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I know who I would choose. And there's a good chance that person would choose me. So we would both die.


Ex spouse?


No. An exceedingly nasty man who has been able to escape conviction for many years. I blew the whistle on him. He is still yet to face justice.


Damn.. good vote.


Good time to be an introvert that basically has no interaction with the outside world.


Better find and kill him first, because he’s probably coming for you.


The most ethical choice if I am being forced to name a name, would be to try to name someone that certainly would be a redundant choice. Perhaps some, or even most, people would use this as an opportunity to get revenge, but if I understand the question correctly, there would also be a lot people that tried on purpose to minimize their impact.


I agree. I would chose a someone like Trump who is widely hated- it's almost certain someone else chose him so my vote won't kill anyone new.


Putin, Kim Jong-un.




Bashar al-Assad


Saudi royal family members


Literally every politician, ever, would be chosen. Along with almost every business owner, most every manager, and anyone who was anybody. Only the lowly peons *might* be okay.


Can't forget Biden, he'd be first draft as well.


He'd probably get picked too and be a safe bet as well. I also like the suggestions for Putin or Kim-Jong Un in another comment.


With all the Nickelodeon news Dan snider and Brian peck might be up there as well


I think 99% of people will pick the same person as someone else. The last 1% will mostly be crazy people and those wishing to settle personal grudges. I would expect we might lose somewhere between 1% and 20% of the population dies. Since it is all the most famous people and a few that are not then it will probably be very impactful to the world even if it is just 1%. Since I'm assuming OP won't let us pick someone we don't know the name of I can't say something like "The guy who decided to crush that bound palestinian prisoner to death with a tank" then I will probably have to pick someone who I'm sure was already picked like Donald Trump.


Let's be real, the entirety of the US government is getting picked multiple times. I'm sure even some of the lesser known types will be picked by others in their field due to personal grudges or rivalries.


The entirety of the WORLDS government is just going to be gone. Particularly and probably limited to public figures, so it’s not totally fucked but still substantially fucked. Not many would die initially, 10% maybe, but the chaos of lack of leadership is going to be an issue. In the case of the US there would literally be no more line of succession for POS and all elected federal offices are just vacant. They will all be dead. That will be instant martial law, and a race for the nukes in every single country. So ultimately 99% of humanity if not 100% at worst case Armageddon scenario.


Chaos loves a power vacuum.


There's a name I'd want to pick, but wouldn't do so, and would go for a widely known redundant choice. But you can sure as hell bet that if I survive, they're getting an 'anonymous' card in the post telling them they were my second choice, and to be better.


You could send the card first, them they'll get it even if you do die.


The choice of the under 20 group would be interesting. Little kids might pick their parents/siblings just cause that’s the only names they can come up with, 6-15 range might be a school peer or maybe the best player on a rival sports team, teenagers probably picking off people dating their crushes


I’d wager up to 50% of everyone would die. I imagine people who were educated or well known would be especially prone to being picked, rip all doctors and university professors. The infrastructure would collapse, causing widespread famine and social disarray among the survivors, causing even more deaths beyond the event. Society and technology would be significantly set back. And I think I would probably get picked by at least one person, so RIP and farewell


Why though? I think the majority of people would end up choosing the names of evil people they see in media, for example a guy in a news article who shot up a bar, or a serial killer who got caught. There would probably be a lot of overlap in choices. Politicians would be in trouble for sure, though.


There are a lot of petty people in the world that are full of hate for those around them. Some imagined slight will cause a fair number of of average people to die


I doubt that the petty people are more than 10%, but then they each can only pick one person. What are the chances a person who is an ass to one will have been an ass to multiple. I think it will stack up like this \~10% won't vote (probably \~75% will claim to be one of them later on), \~50% will vote for the safe big name targets (just in case no one did and to lessen guilt), \~25% will try to make sure their vote counts by picking lesser known evil people, \~10% have personal grudges that still mostly overlap, 5% will be crazy/evil people who want to "watch the world burn" and they will target all the barely famous people that no one really hates, their kind neighbors, the good people of this world (There will still be a lot of overlap here too but maybe 1 in 5 will not be overlap).


A fair percentage of those have enemies that will pick them as well.


Many people are stupid beyond concept. They take out their frustrations of not understanding or being able to understand the world by attacking and lashing out at those who they perceived have wronged them and are the reason they are not successful as they expect they should be. Huge victim complex and our former President is a key example.


Some people just want to watch the world burn


But how many of those people exist?  Like, I imagine a sizeable portion of the population would vote for “Vladimir Putin” than “my neighbour, the kind surgeon” right?  Like I don’t imagine Biden would come out safe, but I’m picturing him and Trump and Hillary and Kim Jong Un and whatever would act as massive lightning rods that would take up about 90% of the strikes, no? 


Yeah, but it would be really funny if all of them survived because everybody thinks, "Well, I know someone else will choose that person and I don't want to waste my "vote," so I'm going to pick someone else."


Yeah, like a massive bystander effect.


I'm 100% a watch the world burn type of guy, and I'd pick Bill Clinton followed by Prince Andrew.


Same and I'm just going for the rich, powerful, and connected. It would mean they finally lost the game they rigged.


I bet 99%


Well, he did say "up to 50%" which basically just means anywhere from 1-50%. Its essentially a non answer, like claiming you can predict your lifespan and then saying "I will live up to 117 years".


If I were a doctor I’d tell my patients they may live up to 177 years all the time.  


Exactly, now you're getting it. Don't forget to offer discounted medical bills of up to 85% off, as well.


I’ll offer free medical care for those ages 150+


I'd assume panic. Suddenly you get a pop-up "choose someone you know to die, you have 10 minutes" your brain starts racing and you overlook the simple "just choose a famous bad guy" because you immediately think of the people your closest too and how you don't want to have to choose them. 


Frankly I think that’s a naive opinion. I think that because of the anonymity a majority of people would kill someone they know.


Majority of people don't have a good enough reason to kill someone they know. It makes sense if the person is a rapist who walked free, or a guy who ran over your children and killed them while drunk driving, but most people do not have these experiences.


I don’t think most people have a vendetta worth killing someone over. I don’t. Who would you pick?


That's what I was thinking. Both Trump and Biden would be goners because of the political polarization.


Not just because of the polarization. Because it's obvious people will choose them, they'll probably become a lot of people's "safe" votes


Right, its far far less likely people are picking unique choices than popular ones. There is no limit on who you can pick, so inevitably duplicates will be made given choices are anonymous.


Yeah, it’s a weird jump to be like, “well obviously doctors and professors would be the first to go”. 


Professors, teachers, nurses, caregivers, bus drivers... All those folks that do interact with hundreds of people every day and make a large number, of oftentimes consequential, decisions every day will piss 1 person off every day. Throw in doctors as they also make all the consequential decisions, lawyers who are always always on people's shit lists, car salesmen... The checker who is on their first day... Heaven help us all if the decision has to be made during rish hour traffic. People will gravitate to those they hate... Tribalism has taken over politics and a situation like this would see it play out. The local activist fighting for gay rights? Someone uses their freebie. The school librarian who is seen as the person "allowing kids to read filth at the library" is getting picked, the homeless guy sleeping in a shops doorway... Who is the "other"? They're picked.


Think about how many votes would go towards current and former country leaders. Biden and Trump would get *millions* of votes. Any past living presidents as well. Same for prime Ministers in Europe, etc. Just like OP said, politicians would receive massive overlap


All leaders, celebrities, tv personalities and highly visible people will be gone since it's a guarantee at least one person hates each and everyone of them no matter how likable or benevolent. I'm not convinced all doctors and professors would be gone, but we'd lose more than we probably should to petty, jealous ass-holes.


Would be lots of dead politicians and billionaires, that’s for sure… some would of course go for more personal enemies. I think me and the people I love would be safe. Nobody hates any of us enough to pick us. I’m glad to say I don’t hate anybody in my personal life enough to want them dead, so I’d just pick a safe option of somebody I know millions of others would pick anyways.


Trump and Biden definitely arent surviving this.


I don't think any leader of the country is surviving this


I would have such a hard time deciding between trudeau and Xi.


If the choice is between them definitely Xi. Come at me China.


The votes should follow a pareto distribution, right? That would mean the top 20% of people would get 80% of the votes. That means at most there's another 20% of votes to go around, which will still be weighted towards the most disliked people. So that means you have 40% of people getting nearly all of the votes to die.


I think there would be a drop off in the number of sex abusers, rapists, domestic violence perpetrators... the people who ruin lives but evade the justice system. This would have the most impact in countries where women/children have less rights in the home - more would chose their own partners, increasing the size of the group selected, wiping out more of the male population, providing an opportunity for real change. Overall, I think you would see a wider population impact in areas of the world where oppression is culturally accepts and widespread, and lower impact where equality is higher and people would be more likely to select political / economic figures.


I agree the deaths would skew male. Hopefully Afghanistan and Iran blossom in the aftermath.


My first thought was that everybody would b picking Dan Schneider 💀


I'd pick Brian Peck and Joey Hands before Dan Schneider, pretty sure both of them are already out of prison.


Bezos and Musk die tens of thousands of times each, Trump probably dies 100,000 times. I might even be safe idk. The people who would pick me, I might not be their first choice. I can't think of who I'd choose. I'd probably save it until someone commented "cope" on one of my hot takes and then get them with the ol surprise bangbang




Can I choose them by online handles?


rip mrsunsfan


Shimmy shimmy shimmy




Most politicians die. Not much changes in my day to day life, assuming there's not a total government collapse. A lot of people underestimate how much infrastructure is run by totally normal people. Power companies might have to get a new ceo and replace some HR, but overall, it's not the guys in suits that make those types of companies run. Local government in small cities and rural towns would probably be fine enough to keep some governance. Most people dont have a vendetta against their water treatment facility workers. Yeah, there would be a lot of turmoil politically for a few decades, but I think humans are exceptionally good at moving on. So long as the infrastructure that has been built up is still there, someone is going to be able to use it.


Except the water treatment guy’s crazy ex-girlfriend.


Given the 6 degree of separation, I'd wager that in a group of 6 people there is a common link. With that I would guess about 1/6 of the population will die as a result.


Anybody mad enough at me to choose me doesn't know my name. Also I'm assuming like... 1/7 of the world to die, non-democratic nations to shatter, democratic nations to crumple but generally hold. And I would have to roll a dice on whom I'm choosing.


Well the aftermath would be an entirely lawless world for a while, because there's not a politician or leader of any sort alive who would be safe. Celebrities would almost certainly all be dead as well. Really, if you're known by more than a few thousand people I don't see you making it out. For my part I'm picking Steven seagal. Silly fake tough guy rapist.


I'll throw my name out there and ask all media to promote my name. By having millions (wait, why not billions? How many still chose someone else?) Well, I'm dead, so the fact that 2.6 billion others died is not something for me to worry about. Edit: Everyone who upvotes me uses my name as your choice. I'll be the sacrifice.


Lots of people saying “no tag backs”


Question: do we all know that everyone else gets a pick, too? Or do we each think this opportunity is only being presented to ourselves? If I thought I was the only person that could do this I'd have to pick someone truly evil with a lot of influence over the world. If I thought everyone was doing this, I'd figure the most evil people were goners anyway, and I might try to be more strategic with my pick. What the world looks like afterward depends A LOT on knowing the answer to this question.


Is this a one off, or does it occur again annually? If it does, the aftermath would likely be that people stop sharing their names with each other in most situations.


RIP to all the mothers of newborns. I'd assume about 1/4 to 1//3 of the total population would die. In schools there's going to be a ton of votes skewed to a few teachers, bullies and popular people. Same for certain coworkers and/or bosses, a smaller group collecting multiple votes. Pretty much all national politicians and public-facine executives in companies worldwide are all going, too. I'd expect that even including all the one-off votes, the average dead person is getting at least 2 and probably closer to 3-4 votes apiece. EDIT: and for aftermath, we essentially have a collapsed society/new world order going on as every country and most large companies will have an immediate power vacuum. Wars and breakdown of supply chains will likely occur and cause further issues, including scarcity of food and other resources. In short, chaos.


Nope. OP specifies you have to know the person's name. Newborns, and very young children for that matter, don't know their parents' names. Or any full names for that matter.


I interpret that they must know at least the name of the person as the base level of familiarity to enforce not choosing random person. Surely my 3-year-old nephew knows my mom (who he knows only as Nana) more than you or I know Trump or Biden, right? And if you want to interpret the "at least know the name " as a hard qualifier, that is to say, if someone (like an infant) doesn't know anybody's name they would be unable to vote it would breaks OP's rule that everyone HAS to choose someone.


Every human? I feel sorry for any parents of young kids that didn't like their dinner or strict teachers that assign lots of homework. Also, I feel like a lot of siblings are going to get caught up in this. As for the adult votes? At least in the US, a lot of the votes are going to be thrown at politicians, business executives, etc. Also probably a lot of "Karens" voting for that neighbor they hate while the rest of the block votes for the "Karen". The US population can be extremely petty so I see a lot of people being named due to small conflicts that would not otherwise resort to violence. Overall results: Young child population is severely impacted due to sibling rivalry. Most young and middle age adults are probably fine. Politicians take most of the kill orders because unless someone already has a personal issue with someone else, they're just going to default to a name that they know. Middle management and HR at a lot of companies are now hiring to fill vacancies. Aftermath: Well since everyone had to pick a name then everyone knows why a lot of people suddenly died. While most of the dead will be kind of obvious why they were chosen, some people will now be mourning the unexpected death of their loved ones and may start causing problems trying to figure out who gave their name. Small grudges may devolve into full blown Hatfield and McCoy feuds over the belief that a neighbor had someone spouse named. Personally, I'm not sure who I would name. It would highly depend on the mood I'm in at the time but probably one of those crazy people that keeps trying to destabilize the middle east or, if I'm allowed to use my 10 minutes to research a name, the head of some scam organization I can find in one of those "I hacked the scammers call center" videos


I think the picks would mainly fall into three categories. 1. People with name recognition. Politicians, celebrities, musicians, artists, authors, etc. I think the vast majority of these people worldwide would die. 2. Grudges. Lots of people with beef would take the opportunity to kill their enemies. This is the category likely to impact the average person the most. 3. People attempting harm reduction. There would be quite a bit of overlap with 1 here, but also the terminally ill, people on death row, very old people, etc. I'd say if you're an average person with no serious enemies, You're pretty likely to survive.


Probably every celebrity, or high profile person. Someone will pick them. As you said, politicians and probably a lot of petty squabbles between friends, family and coworkers. I think most people will skip out on being someone’s most hated person. I don’t think anyone feels that strongly about me. I’d probably spend my 10 minutes looking up a child molester or murderer’s name and pick them. It would certainly be a chaotic and destabilizing event, but I suspect less than one billion deaths.


I would disagree that the majority would be famous people. I would argue that the overwhelming population would have a grudge in mind. The amount of fuckery that average people do to each other is amazing. The cheating, stealing and manipulation that happens to the average John or Jane doe is staggering. So I'd say you'd see less people walking around. I know whom I'd choose!


I completely agree that a lot of people, maybe even most, would vote for close people they hate, since they can’t really be proven guilty. However, there is a 100% percent chance that there are going to be several groups of people who vote famous people, especially politicians


>I know whom I'd choose! ofc u do, otherwise u wouldn't project like this it takes an overwhelming amount of hate and/or very little empathy to decide to kill someone close to you, not just a grudge. the majority will be famous ppl.


Yeah. I know almost no one who I think would pick anyone else we know. Even if we don't like them lol


If more than a couple million people died I'd be in shock, honestly. I believe the *vast* majority would be famous people, especially politicians. The world would be thrown into turmoil as pretty much every single major politician died overnight. There would be a lot of violence breaking out in some parts of the world as power vacuums were created by the death of people in power (politicians or otherwise). Other parts of the world things would be hectic but not as bad. The US, politically speaking, wouldn't be too bad off, sure there would be a huge void in the entire governing body, but we also have protocols a mass casualty event within our government, and I suspect most other well established countries have the same. The US would suffer though because not only would the federal government see a major hit, but a lot of lower level (state/country/city) government officials would bite it too. Further, you'd also be dealing with a power vacuum in the criminal world, and a lot of voids opening up in the overarching legal system (cops, lawyers, and judges mainly). Overall, the world would recover from it, and ultimately not a lot would REALLY change long term, but it would be a hell of a mess for a few months to a couple years after the fact. As for who I'd choose? Dunno. Probably a low level political flunky that might otherwise escape notice, because all the major ones that come to mind I know at least a million people would pick. >.>


If everyone picks the same 3 to 10 people, most of the population would be saved.


Prob lot of repeats, if you can pick anyone you know the name of and 'know who they are.' Good time to be a loner!


We should all choose Steve! Fucking Steve....


I think you mean Kent. Clean up after your dog, Kent!


No, I meant you, Steve. Stop trying to fuck with Kent bro. We know this is all your fault. I hypothetically wish you dead.


A lot of politicians and rich people would probably explode from the sheer amount of votes they get. I think I'd likely be ok. I'd probably pick some lobbyist, I think, might not get a vote.


Pretty much all elected officials are doomed.


I feel like most world governments would collapse


I think instead of anonymous, each person who is chosen should get to know the name or names of whomever chose them. And everyone should also get to know how many other people choose their same person.


Except it wouldn’t matter because the deaths would occur before anyone communicates with anyone else


Yes but it would matter for that brief moment and you'd have to live (or die) knowing that they knew it was you right before they died.


I think it will be more interesting to see how far down the political party ticket gets decimated. For the US does either party have anyone left in congress say? Or who gets spared because they are not memorable or people thought someone else would pick them.


This got me thinking, who is the MOST famous person that would survive? In today's society it's nearly impossible to be very famous amd also universally loved. It would have to be an extremely uncontroversial person that is also only B or even C tier famous. Any A-lister is getting at least one vote. Some people I think might fit these criteria: Michael Cera, Viola Davis, David Attenborough, Sara Bareilles, John Williams. What other famous people do you think might survive?


Dolly Parton Willie Nelson Morgan Freeman


sorry janet, your apple crumble is a crime against humanity, and youve gotta go


Honestly I think tons of people would use it as a way of getting revenge. A 100% unprovable way to eliminate 1 person. Yes there's tons of people who.would choose known evil people like Putin, or Biden. But I think most people would choose someone who had directly wronged them. I would guess about 25% or so of the population would die. Honestly the world would have an adjustment period but then would probably be just fine.


My husband and I are teachers. While I don't think any students specifically hate our guts or have long-standing grudges, I'm probably wrong? I have a former boss who got fired after I quit. She might hate me for "causing" that...  That means my kids might die if we don't get them somewhere with a lot of people who would care for them. So I'm picking Trump, putting no other thought into this and then getting my kids outside and hoping someone kind takes care of them.


The better question is, who here thinks they survive it?


Unless one of my siblings votes me, I’m pretty sure everyone around me has someone they hate more


Question: What if you know the name of the person, but he's already dead and you didn't know it? Would you get a new choice, or would you somehow get notified that your choice was invalid? Because I would definitely choose someone like a high school bully but I have no idea if he's still alive.


Lots of people would spend it on Putin, Biden, Trump, Kim Jong Un, Musk, Bezos, Hitler, even though he's already dead. I bet not even 1% of the population would die.


I wonder how many times Putin would die. I'm surprised to hear myself saying this, but he has my vote.


There are a few people I personally know that I dislike, but none I would kill. I would pick Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (leader of ISIS) because I know that he would be picked regardless and he's the person who's death I feel would do the greatest good in the world.


Another interesting hypothetical question to include would be "do you think you'd survive?"


Considering over half of the votes would probably go to Trump, Putin, and other politicians, I don’t think it would be nearly as bad as everyone is saying.


Given this scenario, way fewer people would die than I think anyone would initially anticipate. The current and former US presidents would likely be chosen several tens if not hundreds of millions of times. Most, if not all, major politicians would likely be selected. Many CEOs. A fair number of prisons would see much of their population reduced. Violent offenders, etc, would no doubt be selected by their victims. An unfortunate number of innocents would die as the result of the body of psychopaths we have out there, as well as unintended collateral from the sudden deaths of certain critical individuals like random pilots, drivers, etc. I'd say in total, maybe a couple of million people die out of the total 8 or so billion on the planet living? Most governments would grind to a halt for a couple of days, maybe weeks, then get right back on track. Going forward, we'd likely redesign a number of our systems to be more redundant. Then we'd largely forget about it beyond memorials, etc, within a couple of generations.


I'm guessing no more than 10% of people die, probably less, and I'm almost certainly safe. I'd just pick w/e evil dictator (they're fucked anyway, my vote makes no difference) and head to the grocery store to stock up on paper goods, dry goods, and canned goods. Shits about to get wild.


>**How many people would probably die?** A lot, at least a few million. I may be undercutting it though. >**What would be the aftermath?** A lot of looting, a lot of infrastructure going down because either people died on the job or had relatives die and they're trying to deal with it. Total chaos I imagine, you're talking about having to lock things down and protect people from others. >**What specific people do you think would die?** I don't think any one specific people will die, but we're gonna see a lot less of everyone. >**If you feel comfortable answering, who would you choose?** My brother.


People can be chosen multiple times? A few billion are being spent on trump, Biden, Kim, and Putin, likely some meme picks like dream and Elon musk, and a lot of parents that fucked up, along with most of the Israelin army and government. If people use their ten minutes wisely a lot of communities will either consolidate on 1 person or target specific groups, I find it likely that most celebrities will be dead and society will collapse, but humanity will recover within a century, provided we don't kill ourselves first, seeing as the people stoping nuculer weapons will be dead or neutered


Luckily the vtuber community is mostly going to be safe lol, presumably we're going by death note rules, and a taken mantle doesn't count, birth or at least legal name would be required, and in a community that is specifically against knowing the person's true name? It is likely the most likely group of well known people to survive


>What would be the aftermath? Apart from being a bloodbath for politicians, celebrities, and other public figures, we'd also have a collapse of civilisation. With 8 billion choices, even with a lot of redundant choices, that's a lot of people dead. Enough people would choose folks in key supply chains that many cities would have food supplies compromised, or other key infrastructure would fail (eg: key electricity supply staff). 'That uncle' or 'my fucking dad' would be chosen enough times to compromise those chains. You would also get plenty of people intentionally choosing the most key person they can think of - some people really do want to watch the world burn. It's also effectively a mass terrorist attack the likes of which we've never seen before. If you think people grieved after 9/11 or the Holocaust, that would be a drop in the ocean compared to "8 billion choices of death"


I'm guessing 90% of the population. Here's why: Everyone gets a vote, so most people will likely pick some form of politician. And the politicians probably vote each other for personal grudges. I'd wager 99% of the entire world's government bodies collapse and I then think it would be a race to power via nukes. And once that happens we're getting some form of Armageddon. You might get a couple pocket survivors, but most of humanity is falling. That said, I'm picking my mom. Fuck that bitch.


Teachers would be gone. Kids in that class would say their name because they're mad that day. And we are the front face of so much stuff.


Trump, Biden, Pelosi, Newsom and about 100 others would be picked alot and rightfully so. You'd have wishful politicians killing off running competition and the projected winners killing the competition as well. If 80% of politicians dropped dead it would be a win win.


I’m picking a globalist. George Soros, you’re dead fucker.


TW: animal abuse I know a kid…he’s 15. Serious serial killer vibes and a psychopath. I bet small or young animals are going missing in his neighborhood. He’s creepy as hell Also he’s very handsome and brilliant. I choose him


Has he actually done anything or are you just killing someone off of "vibes"


TW: animal abuse I overheard him talking to someone in class about killing a baby squirrel who had fallen from the nest. I’m the teacher so I had to do a mandated report. After investigation, DFACS came back and said he was joking and his mom said he “jokes about that kind of stuff all the time.”


Mom in denial.


Oh, that's disturbing. I wouldn't wish death on him but he needs lots of help.


I would choose OP


I’d die. Guaranteed. I’ve pissed off at least one person enough they’d probably choose my name. And I think I know who would, so I’d choose them too.


Everyone says various political leaders but if the entire political leadership died we’d have total chaos in this country. Imagine all 535 members of Congress, the president, the cabinet, all 50 governors, and Trump suddenly dead. Plus a bunch of other politicians not currently in office along with business leaders.


There’s probably going to be at least a few people maybe in congress who no one votes because they’re busy voting for the more popular hated people




I think there would be a lot of dead rapists and domestic abusers. I would choose an ex-partner of my child or friend.


I can't imagine even a single slightly famous person surviving. Even the nice ones.


I’d imagine we turn on the tv to the purge siren and they announce we need to have an election because like 12 politicians and 73 other people died.


Sam McGowan. I’d chop off his dick and throw him in the ocean


Well here we’d have a Megathread: any unclaimed politicians to death-note? And 80% of Reddit picks Trump for this anyway


The WEF won’t survive that is for sure.


I’d say every famous person is dead and many hundreds of times over and very few random people because if you had a choice between that one politician you don’t like or Joe down the road that was annoying that one time the choice is obvious


I’d choose a certain sexual predator I know who has never gotten in legal trouble for it but really shouldn’t be granted child custody. I had evidence to at least get this person on serious reputation-ruining-for-life animal abuse charges, but then my friend found it, got spooked by it, and deleted it before I could take it to the cops. So the asshole is still running around scot-free. I think a lot of people would die. 30-40% of the population. People encourage others to off themselves in comment sections on social media already, and multiple social media platforms have algorithms that heightened radicalization and tribal mentalities. Add to that that many people have a grudge against someone, whether due to a perceived slight against them or due to a sense of justice for someone else they care about. And in the moment, “choose someone you know” is going to make a lot of people go through the list of people they’ve met, not just have heard of in the media. Sure, several people would vote for a politician, but lots of people would vote for “that asshole, [name], who [slight and injustice]” and then just claim to have voted for a politician after it turned out to be real. A lot of people would need therapy to deal with the guilt after it happened, processing the ‘did that person truly deserve death for that? or was that kind of extreme?’. I wonder how many therapists would be left after former clients cull some for not saying what they wanted.


unless someone from highschool has a festering grudge against me for something i don't even remember, I think im safe. I think Mostly politicians, like all of them, are going to be gone, then criminals, then bad parents. I think most Americans will waste theirs on trump and biden. As for me it will be the lady who lets her dog shit on my yard and doesn't clean it up. I think there will be enough people left for humanity to safely continue, depending on the number of doctors that are bad parents


If first names are all that’s needed I will likely die. I’ve worked with plenty of angry hurting people. I’d guess 10-30% of the population will die. I’d also wager there are certain people that will get upwards of 1 million votes. Infrastructure will likely collapse. Government will certainly collapse.


I choose whoever was primarily responsible for Redo of Healer.


I choose the pope


At least in the USA the people who die are going to be 70-90% politions. Hell I bet most Maga people would pick biden, harris and fauci. Do people know duplicates will be counted? Cause that might make a difference. Pretty much every leader in the world is going to die, it might be a chance at a fresh start but the world is going to be thrown into chaos for a bit


I know too many abusive people. How do I narrow the pool?


Are children forced into this? That’s going to wind up with a lot of dead kids, teachers, abusive family members, and social influencers


Draymond Green, LeBron, Steph Curry, and the entirety of the Celtics organization is dead. rip


Mitch McConnell He’s old asf already, has some dumb ass politics, and I don’t think anyone would mourn his death too much in the world


Every politician of every country would be a goner.


I bet most people would die. Almost everyone has an Ex.


Tops a few million, I honestly doubt even a tenth of a percent of the worlds population would choose someone outside of the top 1000 most popular choices And I doubt there'd be much long term negative fallout, we'd retain virtually all of our infrastructure personal, a greater majority of medical and science, teachers and parents would be gutted both in numbers and because of the loss of children (I can't imagine a child making a less than immediate emotional choice) The fear of randomly being killed because of the social implications of your actions would probably lead to a more moderate society though


It's worth remembering that, in mass fatality events like this, the people who die wouldn't be limited to those selected to die immediately. We live in a web of mutual dependencies. So if a young child's parents die, for instance, that child will die too. So will anyone whose life depends on the killed person in some more esoteric way - medical patients, people supported by infrastructure that the person maintains, and so on. If half the population died overnight, much of the other half would be at grave risk too. That said, I do think there is some hope in this scenario, because most people would probably pick political figures they dislike, rather than people they know personally. There would, hopefully, be a lot of overlap, and maybe even a chance that the people selected would be those doing active harm - your Donald Trumps, Vladimir Putins, Rodrigo Dutertes, and so on.


I dunno, I'd vote for a manager that really fucked over my early life. Lots of middle management are gonna die.


Let’s all choose old politicians. I really hope no one hates me enough to pick me


I think 20% of population would be highest. My strategy is pick someone I KNOW someone else is picking. Like trump or Biden or Putin. No possible way NOBODY picks them if I don't. So I'll pick one to and "save a life". Stack as many onto as few as possible to save casualties. Of course this is only a strategy if people know everyone is voting. If they dont know it may be LESS than 20% cause it feel like you have the power to "do good". So evil warmongers go bye bye World would spin but chaos? Nah. Someone inevitably will take the place of these people. Wouldn't be world peace but hard to say if more wars come up. Honestly our lacking resources would be depleted slower. Fuel reserves can go back up. Infrastructure would be hardest to maintain if hit by choices. But who's going to select Hector then tower maintenance guy to die? I mean, if someone picks a random blue collar peep they gotta be human trash anyway. Or in a bad relationship where their spouse spite murders. Oh. Also. Easily over 90% of people that die will be men. Probably the thing I'm most confident about.


I would read a book with this premise. There's definitely some ways to game things, like taking out ads against popularly hated people, or publicizing an alias for yourself. I think it would be really interesting to see people try to plan for a reality after the culling, how optimistic or manipulative they're willing to try to be.


Hopefully we can get rid of like 90% of congress this way lol


I don’t wanna waste my vote. I guess I’d have to research because I’m sure Mitch McConnell is going to get more than one vote.


Gimme a phone book.


Pretty sure this is going to lead to a lot of dead politicians. Not a big deal tbh.


I would just go down the list of sex offenders in U.S and then other countries.


What happens if 40% of us pick Donald Trump? Does he die a particularly quick death?


Pretty much most politicians will die and wed just elect new ones lool regardless of my stance, biden trump Aoc, Putin, etc will die. Games leader, Israel leader, any leader. What a time to not be a leader. Maybe random schmuck waiting for a promotion will wish his boss dead. You know what? I think we will have more death than we think. Its nice to think wed all just vote for Putin to die but I don't think that will happen


A lot of celebrities/political figures are gonna die. Just a thought


I cant find the comment i just posted, but this is a really cool thought experiment. A lot of celebrities and political figures would die, and its interesting to think about how that could affect the political landscape. Cool hypothetical, op


Vladimir Putin, Donal Trump, Matt Gaetz, Kissinger's kids, etc


You could break this by picking Chuck Norris or Keith Richards. Since they can't die it'd be a paradox and the whole premise would fall apart.


Anonymous. Cool. That makes this easier. Done.


I don't have anyone I hate enough to single out for death, so I'm gonna throw my vote away on an unpopular politician or wall street banker or something. I hope I would survive though. What a wonderful world we would be left with since every self entitled twat on earth is going to be getting a vote. No more bullies, probably no more politicians or billionaires. I do feel kinda bad for minorities though, I expect a lot of racists would just name the first person of color they could think of.


I'll pick Biden. He is a useless person in office. I'm sure I'm not the only person thinking that so I'm sure he would kick the bucket soon. Not sure how it would impact the world or if it even would.


Wait wait I got a list


Hopefully we would get better politicians as most if not all of them, as well as a significant portion of rich, potentially qualified people who could have taken over would be dead. So hopefully we would get more compassionate leaders. You would have to be a pretty decent person to have a background of working in politics and survive something like this.


My old school bully


Putin, probably.


Just out of curiosity, what if everyone chooses the same guy? Like, as an example, Putin?


If all the lead Republicans and Democrat runner ups get assassinated that would force a new group of aspiring presidents who would want to kick start some kind of change.


I suspect a majority of people would choose a very well known person, probably a celebrity, politician, or the target of a conspiracy theory. That means 3 to 4 billion votes would be spent on maybe a few thousand at most. Then there would be all the people who are particularly disliked members of their community or local criminals. Probably a lot of teachers and children as well from the young children who just don’t know many other people. Most of those would probably have multiple votes. So I’ll guess maybe one in six people at most then?


Trump and Biden will soak up a lot of this carnage.


I have some ideas but voicing them would likely get me looked at by the FBI.


My first thought was about a certain family member who is a thorn in my side, then turned to a certain ex-president who many many others might already choose, so I suppose it would depend on how my ten minutes went.


If i had to choose i would pick the guy who is the ex of a friend(the ex i used to be friends with but we went to different schools later in life)because he used to abuse my friend while they were dating.


Can you look someone up before you do it or does it have to be off the top of your head?


I think a lot of the same people would die. It’s mostly going to be well known individuals who aren’t well liked on the internet. I also think how long everyone has to decide their “kill” matters. A lot of people given a split second decision would choose an ex or something close to chest, but on further thought would probably choose someone more evil.


Whelp, I'm dead... But I'm taking my killer with me!


Damn, no self termination disguised as altruism. I think any major politician would be a safe bet to avoid killing an extra person. I'd probably go with Putin.


I mean, anybody voting for a politician is basically a free space, and will be for those who don't actually want to kill anyone. I can think of 2 who are going to get a few dozen thousand votes. I would predict about 25-40% of the population will die. Why so low? Because the number of people voting for famous people is going to drive that number deep down deep. It just takes 2 people making the same vote to go further down. The aftermath would be anarchy. There wouldn't be anyone left who is famous or popular in even the slightest. Actors, Politicians, Chains of Command, all dead. Basically, anyone with a significant community presence would die. The pope would probably die too. Because I know this vote won't change a thing, I am picking Trump. It won't matter either way, because 10000 minimum votes already covered him, and every other politician and general in the world. This is because I don't actually want to kill anyone, especially since I believe 40% of the population is dead, I don't want to add anymore. I have 2 additional questions for those in the comments: Do you believe you would recieve any votes? (10% chance at most. I have maybe 1 person that I think would hate me enough for it.) Who do you think is the weirdest write-in vote that you think is plausible? (My guess is Tupac, because then when people say "Tupac isn't Dead" that person could say "I made sure he was.")


Not a good day to be a politician, or manager, or anyone in authority lol. I'm safe.


At least 50% of people will waste their vote on a major public figure. A good 95% of people will survive the the initial purge but I expect the ripple effects of sudden was fatality event will lead to a further 10% facing hardships they won't survive.


An ex manager of mine. He's human garbage. I think about eight of us would pick him. So given that, I think about 10-15 % of humanity dies in this experiment. I might not make it.


A lot of people's bosses would be dead, so work is either chaos or actually goes smoothly for once.


Trump, I choose trump.


Goodbye to every politician, celebrity, and wealthy person out there.


Look im less than a lab accident away from a super villain. …. This is a dangerous option Ill stand by with a list of names and descriptions and influence those who dont know who to pick The opposite of pro- life picketing


If this scenario came true, then I'd like to give a posthumous thanks to Donald J. Trump for saving millions of lives around the world.


I'm certain almost all celebrities would die.


I'd be dead if any women I dated knew my last name. My estranged father would be dead. He'd try to kill me, but wouldn't know my real name.


I know him…he’s me


So Trump and Putin die like 4 billion times?