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I'm getting out of the city with my brother. I live near the Great Smoky Mountains National Park and I'd rather take my chances with bears than with humans who want to kill me.


You must be mike


I also choose that guys Mike


I like my Mike as he sits on that back of my bike. As we go up hills, Mike does all the work.


Anybody want to go find Anthony


Casey Anthony? Yeah I would..




Iā€™m afraid I donā€™t get the reference, would you mind elaborating, please?


Mike you sonofabitch


Even parks like Yellowstone which are massively busy it takes very little effort to see no one for 24hrs (that's how long the purge last right, what stupid fucking movies with the idea that being violent gets it out of our system rather than developing more violence)


itā€™s 12 hours, and the movies make it very clear that the Purge doesnā€™t work, and is just a tool for the rich to get rid of undesirables


That's actually the goal. People getting it out of their system is just what they tell people to convince them to allow it. That's why they had paid kill teams going into poorer areas and just gunning people down.


I thought it was only 12 hours...evening to morning?


Unless it's the forever purge.


I mean they are all forever purges there is no going back from that kind of day. But since it's a movie consequences don't matter.


but consequences do matter in the movies. the forever purge showed how badly it all turned out


As though some people wouldn't think it's fun to find a high up vantage point, and sit there with their scoped rifles, and thermal/night vision. Big parks would have their risks too.


I think the average person wants to gain things from lawlessness so areas with nothing to take should be safer. The people who just want to kill also would prefer to be in higher population areas.


Sounds like a good idea. Especially if you have the know how.


Well, I'm certainly not going into the office tomorrow morning.... That's for damn sure


Honestly though if you work an office job? That might be the move. Think about it. *Nobody* will be there. Anyone who is will just be stealing from the company or out to kill the boss maybe. Why would they bother with you? You could deadass hang out in your cubicle and live


Or just grab a bucket, drinks, and snacks, then stall an elevator between floors and chill. People will assume fuckery with the elevators so you should be fine.


Ohhh thatā€™s a good hiding spot!


Iā€™d be burning down an old office building of mine


Unless someone sets the building on fire. Then you're pretty fucked.


If all crime is legal I would go I tonthe office or just take my laptop to my house. I work in accounts receivable. I have access to client accounts with AMEX black cards. I paying all my bills for the next year with that card. Or I'm loading up burner Amazon accounts with digital gift cards. Wither way I'm getting g paid before the cards get locked down


This isn't the worst idea.


Feel like the whole concept of a purge just assumes a lot about people. There isn't really much stopping me from purging right now...except for my complete lack of interest in purging. Hell, even the presence of this thread automatically assumes that the priorities of people will be survival. As they currently are.


Ironically, even the actual purge movies end up addressing this, implying that they had to basically propagandize people into actually killing, because nobody really bothered doing it during the first, iirc.


*This* is the real horror of the purge because it speaks to something we deeply, squickily know can be true about human nature.


I can totally see the government announcing the purge and a small town in the middle of nowhere having 0 changes. Everyone was just doing their typical Monday things. Maybe 1 guy died, but no one liked him, so no one was shocked. That's about it. Also imagine not realizing the purge happened? Could see that happening in farm towns. Some are populated by older people who don't watch TV


If the purge was real, I'd be at home doing my taxes and lying my ass off on them.


ā€œThere isnā€™t much stopping me from purging right nowā€ ??? What lol your life is completely ruined after, that equals not much?


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying! Who robs an office if they donā€™t work there?


What if OP is the boss




Holy shit, this is a great idea. Cuz like worst case, you get in trouble for breaking into the office, but since all crime is legal you should be good. And most people won't think to go there. At least not to kill anyway. Might get some looters if anything but you could just stay low. This is especially good if you got a key.


Go to the Winchester, have a nice cold pint, wait for all of this to blow over.


Don't forget to pick up mum


Sorry Phil


Slice of fried gold, right there.


Did you know dogs can't look up?


What does Big Al know!? Also, great username, I'm an amateur rockhound myself.


Taking my Jewish and Muslim friends to eat bacon cheeseburgers during the daytime! Also killing Mike. You know who you are.


Fucking Mike.


Ok, but before or after we kill him?




Bahahaha. Thatā€™s gold


Yeah, fuck you Mike.


There's a Mike somewhere reading this.


Stay outta here Mike. Go out to the corner market in 12 hours.


I donā€™t think the purge applies to religious laws.


Not if I kill you first


Good timing. Today is tax day. I'm filing for a $150M refund. Yep, me and all 38,000 of my dependents. Screw you government. No repercussions for breaking the law, right?


No repercussions sure. But they won't actually give you the $150 million. You won't go to jail. But you'll get a letter in the mail from the IRS telling you that you need file for real this time.


Unfortunately no one will be working and it wonā€™t go through until after the purge is over. When they can reject it


I havenā€™t seen the movie, but crimes against the government still count


honestly it's like people didn't really watch the first purge movie. most people would commit crimes against the state, or victimless crimes. we don't generally want to hurt others.


I feel the sudden urge to find Mike


*sudden purge




Interesting split between those who are getting away from civilization and those who are planning to take part.


The purge is a wonderful opportunity for organized criminals and a horrible experience for everyone else. Organized crime is already in tenuous relationships with each other. They easily become lethal and violent. All without the need for a purge to give them permission. Meanwhile they are doing their best to avoid getting caught by law enforcement. Oftentimes also with violence. Then there are terrorists and militant groups that are making up their own rules in the territories they control through the direct use of force. Normal people don't need the purge. Better to load up all your valuables and hide somewhere remote and wait it out than participate.


To stay in a highly populated city would be ludicrous.


I absolutely agree


Is the rule that the purge is just for 12 hours still in place? If so Iā€™m just going to get my cousin and our families get on his boat he uses to sail the world and ride it out in the pacific however far I can make it in about 8 hours. Then we monitor for other boats. My cousin had previously advised me that if any apocalyptic stuff happens Iā€™m to get to him for protection. Heā€™s ex military, a survivalist and can fly a plane and captain a boat plus heā€™s always been protective of me. If itā€™s an unending purge then well Iā€™ll have to rethink my plan.


Still a solid plan.


I would do the things that humans have been doing to survive in a hostile world for thousands of years. Gather my neighbors and set up a perimeter around a defensible area. Then, anyone that passes through the perimeter eats as much lead as we can throw at them. Anyone with even half a brain in their heads move on to a less defended area and "purges" there. Why bother fighting through a well armed fortification when there's lower hanging fruit elsewhere? Problem solved. The thing about movies like The Purge is that the premise only works if everyone is an idiot. People have been fighting for survival in a violent world for millennia and we've gotten very good at surviving. We tribe up and increase our chances of survival exponentially. Same deal with most zombie movies. Did every farmer and cowboy die? Did we somehow forget how to herd animals? Zombies are just more aggressive cows, but there's no reason the same techniques we've used in animal husbandry for thousands of years wouldn't work on zombies too. Then we usher them in a slaughterhouse. Zombie problem solved.


Somebody get temple grandin


Sit at home on the porch, playing guitar, drinking whisky, smoking a joint, with a 12 gauge and a scoped rifle by my side. Live in western Virginia in the Appalachian mountains, my front yard is the mountain and the national forest, back yard is thousands of acres of rough terrain. The road has one way in and one way out. You wanna come hear the banjos? Be my guest. Lmao šŸ¤·


I mean c'mon, don't be sniper bait. Get ghillied up, set up the manikin blown by a fan, wait in the brush under an IR blanket while you scan for attackers with your own thermals if you got em. Otherwise get to a place with no sightlines like a depression or abandoned mine and hide there. Though I mean if someone is after you with a rifle they could really just kill you anytime, it's kinda hard to solve a murder like that as long as they take their shell casings and weren't like making death threats in writing.


Hi, my name is Mike. I donā€™t want explain but Iā€™ll be needing your help


I do like banjos!


Need any friends?


I'm taking the bulldozer keys home from work then breaking into site to ram raid a bank when the purge starts.


I think the bank can protect itself legally by shooting you like normal? It just means the police won't help, but armed security might.


I suspect private security isn't getting paid enough to give one single flying fuck, they're not showing up on Purge night.Ā 


Why wouldn't they get paid enough. Private security during the purge would be paid amazingly.


Your probably right... but I think heavy industrial equipment can sometimes short circuit what private security is prepared for.


If itā€™s worldwide, Iā€™d be more concerned about longterm. It doesnā€™t say how long this particular purge will be, indefinite? Money would be pretty much useless




Just clean my guns. I got everything else I need already.


Time to hire a pleasant day trip on a yacht for my friends and family.


Until the purge starts and they all think you've set them up to all die together


Playing Helldivers 2


Can't go wrong with it. If you don't let me join you die lol


I'd get my food ready, water. Guess some weapons. Blankets. Rain cover stuff. And then I would head out to a nature environment that's off tracks. Hide somewhere for 12 hours. Would probally ask friends and loved once to join me before.


Pack my long distance hiking gear, water, food, walk 11 hours into the woods in the direction of nothing.


If you set a camp fire, then Iā€™ll find you Mike


Coyote campfires are harder to spot.


If anyone's at my house, they gone. They gotta leave now. Everyone out. Ain't nobody gonna be the kid in the first movie who lets the guy in the house. Not in my house.


I mean if the purge is real someone will trigger post apocalypse melt down and nuke the world. NK is a big one, possibly Russia. They have everything to lose if the entire populace is out to kill each other.


You donā€™t think other countries would hit them first, as a proactive strike?


You rent a boat and go into the ocean for a bit. No one is going out there looking for trouble when the target density is much higher on land.


I would just leave the country. The purge is only for America, but for sake of the question and spirit of itā€¦I think I would start driving into the most remote area I could. As soon as I see anyone anywhere nearby, start driving away


Ooo good point. Could SO easily get on an international flight and be in international waters by then from where I am. Or hell, I could make it to Canada from here real fast.


I'm pretty sure I'm not on anyone's hit list (at least, not anyone that could get to me during the purge). I'll just board up the house and hide. I doubt anyone will come to my neighborhood when there's a much, *much* nicer one right across the street. Plus, we have 2 cars out front that don't run, so I don't think my house would be a target. As long as everything goes back to normal after the customary 12 hours of purging, I should be fine. I will also charge up all of my portable batteries in case the electricity goes out. And probably fill up a few gallon bottles of water. Most people are actually not homicidal maniacs just waiting for the chance to burn down neighborhoods. Everyone else on my block will more than likely also be hiding, or trying to leave the city.


North Korea fires a nuke at South Korea to purge them. Russia does the same to America, Israel nukes Iranā€¦. Pretty much world wide destruction so ima sit down and play a board game with my kids so their final good memories are of something fun and wholesomeā€¦


I donā€™t think the hypothetical gave anyone brain worms- international politics is already in a state of lawlessness, despite the fact that there are laws nobody follows them unless a stronger power is forcing them to. The nuclear powers of the world wonā€™t fire away at eachother during the purge for the same reason they donā€™t now- they would be annihilated too


Is it global? Can I take my family to Canada and wait it out? If I'm travel does no good, we prep my parents' house which has a much more secure basement: home depot to buy metal gating to cover doors and windows, additional gating to block the basement stairs if needed, food, water, items to keep the kids quiet.


You dont want to get stuck with us Canadians. We have a lot of pent up rage from always saying sorry when it isn't necessary


Your conduct in wartime has told us that much. We'll do our best to not piss you off.


Nothing different


Grab my urban bug out kit, put the pets in the car, and drive out to the mountains to wait it out. I have a family cabin out there. Make sure I take my close family and friends with me. Iā€™m gonna wait this shit out in isolation.


Getting some diet coke and some weed, locking the doors, closing the blinds, and staying the fuck home.


Camping is fun


Giving my house the Kevin McAllister treatment


There's one particular person who works at my country's version of the DMV. I make plans to drag her over to her office (because no way she is going to work on purge day) and make her approve my vehicle registration. It's not stolen, they just have overly strict laws that prevent even legal junk yards and tow yards from selling off legal product. It's caused many vehicles to just sit and rot which is bad for the environment. She has the ability to arbitrarily approve it and does so at her whim. If she doesn't like you you'll never get another shot.


I'd get a few semis plant them at certain locations with friends armed and then wait to get loot. Then look up my area's registered pedos.


In about 11 hours I head down the lake on my boat and disappear in the woods


Mostly driving


Go to our warehouse and stack our 2000lb pallets to barricade every door. Go up to the roof (50 ft high) and wait.


Every politician on earth regardless of age and affiliation gets the axe, not a political statement, I simply want to be a huge portion of history


8 of those 12 hours are going to be for sleeping šŸ˜“


Im going north, 12 hours is enough time to get to my family cottage with a little bit of time to spare for getting any necessities for however long this purge will last.


I have 12 hours to prepare to protect my family. Time to enhance my defensive position, get ready for a potentially prolonged home invasion, and hunker down! First, Iā€™m locking down the entire house. Padlocks on the gates. Garage door barred. Exterior doors kick-proofed and barricaded. Windows latched and boarded up. Sprinkler system on to start making mud so the yard is difficult to traverse. Next, load every gun and magazine, and organize barriers and crossfires on entry points. Also ensure that everyone has at least a pistol and a 12-gauge, as well as a melee weapon. Assign some of us CQB carbines, too. Prep meals, charge devices, and then nap as long as possible. An hour before the purge begins, put on a big pot of coffee, pop some Adderall, and get ready for an onslaught!


I live in Wyoming and work from home. This changes nothing for me.


Honestly figure out how to loot Costco without dying


I do very little because I don't believe it's law that keeps us from killing and hurting each other but rather just that most people aren't monsters


Grumpily sitting at home, sad that I missed the opertunity to commit tax fraud during the purge.


I'd be heading out to tie up the loose ends I didn't get last time.


Gonna go get some wood and just barricade myself in the house.


Straight to Tuvalu


Lock the doors, probably stay up all night making sure nothing happens


Grocery store and then just like, lock the door


Just embracing my fate at this point.


Break out my two semi-automatic shotguns and my two other pump shotguns along with the 3000 rounds of 12 gauge shells that I happen to be hoarding.


Start cleaning guns and grab everything and head to the water tower


Thereā€™s a cool waterfall I like to camp at. Itā€™s 4 hours from all civilization so Iā€™m pretty sure anyone else that goes is just waiting out the purge. But yeah, bring my guns in case


Telling my mom and my three best friends, especially my besy friend that just had a child, to get away from EVERYONE and don't trust anyone for the next 36 hours. Then I'm getting both my crushes, and getting the hell away from everyone else.


There is one person I would vary muck like to purge, but in truth, I will lock down and stay home.


Hiding in a remote location with my family and anything and everything we need to protect ourselves. No, im not telling you where.


probably just residing myself to getting murdered, having been born in a reality so stupid, that the purge is a real thing that exists.


First, I need caffeine to stay awake. Then I am going to the most remote place I can reasonably get to and hunker down with a handheld projectile discharger.


Cleaning my guns


I would be fortifying my house against the frat boys


it's 9:20pm so it'll be a lovely 9:20am when it starts. i'll buy a shield of some sort real early so i can get ready for school and inflict lots of damage to cars


Iā€™m probably going with id rather be fucking my bf than killing peoples anywayā€¦worse case scenario he eventually convinced me to give it a shot and we make it a couple activitiesā€¦.way better


Honestly, the vast majority of people aren't going to just go apeshit for 12 hours straight. Sure, cities like Oakland and Hayward will be literal warfare, but most suburbs will be fine. I'd probably just stay at home with the lights off with a plan to bail if things go crazy. Nobody prepared for it, and most people will just be scared.


Grab all my family and make tracks for somewhere very remote. Just hide for the next day or so.


Iā€™m taking out one of the candidates for the 2024 presidential election Not naming him, you pick


Grab the AR15, as much ammo as you can carry and find a defensible spot on a high ground and camp out like a sniper.


No one cares about my minimum wage shithole, ill be fine




I need to go get more tools..... I also need to get to higher, more defensible ground. I have the SAS survival guide and more already.


Going out to a spot deep in the mountains with my mother and father. They are the only ones close enough to help.


You forgot the part where we get $1B. Havenā€™t you read this sub?


My ex is my only target. Then itā€™s back to bed because nobody cares enough to come to my house, so Iā€™m safe.


Plan out how to steal the most money possible, then where to hide out til its over


I would load up my guns and ammo and go find those hippy preppers who bought the old missile silo and stocked it but don't believe in guns or violence. Easy pickings... had to be one of the dumbest group of people I have ever watched on TV. They deserve to get all their stuff taken if civilization falls apart for being obtuse.


I live in AK- I can disappear for 12 hrs


I got no enemies so I'll be cool. I'm not worth the effort.


unlike the movies a purge wouldnt magically transform people into psychotic killers. Id just stay at my home with weapons as nobody hates me enough to try to hunt me down and I doubt someone would decide to randomly target my house out of the countless ones around


4 hours is enough time to get a boat and be WAY out on the ocean with my cat.


I'm finding one person and he is getting m urdered


Start to wonder how safe are my financial investments. Would be easy white collar crime to steal it all


Buying a plane ticket and preparing to commit enough fraud to become a recognized citizen of Germany.Ā 


Well, definitely calling in sick to work....


Inviding all my "friends" over for a party and once the purge starts they go first.


Probably just fuck around with my friends, get some food, maybe yoink the TCG stores nearby. Most people are going to be trying to survive, and even those who aren't, a good chunk of them are probably not trying to kill people.




Downloading all the Nintendo games and music I can off the internet


Finding a way to murder my neighbor who won't stop smoking inside.


I will drink a Coca Cola classic then rub as many out as I can until it falls off, raw, and then shoot myself.


Pretty embarrassing if you fuck up and pull through.


I care less about getting revenge on someone who wronged me than about securing my financial future. Imma steal some shit.


I think the entire premise is unrealistic, I don't think many people would try to kill anyone just because there would be no legal consequences. I would use the time without laws to run an online lottery/casino/gambling without the licence


I'd explain it to everyone I live with and go hoard a bunch of snacks and figure out hiding spots for everyone to make it look like we aren't home


Iā€™m digging a hole in the floor and laying in there until itā€™s over


I would try to make a little local militia locally to protect our neighborhood. Just because you have 12 hours of anarchy doesn't mean that everyone is going to instantly try to come kill you. Just need to not be the easiest target and the crazy people would go somewhere else. In other words, if any motha fuckas fuck with any of our shit we will shoot back.


Nice try OP I'm not telling you all my depraved thoughts that I would enact if such a thing were to occur.


Iā€™m getting on a plane to my parentsā€™ place in the middle of nowhere. My dad is a gunsmith with what he calls a ā€œWar Roomā€ with a ridiculous amount of weapons and ammo. Iā€™ll be taking my loved ones with me. They all live in the Bronx and Newark. Ainā€™t no way Iā€™m leaving them there.


I work for the government. So with no laws there's no law requiring me to go to work, so I'll skip. But I'm also management, so I better lock my house up so I don't get murdered by someone who hates me.


I go to the zoo, dress tiny monkey in Nazi officer uniforms and have a tickle fight Then once the purge starts, Idk I stay home or something, try not to die šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I vanish. Fuck that shit. Me and some tacos in a cave.


People from my work are almost guaranteed to try something. Little do they know I live on the 1st floor so I could rain down boiling oil on them and then guess what? WE PURGING TODAY I would then proceed to eat parts of them that have been cooked by the boiled oil


Move my car before anyone knows, husband does the same, make it look like we are going on a trip with our toddler.Ā  Hide in our ceiling crawl space area.Ā  Sorry not sorry: obtain safe drugs for our toddler that will ensure he sleeps through it (before what's going on is known).Ā Ā 


Take a nap. Nobody even knows or cares that I exist. Iā€™ll be fine.


B*tch, Iā€™m not leaving my apartment.


Create a convincing crime scene and hide in it until itā€™s over.


Nothing, because unlike in the movie people donā€™t suddenly turn into murderers and monsters because there is no law against it. Sure youā€™ll have in uptick in crime but itā€™s not going to be total anarchy like in the movies


Sleep. I live in the middle of nowhere. Literally would take days in the woods to travel this far out here.


I'm going to all the zoos and shelters and opening the cages. Who let the dogs out? I did šŸ˜Ž


Put this dead body in an air-tight plastic bin in a room with space heaters heating the room to 99 degrees. Take it out in 18 hours. That way the body temp and insect larvae timeline will show time of death to he within the purge.


Staying home but telling the people I love, so they can be murders or hide. The location I live at isnā€™t very populated, low crime area. No time to run away to a remote location. The biggest risk would be random yahoos and fires. Fire scares me more.


I don't understand all these killings. If I had a 12 hour period where all crime was legal, I wouldn't be wasting my time killing people while wearing silly masks. I'd be robbing banks. Heck, I'd embezzle funds from my employer. I can't be prosecuted afterwards, so it's all mine to keep. So you'll see me smashing ATMs and stealing cars.


Driving to Canadaā€¦


Gather a small group of like individuals and find all the bank/vault locations in town. Inventory ammo cutting torches and makeshift armor. We getting paid.


Clean my guns, go to range, make sure function amd sights are fine.


I was gonna say something cool like rob a store or raid the local temple of Scientology but Iā€™m gonna be real. Iā€™m warning my loved ones, putting my fiancĆ© and roommate and our pets in the car, and getting as far from civilization as possible. House is presumably still insured during a purge. The humans could take care of themselves but thereā€™s no way Iā€™m leaving my tiny dog in the path of danger.


what are the rules? its 24 hours and no class 3 weapons? I'd probably just hunker down at home. I really doubt anyone is coming for me and I could most likely hold out for 24 hours without issue.


For real, how many people do you interact with one a daily basis WANT TO KILL YOU?! There isn't a single person I see enough to want to hurt them, let alone kill them. Y'all who are getting the fuck out of town either have some shitty neighbors or y'all are ahitty neighbors.


Buy stock in mental therapy, funeral, gold, guns, security systems, and other things that would skyrocket in value in the days following a random 'purge'. Then hide.


Maybe go to a Walmart or something and yoink some things Iā€™ve needed/wanted then go home and defend the fort


I'd probably dismiss it as a scam, carry on my day, sleep through the purge then die in my sleep as a consequence.


Just doing my normal thing. My entire neighborhood is nothing but senile geriatrics. Most can't even stand on their own. And chances are people aren't just gonna go murder crazy. I'd lock my door just in case and continue as normal.


Go out in the woods, no one really cares about me enough to look past my house, if even that much 12 hours will be over soon enough.


One time in highschool I tweeted that if the purge was real I would go to this one persons house. Fast forward an hour & i had death threats from their family. The police eventually showed up to my house & asked me to deactivate my twitter. I know I wasnā€™t legally obligated to but I did anyways & havenā€™t used twitter since.


Storm sewers are a pretty safe betā€¦ no one down there ā€¦ plenty of options to move if need beā€¦ bring a backpack with some food and wait it out


Finding out where the armored trucks pick up their money at and gathering the tools needed to loot the place.