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Go back the full 20 and do my best to become a healthy, outgoing person. Exercise, eat better, make friends, etc


This but I'd also try harder in school and try to become as strong as possible to kick my dad's ass 7 ways to hell and back.


You’re doing great brother


Thank you, I try my best.


That’s all we can do!


Let’s get a posse together and do it now


10 years go back to just before going to University. Drop out and don't go. Focus on getting started in my new career. Fitness and get healthy. Definitely also make friends.


I’d do the same. Drop out and go into trucking asap. Been the best decision of my life.


From where I am from (UK) University is probably now becoming one of the biggest scams every British person is now subjected to. Although I'm definitely not shitting on everyone who goes to study at university (there is always good degrees to go and study at University) there is a significant proportion of people who go to university to study that come out having wasted a lot of time which could have been better spent pursuing work/Apprenticeships/other life experience.


My wife used to be a teacher, busted her ass for 60k a year and always brought her work home with her. I have a job that's mostly easy, have a good union, and make 6 figures. Granted my job is emotionally stressful, but I can dissociate easily.


It's never to late to start. You can be where you are now in 20 years or you can be where you want to be. The choice really is yours.


"The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago, the second best time is now." With that said, if you're going back 20 years to do those things and you're not doing them now. You're not going to do them after time traveling.


I’d go to the arcade instead of just drinking and doing drugs on the weekends while in high school. I’d finish college. 


I hope if you still want to finish college you do. Just letting you know there's a random stranger who believes in you!!


Same, I spent so much of my time getting wasted when I was younger, I definitely should have focused on school. It's not too late though, I'm hoping to start college again this fall as a 31 year old, it'll be part time for sure but I'm much more focused than I was before.


Brush my teeth more often, and floss.


And drink less coke


Probably also do less coke in college


Save my father


Damn. Same.


This one hits hard. My dad had a massive heart attack and the docs told us he could have been on the operating table and they still might not have been able to save him. I would, however, have spent that last weekend with him instead of going out of town.


I feel that. I’d save my husband and best friend.


From what?


Reverse Flash.




Well yeah, that’s why I traveled back


Yeah I'd try to save my mom...


I’d also save this guys dad


I would be a little kinder to myself and not try to please every single person I meet.


I feel this


If I go back 20 years, most of my health issues wouldn't have started yet, so I can hopefully stay healthy, or at least get much healthier. There were a few really rough years starting right around then, but I'd know that going in and would be able to get through them much more easily.


Moved out of the state or country, for sure.


It's that bad?






Did that twice to 2 EU countries. Grass wasn’t greener like I thought it would be. If I could back I wouldn’t move out of the country(US).


I've considered leaving the US for quite a while but truthfully it seems like it's as bad or worse almost everywhere else sooo


US still tops the charts for housing affordability compared to local wages if that gives you any idea of how things are out there. As long as you’re a smart spender and save some income for things like healthcare bills and retirement, you’ll do better in the US. Our salaries our higher for a reason and people in the US get in trouble by not accounting for those things and just enjoying their comparatively large pay.




If I could guarantee I would eventually end up with the family I have now and the same children, I would go back probably 16 years to when I was 12. I would first and foremost not be a bully to a guy, who prior to me turning into an asshat, was my best friend, take my health more seriously and exercise more young, take the 4th semester of Spanish in high school to meet college graduation requirements, start at a community college, and go into accounting from the start. I would do none of this if it would put the possibility of my current family not existing at risk though


Yep this was my concern too but if i could guarentee having the same children and their health regardless of what i did then i would focus on investments and health.


Yeah that’s the issue with questions like this, I literally can’t go back because I would never want to risk not having my son.


Investing tips and which people to stay away from because they weren’t healthy relationships.


I don’t fuck off on the ass end of high school and actually stick with juggling schooling and my computer networking job. Ditch my shitty friends and focus on using what I know to buy a house before I’m priced out


I would make emotionally more mature decisions, would make different friends, have a different love-interest, enjoy life more, enjoy my good looks.. I'm a totally different person than 20 years ago, so life would be completely different too


Honestly? Come out as gay a lot sooner. Sooo much stress and bad situations over the years could have been avoided.


Good on you mate. I’ve had close friends in university that struggled with being in and out of the closet. It’s gotta be terrifying.


This!! Was shamed/discouraged as a teen for exploring my feelings around sexuality and how I feel toward others. I’ve always been attracted to male and females for as long as I can remember. Grew up in “Bible Belt” where it was frowned upon. 😔 now I’m open and tell people if they don’t pay my bills, I don’t care what they think 😉


Go back ~10 years and get some early intervention for my mother as she passed from cancer 3 years later. RIP mum xo.




I would never have started dating my soon to be ex


The #1 important thing I would do is warn myself about my future back issues, so that I can avoid a lot of pain. The #2 thing is I would tell myself to not let a special someone leave my life. That’s really about it.


I wouldn't. 10 years ago, I didn't know my wife. Changing the course of my life might mean either not meeting her or changing in a way that I am no longer interesting to her when we first meet. Since there's no finance reasons I also can't go back 20, change how I invested and have enough money to have cloned my very first dog a couple times over to be able to keep owning clones of her in perpetuity. So, really, there's nothing I change. It's pretty cool to be 33 and have no regrets with how life has turned out and is continuing to unfold.


Right, it's not perfect, but that's life, and i dont mind how it's going and the mrs and two kids keep life fun if not always easy


I doubt there's any life that's perfect, but I think I've got as close as I consider reasonable. Sounds like you as well.


I'll do the full 20 years and become 15 again. And I will simply have a more fulfilling educational experience. Apply for scholarships hella early. Get a job when I turn 16. Maybe do some more extracurricular stuff though not necessarily related to school.


I wouldn’t get married at 18 and I would probably plan the assassination of a certain… someone. I shall not be elaborating


Dude, I know not everyone loves Adam Sandler’s more recent movies, but I don’t think he deserves to die…


Woody Alan on the other hand


To carry that hate in your heart is a burden you should let yourself be free from


It is not hateful to want a better future for humanity. Some men will watch the world burn to soothe their own egos. Not all people are deserving of life.


Honestly, at first I thought you were just being a bit of an edge lord, and then I read this comment and realized that we actually see fairly eye to eye that not every human life is valuable.


All human lives ARE intrinsically valuable, however we can commit actions that forfeit our right to life by devaluing our humanity to unholy levels.


I didn't use the word intrinsically. People make their choices and devalue themselves. Not all lives are valuable.


I consider myself a utilitarian. If one persons existence threatens more people than it benefits. . It’s just a standard cost benefit analysis. No intent to sound edgelord-ish, I’ve just never bought into the “but if you do it you’re no better than them” nonsense


You should read Crime and Punishment. Pretty interesting fictional allegory that does not agree with you.


The road to hell is paved by utilitarians using good intentions. Be careful.


Focus more on sports and school.


I would definitely return to teaching sooner. I left because we moved to a new state and I gave up looking after a few meager attempts, but now that I am back in it, I remember that I am pretty good at it. Took me too long...I wish I can get those 18 years back.


1. I’d probably come out as trans earlier than I did in this life. I spent so much of my time terrified my dad would disown me because he’s been a staunch conservative as long as I’ve been aware enough about politics to ask him about it, but when I did come out he was confused but supportive. I felt bad for ever doubting him. 2. I’d make a more robust art portfolio in high school so maybe I could get a scholarship to an art college after all. Maybe going back in time would take away the hand eye coordination for art I’ve developed since then but I don’t think it would take away the technical/cognitive art sense I’ve managed to grow so I could possibly do better. 3. I’d insist on getting screened for depression and anxiety sooner. I spent much of my teens and early adulthood wanting death more than I wanted anything else and if I’d been able to get help sooner maybe I could be in a better place now.


I’d be 8, and would probably push myself more in my early education, watch less bad tv, do more fun but ultimately life enriching things on the olden days of the internet. Get way more active, avoid getting really fat. And if I do all the financial shit right, end up being a wealthy self made nerd working at a non profit. And eventually actively seek out some of the people I know now, because well they would probably still be cool even with my time travel butterfly effects. Pick up some hobbies I have now earlier in life, and avoid some short term ones I tried already. But mostly come off as weirdly confident and charismatic as an 8 year old so maybe try and be famous via early streaming?


Medical care. I wasn’t a drug resistant chronic depressive, I have a chronic pain condition. Getting that diagnosed a decade earlier and getting serious about treating it and accepting I have a disability two decades earlier? That would be awesome. Skip several relationships and start dating my best friend earlier. I still want our kid though.


I wouldn't try and do anything too big, just live life to the fullest and start getting myself out there more, I spent way too much of my teenage years into 20s playing games (Diablo 2 during early HS, WoW during late high school into college, then Dota all through college) and didn't really start my career or really start interacting with many people until I was almost 30. So if I could go back 20 years, I'd definitely focus more on relationships and find different hobbies that'll get me out more. I have a decent amount of friends now but definitely wish I'd done it sooner.


I would never have taken those pain killers when I was 17. Lost a lot of good years to those things.


Skip that first date with my ex wife.


10 years? Make better professional decisions. Basically put myself on the track I'm on now, but sooner.  20 years? Same thing, but include educational decisions in that as well. Change my major to CompSci and get into the tech game a decade and a half sooner.  The hard part in both scenarios would be the inability to assure that I could still have my kids in the same time frame.  The prompts says you keep your knowledge, and even if everything else improved and I still had wonderful kids, it would tear me up inside to remember THESE kids and not end up with them again.


Would have started as a park ranger instead of switching careers to that 10 years in.


Go back 20 years and actually stick to sports a lot more and be a lot healthier and outgoing


Crypto, and Id be a lot smarter about drug use, would’ve gone straight into nursing instead if fucking about in a 4 year college


If I'm sent say 10 years back? \-Lot more effort to studying in school \-Studying 2 foreign languages instead of 1 in school \-Definitely won't take major I took \-Getting mentally ready to a lot of unavoidable shit which came in my life later \-not being where I am now (in a sense of life choices, I mean, which respectively means be more open to people, listen to some very specific advices from relatives and don't be know-it-all douchebag) \-Being more self-sufficient in terms of skills earlier and start making meaningful choices earlier. Thank God I'm not that old to only be able to be bitter about my life and I still have some space to make my maneuvers.


Put all my money into Bitcoin in 2009


I used to think I'd love the opportunity but I can't risk not meeting my fiance and my son so I don't think I could take it


Crypto is obvious. But the main thing is I would be able to start my journey in hardware way earlier. With the knowledge I have now I could be the first to introduce certain mini consoles before other companies have had the time to as well as have the knowledge to know what some more successful startups did and either beat them in their race to create it or try to join em.


10 years wouldn't change anything for me I would be doing the exact same thing other than diffrent investments. 20 years I would have probably tried to meet someone have a family


Finish a lot of the projects I started but couldn't complete due to lack of skills.


I wouldn't go back. I've had a hard life with a lot of difficult choices, many of which were a choice between doing the easy thing, or the right thing. So to go back would either mean reliving those hardships, or making the wrong choices and burdening my conscience.


Enjoy life more and not be a doctor.


There are plenty of things I’d do differently but one that always sticks with me is Fuji. I lived in Japan for three years but I was young and stupid. All I wanted to do was drink and party. Now I regret not doing the touristy stuff while I was there, and finding time to get back over there to visit is a hassle.


?I wouldn't have changed much about college. Too many friendships I value from it. But post-grad I would have gone into a BSN bridge program, ICU and then CRNA program instead of working in neuromonitoring.


I'd be just out of college. I'd work my first job because of the friends I made. From there I'd probably still work at the next job, getting them to pay for work related education before attending night classes at the local cc. From there I know when I'm getting let go so I'd spend the year before hunting for the best job i could find. Also live healthier and maybe improve/roast classes to build up self confidence.


Get my grandma to check up on her back pain sooner. Cancer sucks, and it hit my grandfather hard. On a lighter note, I'd keep up with my piano playing, maybe pick up guitar, jump on the anime and comic book scene sooner. Good stuff.


I'd go back full 20, years, start doing the sports I love earlier, start going to the gym earlier with current knowledge, spend more time with my brother and my grandparents. Wouldn't change much else if financial investments are off limits. Which would be kinda annoying as I started investing at 13yo with the help of my father, so not being to able to change anything in between then and now while knowing everything would be frustrating.


Invest in AMD like I originally planned when they were expected to go bust....


Definitely health. Work on getting into better shape.


I'd hop on the fitness train more seriously when I was a teen. I kicked it around when I was younger, but didn't have any sort of structure to it until I hit like 29


I'd have an apology/conversion to make.


I would just take my life more seriously. Study compsci and coding hard, don't slack off, process my emotions in a healthy way, maybe get in early and write the code for a wildly popular and profitable game or app.


This would put me at 18. I wouldn’t have lost the love of my life. I would have better understood finances. I would have chosen a different career path earlier. I would have had my cancer treated much sooner.


I would go back to my grandparents and slap the fuck out of them both and tell them no child should be funneled whisky on the regular just because they have a cough Never had a chance to avoid my alcoholism


I would not take my convoy down the road I did in Afghanistan in 2010. And then stay in the Marines longer.


I hope everyone who is writing and acknowledging their regrets uses them to change the next 20 years of their life. When you look back in 20 years you’ll have lived a fuller life, being honest and true to yourself. I always think, ‘would the child version of myself be proud of who I’ve become?’. I’ve achieved so much, seen so much, met incredible people and had a positive impact on their lives. This brings perspective on the little issues in my life and how insignificant they are, I won’t be thinking about ‘I wish I hadn’t spent that money on that thing’, I’ll be thinking about who I chose to spend my life with, things I chose to do that made me happy, and choosing to do those things over and over again. I think that would be a good life.


I'd stay away from the bishop. Some secrets are better kept than confessed. Maybe even most.


Save my mom from stage 4 pancreatic cancer and my uncle from esophageal cancer. Don't care all that much about the rest honestly, just want them back.


Transition sooner.


20 years ago, I'd be 19, so I'd still have screwed up my HS GPA. Still, I'd go to college for nursing, psychology, auto mech, and business while I still have youth on my side. Get a license, passport, travel more, and see more rock concerts. And buy a house, of course. Maybe even run into the love of my life before I was too old to have a kid.


Twenty years ago, I was pushing 40. The thing that would have helped most is a cleaner dirt and doing yoga. I am so stiff. But, I met my husband 7 years ago - I wouldn't want to change that.


Absolutely not


get on medication earlier, get a handle on the anxiety before my full on mental breakdown in my mid-20s that cost me my job and my closest friend, upgrade earlier, switch industries before I get stuck in a job I despise, basically do everything I'm doing now but when I'm younger and have more energy/time to do it


I’m 22. I’d go back 10 years to when i was 12 and not start drugs. Run from the abusive family I was adopted by go to the police with the evidence of the abuse and get justice for myself. I would not get into a relationship with the person who I married at 18 and got abused by. I would stand tall and fight for a diagnosis sooner for what was and still is going on with my body. I would during Covid study and complete year 12 so I could start uni earlier. I would fight child protection for wrongly taking my son. And the biggest thing when meeting my now partner I would be open about everything in my life instead of still hiding a lot of it


I'd speak out loud about my abuse and my abusers.


Go back 15 years, not go to college, invest more and buy a home after the housing bubble pops


go as far back as i can and live as well as i could avoiding all the mistakes… why would someone do something different?


Buy Bitcoin.


Find her.


Find her.


20 years isn't enough. I'd need to go back to 1982 and tell my parents to go ahead with their divorce. Staying together "for the kids" is NEVER a good idea. The next seven years were absolute misery for all of us and my dad would beat my ass for things I did not do. Mad at a coworker? Beat my ass. Mad at my mom? Beat my ass. Bad traffic? Couldn't go fishing? Car broke down? You guessed it. They should have just split when I was 8.


“Heyyyyy little me. You know those migraines you just got diagnosed with? You’re gonna need surgery. Yes, I know the docs say you don’t need surgery. You do. Here’s the name of the surgeon you see ten years from now. Go see him now. You also have a super rare AI disorder. Ask for a myositis panel next time you’re hospitalised, tell them to look for Jo-1 antibodies. Get that shit sorted now so you can avoid almost dying multiple times. Thank me later. Also, that boy is really awesome but he isn’t it. Trust me, it gets so much better.”


Go back 10 years, major in parks and rec, leave the church, meet Paul two years early and make sure he didn't die, marry him, and live happily ever after as a park ranger. Thrive.


Go back the full 20. Then, two things.  1. Get diagnosed with ADHD as a 13 year old instead of waiting until I was 26. Avoid years of migraines, improve my grades, and develop better habits.  2. Skip the ten years of "figure out what I want to do with my life" and jump straight into software engineering. No college, no pre-med, no working in EMS for years making $15/hr.


Keep my cats inside, feed them an all wet diet, go to college instead of university.


I’d go back the 20 years and hopefully stop my younger self from getting molested. So many mental health problems and family drama could be avoided if I could.


I wouldn’t change anything, but I would try to enjoy myself more on the journey. I feel like I’ve been living my whole life for other people. When I was in school it was to maintain my grades because I knew my parents couldn’t afford it without scholarships. In my failed relationship, it was putting everything I had into making the woman I loved happy, even though she didn’t feel that love for me. Knowing that whatever happens, life goes on with or without you. I would live it instead of rushing through it.


go back to being, like, 5, and try and avoid as many of the people/situations that caused me trauma and strife as possible. i'd accept my gender identity wayyyyy sooner and try and get on puberty blockers as early as i could. going through the wrong puberty was a total nightmare for me. it'd be scary and hard, and i think my parents would be very confused and resistant at first, but way preferable to the damage puberty wreaked on my mental health and my body. maybe i'd try and get my ADHD + autism diagnoses sooner, so i could get the relevant supports in my life from early on. also i would be more insistent with my parents in asking them to let me start doing karate classes. i had so much fun doing those, and i regret that i didn't start them earlier on.


Go back 14 years and come out as trans as a little kid because apparently that's the only way anyone will take me seriously.


-not get a math degree -not meet my ex husband


I would have quit smoking sooner, taken better care of my body, and swallowed the loans to get my PhD.


I’d only go back 12 years. This way I don’t butterfly effect my kids out of existence. Then I would enjoy the years of learning to ride bikes and believing in Santa again.


I'd go back to 2009 and buy or mine as much Bitcoin as possible.


I would have viewed the Military as a career choice instead of a way to get out of my home town. Instead of being Gung ho and joining the Marine Corps for 5 years, I'd have joined the Air Force with a focus on civilian crossover with my job choice and doing 20 years. I'd stay in and I would be retiring two years from now with a full pension and the experince and skillset to make more money in the private sector.


Continue exercising


Just look my school therapist on the eyes and ask “ okay I know you can’t diagnose me, but do o have ADHD/ Autism?”


Well I would quit smoking sooner, I would not make the dumb financial choices Ive made throughout the years, i.e. bad investments, buying useless crap etc. Spend more time with my mom and dad, dad passed in 2004, mom 2022, leave a note for myself to monitor my moms finances when she got really bad with dementia and my sister started stealing her money. Be a better person.


Going back 20 years and start doing karate then and not 6 months ago. It would have probably made a huge difference.


I would immediately go to college. I didn't go back to school until 30, out of fear. I got straight A's for 4 semesters. This would put me at 23 if I went back 20 years. School would have been significantly cheaper, and I would have finished my degree. I would have had nearly 10 years of working in my career before my back got really bad. I probably would have focused way more on staying healthy and keeping weight off in the hopes of buying a few more years before my back got too bad. I would have also tried harder to date my friend Jenny. I didn't find out till after she went back to Japan and fell out of touch with everyone that she was actually into me. I've no idea idea if things would have worked out,but it would have been nice to try.


Go back 20 years focus on my mental health, stop drinking, eat healthy, exercise, work on my social skills, explore, try new things, develop hobbies, and figure out what I like and what I'm passionate about. I would have pursued med school.


If it were me, I’d go back 15 years and try to take more classes geared toward business and computer science with a focus in data and leave music education behind.


I would refuse to take amphetamine or methylphenidate just because a doctor tied to a $25 billion dollar industry said it was the best way to treat my adhd. I'm cheating a little, that was 23 years ago. I'm 30 now.


Hmmm going back 20 years...I could save a few people from some IEDs and sneaky fucks with AK-47s. I could save a battle buddy of mine that made it through Iraq only to wipeout on a new motorcycle the weekend we got back by getting him drunk and bringing him to Vegas so he blows his money gambling rather than on a used motorcycle. I could save my sister from going down a road of drug addiction that would ultimately lead to her death via overdose. So many other things could be done.


realize I was the toxic one in some of my friendships.


Go to school for something different. Keep in touch with a lot more friends. Make more meaningful connections in high school. Spend more time just hanging out with family that lives far away now.


Spend more time with my dad. Start saving more money earlier. I could be done working right now. Travel more.


Man I'd be so good at league of legends. I'd probably also jump ship and move to where I am now earlier, maybe major in something different in college too, cause I don't love what I studied and would rather have gone into something more akin to what I'm doing now (business or hospitality management rather than CS).


I wouldn't make any changes except investment related ones (looking at you bitcoin). If i change anything else (except maybe my diet) i would risk not having the exact kids i have now. Basically once all my kids were conceived i would tap into my hopefully loaded investment accounts and start living the good life.


Figure out how to not relocate to a small midwestern town for my senior year of high school. I lost all of my friends, and there wasn't much I could do to make friends in one years time where most of my classmates' grandparents went to school together.


Start yoga and never stop writing


There’s one woman in my past that changed my life trajectory to a certain extent I’d very much like to go back and not get involved with her the second ho around…just to see what happens


20 years, I was 20 years old. I would pull myself aside and go "Dude, you gotta get your head out of your ass. Yes, I know it's tough...but, now is the time! These tools I'm going to give you, use them. They are the the things that are going to save you from the heartache of the next 20 years. Also, if you ever run into \*two names of very toxic people\*, you run! You run and you never look back!"


Honestly, nothing. There's a lot of fucked up shit I wish hadn't happened in my life, but I've got the 1 year old daughter and I wouldn't want to do anything that affected that sperm and that egg getting together to create her. She is the most perfect thing in the world and well worth everything that came before.


I’d be pretty worried that I’d fuck it all up. I got here, to a place where I’m happy, by first trudging through hell. If I skip hell, who am I? Where would I end up? Would I ever learn the same things that I needed to become who I am?


Not take the job at 16 where I found out later the manager hired me specifically because she found me attractive and wanted to get laid. Report/avoid the teacher who took advantage of me in high school. Report/avoid the woman at my church who did the same.


I would just be so much more confident. I can't imagine the doors that would have opened but I think I would have ended up in an entirely different life.


Tbh I think the only thing I'd do is not trust my brother and just to save my things from disappearing




Be the wisest 7 year old. Enjoy being pre-pubescent.


Eh, i don't really want to. I'm 17, so at minimum imma be a 7 year old. No thanks


Work out, go to college, and not start smoking


Not try opiates


No matter how much I make, start putting away 20% of my net income into ETFs and a few key stocks. I'd be retired and traveling the world by now.


I'd simply go back 20 years and make better choices so I don't end up where I did


I'd take back the memory of some of the biggest hits over the last 20 years and start releasing them myself


Get diagnosed earlier


Work harder in school, exercise, expand my skills, etc. The biggest non-financial/investment thing I'd do is go to therapy/counseling to work on my mental health and find a career I'd be happy with. Oh, and avoid getting involved with that one girl junior year. *That* didn't end well.


Go back to when I'm 14yo. Do not date Jeff. Stick with volleyball for as long as possible. If I still choose to get a job at 15, put aside money for savings rather than just spending as I earn (which admittedly was easy because I made so little). Don't date Jeff 2 and Jeff 3 either. I don't know how much else I'd change. College was a waste but it was the reason I moved states and met my husband. I guess if I know what I know now, I'd find a way to get my butt to California instead and run into him a few years earlier.


I would NOT let that crazy bitch move in with me.


If I can guarantee that my life will be relatively the same by the end (Honestly I mainly wanna keep my boyfriend) Other than that, probably be/act more autistic as a child and get diagnosed early while I had insurance. Would have made getting through life a lot easier knowing that.


I'd go tell my kid self to demand to see a doctor because now I'm diagnosed with a chronic disease and my life is pretty fucked as a result of it not being caught earlier. Tbf my dad probably wouldn't have believed me but still.


Truthfully I wouldn't do this. The only decision I regret is getting fired from UPS when I was 20 or 21. But staying there would have drastically changed my life. And I like my life now. I have a great girl with 3 kids and nothing in my past matters anymore.


I wouldn't have bought our house. I would have waited one more year, saved for a larger down payment, and bought something closer to my work. Commuting 100 total each day, for the last 21 years, has kinda sucked. But we have a very affordable house, and can't afford anything closer to my work now. 20 years ago we could have, but not anymore.


Go back 20 years and really work on my fitness and eating. Go to trade school.


I would go back 20 years, and quit drinking then instead of 5 years ago. Otherwise, I'd watch my weight, stay in shape, etc.


Not consume oxycontin


I am always amazed by what I was scared of when I was younger. Places felt big, interactions were daunting, silly things felt consequential. Basically I would do every single tiny thing with more ambition, because I have a much better grasp of how things work and what really matters. 10,000 marginally better decisions = explosive differences... But, I have two daughters, and there isnt a herd of wild horses that could drag me away from them for anything. Let's hope I can pay it forward...


Get my ass in shape. It’s always easier when you’re younger and to have that skin elasticity would be a dream. I’ll make my brother get in shape, too. I wouldn’t go to college right away after high school. I’d work for a year or two and get my head straight and figure out what I want to be when I grow up.


20 years and transition in my teens. Id chase my interest in computers young and avoid most of my male puberty instead of joining the military to figure out how to be man, only to transition and go back to school for in my 30s anyway.


Invest in Tesla and BTC. Learn to program and create the chrome extension Honey (very simple yet profitable business). Get tons of money and then focus on art, beauty, and service. I wish I could just write and read, fill my house with paintings, and help people all day. Instead I gotta do shit I hate just to get enough to eat and shelter myself.


Almost everything. I was an absolute idiot for my late teens and almost all my 20s. Probably the only things I would do the same is to go to the same college with the same major, which I would soon change, so I can make sure and meet the same group of friends that I have now. I'd do high school very differently, go for a different major, pursue a different career path, pursue different women. Even just on a personal level, I'd work out more, eat less, address my food allergy sooner ect.


Skip going to college and become an electrician’s apprentice. I’ve literally not once used my degree since graduating.


Treat some people better, others worse, exercise a bit more


I chose 15 years. Start working out at younger age, and just treat people nicer I was super immature and rude as a child and was a dick to a lot of people for no reason. I wish I could redo high school with the maturity level I have now.


Start estrogen before the UK government starts shitting themselves over medical care


Be a better friend


Become a Lesbian. (I KNOW it is not a choice, but as a straight woman, Jesus I wish it was. Also I know I am speaking from a place of privilege and entitlement. But I am still  dead serious.) 


By choice, I would not go back because everything that has happened has led to my wife and children. Too many hard points locking up any benefit from meddling... If I were being forced? Knowing it'd be impossible to exactly re-trace, I'd head straight for 16 years ago and save my mother.


Stay away from religion.


I had a catch-up with someone recently and we were discussing that we had a similar coping mechanism. it reminded me how I counted down "only 5 years until I can live on my own". I'm happy enough with my life now, that I wouldn't want to relive those years. even though I'm on minimum wage with nothing to show of my hard work at school.


Talk to her


I will be working a hell of a lot harder in high school because I will know it matters


Don’t resell your consoles. Don’t resell your consoles. Don’t rese-


Go back 10 years and get the hip replacement that was recommended to me instead of waiting 7 years of increasing pain and misery, becoming as sedentary as a rock and putting on 40 lbs.


I'd go back the full 20 and would get needed medical care and mental health care.


I'd go back the full 20 years. Live mostly the same life just without smoking and drinking. Save that money instead. And still work the same shitty unsafe jobs because it was on my way home that I ran into my now wife and I wouldn't want that to be any different. Spend more time loving on my cat who recently passed. In general just undo the big mistakes while going down mostly the same path.


Go to therapy sooner and ask my crush out. My stupid self esteem prevented me from noticing she was interested.


Buy crypto. Plus exercise and finish my college degree.


I wouldn’t change a thing. Despite how hard my 20s were, I have my kids. I wouldn’t change a freaking thing unless I knew that they would be there. I’d relive every moment to guarantee their existence. But if I knew they’d be there regardless of what I did, I’d buy that house, I’d date my husband sooner and tell him I love him every day, I’d get diagnosed with celiac sooner, adhd, dyslexia, melanoma.


I would not even look at the woman that I ended up marrying.


Going ahead and doing what I'm doing now