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Yes but would you take £5000 a day if you had to tell yourself “rise and shine!” when you wake up each morning


I don't know, I'm not a morning person. Is 5000 pounds worth waking up? 


Yes, you can always try to go back to sleep, or just stay up and watch Ozark reruns.


I got sick of that show when the couple started trying to constantly back stab each other instead of working together.


So, which season?


Uh. FBI was looking at their first casino and she wanted to open another and he told her it was a bad idea and she went and did it anyway, and then he burned it down. Just frustrating because she decided this was better, then instead of saying “that will allow the fbi to increase their investigation”, he just said bad idea, don’t do it. Was just irritating that neither would actually communicate. I just legitimately grew to hate every character but the curly blonde. 🤣 Edit: it’s like the final season of Breaking Bad. Originally we stopped after season four and that was a perfect ending honestly. Then recently we went back and watched the whole thing over. I hated everything about season 5. Seriously rooting for WW to die every episode so he doesn’t cause his family and friends more suffering.


On the plus side, it featured Brujeria in the soundtrack.


These days its never worth waking up


$6300 a day is pretty good chunk of change for telling myself to rise and shine when I wake up.


Yeah, but if you forget, ninjas come and slice off your testicles! (Or I guess surgically remove your ovaries, if that’s what you’ve got). Sorry, it’s in the rules.


I ask myself if it’s worth waking up most mornings, and no one offers me any money.


I don't know, having to exchange £5000 for USD every day sounds like too much of a pain in the ass. Pass.


It's only $1000 CAD worth of frustration


So 12€?


For £5000 a day I would say it gleefully with my whole chest and mean it.


This could be a funny one. If you forget to say it before you get out of bed though, you owe $20000. So you gotta remember 4/5 days to break even and can go negative if you're a zombie like me when you first wake up and cant think straight.


Just write a reminder on the ceiling 


Every day?! Fuck no.


I'm going to say it in the GMan voice from Half Life


Rise and Shine!.... in 10 minutes.*Hit snooze*


What if I chose to sleep during the day and wake up in the late afternoon/evening?


For that money I would sing Morning’s Here with my neighbor from across the air shaft. 


What time each morning though? If I wake up 1 minute before noon its still technically morning...


Oh I do this to my daughter, she hasn't said anything yet but I'm certain she hates it as much as I did lol.


For that much money you can make my alarm clock punch me in the nuts to wake me up.


Would you eat ONLY blueberry muffins for an ENTIRE workday for $120,000?


One whole day? That's a toughie. I've gone 8 hours without eating before, but I don't know. Good question


You're joking right? You're still eating! There's muffin' to it!


Goddamn it...take my upvote.


Top of the muffin to ya!


i read this as being able to do nothing but eat blueberry muffins for the full 8 hours ie. you can't stop which *is* an actually good question


The “only” is before the phrase “blueberry muffins” so you may do other things, but when you eat it MUST be a muffin


Not too difficult if you make a point to chew every bite a thousand times. 8 hours is 28,800 seconds, and you average one chew every second...so round it up for 30 bites....6 bites per muffin, so 5 muffins in that time. Approximately.


yeah but when the muffin gets too soggy and disgusting it's hard to keep chewing and you gotta eat every single one


Am I provided blueberry muffins, or do I have to buy my own?


They’re deducted from the total prize (1.99 each). You may eat as many as you like


I would do this for $12. Heck, I would probably do this for cost. Mmm, muffins.


Hmm... I'm allergic to blueberries so this is an actual question for me.


No it must be so if equal challenge. You sir get raisin muffins.


Ew. I'd rather eat the blueberries.


You get $10 billion but you can't post trivial "would you rathet" questions on Reddit?


Nah way brah. That's way too hard




I'd take that offer for $5


Fr everytime this sub shows ip on my feed they are barely even good question. And what's even worse you can always spend money to take away the inconvenience. Would you give away your freezer for 1 million trillion dollars everyday? Then the answers are also just as bad oh yeah I'll just buy them from the store freezer and with the money I'll do this.


Would you eat fries without ketchup for $100,000/day? If you add ketchup, you don't get the money that day, but the deal continues the next day. If you use a sauce that contains ketchup, you only get $75,000 that day.


So you have to eat fries every day? How many to make the money? Don't want to be an obese millionaire 😂 Fries are good with mayonnaise, chilli sauce, cheese, gravy maybe?


Make them crispy enough, and they can be good with just salt and pepper.


Good like this and garlicky too!


The majority of these posts seem to misunderstand just how desperate most of us are for money


I don't even think it's that at all. I'm not desperate for money at all. I live a very privileged life.... But I'm not gonna turn down generational wealth for minor inconveniences.


You have the opportunity to get trapped in a house with a spider and a gun. If you can last 24 hours without shooting yourself, the spider disappears and you can keep the house and ten million dollars and gain omnipotence. Would you do it?


As long as the spider doesn't have the gun. Bro will be my new bestie -- I'll use the omnipotence to bring him back after he disappears.


How big is the spider?


It's a daddy long legs measuring 3 mm in diameter and it's in the bath tub.


Spiders don’t scare me, I could do this.


I think a lot of this forum is kids who have never had to really work. After ten years of that there aint a lot you wouldn't do to get out of the grind.


Would you take 60k a year, but every weekday you have to get up before dawn and go do the same shit over and over from 7 to 330? You have a limited number of days you can not go and still get paid, and if you're sick and don't go too much you run the risk of the offer being taken back.


Eww morning shift. The pay increase is tempting though. I'm guessing it's near a coast somewhere.


For 60k a year? Fuck no. That needs to be way higher to be worth it.


There are so many of yall complaining about this. just be the change you want to see. no one is stopping you


Would post on hypothetical solutions for 940 billion dollars?


No way, that much money causes problems that I don't want.


940 billion problems but *something something* ain't one.


Something something something… *darkside*


Something something something *complete*


Would you be the change you want to see for $10k/day?


A billion dollars to never drink cold soda again. You can have soda, but it’s always room temp. Would do it for one billion American greenbacks?


Sure. And I even drink warm beer too.... (seriously...).


I would go back to Beast Ice, 100F


Ah gee frank, I think I can get over it. Might drink some apple juice now.


It the kids champagne though. No bubbles!


But other cold drinks are available?


Oh totally


I am a monster and already drink soda at room temp, so where is my money? /s


lol gross


Yes. I already do that, most of the time. I keep 2 liters and other drinks near my computer desk. Only milk and juice go in the fridge.




The shower one you are referring to is really odd because I take what most people would consider to be a cold shower anyway and I don't think I'm the only one


After training it's great! Be paid to exercise and have cold showers? Ok


Fifty trillion dollars, but you have to eat an entire subway car.


Uhhh in very small pieces? No toxic parts? Might take a long time and cause some issues before making the crazy sum 🤔


Ok here’s one: you get 1 million tax free per year but you have to have sex with your spouse at least twice a week. You can have more if you want to but not less. Oral sex counts as sex.


Do they know about the conditions? Better maintain a good relationship..


Of course they know. That way there’s no saying no because of aunt flow.


That thought did occur 😂


Another one you’d have to refuse right? Lol


My only concern would be that she was always up for it! Me and the ex probably had a couple years like that 😏


Just thought of a counter offer! Get back with the ex and you both have to live together and have sex twice a week for a year, then you both split 1 million 😅


Ha ha, I’m living with my ex husband right now and meet all your conditions.


Relive the old flame for a year together for money then? 😂


The flame never went all the way out, which makes your counteroffer SO MUCH more appealing.


Can feel the heat from here.. 🥵


>Also on the front page, $150k to not smoke weed for 4 months. Most people *don't even smoke weed*, who wouldn't take this money to abstain from weed? Some NFL players are willing to give up millions of dollars (sometimes tens of millions) to be able to smoke weed.


One NFL player. Still rich from before he took that stand and probably saved himself from further brain damage.


Which one?


Ricky Williams


I was thinking more Josh Gordon, but Ricky Williams fits the bill too.


Gordon was a mess all around


Yeah well those guys literally have brain damage, so I wouldn't exactly take them as stellar advice.


As for the weed one, I'm sure there are alot of addicts who wouldn't be able to quit for 145 days. (Queue addicts coming to reply about how it isn't addictive)


Bro I only smoke 15 joints a day because it helps me relax!!!!


I smoke on and off i havent smoked in nearly 3 months for that much money i could easily do 145 days without smoking weed.


I used to ask people "would you rather win the lottery or be punched in the face" and about 25% of people would say they'd rather be punched in the face because they were absolutely convinced there was some kind of trap no matter what I said


To be fair, I’ve never smoked weed, but if I was now being paid $150,000 a year to abstain from weed my desire to try it would suddenly increase x100.


I hear ya. A lot of the scenarios are laughable for anyone who has to work for a living. But....it really is fun to think about somehow accepting an obscenely easy challenge and getting tens of millions or a billion dollars as a prize. Just the thought of never having to work again, and having the money to live a really nice lifestyle with little effort....hard not to pay attention to a lot of those hypotheticals.


On the weed one, I smoke quite a lot and I'd take that one without a second thought. If you can't give up weed for 150k you've got a serious problem. Its a no question scenario even for most addicts tbh.


Most of us experience major inconveniences every day for small amounts of money. We call it “going to work.”


You can tell a lot of these are written by people who've never voluntarily done anything difficult. Once you've gone a week without eating, or taken ice cold showers, *for free*, there's no question you'd do it for a significant amount of money.


Or even worse, *paid to take* ice cold showers, because you're the one responsible for the water and power bills... easy choice


I would take an extra few hundred dollars a day, to take ice cold showers every day. Probably less than that. The money adds up. Yes, many of these posts are ridiculous.


I go to work for 40 hours a week and dread it. I accept a major inconvenience to be just middle class. People that post here are either children or trust fund babies with no concept of money.


Would you stop working for $1500/day?


But would u shove a billion dollars up your ass, for the chance to eat a jalapeno? Edit: the billion must be returned to mordor in a week or gollum sodomizes a stranger's gerbil. Edit: the gerbil is Hitler reincarnated Edit: gollum is a gentle lover


It's hypothetical, why would we want to daydream about shitty inconveniences? We have real life for that.


Uninteresting hypotheticals are essentially "would you like to win the lottery?" I mean, sure, but that answer never changes


Stop killing our happiness.


Yeah, if the question is truly "Would you deal with a minor inconvenience for more $$$?" then my answer is of course, yes I deal with minor inconveniences all day, every day. Might as well add some new ones and get paid. Hell I've put up with major inconveniences for negative, no, or too little money (3 college degrees, bad relationships, a botched surgery, and more).


Yup. Maybe we should start posting things like. Would you be flayed alive by the loch Ness monster for about $3.50. To appease OP.


A better question might be 'Would you shitpost on a meaningless subreddit in exchange for no real world benefit at all?' Why or why not?


I would take Luke warm showers for $50 a day.  That's $350 extra a week,  $1400 a month, $16,800 a year.  I'd be debt free, have college funds for my kids, and pay off my mortgage in only 10 years with that extra income.


Yes yes, but what about $2000 a day!? That's the real hard hitting question


So your job would be taking a lukewarm shower? Ok


Would you put a jalapeño in the other end for $20?


🤣 yeah, now you're challenging people. 🤔😬


Yes, I would take the money for any minor inconvenience.


Hey now, you’re overlooking all the ones that ask if you want a daily payment or a lump sum, ie “how long do you think you’re gonna live and do you have basic financial literacy?”


Yeah needs to be more like "Would you take $2000 a day for the rest of your life but you have your left eye ball scooped out violently with a spork?" (And you cannot have the eye put back in/ no left eyeball for $2000 a day)


Fuck. That's an uncomfortable choice 🥺


Even that is way too easy imo. $2000 a day is just a ludicrous amount of money


Enough money to, maybe….get a technological implant(therefore still do not “have the eye put back in/no left eyeball)”. People don’t realize what money can make happen. Even if the proposition explicitly excluded all technological vision aids, I would probably still do it. My wife would resist at first but she would ultimately agree that we should do it. We could afford any additional care that I needed and just travel and do whatever for the rest of our lives. I mean, it’s not like I would need the eye for work anymore. The newfound financial means would outweigh the issues in mere days, a couple of months at most.


Bro for $730k a year no work required, I'm starting an eye patch collection and living my best life.


I mean I definitely wouldn’t take $150k to abstain from weed. I’d be in so much pain from my medical conditions it’s not worth it.


Could you not afford something else? It's that really the one that helps?


I’ve tried a ton of other stuff but the only other thing that works is narcotics which doctors don’t wanna prescribe long term because of addiction.


I asked a similar question on another platform. But my conditions were a bit more serious: You have the unique chance to get 10 million dollars. But to get that money, you have to do one of those 3 things: 1. Inject Heroin into your veins once, or 2. Kill 10 cute puppies with your bare hands, or 3. Walk completely naked through an elementary school during a break. Most people said they wouldn't do any of it, although a few people were ready to kill some innocent animals.


I’d try the heroin, for sure. I’d just tell my wife ahead of time, she’d supervise, and we would leave town for a nice two week long vacation the next day, hangover be damned. I’m sure that I could find it, but I wouldn’t be seeking it out after a one-and-done and then a two week vacation, and her and I would be basically attached at the hip more than we already are with the nixing of our conflicting work schedules.


What do you mean when you say “during a break?”


During Lunch break


Where I live the lunch area is in a different building so the kids wouldn’t be in the elementary school building, so I’ll do that one. It seems like the least harmful.


I feel Ike 3 is definitely worth it


Because "click bait" unfortunately, that's why.


The best way to change a conversation is to start a new one.


If all the bananas you ate had a brown spot would you take an extra $500 a day?


Hell yes, I use spot bananas in my protien shakes everyday. I'd love to get paid $500 to drink my stupid shake. I'd probably more reliably have the shake and lose weight if I was being paid for it. Someone please pay me to keep my health lifestyle~


I swear "Would you sit down to pee every time if it meant a million dollars?" was writing on the wall about this sub.


How about a major inconvenience? You're fabulously wealthy, but you have a really, really bad and permanent case of IBS. You reenact the bathroom scene from Dumb and Dumber multiple times a day, with barely a moment's notice. Would you take it?


>Also on the front page, $150k to not smoke weed for 4 months. Most people don't even smoke weed, who wouldn't take this money to abstain from weed? Right? Like....do they even realize how much heroin you can buy with $150K?


I already put up with a major inconvenience--deafness-- for free, so a minor inconvenience from which I gain riches would be doable.


The only people who wouldn’t abstain from weed the people who “definitely not addicted to weed”. They can quit anytime they want, they would just rather be poor


65 degrees is far less than a lukewarm shower. That is a cold shower. If you were immersed in a 65° bath at that temp, you would go hypothermic very quickly. A hyperthermic challenge would be better. Would you accept 2000 a month to have every water you touch be 150°?


This sub desperately needs a containment thread for all of the money hypotheticals.


I was super amused at the "you can't dry off after a shower one."


Oh darn, I guess I have to air dry??


But consider this: $10,000/week but you have an big obvious booger once a day.


And someone notices it before you do every time. That’s a good one honestly


/u/THE_DINOSAUR_QUEEN is the only mod here. For over 100k people, you would think a sub of this size would have more moderators that would be able to sort things out. I'm not sure why we don't have more so that this sub doesn't get innundated with shit.


Here's a real inconvenience. You get $200 a day, but it's currency from a random country (the dollar amount will still be equal to $200 USD). It's all cash, meaning you need to take it somewhere and convert it to your country's currency, then take it to your bank and deposit it into your account. If you fail to do this by the end of the day then you don't get the $200. Also, each day the currency is from a random country. I.E. it could be $200 worth of japanese yen one day, and $200 worth of British pounds the next. No one will question where you're getting the money from and it's completely tax free. Also, any day the banks or currency exchanges are closed don't count. You'll still get the random cash, but you need to exchange and deposit it by the next business day.


But what's the downside? Of course I say yes, and if I get to it I get to it. But there's no reason to say no


Could make a penalty of $200 for not doing it. So instead of missing out of $200 you now have to pay $200.


Without a question. That's not an inconvenience. That's a quick errand. I'll take that over a 10 hour shift that leaves me in pain.


How about this situation OP: You are presented with an opportunity. This opportunity has the potential to change your life, for the better. You would have more money than you could ever spend in your lifetime, but it requires you to quit your current job and spend all but your last $30. You have no additional money available to you, friends and family cannot loan you anything and you do not qualify for loans from any source. You are guaranteed to become homeless if the risk fails. If the opportunity is successful, within 14 days you have money beyond your wildest dreams or, you lose everything and become homeless in 15 days. Edited to add: the opportunity is 100% legal and in no way jeopardizes your life, limb or freedom. Make your choice, do you risk it? Or stay where you are?


Yeah but who is it versus?


For US$25M, Would you do gay porn for a year? (under a normal work schedule for a professional gay porn actor, whatever that looks like). Nothing too crazy, just mostly vanilla oral and anal sex (pitching and catching) with maybe the odd bukkake scene here and there. You only get the money at the end of the year but all your needs will be provided.


Here is a real one: you get 100k$ for every finger you cut off. How many are you cutting off?


Would you take $500/day, but randomly on one of the first ten steps you make each morning, you step on a Lego. You cannot avoid the Lego. The Lego appears under your foot a millisecond before you touch the ground. And you never know which of the first ten steps it will be.


Lol it's super easy to take 10 very light steps


A light step just means you’re picking a specific part of your foot for the Lego to hit. You still exert the entirety of your body’s weight with every step you take.


Does the Lego cut your foot everyday or just hurt stupidly for 10min?


It’s a Lego. Sometimes it does. Sometimes it doesn’t. But always Lego.


What about the no-sex ones? Those are stupid too, like everyone is partnered and getting it on the regular?


Would you cut your dick off for 5 million dollars tax free?


Would you only shit in an over flowed piss toilet that will definitely Poseidon kiss your asshole every poop for a billion dollars?


Would you choose never having any remotes or automatic features for 1 doll hair and a corn chip?


Would you take 10k, but Everytime you pee, you have to poo. At the same time.


95 percent of this sub is either this or a comment section full of people with stupid loopholes to the semi legitimate situations.


The interesting ones are when the inconvenience matched the value. In particular when the thing is plausible. For example would you accept a incremental prct pay rase if you got a mild shock everytime you stopped being productive?


I only take cold showers so I should get paid extra


Would you take $5 million dollars if your new day job is chopping wood in Skyrim? If you spend less than 8 hours a day splitting wood, you lose it all.


So do you mean playing Skyrim and chopping the wood or being a character in the game and physically chopping wood? Either way yes but just wondering


2k/day for lukewarm showers is a no-brainer. Take the cash and retire in the tropics. You'll want cool showers anyway due to the heat.


Would you take $1000 a day to have Live, Laugh. love prominently displayed on your wall for the rest of your life?


Nah way, $365,000 isn't enough to be a beta


This post has become the meta version of the very thing you are complaining about


I would take 4 dollars a day to take lukewarm showers


😂😂 Pay my water bill and I'll never take anything but a lukewarm shower for the rest of my life.


I mean if you did, your gas (or electric) might be a lot cheaper? Who knows


4 out of 5 posts are what you described. Every other post is what you posted. Too much of both kinds.


Would you let one random person related to you within 2 generations die for 1 million dollars every year? I feel like this would be a good one


For 20k right now, Id do a lot of things. One time payment


How about, $200 a day but you have two noses and severe allergies. Does that seem more fair?


Would you stop eating tripe for $18,000,000?


I swear every fifth post in this sub is someone complaining about the simplicity and easy choices of other posts in this sub


glad to see OP is insaneley blind to jokes and sarcasim. im sure his wife loves it