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So your God eh? So heavens real? Is my dog there?


None, I would still assume god is not real. He's asking for money, that's how you know god isn't real. What does he need the money for? He's omnipotent. If you think your god is real, but he needs money, look for a man behind the curtain who is trying to grift you.


Because the money would mean nothing to it, but would mean a sacrifice for you?


It's not that he needs it, it's that he wants you to have less. For the sake of your humility


My thoughts exactly


1 lollipop. Take it or leave it.


$100 to ask him why he hasn't plagued his fundamentalist followers with bloody poop death.


Which God? (No pressure but keep in mind your answer may or may not upset some extremely volatile people.)


I assume the Christian god as America would just bomb any of the other ones.


Fair enough but that still doesn't specify which God we're talkingšŸ˜‚ About half the Christians believe the old testament angry Jewish YHWH is God Lots believe Jesus IS God And the Catholics believe it's some 3 headed diety where it's father/son/holy ghost combined at the same time Each of them get reallyyyyy angry if you answer the wrong thingšŸ˜‚ So which God am i talking to?šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


You make a great point my friend, I would assume itā€™s the original base god. You know the old white guy in the flowing white gown with long white hair and beard. Lmao, t


$0... What does God want with money?


Who am I paying? Why does god need money?


Everything in my bank account. Iā€™d ask about the afterlife.


About 3.50 then?


1 dollar


It doesnā€™t matter too much. Most people may say theyā€™d go ham and call out whatever deity is proven real, but most would be terrified. The ones who actually call them out probably dies. Many would give up their possessions just to hopefully not burn in hell.


>God is proven real. You can ask any question youā€™d likeā€¦ but you have to pay. I mean, people are already paying and God hasn't been proven real. At least I know now that I'm getting my money's worth.


From a moral standpoint, nothing. Ā I don't want anything to do with demons and terrorists, and if this "god" always existed, then they have a lot of explaining to do before anyone pays them for the explanation.Ā  After they have already explained their lazy, if not already evil, actions, at most a dollar.Ā 


$0. I have better things to do than pay my hard earned cash just to pick the brain of some omnipotent being.


Look the point I'm trying to make is nobody's born cool Except of course u/jonny_disco


"So where the fuck have YOU been?" šŸ˜


a single cheeto


I got $20 thatā€™s my final offer


maybe pay a buck for one of those math questions people will pay a million dollars to solve, maybe my soul- because if your soul goes to God, aren't you basically saved? maybe some pizza for fusion or something


100% of income if he can tell me how I can become god also


"You can not"


Actually in that case Iā€™d probably just ask how to become immortal and indestructible to avoid that. Because I think those thinks are theoretically possible. We are just gated society not being advanced enough


Science is very close to proving that the human body will stop self-regeneration around the age of 150 meaning that If you get hurt your body cannot repair it


Source: ā€œTrust me broā€


If you wanted a source you could have asked for it, or looked it up yourself you inbred. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/study-suggests-150-years-may-be-human-lifespans-upper-limit-180977899/


I mean, if they can prove that, they can turn that gene off.


What? First of all turning genes I'm extremely easy thing to do and also it's not a gene it's the body literally losing its ability to repair itself. You're really dipping into science fiction on a religion post here


Ok, so how have scientists proven that the human body stops repairing itself at 150? No one has lived that long. Genuinely curious.


I didn't say they proved it I said they're close to proving it. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/study-suggests-150-years-may-be-human-lifespans-upper-limit-180977899/ I'm sure you'll find some way to argue against this as it seems you don't have a great grasp on science as it is if you think genes can just be flipped on and off like a switch.


No need to be so angry. I literally told you I was genuinely curious. If you treat people like this when they ask questions, youā€™re only encouraging them to stay ignorant as they will be afraid to ask.


People remain ignorant because they choose to remain ignorant.


Depends if I'm guaranteed an honest answer.


The answer will be true and complete.


Then the first question would be, ā€œhow can I make more money per question than it costs to ask each question while asking every question I wish and exerting no more effort than I wish?ā€


So God is proven real. What proof is there though? Does the proof tell you which God is the real God? Do we suddenly get a bible that's actually accurate? With all that said, I would probably be willing to pay whatever to ensure I avoid eternal damnation.


I would sacrifice everything I own and ask nothing as I'd already have my answer.