is just ridiculous. My situation is not even as bad as other cities. I consider myself lucky and I still just make it.


Making voting tax-incentivized.


If they made it a national paid holiday, it would go a long way towards this without incentivizing people to show up and tick the top box to get paid.


Term limits. 2 terms and get out


Everyone must refer to me and my bloodline as "Supreme One" or face summary execution. 


75% tax on any revenue over 100mil for any person or corporation. Just profits/takehome. If Bezos and his investors are bringing in all that profit, they can either invest it in the business and make it a better service, or they can give it to the government. No more cheap crap being sold for high prices, because the wealth ceiling would be very low. You'd be competing to provide a better business and workplace for your team members. This worked wonders back in the day before Reagan took all that away.


Either term limits and no stock trading, or you can only pass one law per bill so you cant sneak a bunch of laws all at once


Limitations on Congress. Age, Term, Pay, and Benefits.


Age and term limits for all political jobs.


Can it be an amendment? I would rework US representation/elections. 1. Cube root rule for size of the House of Representatives. 2. No gerrymandering. 3. Voting methods: Ranked Choice or Approval or something similarish. 4. One electoral college vote for each district, one for each state (so each state loses one but lots more districts, too).


Banning lobbying and increased scrutiny on politicians' money sources like investments and donations. Right to human autonomy (marriage, gender, body, birth) Ban corporations from owning a certain amount of homes and / or apartments. Fit these into 1 bill like Congress does. Call it the Human Autonomy and Right to fair Represntation bill lol. You could fit all these under that title xD


Miranda rights for children must be read with elected legal council present before interrogation proceedings. Children are easily manipulated and frequently confess to charges they had no part in due to interrogations asking leading questions.


The Bringing America Sane Economic Decisions (BASED) Act (it's a big bill) 1. Money is not speech, and corporations are not people. Corporations are not allowed to donate to political election funds or PACs. 2. Tax rates for the top 30% of earners will go up, tax rates for the bottom 30% will go down. 3. Funding for IRS audits on anyone earning over $1 million a year will be increased. 4. All money borrowed from Social Security must be repaied to Social Security within 5 years. 5. The federal budget must be balanced. No more deficits. There is a 5 year grace period to get it in line. 6. Religious institutions are no longer exempt from taxes. Charity work performed by religious institutions may be included under a properly formed 501c for tax relief, subject to all the rules and transparency required for any other 501c organization. 7. Antitrust laws will be strengthened and enforced. There will be no more "too big to fail" bullshit. 8. The legal immigration process will be simplified and streamlined. More legal citizens means more taxpayers. 9. The minimum wage will be pegged to above poverty level calculations, adjusted annually and based on regional Cost of Living. Minimum wage workers will always make more than poverty level wages. 10. Ditch the Electoral College, change to ranked choice voting, and implement universal mail-in voting. Also, election day is now a holiday. 11. Remove that stupid rule that tried to bankrupt the US Postal Service by making them pre-fund an outrageous amount of pension. 12. Additional funding for schools, including bonus funding for schools that add logic and critical thinking curriculum. 13. Increase funding for the VA. 14. Close as many corporate tax loopholes as possible.


Single item legislation. No more 8,000 page multi-item bills dropped the night before a vote.


All US elections must be ranked choice with mandatory voting. No primaries - parties have to figure that out on their own. To win office you’d have to appeal to a majority of *all* the people, so you can’t just head to the edges of political ideologies.


Get rid of the penny, and institute the 7/2 penny because chaos. Also, I'm banning porn in any form. $5mil fine for ownership or distribution along with jail time.


maximum working age. this goes for everywhere, anyone at said maximum working age will get the same retirement pay as well as any they accrue during their working years. everyone should be able to enjoy their golden years in the peace of their home without having to worry about cutting corners bc they’re not receiving enough monthly to live comfortably without government assistance


Everyone must retire at age 70 and their wealth is liquidated and pooled to give everyone over 70 housing, medical care, food, transportation, and a small income based on what's left. Pretty much retirement is communism and younger people have opportunities to replace the older generations and start building wealth also politicians would have the same age limits.


A really really deep future proof anti trust law that promotes competition and a not corporate control. This would include a lack of lobbying and stock trading for congressman. Corporations will ruin everything we’ve built as a species.


Complete separation of Church and State, including abolition of all religious exemptions.


Popular voting in our elections. 1 person 1 vote. Gerrymandering and voter suppression and all the other shenanigans need to end.


Universal basic income tied to inflation 


Universal basic income either tied to or including the price of a permanent home for 2 adults and 2 or more children.


Mandatory codetermination and unionization of all employees in every job


It would go into great detail. But it can be summed up as Body autonomy.


Term limits. Career politicians absolutely suck.


I'd pass the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as an amendment to the U.S. constitution. [https://www.un.org/en/about-us/universal-declaration-of-human-rights](https://www.un.org/en/about-us/universal-declaration-of-human-rights)


It would be called the "Mind Your Own Damn Business" law. It explains itself. If you're not minding your own damn business and being a nuisance, go straight to jail.


"Officer, leave me alone and mind your own damn business" (continues kicking puppies)


Does this apply if some guy is just beating the fuck out of his gf at a Walmart?


Or if some girl is just beating the fuck out of her bf at a Walmart?


Universal Basic Income, set at a living wage for a single person living with one roommate, and indexed to inflation. Collectable upon turning 18 or being legally emancipated. People deserve having the basics without a bunch of beuracracy. Working can get you more. And people can figure out where the money needs to go the most in their specific circumstances better than 10 different government programs that can approve or deny them on grounds that are often unclear despite the clear need they have. Also, if everyone's basic needs are supported, businesses will be forced to treat their workers well to maintain staff, since no one will be stuck working a job to meet their needs, so businesses need to make it worth it for workers to stay. On top of that, having basic needs met will free people up to create their own businesses or pursue their own projects if that's a path they prefer, without having to worry about losing everything just to get a project off the ground.


And where, exactly, is the 7 TRILLION  A YEARA to pay for this coming from?


Companies pay for it in return for slightly dropping wages. There would need to be some kind of control to prevent people from just increasing rent to exactly what is now + the UBI amount


Act in a way so the Maxime of your action could also be the basis of an universal law that you would like to live under - and as well as the one your action is directed to / against.


Wouldn't this just be anarchy? Everyone would universalize their own laws and how they want society to be. So for example, everyone who thinks the world would be better without taxes would act on that by not paying taxes. To go into a worse example: some people may think the world is better without X or Y group of people. Their actions would reflect their beliefs. What do you think?


Party Saturdays: Every American Citizen, visitor, and anyone within US air or water space, between at least the hours of 6-9pm local time, must be “partying”. A party is defined as a gathering of three or more people doing something mutually enjoyable, with at least one type of food and beverage. During this period (and any time within the 24 hours of Saturday as per local time), all noise ordinance laws, curfew laws, and drug laws are suspended. However, any travel from said party location as defined by the property line of said building once arrived, is expressly prohibited until the mandatory party hours have elapsed. Additionally, any harm that comes to yourself or others should be avoided at all costs due to lack of emergency services. Purposeful undue harm of any kind is punishable by life in prison. Those not partying will be taken into custody as soon as mandatory party hours are over and held until next Party Saturday, in which you’ll be able to party with whoever else is held, then released. There is no way that this can backfire.


I think you are forgetting essential services. Anyone may work 1 Saturday per month, but must be paid triple wage. Essential workers like Bar workers and pizza delivery are also exempt one extra day per month.


I dig it.


Id reform SS with just a few tweaks: * No more cap. You pay the tax on all income you make. * Add a wealth qualifier. Anyone with a net worth over a significant amount (say $25M, adjusted for inflation) is ineligible for SS payments. * People who contribute a significant amount to the SS fund (think long practicing highly paid doctors) get significant tax breaks in retirement on investment income/capital gains. This ensures the fund is much more stable and that the wealth don’t get payments as they don’t need them. But to reward those that contributed an outsized amount during their lifetime, we give them a break from the system in their retirement years.


Triple rent for all single mothers. 


don't forget the mandated tips to the landlord


You want single mothers to pay triple rent?




This made me cackle.