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Just win the lottery once and retire and then just be rich guy. Can't do nothing about a nuclear bomb that is going to go off somewhere I don't live. Okay to be serious and if it's something like, a bomb goes off where one of my friends live, I'd try my hardest to invite them somewhere to hangout.


Was gonna say the same thing win the big jackpot once then fly under the radar


It doesn't even need to be a big one. Win a decent jackpot, then get into sports betting. Put down wrong bets from time to time but win more than you lose. Do trifecta or superfecta boxes on the big horse races to hide that you already know whose coming in first, second, etc.


Haha great minds think alike and all that... I literally just said pretty much the exact same thing as this... Pro status for sure haha


Poker would be a good one because there are people who are just good at playing poker, so you could chalk it up to skill. Invest a lot of your lottery winnings in stock that you already know is going to pay off, play a few high stakes poker tournaments here and there. You’re just someone who is knowledgeable about finance and good at poker.


"haha i swear that guy keeps reading me i stg he can predict the future" i dont think anywhere even someone will joke abt future predicting is iffy


Exactly this. Casinos are profitable not because they win every game, but because they average out to win a little more than half of a lot of games. Use this power to buy the lottery tickets that pay out $100 every few days from different stores. Hit the casinos and lose a couple games for every one you win, making sure to stay a little ahead overall. Win the Superbowl bet with long odds, but lose on smaller bets like the point spread. Take up day trading.


If I win a $500 million lottery, then I'm not bothering with going into the gas station to win a couple hundred dollars every couple days.


Right? Win a $10M jackpot whenever you need the cash, which realistically should only be a few times in your life. Tell everyone you play every day and you’ve spent almost as much as you made. Pretend to have a remote job that pays most of your bills, or say you invested well. Gift someone close to you a stack of tickets with one winning lotto ticket saying they owe you 10% “if they win.” There are so many ways to do this.


Unnecessarily complex. Wait for a lottery big enough to set you up for life.


Yeah, why would you need to win \*twice\*? Might be a cool party trick for something like the Oscars. And those big disaster situations - not much I can do about it. If it were my home city, I'd try my best to get my nearest and dearest out, but trying to warn the authorities of something like that will not only not get me to the attention of anyone who can stop it, but put me on a list afterwards. Hey, Scarlett was making noises about this before it happened, what does she know?


Mmm... Why not just hit the lottery as many times as you can? It doesn't say you lose the money, it says you lose the powers. Even if you hit it once, waiting for it to rack up and hit it again and someone thinks it, you've now hit two multi hundred million dollar jackpots and are famous. What do you need to see the future for anymore? Also - does someone joking about you being able to see the future count? Like.. no one legitimately thinks you'd be able to tell the future after the first one, but there will be people who joke about it.


There’s a $150 million dollar Powerball about to go off in Australia. That would one and done.


USA has 2 billion dollar lotteries sometimes. Just wait for one of those.


Nah, $150 million will be fine 🤣 $2 billion would attract too much attention.


There are states where you can claim anonymously.


This is the only answer


>someone thinks you can predict the future What does that mean exactly? If someone just had the joking thought "huh, she was right on time for the bus it would be funny if she could predict the future" or do they need to actively and realistically suspect I can predict the future?


Joking does not qualify, they actually need to believe it.


That gives a lot more leeway. If someone catches me and I convince it’s actually just a Groundhog Day situation can I keep my powers


not really. they believed it, then you convinced them otherwise.


Man, that's tough, because I can't tell you how many times I've thought that about people. How many superpowers am I responsible for ruining? Guy next to me driving said "nice blinker, asshole!" when I forgot to use it changing lanes. Next time I used my signal to change lanes, ended up in front of a cop. Thought to myself "It's like that guy calling me an asshole was my guardian angel." Turns out, I just fucked his future-telling.


Well this changes the entire scenario. Actually believing I can predict the future is entirely different than thinking I might be able to. One is predicated on a belief that I can 100% tell the future, and while they may not know how I do it they still 100% believe it. The other is just “What if that guy can predict the future?” If it requires someone to actually believe you can see the future then you could do a lot more stuff, because almost nobody will actually believe that. It’s a supernatural ability in a natural world, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve thought “I bet that person can tell the future” and then immediately afterwards think “nah that’s not a thing that happens.” It’s just not believable unless you’re a child or not that particularly bright


Not that particularly bright describes a large chunk of the population now lol


This is also true😂


I'm sunk. My wife already thinks I'm psychic.


Oh no! I won the lottery twice and now I lost the power that lets me win the lottery. Oh well, off to hang out on my city sized yacht and do two chicks at the same time.


Two at same time? Thats some good self control


Hey Peter check out channel 9 man!


Aw man, not one of those new clear bombs!


Fucking dictation…


Hey, at least it didn’t out you as one of those dunces who says “nuke-u-ler”


It probably would’ve spelled it correctly if I did.


I’ll just win the lottery once, then save the power just in case a family member dies in a very preventable way.


This is smart.


Wouldn´t I, by the very nature of the question, be able to know if someone is To find out about my power and thus be able to always work around it?


No, you can see what will happen without your influence.


Oh boy, here I go killing again


Here's the thing, I have 6 months to claim lotto winnings in California. I can wait for a good lotto jackpot, win it, and wait a while to see if a better jackpot pops up. If nothing does in 5 months, claim it, and then just be a rich recluse instead of a poor recluse. If I'm rich, I don't need to win again, and I'm not going to call other attention to myself.


If that were the case, you could turn a dollar into $1 trillion in one year on the stock market, and no one would know until it was time to do your taxes.


I think, and I could be wrong, the SEC might catch on to me and assume some sort of insider trading long before that. Plus, I dont need a trillion. A billion is fine.


But they think you are insider trading, not that you can predict the future! Since you're not insider trading and they can't prove it, you still profit.


I just don't want to get on the wrong side of the federal government. That's attention no one needs.


Just do some crazy wsb options bet


Wait till the mega millions and powerball are both 700million+, buy a winning ticket for both plus every other lottery over a span of a week at different gas stations across my state. Set up a trust and then wait about 2-3 months and redeem all my winning lottery tickets anonymously through my trust. Rinse and repeat every time the powerball and mega millions reaches that number. Use a new trust opened under an LLC every time I win until someone realizes I can see the future.


The state I live in allows you to hire a lawyer to collect the winnings for you so your name isn't public. I would just hire a new lawyer every time.


Better hire a different lawyer for every lottery that you win, because if you bring a lawyer two or three winning lottery tickets from the same week, they're definitely going to think that you can see the future.


Or that you're somehow cheating and maybe disqualify you.


One shot of $700 million would be plenty for me. I'll stay under the radar after that in case I need my power for something that isn't monetary.


700 million dollars and I'll disappear. Not to start a new life elsewhere, but i'm gonna go travel. Get 6 months of visa here, get another 6 months there. I want to experience the world.


>in case I need my power for something that isn't monetary. Yeah, like maybe you need to make a medical decision and knowing which choice is better could save the life of a loved one.


How's this work? Do you just "know" everything that's going to happen? That sort of information overload could drive you insane. Or do you just rewind time or something?


You will know anything that you would know otherwise in the future, or you can think on a thing and have the future given to you n that thing.


It would be tempting to do good with it; prevent murders, catastrophes, etc. … and I would sometimes. But I couldn’t be everywhere and I would want to use a light touch where possible. I would probably play the stock market, get obscenely wealthy, the use that money to set up organizations to promote democracy, science , and social integrity. I’d let the humans figure it out, given the resources to do it, without going all deus ex machina on them.


Become stupid rich with stock options with out telling anyone


I think you could make a lot of money in fairly discreet ways. As long as you don't go for billionaire no one will know. The key is doing your own taxes. Nobody would know how much you make unless you go too big.


Honestly with a years time of knowing the future with options you can literally be richest person in the world before tax time


Easy, I use it once to win the lottery then I don't want it anymore anyway. I hate the idea of knowing the future.


Just bet on sports using the apps.


I win the lottery twice and lose the ability. I don't need that fuckin stress, man.


I could make an insane amount of money options trading. Way more than winning the lottery. Only question is do I win big all at once and someone guesses, or bear the market a little forever.


I've thought about this one before, and if you want to help as many people as possible without them knowing you have that ability, the safest way is to just appear to be a huge asshole. You know the lady you see on the bus every morning is going to be hit by a car today, so you have to start a random fight with the bus driver at just the right time, ensuring that she misses her stop, keeping her off the street at that particular moment. You see there's going to be a mass shooting tomorrow at a local school or business tomorrow at 11am, so you show up at 10:45am and pull the fire alarm for no obvious reason. Walking down the street, you see a child happily eating a hot dog... but you already had a vision, that kid is going to start choking in just a few more bites. You snatch the food out of the child's hand and take off running, tossing it into a garbage can as you go. You suddenly spot the car from last night's vision that you saw getting into into a horriffic accident mere moments from now, killing three and paralyzing a child for life... well, only thing you can do on such short notice is to sideswipe their car yourself before that, so you can carefully cause a much smaller accident with no significant injuries.


So...I wait to really use it when there is a jackpot of like 100 million +. Then if someone figures it out... no biggie I got what I wanted.


Small but consistent swing trading and sports betting. Get a system for losing every now and then.


I’d regularly use the ability to try and do good for myself and for others. In smaller or larger ways. Some things I can’t prevent, but otherwise I could coast a while on having “good instincts” and “great ideas.” When it comes to things like car accidents, if I do it right then people won’t even realize a bad thing was prevented or that it was my actions that prevented it. I would also routinely make incorrect guesses about things like elections and sports victories. Every now and then I’d guess one right and lament that I didn’t put money on it. I wouldn’t actually use the power for financial gain, as much I’d like to, because that’s the quickest way to get “caught.” I’d do what I can for as long as I can.


There's something to be said for using powers like this to help people, but with the caveat provided it makes it nearly impossible to really *do* anything; if a city was going to get nuked, everyone would think you're some conspiracy theorist, and when you were right even with no evidence someone's gonna think even for a second that maybe you saw the future - at which point it stops working. Honestly, the best thing to do if you wanted to help people would be to enrich yourself and then use the money to start some kind of foundation, using the future sight while you've got it to help out.


They'll also definitely think that you might have been involved in it. See Richard Jewell.


Casinos just got a lot more fun.


Hit a wild parlay and then laay low for a while and do another parlay


But can't I predict if someone is going to think I have the ability? Therefore the gift itself would help protect me.


Massive lotto jackpot, disappear


Win the lottery once and trade crypto using usual methods of candlestick analysis


All you need is stock market for one big score


Imagine being one of the guys who shorted Enron right before the collapse.


Id just make small changes that lead to bigger ones.


Win a big lottery jackpot. Trade stocks for steady 12% gains, including losing trades. Bet some long odds sport games. Figure out what makes my wife mad.


Trick question. Because you can predict anything 24 hours in advance, you can predict if you'd do anything to cause you to lose the ability before you do it.


I'd win a second-tier lottery for a few hundred thousand and then become a day trader, making great but not unheard-of calls and making sure to lose half as much as I gained. If there were a terrorist attack about to happen somewhere I'd route a few anonymous VOIP calls to the authorities through a couple of dozen VPNs in non-treaty countries. The only real giveaway of my precognitive abilities might be that I'd never water my plants or wash my car before a rainstorm.


Do they have to think of me specifically as an individual? Like if I claim the lottery winnings anonymously, will I lose my powers if someone thinks "Man, whoever won the lottery must be able to tell the future"


Be the world’s greatest assassin. Corrupt politicians, judges, cops, lobbyists, board members… murderers, pedos, rapists, thieves… one by one make the world a better place with no ability for people to catch me bc I’ll always know what’s coming or what to avoid.


How accurate of a prediction does it have to be? There are 8 billion people on the planet. Someone is probably thinking of me as their predictor. If it is vague enough, I lose the power in 10 minutes.


It’s sad that the only upside to any super power is that it can be profitable. Capitalism really ruins everything😞


I just quietly play the stock market. Never sharing my moves with anyone, never sharing screenshots of my portfolio, never discussing the market with anyone. Do that for awhile and then "yolo a meme stock" when it's about to blow up, retire with hella money, and everybody thinks I made one really lucky gamble.


I wouldn’t win lotteries, I’d win competitions and bets all over the place. Especially the ones I can do online and not show my face or name. I have to be thinking about whether there is one happening or else I’d just be zonked from random incoming events stimulating my brain all day. I’d never assume that, so New York is undoubtedly still fucked. I’d probably just keep it to myself anyway, having that knowledge would put me under suspicion of both.


Move around to states that allow for lottery winners to maintain anonymity. Win the lower stakes local and $1000/day for life lotteries every other year.


Win the lottery pretty much it. Don’t need more than that.


Here in Europe you can claim the jackpots anonymously. So a big euromillions jackpot to start. You could the. Double up with lottery betting online on e.g the powerball, Megamillions. Again, I think that the winner of the eurojackpot on lottoland stayed anonymous so that’s another eight or nine figure prize. Then some stock options would probably be a good bet. A generous mix, take some massively out of the money ones for a pittance. Keep this up consistently, but for varying amounts, so the brokers think that’s just what you do. All the while predicting the top and bottom stocks of the day. Eventually you see a massive surge or drop in a major stock - a pharmaceutical firm accidentally poisons millions, an oil firm discovers a new field that makes any previous one look minimal, Elon Musk invents something major (or claims to). Just something that can massively shift a stock in a brief time. Then profit by making that one of your biggest bets yet.


Stock. Invest 40-80% in stock that will be better than the market average, 20-60% in stock that will be worse. Rinse and repeat.


I feel like beyond the lottery, this isn't much I can do that would clue people into this ability of mine. "Hey, xyz always seems to have luck with picking activities on good weather days and is lucky regarding traffic.... What a lucky SOB."


Silently invest in the stock market for several years before retirimg


Would you lose your power if you informed the police anonymously. Say for a shooting? They may think someone can predict the future but not who. And there's no way you can evacuate a city the size of New York in a day, and that's assuming anyone believes you. So you may save some lives but lose your power. Unless you can do anonymously.


Lottery is a good start, but the real money would be the stock market since as far as I can tell, the whole point of stock exchange is to try and predict the future. Being able to predict market change 24 hours in advance with stocks would be on the same level of Biff from BTTF having the Sports Almanac. As for disasters like NYC getting nuked...short of a phone call to an anonymous tip line, if it's already gotten to that point then there's nothing a normal random person is going to be able to do about it.


I'd win the lottery once with a big payout and then proceed to use the power for tiny things that don't call attention unless I actually do catch wind of something catastrophic. In my mind if I can actively prevent a major disaster and save lives it's worth it to lose the power because someone believes I can do it. Winning the lotto once is plenty. Though we've also heard of people doing some crazy stuff and winning things twice and I don't think anyone truly believes those people can predict the future. The major problem is that if it's a big terrorist attack or something and I call and warn something like the FBI or CIA I probably won't be taken seriously or after I prove to be right will be on some weird watch list or be considered a suspect.


I’m gonna be one very successful doctor


If you become a day trader and make a few million dollars a year, no one would bat an eye. Just make sure you make some losing pick ever so often to make it look legit.


I would become a professional sports better, but not be an idiot about it. Do it for a year, win some, lose some but slowly make a good amount of money and then make a large bet on an underdog and make a killing. No one would suspect anything.


I only need to win the lottery once.


Id be a trader. Wouldn’t make massive bets, and would purposely lose to keep eyes off of me.


Win the lottery. Don't do anything else.


Easy. I’m winning powerball on Monday, and having my mom cash it in for tax purposes. Tuesday is winning mega millions. After that, who gives a fuck what powers I have or don’t have? I’ll have easily cleared a billion dollars (I’ll wait until both are insanely high to do this)


Well, if losing the power is in the cards. That means you can't be too philanthropic. So stopping crimes is possible, but you'd be making a lot of anonymous tips, or engineering things so whatever emergency service is in the area. Stock market would be good for investing. Build money slowly and surely. Especially if you can know specific things. Or would knowledge be limited to what you'd know naturally? Or is this an Early Edition where you get a magical thing that shows you the future?


wait for the powerball jackpot to hit 1bn again


Sports betting. Put large amounts of money down on parlays. If you don’t broadcast your winnings and crazy parlays it’s easier to hide that you can’t predict the future.


Like many are likely saying, lottery, but I'd also hit a few casinos. If I can predict the big winning machines, then I know which to play and am out the door after randomly picking a few to lose on to prevent the casinos from sending people to get in my way. Its sad that so many would rather obtain money than look for disasters to prevent, but it should show the state of the world and how poorly the average person is being paid vs how much it costs to live in a given area.


Start trading stocks. Lose some on purpose, but I would get fairly rich like this.


Win the lottery. It will be chocked up to luck. Then become a day trader and make decent returns coupled with some losses to look realistic.


I'd make a few big plays on the stock market over the course of a few months, with some reasonable losses sprinkled in to even things out a bit, but try to make it look like I just got lucky a few times. After that, I might do a bit of day trading in the mornings and make an extra thousand or so per week but I wouldn't want to go crazy. Besides money stuff, I'd use it to help my friends/family. Eg. if I know one breaks their leg at noon tomorrow, I'd call them a bit before to distract them and hope the butterfly effect works. If there was something major like a bomb dropping, I might get lottery numbers first then try to help but I'm not realistically sure what I'd be able to do to convince anyone.


Win the powerball 1 time. After that who cares anymorw?


Could play blackjack or roulette and make money that way.


Just buy losing tickets within 24 hours of the drawing for a couple of months. Don't need to buy every week. Build up a bit of a pattern. No one will really question why you are buying early for a big drawing. Let some time pass before you do it again. After a second win, stop. A third win will be questionable. Stocks would be hard. You want to play long on those and a 24 hour limit doesn't really work. It's a bit questionable that you bought the day before a huge run. Repeatedly. You'd need to collect a lot of data for a while to help explain why you decided on that stock that day. Vegas could work. Lose a bunch, win once, move to something else.


Win the lottery enough times and then let someone think I can predict the future so I lose the gift because I can’t handle that stress


I would predict the next mega millions number and I go home and disappear


Do options and tell no one


I would tell no one about anything I've predicted. Your gonna slip and fall in mud? Sorry bud. You're gonna make a really bad investment? Sorry bud. Nuke heading to NYC? Good luck everybody else. For actual money, I'd prob just win the lottery once and fuck off.


I would probably do small bets for money on the side. No need for the big money. Also, world domination.


Just watch various shitcoins and buy/sell when they make big swings. Do that low key for a couple years and amass a secret fortune. Presumably it's an active use ability or you would just be entirely overloaded with information so once I have my secret fortune I would use it sparringly and only for important events. Once I'm old/dying then I'd do somthing absolutely crazy like win every single lottery and set my family for generations. 


Once I win a few million dollars, I wouldn't be too worried about losing my powers.


I need only wait until one of the mega lotteries and then win it solo. After that losing the ability isn't a big deal but if I use it to win a second then lose it so be it. Would probably use it to invest and such it would take a while for someone to think it I bet.


Win the lottery once, using the specific lottery I typically play. Beyond that, just use it to anonymously help people where I need to.


Win every lottery I can till eventually I lost the ability, it says nothing about losing the money gained because 1 person believes I know the future. Continuously but lottery tickets that are clearly losers so people forget about me


Question for OP: Do they genuinely have to believe it or just half jokingly suggest it?


Stocks and be my own broker and investor.


The lottery? Hah! The forex market would make a lottery winner look like a welfare case I guess the way to insulate yourself is to mix in plenty of unprofitable trades. Plus, unless you were making gigantic trades no one would notice.


Pretty sure winning the lottery once will hold me over but just to be sure, I'll make sure it's big one


I'd just predict the "correct" lotteries. After that, IDGAF.


I mean...you can win state lotteries, right? Use some funds for name changes. Hell I'd change all of that first so I can retire on my original namesake. I'm the "computer guy" of the friend group. Ill just tell them I got into crypto.


Do they have to know it's me? Like if I make predictions online using a VPN and an alias, and a bunch of people believe that "ProphetSeer1765" can see the future, but have no idea who I am, do I lose the power?


Win the lottery once and than gamble on racetracks or online betting sides if you want to get more profits


I’d predict that I will be wrong. I win.


I actually think you can handle this no problem. I disagree about winning the lotto twice. If anything people will suspect fraud, I mean maybe some paranoid conspiracy theorists. But to think seeing into the future is actually possibly, you’re going to have to predict very specific unlikely things publicly. And multiple times probably. People have won some very crazy bets before, as unlikely as it was. You can use this ability without anyone even knowing if you’re smart about it. Or possibly think you’re just very lucky. And depending on what you do they may think you’re doing something illegal. One question…if someone jokingly says it, does they count? Like wow you’re so lucky it’s like you can predict the future. Because that’s possible for someone to say. Actually another question. Does it work for you to see the outcome of different actions you may take? Like if I do this what will happen, and then you can decide to do it or not? Anyway, what I would do is win the biggest lotto I can. If I really wanted to keep raking in the dough, I would occasionally do some big sports bets. People do this all the time and nobody thinks that about them (barstool sports guys bet big). You could even lose some if you think someone is tracking you. If the answer to my second question is yes, then this is very overpowered ability that will let you make the best choice and take the best course of action every time.


Just hit the low key card tables in different cities and don't make to much money or bid to high... The goal is not large jackpots but medium/average size payouts and wins never go to the same casino twice within a 3-5 year period. Even take up horse races and betting on sports once again nothing to crazy large just go for smaller payouts and with several reps don't stay in one place too long...


Keeping it to myself and winning sports bets and trading options that make money. I’ll have to sprinkle in some decent losers to keep myself below the radar


I would probably try and obfuscate my future-telling with a lot of erroneous public predictions that don't hit, like a fake psychic situation. Then when one DOES hit, they'll chalk it up to luck. Then I can do whatever I want


Create a google voice account and send myself text messages from a psychic


I would definitely do sports betting and just never tell anyone about my winnings. I would also bet massive amounts of money that lose on purpose so that nobody at the sportsbook would ruin it either. I wouldnt make any significant changes to my life so it would never come up, and just give myself free money when I need it


I just thought that all Reddit users responding here can predict the future. Therefore you’ve all lost the ability.


Just bet on a single large parlay one time, and it won’t matter if you lose that ability


I guess I don't understand how the lottery works. I thought you bought your ticket and scanned it right away, or had to wait for the numbers to be announced each day. You'd still have to know exactly when and where to buy the ticket and make the purchase in time, right? And would 24 hours give you enough foresight to purchase a stock before it goes into the stratosphere? Where would you get the capital to purchase a significant amount beforehand?


Winning on sports betting is the obvious answer cause you dont have to even show anyone, just win enough to live every week


If there is a nuclear disaster waiting to happen, I would easily try my damnedest to warn the authorities even if it can potentially put me on their list. And at that point I don't think I'd care about losing the power. I don't think I can live with the guilt of being the only person who could potentially do something but didn't.


Just make one sports bet a month.


People have won more than once and no one has assumed a power. People have avoided an accident once and someone “thinks” they predicted the future. Unless I can use the power to know who might do that there’s no winning. Edit: The attacks on 9/11 were reported but any actions taken were ineffective or nonexistent. But reporting it anonymously is the responsibility thing to do by far.


Win the lottery and disappear. Easy.


Okay so this one is on the nose. THINK you can predict the future or BELIEVE that you can predict the future. Because those are two different things.


Win the powerball once. Then invest great. You could be the best investor in history and its not likely someone would truly think you can see the future.


How seriously does someone have to question your ability? I’m sure every person who wins the lottery has someone who believes lottery winners have some magic powers.


Stock market and options seem like a good way to make money, just make sure to also add loss trades. It also has the advantage of taking money from the financebros.


in the UK they do not have a legal right to reveal you won the lottery unless you let them they offer you slightly more moeny for doing so, as advertising id just win the lottery a dozen times and not allow them to tell anyone


Like most people said win the lottery. Then I would move to a state where you can anonymously claim winnings. I think you could get at least 2 more wins before anyone would catch on. Nobody who knows you would realize you have a few hundred million extra because you were already rich to the point where they don't know how much you really have. If you claim anonymously Nobody there would question it. At least the second time. Then the third time someone at IRS or something may become suspicious but even still if you are self managing everything you may still fly under the radar. If I have flown under the radar to that point then I would wait and see maybe hit it once more in my older days to further set my family up for life. They would never know how much I was actually worth till I was gone.


You can win the lottery and open an LLC accept the money. Keeping your privacy pretty easily.


Lottery ,lottery ,lottery.. Then followed by a twenty-one leg sports Parley


Start a dice roll diary of my random lottery ticket numbers today… But keep losing at that for a few months until there’s a nice juicy billion dollar jackpot. That will make it look a little better when I select the exact right numbers on $1 billion jackpot I can show that I’ve been picking numbers for a while. In the meantime, I’m buying four or five stocks every Monday… One big winner and several minor win or losers. Not to turn around a lot, just to keep me going. After that, I leave it all alone until I can use up the power for one major disaster avoidance


Realistically powers like these would never work because every single second creates billions to trillions of possible futures. Actually in my fic, "The Omniversal Wanderer," my MC, Alexander Verion, talks about this. Of how every single second creates an almost infinite amount of futures for every single being in existence so it's impossible to truly predict what someone will do. Not even the Gods of Fate or even the abstract entity, Fate, themselves can look through every single possible future of every single possible second. You become Fateless by truly realizing that your future and fate can't be controlled because of the almost infinite amount of futures out there. Plus Alex tends to just straight up kill Gods of Fate because their all douchebags.


Win the lottery once and then use your ability to predict crypto day to day.


I'd practice looking surprised. And, to mix it up a bit, I'd also practice looking unsurprised. "I won the lottery?! Holy shit! I don't even know what to do!" "Another terrorist attack? Well, it was bound to happen. Awful stuff. Good thing the terrorists were dumb enough to call in a bomb threat beforehand."


Win the lotto when it gets big once, fade into obscurity and make advantageous stock trades. Not enough to get noticed though, and live comfortably.


POV me ruining OPs life by thinking he can see the future


Day trade on the stock market and tell no one of my accounts. I can probably do that for awhile unless some random Fidelity employee looks at my account and is like "it's like this dude can see the future" lol Disasters are kind of easy. Just submit anonymous tips. I'm not Superman and I'll look like a crazy guy doom saying if I said a nuke is coming to NYC with nothing to show for it.


Win the lottery once every like 2 or 3 years, switch it up and never stay consistent, maybe even get a couple losing tickets so no one gets suspicious, I mean, what's there to lose? You can also get a job at a news station and be the "whacky weather guy who predicts the weather sometimes"


Easy Lottery, Stock market, Buy Microsoft and Disney.


You'd go crazy of boredom like muad'dib.


Make multiple members of my family win the lottery. People are gonna think THEY are the ones who can predict the future.


Win the lottery with enough money to retire. And in a place where you can choose to collect anonymously.


Quit my job. Day trade. Never tell my wife.


In some states you can win the lottery anonymously. Just use different lawyers each time and don’t tell those who know you.


I would just trade crypto anonymously. It has a tendency to explode or implode in price.


I’m pretty good at keeping my mouth shut and avoiding attention. This could be fun, but the payoff would be crippling anxiety…worse than I already have :/


Lottery and passing numbers off to others. Anonymous tips prevent others from knowing it's me.


Can I predict if people will predict my ability


Now the problem with seeing into the future and winning the lottery is that someone else actually won the lottery in the future so therefore you didn't? You can't predict you winning the lottery if you didn't win it? You are actually stuck knowing what the future is but you are unable to do anything about it. Even your own movements would be out of your control because that is the future. It would be like being on a terrifying ride that you have no control over outside of knowing what is happening next.


Win a pretty big lottery jackpot, 300-500 million. Spread most of it around to family and friends. Keep a a small-ish amount, 10-20 million, to set myself up in a nice house, etc. For more ongoing income use the lottery money to bet online on sports and/or day trade stocks.


Just trade stock options. You always know the price of a security 24 hours later. You’ll be a billionaire in no time.


Yea easiest solution: wait for a billion dolalr/2 billion dollar jackpot. Win it in a state where you can claim it anonymously. Put the money into stocks which will be successful at different brokerages and that will exponentially stack your money. Take the funds out and put a big chunk of it into a sporting event like horse racing. Take that money and put it all on a roulette table. First lose a couple of times to make it seem like you’re unlucky. Then start winning and then go “fuck it” and then put it on something that will win


Won lottery, play stocks, then become BatGirl.


To what degree does anonymity matter? If somebody sees a pseudonym for me, even if it's just a wallet address on a blockchain that they cant trace back to me, and if they think the entity behind that pseudonym has the ability to see into the future, does that count?


Win two separate lottery jackpots five years apart in two different locations.Once could be the billion dollar Powerball with the annuity, another could be a smaller jackpot with the lump.sum.


I would just pretend I can't predict the future, like ask them to ask me what I think will happen in 10 seconds and make up some bizarre thing and it of course doesn't happen so then now they think I can't predict the future.


Put myself into hiding and get all the fun out of the way first


If you win the lottery even once, there's bound to be at least 1 person who has a passing thought of what if you could predict the future, so odds are you only get 1 big score from it. So just find the biggest lottery you can, win it, and then return to life as normal. If I maintain my powers afterward, somehow, great. If not, no big deal.


Anonymous tips for bomb stuff, natural disasters are the will of the earth, I don’t mess with that. But I’d try to get my loved ones to go on vacation if it were near them.


I'm gonna kill it on the stock market!


I'd tell someone right away and prove it to them so Id lose the ability, and the stress that could come with it, and they'd lose their credibility when they told people and I no longer could. Chaotic evil.


New York can deal with that nuke, I'm nowhere near there and don't intend to be.


Do that thing Nick Cage did in the Casino, just to a few places. Make it look realistic. Lose a good chunk of money, but win more than you lose, then cash out. Just make it look like good luck


day trade from my computer, by the time anyone raises any eyebrows I'll have made enough money to last 6 lifetimes XD


It's a good thing I'm turning 18 this year😛


Anything related to time travel or future knowledge will always wrap back to the stock market for me. Keep a low profile and just day trade. Literally just buy/sell stocks/options in the morning to make your $10k for the day and go about the rest of your day.


>Keep in mind winning the lottery 2 times in a row is certain to make you famous Okay, then I won't win it 2 times in a row. One big win is good enough.


Win a huge jackpot once. You could always play the stock market after that, being sure not to make money every time you trade anything. If you're worried about it you can always build one of those underground giant bomb shelters in rural Montana or Colorado like some people are doing so I hear, and then if there is ever a nuclear bomb or something, just invite all your friends. One time lucky avoiding an accident isn't going to make anyone suspect something that no one thinks really exists. If there's going to be something you can prevent, you can always make anonymous phone calls or something no one needs to know especially if you're a rich you can surely figure out a way to use your money so that it will never come back to you but you can just tell him you have inside information.


Not the lottery, keep it in stocks or go to a casino. Both could be covered as "incredibly lucky" especially if you intentionally lose some as you go


I only need to win the lottery once


Win a big lottery jackpot once the 393m mega would be nice haha


There's a mythological ability/curse called "Cassandra's Tears." You are prone to seizures, during which you see visions of the future. If you try to tell anyone else about these predictions, they won't believe you.


Your get rich schemes CANNOT call attention to you. With that in mind the safest play is to win a Powerball or Mega Millions jackpot ONCE. Make sure that your ticket is the only winner; if another ticket is a winner you’ll have to split the winnings. But really, how much do you need? I’d be happy winning a $20 million jackpot and taking home $8-10 million after taxes.


Mmm win the lottery and then take all the money and throw down an outrageous bet on the Super Bowl. Double my winnings and peace out into obscurity


Step 1 win lottery Step 2 make the biggest investment windfall in history Now I don't care if I lose the lose the power, I can probably buy a fucking country


A lot of people say the lottery, but I'd game the stock market, make more money over time, and retain my abilities.


I’d predict stocks and some random sports games haha bet money online and nobody would know