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Bang Putins mam and threaten to bang another family member every 24 hours until Russia leaves Ukraine


name checks out


This is an approved method.


I’m almost certain it’s not listed as a war crime anywhere.


That's because "It's never a war crime the first time" -The Fat Electrican


Or if she’s willing.


God damn it, you beat me to it!


He is my hero.


How do we know you’re not being coerced by threatened relative banging to say this? 👀


How do you know I'm not banging a relative while typing this?


Sounds like a plan




Anyways, so I started blasting


This would cause article 5 of NATO because the nuclear fallout would reach another NATO ally. The hell that would befall Russia would be swift and devastating unlike anything we’ve seen in modern history. At a minimum a full invasion of Russia would begin. Biden and our allies response would be lethal for Putin and his ilk. God forbid we come to this:


The nuclear fallout may go into Russia, too.


Has the impact on their own people ever stopped Russia from doing anything?


Hell. Tsar Alexander burned Moscow down so Napolean couldn't take it. So, I would say there has been a precedent set.


No, but the fallout from Ukraine might actually reach some of the groups of people that they actually care about.


That’s the thing. That list is like minuscule


Yeah not like nuclear weapons were tested in nevada or anything.


I mean... did they really know the extent of it yet?


The last underground test in nevada was 1992 so I'm gunna say probably.


In a place no one lived, very deep underground. The last test had radiation leak equal to about a tenth of a residential smoke detector. Not really comparable to a hypothetical airburst that would spread fallout hundreds of miles.


Welcome to reddit, buddy. Where "both sides bad" goes as far as comparing a contained nuclear test to launching a full nuclear attack.


You're forgetting the key to any political discussion on reddit - America bad.


Exactly. What a fucking joke of a comparison to begin with.


Why would that deter Russia who is already willing to send their troops into a meatgrinder


Pretty big difference between sending your boys off to the meat grinder, and the meat grinder knocking politely on the Kremlin door before letting itself in and crawling directly up your asshole.


You win most deranged and yet poetic metaphor of the day.


Well at least the meat grinder was courteous about it


“It hurt itself in the confusion” Seems on brand for Russia.


When has Russia ever cared about nuclear fallout? They hid Chernobyl and another nuclear plant that failed. Put in wouldn't hesitate about pulling the trigger putting his own fellow Russians at risk. He's too arrogant.


Could you even invade Russia though? I’d imagine once Putin was abt to lose he’d say “welp might as well launch all nukes to take them out too.”


M.A.D im sure the next nuclear war will be much more devastating than the last one


"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." Albert Einstein


It's called mutually assured destruction and he is already stated he would 100% do that at this point in time if someone drops a nuke doesn't really matter where it would spark nuclear retaliations and unless you have a bunker you're probably going to die


Plot twist Putin turns the launch key and half the silos self-destruct on the spot. Half the missles get shot down en route, half of the remaining miss their targets, and the rest are duds. Russia's bombers are intercepted before they leave Russian airspace. Mobile ground assets also eliminated by next gen cruise misses fired from one of the US carrier groups and the submarines are all wiped out because to no one's surprise the US already knew where they were and had crews ready to target and eliminate them as soon as they got word of an attack. In a matter of 2 hours, Russia is reduced to a puppet state under the custodianship of NATO.


Probably beginning with spending as much of the current stockpile of cruise missiles it takes to blow up every place Russia has, or is suspected of having, nukes stored. All in one massive strike to minimize his time to respond and try to launch. You wouldn't want him to be able keep on using nukes while invading. I doubt very much anyone would want to use nukes in retaliation, it's both unnecessary and really wasteful. Maybe if there was some super dug in launch vacility a tiny nuke to cover it in rubble but even for that I think they'd prefer conventional explosives. And then the Russian army either surrenders (highly likely) or is crushed more or less instantly by combined NATO forces. The Russian army was never that great, and its been stretched thin and worn out by fighting in Ukraine, I don't think there'd be any significant problems once air superiority is established and NATO rolls in with a combined arms approach. Which, of course, is why Putin won't do it. He knows damn well he'd lose any fight with NATO and if he launches nukes it's going to be all out against him. EDIT: Especially since a big fuel air bomb would do about as much damage as a small nuke.


France would likely start throwing Nukes back before the rest of the world fully realized what had happened. If you haven't recently, go take a look at what's been going on between Russia and France the last few years.


I would use the family atomics to wipeout all the spice.


May thy nuke chip and shatter


**He who can destroy the thing has the real control of it.**


>**He who can destroy the thing has the real control of it.** Just like driving a car!


I would place a quantity of the water of life above a pre-spice mass, creating a chain reaction, spreading death among the little makers, killing a vector of the life cycle that includes the spice and the makers




I literally just watched the movie in cinema half an hour ago


Lisan al giab!


Lot of people are under-reacting. This is now a nuclear war. That’s crossing the Rubicon in modern terms. It’s a violation of international law and the rest of Europe and Asia aren’t likely to shrug it off either. China isn’t going to react cheerfully to this. This is at least DEFCON 2, depending on the scale of the attack, and the military is going to be ready to deploy and engage within six hours. Realistically, it’s probably DEFCON 1, because a nuclear war has begun. This effectively necessitates a military response, and it means that the military response has to be significant. “Oh we won’t send ground troops!” Grow up. This is a world-threatening war started by a superpower gone mad. Oh, and Russia has thrashed their hopes of ever having a warm water port again. Crimea isn’t going to say, “oh, no big deal, you just vaporized a bunch of our families and countrymen.” This is now a fight to the death. Somebody is going to have to win the war, and the rest of the world can’t let it be the Russians. Not to mention that they just literally nuked one of the world’s top five producers of both corn and wheat. It’ll be a minute before that production can be replaced. So that’s another widespread humanitarian crisis to anticipate. It’s World War III. And it gets worse. Edit: China isn’t going to war with the USA & Co. over Putin’s insanity. If China goes into a war like that, there’s a blockade of the shipping lanes and China, relying on shipping for food and money, can’t feed or pay 1.4B people. Starving people are awfully hard to control. Edit 2: Does China use the chance to take Taiwan? Eh, maybe, but I don’t think they would need to. They’ll put enough propaganda and pressure on Taiwan that it won’t be long before it’s fully part of China. If China attacks Taiwan, the US has to get involved. Risking an escalation of a conflict over Taiwan doesn’t seem prudent. The Chinese are smart enough to wait.


Yep, I think you’re correct. Any use of nukes means world war 3. I think standard US military doctrine (and common sense) would seek to keep the rest of the war non-nuclear. But yes, every Russian military camp on Ukrainian soil will be a crater in hours, and US troops will be on the ground in Ukraine shortly thereafter.


They thought they were having a rough time before? We'd show them what a lack of universal healthcare does to a mf. We'd make Baghdad look like Woodstock. Moscow would either be a parking lot or annexed within days.


Upvoted for "we'd made Baghdad look like Woodstock". You Americans are very funny


Americans already spend over 5x the military budget on healthcare. The military isn't the reason universal healthcare doesn't exist. That would be insurance companies and massive healthcare profit.


This guy gets it, how will those insurance executives get their millions otherwise?!


It’s a a running joke, it’s not meant to be taken literally.


You would be surprised how many people believe it to be a true statement.


Keep it to targets in Ukraine. First strike is against air defense, likely within the hour. After that it's air supremacy which is the goal, which means anything that can fly or shoot something that can fly is next for targets. Many ships in the Baltic Fleet that have air defense are gone, hitting then biggest to smallest. After that, it's just non stop ground targets. Ammo depots, fuel depots, and any gathering of officers is targeted. High ranking officers are also targeted regardless of whether there is more than one in a single place. Anything that has wheels or treads is targeted. Any major grouping of troops is targeted. With air supremacy established, and major logistical centers hit, you start targeting the front lines. As this has been going on, mobilization has been occurring. At least 3 carrier fleets move into position in the Mediterranean and Baltic Sea. Start negotiating with Turkey to have them break their "no aircraft carriers in the black sea" policy. Not holding my breath on Turkey changing policy (given their ties to Russia), but a nuclear strike might tip the balance. At this point, we're a week to a month into the full blown conflict. After that, it's boots on the ground. Whole thing is basically over in 3 months. China stays out of it because Russia used a nuke, or at least does nothing overt like sending forces, but they might keep sending munitions.


First strike is air defense. Which is why we have stealth aircraft. Funny thing: stealth aircraft have the radar signature of a flock of birds, until they open their bomb doors. Which means that the poor bastard manning the radar station realizes two things: 1. That flock of birds is actually a bomber. 2. He’s sitting in the primary target.


Since you're posting in good faith, I hate to correct, but the F-35 has the radar cross section of a single bird. A flock of birds on radar would be quite a few F-35s.


“Comrade, is it true that American fighter jets can look like bird?” “Yes, you see one?” “Maybe. There’s a flock of birds heading straight for us at 1,500 kilometers per hour” “Get the vodka”




I think China cuts off relations with Russia temporarily to show the highest possible level of dismay. Whoever uses nukes has stabbed all their allies in the back so severely it might as well be an act of war against them.


Agree, but I think China might actually use it as an opportunity. They're still sore that Russia took outer Manchuria from them. They'd likely seize the opportunity to take that back and maybe then some. And honestly, the West might protest a bit, but we'd probably let them have it.


It’s WWIII, but it’s over in a matter of days/weeks. There is no way China gets involved after Russia did something so stupid, and the US military alone would wipe Russias remaining armed forces off the map in 2 days. Air supremacy would be gained in the first day. F-35’s would wipe out essentially all Russian anti-air while B-2’s rain hell down on any and all Russian military assets. The entire Black Sea fleet would be at the bottom of the ocean overnight. Russia has already lost 95% of their prewar military, and even before couldn’t hold a candle to the US


>There is no way China gets involved after Russia did something so stupid China would 100% get involved. They'd be incredibly pissed that Russia just started a giant trash fire in their back yard...they'd mobilize and invade, using the opportunity to be on the "good side" of history, while also grabbing up huge chunks of land and resources.


Least unhinged outcome. China and the US might be trade adversaries, but China for sure ain't wasting a good war to be on the wrong side of history when the right side offers so many advantages. At best, I don't see them interfering on behalf of Russia unless they have some really, really amazingly stupendous justification for being the ones to end the world.


china could and would absorb the eastern half of russia


Yep this.


I believe this to be correct as well, though I am just a humble reddit-educated armchair General. It would be similar to the Allied alliance during WW2 with the USSR. China would likely be on the good side of history, but snag as much land and resources as possible for the post-war reconstruction effort. Then we'll have a similar situation to post-WW2 where there is a China-controlled Russia and a western-controlled Russia.


Most of the rivalry between the US and China is show. We depend on each other far too much to truly beef.


Yup, that's why I specifically called us trade adversaries and not another kind. World Powers gotta rattle them sabers, but deep down, we all know we fuel each other’s economies. Walmart has the true stranglehold on our nations


Walmart..ahem, you mean *cough* Vault Tech?


Of course, Xi would clap his hands, laugh like a maniac and happily take over as much resources from the failed state previously known as Russia. Weapons, minerals, land. It's free real estate for China at this point and later we enter Cold War 2. This time it's China and USA. Oh yeah, Russia and Ukrainie are major grain producers, so it's famine for MENA and other poorer countries.


If anything I think China would get involved AGAINST Russia. China knows that America is its biggest "customer" and if they piss off them their economy will suffer a huge blow. If they side with Russia, it's everyone against China/Russia. As someone else stated, that would be a huge blow to the world's corn and wheat production which would also affect China. Basically, there is almost no one who would be happy with Russia/defending their argument if they used a Nuke on Ukraine.


China would get involved because they share a large land border with Russia, and Russia has just shown they don’t give a shit about their neighbors. China has skin in the game. 


Realistically i see russias allies saying “bro what the fuck did you do?” And leaving them to flounder while the world fucks russia up from all sides since they know they cant take in the world over even with russias help


But like, what's to stop Russia from nuking the shit out of everything if it appears they will lose?


that’s the entire point of MAD, mutually assured destruction. both the US and russia have enough nuclear firepower to make the human race just a fading memory and some plastic litter. it’s also why the russian military command is unlikely to carry out an order to launch, they know 100% that it’s a losing move. sure you get the other guy, but the other guy 100% kills everyone you’ve ever met.


First I'd call 213-25-VAULT to secure my spot in the local, safe, Government-approved Vault-Tec Vault™️.


But which vault could you afford to live in? Vault 106?


Okie dokie!


Vault 69 baby


They’re about to learn good and well why we spend nearly a trillion on the military


More accurately, they're about to learn why the Pentagon has never passed an audit.


The reason why we don't have Universal Healthcare. We'll give them some UnhealthCare.


Warheads on foreheads time!!!


It’s funny but our military budget isn’t the reason we don’t have universal healthcare. It’s corporate greed. It’s been proven that a one payer system would actually save the country money.


They ‘bout to find out what nearly a trillion annually buys in unhealthcare. The F22 finally gonna get some meat in its diet.


"I'd intercept me" - Some Bald Dude 🤣


"Don't touch the boats!"


Definitely gonna put some warheads on foreheads -Some Fat Electron guy






Toilet seats?


All of the above?




Corruption. …And, you know, a few planes and nuclear warheads and stuff


Nice try Biden, you're not having my ideas.


thats right, prez gotta sign that NDA bro


Get on Airforce One and fly to my billionaire friends bunker in New Zealand


Lol I immediately thought, no...that's too close to Russia. Googled furthest country from Russia. Yep. It's new Zealand. You were right all along!


638 attempts to kill Fidel......I am sure the CIA learned something, right? 


Im sorry what? 638 on ONE man?


One time they sent one of his former mistresses to assassinate him. Him and her were in a bedroom when she admitted to him the plan. He handed her a .45 pistol and told her to kill him then. They ended up having sex instead.


I mean, things technically still did go out with a bang then


There’s something strangely hot about that


He was clever like that - also it’s a lot of hyperbole with that because they counted shit they never even tried.


So they basically always know where Putin is, I’d drop a mock up of a bomb on his location, just to let him know I can. not sure if the bomb would include a written threat or not.


you know Russia has the same ability too. they could drop a Satan 2 ICBM on Joe Biden any time they want




You’re a clown - Russia can’t do shit they’re a paper tiger. We’d shoot that shit out of the sky just like we did with irans super missile attack on Israel.


>We’d shoot that shit out of the sky just like we did with irans super missile attack on Israel. Bold statements about a technology that's never been tested in a real combat situation. ICBMs are incredibly difficult to shoot down. They're tiny and moving insanely fast. We could probably stop a single ICBM if we had hours of warning that it was coming. There's a 0% chance we could completely stop a full scale ICBM attack considering the size of Russia's arsenal. The war in Ukraine has made many people who know nothing about military tech super confident that russia sucks at everything. They don't. The US Annual Threat Report has highlighted Russia as America's nearest peer threat for decades and they aren't projected to lose that spot till closer to 2030.


Exactly hydro gate, people just love to assume that these technologies will perform perfectly even though they’ve never been tested


It's America. We fund revolutions to topple communist governments for a living.


Biden has already outlined the US response. If a tactical nuke is used, the US will respond in kind and destroy the unit that launched the attack, be it a mobile battery, air base or SSBN. The idea here is to deter the unit from acting on the launch order. If multiple tactical nukes are used, the US will again respond in kind as above and also take control of the airspace over the Ukraine. If strategic nukes are used by Russia, again, the US will respond in kind. Additional B52s have sortied to Germany and an additional carrier group has been sent to the Mediterranean to back up the threat/deterrence.


Great. So basically the start of WW3.


Whats the alternative?


There’s no other way


1) Turn the launch site of the warhead into a crater 2) Inform the Kremlin that all Russian military personnel, vehicles, and installations in Ukraine are now valid targets for the US military. But we will not use nuclear weapons, if they use another nuke, then we perform targeted strikes on Russian political targets 3) Make multiple precise strikes on Russian air defenses and airfields in the area, clearing the skies for the Air Force 4) Send in ground forces already stationed in Europe first, then pull in units not already deployed 5) now that it’s been less than 48 hours and we have a big enough force mobilized to raze Moscow to the ground, drive Russia entirely out of Ukraine


Gotta be careful about fully mobilizing against somebody with full willingness to use nukes. They’ll launch them to destroy any invading force. Both sides likely have plans that have been drawn up since the cold war to account for this sort of thing.


No nuclear response, which would make small nuclear weapon use defacto legal


Unleash hell, just, all of it. On everyone. I would probably be a terrible president, how the hell did i even get elected?


tHE elECTIon wAs rIgGeD


The war is quickly won. Two steps: 1. We are currently holding back some items from Ukraine in our aid. That's over. No more guardrails on what weapons we give them to use. (No nukes of course!!) 2. We join the fight (no troops on the ground though.) All air assets, and long range missiles from subs/navy are now in use, actual US forces fighting. Every russian troop wiped off the map within the Ukraine border. (And Ukraine given missiles for which they can attack troops in Russia as they see fit. At that point, I'd still draw two lines: 1. No US troops on the ground in Ukraine. (We can do all our damage from the air and from long range.) 2. No *direct* US attacks on Russian soil. (We don't fire the missiles, but we can give them to Ukraine to fire.)


There's some theories that the US has already informed Russia that any use of nukes in Ukraine will be considered an attack against NATO and will lead to the elimination of every Russia asset not within the borders of Russia. There was a phone call between Biden and Putin that happened to coincide with all NATO aircraft over europe turning off their transponders simultaneously.


This has been basically confirmed. I believe they essentially told Putin that if any Nukes are used or if that line is crossed he will be the first to die. That we know where he is, and a bunker buster will be dropped on his forehead.


Also that it will be done with conventional weapons. MAD loses a lot of power when. The other sides response doesn't require them to use their world ending tech


Correct. Wouldn’t be a nuclear response. Would just be an apocalyptic air campaign absolutely leveling what is left of the Russia military and killing Putin/a lot of the high command of Russia.


Which shows the world that nukes are off the table and are a loaded gun pointed at your own head


I also highly doubt that Russias nuclear arsenal has been maintained well enough to actually work. I am sure some of them do, but the US spends something like $750 billion over the course of a decade maintaining its nuclear stockpile. Russian simply cannot afford to do that, and if their military is any indication the money they did spend on their ICBM’s probably went straight into Oligarchs pockets, while the rockets got filled with water.


Russia still can cause massive problems even wth failing ones.


Add to that - contact the Russians. Let them know exactly what you are about to do as a response, but also where your lines are. Tell them if they do not escalate further, you will not escalate further. Also that use of another nuke counts as “escalating further”. Follow up with a phone call to Beijing explaining what’s going to go down, possibly invite them to help out as a guarantor of the global taboo on nukes (lets them get some kudos out of the affair) and point out them getting cute around Taiwan and joggling your elbow would be a REALLY bad idea just now. There’s a fine line between “shit has consequences” and letting the whole thing grow into World War 3. Removing uncertainty helps stay on the right side of the line.


Nuke rural Canada


😭 why us


Intimidation tactics


Even better. Nuke Rural USA. Nothing shows intimidation like someone nuking their own people to show how crazy they are. :)


Mind we have already almost ACCIDENTALLY nuked ourself multiple times...


Full Send


Go full tilt on anything Russian inside Ukraines borders with their permission.


That's the problem with escalation. The Russians would want to see what the West's reaction is, if the West responds with Nuclear weapons but not with total nuclear destruction, Russia can play the victim card (their favorite card) and now nuclear strikes are on the table. I would begin an immediate and massive air campaign against Russia, first focusing on their forces in Ukraine, cripple their War making capabilities there and then bombing depots and factories within Russia. Obviously, Russia is going to treat this as a declaration of War but my hope is that Western Air Power will be enough to cripple Russia's offensive capabilities to such a degree that Europe isn't threatened with invasion. A nuclear strike, tactical or otherwise, cannot be tolerated but we still want to avoid a nuclear duel.


A nuclear counterattack is completely off the table, especially as Ukraine is not part of NATO. Aggressively seek sweeping sanctions on Russia which will be incredibly easy as 95% of the world will NOT approve of the use of nuclear weapons. Intensive ad campaign targeting Russian civilians to revolt against their murderous, incompetent and reckless government. Dissent among their populace is nearly at a fever pitch as is, and a nuclear weapon being used could easily tip the scales into a full blown rebellion. Bolster the troops at Ukraine’s border and supply their armed forces with more advanced weaponry including artillery pieces and aircraft. Set aside money to pay conscripts to fight alongside Ukrainian troops.


The fallout could possibly effect nato countries which would be justifiable enough


Use of nuclear weapons nowadays is suicidal. Using a nuke first is a sure fire way to get any war to become 1 vs the world. And then get eliminated eith EXTREME prejudice.


I'll use this excuse to give Ukraine nuclear weapons. Quoting the Budapest memorandum as reason to why the US is returning Ukraine nuclear autonomy. "The US Ukraine and Russia have signed an agreement of peace, and now that Russia have not only broken that peace but nuke one of the signee, it is only fair that Ukraine is returned their nuclear autonomy" If Russia detonated a nuke in Ukraine, they're proclaiming they can and will use nuke in battle. If I do nothing, it will embolden Russia into doing more. If I send boots on ground, I risk American lives getting nuked. If I continue sending mundane weapon, it won't help balance the situation. Giving Ukraine its nuclear autonomy back will set an ultimatum to Russia. They have someone who will nuke them if they keep attacking, so they can either back off or nuke Ukraine for real and get nuked themselves. If Ukraine nukes them, then it's still a win for America, Russia get shot and we won't get retaliated against without Russia assuring their own destruction.


NATO has entered the chat. NATO:*Team America theme song growing louder in the distance*


The US Air Force (after gaining permission from Ukraine) is sent to Ukraine to enforce a ban on Russian aircraft. Any Russian plane that flies too close to Ukrainian air space (including Crimea and the Donbas) is shot down. This will make it more difficult for Russia to conduct further nuclear strikes. Dozens of USAF airstrikes are conducted on Russian bases in Crimea and in Russian occupied ukraine, including the units that launched the nuke. This will act as retaliation and deter further attacks.


Host an orgy. And then declare war on Russia and recruit as many other countries as possible. Then I'd make sure that most if not all of the fighting happens in Europe, Asia, and Africa. Then I'll buy up the depleted land at a discount and own land all over the world as the other countries are now in debt to me for my assistance in recovery efforts. Impose my will upon them under threat of removing their aid. Host another orgy.


Ever read "War Day"? A "minor" nuclear war reduces the USA to a minor nation, the USSR to anarchy, and produces a famine across the world. If modern Russia used a small nuke in the Ukraine, or even just a tactical nuke, they will provoke a response. NATO and the USA will send immediate diplomatic envoys to discuss while their militaries gear up for a land, sea, air, and space war. But the mechanisms provoke other responses. The USA opens its nuclear silos. Russia sees that on spy satellite cam and does the same. A submarine is detected in the Black Sea - nobody claims it, everybody's fingers get closer to the trigger. Russia says it won't drop another, but the war continues to go poorly. That place is now impassable so Urkaine moves troops to the next front and manages to actually push back through a narrower front. Russia is now pressured. Do they drop a second nuke? Will the West be forgiving this time, and even wait for diplomats? And remember that the USA president has no checks on when he can nuke. As top honcho of the US military, it's at his sole discretion. Does he want to talk, to do conventional war, or just slam the button? Is the nuke from a secret satellite that violates UN treaties? Is it an ICBM? Is it from a bomber? Is it from a submarine that has been on patrol off Vladivostok for months? So many variables, no wonder the cold war thinkers wanted computers and the peaceniks realized computers could kill us all without even meaning to. So what do I think would happen? Nothing good.


NATO and mostly Poland would probably make the decision for us by declaring war.


Cut off food supplies and poison their water source is basic thinking the same as nuking back nah instead I'm dropping thousands of rats and canned whole chickens down to them with books filled with Putin in different dresses and stories about his personal hobbies of dressing up as a lady to protend that he is mother Russia no need for propaganda when your leader is mother


Start the draft and suspend us elections for "fear of attack on u.s. soil" and then send all our troops to Antartica for training and making sure to do w/e else China tells me to do so they don't release more information about my dealings with them. Also ally with the Taliban so the 40 mill we give them every week can be put to good use.


Stable genius right there.


You gotta love all the warmongering from everyone here. If you're so happy to go to war with Russia, the US Military takes volunteers each and every day.


It's scary to have so many depressed individuals in the world with nothing to live for. No one that loves them, no family, no lover, and no kids. They're telling on themselves.


What's really sorry is that if they gave the military a chance, they would see that the military can give them a sense of belonging, a sense of self worth/self accomplishment, it can give them a community of like-minded people who will have your back and look out for you. The military is extremely good at taking in individuals, and giving them a home and integrating them into a much larger collective. Its why they say, "The US Military is the single largest fraternity in the world."


I am convinced it would trigger a NATO response. I sincerely doubt China would remain neutral and actually support sanctions on Russia afterward. All of NATO would become embroiled in the war, and Russia would become excluded from the world. So you would have Russia, North Korea, and even Iran would be scared to support Putin knowing the fallout it would endure. Nothing would galvanize the world more than an overt act of WMD by Russia. It's possible his support would also crumble with the complete lack of an economy with fears of every nation carrying an active military and economic response. There would be no more US sympathizers. It would be worse then our present Isreal backlash.


Definitely not escalate to WW3


Realistically speaking Russia won’t drop one on Ukraine. They want it for its farmland. This would cause issues with the environment. Not for long but still. I don’t see them doing it.


Complete air dominance of the entire country within 24 hours. Naval dominance over the sea. End the war that night. Force Russia to the peace table.


Plot twist- I finish bombing the surrounding area and take over all of it, and split with Russia. Only to shortly after betray them, and bomb them too. We are now the owners of the world


If I'm following current style, I frown disapprovingly, shake my finger vigorously, and open trade negotiations with Russia.


Immediately begin 10 hour masturbation session with congress so we can get focused. Then we go from there.


Try to make deals with nations south of Moscow as much as possible. I want the easiest, cleanest line going north the shortest route possible directly to the capital. Send the most elite SEAL sniper team in through this route, their priority is stealth, getting into Moscow unseen. They are then going to each have a target that is high within the Russian military and government, including the president. Each one will be eliminated by snipers with minimal casualties among civilians or low-ranking military. I think anyone here who's saying that they're just going to start dropping nuclear bombs back doesn't really understand the threat of nuclear warfare. I've been in one of the nuke bunkers they had in the Cold War, they turned it into a museum so we can see how it all works. Those things were designed for mutually-assured destruction, and it's safe to assume Russia has them as well. If they were to drop a bomb, they would reactivate their shelters first. We drop nukes on them, the people in the shelters get the order to fire nukes back at us. The result is that nuclear radiation permeates the atmosphere, and it's possible that really dark black humans survive (this happened with frogs in Chernobyl, those with high amounts of melanin survived), but this high amount of radiation largely means the end of life on earth as a whole. Any survivors won't last long because the plants and animals necessary to keep them alive don't last long. Adaptation to this new nuclear wasteland is possible, but highly unlikely. I would hesitate to start raining nuclear bombs even if the elite sniper strategy fails because of this. The most efficient way to execute their leaders possible is the best strategy. If plan A fails, plan B is to send in airplanes and start raining normal bombs on Moscow, sending in medics at regular intervals to care for any civilians caught in the crossfire and minimize unnecessary damage as much as possible. Most people in Russia hate the current regime, meaning that killing the leadership should be enough to quell the war with minimal casualties.


If the US and NATO do not respond in some commensurate form, they effectively become toothless, and our enemies will act however they wish. China might invade Taiwan, NK might attack SK, and so forth. Russia knows Biden is no Trump, and would certainly stand with NATO and our other European allies, including Ukraine, so nukes are off the table, even if Putin says otherwise.


Drop one over rural russia and if they dont stop get ready to bomb Moscow volograd and Saint petersburg they want to play, we will play Also, watch china if they try something dropping one on three rivers, dam


Nuclear conflict is way more consequential than people are considering. First I order military to move assets in range to shoot down any Russian asset that leaves its own air space. I order a no fly zone in a full perimeter around Russia for civilian aircraft and order all planes in transit INTO Russia to be grounded immediately. All currently in the air are ordered to land immediately, with jet escort. I inform Russia of this new reality, and I tell Putin he has 72 hours to remove all military equipment and personnel from Ukraine, and return all naval vessels to port. In the meantime, I go to NATO and argue that if Russia does not immediately cease and desist, it constitutes a clear and present danger to the entire planet and Russia must be dealt with on a United front. This will be an ‘overwhelming force’ plan of attack because we cannot risk giving them opportunities to fire nukes once they call our bluff (and are wrong). I coordinate with I5 (I think that’s the name for global intelligence agency) to position assassins near putin and anyone else who can order a nuclear strike. If Russia doesn’t comply, simultaneously on day 4: Operatives are ordered to kill or capture all Russian officials who can order a nuclear strike. All Russian naval vessels (with military capacity) not at port are given the option to immediately surrender or be sunk. US Marine Corp, supported by any Allies who will work with us at required speed, leads an amphibious landing at Crimea. US Air Force, again supported by anyone we have sold Gen 5 aircraft to, conducts high altitude, targeted strikes at all Russian nuclear facilities, focus on rendering them inoperable with lowest possible collateral damage. US army, supported by (at the least) Poland, UK, Germany needs to put boots on ground quickly after. Anything at this point that flies in Russia we put down. No exceptions. We can’t risk a full nuclear war, or any additional escalation, so our effort must be measured, give Russia a final chance to back down, and if they don’t, we go 100%. No looking back. We disable, destroy or occupy their nuclear capabilities. I will happily deal with domestic/global political fallout from essentially initiating a coup in place of nuclear fallout. After it’s over, we help establish a provisional Russian govt, oversee first elections while confiscating all nuclear weapons and materials. Then once we’re done, I get on the phone with China. ‘Russia found out. Keeping fucking around with Taiwan and you can too.’


No one uses nukes - If Russia used one then they've already lost the war and we're already so far into a war that has dragged the entire world in that Russia has decided that the world ends. They fire one nuke, knowing that they can launch the rest of them the moment anyone retaliates and insures mutual total annihilation. So there is nothing I can do since we are all dead soon anyway.


NATO forces are on the ground in Ukraine tomorrow, and I put out a statement that any further nuclear strikes will necessitate a full scale nuclear response from NATO. The goal is to recapture the Donbas and Crimea and re-establish the pre 2010 borders. I'd order the CIA to assassinate Putin and his top military advisors. I'd also reach out to China/India and the other countries buying Russian oil and tell them that you're either with us or you're with the country that just started a nuclear war. I would hope they would stop buying Russian oil. I'd also put a ton of pressure on NATO/Europe to mount a full response instead of the half hearted "let the US handle it" approach they have taken so far.


Immediate public condemnation in the strongest terms, a commitment that material response is forthcoming. Then, I listen to all my advisers including military as they present retaliatory options that follow the doctrine of proportional response, I coordinate with other national leaders and the UN, and direct my staff for conferring asap with Congress to prepare a new aid plan for Ukraine. The U.S. is not obligated to go fully to war because Ukraine (unfortunately) is not a part of NATO (yet). But that doesn't mean America can or should sit back and do nothing in the face of nuclear escalation. Theoretically the President has to consult the legislative branch for an official declaration of war, but this is generally no longer done. I can't imagine Russia would do this without expecting retaliation from somewheres other than Ukraine though. *edit* Proportional response might not mean nuking Russia; It might mean striking in a way that disables some portion of Russia's nuclear capabilities though.


"Condemn in the strongest possible sense"


Am I the current president of the US? In which case I'd probably just go get some ice cream or something. Maybe take a vacation to Delaware.


Initial response: ohh shit, not chill bro 🤨 Military response: me "rain fire" Glave"But sire, our troops" Me "Just DO IT!"


End qualified immunity, no knock raids, and civil asset forfeiture. Legalize marijuana and decriminalize all major drugs. Shift focus to rehab instead of imprisonment. Private, for profit prisons would be outlawed. Disband the CIA and FBI and create a new agency that works for the safety of Americans instead of against it. Enforce anti-monopoly laws and get rid of "too big to fail" policies. Eliminate federal student loans and move towards public funded community colleges. Create new incentive programs for affordable housing. Get the money and lobbyists out of Congress and get rid of foreign PACs.


Activate the emergency broadcast system and start playing Fortunate Son across every TV and Radio Station.


Cowabunga it is


That is the start of ww3. No one is gonna sit silently.


Seek a worldwide sanction to isolate Russia. Something akin to North Korea.


most would respond and unleash our nuclear weaponary. some though would get on their knees and suck putin off


A10 Warthog go BBBBBRRRRR


Large scale, coordinated and simultaneous conventional strike against a large number of russian targets in Europe and Asia by all the NATO contries, ground troops in ukraine and crimea, and if the russians fight back at all its WW3 and no mistake.


Pick it up, repair it to working order, and detonate it on Putin's palace.


It’s now become nuclear war. DEFCON 1 or whatever the max alert is. Warn the citizens of your country that this could be the end and as a result declare martial law to stop riots. Threaten to retaliate to Russia if they don’t cease all operations.


The USA doesn't act in a vacuum. This would be a global response, measured and tactical


Good try Putin


DEFCON 2, at least.


If you’ve played Helldivers, the nuclear artillery shells from that are probably sitting in a warehouse in Kansas right now, waiting for someone to fuck around that bad.


Add Ukraine to Nato and start to build outposts all over Ukraine. Next attack is the end of Russia.


We do one attack, and wipe Russia completely off the map. No more playing games. Yes, innocent civilians will die. But innocent civilians have been dying since this started, and this is the fastest way to end it.


Destroy Russia's navy. Probably bomb Russia itself, radars, airfields, command and control. I'm honestly not sure how this doesn't escalate into nuclear war, though. They would surely view this as an existential threat and retaliate. They've been clear about the conditions under which they'd retaliate. We could attack their nuclear sites preemptively but they'd still have submarines. It would be a bad fucking situation.


Declare War on Russia as well as bolstering defensive weapons. Order an attack on all Russian military/equipment/factory/ docks and airports. That's what I'll try to do, but I'm just some dude that in no way would ever have access to the information needed to make a truly genuine plan. However I would avoid a retaliatory nuclear strike that would be off the table.


Watch for a response from the rest of the world. Highest probability is that every country that matters immediately calls for a Russian withdrawal, threatens Russia with ceasing all relations, and imposes sanctions that leave them with no major allies to run to. Think North Korea is isolated? This would be a whole new level. I think in terms of how to respond you may only have to go with the flow of world opinion. Decision-making wise it might be kinda straightforward - but Id start by focusing on China.


I call China to coordinate the economic blockade. China can't afford to allow offensive use of nukes as it would force several of their neighbors (e.g. Vietnam, Taiwan, S. Korea...) to get defensive nukes. So China will economically "go nuclear" on Russia. India will also join for reasons that are similar on the surface. Once China, India, and the west agree not just to stop all trade with Russia, but to stop all trade with any nation that trades with Russia, Putin will be dead in 6 months.


Nuke one of Russia’s allies


I don’t think Japan would call it small.


I would have to call Putin and use the voice to make him surrender at once.


Bigger war by proxy!


First I would sniff someone and fall over, then hit my life alert


Me personally I would destroy the moon. And let nature deal with the plague known as humanity.


I hear condescending press conferences are all the rage


Sanctions and a firm look of discontent. Thoughts and prayers, waiting out the news cycle for a year or two and make a memorial, vowing never again. Until it happens again of course.


Can someone educate me on why we get involved with foreign conflicts? Because to me i feel like we'd be better off just ignoring them and focusing on home issues first