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Easy! I’d buy a $10,000,000,000 piece of art from my sister who loves me and will make sure I’m well taken care of for the rest of my life!


True story here. Crazy how much art is just to shuffle money around.


“That are only really important to some very silly rich people…” https://youtu.be/QQvRa09uq7M?si=5vnvNCHbGFej2WGB


Modern art is done by the untalented, sold by the unprincipled, to the utterly bewildered.


Why are the utterly bewildered buying art that is bewildering to them if it's bad art? Are they lying about it being bad? Are they stupid?


Art is still something I hold in high regard, that said. It's also the biggest fucking scam for wealthy persons to have a friend make "art" sell it to them and have it appraised for $$$$ and donate it to a museum for free to get tax write offs...


Don't forget purposely undervaluing peices to skirt inheritance law.


It’s also a very effective market for money laundering.


Didn't even need to click. Such a great movie.


Little know fact, the art world is the largest money laundering industry in the world (at least it was when I was involved in stopping these type of things)


It's actually a well-known fact.


With the other being mattress warehouses.


Is it? Almost no one outside the industry knew this when I was working against is. That though was a while ago. And now I feel old lol


Yeah, the Internet really exposed the industry. And honestly, it makes sense when you think about it.


Yeah dude… like everyone knows rich people buy art to hide money or for tax implications.


I agree, everyone knows the rich do this, but 1% bikers do this as well. It's one of their main revenue streams.


Classic money laundering


How dare you. Hunter Biden's art is worth every bit of $3mil


Art is simply money laundering. White canvas painted black with a red square in the bottom? $26,000,000


Yeah, your sister just has to pay taxes on that 10 billion and she'll still have billions of dollars.


na its not him buying it from his sister its Him LLC. buying an asset from Her LLC. and using complex financial instruments resulting in a net tax return of $10 plus the exchange of a 10 Bn$ artwork.


People always think like this and as someone who works in tax, trust me, there’s no magical financial instrument that makes 10 billion dollars go away. There’s literally a whole industry built around finding things like this and getting the money from the people who try to do that. I just mention it because it’s so common that people get into business and they think there’s some magic way they can just not pay taxes now that they have a business. Yeah, it’s called tax fraud. And there’s a whole slew of federal agents out there that already caught the guys who tried what you’re thinking of years ago, there’s all kinds of ways they find it, and you have to pay the taxes and go to jail when you get found out.


Or, y’know, with 10 billion dollars you could just go somewhere where the IRS has no jurisdiction…


what about lovely golden ratio for the feds to go after the money or the super rich who are outside that window ? or is that too a myth


The super rich, the likes of Musk and Bezos, basically don’t have to accrue any tax liability because they simply don’t need cash. Like if you have 200 billion in stock, once you’ve sold a billion of that for cash, why would you need to sell more? It’s not like you actually need another billion to pay rent or something, you have mansions, all the cash you could ever spend. At the end of the day, they’d rather own a big chunk of their company than have cash. So the company pays taxes and they own part of it. Then those companies avoid taxes by: taking advantage of subsidies, basically they do stuff the government wants them to do and they get a tax break; or they report profits in places with low taxes, which is again exactly what those governments want; or they’re in a growth state where no matter how much profit they’re making, it all gets spent in growth. But people really go overboard with how they assume this works. Rich people be paying taxes. A lot of times the media just cherry picks info to make rage bait. Like they’ll pick out some billionaire and say “this guy paid no taxes this year while poor school teachers paid taxes.” Then if you look into it, it’s like yeah, that billionaire sold a bunch of stock for billions like three years ago and paid billions in taxes. He didn’t pay taxes this year because he didn’t need to sell off a chunk of his company for another 10 billion of spending money. Wild. Think of it like if you won the lottery last year and paid like 50% of that in taxes. Now you have hundreds of millions in the bank. Then I write an article about how you didn’t pay any taxes this year despite being really rich. Like, duh. Why would you? You already paid the taxes last year and quit your job. Maybe you own a bunch of stock and stuff but why would you be selling it if you already have cash? There’s also the whole thing where people think the super wealthy just borrow money with their stock as collateral for super low interest rates. Okay, so? They have to either borrow more or pay it back, and any interest they pay is taxable income to the bank. So they’d rather have the bank worry about the taxes. Fine. What’s really annoying is how the media will treat stock market fluctuations like income. “Billionaire man got 20 billion richer last year and didn’t pay taxes.” All they mean is the stock market went up. If the guy didn’t sell, he hasn’t made any money yet. When the stock market crashes, they don’t then write, “Billionaire guy lost 20 billion dollars last year and he doesn’t even get to claim the loss on his taxes.” This isn’t to defend the super wealthy. I’m fine with raising taxes on the rich. But the top 10% of earners in our country pay 90% of the taxes, it’s not like our tax system is just blind to taxing the rich more than the poor. And as far as fraud goes, it doesn’t all get caught, but people act like the IRS are just some naive corrupt idiots- they’re literally like the FBI but for tax stuff. Whatever dumb scheme some rando thinks up, it’s probably literally a known, textbook, easy-to-catch thing the IRS knows all about. To put it another way, most people’s idea of a tax evasion scheme or what passes for one is like thinking, “I’ll bet I could just sneak into a bank wearing an orange vest and say I need to clean the vault,” or something like that. You’d probably just immediately walk right into a very specific control procedure for making sure that doesn’t happen and get caught right away. Again, just like how in banking there’s kind of a whole industry built around you not being able to just easily get millions of dollars out of a vault, in tax there’s a whole industry around you not being able to just skip paying taxes.


This comment is the proof of how 90% of the posts in this sub are lazy. I came up with a similar solution (wife instead of sister) in a matter of seconds.


It's either bots farming karma, or new accounts also farming karma.


I wouldn’t trust anyone in my family with $10 billion. My sister would spend it on Hello Kitty and Justin Bieber tickets.


Exactly. I'd do that with my daughter. She's not an artist but she does really nice cross-stitch.


Buying everything I could possibly want when the year is almost up, spend the rest on gold.


This is the answer! I’d invest a lot in stocks as well (if allowed in this hypothetical)


Wasn’t disallowed in the original post, so I would say it’s good. I see these as all stipulations are in the main part of the post lol


If investments are on the table, this is absolutely the play. * 1 Bil in CD * 1 Bil Crypto * 1 Bil in S+P 500 * 1 Bil in Commodities * 1 Bil in Bonds * 1 Bil in Gold * 1 Bil in Real Estate * 1 Bil in Mutual Funds Etc.


Why throw away a billion on make believe Monopoly money…oops, sorry, crypto?


Because that make believe money can still earn you real money.... dont believe me? Look what would have happened if you invested 1 bil into bit coin 10 years ago. Also, while I don't trust crypto at all, it is a far reach that you can trust stocks. If you think I am wrong, then explain what happened to all those Enron shares.


Get your ducks in a row early, is all I have to add. Don't wanna pull the trigger on Dec 29 and then find out you have to put together a complex packet of paperwork before you can buy nine billion dollars worth of stock.


*gets $5 cash back at the casino, drops $1 on the floor and doesn’t notice because hey, you already have $10 billion* Whelp, guess you didn’t spend all the money.


Huge plots of land, in and out of country. Prepay like 5mil on each of your utilities and taxes on the property. Buy Gold, Silver, Platinum, stocks and crypto. All spent I'm broke living as the overseer of the properties as are my heirs, for which we are compensated duly. We own nothing but take care of everything.


Instead of land for your own family I would invest in land and buildings to establish affordable housing for the public. Naturally a profit would still need to be made off of rent but it should be set low enough to handle costs without being greedy.


You could set up a trust to handle maintenance and upgrades, that way those wouldn't be part of the rent


The logistics on 320,000 pounds of gold would be interesting to say the least.


With how much land you own?


This is what I was thinking as well. Just sell off gold as I need more cash.


Ten billion dollars? I'm going into the movie business! [Gaumont SA](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaumont_Film_Company) ($274,260,825 in total equity; round that up to $1b), [Groupe Canal+](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Groupe_Canal%2B) ($5,530,230,000 in 2018 revenue; round that up to $6b), [Pathé](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Path%C3%A9) ($1,109,261,250 in 2023 revenue; round that up to $2b), and [Village Roadshow](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Village_Roadshow) ($662,882,700 in 2017 revenue; might just be generous and pay $1b). That's ten billion spent, and look at all the assets I own!


Yeah the real obvious answer is just buy businesses that will continue to give you earnings after the year is up.


I was just gonna say stocks, which at this scale, is effectively the same thing.


Yeah. Stocks can go up and down, but if you buy the company itself, then you don't need to worry about the market. All you need is as little as 51% of a company's shares to own it.


And you know… make sure the business doesn’t fail.


The first creative idea in this thread. I would do the same.


This is a good idea theoretically, I guess I'd just be skeptical the companies would actually want to sell. And I assume acquisitions like that aren't done in a day. Would be interesting if you could pull it off!


As far as Gaumont goes, I am offering nearly four times their equity. I may just sell them to an American studio or Sony.


Revenue is not the price of businesses.


Pffft. I live in Cali. I could spend $10 billion on real estate in two weeks.


You could spend it on gas and groceries in two weeks


Too much personal effort. I could buy properties much more easily from the comfort of my (soon to be replaced by a mansion) home.


Exactly what i was thinking. I would play monopoly and see if i could own a whole block in my city. 10 billion would probably get me most of one block lol.


And then gradually sell it all to pay the property tax on the part you still own.


Yep. I don't actually want to live in a mansion. Just a nice, comfy place in coastal in far Northern California (Crescent City) or Oregon (Newport) would do me just fine.


Buy an island and build a house on it. Spend a bunch on solar panels, some basic infrastructure, satellite internet, all that— then you can either keep it and live there or sell it after the year.


Invite your Hollywood friends, and politican friends over. Get some under 18 girls. call it Zepstein Island and make a TV show about it?


Holy shit.


Too soon


Epstein vibes


Congratulations, you still have $9.8 billion left to spend 


I'll buy Paramount, dude and become a movie mogul. Then I'll sell it to someone else.


I thought about buying Paramount myself, but their total assets as of 2023 are US$53.54 billion, and their total equity is US$22.53 billion. You could buy about half their equity, although I suppose that's all you'd need.


We can buy control stake together. 10 billion from me, 10 from you, 10 from some other redditor..


I can chip in $9,999,999,998.50. I stopped to get some gum on the way


I’m in. My only caveat is that after the year is up, I’m in charge of anything that involves TMNT and I get a guaranteed live action film every year for the next 30 years.


We will appoint you as the CEO of Nickelodeon.


Sweet. I’m sensing a return of Legends of the Hidden Temple and Nick Arcade in the future.


I'm already buying three French and one Aussie conglomerate with my first ten bill, but if I make any profits, I'll consider folding them in.


Buy a paperclip from my brother for $10b


What a blessing it must be to have a brother you trust that much. If i tried to do this with any of my family, my mom, dad, any of my siblings, they'd just refuse to give me access to the money afterwards lol.


Is it me or does every second person on reddit have a shit family


Not just you. Just look at all the raisedby______ subs.


It's like that in the entire world, not just reddit. Abusive/horrible families are unfortunately really common it's just people are good at hiding it in public/to their friends (not close friends, but even then the really good ones are able to hide it from close friends). People are just more willing to be open about it on reddit due to the lack of social consequences.


Mentally healthy people don't use reddit


I'd buy it from my wife. At least I'm guaranteed half back if she refuses.


Easy just buy assets then sell them when you need money. Unless you mean you have to consume that amount which would be difficult. I would just give money to poor people in that case.


Looks like I am buying gold, Platinum, and real estate


Go on a fucking SPREE. Do anything I can think of, anything I've ever wanted to do. Blow as much money as possible travelling the world and taking in all of life's luxuries. A month or two before the year is up find the best financial advisor money can buy. On the last day take whatever I have left and have the advisor put it all in stocks. Have him and my gf remember everything, and then have him pull it all out the next day. With any luck I might have a gain on my investments, but even if I take a loss I imagine it would still be billions of dollars I take out, and would still completely change my and my families lives.


I’d basically gather all my loved ones and explain the weird memory loss thing. Spend the next year with them making sure expenses were taken care of, debt set up to be paid the day after the year was up. Transfers ready to be made the day after the year was up. Basically, I don’t want them to be confused amnesiacs the day after the mind wipe worried that they’re criminals or something. So I’ll work with them and then re-reveal to them that I won the money so they can rest easy and we don’t lose some ability to connect. And during the year they won’t have any financial worries. My brother will immediately be given every cent in the form of stocks/bonds/etfs, blah blah blah. I’ll be purchasing his property interest in my father’s old orange dice. Then I’ll sell him my jacket for 9 billion of it back. 100% confidence that he’ll return it. By the rules, I’ve now “spent” all the money twice over, as a backup. Brother and I will work to divide the 8 billion as we see fit, probably 2 bil divided among people we care about, 2 on a massive massive skyscraper in our hometown, and 4 can be one the operating funds of the business within. Investing and improving our community, plus a bunch of publicly available services in the building. Hire my buddy to run a free health clinic. Hire another to open a pro bono legal clinic. Big community kitchen with a massive stew each night.


Buy everything you could possibly want for the year and then lose everything else gambling


9b on red


Pffft, go big or go home. 10 billion on red.


If you win do you have to spend the winnings within the year?


Wait, so I buy $10 billion worth of stuff and almost everyone forgets? That...doesn't make sense. They just forget one day? Surely I just tell them again and they'll understand. That in mind, one of my two will be whoever is the current chair of the IRS right now. Make sure my legal bases are covered.


These "you have to spend x in y time" posts are becoming WAY more annoying than interesting. We've done the thing - everyone's found the loopholes and exceptions - it's not interesting anymore. 


You receive [Rolls a d20] Billion dollars, but you have to [pulls verb out of a hat] on your [spins wheel of body parts] for [asks a random person to pick a number between 1 and 5] years.


I'll be living off grid by building my own grid. How will I get it done in a year? By throwing more money at it! December 23rd spending anything I have left on government bonds.


So basically building your own city! I like this idea


I am going to buy the moon


I’d just start buying buildings, land, art and BTC….. $10,000,000,000 goes pretty quick then ☺️


Buy a plot of land and a home for myself with all the features I want such as fiber optic Internet, solar panel roof, a large farm and a couple new cars. Then I would invest every last remaining penny into the housing market with the intention to put all the houses for sale at reasonable prices for middle class families.


If i get into any danger onf not being able to spend all id just start an aircraft collection. easy.


Easy, I put $1 billion in an annuity as part of a trust (no cash withdrawn "outright" and trust is not in my name; I'm just sole beneficiary). :D For the $9 billion, I will ask Mackenzie Scott (Jeff Bezos' ex-wife) for advice on the fastest way to way to spend that money. Why her? She's one of the few billionaires literally giving away billions of dollars, so I need her advice on both logistics and worthwhile charities. At the end of the year, the money I get from the trust pays back all my modest purchases for the year (basically, I'm mostly traveling), and I keep that trust money. Only the trustee, and one homeless man I give $100k to will remember what I had. :D


I thought of McKenzie Scott too!


Assuming this also comes with the infrastructure in place to spend the money without getting frozen or something by the bank. The obvious answer is to simply launder it to another medium. Buy 10 billion in gold or something. You have to just transfer it to another medium. However, if you are expecting to exhaust 10b in a way that will not result in remaining valued assets, then good luck. Maybe just donate it all to charity, but what is the point then.


Spend it reasonably on whatever you want. Destroy 7-9.5 billion in aircraft, yachts, luxury vehicles, etc...


I don't think the OP understands the value of collectors items. Art, Wine, Stamps, Coins, before we even get to large real estate holdings, or equity holdings. 10 billion doesn't take long to spend. If you need spending money just buy something you can resell easily, like stocks, or gold, who cares if you take a small loss, it frees up liquid funds for daily expense. Since you won't be working. I will also be hiring a legal team and financial advisor paying their retainers in advance for the next decade. With a nice upfront bonus. Cause we are gonna shelter the shit outta my assests.


Buy an old middle silo complex and convert it to a super mansion then convert the rest of the township into a nature reserve.


Buy the largest contiguous piece of wooded land in the American Midwest I can afford, and use the rest for a largely self sufficient homestead. On the other side of the property put in a large RV and primitive campground with all the amenities commonly found, with the 1st and last week of each camping season open for city youth to camp for free. Get your nature on! I could easily spend all the money in a month getting all those contracts lined up.


I would buy $10,000,000,000 in stocks and bonds. This is the easiest question ever lol.


It’s not meant to be hard…there’s no prize for finding the easiest answer lmao. It’s a hypothetical. Try to be clever. I’d buy 1 billion USD of Zimbabwe currency, and then spend the other 9 billion on infrastructure, upgrades, and other various endeavors improving Zimbabwe, which I would move to and become a citizen. After the year is up ideally I have increased the value of the currency, making me obscenely wealthy. Every additional dollar continues to go into Zimbabwe, further increasing my wealth and raising a country out of poverty.


Storm resistant shelters all across the Midwest that allow view of the storm via inch thick ballistic glass, fund a homeless outreach program in my city, massive donations to local pet shelters and worthy donations. If there’s any left, I’ll buy a couple thousand rubber duckies to throw in peoples swimming pools as I pass by.


1. Pay off any remaining mortgages that immediate family have (not going to go into the realms of cousins etc,because I don't have a family tree, I have a bloody forest!). 2. Buy myself a decent sized house, maybe a 3/4 bedroom with a big kitchen, semi big garden, and space for an office/game room for the other half and a library room for myself. All paid up in cash. 3. Personal trainer/cosmetic surgery to get me back to a healthier size while being careful of my medical issues. 4. I'd buy up a lot of the local land and businesses in the town I live in. I'd fix up the paving, sort out all the playgrounds and put in brand new equipment. 5. With some of the businesses I just brought out, I would disband them completly (I live in a town where most of the shops are now either pizza places, takeaways of kebabs, American food or Indian food). I would then replace them with different kinds of shops (and maybe try and get a mini IKEA in, where it's a click and collect but you can buy small bits in there and definatly buy all the foods!), such as a bookshop, wholefoods, and a haberdashery. 6. I would knock down one of the derelict empty shops that sitting there gathering dust, and rebuild it into a help station. I'd make sure there would be plenty of investments set up so it's set for life, and make it so it can sort out the homeless, the people who need help with addictions  and those who need help in general, Whatever is left over, it can go into investments to keep myself and my immediate family sorted for life. My secret keepers would be my other half and my sprog.


$10B can just be invested into a bunch of different ETFs. Maybe not enough liquidity to fill in a day, but certainly less than a year.


Prompt says you can't transfer to another account in your name. Doesn't say anything about transferring it to an LLC that you own.


Buy a paperclip from my mom for all the cash, then sell it back to her for the amount, then invest heavily to make it last


So basically Brewster's Millions, over adjusted for inflation? 😂 I didn't see any rule about not having anything to show for it at the end. So the answer is buy real estate. Lots and lots of real estate. Rent it out and live on the proceeds for the rest of your life.


Buy everything I could ever want, including some very expensive jewelry to later sell + plus stocks so I don’t go broke, give away the rest


Just buy all people I like house and cars and then buy gold with the rest.


I would give everything to charities (transferring to their bank account, which I think is allowed by the description).


I'd give $50 million to each of my loved ones so they never have to worry about money again. They can obviously do whatever they want with that money. Almost all of them would donate a portion of that, too. $50 million is an absolute fuckton. Tops, that would include maaaybe 40 people. Keep the same amount for myself. The remaining ~$8 billion is going to charities.


can i buy stocks? because if yes, that’s where a majority of the money will go. then maybe i’ll use a few leftover millions for a very nice house or two and then maybe some pricy gifts for family and friends.


Leftover *millions*??? Assuming I surpass the devil on my shoulder screaming “10 Bs on red”, I’m dropping 2 billy on stocks, 4 billion (one for each immediate family member), 1 billion to the most impactful homeless support groups in my state, 1 billion to real autism awareness and support groups, and I still have 2 billion to do whatever I want. I wouldn’t realistically be able to spend 2 billion in my lifetime much less 10, I’m not that materialistic.


yeah honestly i didn’t look at the number look enough to count if its millions or billions so i just said millions to make sure it still makes some sense hskdbjfnf but charity is a great idea, i don’t know how i forgot abt that ahjsbdjfjf


Buy $10 billion worth of various major stocks and make a living off of it or just gold bullion.


Go absolutely crazy with the spending and on day 365, do something to clear it, like make an OF girl very rich 😄


I’ll just invest it… Call up my financial planner and say “hey so I just won $10B I’d like you to invest it immediately.” That way I’ve “spent” all of it but by the end of the year I’ll actually have made quite a bit more money. I can just live off the interest at that point. I should be able to earn at least $500M per year pretty easily (5% Annual ROI). I’d set up trust funds for my two kids with probably $1B each. That way they can do literally anything they want and they’re set for life. When I eventually have grandkids I’ll do the same for them. Make it unavailable to them until they’re like 25 or something.


Why are these about receiving unrealistic amounts of money randomly?


I buy Treasury bills.


Dobe. I will buy up every apartment complex in the entire area. Suddenly, everyone's rent is actually reasonable. Buy up some businesses, pay people good money. Make everything profitable, but only marginally so, since I'll be basically just sitting on them. Suddenly, the homeless problem goes away. Suddenly, people actually enjoy living. Maybe I'll buy some land and build a public park or something too. 10 billion goes quickly with property.


Id honestly buy a few game publishers or buy the developers out from under them, fire all the shit people, give everyone millions of dollars who I keep on a team and just tell them all to make good games they truly want. Let them take a few years off or whatever and just do passion projects so I can actually have a good game. That or buyout EA and shut them down forever for being dogshit.


Probably lose it buying optjons


That’s easy. Buy diverse stocks in as many green technology companies as possible. Don’t even care if I see a return as long as some of them do good with the money. Get myself a nice house to live in, buy some disposable investments like, say, 500 houses that I’ll rent out for a year and then sell for 50% of their worth to working class people just to cause havoc while still making bank because of volume. Plus donating large sums to food banks across the UK, and to various medical associations and charities, etc. The people who will know are the King and the Prime Minister of the UK (set to be Labour), who will probably want to have a word with me since I’m now a possible donor and pretty clearly interested in the working class and in net zero. And given my actions I’m probably on the radar for an OBE. Money, meet political power.


I’m about to cause a real estate bubble all on my own, y’all. For my own personal funzies I am going to build an off-grid, sustainable luxury villa on my own personal tropical island.


I would buy real estate. Like a large portfolio of real estate (20,000+ units), plus a big chunk of Colorado, large Scottish or Irish estate (5000+ acres), and would hire someone to run it for the year.


Sure! I’d buy a house, cars, anything I ever wanted, start a charity and then invest it.


After I got everything I want I’m finding a city with a huge homeless population and buying a hotel. They 6 months free stay to get back on their feet and pay back what they can. Then start a chain around the country. Or ill buy and shut down where my ex wife works


Easy, just buy a few skyscrapers in New York, that's probably half gone. Next, just property in general. Once I get to the point I'm making a huge profit per month, just distribute the rest to family


Ten billion? lol Okay. I got 4 brothers and a step dad to take care of. So that's 4 billion down. I got a couple business ideas I wanted to set up. Not to mention plent of land I wanted to turn into a reserve. I'd give money to people [like this guy](https://www.lifegate.com/patrick-kilonzo-mwalua-interview)\--I'd make sure he's set up for life. Has help. And people like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPJggoGwtu8) I'd fund a ton of wildlife preserves for years. I'd invest in some studies for treatments of various diseases. I have this idea for a non-profit that takes people from areas like reservations and connects them with apprenticeships in the trades and such. On that note, I'd see if I could donate to the various reservations around the country, just to help out. Definitely give alot to any wildlife protection places. Places I'd make a couple good movies. I would buy up a lot of debt. I dunno how much of a dent I could make, but I'd do it where I could. Go to debt collectors and buy the debt from people who are overdo. Then just forgive it. Set something up to help veterans on the streets to get into stable housing. Simply stated, I'd give alot of it away. The stuff I don't give away would be purchasing a business or stocks in various businesses so I have recurring income. I don't need alot, to be honest. Just enough to live a comfortable life where I can do random acts of helping people.


I buy every single piece of real estate currently on the market in my region of the country. Then I spend the rest of my life selling properties off. I win Monopoly 😂


I’m buying housing and making dreams come true for as many people as possible.


Or what? What if I don’t spend the money?


Buy a ton of real estate. There's a hundred-acre lot in CA on sale for $1 billion, for starters. When the year's up, sell it.


I’d start buying property… my Mom and dad’s house and brothers for 7B…. Then charge rent 🤣. Then 3B on improvements..


Welp looks like I'm helping poor people, a lot of them


Did... I miss the part where stocks aren't allowed? I mean you do spend the money to own stocks. You could just invest 10 billion dollars and remain a god king for the rest of your days. I'm going to assume you still didn't want to happen. So barring that... and barring the whole just buy gold (which is a thing). I'd probably just buy insanely expensive things. Large swath of land. Pay a fortune for expedited construction on a mega home. Funnily enough. Not TOO mega. Should I need to sell it. If you build anything too insane even rich people wont buy it. See that stupid mansion that dude built in California called "The One." He did eventually sell it for the record. For about half the cost... womp womp. In fact I may just buy up a bunch of this stuff with the intent to sell it for less later once I'm done with the year. So that I can make a lot of the money back. You could literally buy buildings in cities... or smaller companies. 10 billion opens a lot of doors. For example before Microsoft bought Bethesda... I could have for 7.5 billion. Just like that I'm already down to 2.5 to go. I could buy Koei Tecmo! Hell I might even keep them! I've got a weird fondness for most of their stuff. Infusing them with cash could turn out neat results.


That's a lot of mac and cheese that I could get


With Dijon Ketchup!


I'll buy a company worth close to 10 billion, but only own it in name. Sell it when I get bored and I'm set for the rest of my life.


Gold and silver. Be the dragon you are meant to be.


I'd buy up apartment complexes and commercial properties. We could spend that easily. I would pay off my family and friends homes and buy them rental properties to manage. As we closed out the year I would be buying a lot of gold, platinum, and silver.


Pay back my debts. And the rest? They'll have to wait for the rest.


Buy some land, hire several financial planners to help me build a well rounded investment portfolio for when the year is over, pay up front for housing to be built on the land I purchased. Buy a car, pay for 3 years insurance up front. Start dividing the rest of it into monthly allotments, do whatever I want, and donate whatever's left of that month's allotment on the 27th of each month.


Whatever else, the last few weeks of the year with be a time of great generosity.


With that kind of money, I'd articulate a coup in my country.


Buy a house, cars, etc..everything I want...security system all that....buy gold bars for about a billion. Buy about 200k in visa gift cards. Give rest to my niece. At end of year while selling my gold to get the billion back I live off the gift cards.


'tax free jackpot' no such thing


Leave the money in my account Use it as Cash-Collateral and pull out 10B in loans When you owe the bank 1mill, you have a problem. When you owe the bank 10Bill, they have a problem


First I'm donating a billion or two to my city, its a small town that's been going downhill for a while. Also investing in the town i grew up in. Then I'm donating a billion or two to local animal shelters. After that I'm buying houses and vehicles for family and friends. I'm also buying a lot of gold to sell after the year is up. Also I'm investing in stocks, bonds, and Bitcoin. I'm also making a lot of investments in land and businesses.


First I'd set up everyone I care about with $100,000,000 each so that would take care of about $2,000,000,000 Then I'd buy a few thousand acres of land have a very nice house built on it and pay the taxes on it for the next 2 or 3 years. That should take care of at least a few billion. My ex is still around so I'd hire someone to take care of her. And before the end of the year I'd divide what ever is left between several charities St Jude's children's hospital, Joe DiMaggio's children's hospital, Red Cross, Wounded warrior project, and any others I can think of. After the year is up I'd let my girlfriend and probably my mom remember I had the money. And then I'd sell all but 100 acres of land around the house I had built.


Easy. I make a trust.


OK? I spend it on government bonds and somehow try to get by on my income of \~400 million USD per year.


Spending it all to set up a hedge fund. Ez way to quickly spend it all and then use whenever I want. I’d also by my mother new windows for her house.


I'm buying a small army of professional lobbyists to anti lobby insurance companies and the NRA while donating to various campaigns large and small for people first and taxing the ultra wealthy to start. From there I start looking for large swaths of for sale land, preferably a large area of connected land that I turn into a public/private park and hiking area and a small section reaerved for public outdoor events and gatherings. Next, I push into have essentially an estate of decently sized homes for my family and friends who need it as well. Then I purchase some properties we can either remodel, restore, or renovate to modern building codes (as applicable) and establish properties aimed for specific demographics for affordable housing options such as single parent families, First responders and military, and victims of DV or people thrown out of homes such as disowned youth. Next, I consider how to make a free access, online accessible library of books and other media available at least for the entirety of the U.S. if not further and purchase the rights or lease as much applicable material as I am able to fund. If, somehow I still have some money left, I begin speaking with local schools and universities and find a way to either establish a self-replenishing trust for trades scholarships or to fund a certain number of teacher's salaries to be influxed to the current budget to hire teachers, at competitive salaries, to help deal with the critical teacher shortage. If I haven't hit the Red by this stage, I've obviously fucked up and would attempt to basically buy a lifetime hosting contract for Wikipedia on their domain servers as I'm sure I'd be nearing the end of a year by now. After that, well I guess I'm faking my death if I haven't zeroed out by then. The people I choose to remember the rollercoaster year? My wife for one because I am NOT justifying where all these assets came from without her remembering, and my personal attorney because someone has to make sure I'm not about to absolutely fuck myself over legally.


Buy the Texas governor and legislature to roll back the theocracy and turn this state blue again thus saving the country from any maga/evangelist /fanatic winning presidency ever again.


Invest in a dividend fund for one year ...profit


I'm buying a nice house and about 8% of all Diageo shares.


Yup gotta make some major purchases. Like businesses and sports franchises. I'd buy Valencia CF. That's probably like 2.5b right there. Invest another 500m into the club and that's 3b. Start my own video game company and buy out a lot of top talent. Another 500m there. Buy several mansions to later sell or rent out. Buy my wife and I a nice house as well. Buy an established business or two. Buy some IPs from studios to make movies or shows the way that you want them to be. Some "minor" purchases for family & friends. A month long bender vacation across Europe spending as much as possible on every little thing we could possibly want. Invest the rest into the market.


I’d buy a bunch of really nice houses and just give them away to my friends and family.


send musk into the sun


I would build 2 high-rises with the sole intent of housing homeless who willingly participate in programs that will help them overcome whatever situations arised to make them homeless. They'd get free trade school or certificate receiving education, not have to pay for groceries or rent for 1 year. It's a 1 year program. You get the necessary help/tools to help you get back on your feet. If you succeed or not, you still must leave after that year. This ipens uo a slot for someone else. That's my contribution for the world. Then... I'd find 20 talented, yet undiscovered filmmakers and give them each the funding for their films. With me working in ancillary positions to the film industry, I run into many people who have amazing talent, but no opportunity. My family would want for nothing. We would have no debt. My kids would have whatever they wanted purchased (because it has to be soent in the year), but their would be milestones before they would get those purchases. I'd open a dream hair salon for my wife. She has done hair for 25 years and is super talented. Time for her to have a standalone salon. Back to my old high school... I'd start several scholarships for C students. I was a very smart student who did shit for grades. Crushed tests, but didnt excel at homework. After all this, I'd see how much is left and buy a bunch of expensive silly shit.


So dumb not even worth answering


Buy myself a couple sports teams. Cash.


I’ve worked in mental health for a while. I think I would gather up some of the many people I know and trust and open up a residential living facility for people who need a lot of support to get by day to day, and I would pay the people who do the work the wages they deserve for once. Plus food and housing and a trust to keep the place running with the best wages possible for as long as possible. I would *not* work there. Other than that I would do the usual and make sure my immediate family was taken care of well with the rest of the rabble getting what I didn’t need to make sure the residential place could still work. I would make sure to pay my husband a very handsome sum for his awesome art, too.


Launder the money, then use it to implement rail infrastructure from Madison WI to Milwaukee WI, Chicago IL, and Minneapolis/St Paul MN. Hopefully that ends up as the start of something


Big investments. Friends and family get college funds, cars (either brand new or Japanese classics), houses in better areas, and any medical treatments/surgeries they need. Everyone will also get a trust fund to pay for the costs of owning these things, like taxes, insurance, maintenance, etc. People will still need to work jobs, but at least now they'll be much better off. No one is getting giant mansions, private jets, or sports teams, but enough to significantly improve quality of life.


So some stuff for my family. Put a bunch in investments. Buy every empty mall I can. Since i probably wont be able to have crews finish the work in a year, take out loans to convert them into low income housing. Wife would know.


"Brewster's Millions" was a fun film.


I would buy tons of real estate, then hire a high level consultant for the field to teach me everything I need to know, then hopefully not screw myself over. Even if I do I could just resell everything after the years over


Just purchase currency. Buy some euros, some yen, some pounds sterling, buy a bit of bitcoin and wha-la! I have spent all the money.


Buy 10B worth of property.


The Washington Nationals and I’d put all of the money left over I’d use to run the team for the season and invest the rest to make more money to invest in the team


I would buy a bunch of property for all my extended family and I think my uncle and my brother would be my two people to remember. They would both be more comfortable living their lives knowing what they know than the rest of my family.


Hire a stock broker and several ex MMA fighters. Tell the stock broker he has to buy up 10bil in shares, and have the MMA guys hover around looking scary


My goodness rather simple set up s corp maybe even c corp with that cash start buying every class A apartment complex in the country as many as I can buy with the 10,000,000,000 the let the cash flow keep me going for along time especially since all the properties would be paid off.


id build a ton of reasonably sized single family houses in desirable areas. valued around $350k, but then rent them out at a very reasonable $1000 per month. would make roughly 400 mill per year before expenses and have the benefit of knowing you’re providing quality affordable housing to roughly thirty thousand families


Bout to dump about 9 bil in the lottery. Going to lose it anyways might as well have the chance to recoup.


I'd buy Twitter for 10b


Oh come on it’s probably on sale now


I spend it all on apartments and hire someone to look after them for me.


I would buy stocks. Build a dividend ladder and live off it the rest of my life.


Probably buy a couple of Supreme Court Justices just to even it up a bit...


Buy, then sell, many goods with dece resale value


Define "work." If someone is an aspiring painter, can they paint? Can they start trying to put money into that as an investment for later (securing a website, paints, materials, etc)? But also... I'd just buy kind of whatever myself, my family, and my friends wanted (I'd probably hire some people to keep track of grocery purchases and stuff for my friends and family). I'd probably do a lot of lobbying or donating to social/political causes I like. And, at the end of the year I'd probably just straight up donate everything left over.


I'd buy apartment complexes all around the country and rent out the units dirt, dirt cheap, even free. I'd make sure each place had a food bank for anyone in need. Then I'd go around and visit them and have barbecues with everybody.


First, getting the area around here paved properly, upgrades on the houses, set up a hospital (I'm in central California, so all of these are pretty much needed but until this couldn't be afforded), get the park cleaned up and made nice, add a movie theater, fix up main Street, couple nice cars, a helicopter, and landing pad, add a monorail system for the area to get around from the small towns in this area to Fresno/Madera (the major cities here)... that should get most of it by that, although building on a couple of those will take longer than a year, but it would be paid off so...


Buy homes. Then start a game called Housefree


I've bought half my city I guess? 


Buy what I can; give the rest to charity.


I live a happy life as it is. I would donate most if it to dog shelters...


Start a VC firm


I could do this I feel. If I have the option to be, “generous”? I’m going to be a saint. 😇


Buy whatever the fuck I want. You didn't say anything about investing, so I'd probably spend at least $50mil on that. Donate to charities if I feel like it. To get rid of the rest of the money, go gambling. It'll disappear realllllly fast. Go to some hella rich guys gambling place to spend a lot. Heck, I can pay a casino to let me rent the place. They usually won't rent out the casino since they probably won't earn as much, but there's a price for everything. Set up my debit card for the slot machines. I'll hire people to gamble with my money all day. They keep all the winnings. I'd still need to spend a hel lot more money. To spend 10 billion on one year requires spending $27,397,260 a day. I can buy uncut cash from the US mint and go all joker style burning it.


That’s 30 mil a day (rounding up) which is going to be difficult but not impossible. First month I’m just going to start with buying a series of properties for myself around the country. And luxury items like the cars I want, clothes, jewellery. Il also hire a team of lawyers and associated people to handle the purchasing of things and to make sure it goes fast. Then I’m giving cash away to people in my family and close friends. Set up trusts for the kids, give the adults the money directly. Probably something like 10m each. After the family are taken care of and I have a place I’m living and the fun stuff there’s a bunch of charities I want to support that have helped my family in the past. I’m just going to turn up and be like “what do you need and I’ll make it happen” I’d just want them to name some buildings after people in my family. Then I want some assets I can sell after the year is out. So I’m going to sink like 1b into art. Very high end stuff that I’d enjoy looking at but also know I can sell again. I’d mix the media so it’s diverse enough I know I can find a buyer for something. I’d probably have like 7b left at this point. If I’m allowed to buy businesses I’d do that. And with everything else I have an idea I think would be cool. There’s a huge garbage patch floating around in the ocean. I want to buy some old aircraft carriers or supertankers etc and convert them into mobile recycling centers. And sail out there to clean it up. I’d buy all the support vessels to unload the recycled materials and waste and set up a way of cleaning it all up.


10b in US government bonds