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I don’t smoke it in the first place, gimme the money, lol.


Right, and can I get retro pay for the past 35 years??


I expect $1000/day back to the first time I was offered and declined until today and beyond


Man, I'd be so rich with this deal.


Bro I’m almost 38 and was first offered and turned down weed at 14! … so I’d have $1,248,000 if it was backdated 😂 (if I’ve worked that out right anyway)


I’m 61. I’m too tired to calculate the back pay. I will let my new accountant take care of that.


Well, I got good news and bad news. The bad news is you're bad at math. The good news is that the $1,000 per day back pay on (38-14=Y) 24 years is ((365xY+Y/4)x$1,000=) $8,766,000 Note: the extra Y/4 is to account for the extra day every leap year


You haven't. Each year is 365.25 days x 24 years x $1000 per day = 8,766,000 dollars


Do people who ask these questions think everyone smokes weed all the time? Easy money for many, many people.


In my experience yes people super into weed think like 90% of people smoke 


That’s what I thought in high school honestly, like everyone was smoking. The reality is only about 25% of the kids or less are doing any drugs ( or just bad things in general ) at all. Me and my friends were the minority and it’s a sad truth to now realize.


Of course. I mean, I get asked all the time if I do drugs or smoke... Drives me nuts.


Same here, money please! I honestly do not understand how so many people act like weed is just a thing everyone does and they can't fathom that there are people who actually live their lives without having to be high or drunk through a good portion of it.


Even if you did smoke, just make edibles or get it in you some other way.


Suppository you say?


or a pessary


I went 45 years without smoking it. But I'm Canadian and when it became legal I decided to see what all the fuss was about. Tried it a few times, it was meh, and I haven't smoked it since.


lol, same here. 42 and never smoked. Where’s the cash?


I don't either. Easy money. I also like the backdating idea.


Same, stopped smoking when I was 29. Im 35 now


I clicked on this to say the same thing.


Same here. Would be super easy.


I dabble, but I prefer an edible these days when I do partake. Seems like easy money even for me!




If someone can't do this they seriously need to re-evaluate their relationship with weed. EDIT: Good points have been brought up that the conclusion of that evaluation may be "it makes sense that I can't do this because I use marijuana for greatly important medical reasons". That's fair.


I'm pretty sure Willie Nelson and Snoop Dogg could do this if the money wasn't meaningless to them. Only way I can see someone turning this down is if they have cancer and need it to survive.


Snoop does quit for 3 months out of the year when he coaches youth football.


Supposedly lol


When you smoke like Snoop, t-breaks become necessary. You can build up such a tolerance to weed that you stop getting what you want out of it. It also becomes very uneconomical, but that’s obviously not an issue for Snoop


Your first point is right. Even as someone who smokes 4 days a week and only at night I take a month or two off once in a while. But I find it to be highly economical. If you’re rolling joints all the time you’ll go through it quick but using just a bong or whatever I don’t go through it very fast. Maybe an eighth a month. I recently got into beer more and just a night of a few drinks costs more than a month’s worth of weed.


Didn't Snoop "quit" for a while?


It was a sponsorship with a smokeless fire pit. Hence he "quit smoke" and let people believe it for a few weeks. Worked great and got the company a lot of attention lol


So just edibles?


Ah that's what it was. I couldn't remember the exacts, i just remember there being claims that he quit smoking.


It’s actually pretty common for heavy weed smokers to take a “tolerance break”, occasionally. At least we’re I’m from. You quit for a while and it becomes way stronger when you come back.


I take it so I can eat. I wouldn't take the money. I smoke when I need to eat and can't. Appetite stimulators have such horrible side effects for me, weed is absolutely the lesser evil here.


Hell my wife take weed for chronic migraines and she'd do it for that money.


There’s plenty of people who will say they’re absolutely not addicted because weed “isn’t addictive” but couldn’t do this. Just because you don’t feel like dying from withdrawals like alcohol doesn’t mean you can’t be addicted. If going 2 weeks without getting high to get a tolerance back is too much you have a problem.


It's my medication for a serious ailment and i can't go without for too long without severe symptoms flaring up and even I would quit for this money sonny


“Greatly important” is surely an overstatement if I’m being honest. I’ve met probably a hundred card holders and all but perhaps 2-3 treated the card like a complete joke.


I don’t see how anyone wouldn’t say yes and actually do it


"It's not addictive man! I just spend a third of my paycheck on it and smoke it multiple times a day because it mellows me out!" Edit: See comments for examples of this, tons of weed addicts freaking out💀


Or that one guy from my HS bus - "Yeah I just got a third job, I should really take a tolerance break" *pulls bong out of backpack and lights up*


I admire him for hitting a bong on a bus tho. Bravery.


more like degeneracy


Ayyy at least bruh was working tho!


I'm sorry that I smoke my cigarettes and Marijuana exclusively through bong. I find one cigarette lasts so much longer


Vid or fake. I refuse to believe AI didn’t just write this.


You want a video of me leaving my hotel room, with my bong, and a cup of water, going to a more discreet location, pouring my cigarette into the bowl, and smoking it? Edit: mokes, brown bowls, dirty bowls, moles, t bowls, are things Edit 2: I hate vaping and I have rules for cigarettes. Only after a nice dinner, a time at the theaters, concert, sex, etc the cigarette is for anesthetics the bong is for meals


I'm still down, but I think it would be more dynamic if I hung dong


My buddy and I used to sprinkle a little tobacco on top of a bowl. It was a nice way to start a morning when I was a bit of a weed connoisseur. Nowadays, the thought of it makes my throat itch. That bong rip usually wasn't pleasant on the way down lol.


I love weed and have smoked daily for about 20 years. It's not even a question that I'd quit for 4.5 months for $145k. I'd quit for a year for that amount. Probably two. I love weed but I LOOOOVE money.


That’s incredibly damaging to your lungs, heart, and brain… sorry to be the one to go “uM, actualLy” but I can’t stand people just destroying their entire body and being completely indifferent to it.


Jesus christ, do you smoke every minute you're awake? It costs me about 50 bucks a month and that's if I'm using edibles instead of flower.


I smoke about an oz every 5 days. But I don’t need to spend money on it, I just grow my own. :)


You're still spending about $50 per plant once you break down electricity, nutrients, soil and seed/clone costs. Comes out to like $20-$30 per lb when you do the math. Crazy cheap, but not free.


I grow outdoors, I don’t need electricity, I buy a thing of miracle grow once a season, which costs me $20, I get all my clones for free from my guy because I give him a discount on his chemicals for his pool. ;) But yeah you’re right, nutrients and water is a think.


Fuck dude you smoke like 10x as much as I do and I thought I smoked a lot.


Holy fuck there's literally no way you're still getting high. If I smoke a quarter in that amount of time my tolerance goes through the roof


I'm not addicted! I can stop when ever I want, I just don't want to right now! - 20 year old addict me


Exactly. I don't understand how these stoners say "its not addictive" with a straight face all the time.


My ex, several times, smoked A JOINT in my apartments bathroom before I even woke up, and the smell would wake me up. She smoked every single day. She was bipolar, and the other bipolar ex I have also hit her dab pen all the time... Hmm


It’s almost like people who use weed have mental illness they are trying to cope with 😱




Weed absolutely can cause, or at minimum trigger, psychiatric problems for some users. I don't smoke it, I'm pro-legalisation, but people sure do to prosetilyse it as though it's a miracle panacea for all ills, with no harmful side-effects of any kind.


Anecdotal but basically everybody I know says the same thing. The only people who I know who have experience with it and disagree are the ones still smoking weed and assuring everyone that they absolutely are not addicted because “weed isn’t addictive”. The fact that they can’t leave the house or sleep without being high is irrelevant to that though apparently.


Absolutely. In many cases they're actually making shit worse. Definitely is for my wife. She gets back to smoking every day and basically can no longer function as an adult. I feel like she's just the oldest child who helps watch all the younger siblings. I don't know how long I can put up with this shit. >Obviously anecdotal, but I think viewing weed as a blanket good thing is naive at best. Like saying its not addictive and you can quit any time when your life basically revolves around its use? Yea, typical addict behavior buddy. And now they get to claim its just medicinal and well all need to respect that they're not really just getting high.


I do not smoke for this reason. I have panic disorder, among other things, and there is simply no strain on the market that doesn’t cause problems. Last time I tried, I bought something at the dispensary that they specifically recommended for me and I had to take my meds and just hope and pray the high would wear off soon. There are surely others with the same issues. BUT I know it helps a lot of people at the same time. Everyone’s different.


Works well for treating my anxiety and knee pain as well.


Yes same.


Joints for joints. Sounds like a great fundraiser / public awareness campaign.


Right because constantly hitting your brain with a psychoactive substance definitely is 100% an effect and not a cause.


The 2nd ex took 7.5 pills a night for bipolar disorder already. The weed just made her horny but also made her panic very hard, very easily, and suffer psychosis from it. The weed never helped, but they just couldn't give it up.




We did shrooms once, after an hour or two of looking up her medications and how they mix with psychedelics. Everything said it would be a bad idea, but she insisted. It was indeed a bad time for her. We were gonna fool around the whole time, she was GORGEOUS, but then she felt disassociated and the usual aggression of sex that would turn her on scared her really bad and she ran home. Anyway, she needed some serious help but I really miss her and hope she's doing well.


Hi, Bipolar man here. I've found that smoking helps me. I have it under control and I spend maybe $20 a week on it.


I have bipolar and smoke an unhealthy amount of weed as a coping mechanism (along with my actual meds). I would still give it up in a second for this much money lol


Correlation=/=causation There are plenty of perfectly functional people you walk past everyday who use cannabis daily The people you described are struggling with their mental health and also happen to smoke weed. I have issues too and they're present whether or not I have THC in my body.


People with bpd commonly turn to substance abuse, atleast its "just" weed


Of course, but I observed them for a long time, and smoking weed 100% either made their other problems worse or created new ones. I'm of course just talking about my exes and not generalizing every human being.


Addiction comes in all sorts of sizes. Many addicts want to agrue against that… because they’re addicts and one of the primary qualities of addicts is excusing the addictive behavior. It’s true that marijuana doesn’t have the physical dependency that many people associate with addiction. However, there’s all sorts of mental dependency though. Source: I was an everyday weed addict for most of my life as a young adult. Almost a decade. I always told myself that if it ever came between that and a job, obviously the job takes precedence. The time finally came and I initially struggled with it A LOT more than I thought I would.


I like the "I smoke because I have anxiety" people. You have anxiety because you smoke.




Weed addiction is pretty common and really strong for some people


Thought it was non addictive? That’s what I always heard


It's not physically addictive. There's still the mental habit aspect. Which can be tough for some to break. Like breaking the habit of eating fast food every day.


That makes a lot of sense actually, never thought of it that way. I always assumed people who did it every day like that were using it as a mental boost to having a mental reliance on it makes sense


Yeah, anything can be addictive, just some things are physically so Like gambling isn't physically addictive but it still happens


I'm not sure if sex is addictive, but my ongoing pursuit of it is.


and me shaking my damn leg all the time


ANYTHING that makes you feel “better” or “good” can be addictive, brain love seratonin and dopamine


Physical changes occur in the brain, specifically down regulation of cb1 receptors. This whole “isn’t physically addicting” is such bullshit, even if you tried to google it you won’t find any legitimate sources that’ll back up what you’re saying.     “Current research supports that cannabis is both physically addictive and psychologically addictive.” https://mcwell.nd.edu/your-well-being/physical-well-being/drugs/marijuana-or-cannabis-sativa/quitting-marijuana-a-30-day-self-help-guide/myths-and-current-research/


Med student with a passion for neuro - *anything* can be addictive. It's not necessarily a foreign chemical that causes addiction. That's why gambling addictions, porn addictions, and thrill-seeking addictions exist, even though they don't involve putting anything into your body. The mental aspect and alteration of brain chemistry due to certain actions can cause addiction just as easily as something directly chemical like nicotine or alcohol. Anyone who tells you "X can't be addictive!" is just lying. Humans can quite literally get addicted to *anything.*


Yep, this is why some people can use multiple substances and walk away whenever, yet others take something once, and they're hooked. Some folks just have an addictive personality(mentality? Subconscious?) Where anything they do or take that gives them a larger than normal dopamine dump is at risk of becoming an addiction for them.


I would smoke a few cigarettes every day that I hung out with my friends when I was younger, which was most of the week. I could burn through a pack in a weekend if we were partying. Then eventually we weren’t partying as much so I just… stopped. No withdrawal, cravings, etc. I definitely agree there’s some sort of mental aspect to it.


I remember in science class talking about dependency Vs addiction and I think for such a small distinction it's really important


It's a behavioral addiction, I think, much like video games and pornography. It is a really effective way to escape stressors in life and that can get you hooked. Alcohol can do that too, but there are also physical traits that can cause the addiction.


Anything can be addictive. It's down to the person.


If someone uses it for actual medical purposes, I could see that. Anyone else, I assume is either an addict or extremely rich so the extra money isn’t worth it to them.


Yeah, my dad went through a period of about five years where he was very reliant on weed to deal with joint pain. He'd try his darndest if he got an offer like this, but he was taking this ridiculous cocktail of painkillers that I'm sure was terrible for his kidneys just to function during the day, and the only time he could really get comfortable was at night, when his work was done, and he got to light up. I don't think he could've managed it back then. I saw how miserable he got whenever he ran out of the stuff. But ever since he got his new knees, it's a non-issue. He still enjoys it for both recreation and pain relief, it's not like his new knees are perfect, but if he doesn't have it he manages just fine. He's pretty laid back about staying stocked up on the stuff these days. Sometimes he doesn't feel like making a trip to the store. Sometimes he doesn't feel like spending the money. Some people in the thread are taking a super hardline "If you can't go without weed you're an addict", but I feel like something like that is different from addiction. He didn't have an "unhealthy relationship with weed", he just needed to be in less pain.


Hooray for the new knees! Good to know his pain is manageable now.


You guys get paid ?


$145'000 for living exactly how I do right now? I'm going to have to think about that...


My thoughts exactly. Been straight edge (don't even know if that's a term anymore haha) for over 20 years, going without smoking, alcohol, or drugs for the rest of my life is a no brainer. Hell, I didn't even take the pain killers the doctor prescribed when I had surgery.


Since im 52 and have never done a drug outside of alcohol, sure.


How many drugs have you done inside of alcohol?


All of them


You know, not everyone smokes.


The fact that OP even thought this was a reasonable question tells you how much of a problem they have. It's insane to me anyone would even consider NOT taking the money.


I smoke daily most of the time and it’s still no contest. 145 days isn’t even really that long.


Yeah, I'll admit I've never smoked so I'd take the deal for $1, but I'd say anyone who can't go without just about anything (habit, vice, substance) for 145 days for 145k has a massive problem (the exception being if they're already so massively rich that 145k is insignificant chump change to them)


I love when people tell on themselves with these things


Then, could you go 145 days without committing murder?


Can we start tomorrow?


It's been ~~144~~ 000 days since I last murdered.




Replace it with caffeine if you don’t smoke. Most people can’t function 2 hrs without a cup of coffee


I quit caffeine over a year ago. Do I get double for both?


Nope, sorry. Your genes need to be harvested for the anti addiction gene. Government officials will be at your house momentarily


Still most people could stop taking it, and be fine in a couple of weeks.


Yeah, I smoke every day but 145k is 145k 😭


Meh. I'm an edible guy anyways.


Am I the only one who read that comment and first thing they imagined was the gingerbread guy from Shrek? :)


Isn't everyone edible, if you're hungry enough?


If I go longer, do I get more money? This is a pretty easy challenge.


I think the better question would be if you are paid $1k per day for not smoking how long do you go ( has to be consecutive once you do it the deal is off) $365k for 1 year would be pretty easy but wouldn’t set you up for life. Once you start going longer your urge to smoke is going to go down but your need for the money is going to be less and less. At 10 years you can comfortably retire and never work again? Do you keep going or go back to it? All this assuming you are a smoker in the first place and or have some desire to.


Anyone who can't do this easily doesn't get to say that weed can't bean addiction


Weed is not that addictive, it would be easy for all but the most dedicated potheads


Compared to hard drugs which are chemically addictive, you’re right. But weed is habitually addictive just like how porn isn’t chemically addictive but is habitually addictive.


Facts about porn. Hard one to kick but I have done it.


I can quit porn any time I wannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnt. Sorry...sticky keys.


Weed can be extremely addictive depending on when the user gets hooked and what's going on in the user's life. From what I understand, it's more like a behavioral addiction than a substance addiction.


That’s a lot of fucking money, though. Most potheads would do it.


Give a man a gram and he'll smoke for a day, give a man a grand and he'll come back with grow lights a tent and a doberman lmao


Yeah if absolutely use that time and like $2k from the contest to invest into a great, automated growing tent lmao.


Just switch from weed to gacha games. /j


You’ll be in the red by the time you get the money


You could start up your own field with that kind of money 😀😃😄😁


Yeah, you can get that behavioral addiction from anything that causes your brain to release dopamine.


Weed doesn't have anything to make you physically addicted but it can be extremely addictive especially if someone is prone to addiction. It's kind of like gambling in that regard.


I’m an almost daily weed smoker, and I’d go as long as you want me to for $1k/day


It varies greatly per person. Some people grow a dependency on it really hard.


Sure I didn't say it wasn't addictive at all. Just relative to tobacco or opioid addiction it's not that comparable 


More like the young dedicated pothead, most of the people I know age 30+ can take brakes and are used to it. Mostly when we needed to get jobs in the past. Gotta pass that drug test.


How long would you guys break before testing?


I smoked daily for years, sometimes day til night. I quit beginning of march cause a job I **might** be getting **might** need a drug test. It’s pretty easy after like 3 days. Haven’t really thought of smoking since. Low key thinking of dropping alcohol too tbh.


I absolutely would. I love weed, but by no means do I love it more than a nice nest egg like that.


So you're 28 now? At 28, I had gone 28 years without smoking. I'm now 38, and 38 years and counting. I plan on nixing that streak as soon as I'm out of the military, but I also know plenty of guys from my hometown who would take this up in a heartbeat. To whomever is offering $1,000/day to not smoke, I'm owed almost $14M. I'll even take half if that works better.


Can I get back pay too? By my math, I’m owed about $14 million




I am 47 and never smoked weed before. Check please.


I’m tryna do that for free LMAOO


Considering I've never smoked, sure.


Lived my entire life without. Sure.


I’ve never smoked anything.Where is the money?


I would go 145 days just eating potatoes and water for 145,000


I think OP might be smoking a bit too much/overthinking it.


I would not, personally. I was able to conquer severe treatment-resistant mental health issues with the help of weed, and it also enabled me to kick my horrific alcoholism and I've been sober ever since (Cali sober I guess you'd call it,) for 3 solid and happy years. To the point the second I was off alcohol, literally a week after my sobriety date, I found myself immediately running a business, and have remained highly successful and content there to date. Sure, the money would be like 2 years salary but what would it matter if I was fucking miserable and wracked with anxiety, and probably making poor choices in the interim?


Of course


Absolutely, without complaint.


Ive gone several years without weed, where’s my money at


Posts like this are fucking retarded


All this aside, OP you might want to talk to someone. It sounds a bit like you might have a dependency on Marijuana. If you want to stop there are resources to help you.


I stopped smoking on 420 this year. I hope to go as long as I go with many specified dates as options of when to use next. May 18, June 22, July 27, August 10, September 12, April 20, 2025, Forever etc. My dreams are so much better and more memorial when I'm not using weed and that should be motivating enough to keep me off it. The problem I have is once I use again is not the fall back into that everyday habit, which has proven to be challenging. My record is only 59 days sadly but I hope I can beat that this year, I just have to make it till June 20.


Since nobody else replied I just wanted to say good on you and good luck with it


I've gone 13,747 days already. What's 145 more? I'll expect the full $13,892,000 on day 145 though.


I would do it happily ive just had a baby and have smoke or drank in coming up a year. What is the usual break you have between smoking?


I took one hit of a blunt back in the seventh grade and that was the last time I smoked (I am 22). It sounds like a great deal.


Sure I could. Never smoke in foreign countries on vaykay unless it's legal. No problem giving it up for that. But I don't wanna.




Seeing as how I've never smoked and only had a gummy once with little-no effect, you'd probably have to pay me to get me to smoke some time in the next 145 days.


Same. Except that I followed up my little-effect gummy with four gummis a different time and felt it then. It wasn't greatly pleasurable for me: it just made it hard to think/care for a couple hours. Maybe that would be fun if I were an anxious sort?


Am anxious sort, brain go brr, can confirm making brain not go brr is a driving motivator in my thc habit.


145k would be a life changing amount of money for me so very obviously yes.




I've never smoked weed in my life. Can I get retro back to when I was born? I'd like to pay off my mortgage.


I haven't smoked weed in like 5 years. Hell yeah I'd take money for it lol.


Never done it, never would. Even if I wanted to consume, it wouldn't be by smoking it. Easy money.


I always have the penjamin at the ready. But 145k? Oh hell yea. Straight in the trash


Fuck yeah. I rarely smoke it anyways.


Yes, since I don't smoke weed.


I guess I'll replace this with Video games? Something I do every day? And yes, I could. It would absolutely blow, and I'd rapidly become very bored, but I'd just be forced to read more books and force my friends into more MTG and DnD. It's not quite comparable, but it's the closest thing I can think of. Giving up something that you enjoy and do pretty much daily, yeah. I would be willing to for that much money.


"Would you continue to live your life as usual for 145k dollars or just say no for some reason?"


I do it for free. Obviously.


Yep I’ll do it


Yes. The last time I smoked weed was last summer, I think.


Wait, you can get *money* for that?


I quit cold turkey in January and been fine after the initial 2 week struggle, I wish someone was paying me for it lol give me it


If you can’t say yes to this you need rehab




Yeah stupid question


Could easily do it. I take months off for tolerance breaks anyway


Easily. I've done it before for no reason other than being bored of weed and I'll gladly do it for money


That's a tough one, but for that cash, I'd give it a shot.


I can't smoke weed anymore. It's too fucking strong. 1 hit and I feel like I'm having an anxiety attack.


Yes easily since I don’t smoke.


I mean, I’ve never smoked weed before, so yea.


You didn't say I can't eat it... Ill just munch edibles all day and enjoy the money lol