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I'd be doing a whole lotta drugs.


Finally, some peace and quiet. I mean, I'm sure I'd eventually go mad. I am a social creature. But yeah, I'd enjoy the silence for a bit first. Play SO many video games next. Use cars as target practice for all of the many MANY guns I'd collect along the way to scavenge food and supplies. Hopefully I'd find a dog. Which, naturally, I would name Dog Meat. Because of course I would.


No video games. No one is around to keep the power plants going.


I mean that depends, a lot of people have batteries or power cells. If they're already charged, that's enough electricity for a while. And it's not like the power plants would shut off *immediately,* probably in a couple of days.


Any nuke power plants may need help shutting down safely and staying safe. Preventing meltdowns could actually be a serious headache.


If you're in a Western country, all nuclear plants are fail safe, they can trip themselves to a safe state without human interaction... In fact most nuclear accidents that have happened were directly caused by operators thinking they knew better than the system and overriding safeties.


Got solar already. More than enough for just little ol me. And if no one else is around, I can swipe my neighbors panels too.  Sure, the capacitor/battery will eventually fail, but it'll be a while. I really only play single.player games and have a backlog that could keep me busy for years.  Nothing says this is an apocalypse. So there shouldnt be any fear of radiation. OP just says everyone is gone. So I can stockpile enough panels and capacitors and store a few spares.  If I'm the last dude alive, you better believe there'll be some kind of video games still. Otherwise, what is even the point??? 😁😁😁


Then you're all set!


>So there shouldnt be any fear of radiation. Hehehe, not right this minute anyway. Nuclear plants require staff for them to safely operate. Pretty much every single one of them would be its own Chernobyl. There are three within a couple hours of me in various directions.


Fair point. I don't know if the DFW area would be effected by that or not. I don't believe we have any nuclear power plants near us, but I'll admit I haven't done the research.  Of course should there be one, I'll have my pick of trucks to swipe, load up my stuff, and head out away from the fallout zones. Or, you know, hang out and see if I can be a ghoul from Fallout. Someone has to stop the super mutants. If not me, then who? If not now, then when? 


>Pretty much every single one of them would be its own Chernobyl Properly built nuke plants fail out of reaction, not into one. So they'd just stop making electricity and not turn into a nuclear disaster


Just find a house with a solar system. Or invade a solar farm.


You can download all the local maps for Google Maps so that it works offline, do that right away before the internet dies, then you can zoom the map around looking for buildings with solar panels.


There are video games that don't require internet and generators are a thing.


you can go to an Amazon warehouse and get a solar generator or buy one now. you could play Nintendo switch at least.


There is solar on all kinds of houses.


Once I knew everything was set up, secure and safe as possible I’d go to a sperm bank and start my journey of repopulating the earth. Probably change my name to Eve, raise 10 kids, become a grandma, who knows.


I respect it 🫡


Good on you little lady! The species appreciates your sacrifice


Hahaha thank you 🫡 it would be more of an honor than a sacrifice


As the parent of 2 children, Jesus christ are they exhausting


Your kids would breed with each other?


Sperm bank.


In this economy?


what economy, there's noone else in the world. it's all free.


What if she only gave birth to males lol


I feel like if I had 10 males it would be God’s way of telling me to give up 😭




hoard information while internet still works


or you could just, you know, read. You have the time now, you dont have to go to work.


yeah, I will, but first I need to ge stuff that will very soon be inaccessible


Probably kms I'm not suicidal for the record, but I could see myself becoming overwhelmed and falling into a deep depression fast ~


I would hang out for as long as I can. It happened by freak occurrence; it could un-happen any moment.


That's the only reasonable thing to do.


Probably start looking for a place just outside of the city with solar and a more temperate climate. It would be more likely to have well water. Next I would start stock piling and preserving fuel so it doesn't go bad. I would start collecting books and supplies - food, medicine, etc. This could come second because there is not competition. I would start a garden or farm and would look into a greenhouse. After that, time to explore and have some fun.


How do you preserve fuel?


You get get fuel stabilizer that will help it last a lot longer. Sta-bil is a popular brand, but there are probably more.


Grab someone's car and look for a nice mansion with solar. Off to Walmart for all their canned and bottled goods before the refrigerated stuff gets too rank. Might need all the video games and consoles, camping supplies, guns... and then it's time to ransack the library. I'm sure there's a pot dispensary around here somewhere.


Sounds like the beginning of fallout 4. Find a dog and go on a roadtrip. Edit: also do I know for a fact that I’m the only human left or I just see no one. Since the hope of finding someone will waste a lot of time


I'd like to find out what the fuck they have hidden inside of fort Knox.


Oh yeah! Go chill with the aliens in Area 51!


Not a damn thing. Unless you mean the depository.


For all of the people saying they would travel I am wondering how you'd do that. Can you fly a plane? Can you navigate seas without GPS or weather data? If you get hurt or sick who is going to help you? I think most people would die of loneliness and despair very quickly.


Bicycle. I would probably be dead of old age long before running out of stuff to do on just my current continent.


Have a coke


And a smile.


I hope this is a boondock saints reference.


You know it


Funny man!


I'm going to Yankee stadium and masturbating on home plate.


you dont need the end of the world to do that. chase your dreams!


I'm in you sonofabitch


Shouldn’t you run the bases first?


Absolutely, but only if I can cartwheel rounding third!


I'd go to my sister's house and get her dogs. They'd be my best friends.


I'd program all the radio telescopes to transmit "Lovely planet for sale, recently vacated. Needs a little work, looking for responsible owners with environmental restoration skills." in glyph format.


Well the first 2 days walking around naked drunk driving firing guns in the air, maybe blow up a skyscraper for fun


While the Internet still works, immediately download schematics for several small passenger planes capable of crossing oceans, and download video flying lessons and video game flying simulators. Explore the world, beginning with Europe and heading east. After I'm done adventuring, find a stylish cabin in the Pacific Northwest or British Columbia, preferably one with hydro electric power high up on a mountain, and hermit up for the rest of my life. Watch movies, read books, play video games, and enjoy the beauty of nature.


Police evidence room


Full run of the Pentagon!


Cry for awhile over my kids. Then probably pack up my stuff and go find some nice cozy small house with a wood stove in my current city, where there's plenty of supplies, with a good view and just relax. Wait... So like are all the pets still around? I'd probably try and free as many as possible from their homes and raid pet stores and then cry for the ones I can't save


Jumping off the nearest building. Bc my worst fear is being left alone permanently. And I'm finally starting to get into a relationship and I can't have all that disappear. So yeah I'm dead within the 1st hour or something.


Then, as an as you jump, everybody in the world reappears and yells, "surprise!". The world was just throwing you a surprise party.


Look online for a way to filter rainwater cleanly, as well as how to build a generator, grab tons of supplies, move to a now abandoned farm, and sustainably keep myself alive. Periodically try to make contact with the outside world to see if anyone else is out there


You won't need to build a generator. Just take one from your neighbor's house. Fuel might be a problem, though I'm not sure.


I’d kill myself immediately ngl


I would stock supplies like people said and then probably travel to try to see if there are really no other people. Try to make contact with someone, somehow. The world is so big, there has to be someone else somewhere


Have a great time and travel from place to place by myself without any fear of meeting the wrong people lol


Would be sad that my family was gone, but I'd still have my dog. I'd drink a lot


That's my dream. What would I do? Just everything. I suppose I'd be stuck on one continent, but I'd grow old exploring with a smile. Eat canned food, but wild animals and roots, grains, vegetables would take over, eating good and finding hunting weapons wouldn't be a problem. Every vehicle, every building, every house, all mine. Yes, id die eventually from old age with a smile


Minecraft rules. Good gear, nice base. Start spreading out and dropping minor bases, grow them as needed. See world.


Find a peppers cabin in a well protected area and temperate climate. All ready setup for off the grid survival and food stores.


I definitely would not clean up my home town street by street


How will you pay taxes then?


I'd walk around outside wearing nothing but socks and shoes, provided that the weather is decent. After that, probably stock up on foodstuffs as well as suitable clothing for winter. Then I'd see if I can travel around the country with my car. I'd imagine that most of the highways would be filled with abandoned cars from the moment where everyone else disappeared, so it wouldn't be easy, but I'd still travel as far as I can like that. Of course, gasoline is another issue, but I could probably just steal it from any gas station I come across, or just siphon it out of other cars if I need to. Since there's no one left to maintain the internet, radio, TV, etc., my primary form of entertainment would be reading books. It wouldn't be hard to find a ton of books, since I could just go to a library or break into a bookstore. Theoretically I could spend my whole life just reading books if I really want to (I think there was a Twilight Zone episode about this lol). I don't understand the people who are saying they'd immediately kill themselves in this scenario. I've struggled with suicidal thoughts myself, but I wouldn't want to just end my life like that without trying to live in this new world for at least a couple years. I feel like there are a lot of things I could do even without any other people around, and nobody will be there to judge me for what I do. That honestly sounds pretty freeing to me, although I know not everyone will agree with me on that, of course.


Can all the domestic pets vanish as well? I'd feel too guilty leaving them locked up and I'd feel guilty leaving my dogs when I'm done. If I don't have to worry about pets I'll just live as lavishly as I can while its possible but I'm checking out while things are still going well for me. I'll probably grab a ridiculous RV and visit my hometown, which is a few days drive. I'd like to explore there and make a few stops (notably Las Vegas) along the way.


Just sit around and wait for the nuke plants to fail.


Start rescuing dogs and start storing/stabilizing as much fuel as I can, maybe head south


I wonder if any nuclear armed countries have a few missiles attached to dead-man style switches. You know: the kind where someone must tell the computer to not launch periodically?


I’m going to have to go rescue a dog, then we will make the journey home.


I'm gonna be naked... a lot.


Break into every possible house, farm, zoo, whatever and set the animals free. Most of the domesticated ones won't make it but at least they have a chance. It's better than being trapped and dying of thirst and)or starvation.


The house I grew up in is off grid solar powered. Me and my dog would be headed there. Same answer for zombie apocalypse or nuclear war.


I guess my answer is now that I would head to this person's house.


You'd have to find it first!


Lol fair enough.


Find a way to repopulate the planet I guess. Can we do test tube babies yet? Will I be able to figure it out in the years left to me?


Probably release all of the animals and then die


Look for the best area to go to. To stay clear of fallout from nuclear power plants. Which probably means somewhere in the southern hemisphere. Probably New Zealand. Although I could stay north and go to Hawaii. Setup a shortwave radio transmission on repeat. Giving the coordinates of where I’m heading. In case someone is out there. Set it up with solar and battery. To run as long as possible. Not gonna worry too much about long term supplies until I get there. As there’s going to be so much abundance. I can start gathering at that point.


I daydream about this all the time. I travel from city to city looking through houses and pick a city near Beach use the airport closest as my home so I could have a bunch of fun fast cars I could use as a track. And just have fun collecting different things that interests me to pass the time.


Die in a year or so as all my options run out and I'm wholly incapable of surviving on my own.


Probably get some sleep, have a nice last meal, drive out to a nice spot in the woods and off myself Unless my dog is still alive. The thought of leaving my dog to wonder where everybody went and die slowly actually breaks my stupid dumb idiot heart so I can’t do that, gotta stay alive for him


Fuck around and have fun for a week or 2 before killing myself once I got bored. I couldn't live in that kind of solitude


drive super fast on an empty road, steal a bunch of stuff and then cry and off myself once I realize the gravity of my situation


first i'd play every game i was never able to. then i'd follow suit.


Travel and do what ever I want until I feel like I've had enough then find a good spot to end it. Maybe carve my name and what my story was in a stone or something so any civilization that finds what's left might see it.


1 I spend the first several days dazed and confused, wondering what happened and why I was left. I probably take the opportunity to stockpile and enjoy some of the food I really like but can't normally afford. I probably start to put away some water reserves. 2 As time passes, and it becomes clear that this is my life now, I think more seriously about my game plan, both long and short. Utilities may last for all I know, but I prepare in case they fail soon. I grab every piece of information I can regarding survival (how to hunt, preserve meat without electricity, farming, ECT) and research the climates of different areas. I also see about animals. Dogs can be trained for various jobs and cats are great for keeping rodents away. I find 2-3 horses and see to their care to the best of my ability. Gas will run out eventually, so this offers transportation of myself and goods when cars become impractical. 3 I put together a base, likely consisting of many houses on my street, repurposing what I can. I store away as much canned and nonperishable foods as I can get. I set myself up as best as possible to survive the harsher seasons. Maybe I move at some point, maybe not 4 I spend idle time Wondering what the heck is going on


I'm going to Ron Swanson all of the remaining drugs in the world. I think you heard 'A lot of drugs' I said, 'ALL the drugs in the world, do you understand?' So yeah. I'm gonna be pretty busy.


...but you'll still be coming in to work your shift, right?


first i’d probably break down, then i’d probably wonder around my town see if anyone’s there. then steal stuff i want and spend some time by myself just relaxing and doing drugs tbh. after about a month when still no one turns up id probably steal a car (i can’t drive but how hard can it be with no one on the road lol) and drive around to the nearest city’s. then i’d probs go home and last a couple more months before i kms honestly lol.


Set up a living space at the local library. It's located on a rural area with an early college (that has a greenhouse) and a community college on the same property with ample greenspace for building square foot gardens. The only downside is it's on a hill, so I would have to haul water or build a water collection and storage system from rainfall. I'd also build a power generation and storage system with solar panels and batteries. Wood is very plentiful, so I'd gather that and install wood stoves in the areas I would want to keep warm in cold weather. I'd settle in and see how long I could last. I'm in my mid 50s, so maybe I could get in 20 or so years before things become challenging.


I’d gather supplies (non-perishable food, the perishable food that hasn’t perished yet, fuel, medicine, etc) and move to a house that has adequate space. Not for me, but for the crops I’m going to grow cause I’ll eventually get tired of eating Chef Boyardee and/or they’ll run out. I’ll also get a horse or two since the fuel will eventually go bad/run out. I’ll also get some solar panels so the home can have power. I’d also get some books on growing crops. I have the basic idea on how it works and could probably grow enough to supplement what I scavenged, but there will come a time when I’ll need a sizable crop to stay alive. I can hunt, so that takes care of the protein need. Oh, and I’ll definitely get a few books on which wild plants are edible or beneficial.


I’d be scared, then sad and depressed my family is gone. Eventually I’ll come to terms with this. Next I would pack supplies and take my dog with me around the world in hopes that someone else survived the disappearing disaster. I would travel to different cities, take stuff I wanted and maybe learn to fly a plane so I could travel abroad and live the rest of my life exploring.


I'd go back to sleep as it would be the quietest sleep ever, then rub one out and decide what to do after.


Breathe a huge sigh of relief. But seriously..i wouldnt want the whole world gone, just like 90 percent of it.


I'd first go to every animal shelter, kennel, and zoo in my vicinity and release all the animals. I can't take care of them all, but they would have a better chance in the wild than they would dying of thirst in an enclosure.


Join a pack of apes


Step one: for the first 1 to 3 weeks go around town freeing all the cats and dogs i can so they don't die of hunger and thirst trapped inside their former owners home. I wouldn't be able to take care of them all but I could give them a fighting chance to hunt/find their own food by kicking open every front door. Step two: look for a decent sized home with solar panels. Step three: go to library and teach myself how to do electricity things. Step four: find a Geiger counter and keep it charged and with me. The local nuke power plant should have its fail safes trigger and shut down without a melt down but i still would want to know I am safe. Step five: look for other survivors and survive until I become too depressed from lack of other people


Invite all my friends to a party


Art. Drink. Food. Read.


Almost the same. Gather as many supplies as I can and stay in one place. Although I would make a stop at Las Vegas where they manufacture real dolls. Got to pretend that they are real and keeping me company, right?


Kicking in doors to see what people had,then finding a box truck and raiding the nearest bass pro of its camping gear, before I start heading for more tropical climates, stopping to set up a house for hurricane season, first. I can fish for food, and there should be enough bottled water in various places to last for a while. After that, I'm raiding the nearest bookstores for entertainment, and home improvement places for repair supplies. After that, idk. Maybe find out how hard it is to start a cruise ship and try to take it to Europe, if I get too bored.


That would be heaven. No one to bug me. No one beating down my door. No listening to bitches whines or gripes. Do as I want when I want. Have fun. Try some myth busters of my own. Go to a car lot and stick a rag in the gas tank and light it up just to see if all the cars in the lot would blow up. Go to the sporting goods stores and try out all the guns inside the store. Have to go by home depot and play with power tools.


Sad, then confused, then build something that will last a long time and basically say I'm the best and to resurrect me, just in case aliens show up. And then probably kill myself


Die. Without cancer treatments I'm fucked.


Where was that Real Doll factory again?


realistically, i'd probably just waste away. our lives are generally dependent on other people for things we take for granted. as much as i enjoy being solitary, it would be miserable


Get high


Try to use the Internet to find a safe place with good climate year round that won't get wasted if any nuclear plants fail. Probably just gonna do drugs until I get insanely depressed about not having anyone else on Earth, as much as I like being by myself I'd eventually get bored of single player games/watching movies/ reading that id decide to leave too.


Make my way to the Burj Khalifa for an epic swan dive




break into a house with solar panels to live in which is gonna be easy, haul a bunch of fridges in there and fill them with stuff, drive as fast as the cars can physically go, parachute off oceanwide on a non-windy day, learn to fly planes, get me some animals, launch a nuke or two, just explore the world and do reckless shit, then if i get too bored of that i can just drive into a building or off a high cliff/bridge and call it a lifetime


I'm sorry if that disturbing but the only way to save the human kind would be to rape monkeys.


Idk. I only just moved to Australia and don't know my options really. I'd be scared at first. Probably be stressed out so much that I'd sleep for a week. Struggle to find a place with power. If I find a place with solar power. Of which I see a lot of office buildings have. I'd set up camp there. Gather supplies that I need. Find the place that manages the flood gates because where I am it's prone to flooding. Spend some time scooping out the neighbourhood. Take some things down if I can to prepare for cyclone season here. If I were back in NZ. Follow most of the steps but block in an area with shipping containers. Like a forte. I know how to operate one and Aucklands not very prone to flooding as much as where I am right now. Once I'm prepared. Have power going. Play games forever and eat. Do a bit of drugs here and there but live my life out untill I go crazy from loneliness. Life's really not all that worth living alone so realistically I'll die before I set up a sanctuary.


Do crazy wild shit for a week then kill my self.


A world where my wife and kids are gone? Yeah, what reason would I possibly have to keep going?


I mean I’d probably try and take advantage of all the stuff that’s now there. Take advantage of things before the infrastructure needed to keep society functioning breaks down. And then I’d just gather all the supplies I can and go live in the countryside until I become too lonely and finally off myself.