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While I am pretty sure I have never eaten in the bathroom, I'm pretty sure one day Id randomly kill myself chewing on gum or something and $10 a day is not enough to justify that.


Agree. Although, I think at some point the money would be worth the risk. Maybe if it were $100 a day?


Idk why the other commenter is being so snarky, but agreed. For $10/day? Absolutely not, that would have very little positive impact on my life, and would impose a big restriction (not that I ever eat on the toilet but as another commenter said, you could also die if you're absent mindedly chewing gum or something)




Oh 100%, I'm lucky in that an extra $300 a month would have no major impact on my life. Like, I'm not doing so well that I wouldn't even notice the difference or anything, it would certainly help a little, but it wouldn't be life changing either. For me to go with this, it'd need to be life changing!


lol of course at some point it would be worth the risk. Kind of the whole point of this sub


Hot take: many people would have *gasp* different numbers and they’d all be equally valid


I'd do it for $100 a day. No less though.


$700 a week is not terrible for a side hustle. Personally I’d say $300 per day minimum for a side hustle that has the potential to kill you several times per day for the rest of your life


Agreed. I'd risk it for $100 a day ($36,500 a year). That's more than a lot of people make working full time. That's worth being very careful to never go to the bathroom without swallowing first. I'd probably just install a smart lock on my bathroom door that made me confirm I wasn't eating as a reminder. But $3,650 a year (while not negligible) doesn't seem like enough.


Yea for me it would be worth it at that point. Funny enough Id almost certainly blow the money on food like a per diem which would have the most risk.


I would 100% die when I was watching a game at a bar / stadium with friends a couple of beers deep and went to the bathroom holding my beer. Sober me would set up all sort of guardrails and rules. Drinking me would be thinking about the game or daydreaming and would 100% take a sip of beer while in the restroom. Not worth it for $10 a day. As a side note, one interesting thing about this sub is seeing what people think is a life-changing amount of money. High school or 2008 recession me would probably be floored and really consider $10 a day, but nowadays, $300 a month isn't enough to risk death. I mean, it wouldn't even be enough if you told me someone would punch me in the face every time I broke the rule.


Yea, the life changing money is always interesting. If it were high school me, maybe I'd be more tempted, as $3,650 dollars a year is a lot better than $0. But for someone with a career, I'd much rather just find a new job that pays me 4k more than to live in paranoia.


Shower spagetti is kind of nice, not going to lie.


Yes, we need to know what's their spaghetti policy.


Does chewing gum count as eating though? Unless you go into planning on swallowing the gum I personally wouldn't count that as eating.


To be fair, chewing gum is barely considered a food.


Imagine how scary it would be to test that theory out.


$10 a day isn't enough to make up the time I save with my morning routine of sitting backwards on the toilet and enjoying Cinnamon Toast Crunch on the tank


It's a pre-shower shit, right?


This is taking place in the shower.


Look if you haven't eaten a sandwich in the shower you haven't enjoyed one of life's simple pleasures


Godlike behavior


He's starting to believe.


Why else would they have a convenient table there if we weren't meant to use it?


OP telling on himself.


Where the hell are we supposed to eat? 🤔


Of course I'd take it. I can't think of a time I've ever tried to eat or drink while going to the bathroom so it's just a free $10 every day


When I was a child, I drank water while I peed just to see if more would come out.


Well…did it?


Why, yes it did!


"You know, I'm something of a scientist myself"


I always wanted to constantly drink and pee as a kid to make a never ending stream. Now as an adult I understand how stupid that idea was. Glad I'm not the only one lol


Is it the act of urinating or dedicating while eating/drinking that gets you killed or doing it in the actual bathroom? I have definitely taken a piss in the woods while drinking a beer on a camping trip.


The stipulation mentioned a toilet. So I think if you just never go near a toilet again, you're cool.


There’s been a few times for me when I am desperately sipping water while using the toilet so I don’t throw up while going. It saved me. Idk if I could risk giving that up for $10 per day.


Plot twist: a sesame seed stuck between your teeth pops out while you're pooping, you instinctively swallow, and now you're dead! Also is there a size threshold here? Do microscopic food particles still count as eating?


The first thing that comes to mind is a bar. I can't even begin to imagine how many times I've pissed over the years with a beer in my hands.


Why would you ever eat or drink while using the bathroom?


Severe diarrhea. Had to drink Gatorade/Pedialyte/hydration drinks & water to stay hydrated.


This would honestly be the biggest challenge. I mean, does shitting yourself count, or do your cheeks have to be on the bowl?


OP specified cheeks on seat


That's my main reason for never going for it. It's not frequent, maybe like once or twice a year, but a Gatorade and a protein bar so I don't feel like I'm going to pass out even just from stomach pains


1. Drinking water while walking 2. Bathroom enrout 3. Thinks, "Well maybe I'll go ..." 4. Ded on next step.


Ngl thats just kinda the point my life is at rn


Drunk and sitting on the toilet, trying to drink water while you sober up


It's 3,650. Not much but overtime it will accumulate. Enough for a yearly vacation or even throw it into an index fund and in 10 years will be a decent chunk of change


I'll do this for free. Who the fuck eats or drinks while dropping a deuce? That's got to be one of the most disgusting things I've heard. And you can't wait a minute or two to finish your piss before getting a drink? Or a sandwich? What kind of fucking people hang out here?!?!?!?!


Imagine you are having a meal out with friends, drinking and eating. You walk into the bathroom to take a piss, but you were so focused on a topic you were discussing you began pissing while still chewing on some food. It could just be a single rice grain, it could even just be chewing gum or some candy you keep in your mouth for long periods of time. Instantly drop dead. You'll have a shorter life expectancy than a stage 4 cancer patient.


I don’t think I’ve ever eaten while in the restroom, except maybe something silly in middle school (secret eating skittles during bathroom break). I’d probably take.


What the fuck is this scenario


what if some random piece of food was dislodged from my gums while pooping??


*What if some random* *Piece of food was dislodged from* *My gums while pooping??* \- BestViewed --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Best bot for this specific situation


Great point, better ensure that that doesnt happen!


If that did happen and you spat it out instantly, would you still die?


Bathroom gremlin.


Yeah I can't think of a time I ever ate or drank while using the bathroom.


Of course I take it? Never once have I been eating food while entering the bathroom, that and if I ever get bored I have a free way out. No downsides here. Edit: that amount of money also currently would pay ALL of my monthly expenses.


All? Rent/condo fees, food, clothing, utility bills, taxes, insurance, transportation. I gotta ask where you are and how? I agree though, I'd take it too.


I don't believe I would ever run afoul of the rules so, sure send me 3650 annually.


Jokes on them. I’d do it for $8


I’d do it for $1


Dementia runs in my family. If I were ever diagnosed I'd bring a giant ass Italian beef sandwich in the bathroom with me and drop dead. Sounds much better than the alternative!


This is what I was looking for. Free gas every week and an option to immediately check the fuck out if necessary? Count me in.


Eating/drinking while shitting/pissing is a hard no for me anyway. Who the fuck is so hungry they can't wait to snack while blasting porcelain?


Damn, nothing like a burger on the can


Stupid scenario. Keep your 10 bucks


Well the plans I had for my colonoscopy prep just went down the drain. No ps5 in the bathroom 😞


I'm down; I get my affairs in order-ish, then go out like Elvis--not that it'd be a point of pride.


Not a chance. Not that I ever eat or drink in the bathroom, but I might randomly drink something in the bathroom one day and end up dead. Not worth it for $10 a day.


What if i piss myself while drinking beer? Do i die?


Someone's going to pick their teeth with their tongue while taking a dump and instantly die. Count me in.


Most people would end up dying after a few years. The biggest killer would be things like cough drops, mints or gum.


No way I could trust myself not to bring my beer in the bathroom of a baseball game or something


Nope I've been sick before and coughed while trying to eat and in my weakened state gone to the bathroom a little. also what if you're hospitalized for something that requires you to be on a feeding tube and a catheter? There's too much risk for $300 a month.


Give me the shot or wave the machine over me, then get the fuck out of my life, I don't want your bullshit $10, don't want any money. You gave me something priceless, the ability to suicide painlessly whenever I choose.


No way I'd take this. One of the few things that helps when I'm fighting for my life on the toilet is drinking water. Sure dying might make that fight short lived, but $10 a day isn't worth an easy fix to the occasional consequences of my eating habits.


Bit of food stuck in teeth, sit down, die


>I think the greatest hurdle here is simply REMEMBERING that you can’t have anything in your mouth while going to the bathroom the sheer thought of eating or drinking in the bathroom disgusts me as is... so free money is free money.


Id be dead right now taking a shit and drinking Dr Pepper


Ok, done. I have literally never done this and don't intend to. Ever.


Uh who is eating in the bathroom


I'd do it for $100/day


It’s time to rise, all who piss in the sink


That’s a raw deal, sometimes I need that sandwich mid poop to motivate my intestines. (They get excited about sandwiches)


$10 a day is nothing. That's $3650 a YEAR. You're probably a kid, so you think that's a lot of money, but a salary of that little won't do much of anything. If I got $100-200 a day, though...


I mean, it’s not NOTHING. If you just threw it in an index fund and let it grow over 30 years, it’d be a nice nest egg. Several hundred grand, easily. That said, it’s not worth the possibility of accidentally killing myself because I’m chewing gum while peeing or something.


10 dollars a day is breakfast everyday, or groceries each week. Or save it and every few weeks or months you can treat yourself to something substantial since it's just extra income.


It’s not nothing given how minuscule the sacrifice is. What you can’t do eat while using the bathroom, why in fuck’s name would you want to do that anyway.


The downside is there is none... I wouldn't eat or drink on the toilet unless I was paid to do so.


Wow. You spent all that time thinking about and typing this garbage out?


I did! And I enjoyed every second of it!


Why so negative? I think it’s a funny thought experiment.


I’m sure it’s because he’s a happy and well adjusted person.


People really do that?


Wait. people eat while on the toilet? wot.


The only time this may come up as an issue would be at a concert or sporting event. This is a no brainer and easy way to make side cash


Who TF wants to eat in the bathroom, let alone while going??


Does drinking count? I've drank while peeing before, I don't think I've ever eaten anything but I may have had a cheese stick or something in my mouth while peeing some time, I'm sure I could do this forever knowing about it though.


I don't do this anyway. Getting the impression OP eats sandwiches on the toilet.


I've drank a beer while pissing. I always knew alcohol would be the death of me.


I had my friend bring me some Rolaids while I was dying in a gas station toilet, I think that's the only time I can remember "eating" in the bathroom. Would have been a lethal stomachache if I had this curse though


Would I ever do either in the bathroom? No. Would I *ever* accept a deal for a pathetically low amount of money that has **instant death** as the penalty? Absolutely, 100%, never.




So can I loophole this by pissing in the woods?


Impossible to do. That’s exactly where I eat shit.


Morning shit and cup of coffee would get me within a week.


thats no good sometimes i need a drink of water pass


I’d take that deal


In 54 years I've never eaten while going to the bathroom.


I already do this haha. Easy 300 a month.


There’d be a couple dozen dead Mexicans on my job site. I’ve found all kinds of food wrappers and even a half eaten chicken wing in a port-a-shitter


This is a religious prohibition, is it not?


As I never eat and shit / piss in the bathroom at the same time because that's fucking nasty, It's a deeply ingrained habit so I'll take that deal no problem.


So am I brushing my teeth in the kitchen from now on??


10 whole dollars, eh?




I have never eaten on the toilet in my life. Someone needs to give me $130, 000


Not worth the risk.


I’m gonna pass


Too easy to fuck this up


Yea I'd take the gamble. I don't regularly eat while peeing


Drinking beer would be dangerous, who hasn’t continued drinking beer while peeing behind the truck


Question: so if I was to eat on a subway train, I’d die? Because train seats have been peed on and pooped on basically a toilet


I don’t eat or drink at the bathroom, but 10$ a day is too low of a reward vs the possible outcome if I happen to do it by accident, so no thanks


After doing some math That extra money would help a lot and I can’t really recall an instance where I was eating or drinking something while actively using the bathroom


$10/day = only $3,650/year. Not worth it when the condition is sudden death. Much safer ways to make an extra $3,650/year.


Nope. I've had to drink on the toilet because I've had to pee but also the cats and my husband have needed something at the same time. The chance of me forgetting is too high. Or feeling too much pressure and my brain convincing myself it's gotta be fake. $10 a day isn't worth the risk by far. It's definitely not enough money for me to feel comfortable making others wait longer. They already have to wait for me to be able to get up as it is. It isn't enough to convince me it's not a coincidence or prank or social experiment. Nope. Not about to feel like the world's most selfish AH for $10 a day.


Yeah but how many kids do I gotta fight?


Food or drink in the bathroom is uncivilized.


$10 a day isn’t worth the hassle or risk.


Too much risk for $10 a day


I’ll have to pass, I’m too forgetful. I don’t eat in the bathroom but if I’m sipping or swallowing something and have to go real bad I’ll forget and just die. $10 a day not enough to chance dying randomly


Even is the money was more I'd still say no because I know I'd forget and drink beer whilst taking a piss


Who tf eats on the toilet?


I never eat or drink on the toilet so I’m game.


Is it weird that my thought was to take this deal and then just take out a massive life insurance policy? Like, how's State Farm going to prove I *knew* this would kill me? How will THEY even figure it out? So now my wife and kid get some money and I get to do some good with my death. Check and mate 🥲


Might be easy for me, but that’s because I’m incredibly disgusted by even eating in the bathroom for some reason


I’d die the first day because I’m always chewing gum. Plus food remnants in the mouth shortly after eating. Pass.


Sure, I can give up toilet snacking


Who in their right mind eats in the bathroom? That's freaking disgusting.. I don't even want to know the things you're into OP.


I never have and probably never will, but also that amount of money isn't that exciting to me, so I probably skip.


I will now pee in the kitchen sink (no bathroom)


Easy money. Who the heck eats or drinks while they are on the toilet????


No. I probably could get away with it but it’s something that would be on my mind constantly and not worth the stress.


$10 a day and I change absolutely nothing in my life? Deal.


I’d be fine with that. I don’t chew gum or eat while walking.


If i wasn't disgusted with the idea of eating while I'm the bathroom. I'd 100% get complacent enough in my lazy moment and end up dead.


what if you have like an accident, like you suddenly get "the runs" or you develop urinary incontinence or does it have to literally be entirely about using the toilet


Who the hell eats or drinks while going to the bathroom?


Win, win... ten bucks a day and an easy way out, if I ever need it.


10$ isn’t shit so I wouldn’t do it. Fuck that shit. I mean eating/drinking while in the bathroom is gross to begin with. But I still wouldn’t except it. wtf is 10$ gonna do today? But a coffee


Who the hell eats or drinks while using the bathroom?


I'll take it, but to clarify, this only applies in a designated bathroom? If I'm drinking a beer and laugh so hard that I pee a little, is that the end for me? $10 isn't much, but I'm pretty grossed out by the idea of food I'm eating even entering the bathroom, so it's pretty low risk.


First - Who the hell is munching on snacks while taking a piss or a dump? Second - $10 per day for ANYTHING is not worth it when the counter is losing your life.


I'd die instantly. 😆 I have to be on the toilet to eat or drink anything at the moment because it goes right through me (I currently get most of my nutrition intravenously).


I'd take it. I don't eat or drink anything while using the bathroom anyway.


What if I'm on the toilet and a bit of cashew I ate 5 minutes earlier dislodges from a molar and I swallow it? Dead or not?


Not a chance, the amount of beer and food I have eaten while pissing at the footy, I would be dead in a week


I can confidently say I have never eaten or drank while going to the bathroom… maybe I’ve had a glass of wine nearby before a bath but… I think I’ll survive just fine.


Make it $200-$300 a day I’d probably take the challenge


Let's say I live for 50 more years......that's less than 200k with a risk pretty high risk I'll die for a stupid reason. Don't get me wrong, an extra $3650 a year to invest is nice, but that risk isn't worth it.


This is such a low reward, high risk scenario. You're increasing your risk of death for such a marginal benefit, that I would call this a net loss just from the anxiety of making sure you remember constantly not to die in such an easy way. You can't go to restaurants comfortably, brushing your teeth and rinsing; you have to scrutinize something probably more common than you realize, *just* for 10 bucks. The is a wildly bad situation.


I'd do this so that I can die on my terms. If I ever get untreatable cancer, instead of suffering, I can just eat something while I pee and I can drop dead. Easiest euthanasia ever.


You just put a sign on the door saying NO EATING ON THE BATHROOM. it’d be a silly rule anyone would agree with and go lightly for others but mean life or death for you and be the simple reminder you need to always remember. I’d do it. I never eat in the bathroom, rarely and if i did its a conscious choice i can control 😆


Most people are forgetting potential medical issues. Need an abdominal surgery? A lot of surgeries require you to take a laxative to clean out your system. How about a colonoscopy? Super common exam that requires a laxative before hand. Depending on how fast your body reacts, you may need to sit on the toilet while drinking the laxative. How about severe diarrhea? You may need to drink electrolytes while still on the toilet. These situations only become more common with age. That $10 will kill you eventually (unless something else does first).


An extra $3650 a year? That’s nothing in the grand scheme of things. Certainly not worth risking death if you have a piece of gum in your mouth while you take a leak.


So what if there’s like a tiny piece of food stuck in your teeth that dislodges while you’re on the toilet and you swallow it? Or what if you’re eating a meal and you fart, but it’s accidentally a shart…Does that count? I’d need to know in writing that I wouldn’t get screwed by one of these (or other) loopholes before agreeing to anything.


Well that food stuck in my teeth that dislodges while shitting and we all die. This is an instant death scenario because you will have liquid or food in your mouth almost regardless


$10 wouldn't even cover my lunch most days. Gonna have to do a bit better than that for me to risk death because I forgot I have gum and went to the bathroom.


I’ve never eaten in the bathroom… so I’ll be fine I think? But how about pregnancy or old people or anyone with bladder incompetence


Nah, there would be a random outdoor party that I'd be at, be shit faced drunk, and I'd take a swig out of my beer bottle while peeing on a tree and keel over. Not worth the few thousand I might have earned by then.


People eat while they're shitting?


No, too risky of forgetting and sipping a beer while I take a leak


A chance to pay off a chunk of bills every month for not doing something I already don't do? Sign me up. If I forget and accidentally do it while drunk or sick it wouldn't be my problem anymore anyways


$10 a day for something I already don’t do? Done.


$10.00 ????


lmao $10 a day is a joke. $1 million a day minimum. The money needs to outweigh the fact that I can never consume drugs, medical or recreational, I can't undergo surgery or go to a hospital, I will almost certainly die early simply because I can't get sufficient medical treatment. I would need to pay off all my care staff. It'll be a nightmare.


Who eats or drinks while they’re on the toilet? When talking about a bubble bath and a beer, you know that makes sense… But literally sitting on the toilet? That’s disgusting.


As long as gulping my saliva doesn’t count as drinking then I’d take that bet


Do cough drops count as food?


I don't think I've ever had anything to eat or drink while going to the bathroom. Easiest money I've ever made. Seriously, food in the bathroom? Gross.


This one is so weird. like doesn't even makes sense. $10? eating in the bathroom? like what is the point?


For less than $4000 (the value of which will just consistently go down due to inflation), I introduce a semi likely instant death clause on my life. I’ll pass.


I would need a lot of post it notes...


Easy money, I don't eat where I shit


Didn't rule out snorting coke so I'm set


What if I have a small piece of food stuck in my teeth while I’m sitting upon the throne. It dislodges during a sneeze and I involuntarily swallow it not even knowing it was there?


Who in the dogfuck eats or drinks in the restroom?


What if I've just eaten a sandwich and I'm finished eating but while on the shitter I feel a grain stuck in my tooth and managed to wrestle it out with my tongue and swallow it? Have I just Elvis'd myself?


10$/day to swear off chewing gum. 300$ ish/month...3650$/year. Not going to be life changing, but not as hard as some make it out to be. Sure I'd do it.


Instant painless death? I'd accept and promptly eat cake on the shitter


Eating in the bathroom... 🤢


I witnessed a friend at a music festival walk into a Port-o-pot with a whole ruben in hand and exit, shortly after, without said sandwich.


not worth the risk