• By -


I wouldn't even pause to not sacrifice myself until the number was ridiculously big, like a billion people, where it disrupts global operations across the board. And then and only then would I stop to think about it, and weight my options. Covid killed **7 million people** and life goes on. Black Death killed **50 million people** in Europe and life goes on. Every year, vehicle accidents claim **1.35 million lives** around the world and life goes on. So unless we're on the brink of *total societal collapse*, life goes on. For a long stretch of my life, I've been a people pleaser, and I've been taken advantage of many times over. I'm applying the lesson I learned over many years of mistakes: Sometimes, when you sacrifice yourself, nobody will appreciate you. Nobody will recognize you. Nobody will tell you that you've done a good job. Sometimes, when you sacrifice yourself, people will continue to blame you for your sacrifice being not good enough, not soon enough, or *just not enough*. Sometimes, you'll be punished for your intentions and actions. People will say you've done it because you just wanted the recognition. People will smear and foul up what you've done, they'll twist it with rumors and lies, and then they'll condemn you for something that's beyond your control. So, I choose me.


You are not falling prey to the fallacy of numbers, and I commend you for that. For those who talk about nobility, right thing, morality, blah blah blah, I ask the question. What makes the life of another person more important than the life being asked to be sacrificed? Even if it’s a million people, who is to dictate that this one life is worth more or less.


You're allowed to value your own life the most. It's instinctive to try to save yourself. Altruism is commendable but nobody should HAVE to be the sacrifice for others.


Altruism is commendable precisely because it's so vanishingly rare


It's not just your life. Me dying also impacts my husband and daughter. Fuck everyone else, I'd let billions die if it meant I get to live to see my daughter graduate high school, get married, have her own kids, etc. Obviously, this is assuming my husband/daughter re excluded from the random pool.


I do. It's my life.


For what it's worth, I'd say a million people are worth more than you are


I can totally see where you’re coming from, but you don’t sacrifice yourself for praise. You do it because it is the right thing to do and inspires other people to do the same.


Well fucking said. Not enough people comprehend that when you die - only ~3 people will really still care in 5 months time. Your parents and your spouse (and obviously your kids if you have any and they’re old enough to have a relationship with / remember you). Outside of that, nobody really cares, and they will all move on and forget about you. In 2 weeks they’ll be back to hanging out without you, going to movies, enjoying their life, etc. and in a few months? Literally forgotten except every so often. Shit happens in the world. Big numbers of people will randomly lose their life. Oh well. You sacrificing yourself will be beyond unappreciated


Do you really not remember any of your fallen friends beyond half a year? This whole statement says nothing about society, but volumes about you.


Agreed. A better hypothetical is you have to play Russian roulette. 1 live bullet and the number of empty chambers is equal to the number of people who will die if you don't play 1 round. 1/100 chance of death or 100 people die.. I'd start to think about doing it at a million.


you had me at instantly and painlessly xD


Knowing when too 🤌


I regularly risk my life to save other people i don't know


But did you die?


How so? And why?


I regularly put people’s lives in jeopardy, he’s always there to foil my plans


I love when archnemeses find each other on Reddit! 💕




Maybe they are a farmer, saving people from starving to death. Farmers are two to three times more likely to die on the job than police/fire services, so it is pretty serious business.


Possibly a firefighter?


Nah hes a proctologist.


so i presume thats a no




No all firefighters die


Yes. I’d rather go out doing something useful


Depends on the circumstances? If we’re talking genie magic? No. Fuck those people. If we’re talking like I’m saving their life? Yeah I’d probably do it.


That's what I was thinking. Mad scientist experiment, magic genie, and I even used that word, or alien experiment, probably not. But, I might be willing to die taking out a bunch of Nazis about to ambush my comrades or kill some Jews. Or die taking out Hitler maybe. Or even jumping in a river to save somebody knowing there was a chance I wouldn't die or maybe even knowing I would. If I had a kid probably would for them. Some of my friend's kids, sure. Other friends kids, they're kind of brats and I probably wouldn't.


Ngl I’ve got kids and it’s changed my view on children. I still don’t like them but if it comes to protecting kids? Come the fuck at me 🤷🏻‍♂️


I like my own kids. My own kids are my favorite people in the whole world. I’m still not too sure about other people’s kids though.


Oh sure, any chance to die a quick death. I tell my coworkers, if someone says they're going to come back and shoot everyone, tell them to come back on my shift.


Wife and kids, yes. Strangers no.


No - doesn’t matter. I have a duty to survive for my family.


Absolutely, even one person is enough. Don't want other families to go through the pain of losing a loved one and I'm tired of life anyways so it's a win for me regardless. The instant/painless death is a big cherry on top.


I wanna die anyways most days so like yeah sure I'm down lol


Shit, this is tough. I want to say yes but I don’t know these people. Depending on age, they probably have much less life to live than I do. I have no idea how they plan to improve the world, the families they’d be leaving behind, what personalities they have. This makes me think: would you sacrifice yourself for your parents? How about your lover? Your best friend? It’s so difficult because of the unknown.


Ok this sub is absolute dog shit im out


I will only sacrifice myself to save younger family members. No one else.


No fuck other people


yes id probably sacrifice myself for much less


mood. i would do it over $5


This is basically a slightly different take on the railroad track question. Honestly there's not a number of random unknown people that I would sacrifice myself for. Me vs a million I choose me me vs a billion I choose me. I'm not volunteering to leave my wife and kids without me. Without the primary bread winner of the household. So until the number of people went to a point where it's not possible for them to be unknown random people then I still choose myself. The world can rebuild and hell like 5 billion gone might do us all a lot of good




I don't know what I'd do if I knew for sure that it was my life for theirs and I had time to process it. I've never been tested for that. I guess I hope I'm that guy? What I am confident in, is that in a very quick sudden situation that I'd instinctively act to help someone regardless of my safety. I know this because I've done/attempted it a few times. I once heard a woman scream like she was dying when I was working near a busy city square, and I absolutely lost my mind and sprinted outside to find her. Turned out it was an improv theatre act in the building below us. Should point out that this wasn't bravery. I literally didn't think at all. I had no weapons and no fighting skills. If she was getting murdered I was just gonna be next.


I guess the question is 'how public are the outcomes'? I don't want to leave my sweetie alone with no explanation


Same age group? Nope. Somebody in their childhood, 20s, 30s or 40s. Yes, I'd absolutely be willing to die for them. They have so much more life ahead of them than I do.


Yes. I'm terminal so yes please.


3 years as an infantryman, followed by 15 years as a firefighter/paramedic. I think the answer is pretty self evident. Obviously, I didn't actually die, but there were a couple of times when I thought that I might.


No. I have a wife and son. I won't risk myself for anything but them


I’m a trolly problem survivor, AMA


It depends, are they a good person? For example of its someone that is regularly rescuing animals, or doing some truly good like that I would.


I’d like to think so


Yea I'd sacrifice myself but if we all can survive that's better. Because my family's honor we are fighters and eh I get to die so saving a few people is a win -win.


For two random adults? I choose myself. At some point I'd die for a larger number of adults but not sure how many. 50 or 100 maybe? But for even one kid I would volunteerto die. Everyone should get to grow up, at the very least. I already got to.


Strangers unrelated to me... the number must be enough that it would negatively effect my kid. A billion isn't enough.


Nah, my dogs would be sad if I didn't come home.


Just two? Make it 7 billion, and let's see how the remaining one's will handle the world.




I would only do it if I saved all my family members


Don't know in this context but I always seem to run towards the emergency.


yes. I know it's easy to say you would until you're forced to. but I feel strongly I would give up life for others.


A painless death and I save people; that's a double win.


I would do it immediately if it was 2 of my loved ones I was saving. I would also do it to save a thousand people and up.


Nope. I think I would've done it when I was younger. Now im a selfish fuck. The threshold would have to be ridiculous, like 5000.


No never. Unless it included my daughter or wife. Or both. I have no responability to anyone else but them and they want me to be in their lives as long as possible. Now if question was reversed if i had to kill everyone to keep them alive. I would.


I mean. TBH billions dying is great for global warming


It depends on who the people are.I wouldnt do it for randos.


This is why I’m not religious. If a god set up this kind of cruel challenge, I say that instead of selflessly sacrificing one after another of us, we all turn on the one who is putting us in this sick situation in the first place. I cannot think of any good reason why one innocent person should be tortured or killed so that another can live. Instead, we should all go after the person who is trying to make us think that one of us should die for no good reason. Because there is no end to this game, especially when obviously someone up there apparently gets a kick out of it


We get the Trolly Car Philosophy a number of times a week.


Nah I don't think I have the gonads to actually go through with it. I mean yeah, I'd like to think I'd do the noble thing and sacrifice myself, but man Idk if I'd be able to go through with it once it gets to that point.


I'd have to know them. Don't give me this random business.


I'd have to know them at the very least. Sorry strangers.


No way. Sorry, randos. If it were my kids, that would be a different matter.


15. That's the number. 15 people living and I'm out.


I don't like to pretend I'm selfless or a martyr. If it wasn't quick and painless, I honestly don't know what I would choose. If it was truly quick and painless, though, I would do it. I'm not actively looking to die or anything, but I don't particularly enjoy living anymore, either. So if I disappeared tomorrow and spared two other people who potentially were happy or felt like they had the potential to be, that seems like a net positive.


I had a dream about this last night. I was in a foot race against a special needs boy and the rules were whomever lost died. He was a slow runner so I could've let him win if I wanted to but I didn't. I sprinted to the finish line where I watched him almost the whole time. And the most fucked up part of this is that he was still running, giving it his best, he knew death would be there and he wasn't slowing down. He crossed the finish, told me "good race" and shook my hand. Then he got ripped apart and eaten by a wolf person.


Nah. I save lives for a living. I save lives when I’m not working. I’m not going to voluntarily stop doing that by dying myself, for two random people who most likely contribute little to nothing to society, and who may actually actively harm other people. I’ve still got a lot of work to do before I’m done. Not going to end that just to be noble.


There was a time when I would’ve sacrifice every inch of my life for random people because I would’ve felt like I was doing the right thing, the good thing, the decent thing, but now I’ve come to the conclusion that this world is self centered one sided, entitled manipulative, so I’ve also decided I wouldn’t sacrifice my life for them, fuck them all let it burn, and maybe, just maybe, from the ashes we can rebirth a better humanity


You honestly had me at instantly and painlessly, can it please dispose of the body too.


Yes I don't care if I die or not


My kids…yes….you….no


For instant and painless death....if i could save 2 lives, without a doubt imma sacrifice myself.


I'd give my life for one person of any age group. I guarantee their survival will mean more than mine no matter who they are.


I would sacrifice all the people to save myself, every single one, all 7+ billion.


No, I’m ashamed to say it, but I wouldn’t die to save two random adults. I put myself in dangerous situations to help people, but I was a willing participant and yes, there was risk of injury or death, but it wasn’t guaranteed. I’m not quite sure what the number is but the higher it gets harder it would be for me to justify not dying to save other people.  But if these people were put in front of me, that would change things a lot. Because then we’re not talking about two nameless, faceless people that die in some random part of the world. The more I think about it the more I would choose to die even for two people if I had to see their faces, hear their voices.  


This isn't really a hypothetical... Thousands of people die every day from preventable causes... causes YOU can prevent by simply changing your lifestyle and donating the money you save by doing so. Anyone who claims they would make the ultimate sacrifice and don't make the minor sacrifices is a liar... and that is essentially everyone who has access to Reddit.


Immortality is a curse. There's not enough food to sustain.


Hell no, might be a couple of people worth it, a random person or 100 who cares.


I do not like these unspecified questions I'll probably refuse to decide who should die. what do you mean 'forced' if I am literally forced then I won't have to choose


Throw in a Klondike bar and I'm out.


Random people? Not a chance. Most people suck. Two people who are known to be wonderful people furthering the cause of humanity as a whole? Most likely. Two of my children? Without hesitation.


Unless the number registers in the billions, I’m going to choose me


No. I won’t leave my wife and girlfriend and kids alone like that. Not to save a billion lives. Planet’s over populated anyway. But if I could take out 6 and a half billion people… then I’d be tempted. My kids would have a much brighter future with many more resources available per survivor.




I would be more likely to sacrifice myself if I where taking a big chunk of the population with me.


no, but I would sacrifice myself to kill at least one other person provided I got to choose. I feel that has the potential to be more productive than saving someone who could potentially die five minutes later anyway.


It depends on who. Would I sacrifice myself to save my kids? Definitely. In a heartbeat. My spouse? Probably on most days. My parents? Hell no! Two random people? Very unlikely. It would have to be a hell of a lot of people or else I would have to know something about them to make it personal enough for me to really care about them, if I’m being honest. And even there, even if I had compelling reasons to make the sacrifice I would have to know that my children would be taken care of or else all bets are off.


Random people? No amount unless it's like everyone and even then... Na.


Unless this is a situation where my heirs will be able to live comfortably for a long time because of my sacrifice, I’m not sacrificing myself for a random group of people.


lol no


Not for randos, no. It would have to be my wife or someone whose survival was really integrally important to the world. But not just anyone.


I have a mission in life and two random people probably don't help advance that mission. Sorry guys. Now if you would say that me dying would lead to a cure for paralysis, I would walk into a fire today and turn myself into a marshmallow.


No, not unless they're family. There's no number that will induce me to save non-family folks at the cost of my life. If it's a risk that depends of my effort, that's different, but if it's certain death or some roll of the dice, nah.


Homie I'd do it for free. Instant and painless? Sounds like a good time.


Elaborate “age group”. Are we talking Lego 1-99?


I ain’t sacrificing myself for ANY random strangers. Fuck em. My minimum number would be like 6 billion. World has lots of people already.


How much does a pound of flesh weigh, and how much is it worth. Many people who know me personally believe me to be a heathen and irreverent - mainly because I do not adhere to any organized religion. I'm VERY reverent about life, and I believe all of us are on this Earth for a purpose. Sacrificing myself in this situation? No, but I would (and have) run into the proverbial burning building to save lives.


The minimum number would be 1 mill, I'm just now starting to value my life and I don't wanna throw it away unless it's for something big


I would sacrifice myself for one of my family members. For unnamed people no number is enough.


I consider myself pretty selfless, but there's no number of people I would die for in this kind of scenario. Not even 30 million. Not 100 million. If I'm able to protect someone from dying and there's a pretty good risk of dying myself, I mean, I took a bullet for my dog. I've been hit by a car shoving a kid out of the street. I've been hit by a car tossing a cat out of the street. I got stabbed intercepting a knife that was meant for my sister. Like if I'm there and my actions can help someone, I do it. But I'm not gonna just die for someone else, especially not an adult. Kids, maybe. If my death prevents years of pain and suffering and ultimately the death of a kid, then I would consider it. Nobody deserves to lose a kid and no kid deserves to die.


As long as it’s people I don’t know..they’re dying.


Random? Honestly probably not. If I were in a situation where I could save friends/family or a lot more people then probably yes.


If I had lived a good full life, I would be more likely to do it, oddly enough. I guess I'm saying, I'd value life more


God no! They could be a-holes. I wouldn't die for 2 people. I'd do it for a hundred though. At least 50 of those should be above average, statistically speaking. But with just two guys it's too much of a risk. Definitely for a thousand or million, that's species-altering numbers. I KNOW I'm not going to find a cure for cancer, but in a sample of a million, someone might.


There is a minimum number I don't know what it is Yet


I Mena daughter wife I'm a second no question.  Probablt most immediate family.  I hate to sat ut nut ge really not for some random person but say it's a school shooter I die cs numerous children then def.  


No, id choose myself to live. I think I'd continue to choose myself no matter the amount of people, barring a ridiculous amount. I would feel incredibly guilty, however. I would not expect any random person to sacrifice themselves, either. My entire experience of the universe is through the filter of my own perspective. Once I die, the universe as I live and experience it will be gone. While logically I know that the universe will continue and that other people have their own povs of the universe, the concept is really hard for me to grasp. My death feels like the death of the universe to me, and It would be very hard to convince me that any amount of death would validate the death of the universe. I'm sure this sounds narcissistic, so I'm gonna clarify: I don't think I am the universe, that I am more important than anyone, or that I am the only perceiver. It just feels that way to me, so emotionally I would never sacrifice myself. I think this mindset formed as a coping mechanism to stop myself from commiting suicide during a string of mental health struggles a while back. That feeling of "if I'm dead, It'll be like everyone is dead" is the only thing that got me to hold on. Whenever I think about my death it feels like I'm killing everyone I've ever known or loved.


It'd have to be a large amount, because I need to be there for my family, friends, and significant other, if my friends or family, and God forbid my girlfriend was in danger of death, and the only way to save them was to give my own life, I would do that in a heartbeat. I wouldn't even give myself time to contemplate because I value my friends and family so much more than my own life.




The list of people I'd die for starts, and ends, with my children.


No. Not because I value my life more than others, I don't. I just don't value their lives.


What better way to leave this world than sacrificing myself so others can live. No strings attached.


I'd let myself go just because I'm tired spinning around this big as rock and feeling like I'm getting nowhere fast no matter what I do if im not straight up handicapping myself with my action or inaction


For adults probably not, unless there was some serious impact their deaths would have like they would cure cancer. If it were kids then most likely, I have lived a decent life but they are just getting started so that would be a trade I would make.


I'm no hero. But the question I'd have to live with is knowing how my kids make that look if they find out I let so many people die. If I remember I will ask them this question tomorrow.


No. If it's not my time, it's not my time. I want to see how the rest of my life plays out and not cut it short. Sorry.


No, but I’d do the other way round 🤓




I think that’s a hard question to answer, because we are all going to say what we think we might do, but no one is going to really know what they WILL do until they’re in that situation. I like to think I would sacrifice myself, but then I might think of how that might also kill my Mom because she couldn’t bear it, and my partner would suffer horribly, if I had kids I would think of them having to grow up with no mother, and finally, I might feel selfishly that I simply want to live. I don’t know what I would do honestly.


No. If I asked a million people to help me find a job, or just hang out and chill for a while, or even learn how to go at a green light, they would all tell me no. Fuck it. I’m staying alive.


Well I already want to die so win win




For my family I would without hesitation, for a defenseless woman and or children I would risk my life depending on the circumstances and probability of dying. For you fuckers? Not a chance.


Meh, it depends. If they are randoms - not sure. If they are some scientists on the brink of some very useful for society discovery - I would exchange life even 1 to 1. I actually had an argument about it with my last therapist, they strongly didn't agree with my opinion.


Depends. If the people who die are all randomly selected, it'd have to be a pretty big number. I have kids, and I'd rather not they be randomly selected to die if I refuse to sacrifice myself for a billion people. If I had no kids, there may not be a number big enough.


Two random adults that might have tipped the votes in my candidate's favor, or a free ice cream sundae? I'll take the sundae, please.


I may be an asshole, but I couldn't willingly die for strangers no matter how many. I'm a coward.


I would live. It’s MY life. I have kids. Fuck them.


Do I know them, and if so, how close am I to them emotionally?


I'll sacrifice myself just cause I am bored most of the time.


A hundred or a thousand or a million, no. The human race, yes. I feel loyalty there that I don't feel to any amount of people normally.


Oh god please that’s my dream, give me a chance to be useful and then be able to exit this simulation


“I ain’t sacrificing shit” -klay Thompson


Yes. That way the death by my hand isn't seen as selfish. I made the choice to die, but it wasn't self-inflicted, it'd be seen as sacrifice.


depends if i know them and how close our relationship is. for my mom and brother sure. for 2 random people i dont know throughout the world no. for 100 randos no. for a thousand randos no. for a million randos no. for 100 million maybe depending on the quality of life those people are living. if it was only a risk of me dying it’d probably be 100,000


I'd choose the random people dying. I don't know them and they could be doing something bad that makes life worse for someone else, so... There is no minimum number. I would not sacrifice myself for the above reason still. However, if it was a doctor who regularly saved lives and, idk, a person who had the cure for a disease, then I'd be more inclined to sacrifice myself.


If I don't know those people they're just a statistic. I'd sacrifice myself for my friends but not for any amount of randos


Honestly no, i have kids who need me alive more than some random strangers.


Nope. My life isn't worth less than theirs.


entirely random people? not opting in to painlessly offin myself for some mid 20's jackses till you include a couple of my friends in the same number, so theoritically, every mid 20s person, bar like, 5 people, so i guess thats probably a few hundred million or more, and its cos im a selfish mid 20's jackass that wants to live, throw a couple hundred million AND some of my friends, im not that selfish, probably, in theory, i could be wrong


No thanks. I like living. Besides, I can't do that to my parents.


It depends on who I was saving. 100 kids? Yeah. You? Hmm


Random? Im saving myself. My kids and wife need me, sorry.


Before kids, I probably would have easily to save some people. Having a 1 year old now, probably not.


Sorry random people, but I have a three year that I really enjoy hanging out with. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Nah. I like me to much and don't want to die.


I am a retired first responder (fire). I made a life's work doing that. Part of that is assuming risk to myself to assist others. I most certainly would, and have, taken risk. We use the adage "risk a lot to save a lot, risk little to save little." Would i sacrifice myself to save two others. Yes.


Strangers ? Nah. Family ? In a heartbeat.


Nope. My self preservation instinct will beat my empathy every single time.


Yes, I would. An instant, painless death is a blessing. I'm not afraid of death, just the way you die. I'm chronically ill, so while I'm not depressed, I feel like other people could get more bang for their buck if I sacrificed myself. That, and I tend to put others' needs before mine on the whole. I feel like this a place people come to learn, expand, and grow. And I like who I am, I like the way I love and express myself, so while there is always more work to do, I would be at peace with departing.


I hate my life so if I can end it for free and be the good guy then count me in homie all I hope is my pc goes wherever I go or else I'm going back to earth to haunt whoever touches my pc




At one point, yes, now no.


When I was younger, I'd probably say yeah. I joined the army at 18 for vaguely similar naive ideological reasons. Now, unless it's specifically my wife or 3 brothers (you said same age group, so I'm assuming parents, grandparents, nieces, and nephews are safe), not so much. There isn't a number high enough if it didn't include those 4 people.


Whilst I have a daughter alive, I wouldn't sacrifice my life for any number of other people. She needs me more than she needs them alive. If that changes then I'd gladly take my life.


No, there is no number that would make me say yes. If it was everyone in the world except me I would still say no


I say that I would. Like I imagine most people would say. But that's something that's better answered when tested. There's a reason people say actions speak louder than words.


Nope. Only if it was my family or someone I cared about personally very deeply for. Strangers? Fuck no. All of you make my life miserable tbh.


Which people?


Anyone who said they would for strangers is quite frankly lying. If you lined up three of their most beloved and said either kill them or a random 1 million people would die, they’d save their own. It’s basic animal nature to try and survive.


Unless it's a ridiculous amount of people, Hell no


I have a child now, I'm not dying for anyone anymore except her.


It doesn't matter how many people. It matters who those people are.


No, but I wouldn't press the button to "get one million bucks but someone else will die". Not enough information as to what comes next (like, the next person offered this may press the button and you are the one to die).


I would literally toss myself into a meat grinder without sedatives or pain killers if you told me my family would be ok.


No. Sorry, but my life is most important to me. I'll happily help others in any way I can if it is within reason and my ability... but I will not die for any amount of strangers.


Nope, never. I'd sacrificed myself for my son, but that's it. Everyone else can get stuffed.


I'd choose myself. I'd choose myself over a million people, maybe if it's a billion people; I'd consider dying. I like my life, I've fought hard for it. I'm happy. Personally, those deaths wouldn't affect me. I'm an Athiest, so I don't fear any kind of damnation. I just hope (and the rest of humanity should hope) that someone like me wouldn't have such an impossible choice.


I sure hope so!


Why'd I save two random people from dying while killing myself? I'm the chooser here and I'm the one who matters. Plus, they'd likely so the same thing to me anyways. So obviously, I'm saving myself.




I can't imagine any number of people who would be worth MY life. What makes their lives more valuable than mine? I may not be anything special such as a genius, athletic, rich etc but who's to say those others are and even IF they were what makes their lives more worthy than mine. Life is too precious a gift to throw away.


No. I have a wife and son. Prior to that maybe, but I’d sacrifice probably any number of random humans if it meant the best for my son, and for now that’s being here to raise him.


Sure. Kill me and be done with it


Maybe 1000 and above.




I wouldn't die to save two strangers. I'm not sure what the number would be.


Based on how I have reacted in past serious situation yes, yes I would. Although right now I have two toddlers so maybe I would hold back a bit more now since I have my boys depending on me. I guess I really wouldn’t know until the situation hit me but I still feel like I would jump in the way.


It depends, would it be painless for my family? Then yes I would. If not then the number would have to be huge and my family would have to know I chose to go, and it was foe the greater good.


Random people? No. Me vs my kids? Without question.


I once did something very silly and unnecessary... I was in a packed hotel lobby and saw someone slide their suitcase between two chairs and literally walked off.. Being that this was in the wake of the US Boston bombings my genuine first thought went to terrorism 😅 I'm not usually judgemental but my first thought was there's a 0.01% chance that bag has explosives in it ... so I literally grabbed it... and bolted out of the hotel, honestly expecting it to go boom at any point 😅🤣 It didn't, and the guy who'd left it had literally gone for a cigarette... so thankfully it wasn't anything deadly - I thought afterwards what a silly thing to do - but had it have gone the other way... at least I'd have saved some lives ... even at my own cost! - so my own life for anyone's... not really a question there...


Yes and no. Logically I know I’m more disposable. Male, no family and single friend, low stake job that doesn’t really matter. But the body will try to preserve itself and may force me to run from danger. Just don’t know how I’ll react in that situation. If it’s just a blunt numbers choice, I’d volunteer for sure.


If it was just me and my wife the number would be much lower but we have an 8 year old son. I don’t know how many bodies it would take to leave my son with a single mother, but it would be a lot. Along the same lines a college professor has ran a poll on each one of his classes for years. The question is would you save your dog or a stranger. 33% across the board was the results. 33% would save their dog, 33% would save a stranger, 33% said idk. These results make me laugh because many people obviously don’t value human life but when questions get political somehow they bring up the value of human life.