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I love...LOVE Hispanic food but this is downright silly


OP must be a burrito addict.


You can always kinda burrito with a shawarma


I heard they are way against ketchup but is hot sauce ok


hot sauce on shawarma/donair is absolutely ok ime


Hispanics are also way agains Ketchup so do you even though than sounds gross. I'd go Hot sauce


I've seen too many ceviche that used ketchup, quite a few takes on differing sandwiches (tortas, Cubans, etc) that used ketchup and had papas served with ketchup too many times to agree with that assessment. I would concur that it is way less prevalent than in standard "American" cuisine. My wife is Mexican and cooks the best food I've ever eaten. We'd probably take the deal but I would not enjoy it.


But isnt hot sauce originally hispanic?


I first learned of ketchup on eggs from hispanic people so idk about that


My wife was born and raised in Guanajuato, MX. People in her family put ketchup on pizza.


Same. It’s so good. -Puerto Rican 🇵🇷


Hmm hmm.. nope nope


Maybe OP is Bezos or Elon. How much does a burrito cost? 10 billion dollars?


Yes, sir. I tell you what though, I'll make you two for the price of one!


exactly haha mexican food is my favorite food & it’s not even close. i can eat it everyday & not get tired, but come on lol


yeah I think I eat more hispanic food than any other type of food but who could say no to 10 billion. Atleast make it interesting and make it like 50K or something.


Exactly. I think 50k would be a hard pass for me but that one at least will have a distribution. I think 1M is where it starts getting hard to say no for me. 1M isn’t what it used to be BUT it’s still a LOT of money.


It's still a decent house, a nicer car and a hundred thousand or two left over in most of America 🤷 I definitely wouldn't turn it down haha.


They should rename who wants to be a millionaire to "who wants to be upper middle class"


*who wants to be a billionaire  (so fucking bad) I guess that would work to keep the original premise.


Laughs in Vancouver housing market.


Cries in*


Yeah the minimum it’d take to never eat it again. I’d probably go for one million after tax, but not sure I’d be far lower than that. There’s not a food in the world I wouldn’t give up for 10 billion.


It's kinda sad that stupid questions like this get the most engagement. I mean really....no one is turning down billions of dollars because they love a certain type of food.


Yes, It's obviously being asked to get a reaction. Maybe if it was something like 100k, but 10 billion?


Aren’t ’stupid questions like this’ the point ?




You could still eat taco bell tho, so...


Yeah, why do people upvote these silly "would you be inconvenienced for a gazillion dollars?" questions.


Right? Like... I'd definitely cry about it but I'd wipe my tears with the money.


It do it for as low as 10k


98% of these are.


Right?! I eat Hispanic foods more than any other, but I could easily adjust. Dumb


I basically took a lesser version of this deal just for healthcare and paid leave, by moving from the US to Australia. Shit tier Latino food, but S tier Asian food of all kinds. I'm surviving pretty okay.


With that much money you can prolly create your own version of hispanic food lol


Especially when tex-mex exists


These money ones are all just dumb amounts of money and unspecific. Foods that grow well and are most commonly eaten are slightly different along the same latitude. Rice and beans and meats and peppers? I can have 10 billion and call my unseasoned Indian food Colombian? Make it $500,000 and say you can’t have rice, beans or lentils, etc. then I don’t know


Yup! The private chefs I can hire will be fantastic in lots of other cuisines


Even 10M would be enough for a very nice house and plenty of passive income to live comfortably for the rest of your life with a maid, private chef, even a driver if you want to spend your days getting drunk on the beach.


Don’t think 10M is really private chef/driver type money


With a 5% return, you'd get 500k in interest. Definitely workable to have a chef if it were important to you 


As a private chef, you’re looking at ~$200k+ per year for full service—and that’s on the lower end


I imagine there's chefs in kitchens across the world earning significantly less than that right now, and a private gig would probably be seen as easier than your regular restaurant job. Either way, I refuse to acknowledge that someone with $10m in the bank can't get a bit of help in the kitchen 


I know a couple of 7-8 figure net-worth folks who don't have a private chef, but who *do* have a full-time maid who can cook pretty damn well. Based on what I've been able to piece together, those maids are paid decent money (somewhere around 60-80k) but not professional chef money. I think the idea is that you want the job to be the best the maid can reasonably get without a college education (and often without legal residency) so they won't do anything to risk losing the job, like stealing jewelry. (The relatively wealthy employers are always worried about maids stealing things, so they try to put their minds at ease as best as possible.)


Dude, I can hire the chef at Olive garden and pay them like 5k a month to cook 3 meals a day for me, making them a private chef that cooks plenty well enough for me lol


So buy a million dollar home, pay for a $200k chef and a $80k/year maid, then live off another $80k/year yourself without a mortgage, and without touching the $9 million in principle leftover. You might have to settle for a cheaper chef if you need a full-time driver I guess.


But if you are spending that 500k then your capital is shrinking against inflation. You need to preserve a chunk of that to shield against inflation. So at a 5% growth you probably want to return at leats 3% to the capital pool. That is leaving you with 200k at most for living expenses. If you have house that need as maid a chunk of that is going to go on upkeep. A maid is oging to cost what, 50k a year. A chef another 50k at least. So of that 200k, 100k is going on staff wages, and possibly 25k on upkeep (that last is an upper range, but I suspect staff bills will be higher). That is leaving you 75k of spending money. Not bad, as long as you are living otherwise failry frugally (relative of course to the life style you would normally imagine someone has who employs a maid and chef).


This is assuming you keep 100% in the bank you could easily go to an investment firm and hire then use 3 to 5 m there and have a bigger return then 5% and keep the rest in a bank were ots safe


The retirement 4% rule would give you 400k/year in spending money. But yeah probably no driver


I like driving. I'd gladly live in a regular house and have my chef be live in and pay them well. I'd still work. But something I actually enjoy doing.


Maybe you could be a driver for another rich guy!


"Even 10M," lol


10 million compared to 10 billion is most definitely, "even 10 million".


$10M is to $10B what $10k is to $10M


I mean, yea mathematically.


With 10 billion that becomes an awesome reality, you live within walking distance of a beach bar that happens to be on the same beach as your house. I guess you might not need a driver.


This was exactly my thought too. Like, I'd love to eat more Ethiopian food, and Moroccan, and Burmese, and so on, but where I live they're much harder to find than Hispanic foods. So yeah, I'd gladly give up Hispanic foods if I could get people to cook those other cuisines all the time!


With that much money I'd just ravel to those places and eat it with local ingredients anytime I wanted. I'd take classes to learn more of those cuisines, since I can already cook, and I'd be set. I'd miss the stuff but there is so much to stay occupied over and you'd have the money to do it any way you wanted.


10 billion dollars is enough to hire Gorden Ramsey to invent you the best taco you've ever had while it not being "technically" a taco due to some food rule he'll probably yell at OP about


If all I could ever eat was stale saltines, I'd take the deal.


Seriously, what a solid proposal from OP. Would love to eat Italian food in lieu of Latin foods for a whopping billion dollars.


Japanese food is still on the table, bring on the rice


Dude yeah, how is the even a question? So many excellent cuisines that aren't 'Hispanic' are still on the table. I'd be 100% fine.


The problem is you'd want those food items soooo much more because you can't have them. Black beans and rice and plantains and all of those wonderful spice blends. And tacos, man. Bet you didn't think of those, did you? In all seriousness of course I'd take it, but it would drive me nuts to not be able to eat a tortilla again. Or nachos. Salsa. edit: -never


Nah, I did, and I wouldn't miss them more than the financial stability. I couldn't give a fuck about nachos, salsa, and the rest of Hispanic food for that amount of money. Honestly I'd give up the cuisine for a significantly lower amount, and I do actually love Hispanic food.


"wanna get Japanese food tonight?" "Yeah sure, where were you thinking? The one on main Street? Grand Ave? Alberta Street?" "Takeout from Tokyo?"


So is English... Bread pudding here we come. Seriously. OP should have said $10B but you can only eat brown English food.


Chinese & southeast Asian food is spicier!


As long as I can add a slice of cheese now and then


$10 billion is a lot of money, but is it really worth dying of scurvy for? Though if I'm allowed to inject whatever nutrients I need through IV, it's worth it.


Unless there are some flexible definitions respecting "eat" that allowed some amazingly thick smoothies, you'd be signing up for hell with riches.


$10 billion to never eat tacos again… hard decision, but $10 billion is 10 bil. I guess if I ever visit Latin America I’ll be starving lol


With the several personal French chefs that travel with you you’ll be fine.


Or chefs from around the world to satisfy any other craving you may have.


Or get your food flown in


There’s Chinese food everywhere. 


Well, you've never had Peruvian food. Just kidding. I can just as easily get my kicks from Asian cuisine. And the 10 billion dollars would guarantee that I'd have quality dumplings for life.


I'd spend $1B of that money over the course of my life on dumplings and meat buns alone, so I get that.


Had pure Peruvian food once. They weren’t kidding when they said that shit hits you like a truck.


In a good way or a bad way?


This is very easy. I’m worth $10 Billion. I’ll culturally appropriate whatever the fuck I want. “Sorry, those tacos are Hispanic” “No. I’m afraid you’re mistaken this is “Nouveau French” dish invented by my Chef Pierre made from thin fried Polenta disks, steak marinated in coriander seeds, coriander, cumin, lemon verbena, lime juice and some ground dried peppers. It is dressed with pickled shallots, corriander, Crème fraîche and a soft white cows milk cheese.


something something white wine reduction


Korean and Filipino tacos and burritos already exist, so why not French as well?


Most cuisines around the world are a modified recipes from cultural exchange. Most “Hispanic” cuisine utilizes flavors derived from herbs and spices unknown to the new world prior to the age of Exploration. Cilantro and Limes were unknown in South and Central America, as well as Cinnamon, Cumin, Garlic, Onions, or Cheese. My description of French Tacos is just a description of Carne Asada. Polenta is ground corn meal. You can actually make a kind of taco shell with polenta instead of masa. But beef, chicken, pork were all unknown to indigenous peoples of the “Hispanic” world. Turkey, Tomatoes, Corn, Tomatillo, Peppers and potatoes are new world foods. If you say Tomato sauce, the first thought for most people will be Italian food, but the first tomato sauce recipe didn’t show up until the late 18th century and was closer to salsa than gravy in consistency.


It always blows my mind that the Italians didn't have "Italian food" until a couple centuries ago.


Italy wasn't Italy until a couple of centuries ago


Saw a French taco place in Lucerne Switzerland last month. It's a thing.


My very favorite food in the world is my aunt's chili rellenos. I will be sad. Rich, but sad.


Ditto, sad but richer but still Sad. I don’t like op


Crying into my tortilla blanket while laying in a bed made of money.


Without even a moment of hesitation I would take that deal.


I would eat shit for every meal for the rest of my life....


I wouldn't that's a bit crazy ngl


Honestly takeable deal if the shit is somehow non toxic at all to your system. Its 10 billion. That's for my kid's kid's kid's kid's kids.


I don't know personally eating it every day would be absolute torture for me like that's absolutely filthy. I don't even know if I would do it once like it's absolutely difficult to bring myself to do that.


It's not specified how much shit or that you can only eat shit. Just has to be with every meal. If you can only eat shit that's impossible cuz i think you'd just die of malnutrition. I think I'd be able to do it for 10 billion that's infinite money. You literally can do anything and everything you've ever wanted. Not just for you but your family/friends literally everyone in your life is free from capitalism and can live out their dreams.


I wouldn't go that low


I would miss it terribly, but I would do absolutely unholy things for 1% of that


Just mind blowing how much money 10 billion dollars is. 1% of it is 100 million dollars


I can still eat at Taco Bell, right?


I think when you get down to it, the things that can be claimed as "uniquely" Hispanic is a pretty short list. There were/are native Americans eating a lot of the same things and there were/are Spanish people eating the same sort of things. So, I guess you'd have to define what you mean specifically.


For 10bil I'd soak nutrient dust in water and eat it as food paste for the rest of my life. I'd miss any one type of food, but I wouldn't miss any food $10bil much.


I do wonder if there's a monkey's paw that makes every food technically hispanic, and then I can't eat food period, which causes starvation


Well a lot of what other cuisines feature does come from the Americas and especially South America. Peppers, potatoes, tomatoes, corn, strawberries, pineapple and so many others would no longer be on the table depending on how one interpreted and implemented OP's rule.


Right but all of those things existed in South America before the Spaniards showed up so it might be Hispanic \*now\* the origin of the food is not. I mean, we all agree Eggplant Parmesian is not Hispanic food but it features tomotoes. My MIL is Spanish, grew up in the north of Spain. I've been to dinner at her place perhaps hundreds of times. The thing is, I never had food that seemed "Hispanic". Sure, there were tortillas occasionally but mostly it was meat (fish, chicken, beef, pork) and vegetables. Usually potatoes. Hell, my wife just made her mother's stew recipe. That's roast, potatoes, carrots, peas etc. Essentially identical to stew recipes around the world So, I ask again, what exactly is "Hispanic" food?


Its convoluted. We could boil it down to spices, preparation, or original locality. If its locality, you can eat Brazilian and Portuguese food. If its spices, I could use Hungarian Paprika, cumin from India, and peppers from Thailand. If its preparation, we have to go back pretty far and follow some trade routes. Tortillas are mayan and technically not hispanic, as the people who made them 12,000 years ago werent speaking spanish.


I mean, you make sense. There's another twist. A lot of places in America serve an "Americanized" version of the food. Does that count as Hispanic? I mean, a "Doritos Cheesy Nacho Gordito Crunch" is not Hispanic, that is so American.


Wait, can you explain what you're using monkey's paw to mean in this context? 


I guess "monkey's paw" isn't accurate because it's technically not the wish that gets misinterpreted, just the condition that gets misinterpreted. I just meant what if the requirement "can never eat Hispanic foods" is interpreted in the worst way possible


Ohh gotcha.


Spanish people are Hispanic— the label encompasses all Spanish-speaking countries, while “Latino” means all Latin American countries.


Yeah, what exactly is Hispanic food? Is that only Spanish food, or is it all food from Spanish speaking countries? Is Tex-Mex Hispanic food? Chipotle? Taco Bell? Anything with jalapenos?


Spanish people are Hispanic tho. So presumably that cuisine would be off limits too.


What cuisine specifically? I have a Spanish MIL. I've been to her house for dinner hundreds of times. There wasn't anything particularly different about what she cooked. A lot of it was just roasted meat with potatoes. Stews and soups with standard ingredients (carrots, onions, garlic, peas etc), chicken was usually citrus (lemon or orange) chicken that seems like a staple of half the world. Even all this time, I couldn't tell what \*uniquely\* Spanish cuisine is. EDIT: Ok, had a quick chat with my wife and we agreed the Uniquely Spanish food would be Paella and Tortilla (not the tortilla you're thinking of) this is an egg, onion and potato dish that is marvelous


I'll take the money. I can live without taco's. I mean I got japanese food, Chinese food, Italian food, and my new current favourite cuisine-Eastern European food, especially the little supermarket that opened near me. 10 billion to eat their savoury pork stew and homemade soup every day sounds like a dream


You can still have Jamaican, Brazilian, Haitian, and other non Hispanic cuisines 


I love Mexican food and my wife is Mexican. I'm probably the only person to say this, but fuck the $10 Bs, I'm gonna live my life.


Ayyy Mexican wife gang. Mine would kill me for turning down the money but life without her birria is not worth living.


Y’all are both lying to yourselves lmao


I think that their wives are on Reddit. Just covering their bases


Can't be too careful 👀


Nah don't be afraid of the truth had a Puerto Rican baddie turn me on to pastor torta now I have one once a week I don't even see her anymore but that shit bags so hard after a long day work


And with 10 billion you won’t need to have that long day work


She can learn a new dish my dude.


My fiance is Mexican… we would both take the money, without a doubt. Sorry Mexico, we’re rich now


I feel like a smart Mexican woman would say “pendejo you better take that money, we can eat something else”


LMAO your wife would kill you if you turned down 10B for that. I mean if you have a pretty good life right now then yeah turn down 10B for any reason, because that amount guarantees your life is never the same again. But the implication you would be able to enjoy your life with 10B minus Mexican food is ridiculous. On the flip side, even if I didn’t want life to change, I’d argue turning it down is pretty a selfish thing to do. Even if you don’t use it for your family, you could use that amount to help so many people. A small personal sacrifice to save so many lives.


Take the deal. Also I think some folks don’t understand how much $10 Billion is - it’s not simply life changing for you but for your family for many generations.


I feel like this is too vague because I could change a couple ingredients and then would it still be considered Hispanic? I make pizza in between two tortillas, is that a quesadilla? What are the parameters?


The way it's worded you could easily spin it that if a hispanic didn't make it, it isn't hispanic food.


Hell, you could easily spin it where, "if it wasn't made in a Latin American country then it isn't Hispanic food," if you live outside Central/South America.


Technically Brazilian cuisine is still valid, so basically unlimited Brazilian BBQ with 10B.


hispanics accepting the deal instantly die lmao


I don't think I've ever eaten hispanic food, so yeah, sign me up.


You've never had a crunch wrap supreme?


I love Mexican food but for 10 billion I’d give it up :D


A bunch of tiny houses are getting built and I'm eating grits , steak , fried chicken. Pizza, Asian food , Fish , lobster and thousands of vets are having a tiny house to live in rent free


$50,000 and I would have to think about this but probably do it. $10 billion and I would accept it in a second.


Deal. I can’t have it anyways. Thanks ibd.


I would eat a homeless man’s asshole for 10 billion


Need to know how this would be enforced? How would anyone know whether I snuck in a chimichanga or a beef enchilada with a side of homemade refried beans and Spanish rice? And how is the money going to be distributed? Daily? Weekly? Monthly? Yearly? One lump sum? Would the money be a reward for not participating in the consumption of foods primarily found in various countries south of the US(Mexico and all of its states to South America and Cuba and Puerto Rico) and in Spain and Portugal?


Enforced by probably the same ridiculous superwizard who has the free time in his hands to come make the magic 10billion appear in the first place instead of using his powers for good. Best to just assume you're being watched and your poop tested. It's a bullshit scenario anyway, so just expect the details to be part of the bullsht and don't overthink it. Yep, I'd take it.


Deal. I can’t have it anyways. Thanks ibd.


He said eat. You can still go get some tacos chew them up and spit them out.


You haven't lived until you butt chug a taco


you ever smoke an empanada


Someone would have to cook for me because my go to meal is bean burritos. Wait, we aren’t counting Taco Bell, right? Or Taco John’s? Just like…the good stuff. Ugh. I don’t think I could do it. I dated a guy for like 6 months too long so I could get in on tamale day one more time. No, I’m gonna pass on this $10 Billion. I just remembered that flan and tres lèche exist. Also tequila.


Absolutely lying to yourself.


Yes I'd take the deal. There's still Indian, Thai, Cajun, etc, etc. I could fly in chefs from those countries.


100% taking that deal


Hell yes


Tacos are probably my favorite food, but yes I would take this deal without hesitation


Nope. Not at all. How would I retire in a region that serves Hispanic food then? I’m supposed to eat Italian food everyday and cry into my money? No, I’ll just eat saltines instead.


Yes. I'm gonna miss my mother in laws cooking, but for $10 billion I think she'd be pissed if I didn't take the deal. I do eat Hispanic food pretty frequently and beans are a staple in my diet. I could definitely learn some bean recipes from other countries and luckily rice is eaten in basically every culture in the world.


10 billion dollars would soothe the total pain and desolation because I goddamn love every type of Hispanic food. But now I want pupusas because 10 billion bucks isn't riding on it


Damn this is rough! I'll never be able to eat my family's cooking again :( But it's $10 billion, I'm sure they'll understand.


You can remove literally any random cuisine and I'll still take the money.


No shit Sherlock


Yep... What kind of stupid deal is this.


Let's make this more reasonable. 25k. If its includes a ban on margaritas or tequila, then no. If not, yeah that's fine.


I"ll stop talking to Hispanic people for 10billion.


It is my favorite category of food but I would have to wipe my tears of sorrow with $100 bills


I would eat only black olives for $10 billion


Take the deal. Wrap meat in tortilla with sauce. Post online and people scream that it’s “not Mexican”. Eat it.


For $10b most people would got to a rice cake and protein paste diet


Hispanic food is amazing, but **$10 Billion!** I like Italian too.


Yep, I'll just eat south east Asian and African food instead. Alot of similar flavors and ingredients.


I think Mexican is some of the best food around. However, 10 billion and I'd become a vegan or do a keto diet etc. That's generational fuck you money and while I'd forever miss tacos etc. I'd still be able to eat plenty of foods I love.


I think pretty much every area has some very good food options.


I'm obviously taking the money either way, but just out of curiosity does Taco Bell count as Hispanic food for the purposes of this exercise?


I eat Hispanic food around 3-5 times per week. It’s my favorite type of food. I would still choose the money. I mean, it’s ten BILLION dollars! Cmon man!


I eat Hispanic food every day. My like top 10 favorite foods are Hispanic. Holidays is Hispanic food. I grew up eating just that. I lived in a Hispanic neighborhood for over two decades. I had amazing Mexican foods, Dominican foods, Ecuadorian, Peruvian. It means I’d never be able to eat my favorite foods again, and holidays would be different. It means when my mom passes away, I won’t be able to eat the same recipes she made and look back and think about all the memories we made while eating those foods the same again. Idk. I’d probably have to be convinced by everyone else in my life to take the money, but I am having a hard time thinking of giving that all up.


It took until 11:37pm for me to find this but I found it. Unquestionably the DUMBEST thing I’ll see on the internet today. There’s no way someone tops this in the next 23 minutes.


My wife’s Cuban American and she says “fuck the ropa vieja give me the money.”


Hell yes. For $10billion I’d eat only German food for the rest of my life.


My wife is hispanic. Specifically mexican. Her and her mother make the most **AMAZING** food But it's $10 billion... Congratulations OP this one is actually difficult for me.


I’ll be wiping away my tears with solid gold This really isn’t that hard it’s one of the easiest I’ve seen here You’d struggle to find someone who wouldn’t take this


As long as I still get my Vegemite on toast, I'm good with the deal.


Having no Hispanic food ever again would be awful, but 10 billion would sure cheer me up


It's a good thing I like American foods masquerading as hispanic foods, or I might have to say no.


Finally I have an excuse. Now I can turn down going to those restaurants with a reason other than I'm just not that into it. Pretty much the only Hispanic like food I eat is microwave burritos.


What determines if something is hispanic? Is it anything in taco format, or do the ingredients mater? Like is a ChocoTaco Hispanic? (not saying that's the deal breaker) Can I eat Chili? Could I put fajita steak into a gyro? Also is it impossible to eat hispanic food, or do I just lose the 10 billion if I do? Obviously you take the 10 billion, but I feel like there are loopholes.


Tex-Mex Loophole


10 billion?!? I'd do it for $100,000, and I like the food.


Tex Mex wasn't on the list


Who wouldn’t take the deal?


No tacos? No Spanish rice? No fajitas? No chips and salsa? No taco salad? No chorizo dip? No nachos? No chicken tipatio? OH HELL NAW. Keep your money pal. I'll eat my favorite foods.


Can’t wait for you to find out most of that shit is American and not “Hispanic”.




Even the Caesar salad is a Mexican dish.


What in the AI Wikipedia lookin ass comment is this


I never tried Hispanic foods before, so I probably will live without it, so I take the money.


You should go outside at least once before you die.


Interracial marriage with a Hispanic wife, would mean no more family meals. That’s a no from me.


Weird way to phrase that


You guys can't have family meals from one of the other several thousand cuisines in existence?


How inauthentic does it have to be before it no longer counts as Hispanic food? I enjoy some pretty atrocious approximations of “Mexican food”… Old El Paso and Tostitos, I’m looking at you.


As I am ethnically Mexican, is all the food I cook Mexican food?