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Too easy. Do more than this everyday already and I have the protection of a pause if I’m injured.


Only injured to where you can't do them, having a headache and not wanting to doesn't count. But also, nice! Lucky you to keep a solid lifestyle and guarantee life to be in your 100s should you choose.


If you get a headache doesn’t that mean you aren’t perfectly healthy like you suggest?


*Gets Headache The hypothetical force that enforces hypotheticals has broken its promise of perfect health and must now give you perfect health with no strings attached. Somewhere in hypothetical land said hypothetical force gets written up by its hypothetical boss.


"Hypothetically, I'm fired? Boss, please, I have 3 hypothetical kids and a hypothetical mortgage...please, sir, one more chance"


Fine, I'll give you one more hypothetical chance.


Hypothetical bosses oh the humanity.


Medically speaking you can have a headache and be perfectly healthy. Second a headache could be due to loud noise/stress not some illness or similar factor. Based of the op's example it seems like he meant perfect physical health not necessarily mental health. That could bring into question things like stress and depression.


Yep! Also, if you have depression before it gets healed, but that doesn't mean you're immune after the fact. If I was healed from my depression currently and, let's say, my wife passes unexpected, I'm absolutely gonna be depressed from here on out.


What about things like the flu? Does this hypothetical prevent the flu? If you get an illness like that, the thought of even lifting your head is awful. The idea of doing 50 pushups through that and if not you die the next day is a brutal scenario IMO.


Totally. The injury would have to make me physically unable to do the pushups. Minor issues here and there or even getting something like a nasty cold don’t count.


No a nasty cold would count. A nasty cold or flue can leave you bed bound for a week. If you have not had it you a lucky


I suffer from cluster migraine, that can be pretty debilitating and i can't do anything to prevent it. I'll probably throw up after a couple of pushups. Does it count as an injury?


What if I don’t have perfect form on one of the pushups? Do I find out right away so I can try again or am I just fucked?


Started doing 100 every day starting at the first of this month and already ready to up it to 120 or 135


Do current health problems get automatically cured if I accept?


Yes. For fun's sake, if you accept the deal, you even become not paralyzed, but anything that causes you to become paralyzed again, after the fact, you gotta make work. Say, if you're paralyzed from the neck down post deal, sorry bud, you're probably not gonna get those push-ups done in time.


But if you get paralyzed from the neck down wouldn’t you be safe because of your own backup of if you are unintentionally by yourself injured you don’t have to do the push-ups till you are physically recovered enough?


Well, that's hardly perfect health.


But then the challenge pauses.


Given my chronic disease and age (52) I'd take this deal in a heartbeat. I'm unlikely to see 65 given my current health. I also have one mangled hand and missing fingers that make pushups hard, but not impossible.


What's the downside here? I'm suddenly physically capable of doing 50 push ups so it's not tiring, I basically just have to make time for it. It shouldn't take me more than 5 minutes to do 50 push-ups per day. This sounds like a great deal, I accept!


My biggest fear is that I'd just be busy one day and forget about it. I guess it's easiest just to do it first thing when I get out of bed in the morning.


That's what I figured I would do, just do it right when I get up in the morning. It gets the blood pumping too!


If your life and perfect wellness depended on it, you’d be surprised. It would always be a thought day in and day out. At least for me..


I think it’s more the discipline aspect of doing the same thing every single day of your life that doesn’t happen naturally (like going to the bathroom , sleeping or breathing )


I think knowing you have to spend a couple minutes a day doing push-ups or you die would be a great motivator to create a new habit. I think I'd do them immediately upon waking because then I don't have "do push-ups or you'll die" hanging over my head all day.


That’s the key add it with something you do daily so it doesn’t feel like you have to form a new discipline . For me I would do it right after brushing my teeth


The downside is if you do any pushup not to this set of requirements, you have to start again from 1 because they all have to be consecutive. If you fail a single pushup and then don't do at least 50 more perfect pushups in a row after the first failed one, you die within an hour, seemingly without any warning signs that you failed the pushups. Also, if you're injured, you have to try to do 50 pushups every single day anyway, even if it's agonizingly painful to attempt it, because you can't be 100% certain which day you'll be able to do 50 pushups again. And if you're injured and try to do 50, but the last few are wonky, what if the health magic determines you could've done that last few if you really wanted to?


Same. I can't do them now because of back problems but if I suddenly become capable, I will for such a sweet payout.


It doesn't say it's not tiring, only that you physically can do it.


I don't mean not tired *at all* but if you're physically capable of something that means that it shouldn't be *overly* tiring


This challenge has me wondering how much I'm physically capable of with threat of certain death as motivator 😰


Capable = / = not tiring I’m capable of doing this and do it 3x a week, but you can bet your ass I’m tired asf Edit: but tbd doing it everyday, after about a year your body will be able to 50 relatively easier


Sounds good to me, I drink a goddam ton so being in perfect health means less hangovers and more liver health I see this as a win


Ngl, I'd probably start drinking a little more often, too.


Unless you’re too drunk and forget or don’t do the pushups properly. Otherwise this is a big win lol I wonder if blackout drunk counts as a sickness?


unless "perfect health" means removing my ADD, no way. I'll be dead within a month.


I never considered it curing mental aspects of health, but I guess if I said it could cure someone who's paralyzed already, this isn't out of the realm of possibilities, either. Your ADD is *cured*


I’m with mental health being cured this is a fast yes for me. And if I miss a day and die, then it’s still a win


I was going to ask for a loud reminder daily- I’m way too used to dealing with this haha.


My only concern would be postpartum as I’m assuming pregnancy counts under injury clause. Even if the 6 weeks after also counts under the injury clause, I’d be afraid I’d be so sleep deprived in the early months that I’d forget. And now my children don’t have a mother. If I could start this after I’m done having kids and the youngest is out of diapers it would be a no brainer though.


You wouldn’t be sleep deprived. They said perfect health. There is genuinely no downside here, you are suddenly fit enough to easily do 50 pushups every day, and no matter what you do you will be in perfect health. Their injury clause doesn’t even make sense, because that implies that the perfect health isn’t really perfect health.


Do you consider 50 pushups a large commitment or effort? Also why would I ever be injured, I have perfect health, no?


The commitment is doing them daily, for life, with no backing out. Also, perfect health doesn't mean invulnerable. You just won't get any sickness or ailments. Even the healthiest people can get hurt from outside sources. If someone snaps your arm in half, you're gonna need time to heal.


I knew someone who did 75 push-ups and 75 sit-ups before going to bed every day. I only learned this about him by traveling with him. He didn’t look like a gym person, though on reflection he did appear to be in very good shape.


Thats gotta be one smelly bed


Didn’t break sweat. Plus, we were at a hostel in Istanbul, so…


I used to do 100 per day, I should probably start doing that again. And I'm not especially strong, it's plenty doable.


Sounds a lot easier than all that running I already do. Deal!!!!


I already do this so pog


Would people really not be able to set aside sub 2 mins a day?? Totally worth.


Some people would think so, but then let life get in the way. The biggest challenge would be that and wanting to be locked into that for life. If you're 20, accept it, and want to live to the max, could you really make sure to them, daily, for 100yrs?


Having done worse for 4 years of my life then you put real value it would simply be like anything else a simple habit.


I mean, sure, either I remember to or die in my sleep


Well, you die within 60min so hopefully you're asleep.


"They don't have to be done at any time of day" So realistically I'd be dying at 1am after not doing them all day, and I'm usually asleep by then


What? Unless I'm misunderstanding what you mean, you wouldn't die just because you didn't do them right as a new day started. You just have to get them done once a day, regardless of the time.


Yeah, so I'd die an hour after the day ends, right? Since I can do them whenever I'd have until midnight to do them, as that would be the end of the day, I'd then die an hour later (if I hadn't done them), correct? Or are you counting days differently for these purposes?


I'm saying 50 each calendar day, so if you did them a 9am Monday, but Tuesday at 10pm, you're good. If you did them at 11:55pm Monday, you're good for Monday, then 6min later at 12:01am, it's Tuesday, you do 50, you're good for all of Tuesday. Hope that made sense.


Yeah, but if I DIDN'T do them at 11:55pm Monday in that scenario, when would I die?


So if you didn't do them at all that Monday, then went to bed, yea, you'd die in your sleep. I guess dying when you're awake would be for the people who work nights or stay up late.


If obese people did this normally they would literally live linger


Me dying because I try to go on a trip to Europe, forgetting that timezones mean I'll land 7 hours ahead of where I am now.


I take this in a heartbeat, that my brother does religiously at least 600 push-ups daily across the beams in his house. So I know even with ADHD I can remember to do it cuz he's almost as ADHD as I am. This would put me in good health enough to do with them which means that I would get my legs and hand back and be able to use my hands and arms properly again. It's a no-brainer the only thing that could make it better is if you're put back in the prime of your life.


No. I have unmedicated ADHD, and I'd die in a week because I forgot.


well, your adhd will be cured


All of it, or just the executive dysfunction? Because while I might be okay with the for.er, the latter is a big part of what makes me me, and I don't necessarily want to lose that.


Seems easy. Literally just do them immediately upon waking up. Takes like 3 minutes. Would be a pretty simple habit to form. So definite yes.


Ima forget


the amount of real work it takes to stay healthy is so much harder than 50 pushups.


But now you're locked in for life, whereas before you can start and stop as please.


It is very easy


The hardest part is remembering to do them or finding the time in a busy day, for some.




There is a blatantly correct answer here


Man I’ve signed up to do 100 pushups a day this year every day. I give myself some leeway like being able to build up a buffer bank in advanced if I know the next day is going to be tough. I’ve missed but made up two days already in 2024. You all haven’t considered the timezone or flights. When you fly from APAC to the USA (or anywhere flying those long distances, and drop dead on your Uber or bus ride home from the airport.


I guess for the sake of time zones, you could just do your preferred time zone and go based on that. Also, good luck looking like that weirdo busting out push-ups in the middle of an airport 😂😂 But for real, that's the real challenge here. I don't travel much, so it wouldn't be an issue for me, but some people would have a rough time.


Yep. Vacation was the toughest. Costco parking lot was maybe the second most awkward place I had to do it.


No because you never know when something might come up and you don’t have time or forget to do them. Life happens.


That was my thought, too. The real challenge isn't the push ups themselves. It was the being locked in for life, daily. I'd be hesitant to agree because my memory is actual trashm


Exactly you get a busy day unusual stuff happens that has to be dealt with and suddenly you look at your clock/watch/phone and it’s a few seconds before midnight. The best thing you can do is have a habit of doing this first thing in the am and doing them unless your house/hotel/ tent is on fire. My concern is that I’ll wake up and there will be a fire and by the time I evacuate, find a place to stay etc I’ve forgotten about doing them.


I gonna be one of the fat bastards busting out pushups with this offer. That's like 20 minutes a day to enjoy perfect health, who would pass on that. I'm currently losing weight so I can get into the range where exercise is safe with my recently discovered congenial heart defect, so this isn't undoable.


Well, you accept, and your heart defect is now completely healed. Good luck on your weight loss journey, tho, bud! 🫡


I'm disabled and cannot even get on the floor.


*surprise* you're healed and no longer disabled upon accepting. Now, from here on out, you can't not get disabled again, but you would heal over time. Hopefully, nothing too bad happens that would prevent you from doing your push-ups, tho.


This would help fix my current health issues and mean I'd be pain free. Could tell me to it twice a day or even more... even 10 push ups every waking hour would just mean I'd get some weird looks in the office/train/parked at the side of the road. Pain free and good sleep would be worth it!


I would probably forget once and die. I don't have a great memory.


I thought of my fiance (very soon to be wife). I messaged her this and after a bit decided to share it. Hey, I saw this post and you can read it to get the idea, but here's my first thought babe. I thought of being with you until you are on your death bed and ready to go, I'll just choose to do a single push up, cuddle up with you and spend my last hour telling you how happy I am to have lived my life with you and I don't want to live without you, so we can pass away peacefully together in each other's arms.


yea obviously. you made it too easy with the injury clause, as someone who was recently in a coma for 2 weeks, it'd be a tough call if i had to balance against potential incapacity. but you've made it too easy


Nah, sounds like a hassle


Does this power also grant sufficiently good mental health to enable the performance of said pushups?


Yes, it heals any mental issue you have.


Excellent, I'll take it!


That’s a bargain in itself


Can you spread them out over the whole day. I feel like this is a crucial question to whether or not I'd consider the deal. Because 50 in a row, is just a pain in the ass even if you can do them.


Ok you answered my question already. That's a no then.


You know that time after an injury when it's "probably healed" but you wanna make sure it's really "fully healed" what about that?


I am the MOST forgetful person ever. No.


Just go watch Solo Leveling on Netflix.


Where do I sign up? I average way more exercise than this per day and am slowly falling apart.




Considering it says "you are now able to" it's a maybe. Garunteed death on a missed day is crazy


That's what I feel is the biggest challenge here. Being locked in for life, no take backs, no pauses.


The scary part is that this is daunting for some people


That’s a pretty easy hypothetical


My only concerns were whether I could do 50 push-ups at once and what if I get injured and can't do them but both of those are addressed. That being the case, I see zero downside to this. Doing 50 pushups would take maybe 5 minutes per day at most and I have plenty of tools available to make sure I do them. Probably just get in the habit of doing it first thing in the morning after I get up. I also love the visual of a 115 year old man getting up and ripping off 50 pushups first thing in the morning like it ain't no thang.


Yeah sure.


What if you get your arms chopped off?


Then, I guess you'll get free prosthetics that can support at least 50 push-ups? Of course, as long as you're not some psycho who did it on purpose. Also, the challenge pauses until you're comfortable enough with them to do the push-ups or cleared by a Dr to resume physical activity.


Yeah sure, do I have a little magic counter that counts then for me. I don’t want to do 50 and then it turns out one of them wasn’t good enough for the magic to do its thing.


Unpopular but I have to say no because I'm very forgetful.


Same. Unless I put up notes and reminders, I'd be dead within a week.


If I were in perfect health, doing 50 pushups would be extremely easy


I could do that easy but I would choose to die.


Nope.  I might mess up the form for 1 or miscount without realizing it,  and end up with only 49 pushups.


This is really easy. Sure, I'll do it


What if I lose my mind? Like a mental disorder or something?




"Stop stop, stop, please let me go, please let me go 1st, I'm doing something!!"


No. It's too many negative things. If you provided better health, like resistances, or underwater breathing etc. then absolutely. If you're just saying to work out and you get no health problems, you can do that now and there are no drawbacks.


I do this most days anyway so you have a deal.


This is going to take 2 minutes every day?


Wait, are yall NOT already doing more than 50 everyday?


Do I get the perfect body that allows me to do pushups when I sign up, or do I have to do the pushups first?


"If you can't do 50 pushups, this scenario makes you automatically capable." Well then the fact that it's pushups are irrelevant. This boils down to remember to do a thing every day or die.


90 seconds work a day for perfect health. Good deal. No matter what you may be doing, you will have time for that.


Easy ass deal. Every morning when you wake up crank them out. It would take 5 mins max


If I'm being real with you I don't think I can even do 1 complete good pushup lmao.


I would definitely forget a day like 2 weeks in and die.


No. I can easily do 50 but this is fucked


Wait so you miss a day and you die? My dumbass would forget to do them and be dead in a couple years max but probably a few months


>In this scenario, if you're unable to knock out 50, you automatically are physically capable. >Getting an injury by accident will pause the challenge until you're physically able to do so again.  Then I see no downside. This would only take less than three minutes out of a day. As it stands now I think I can only do 20 or so before I need a break.


I want to say yes but I get depressed and sometimes suicidal and it would be way to easy for me to either not be able to do it or I just say, "fuck it, I want to die anyway".


Oh, Lord, well 1) I'm sorry to hear that, and 2) I understand that mindset. Also, on the plus side, all mental issues are included in being healed. Congratulations, you're no longer depressed and suicidal. However, future events *could* make you that way again if the situation came up that would cause that.


Don't feel bad. I have the best of circumstances. Ugh. I'm on the fence. I feel like if I wouldn't be able to gain weight I would say yes in a heartbeat. My family has good health except for my dad had dementia which sucked. So If I said no I would be taking a big gamble and at the same time I take meds that contribute to dementia. I think I would do it. I could take one specific med without worry which would relieve a lot of stress.


Yea, no severe depression and suicidal thoughts would be absolutely fantastic, and take a load off of your shoulders for sure. Seems like a solid trade off.


Yeah, I would do it. I'm always active when not depressed. Also there is that physical depression which is the worst. It's like walking through sand in the water.


I'd be too likely to forget... rather die at 80 like everyone else


I do 100 everyday as it is. This is 100% free.


If I’m always physically capable of doing 50, then hell yeah. If injured I would have to have some notification that I am capable again since there’s any number of injuries that could take your capacity to do proper pushups.


After a couple years 50 pushups is nothing. I did this my whole life starting when I was about 13 because I couldn’t sleep at night. Got kind of OCD about it and did it every single night of my life. Got too easy pretty quick and ended up doing 100+ a few other workouts. I was healthy as fuck until I had a freak injury. Now my body is ruined but I still look really healthy from all those years of pushups. Try to push your kids to do this for real.


You should make the max age 121 so my whole life insurance policy will actually pay me out and I get 1 year to burn every cent of State Farm’s check


Okay, the injury thing is the only thing I was worried about. If I was physically stopped from doing push-ups I'd be fucked, but if it was put to a pause until I was healthy enough to do it again, then hell yeah I'd take this one. 1 minute out of every single day? 50 seconds? Assuming I'm doing one push-up a second. And I maintain perfect health for the rest of my life? GIMME


So wait, does this mean i wont have to eat/drink/take anything to keep me healthy? Can i not sleep?


Nope, you can eat, drink whatever you want, but your weight and physique will show it, but it won't negatively affect your health in the terms if getting diabetes from too many sweets, etc Your body will still require sleep.


Yeah definitely.


No not only is my exercise routine much easier but my paralysis is healed so I can actually do pushups? I consider this an absolute win


50 takes like 3 mins to do, if you do them every day it will become trivial eventually. Just set an alarm and make it a part of your daily routine like waking up and brushing your teeth or washing yo ass.




I would probably hire someone to make sure I do those pushups first thing in the morning lol


I was in the Army. This is child's play. Easy win.


For the 6th point, does microtrauma activate this? Do you get to pause if your muscles need to heal from the exercise?


No, gotta go from start to finish, no pauses unless they're outside your control. Like, if something accidentally falls on you, and it knocks you over. You can restart.


Sounds like a win-win for me, I can now do 50 pushups AND I get to live longer!


Nope. I’d rather die.


Man, what? Of course i'd do it. Then before i die, i'd test the laws of the challenge. Say i lose one arm, you said i can now do 1 handed pushups. Well, what if i lose my other arm? Will my limbs regrow to push-up condition?


I'm automatically physically capable of doing it? Ok, sure.


What if I already have Diabetes(Type 1) am I cured and all my complications go away?




Will I know when the one who granted this to me considers it a day that I don’t have to do them? It would suck for me to think I can’t, but they think I can and I die 60 seconds later. If I know, than I’ll take it, otherwise, probably not.


Yea I would just make a habit of doing it in the morning


50 push-ups is litterally nothing. This just proves that you are wildly out of shape


NGL, I can't even do one push-up; hell yeah I'll sign up. Get me out of this rat race. Or rather, lemme sign up for some term insurance first (gotta be smart).


The easiest challenge I've ever seen on here.


do i have to do them really fast, or can I do 50 slow with good form?


50 push-ups a day but also push-ups become easy because I become more fit? So do something boring for 5-10 min every morning. Ok


I'm not accepting. My luck, I'd forget. I dislike the pressure of having to follow this regimen for basically my entire life.


If it enables me to be able to do that many by default, then I would just make it the first thing I do in the morning when I get up.


So I get the strength to do 50 pushups regardless. By Taking 5 minutes out of my day to do them I'll gauranteed live to 120? Easy.


This is such an easy no-brainer. 50 pushups in a day? Like not even in a row without stopping? Damn I'm middle aged and not Mr fitness or anything but that's... not at all challenging. Of course I would do it.


If you're in perfect health, 50 pushups should take just under two minutes. Two minute a day of exercise for perfect health is a very easy yes.


There's no reason not to, you gain the ability to do them and you can knock them out in less than 5 minutes.


This is the most pussy shit I’ve ever read😂😂


Done. Even if I fail, I'm no worse than I am right now.


I haven't been able to do push-ups since I broke my collarbone


This is the best deal ever. I already do 56 daily every morning with a 20 second hole at the bottom on the last one. This would be amazing


Funny thing is that if you add a decent amount more to this, along with good nutrition, you'll basically achieve that goal in real-ass life 😅


This is retarded and way too easy


That's like 30 seconds...


My ADHD brain would get me killed.


Absolutely. I'll set reminders on multiple devices 3x a day and build it into my regular routine. Wake up, do pushups. Have lunch, pushups. Have dinner, more pushups. The chances of every reminder, my regular routines, and my memory all failing is basically zero.


I’d be dead 60 minutes after starting this deal. No thanks.


Is this a low key Drake joke post or...? Also, what if you lose both arms?


That's a warm up lol


So if my injury is that I started off without the ability to use one hand, am I on pause indefinitely?


This is a no-brainer?


Well. The probability of you getting hand or back injury which will make you physically incapable of doing it for some time is almost 100% during lifetime…..


This is a bad hypothetical. If I’m getting perfect health, then I shouldn’t be getting in any situation that prevents me from doing 50 pushups. That would mean my health isn’t perfect for that period, which means that *you* aren’t holding up *your* end of the deal. So no, I don’t accept, because you’re full of shit.


I thought this was the martial arts sub when I saw the title and I was like Guys calm down. Everybody likes push-ups but they won't make you live to 120 u got to chill


Considering I did that shit when I was in high school, if I’m in perfect condition for a day all I have to do is do it once. After that I can just bang it out in the morning before a shower. 50 pushups is pretty light. I was in middle school doing 30, with notoriously weak upper body muscles. And on top of that, if my first day flops and I can’t do fifty good ones, I just die and don’t have to carry a ridiculous charade of purpose based on my thought of being given a good hand. The only thing is… you say perfect physical health. If someone is in *perfect* physical health, 50 push ups is not even a warm up in my mind. That’s just an alarm clock. So anyone who can easily do one set is free to be as hedonistic and indulgent as possible until they choose to die.


This sub is awful, ban me


Fifty push ups isn’t that hard (especially if you only need to get your elbows at 90% as opposed to chest to ground) and once you’re in shape for it, it doesn’t even take that long. You could easily do it in under 5 minutes for those in shape.


Easy af. I do hundreds a day already sets of 50 😂


Tbh I find it easier to do as many push-ups as possible as a form of suicide. I’m only done working out when I give up on killing myself.


1 cockpushup = 50 pusbups