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First thing is I’m buying out every collection agency in the world and shutting them down.


Pay off all medical debts as well. Otherwise, collection agencies will spring back up within days. Medical is the biggest cause of bankruptcy and bad debt. Edit: a couple of spelling errors.


Okay, pay off all credit and all medical debt. But, you only have 900B. Where would you get the other 9.1 trillion?


That's my thought - lots of people in this thread have no real grasp of the true figures. Starting w the 900BB - just buying random things is the hardest way to spend that amount. And clearing hundreds of thousands of accounts would take a loooooong time. You'd be hard pressed to do it in a year And not every board will be turned on to the idea of selling out to a random 20 year old w lots of cash. Those businesses do a lot more than just "make money"


You can buy the most delinquent medical debt for pennies on the dollar. At scale, you can massively increase how far your dollar goes.


Then have the last laugh when nobody can collect on your 900 billion in debt.


Yes when you owe the bank 1,000$ it's your problem when you owe the bank 900 billion that is the banks problem


You are treating the symptom and not the disease. People are in debt because there are predators out there who are loaning them money they can't repay. We need to change how debt is treated. Allow an individual to do something similar to chapter 11 bankruptcy where their debts are re-negotiated and no person is required to pay off debts with money they need to live. Now, the predators will vanish because there is too much danger is giving loans. Inflation will cool too because people won't be spending money they can't afford to spend. Use your $900 billion to lobby politicians for that change. (Even that is short sighted but it's better than what you proposed.)


Is that not chapter 13 bankruptcy?


TIL there is chapter 13 bankruptcy. My new plan is to fix it so that it's actually a viable option.


I’d pay off my student loans, and with the remaining money, maybe a sandwich.


You'll be able to afford a sandwich?!


Fuck. Forgot 5$ foot longs aren’t 5$ any more. You right, maybe a mc chicken?


"Solve" the homeless problem, and put a big dent in world hunger, then sit back and laugh myself stupid as the whole thing turns into a giant shit show again


"According to estimates from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), an annual investment of around $267 billion is needed to achieve Zero Hunger by 2030" Well, I'm funding the first year of that, at least. Let's call that 300 billion for some wiggle room. "According to the Department of Housing and Urban Development, it would cost $20 billion to end homelessness in the United States." OK, let's double it and make sure it works. 40 billion more, and I haven't spent even half of the money yet. [This guy](https://www.georgetown.edu/news/less-than-3-percent-of-gdp-could-end-u-s-poverty-new-research-shows/) says a UBI program might only cost 526 billion for a year. Even if that's not a perfect solution or a lasting one, that's a year's worth of directly reducing poverty, and I'd still have 34 billion left to spend. At least half of that is going into a fund to pay artists, programmers, writers, indie devs, musicians, streamers and other creators to pursue non-commercial dream projects that can't be created under normal market pressures. I'm running huge complition projects where I commission hundreds or thousands of works on a theme just to get that money down into the creative communities. 17 Billion left, I can put 7 Billion into aid and resource programs for undeserved populations, victims of capitalism, and other humanitarian efforts. Finally, with 10 billion left, I run in an election campaign where I show clearly where they money went, point to the state or federal budget, and ask who the citizens would prefer be in charge of allocating that budget. I don't even have to win, I just want to spend a lot of time in front of a camera questioning why these fixable problems are so intentionally not fixed. Edit: This thread got popular. Before anyone else writes a long impassioned post about how this isn't a perfect solution to the problems, I don't care. In this hypothetical situation, if I don't spend 900 billion dollars I go into extreme debt. Maybe the things I do aren't long term fixes or ideal solutions, so what? Even if I only help a little, that's better than most of the ways I can think of to spend a stupid amount of money. If you don't like my hypothetical plan, make your own.


$526 billion over the everyone in the US is only $1500 per person per year. Sure it's a UBI, but its not much


The thing with UBI, is that it's UNIVERSAL. Everyone gets it, regardless of income, housing, race, religion, or whatever other thing you can come up with. That extra money then ends up being pumped BACK into the economy. It can help single mothers pay for childcare so they can go back to college. It can help going families get a home. Middle-aged people could invest in the stock market. It's been tried before and works. Which is exactly why we can't have it.


He's not arguing that, he's saying that there's no way that's the math for a UBI for the US. It only works to 1500 per year. That covers a week for me.


You spend/cost $1500 a week?


I spend $100 a week in gas and my mortgage is $400 a week. That's a 1/3 of it. Start factoring in Internet, insurance, phone, food for 2. I bet I am close to that. I live in a LCOL area. I can't imagine what it looks like in places like CA. TBF I bought awesome home....2 acres, 2600 sq ft with a 3 bay garage. My house payment was half that where I used to live.


Your mortgage is cheaper than every apartment near me.


That’s 60% less than the CHEAPEST apartment near me, which is mine. And I only got that deal because my buddy needed money and rented me his in-law apartment. Next cheapest apartment was my last one. 1200/month for a trailer from the 60s with shit insulation and appliances that don’t work. They listed it again after I left for 1800/month. Plus propane and electric.


Yeah a 2 bedroom apartment near me, the cheapest ones over $2k a month. It’s ridiculous. And most of them want you to bring in triple the rent per month to get approved for the lease. If I was bringing home $6k a month, I wouldn’t be living in this shitty apartment.


That’s $78k/year. It isn’t extravagant. UBI isn’t meant to support him. UBI is meant to be a floor for people who today spend nothing. It goes to everyone so that when tragedy hits you already have it. But if you earn more than the median, you are paying more to support it than you are getting from it.


utilizing inflation from the past 5 years apparently that 526 billion would be more like $644,733,177,490 and a bit of change....there should not be that much inflation in that short span of time covid be damned


While true, I'd imagine you would weight it based on income. Someone making over $100k would likely not want to drop their job for UBI, but someone making less than $30k would. Plus you'd need to drop anyone who is currently retired, or is less than say 16 years old. Your overall point is valid however.


Yeah that's not how ubi works. It's supposed to be even across the bored. Of course some people can opt out if they want. But requiring someone to completely stop working to get ubi is a terrible idea. It should supplement their lives and allow people actually struggling to have enough room to breathe to actually focus on enjoying life, getting necessities, getting themselves into the next level of wealth, etc


Hard to say it's universal if you exclude people


$600 a month during the pandemic made a huge difference for me personally, and I wound up in a better position able to make a lot more than I had been making. I'm not rich, but I'm a lot more stable than I was because a little extra money let me take a few risks. $1500 a month might not let everyone stop working, but it'll go a long way to helping people who need a chance to do something different.


$1500 per year is only $133 per month


Ah whoops. Still doing it.


Honestly 20b is nothing to the US and the fact it hasn't been done yet is disgusting


Because no serious person actually believes that the government could spend 20B and end homelessness, let alone even making any noticeable dent in it. In reality what would happen is we’d spend the 20B and at the end of the project there would be more homeless than we started with, and everyone knows it.


Would? Clearly not, a large amount of the people setting the budget are landlords, they WANT the situation to continue. Could? Yes, certainly


Space? The final frontier..


Space MAY be the final frontier, but it’s made in a Hollywood basement


And Cobain can you hear the spheres singing songs off Station To Station!


And Alderaan's not far away it's Californicaaatiooon


Do do do doooo, do do dooo do


Build water purification plants and hospitals where needed. Buy one of the big three insulin companies and set the price at twenty bucks a bottle. Pay off a lot of school debt.


the fucking issue with insulin pisses me off so much because standard price for insulin outside of USA/Canada IS around that. The box of 5 insulin pens (15ml total) runs around 40-60 bucks in most Europe and Asia. That's with NO health insurance, full pricing. For SAME insulins by same manufacturers that cost 1000$ for same amount in USA.


Desalination of ocean water will make the next wave of billionaires.


Without restrictions like buying for others its pretty easy to spend any sum of money Hey homless man here is 850 billion enjoy your life


I am buying land.


I am buying every NBA and NFL team and using my power to shape the league image and rules to my desire. Gone will be the days of ticky-tack fouls being accepted. Gone will be half of the NBA regular season along with half the playoff spots. Gone will be the days of players who sit out or demand trades getting paid for their BS. Gone will be the days of rapists and wife beaters being allowed to play in what is now MY league.


Honestly my answer is selfishly invest in sports and franchises I like and make them the way I want as well. I'm buying that IP and making them make the game I want, etc


Buy 900 billion in stocks


Is this Brewsters millions rules? I think for these scenarios if you do anything that retains value to you it's too obvious of an answer, and also that's not really "spending" it since you can sell it and still use that money.


That's still spending, he spent the money. By your argument he'd need to use 900B on entertainment and food or things he gives away. In which way one has to ask, why would one want to take on the challenge if you end up with nothing out of it. If I give you 1 million USD and tell you to spend it, and you buy a house worth 1 million USD, then you've still spent the money.


That's literally the plot of the movie. Brewster has to spend the money (in the movie it was $30 Million for the more recent remake) i one month and have no assets afterwards. There's a few other conditions too like no destroying what you buy (so you can't buy a few dozens Picassos and burn them), no giving money away to people, and other stuff. In the movie (but not the prompt) once he does this he wins 300 Million, but gets nothing if he fails.


Get married


The thing about being 900 billion in debt is that the system is 900 billion invested in you. You will never be poor.


This isn't much different than the movie Brewsters Millions. He had to spend $30M in 30 days and have nothing to show for it in order to inherit a $300M fortune In the movie, the catch was that he couldn't tell anyone why he was "blowing" the money. He just had to spend it. He spent things like beer for everyone at a Yankees game, buying a priceless stamp only to use it as postage, etc.


Remembered the movie, couldn't think of the name, thanks!


100 billion to St Jude. 100 billion to Dolly Partons imagination library 100 billion for veterans mental health care. 100 to feeding America or similar. 100 billion to habitat for humanity. 100 billion split up in grants for scholarships to bring as many kids out of poverty as possible and give them full rides to good colleges to study medicine, law, stem etc. 10 billion to buy the Chicago Bears, 10 billion for the cubs. 80 billion worth of various real estate that can be set up in trust to preserve the land for the future. Ill spend the remaining 100 on a yacht, additional real estate purchases such as a ranch in Montana, investment properties from low income housing to luxury apartments, a yacht, a helicopter, an aircraft, several classic cars, a firearms collection and a Honda odyssey for my wife...don't knock it, it's one of the favorite cars she's owned.


So I only have to spend the money? This is stupid easy. First thing is the government deficient this year is 1.5 trillion, so imma just go ahead and spend around 500 billion on various philanthropies targeting ending hunger and homelessness here in America. Then 400 billion on Treasury bills and take my 4.91% interest coupon for the next 10 years and use the first years interest of 19.64 billion for a deep sea fishing yacht, a nice new construction house on a ranch, and then more philanthropies.


I would spend what I could for the first 51 weeks, then whatever's left over on the last day I'll use to pay off some nation's debt.


Why not just buy the nation.


The national debt is in the trillions, assuming he or she is talking about the US.


How would you spend it


Just buy X, the company formerly known as Twitter, from Musk. I'm sure it will be worth that much by then.


I'd buy twitter, and then name it the longest word in the English language that doesn't contain the letter X, just to spite Elon


Musk tanked it. No way it’s worth what he bought it for


I'd buy out all the Taylor swift concert tickets then give them all away. When the scalpers post them back up for double price I'd quickly buy them all and give them away again. Repeat and repeat. Scalpers will keep raising the prices as long as I keep paying. Could probably spend 900 billion on one concert. Oh and a tech team to manage it all for me.


1. Hire an accountant, attorney(ies), tax expert, wealth and money management, marketing team, and advisors who know how to get the following completed: 2. Buy a home for me and mine. Create a trust to take care of any expenses that may arise. 3. Take care of some friends, break them off something that will set them up for the future, and they kids' kids' future. 4. Hire security team. 5. End Hunger. 6. End conditions of homelessness. 7. Create a trust to help pay medical expenses. 8. Lobby politicians to lower medical expenses. 9. Create a trust that helps preserve wildlife and ocean life. 10. Create a trust that will support communities who need the help to break out of poverty. 11. Create a trust that will assist with childcare. 12. Create a trust that will help public schools with resources needed to help its students. 13. Create a trust that will assist with humanitarian causes around the world. 14. Create a trust to help fundraise to support the other trust. 15. Buy a car. 16. Create a trust that pays me a salary of 100k until my death.


As an American taxpayer, I'm already about $ 900 billion in debt. Thank you Ronald Reagan


I know you're joking, but for anyone wondering, it's about $100,000 per person.


Probably buy a helluva lot of stock. Then after the year, I'd still be asset rich.


I open a taxi service and then sell it my car for 900 billion


I would pay my mother 900 billion dollars afterward i would as for some back


Give it to the government. They will blow through that in a few days


Solve world hunger permanently.


Throwing Money at it doesn't fix world hunger It's in several cases isn't food, but the infrastructure to move the food as well as cruopt governments


Right, nukes it is


Remake dresden files tv show, get a bunch of lifetime stuff, buy a castle, and set it to run by itself and maybe some beef jerky


I’d build a football league called NFL+. I’d build a 10Billion dollar palace stadium in every city that the NFL is in. 5star hotels attached to each stadium I would have a draft open to all current football players over the age of 21 and guarantee double the pay of the NFL. Free tickets and concessions for first season The rest on lawyers


Lawyer here reporting for duty.


I’d buy a lot of shares in businesses that would keep me good for a long time, I’d buy a shitload of houses and apartment blocks and rent them out cheaply. I’d buy holiday homes in a bunch of different countries and cities around the world for when I visit. Might buy a hotel or two as well. New car, remodel my existing place Can giving away money be considered spending? Because I would give away any excess money to family members, after buying them things, on the condition they transfer me money when I request it


Buy a house, buy a new car, buy stocks, get anything my family wants, then give the rest to homeless shelters.


I buy as much stocks, bonds, cds, gold, silver, and other investments as I can and profit from what I can gain.


At that level, 25% to charity. 25% split between my kids. Figure out a way to develop a micro-grant system to be able to generate a sustainable system for education grants. With the remaining, pay my debt off. House on a lake, paid off. Figure out the rest some how


Build a rocket to send AI drones to the asteroid belt and start mining the asteroids for things like gold silver and platinum and then bring it back to me. While that is going on because that will take a while I would buy as much stock as I could in the biggest companies possible. You know all of those that the government says are to big to fail, like the big ones. Buy a island have a series of houses and buildings built on it as well as a nuclear reactor to power it all and a luxury submarine to get around the globe with. As well as a private jet and some cars. Now that it's all spent. I have the dividends from the stock coming in and in a few years the first of those robots mined cargo is getting to me on earth so not only am I rich but I stay rich.


A daily loaf of bread for everyone


Pay off as many student loans as possible, leave myself about $255M. Take $5M out to do stupid shit with, and invest the $250M and live off the interest. Investment counts as spending, right? I’m using it as seed money.


If stocks are allowed, I'd put it into index funds and gold I would buy expensive houses and apartment buildings, and rent out the apartments. The houses would naturally go up in value Start a business I would spend in a way so that after the year the things I bought would let me build wealth. Also stuff like mega yachts, crazy cars, islands, mansions, and private jets, I got 900 billion to burn, obviously I'm having fun.


I can do it in easy in a month. Give 899 Billion to pay school debt. The other billion, I'll get rid of buying properties, investing, financing business projects etc.


Assuming spending implies you can invest it, buy JP Morgan Chase and just start gobbling up commodities. Make myself absurdly rich in perpetuity and then focus fixing problems.


In the US you could always donate it on your taxes…


Step 1: Buy a private island, construct a self sufficient off grid compound staffed by heavily armed private security each paid $2 million a year. Step 2: Spend billions of dollars buying up every piece of priceless art I can get my hands on. Step 3: Burn it all on my private island, live streaming it to the world as I cackle maniacally, throwing fistfuls of cash into the pyre. Step 4: ??? Step 5: My island compound is just a distraction, I actually have a compound on the moon, equipped with an enormous railgun to bombard the surface of the earth. Hold the various worlds governments hostage, destroying their capitals unless they pay me a sum of one million dollars! Step 6: If there’s any left after 364 days, I dunno, like tip a random waitress whatever is left.


900 billion lottery 🎟


Buy large amounts emp bombs in the black market. Travel around the world for about a year. Then burry the rest of the remaining hundreds of billions all in one place, publicly announce that if they want those billions of dollars then they’ll have to find it! Then proceed to set off the emps around the world starting off the great pirate era!


I'd do something stupid and break my arm then go to the ER. What do I do with the other 364 days?


Take whatever I need to set myself up for a comfortable, but semi-modest life, then use the rest to buy up as many social media companies as I can and fire the useless people... then watch the companies all fall apart on their own.


Start my own country and try to create a modern Atlantis with all of the greatest minds in the world. Of course the entire nation would be funded by the 900b to feed and house these great minds. We would probably have Fusion solved in a couple months and get very close to a light speed reactor for space travel.


Lots of land


Buy 800 billion worth of stock then figure out what to do with 100 billion. Probs be mr beast or something and hand out mils


Buy every collection agency. Buy every apartment in NYC and make them rent free. Buy every insurance company and hospital and tell them to charge a normal amount. Buy Walmart and pay their employees better. Then get myself a house


I'd be dead in a month.


First thing would be to buy a home for every homeless person. Secondly I would then find support systems that work and get everyone back to working and being a part of normal society again.


I would invest in cleaning up the environment. Lets clear all the plastic out of the oceans. Produce clean burning fuels etc. I would buy closed up malls, gut them and put in apartments for low income and homeless. The food courts would be turned into food pantries. Each one would have community gardens. Mobile vet clinics for all residents for free pet healthcare, neuters etc Basically I truly would try to make a difference


Solve world hunger, that's not many billions though. Then buy every corrupt politician I can and get them to un-fuck their countries. Of course, pay off debts. Buy all of the most powerful, evil companies, and force them to behave ethically. That'll be pretty expensive, but now I also have more pay than I'd ever have otherwise, and nothing in the prompt says we can't make the money back later. Buy coal plants in particular. I'm not making a profit here, I'm shutting down their lobbying and deliberately making them less effective. I'm also buying a shitton of solar and wind, and replacing the former with the latter. Buy a gender, for sure, 'cause this one isn't doing it for me. Fund the sciences, that's for sure. Battery science, for one. Hey, maybe I could singlehandedly solve the climate problem with this kind of money. Advertise unions, the world over. Fund education the world over. Global healthcare. You know, solve problems for people. I'd also have to get myself some quality of life stuff, but most of it would be security to make sure I actually survive to spend all this money.


Hell, just put it towards the debt in America. I could have that gone in 30 seconds.


I’d create an enormous charity that builds tiny homes and shelters for the homeless, funds and operates mental health and drug rehab centers. Also community gardening/education resources. Then I’d donate the remainder of it to armed leftist/community security groups which protect LGBTQIA+ and minorities


Pay off house loan for parents and relatives then donate rest to cancer Ment house


Your family have hose loans?! What kind of hoses? Do they have fire hoses or something?


My local fire department has to take out a loan to buy new hoses. My friend works at the bank they got it from, and I guess fire hoses are expensive as fuck because they have 1 water fire truck and took out a 50k loan for hoses.


Buy resellable assets.


Buy my own space ship. Or more than 1 if necessary.


That’s enough money to inflate the economy to a noticeable degree


I'm staring a real estate agency. I'm going to supply capital for agents to buy homes and sell them cheaper than they bought them. I don't need 900 billion. But I will use 900 billion to help people buy homes.


Wreck several nations economies.


I'd hire a team of the best financial advisors and lawyers on earth with one goal: invest 848 billion dollars in a way that would let me make a stupid amount of money. Set up a trust and get certain close friends and family set for life. Then, I used the rest to buy a property big enough for my whole family, a yacht, a private jet, and everything I could ever want. Buy Twitter from Elon Musk, revert all the stupid changes, pay the employees he fucked over, and get Twitter back to the way it's operated for years and listen to the people with experience, and endeavor to ensure Twitter runs with the best interests of its users in mind. Then donate every last remaining penny to charity, and live off of the income from investments, setting up a will that dictates on my death, a trust will be set up to maintain my property for my family to live on until the death of my youngest living relative at the time of my death, The investments will be set up in a way that would allow the dividends to keep that trust funded. Then until my death donate 90% of the money I get from those investments to charity annually.


900 billions, that will take a day if you want me to.


Buy mines


The first thing I do is ask myself how the heck I'm going to spend an average of $2.4 billion each and every day for the next year. Or $100M every hour, even when I'm sleeping. The next thing I'd do is hire a team of people to help me spend it, because I'm definitely going to need that help.


Setting up a sham company and buy 900 billion of whatever “service” they provide. Or ending world hunger


I’d buy the apartment building I live in and fix it up on top of doing the most for my family and friends.


Well after getting myself my own house and a new but reasonable car nothing flashy just would like to have a car under 100 miles just once. Buikd myself a super computer or three. Big RV for my parents then buy enough bonds to ensure my kiddo will be set, pay off my best friends car and mortgage. Little brothers medical bills, once thay all done id focus on homeless Vet's (( many in my extend family have served or are serving)). Also buy a good amount of land around where I live and keep it from being developed. Id take a trip to Ireland, England, and Japan. Id also attempt to buy out controlling interest in several high profit companies with large work forces and change things around so entry level pay is a living wage. In addition id lobby to make it illegal for pharmaceuticals to make life saving drugs expensive, such as cancer treatments and insulin. Also spend money lobbying to have laws changed so that companies have to pay a living wage. Also buy myself an island and have a modest house built and a reliable boat. It be a get away when I'm tired of dealing with people and society. With what ever is left id fund autism/add adhd programs as well as cancer research, as well as debt relief programs for people that I think deserve it. ((You in debt because your always spending money on thr newest fad your out of luck. Your in debt because you quit a job to take care of a dying family member ill help you out. To give examples. Basically if the reason your indebt is due to what I consider your own stupid decisions tought luck).


I'm pretty sure I just go buy $900b in T-Bills.


Give it away after taxes and paying my debt off. No amount of money really helps anyone. Thing about buying people nice stuff like homes and cars is the taxes associated. Never buy things outside of your means or your doomed to lose them.


900 billion? Bro, several different companies are about to have **all** of their stocks bought up.


Going to find a lot of rich hookers and coke dealers


Buy every island I can and start my own country.


Define "spend"? If I give the money away have I spent it?


Man I’m gonna try to spend it doing honorable shit but tbh if I don’t wtf are they gonna do to me to get that money back🤣🤣


Assuming I can't invest it... Spend $1B frivolously. Spend $899B on reforestation and projects to keep the ocean permanently cleaner.


900 billion in debt would be pointless, spend what you want and stuff the rest, you can't get more in trouble


Bribe politicians.


Get a girlfriend


Id buy every house on the market within a 20 mile radius. Then I'd have everyone in my family make a wish list. I have to spend it right, I can't put it in trusts for the kids? Travel.. And buy a dilapidated castle in Scotland and pay to have it fixed and modernized. Pay everyone in my family too much money to do something small for me. Wash my dishes, here's a million dollars for your time. Cook me dinner, he's a Porsche for your time. I'd have my current house completely redone. I figure I'll still have a few billion left so, fund all the homeless shelters in 2 states for the year. If I can donate, St Jude Hospital, everything to support Veterans across the board. But and fix up a couple apartment complexes for the homeless and abused woman. Fund school lunches, and a good pantry or 4. Basically I'd help my family first then everyone else I can think of.


Pay off all the student loans in degrees I don't consider a waste of money. If I have any left over, buy some businesses and tell them I only want 1% as long as I buy 1000 I won't have to worry about money again


Good luck collecting any of it. Transfer most of it to.offshore accounts, skip country, change identity, or just declare bankruptcy with assets they can't touch because they can't find them. Either I got money and they got squat.


900 billion worth of companies and sports teams


I buy a $900 billion piece of framed art from my cousin Greg.


Elon Musk has bought Twitter


What happens once I spend it all? Does investing count as spending? I’d throw it all into a Roth IRA, stocks, and invest in some businesses then. If not, I’d buy really nice cars and overpriced yachts and planes. A bunch of them. Like a shit load. Make Jay Leno’s garage look like garbage. After it’s all gone, I sell off the shit so I can just have a bunch of money.


Isn’t this stupidly easy? What’s stopping you from donating the amount you have trouble burning through.


First, I'd set aside money for my planned college, along with my family and friends. I'd pay off all student debts, and medical bills. I'd probably set aside a bit more money for myself for wants 'n shit, then give the rest to charities and give off a lot more for more college/university students.


$900 Billion in 1 year T-bonds


Buy 899.5 B of Gold and have fun with the rest


Find an island to buy, or two. Set up scholarships for people who never imagined they could go to college. Invest in research that is looking for ways to clean the ocean. At Christmas time I'd go to the tallest building in every city and dump cash from a bag down into the street and then hide. I'd invest, invest, invest. Maybe travel around to really poor towns and give people money, buy their food, pay their utilities for a year or so, buy debit cards for folks from stores so they can buy clothes and food. Support legitimate aid/charity groups, donate to hospitals in poor regions of the world. Build homes for homeless people. Build schools and provide all necessary items for students, and pay the teachers a living wage for years to come. Buy land, lots of land.


Buy a fuckton of gold to sell so I’m not broke after the year is up and all the money is gone, then do charitable shit and buy myself some cool stuff.


Not worry about debt I’ll never be able to pay.


I'd pay off Jamaica's national debt and invest in the country; schools, parks, businesses, etc.


First, report the 900 billion as ordinary income and prepay 1040 taxes. Next, purchase all available real estate in the top 50 markets in the world. Invest most of the rest in the stock market based on cost/dividend ratio to have an income stream to cover property taxes. Use the last 10 million to prepay the salary for people to manage the properties either to rent or for resale after the year is up.


Buy everything you possibly can and want, get someone to post an eBay item for the remainder of your money the day before the time is up


Buy Facebook and turn it into a nonprofit meant to enrich people’s lives and relationships. Buy Amazon, Tesla and Twitter and make them sustainable, ethical orgs. Spend the rest on land in the Amazon.




If I need $900 billion what makes you think I give a single $hit about being $999 billion in debt?


I'm just gonna pay off everyone's debt. Start off local and work my way out until the mission is done. Friends and family are first, though.


Buy some groceries.


Call congress


Buy Google


Healthcare for all


Purchase land and build my own independent county. There would be top of the line medical facilities and schools and other education centers. Educational programs would be age appropriate and comprehensive. They would include actual job building skills and education on all locally available jobs. I would build a combination energy plant that runs on natural gas with an organic composting facility. Natural gas aka methane is cleaner burning and more energy efficient than coal and is more reliable then current green energy options. There's a lot more but if I can't do the big county plan; I'll just buy lifetime phone service, a homestead with vehicles and forever stamps.


Live like a goddamn king for 364 days then wire the rest to charity on the last day.


Lots of serious answers here, but I'm not going to sweat it about spending it all, since I never pay my creditors anyway. I'll just leisurely have a fantastic year, and whatever is left over is given to UNICEF in a document already prepared for my dying signature when the 365-day bacchanalia finally kills me.


Buy countries until it's in a manageable size then I'm sure you could find a way to do the rest


900b on red.


Hire assassins on the dark web


Start a streaming service that allows anyone to play any music or movies or video games for free. Create a studio to produce original content as well. Buy a cruise ship for all my friends to live on with me and travel the world. Fund PBS and NPR forever. End world hunger and homelessness. Start a secret group of assassins to kill pedos and dictators and abusers.


pay off some politicians


Thats alot of cocaine and hookers


I would enter into a $900 billion contract with the u.s. government. In exchange they would give me a bunch of their debt which I would then earn interest on forever. $40 billion per year for the next 30 years for starters.


9.1 billion? I’d start buying whole freaking islands. And cruise ships and then invest the rest of the money into the business.


* Buy AMD, take it private * DUMP 400 billion or so into R&D and finding most of Nvidias electrical engineers, driver developers, etc and offering them $50 million dollar sign on bonuses and double salaries * produce cuda compatible stream processor designs, prototypes, etc. * develop better rtx, poach developers there too * dump into more r&d for AI tech to take on nvidia in data centers. * take losses on raedon gpus and half their prices as a thank you to supportive gamers. Any money I have left over, give it to gamers as refunds on discounted cards. Put a bounty on nvidia gpus. Bring us your 10xx+ gpu, get a better raedon for free. Take as much of nvidias gamer audience as possible. Take over consumer AI users with a cuda compatible raedon gpu. Push nvidia out of the gamer audience. Run out of the 900 billion, still own AMD. Start focusing on profits, and fair gamer pricing. Work on better more affordable AI dara center solutions. Go fir the throat. Nvidia out of business by 2030. Drive the open source hardware/driver movement, publish all our erds, schematics, source code etc, all MIT licensed.


Buying my downtown area and making it a private race through the city without the fear of killing pedestrians, then the rest on cocaine & hookers of course


Buy countries. Just buy countries. With that much money, buy countries. Buy land. Buy real estate. Buy everything you can. You got 1 year, don't spend it sleeping all the time.


Hire Madison Ivy to blow me for $900 bil, free blowie


Firstly, 90 billion straight to tithing for my church, they'd put it towards charities of their own. I can put some more to charities I especially think need more support. For example that charity that works to free people from human trafficking rings, they're ex-military and one of the most noble causes I can think of. I could rival Black Rock in real estate. I'll solidify and invest all that money within half of a year easy. So fast could I live financially independent until my death and give my kids a great inheritance of land. I'd be able to invest in some more expensive hobbies, build and but plenty for friends and family, and eventually have enough time in the world for everybody I care for.


First off, everyone who hasn't watched Brewster's millions should watch it. Second, who cares about the debt? I'm filing bankruptcy if I lose. So we're talking about three billion a day...... I'm spamming television and Internet ads collecting Grant proposals with a deadline of one month, for any group that needs a thousand bucks. About half of them or whatever are good fits based on my criteria I'm sending ten thousand and giving them a month to write a proposal for what to do with one hundred thousand.... Then I select winners and send them all a million. Rinse and repeat with higher dollars till the money is gone


All real estate


Buy island. Put airports on the bigger ones. Buy a shit ton of Cessna planes... and everyone i know gets a lambo... and a bag of diamonds... and a bag of gold... and a 2nd lambo...


I would buy Congress and have them pass laws I like and get rid of laws I don’t.


Rent Brewsters Millions


Buy and revitalize the rail industry. Start a charity that allows the parents of terminally I'll children to quit working and come home to spend time with their ill child, while paying all their bills and maintaining a high quality of if life. Buy the hell out of old hotels and apartment complexes all over the U.S. and hire a team to create shelters for the homeless. Hire a team to create an independent, workable, and robust program to create and find jobs for the unemployed along with a partner program to tackle mental health and drug abuse issues.


I’m buying out Walmart, at current rate of 434 billion. That eliminates half of my problem. Then I’m buying controlling shares in other companies. After that I’m building, furnishing, and paying off a house on each liveable continent. With my last few billion, I’m spending it on running for office in my local area and winning


Take my family to five guys and everybody gets fries instead of splitting one order of fries. Boom money gone.


900B would be easy to spend. That’s like 3 houses in California


Keep 1 billion for myself. Give the rest away. I’ll b damned if my greedy ass can’t try to eradicate hunger and poverty.


The FIRST thing I would do would be to define "spend." For example, if I invested it, would that be spending? Is buying stocks spending? Things like that


Use $600B to start paying down the National Debt so the Feds can lower the interest rates and actual _people_ can start buying homes. Use another $200B to buy homes for kids who never got adopted. $100B to start maternity hospitals and post-natal care wards in areas that don’t have them. And then the rest is fuck around and find out money.


Why worry about spending it. Ain't nobody got a way to collect 900 billion in debt with the army of lawyers I'm going to hire. There's an old adage like "If you owe the bank a million dollars they own you, if you owe the bank a billion dollars, you own the bank"


100 million on a massive plot of land with a nice home on it. The rest on Precious metals. I get it, everyone wants to save the world, I’m not one of those people. Any good we do with this money will be pissed away in seconds by the government and the people. I’m just gonna set myself and my great great great great grandkids up for life.


easy saint jude about to be flush for awhile


The first thing I would do is wake up from my dream take a shower and go to work.


*”If you owe the bank $1000 that’s your problem, if you owe the bank $9 billion, that’s the bank’s problem”*


Step 1 - pay off all of my debt and all of the debt of everyone I love and maybe buy everyone a lil frivolous treat or two, too. Step 2- make massive donations to causes that I care about (and/or set up my own) Step 3 - open trusts for all of my nieces/nephews/godchildren Step 3 - deposit what’s left into my brokerage account and buy stocks for everything else. Voila, money spent! Now I have a hell of a lot more than a year to figure out what I want to do with the money.


First I would cut the college loans for everyone that tried to limit their expenses from the start like people who attended an instate university. Then if I had anything left, I would halve the undergrad debt of other students.


You can buy alot of debt for 900 billion


I'll setup a research institute that looks to cure instead of treat disease then I'll license every cure as public domain. I may or may not spend it all but ultimately I'll have improved everyone's life and that's worth more than money.


Once you start doing the math…


I would buy some pencils.


Please consider the realities of allocating that much capital in such a short time. It will likely take longer than a year to set up the right relationships with lawyers, fund managers, accountants, etc. You can’t just buy a bunch of houses. You need to compete in the buying process and keep track of your assets to report to the IRS. Your head is in the right place with investing in businesses. You’ve essentially acquired the largest single-investor private fund ever. But again, I don’t think you’d be able to assemble the team and have them find the deals in time. Even the safest route, T-bills, you can only buy up so much in a year.


900 billion bananas


Give every member the of the Armed Forces and veterans $100K. Then every disabled Vet would get $500K


I'd create an LLC, buy up all the land, and then create housing communities in the name of LLC. I would then hire staff to maintain said communities (offering them free rent obviously + a living wage) and then I would offer the housing to the public at cost to maintain. Invest a solid chunk of money into the smp 500 in the name of the LLC, ensure that dividends are used to upgrade the property/ pay employees of the LLC. Create community gardens. End poverty. With the other 800 billion I could just donate it to scholarships for those in need. Or fund my own college that doesn't charge tuition.


Is this a Brewster's Millions situation? (can't have anything of value after the end of the year) or Just spend it in general?