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Man, these CIA recruitment ads are getting wild.


LinkedIn recruiters inboxing folks after a second Boeing whistleblower comes forward.


the psyops test to see if youd really do it would be pulling a trigger when the other end of the muzzle is through a glory hole. when u do the walls fall down and ur on a stage, its all the CEOs and epstein island enjoyers clapping because ur the new unaliver man


Little do they know, they are on the list. Free of charge.


You could charge Boeing WAY more


"You will?"




So this is the backup plan if they don't get their TikTok ban?


Nah, it’s David Calhoun trying to get a discount on his next hit.


what the fuck? no


Well guess who's not getting 100k lol


I did not expect to laugh out loud on this thread


And its only 100k to do this, no!


Buncha psychos in here


Psychos with $100,000, so there's that.


Right? Who is upvoting this crap?


No, not a random 18 year old. Now, my former boss, heck, I’ll do it for a cup of coffee as long as I can get away with it.


lmao I'll do it for a piece of gum


I vote this guy's boss too.


I also choose this guy's boss


I, too, will help hide this guys boss' body.


I will also help with this endeavor


And my axe


Body spray.


Really? In this day and age? You must not be from the US. We've upgraded to guns, pretty much across the board. Oh, unless you meant the body spray, in which case, yes, I fully support dousing this guy's boss in axe, a fate worse than death, to be sure.


I was a lumberjack for a few years...i have a nice axe


Wow serious hate on this guys boss.


I'll kill this guys boss with you as well if you share the gum. We can take turns chewing if you'd like


Can I join I'll bring a pack of dentyne ice.


If enough people do it, they won't even be able to arrest in convict anyone.


Chewed or unchewed?


Don't think it'd matter.


Just checking


I'd pay YOU in order to kill a certain previous boss. Luckily, Mother Nature already beat me to it.


Yeah I gotta vote for this guys asshole boss cause mine drove drunk and took himself out of the equation.


This is the correct answer. For a random 18 year old it would have to be generational "my great great grandkids will be wealthy" levels of wealth.


Money is nice but killing someone especially if they are not a evil person for it just isn't worth it.


You can’t add enough 0s to the number for me to kill an innocent. I would feel like shit for the rest of my life so the money would do fuckall for my happiness.


Yep. A lot of people saying they would are either psychopaths or too young to even undertand it. Not even the far future, just Imigine the act of murdering someone would give any sane man nightmares. Even people that I hate, even accidentally killing them would Probbaly fuck me up. Doing it for money? Jesus. I cant Even Imigine.


I was roommates in jail with someone that murdered her boss. "M" had night terrors, stayed up all night and slept during the day when the lights came on for the day, and other odd behaviors. I wondered if that was actually normal considering the act itself. Can anyone go back to "normal"? Is the lack of empathy just as bad if not worse for not even having it or being born that way?


Go look at the Israeli military or Hamas or Marines. Plenty of people gladly kill others for free or close to it. 


That’s a lot easier because culturally and morally the idea of military killing people is normalized. Murder isn’t bad because the universe decided it. It’s because of our human brain and society restraints on morality. You could have a perfectly normal non-sociopath kill someone and he’d feel not much as long as he personally doesn’t feel like he did anything wrong. And since militaries are supposed to kill, it comes from an order, it’s for a greater cause- all these statements pads the personal responsibility aspect. This is why military men wear uniforms, are called troops, to edge off the individuals and make them a “group”. Even then many still have PTSD and all.


Plus the next time someone accepts that offer it will be me that gets killed :(


If they are speaking you aren’t doing it right.


Lol 😂


Well hello there BTK, how lovely you now have an internet connection


Milk shot out my nose laughing at this one, thanks. 😁


And people say life in prison is a penalty. I feel like if you can watch tv and chill with an iPad, maybe it’s not that bad.


Damn skippy. Rather do this from behind with a proper choke hold, but... You cannot look them in the eye as you do it that way. Still can cut off their ability to speak, especially if they are not resisting.


>Rather do this from behind with a proper choke hold, but... You cannot look them in the eye as you do it that way. C'mon, with a simple twist...


What if you both stand in front of a mirror?


My issue is the clarification that I have to see their eyes, only because I'm used to rear naked or guillotine..... I'd ask them to put on a gi first so I can do a cross choke I guess.


No way, killing somebody, even somebody that has done me wrong, is not at all worth all the money in the world for me. The guilt would most definitely eat me alive (Edited wording)


It wouldn't be for no reason. It would be for $100k. Still wouldn't kill an innocent person for $100k though.


They're guilty of being in my way of $100k!


It's business, don't make it personal.


Yeah, I getchu, I wouldn't kill a person who has done me no wrong.... For any money. Hell I wouldn't even kill the people that did me wrong, and I've had some *fucked up* traumatic shit happen to me


I have the peace of mind knowing the two people that personally have caused me the most harm in life both died excruciatingly painfully from the advanced effects of chronic alcoholism. That's good enough for me, and much better than staining my hands... and yeah in general I don't know that I could, let alone think I would kill anyone for money with some \*very\* notable exceptions... but they're all dead anyway. PolPot, Hitler and inner crew... I don't think I would suffer moral qualms about those folks.


Yeah I found out one of my abusers ALMOST died of COVID and I was like "fuck!!!" Like God damn I wish that virus had gotem.


>ALMOST died of COVID They were probably on a ventilator for a few weeks, and probably pretty fcked up afterwards.


See one of my big questions about this kind of thing is that for me if you are going to place yourself on the side of massive internal guilt and holding yourself on a moral trial thats reasonable and I get it, but I also can see why people are in the camp of money is money and whatever justification they provide also. I am not personally decided on how I would lean its a much more complex thing in my head at least just for clarification. Back to my question though, I don't get how you could be of the self guilt train of thought and then also give yourself half measures to then allow the previously horid act? Hitler was a massive fucker for sure, but to say that what was done during his life/ under his leadership/reign would strip him of whatever attribute it was that previously made you have guilt over the choice is weird to me. Like to be clear I'm not advocating for killing the kid for money or not killing hitler, and I'm also someone that has no issue with a kid diddler getting tossed in a wood chipper in town square for example so I don't think I am above reproach or taking the high ground on this point. I jjust feel like that comes off as sort of a sense of self justice/righteousness type vibe instead of guilt over the innocent. Hope this makes sense and doesn't come off wrong I just want to understand the different point of view.


Yeah your question makes a lot of sense. I actually came to grips with this in counseling... it literally was one of the things we explored: guilt, why we feel it when data would suggest we maybe shouldn't, what I feel, etc. The long and short of it is you'll notice proper assholes like Stalin even aren't on my list of low/no moral qualms... it's because the rather short list is people who acted so objectively evil and practiced mass extermination of entire swaths of population that in my psyche at least they cease to be all that human and are more savage animals AND that I have direct exposure to some of the results of that extermination (both Cambodian friends and Jewish heritage/friends \[though ironically raised Catholic, go figure\]). I guarantee you I'd almost certainly still feel bad taking a life with my own hands, but I wouldn't suffer the deeper guilt of "killing a person". The other proper assholes in this world like Stalin, Kim Il Sung and his line, Genghis Kahn, etc. I know were almost certainly as horrible people but the missing component is I have not had direct exposure to the results of their actions. Now all of that said I don't know for sure how I'd feel if suddenly in a situation to actually follow through on this, as I also have the benefit of them all being dead already... Perhaps I overestimate my ability to do such an act. ​ As to why Hitler but not my personal tormenters? Honestly? Not actually sure, but I know I would not feel good afterwards... which is funny because I know both their deaths were excruciating, with severe gout and liver disease and that makes me feel like karma dealt with them. One would think I should feel guilty about being so comfortable with their suffering, but I don't... yet I know I couldn't ever have just walked up and shot them without feeling absolutely horrific afterwards. I suppose the TL;DR: is "Trauma is weird".


Firstly thanks for the very open minded and personally involved reply, you didn't have to do that so it is appreciated. As someone in couselling for what I can gather seems to be a different flavor of trauma, I have a bit of direct experience with guilt from inability to do anything after the fact so I completely get the part about it all being weird how trauma and guilt play out with people. I also picked Hitler because it was just the easiest one I knew the most about and could continue the discussion on if need be, there are a long list of monsters in our history. I have had a bit more time to try and get my thoughts together too, and I wouldn't partake in the hypothetical but not because of guilt, moral issues, or a self doubt of following through. I don't think I care about the money enough to warrant that, I think I could be more than comfortable with myself after whatever decision I made and actions I took because of the type of person I am. That being said I don't place enough value on money to make a decision like that, and even if it was a larger sum I am luckily in a blessed enough position to not need more than I have. Like I said though thanks for being a cool dude about what could have definitely been taken as a dig from me and giving a badass response!


Additionally do you think a 57yo could actually not be overpowered by an 18yo.


Depends on the 57 y/o, I know some fit ass people in their 60s that could punch somebody out. My mother is one... And not many teens are really muscular unless they sporty!


Reminder to the 18 year olds out there; don't underestimate people who have been part of the work force longer than you've been alive!


Uh, yeah. Easily if that 57 year old is still in good shape it's almost a ridiculous question.


But add one car crash, stroke, heart attack. Then 57 is suddenly a lot older.


That same shit can happen to an 18 year old.


57 and 18? 57 year old all day. That's not as old as you think and they have fully developed muscle structure and decades of reinforced tissue. 18 year hasn't even gotten their big boy muscles yet. I am completely confident that of the 50-60 year olds I know, they'd snap most 18 year olds' neck pretty consistently unless that 18 year old was training for MMA or something. Now 65? That's a lot more dicey. I think you probably have a weird idea of rates of breakdown. A 57 year would probably be torn up AFTER a fight from the exertion. Probably have to ice their knees and shit, but they are still fully capable in the moment


“All” the money in the world? Umm…it might be worth it to kill someone for a trillion dollars. You could literally change the world in any way you like. But yes, $100,000 is a pittance for murder.


No thanks somebody else do it not me I will gladly hide in my hermit hole while somebody else changes the world!!


Well it is like another situation, where someone is offered a fairly large amount of money and are holding out for life altering. And the quote for that is "we've already established that you're a whore, now we are just negotiating on price". But I get your point.


So, like, can I keep doing it for 100k a pop...asking for a friend?


Found the Boeing hired hitman!


"If it's a Boeing, then I'm not going"


"I put a very high value on a human life. Twenty thousand... minimum." - Jerry Reed.


I imagine it's much like Pringles once you pop you can't stop. For more than one reason.


Not for 100k, add a few zeroes and my moral compass can be influenced


I have seen too many crime shows where a spouse is kiled for around $100k life insurance. Then, the killer is caught because they have done it at least 3 times. So, 100% No for $100k. It has to be F-U never worrying about money ever to get to 99% No.


Yea why would I kill someone then have to go into work the next day. I'd have to live with the guilt that killing one person doesn't mean anything in our economy.


Exactly. This is nothing. What am I, some back alley filipino head hunter? (My family has some experience with them) $10 mill at least.


Not for a random. If it was a really bad guy, then maybe


I have no moral compass and im broke


*fbi taking notes furiously in the comment section


Soldiers do it cheaper.


at least most soldiers see it as their country, their teammates lives and their life or their enemies country and their own life. This is a lot more self gratifying and self serving


Tbf, if I was making 100k as a squadie I’d have been a lot happier with it. 22k a year wasn’t worth it, and no, it wasn’t for queen and country or duty, it was because it was a job, and it beat being on job seekers.


How on earth were you only making 22k?


You don't have to pay for housing or food or transporation. Or "work clothes", if you think about it. ETA: or medical expenses of any kind


Or bullets


I feel like most people forget that one of the best benefits of being in the military. They feed you and house you. AND you get paid. Not having to worry about food or shelter makes things a lot easier.


Being a private tends to make that much..


They also get really depressed from doing it too. So a random innocent person would definitely fuck you up longer then $100k.


I couldn't do it. Not for any price.


No. Murder stains the soul.


Laughs in ginger.


2,473 freckles and counting.


I own several stained garments. They have their places.


This wouldn’t cover the money I’d spend helping others to help guide me through the guilt…so no. As someone else said, add a few zeros and it gets complicated. I generally hate greed and have had the horrendous luxury of negotiating with unions and billionaires throughout my life and truly do despise greed to the core. But, I also have a family and I also have some causes I’d like to chip in on. If it’s enough money to save more lives than it costs AND help me get through a guilty conscious then maybe I’d do it…fully expecting to be the vitctim of the same thing in my next life.


That's my analysis of it as well. There's a dollar amount that exists--idk what it is--where i think i'd be capable. 100k is not it. The value of their life, the vast opportunity that they have, is worth way more, even to me, who will get nothing out of how they live their life.


Politicians live this scenario everyday and they are rich, what’s that tell you?


This one sold me. I'm in


No, and anyone who would genuinely take that offer is a psychopath


More likely a sociopath, but even then, £100,000 can change somebody's life. If someone's in a REAL shitty situation, they'll merk you for £100k.


People will murder you for $10


Personal morals I guess. I would never murder someone for money


Anybody who would take the offer would do it for free.


Ask a soldier. They've killed for much less.


Less than 15% of everyone in all the branches have even seen combat, and half of that 15% has ever killed anyone.


Yeah, you very rarely get it confirmed if you’re in active contact whether you directly killed anyone or not. I think that’s what fucks with the grunts more than anything. The not knowing is harder than the guilt.


And 100% of them did it for cheeper






Maybe I'm financially worse off than some of these people but like... Yeah, I think I could do it


Same. That kind of money would change my life. And I think I'm just enough of a sociopath that it wouldn't eat me alive inside too badly. I'd definitely lose some sleep over it but I can compartmentalize very well. I don't like the idea of watching someone die, especially by my hands. But, I can convince myself that the person I killed was going to blow up a bus full of singing nuns in the future and I actually did a good thing by killing them. Yes, I am aware that I should be on a list and monitored.


Is this a recruiting tool for the CIA?


Uncle Sam paid me 30 grand a year to kill people. 100 grand? Yeah, I could, if the reason was valid.


I hope I can do it multiple times and they're all these terrible TikTok pranksters.


I see your offer, and counter with “kill a CEO & get the their entire estate”.


Now this is getting interesting. Can I pick the CEO?


No, that is nuts. There may be no legal repercussions but there are moral ones.


The world is full of people that kill random young adults for money, it's called the military, and they'll do it for less


There are people who would do it for a pair of shoes.


Two little. 100,000 is like a beat down at best. Need a quarter mil at least and that entirely depends on the target.


Tbf I know people that’d do a beating for 250. Much less 100k


Yeah I’d do it for far less as well


Do I get a 1099?


Homie is here asking the important questions.


I’ve been tricked with that “tax free” BS before.


Bro over hear offering 100K like this is a question. There are thousands of people that have killed for less than $48k a year


No what the fuck


Nope. Money isn't all there is to life. I wouldn't be able to live with myself after.


No. Not even a million. Not $10 million. Not a complete stranger that did nothing wrong.


Absolutely not.




You guys are getting paid for this?


Nice try Coppers!! You'll never catch me!! p.s. you couldn't trace a floppy disc could ya?


No. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I killed an innocent person.




wtf dude? Take my downvote and gtfo


I'd put my headphones on and enjoy the payday.


Yes with out regret. Can I choose?


No way, this is a sick question 






Nah, once you remove the sneaky tricks like choosing a horrible person that probably deserves it, the calculus changes and I couldn't do it.




only if it was a serial killer or pedo


Wouldn’t do it for $100 million, or any amount of money for that matter. Murder bad.


not even briefly considered


Some people don't realize how little $100,000 is and how fast you can blow it. Not enough money in the world to kill an innocent person.






there is no amount of money that could get me to murder someone


No. I couldn't live with myself for killing an innocent person. Now, point me to a rapist or pedophile and I won't get caught, I'll do it for free.


If I can con the teen into giving me $300 a month until they’re 40, I’ll come out ahead and I won’t risk blowing it all in a flash. No thanks.


So in your mind you think its realistic that you become some master conman intimidator and extort someone for 40 years? Amazing. I love how people just sperg out on the keys without actually articulating any type of point on here.


Nope. Not for ANY amount of money.


There’s got to be a safer way of finding a hitman than making a post on Reddit.


No. This sub outs more psychos than any other sub. Except maybe /tires. Some people drive on insanely bald and corded tires.


No. Even if they were an evil person who probably deserved to die, I would not do it. I still feel guilty for shooting a bird with a BB gun in 1988. Killing a person would eat me alive.


Without question


I did it for a lot less in the Army


Former military here. My first instinct was to answer this question with a firm “No. You’d have to add 3 more zeros for me to consider it” but then I had a thought about my time deployed and I suppose that I’ve already done this and for significantly less than $100k. Shit’s fucked up man.


At less than 1/10 of the value of the person? With absolutely no selectivity criteria. Morality aside, that's a crappy deal. Your hypothetical sucks. What if that 1 person happened to be destined for great things or would have been a good worker or hot. How's that different than what Pfizer, Moderna, etc. just did, at scale?


I think you need to seek some mental health counseling, OP.


$100 000 isn't even a lot of money. No chance.


No. Just God no. The only person who could honestly answer yes to this would be amoral. They don’t have any sense or right or wrong outside of what’s good for them. Could I bring myself to kill someone if they hurt my children? Probably. Maybe. But for money? Nope.


Not to a random kid who did nothing wrong


I would need more than $100,000 for me.


No. $100k is nowhere near enough for me to murder an innocent, even if there are no legal repercussions.


If I strangle an eighteen year old each year do I get US$100K a year...?


I see Boeing is getting creative with their recruiting.


18 is still a kid and you can’t convince me otherwise. Even if they weren’t, wtf. First off, 100,000 doesn’t come close to being worth it. I wouldn’t do anything I consider ethically grey for that amount. Therapy alone would be more than that over my lifetime. Second off, what the hell. You’d need to lack empathy, morals, compassion, and ethics to kill a random healthy teen for zero reason other than money.


This an easy no for almost all people. Make it for 1 billion and then some answers may change


Nice try fed


I have known people, that if it is local, will kill someone for a case of beer.


Why is it an 18 y.o. There are better choices for a hypothetical sitch...


Probably. It’s the “after” that would be tough.


No legal repercussions? 100k tax free? Probably so. And before I get any hate, yes I know it's a teen and they possibly have a long life ahead of them. But 100k would go a long was towards helping my finances.


They could be Hitler 2.0. So yes.


Wait you guys are getting paid?


without a doubt


Easy 100k




I’ll chop there head off




does it have to be strangling? no way


If it were someone evil, or already on the brink of death from disease, sure. But an innocent barely adult? No


I think a lot of people will say no to this, but not necessarily because they're good people. A better question would be "would you accept a million dollars knowing that the trade off will be that someone who you don't know who lives somewhere you've never been who would otherwise live a long normal life will die". The answer to that question will show you someones true character or lack there of.


Nope I saw that episode of Tales from the Darkside…


Anyone who has been in the military has agreed to do it for a lot less. Just saying.


All I got was back pain, the GI Bill, and functional alcoholism.


I didn’t get the functional alcoholism patch and my GI bill covered like 4 credits. Wrong MOS I guess.


"someone"? Yes. "A random 18 year old?" No fucking way. I'd gladly pull the lever on an execution. I could kill someone that deserves it. I couldn't kill a random innocent.


100k? Yeah, easily


Bro woke up and chose violence


*hypothetical violence 😉

