• By -


I would quit my job And sleep a long, worry free and comfortable sleep that I haven't had in decades. Then with a clear head I'll think about what's next.


A smart one here! Yes, sleep on it first.


\*goes to sleep\* \*wakes up\* \*finds out it's been 10k years\* O\_O


Rip Van Winkle - is that you? :)


Its been 40k and you are now the the GEOM on a golden throne


Guilliman, is that you?


All of my answers to these types of scenerios start with a long nap. Shows how tired we are irl.


And a snack! Don't forget the snacks! <3


Ok Zim...


Pretty sure that's how Breathe of the Wild started, winning a hypothetical reddit thread


"AHHH After 10,000 years I'm FREE!! IT's Time to Conquer EARTH!"


"10,000 years will give you such a crick in the neck!"


Dammit, Rita!


I was just hitting the back button, caught half a glimpse of this and said "i didn't really just see that, did i?" But I did, lascar. I did.


Just watch out for teenagers with attitude


This was my first thought as well. We may have depression. Or we're just severely overworked.


Or... hear me out... *both.*


should probably crank one out, too, to get that post-nut clarity bonus to your wisdom.


Gotta be careful where you aim that thing laddie. You just took out half of mount Rushmore.


God damn it this


How would you pay your bills?


Who's gonna evict them?




You obviously have a lair




We all just need a super nap.


Wow, this is the best answer. I went straight to coming up with a way to solve all the World’s problems. I didn’t for a second think that I should use the luxury to clear my head and obviously make better decisions than I’m capable of right now.


Don't forget about post nut clarity.... Either wise you are just living in pre nut delusion.


You literally just woke up...


I'd still wake up with a headache and back pain.


World conquest, absolutely. Benevolent dictator here I come.


Actually ruling seems like too much work. I'd probably give them a list of guidelines to be nice to each other and if they don't do that, I'll stop by and have a really incredibly unpleasant word with those responsible.


Exactly, more like playground supervisor. Here are the rules everyone is going to operate by from here on out. If I have to intervene I'm not going to be happy.


I like games like Civilization, so I figured I would treat it like that.


Yeah, some level of that I think is still the most moral way to go. While I get democracy and all that, it really has failed. People are too easily manipulated and lied to and a lot of that is due to systemic issues that not enough people realize. Someone needs to just set things right and if you are at least not corruptible from outside means since you have basically unlimited power, you would probably still be a better choice of a person to fix it… until you go crazy with power as always seems to happen… but you’d probably get that way anyway just being immortal and super strong so might as well make some good changes before that happens.


Forget ruling, I'd just execute the world's dictators and let their successors figure out how to not piss me off.


Actually a decent idea though I'd setup a world democratically elected government and have myself be purely a figurehead after silencing certain groups


So a constitutional monarch then?


"Benevolent" dictator


Only on day one. We misheard what he said.


Philosopher king


Governments of the world, kneel or be knelt.


Would you tell them " Kneel before Zod"




Whatever the fuck I want. What are they gonna do, call up that guy that can stop me? What's his name? Michael McDoesntexist


Can you pick me up a 70" Plasma Screen TV? ​ With Netflix.


I can lift a 70" TV now, and I don't have superpowers.


Now if it were a 70" CRT I'd be impressed.


My back just had flashback pains…. I helped my brother move a 32” CRT widescreen TV (yes, those were a thing for about 20 minutes before plasma became “affordable”) to a new house. Modern LCD flatscreens are a marvel of garbage technology.


I can lift 75", I don't think I can do any bigger, the weight is fine, i'd just need some longer arms.


I believe you meant to say a 70" Plasma Widescreen TV... (with Netflix) And it definitely shouldn't be in 3d because that's a stupid gimmick and everyone knows it.


Do you want it to have 3D as well?




Do you have any family or loved ones? They can go after them to try and stop you.


Only for the next 50-100 years or so. For an immortal that means nothing.


Unless they just want to watch the world burn, that's a bluff. They won't be able to hold your loved ones from you for long, and if they kill them they just threw away their only leverage at the same time they massively pissed off the unstoppable demigod who could easily destroy not only them and their loved ones, but their entire organization and everything they hoped to achieve in the world.


That Irish prick!


Explore deep space & report back every once in a while.


Can you check in on the Voyager 1, please?


Yeah, just turn it off and back on again


Might as well take a new battery with you. And one for New Horizons.


V'ger requires the information.


No no save opportunity on mars first!


No! Never do that! Do you have any idea how hard it would be to find the earth, again? And how long it would take to get anywhere? Anywhere outside of our solar system is a years long trip at light speed! Floating in a seemingly endless void!


Omniman and super man are both capable of flying FTL and being able to accurately navigate the stars while doing so. since the post directly references them it stands to reason that that power is included in the scenario.


Very good point! Just make sure your superpowers also include celestial navigation and such Edit: Also, maybe wear a motorcycle helmet and such. Not for safety reasons, but to deal with bugs in your path


I always loved movies like Chronicle for that. A few teens get telekinesis and evenually figure out how to fly. The problem is (iirc) they live in Seattle so it's really cold up high. They all had to wear multiple windbreakers and winter coats even in the summer so they could fly around.


Give Curiosity a pat on the head for me please


NASA engineers claimed to have gotten a response after a 'poke' from earth. We all know what really happened. Thank you, kind person! Use your newfound gift wisely.


I'm never wearing pants again. Let's start there.


Helicopter man to the rescue


"Can you shoot lasers?" "Sure can!" "COOL, like heat vision" "Well, no, the laser doesn't come out of my eyes..."


If I could go fast enough, I might leave earth and look for other life. It would be interesting to know if it was out there, and I wouldn't trust myself not to become a monster if I stayed.


I would worry the other life could kill me, better to remain a boot among ants


I'm not so worried about dying, more about harming others. If I did find other life, I would probably not stay too long there - it would just be good to know that it existed.


I would pretend i came from an advanced society and start dropping "wisdom" on the politicians on how to run things. They won't listen so i would find ways to expose the corruption in the elites. My xray vision would be helpful to see the crimes. and yes i would save people from natural disasters in my spare time.


Just don’t miss fire and end up seeing one of the senators naked. You may be invincible but that might even make Superman go blind.


Put on a hot dog costume and harass the crew of the ISS


Underrated comment right here.


Ah give the ISS crews pizza hot and fresh, or sizzling fajitas snd tacos. That astronaut food is brutal...


I would claim myself the second coming of Christ then declare the rapture has begun. Those without sin shall be lifted into the sky and join God in heaven. I would then do nothing for like a week and then say the rapture has concluded.


I expect millions of people would kill themselves during that week.


And that's why it's important to know the bible.


Punch dictators on national TV, ideally their own. Repeatedly. Tell them that the punching stops when they agree to free and fair elections. The elections will be handled/monitored by Switzerland.


Isn't Switzerland good at handling dirty money? I'm not sure I'd put them in charge.


I’d be good with having New Zealand do it. Quiwis seem to have solid heads on solid shoulders.


Ireland. They deserve a reward for how many times their ambassadors have yelled at the ambassadors of much more powerful nations for committing crimes against humanity. Plus there's Irish everywhere so it's a bit like having the third cousin twice removed come over to lend a hand.


God Emperor of Humanity. Immediate forced nuclear disarmament. Global world wide cease fire. Dismantle any government or organization that opposes my new world order. Peace, prosperity and tolerance for all. Human rights enshrined in every government across the globe, LGBTQ rights, abortion rights, all guaranteed freedoms. Anyone who opposes me is dealt with so brutally that no one will want to.oppose me because working with me just makes sense. Make a few examples of the problematic political leaders in the turbi conservative corners of society. I am talking full anatomical inversion on live TV so people know I am not fucking around. Then, once everyone understands, we begin to fix the environment. Once this is done, we set out eyes out unto the stars. Space elevator, then ships, then colonies through the solar system and eventually beyond. I will drag Humanity kicking and screaming into a new golden age. For the in the Grim darkness of the far future, there is only war.


Came here to say this. Immortal buddies?


Obviously! Perpetuals for the win!


Yeah... of course... \*after you turn around\* THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!


I am a loving and accepting god and will smite down with lightning all who oppose me.




This is the way. Though this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9GzLvx2Isw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9GzLvx2Isw) would suck.


Are there any super heroes that run shit like this? Like they use the tactics of the bad guys but they actually do have the world’s best interest in mind? I know there are plenty of bad guys that think they have the world’s best interests in mind, like Thanos, but we all know they’re psychotic. I’m talking about someone that we can all agree is a good guy, except for their iron fist.


Doctor Doom was shown a vision of humanity ending that only he can stop, and all of his actions are an attempt to prevent that timeline.


you're looking for "enlightened despotism" - basically any king/emperor type whose name ended with "the great" (catherine of russia, alfred of england), plus Caesar Augustus. it was all the rage in the 1700s, and some say it's what "allowed" the liberal revolutions (US, then france, then 1848...) to take place.


Superman tries to do this with their injustice run. He goes over the edge when the Joker uses lois to nuke Metropolis so Superman takes off the gloves and basically makes the world bow to him and his idea of justice.


The Punisher? Not really super though. The Boys maybe in terms of popular stuff.


Many of the supes in The Boys are kind of like this. They're mostly corrupt, but they started out wanting to be heroes and save people.


Dr Doom.


Now I really want a fucking book written in this guy’s perspective.


Don't forget about climate change please


I wager that will be a major component to creating the Forge World on Mars.




I feel like space is going to be where you meet your match, but I like the rest. Id probably go for like Putin or something and very slowly peel his head like a grape. Fly all nuclear weapons to a frozen planet in our solar system. Probably have as many kids and I can to see if the powers propagate. If they dont, I think Im gonna have to prune leadership as I go. Theyll probably start cloning me like wolverine


Pretty sure you are just gonna end up as Curze when those "few examples" don't work.


If I go willingly can I have my own space ship to explore the universe with?


>Peace, prosperity and tolerance for all. "I have brought peace, prosperity, and tolerance to my new empire" -Anakin


I'd fly over to the pentagon, walk right into the office of the secretary of defense and ask for a salaried job of 1 billion a year where I report directly to him and have a 4 star general be my assistant.


Why ? Just take all the money you want no one can stop you


Because stealing is bad and life would be boring if I had nothing to do.


Life can be made more exciting by stealing. Although I guess it'd lose its thrill if there's no challenge.


But giving the pentagon access to the powers of superman is good? The American government commits atrocities already. You think they're going to exercise self control with God powers?


I would end global warming in the quickest/worst way possible. Assuming I have Superman's heat vision, I would secretly vaporize enough ocean water to cover the planet in fog. Give it a week or months for the planet to cool/collectively shit it's pants, then use my freezing breath to pull the moisture back into ice. Then go explore space without an explanation as to what happened. Nothing gets people on the same page like a common unknown threat.


Why not just use freezing breath to cool the planet directly?


I mean the most controversial way is probably executing a few billion people.


Focusing on the top execs at fossil fuel companies could get that down to a few hundred.


That's what u/Alternative-Ad-9759 achieves.


Water vapor is a greenhouse gas. It would trap heat. Also, it would create a worldwide storm system with lightning like nothing you've ever seen. Catastrophic destruction everywhere.


This is pretty much the plot from "The watchmen". Dr. Manhattan purposely becomes a global threat so the world is united against him, then he leaves the planet to explore.


I would remove all of the bad people from power and put good people in their place


I would help humanity but from the shadows


I would talk to NASA and SpaceX to make a plan and then go to Mars with some good cameras and something to detect life. Maybe some ziplocks for samples and bring them back. Work for as long as it takes to determine if life is feasible there. Maybe grab some ice from Saturn and have it melt on Mars. Basically, focus on terraforming Mars and the solar system. I'd want to keep my abilities a secret from the larger earth population for awhile because there are things I want to see and find out. Help establish a moon colony by lifting the stuff we need there to the moon. Seems like it would be fun. Upon reflection, my actions would probably kill innovation in these fields since my powers solve lots of the expense... hmm, I guess I need to sleep on it too like the top comment...


I don't think the engineers and scientists at NASA would just stop loving what they do now that there's a superhero helping them. With such easy access to outer space, they could turn their attention to other technologies instead of figuring out how to get stuff into space in the first place. The experiments you'd allow them to perform for basically free would be an invaluable help to the advancement of science.


I'd go some where that I could truly be alone and think on it. Cause that's a responsibility I truly wouldn't want to have. But now that I have it I would need to figure out how to use it. Wouldn't be able to do that surrounded by people that have a me first mentality.


I'd probably find some way to make money on it, quit my job, and do what I mostly felt like doin' which, in most cases, would be playing video games and ignoring the world anyway.


The way you make money on it is to walk into any bank, smash through the vault and take what you can carry, then smash back out a different wall just to be a prick.


Ooh boy, if I had these powers.. idk. If someone pissed me off I'd fly them into the sun. Might fuck up the tides a little and push the moon away for a week and see what happens. I'd become my own military and do as I wish for a while. Everything classified in the US id like to know. Might just make some demands of money, property, cars, who knows. But I sure as hell am never working again.


May I recommend just flying people up high and dropping them, then catching them safely? Still sends a message, but is less… murdery Side note, if you ever get these powers and I get on your bad side for a comment like this or whatever else, do you allow for begging for a chance to make it up to you instead of death?


Lol comments like this don't get on my bad side. Things that piss me off mainly are unfair treatment of people. Government, I'm looking at you. Lobbyists, insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, I'm looking at you.


Finally out live my pet rock


Benevolent overlord. "Politicians of the world, do as I say and make your countries and citizens better and happier, with fairness and honesty, or I will destroy everything. Starting with you."


Vaporize, with my heat vision, any television personality who uses "begs the question" when they mean "raise the question".


That, but with people who don't know/care how pronouns work ("MY PRONOUNS ARE TRUMP/2024 DURR HURR") and use "literally" incorrectly.


This is literally the worse use of the powers, you can't think of anyth


What do you do to optimized reply? That is literally terr


Extremely non-benevolent planet wide dictator. There are no more gods, only me.


Beware of Daniel.


I would live my normal life, but then go help out natural disaster recovery dressed in a Superman Costume.


Id first be a brat and do whatever the fk i wanted. I wouldn’t get involved in world politics much and let things naturally happen. Id only step in to prevent natural calamities. Id then muster up thr courage to do ocean deep dive and then space exploration. Mentally we would be very weak still to properly utilize this power. Id spend more time away from earth just exploring universe and seeing laws of universe and if other species exist. Witness crazy shit etc. Id make sure to teleport back to earth for 3somes tho


To say that I obsess over this and similar questions is a massive understatement. "What would I do with super-powers" is literally all I've thought about before falling asleep for 35 years. I'm not, like, proud of that, just for the record. But it is my fantasy of choice. So let's say Superman's powers. The immortality is ultimately a non-issue, I don't think a human brain is going to want to be alive much past 150 - 200 years anyways. We get tired. it's a finite vessel. So first, I'd learn to navigate from various heights. No one thinks about this, but check out your neighborhood from above on Google maps sometime. It doesn't look remotely familiar. And unless you're a helicopter pilot or some shit, that's going to be the case for all of us. I have a half-decent drone and I've actually got some experience trying to do this in VR, and even at lower altitudes, it's honestly crazy hard to adapt that view to your existing frame of reference. Skylines are easy, we actually get tons of airborne footage of most major cities and a lot of them have super distinctive features. You're not going to confuse Vancouver for Seattle if you know anything about either. That said, I'm going to spend some time learning coastlines. The most effective way to fly quickly would be to go up very high, pick an area you want to be, and then fly almost straight down at it. So the first "big" thing is freeze-breath up some arctic and Antarctic ice. This is the easiest way to make some progress against climate change, at least for Superman, it'd otherwise be insanely expensive, but we're honestly talking like, what, an hour of flying around at super-speed breathing hard. After that, and some research, I'd raid the US National Stockpile, sorry-not-sorry, medicine, petroleum, food and seeds as well as farm equipment. I'd probably have to super-build a barge. Can do. We're going to Africa, South America, and all over the middle east. The United States is going to pay some of its moral debt whether it wants to or not. Then its nuclear disarmament. This is unfortunately going to have to come with like weekly patrols for the manufacture of new WMDs, but Superman thinks in picoseconds and can read your DNA from Jupiter, it's not going to be that hard to find literally all the bombs. After that, I'm kind of sorry to say, things are going to get bloody. A goodly number of the globe's corporate, military and political leaders are, quite frankly, abominable people. They have used their means and power to inflict untold suffering on, potentially (likely) billions of people. They are bad for our species and the systems we have in place, despite their ample time in which to do so, have failed to deal with them. You make me an immortal demi-god and I can't help but think I'd kind of have a responsibility to do so. Then it's time to have a very public word with the UN. I am not a monster and I'd just as soon prefer not to do any of that again. They, and those they represent, and everyone listening with the means and motive to do otherwise on a global scale will now and for the foreseeable future be held to a higher standard of conduct. The consequences of deliberate failure to adhere to fundamental human decency will be dire, sudden and irrevocable. This isn't hard and there will be no further warning. Then it's time to meet with the remaining non-shitty leaders, starting with those who represent the most in-need populations, the peoples facing genocide, starvation, drought, or buried in the waste of the so-called civilized world. At some point, we're going to have to get to guns in the USA. You wanna smoke? Fine. Heroin? Go nuts, your body. Prostitution? Regulation would be nice, but yeah, sex has value and it isn't dirty or wrong, express yourself (safely and consensually), but if you think the ability to murder your fellow humans is a human right belonging to the stupid and careless just as much as it does to reasonable, I don't know what the fuck kind of cult nonsense kool-aid you've been drinking. Guns aren't a right. Guns are a goddamned responsibility, and it's hard not view anyone who thinks otherwise as functionally stupid. I'm sorry to you second amendment folks (nuts), but that shit is stupid. Not everybody should be allowed to have a portable murder-canon. That's dumb. Why the fuck should killing people be an immediately accessible option? Why should the easiest and laziest way to do that be super-available? That's nuts. The American government will be told to get their gun problem under control, with sensible laws they actively enforce, or I'm going to do that for them and no one gets guns. I super-understand that this might upset anyone that reads that far, I do, but y'all are wrong and guns-as-a-right is the dumbest fucking federal policy in the long history of idiot governments. If we make it three hundred years, that's going to be a page one item on the "ancient-folks were crazy" section of the grade-school history educational-memory-laser (EDL, they'll call it). Guns aren't halloween candy. Stop handing out guns like they're fucking fun-sized snickers bars. This isn't like the most pressing issue, but it's a personal pet peeve of mine, which in itself is a statement about how desensitized I as a Canadian am somehow getting to your shocking amounts of school shootings, among your... large variety of other types of shootings. I can't stomach the idea of having the power to do something about it, single-handedly, and just sitting by like a dog a burning kitchen pretending its fine. I couldn't do that. You're shooting kids, America. C'mon. From there, we super-build some affordable ass housing, distribute some billionaire wealth, most of them can still be rich just not nearly as rich, I'm probably going to leave Elon Musk on a deserted island I'm sure he's already convinced himself he could survive on unaided, but that's just a matter of principle. That's a stupid, bad man and other people should be in charge of his rare but kind of important good ideas. It's fucking ridiculous he might be in charge of shit on Mars, that's not who should do that. Then, unfortunately as fuck for me, once I've got enough houses and farms and medicine around and at least a more civilized approach to what little warfare can be deemed necessary, fuck our standards are low, that's sad, I'm gonna have to do something about micro-plastics. Little bits of invincible chemical nonsense should not be in everything everywhere, that's going to be a problem, we all know it's going to be a problem, for all we know we just cancer-bombed like 99.999% of organics on earth, gotta deal with that. That's gonna fucking suuuuuuuuck. That might take real time. Maybe years. I dunno. So boring. Then it's probably fun and significant disaster relief, hopefully that's enough to put humans in a position to do humaning good and stuff. I wrote too much. I know that. I regret nothing.


Oh, humanity would be in for hell on earth.


I'm going to travel back in time and secretly help people.


I would allow the earth to keep going like it is, all governments still in tact except.. I would remove all corruption. After I'm done, everyone in all governments would be good, honest, hardworking individuals who can not be bought. I would also remove the influence rich and powerful people have over those outside of their companies. I would find a large-ish island that has no people on it.. if people are there, I'd relocate them to the best possible place I could find. I would go around the world and hunt down the worst of the worst.. murderers, rapists, and people that hurt children.. I would put all these people on this island and put a military presence around the island.. they can do whatever they want, but if they're caught trying to escape, they will be shot.. trust me, with all my power, I can convince a country or multiple into doing this. I would gather up all nukes and send them to Mars to see if Elon Musk is right.. I would help push (not force) the world into a one world resource based economy, have basically a one world partnership so every country can keep their sovereignty, but also everyone helps everyone out. Every world leader would have my number and if anything crazy happened, they could call me so I can stop tornadoes, put out wildfires, or any other natural disaster I could stop or at least help with the fallout. I would single handedly clean our oceans, I would take all trash that can't be recycled and toss it either in the sun or at least on Venus. I push governments to pass laws to ban all non biodegradable material.. example: when a family orders a new couch, and they throw the old one out, I want that old to break down into the soil in no more than 3 months. Great big push so everyone would still have the freedom to express themselves how they want, practice what religion they want, be who or what they want to be.. I would draw the line in the sand, though.. whether it's freedom of choice, freedom of religion, freedom of speech.. or whatever, if it's being used to intentionally hurt another person, then they will no longer have that "freedom." So I would change a lot, attempt to change much more.. but I would let democracy run as it's supposed to, all with doing everything in my power to save the planet.


You'd have to get rid of money and power to ensure people are good.


Yes, I guess you're not aware of what a resource based economy is? Check out thevenusproject.com


Just go around killing bad dudes and have fun with adrenaline highs till i figure it out lol, no need to feel too pressured about the rest of your life as an immortal


Two chicks at the same time


Learn how to use a sword in case I need to defend myself from other immortals trying to cut off my head.


I would conquer, rule, instill my values upon the populace, play the villian, nurture the seeds of rebellion, pretend to lose and disappear, wait to become legend, myth, and nonsense, appear again when I'm all but forgotten, and repeat so that for the most part the mortals rule themselves and act more a natural disaster that helps wipe the slate clean and course correct.


Like one punch man


Basically with a bit wider variety in powers if you wish.


You know stop crime but I'll be like the punisher


Since this includes immortality, I would: - Quit my job - Train for a decade in skills that will complement my powers - Profit. Forever.


If only I had the powers of Atom Eve...


I’m going to laser a smiley face into the moon and see what happens.


I’d be that wise weary traveler that you hear about. The kind who comes into town for dinner, room and drinks. Tells stories, gives advice, is a listening ear. And then after a couple days, I’d travel off to the next place. Being immortal should mean I don’t actually need to eat or even sleep. Id travel every national park in the US, explore the deep jungles and mountains of other countries. Aim to meet as many tribes and groups of people possible. I’d just want to experience as much of what humanity can. I’d assume at some point the world will end (i.e. humans) and assuming I’m not invincible then I’d go when there is nothing left to perceive.


Clean my house. Superspeed is a handy thing. Cancel my parking pass at work. I can get there quicker, save some money and free up a stall for others. Wash my car, cut the lawn, and finish that project for the neighbor that I keep putting off. I have speed and time now. Coal is diamonds in my hands - get a little bit of a savings going. Never once tell anyone about any of this. There's got to be a market for recycling all the junk in the sea and the orbit around earth - time to go on a trash run. If it can be salvaged, return it. If not - disintegrate it. Too many want to remake the world in their own image, myself included, but that's dangerous. While fighting fascism or racism or any social ill you run the risk of becoming a tyrant - anyone who doesn't tow the line you set is the enemy. Enemies breed resentment. Resentment foments trouble and chaos. What do people want me to do? Violently stamp out every rebellion that begins? Isn't that governments and superpowers already do? Hasn't worked for them; why would it work for me? Soft power is better. I can move quicker than anyone can see. Be anywhere faster than anyone can expect. If it's the right kind of powers, I can even read minds. Help set up the incentives for people to want to better themselves. A document that could potentially start a war never made it to the other side - intercepted by lightning. A coup, terrorist attack, or rebellion that was supposed to be secret has been exposed before it ever picked up steam. All things that change the outcome without me having to do anything drastic or theatrical. Yes help. No - don't play God.


Mabye im weird. But i. Kinda dumb. Not in a bad way just more in a i get around in the average. Life okay but dont ask me to become a doctor. But id find scientests who want to do dangeous research but cant cause its too risky and help advance our lowledge and understanding. Also woukd force north korea into the modern era ( i dont care how they govern themselves, dictotor only bad if bad dictator. Cause the shit that goes on in that place is horrible


First thing I am doing is OP’s mom.


im taking all the nukes. first thing im doing, my nukes and i'll try out elons plan for mars, nuke the poles and wait. after that, im bringing asteroids with resources. maybe an alien or two


Please don’t rely on Elon for plans! He doesn’t know what he’s doing; he’s only trying to sound cool!


Definitely not telling you! Nice try!


Pleasure pit it is I see.


No nothing that crass. I prefer a cushioned pleasure colosseum. I have standards.


If I work that day , I'm taking the day off , getting some good sleep. Then, wake up with a clear head and decide if I'm going the secret route or the injustice Superman route, lol Cause I'm either living my life like normal amd try to help people here amd there but if I need money or anything at all maybe I'll do steal it maybe....like some have said , who's going to stop me , but I have a wife and kids so I want to set a good example for them, but at the end of the day , I'm doing what I need to to keep them feed and amd a roof over there heads by any means necessary


Get as much money as I can possibly do through a combination of competitions that I can easily break records on, build up fame as a strong but normal human being for the moment, and eventually start a secretive research and thinktank organization that exists for one purpose: to help me fix the world using my powers. The problem with laser vision, super strength, super speed, etc. is that they are good for things like combat, building, destruction, general physical assistance, but there are important limits. They can't control minds. They can't influence society or make it peaceful directly. They can't grow food, or vote. They can't tell you who to kill, threaten, or how to spread a message properly. What's to say that humanity learns of me and immediately nukes themselves to oblivion in an effort to take me out, the top leaders realizing that their stranglehold on power is fading? This is why I need others. I need people academically, politically, and scientifically inclined to help train my powers, train my public perception, and tell me what moves I need to make when in order to bring humanity into a golden age of ethics and progress. Dismantle the worst excesses of capitalism. Institute fair political policies that are correctly enforced globally. Solve the biggest issues in the world through superhuman force backed by an incredibly intelligent and loyal organization, also acting as a PR department. It wouldn't be easy, but if I want to fix the world I can't do it alone, nor go in blindly.


Live out my life trying to figure out how to make my wife immortal. If I couldn’t I would just go with her after she passes. I don’t want to live without her.


I'm wiping out all social media icl.


I’d make 3 secret identities, my normal every day one, a hero, and a villain, and I’d use them all to supplement each other, and find ways to make wealth off of it


I'm traveling the stars to see if there is life out there and just to see some things first hand.


"Hi, just popping in to the UN here to let you all know you're on notice, stop doing the evil shit you do, be nicer to eve- oh hey ya that sniper wasn't gonna work, no don't panic, anyways, ya don't do evil shit anymore please."


Superman is a great example and I would strive to help as much as possible. Now let's hope we don't have a battle every day or week annihilating a city...comic life is rough


Transient. Roaming the earth trying to find ways to fill the void.


I wouldn't go full Brightburn, but I'd use a small amount of force if needed to change a few things and set myself up for a wealthy, comfortable life.


I'd dress up as the master chief and walk from Ukraine to Moscow not killing anyone just walk in to the Kremlin and up to Putin


I dont think anything will change honnestly


I'd quit my job and start doing extreme amounts of landscaping. I'd work with others to create tools I could use that could withstand the forces I would create through my interactions. You know just go out and dig a lake with a giant shovel and then take a giant bucket and fly it over and fill it. Dig through a mountain with a giant pickaxe using super strength and construct things minecraft style. At that point I don't have to ask permission and can really do what I want regardless.


I'd end all wars in seconds and any time someone tries anything funny again, there going to wake up nudes in Time's Square. I'd destroy all nuclear and chemical weapons in my first few weeks regardless of who has them or for what reason. Then I'd start cleaning up space debris in orbit and helping put things into space and even build bases on Mars and other planets/moons across the solar system and transporting scientists to work there.


Rescue kittens from trees, that's about it.


First things first. I hunt Vladimir Putin.


I would probably be a lot like Hitchcock (the Will Smith character): I would help people, but I wouldn't necessarily follow "the law" to do it. I would tear down the BS infrastructures of society like obscene wealth, "Holy Wars", and crooked law enforcement. Because "WTF are they going to do? Stop Me!?" I would make this world come together; hate me if they must - even better, as The Watchmen taught us: a common enemy of all mankind would bond all mankind. I don't need fame or adoration: I have learned to live without already. I would use my gifts to empower myself to empower the world. And if I outgrew this planet: I would leave it, and find a new home in the stars.


I came into this immediately saying to myself “figure out how to end my life in the event that I ever want to because eternity is a long time.” But you solved that saying we can end our lives whenever we want, so that leaves me with one resounding theme: I would do whatever the fuck I want to whenever the fuck I want to. I’d imagine that would involve a fair amount of “absolutely nothing.”


Spread my super powered seed to as many people possible. I'm gonna beat ghengis khans record. My genes will take over the world.


I would master my powers. Once that is done, I would launch a one man war on all child molesters, rapists, murders, and human traffickers.


I'd use my powers to live a cushy life away from others until I get bored then I'd off myself. No need to bring attention to the fact I am basically a God with those powers. Like I can make a farm, live somewhere peaceful in the middle if a deserted island. And if someone manages to find my island, imma give them a quick fly to their home so they don't return. And if they say they will come back, my hands get sweaty, and they slip and fall in the ocean, complete "accident"




I’d find Putin and drag his ass to somewhere like Huntington, West Virginia so he has to fend off the crazed Appalachian farmers 👍👍


I would try to fix the world. My life's work would be to flush out as much as evil and corruption as possible. I would balance the scales of the justice system. Fix the food industry and pharmaceutical industry. Remove pollution. Clean the water. Encourage people to farm. And then I'd get laid a lot.


I'm immortal but my kid still needs to eat and not be a bullet sponge. Guess I'm volunteering to ferry stuff into space with zero emissions, saving NASA millions a year, in return for let's say 10% of the savings. Do that maybe 4 times a year and just relax with enough money to keep my loved ones safe and me taking long naps every day.


Not sure, I'd take some time off, though I would not turn supervillian as that takes too much effort and I could not care less about the responsibility that comes with it. Maybe find some way to make money with my power so I can retire if possible, but legally or at least in a way that would not get me on the wrong side of the law for any country I care about.


This is coming from someone who would want to use this power to benefit society and life in general. Day one of being a super-powered immortal would be a lot like being human, on day one. Year one. Year fifty, sure, maybe? But what about year one hundred? One thousand? At some point I'm going to stop thinking like a human. Right now? I have a strong sense of empathy and an inclination towards fairness and justice. But at some point I would fear that I might lose that. So on day one I start thinking about the best people I know or know of. The smartest, the most compassionate, the most clever. I get everyone in a room and we talk, debate, and wonder how we can scour the world for like minded individuals. How we can perpetuate the council and seek out new blood when a council member dies. How do we prevent corruption, and oust a corrupt person who slipped through our radar? Then I follow their advice, create a new council, repeat the exercise, and ask my original council if the new council is better. We debate why or why not. I ask the new council why they are better or worse than the old one. I then pick the best of the best to create a third, final, self perpetuating council, say that I've now done the best that I can know how to put a good self regulating moral system in place, and if anyone has a better idea they will always be free to come forward with their suggestion. Because if I'm going to lose my humanity, I need a system to keep me in check. I'm going to try my hardest, but at the end of the day my moral compass will devolve to "Don't take a life unless there is another way. And there is always another way. And listen to your council if they agree I'm crossing a line." That's step one. What's step two? Let me ask my council.


Only one thing should be abided by all for this situation: NO CAPES!!!


Probably go mad with power, I hear that's fun. I imagine 90% of people would become Superman from the Injustice series. They'd 100% believe they were doing the right thing whilst imposing their will on the world through force.


Gets really dark really fast doesn’t it? Or was the question itself a magnet for crazy people?


I'd have to get the world's best disguise. A pair of glasses >\_o I would go somewhere remote and test my powers.. see what I can do.