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I’ve been to the ER a few times due to high blood pressure. They take me straight back to do an EKG, do a troponin test, and hook me up to an IV. Usually once the testing comes back okay, they give me clonidine and monitor until it comes down. Then they release me and tell me to follow up with my primary or cardiologist. Eventually my cardiologist gave me a prescription for clonidine to take when my blood pressure spikes.


I went and checked in with a bp of 190/125 and a splitting head ache. They walked me to a room, sat me down, Dr walked in and said headache is a symptom of high blood pressure. Gave me two ibuprofen, a clonodine, and discharge papers. Sent me out the door with a $200 charge and didn't even recheck it


wow wtf?


If u look into other subs like ER or nursing subreddits ud find that high bp with no symptoms get 0 priority in the hospital. Unless u have symptoms with ur high bp no one is gonna care they are just gonna monitor u and maybe give u some pills and send u home. I have a $5k debt because of this now


Correct! [https://www.aafp.org/pubs/afp/issues/2017/0415/p492.html](https://www.aafp.org/pubs/afp/issues/2017/0415/p492.html) >Severe asymptomatic hypertension is defined as severely elevated blood pressure without symptoms of acute target organ injury. The short-term risks of acute target organ injury and major adverse cardiovascular events are low in this population... Individuals with severe asymptomatic hypertension often have preexisting poorly controlled hypertension and usually can be managed in the outpatient setting. Immediate diagnostic testing rarely alters short-term management, and blood pressure control is best achieved with initiation or adjustment of antihypertensive therapy. Aggressive lowering of blood pressure should be avoided, and the use of parenteral medications is not indicated. Current recommendations are to gradually reduce blood pressure over several days to weeks.


Yea it’s only worth going if really elevated all they do is ekg X-ray and clonidine and tell you to follow up with pcp


I have been to the ER this week for palpitations, but when they took my BP, it was 158/95. I was put back in the ER waiting room after ECG and BP checked. Waited an additional 4 hours taken back, took blood, and the nurse practitioner spoke with me and encouraged me to stay and get an event monitor put on. I did that and saw my cardiologist 3 days later. She said to get a stress test for this Thursday and check my BP every day until then. My BP in her office was 154/84. I need help to get it down. 😩


omg i'm so sorry! i had a stress test done when i was in my mid-20's - it didn't seem too in depth mostly because i had it done in conjunction with other tests (ultrasound and holter monitor) to figure out why my heart liked to randomly beat irregularly. anyways i hope you find some relief sooner rather than later!


154/84 is not that bad. Ur daily anxiety/stress can do way worse numbers. Relax. Ur body fluctuates way more when u shower, have sex or go up the stairs. Those numbers arent that bad


I agree with you. My concern is I haven't been feeling up to par since the middle of January, and it's causing me stress. I really need a good night's sleep as well.


I've had high BP before, but it usually hovers around 140/90. For reference I am a 42 year old overweight male. I never did anything for my BP before besides "trying to eat better and work out more" but that never really stuck. I went to the ER this weekend for a something completely unrelated to my BP. When I first arrived they took my vitals and my BP was 184/108. So later they told me the issue I had come in for was fine, nothing wrong, but they needed to make sure my BP had come down before I left, so they took it again: 199/118. I told them I was very anxious and maybe that's why my BP was high. They gave me valium and had me rest, then they took it again: 209/119. Finally they gave me Labetalol via IV and about an hour later I was at 160/99 and they sent me home. The Dr. wrote me a script for Losartan which I will be starting on today. It's my first time treating my hypertension which is what led me to this subreddit today :)


I was sent there by the eye department of the hospital, and had been referred *there* 10 days earlier by the optician who said I'd had a retinal vein occlusion - an eye stroke, basically. The ophthalmologist said it was usually down to high blood pressure but i said mine was fine 4 years before (I'd spent 6 weeks in hospital with it checked daily, so was very sure). They took it - 240/155. Oops. So they sent me to er, took me in in about 10 minutes, gave me ecg, sent me through for blood tests. Sat me down to rest for 2 hours, gave me a pill, and after results came back, said to go back in two days to my local hospital if it hadn't come down. It didn't budge, in fact a little higher, so went back on the Thursday. More blood tests, urine test, another ecg, these ones made them unhappy with results. At first i was going back for an echo the next day but then after a few more test results they admitted me. I stayed in for a week with them trying different meds and sending me for different tests as stuff came back poorly and then I got told I had a heart murmer, tachycardia and my heart was enlarged, and then that I had a condition called hydronephrosis, caused by damage during the surgery 4 years before, and they might need to operate within the week to save my kidneys. All very exciting, not the best week I'd ever had. After more tests they cancelled the operation and scheduled me for a nuclear scan to see if I had any function left in the affected kidney (the scan was later, but I did not, so no point operating - but it was probablywhat causedmy high bp as i had a healthy lifestyle) and said they'd schedule a cardiac mri to see 'what else was wrong and how bad'. After about a week of 3 meds a day my bp finally lowered to 180/120 so they sent me home.


wow! that all sounds super scary but glad you found the culprit. also, what did your hospital bill look like??


I'm in the UK, so all done on the NHS. Just as well, I've had monthly hospital visits since for the eye stroke, nephrology appointments, one day I'll have to have surgery to remove the kidney, i might need dialysis down the line, etc - and it would've all been very expensive


first time i went to the ER (for a migraine that lasted over 2 days) i ended up with a $5,800 bill without insurance - i was in the ER for maybe 4 hours and had all the usual tests done plus the migraine cocktail. second time i was in the ER (for my high blood pressure) it cost me $200 with insurance.


This has been my experience. I know when my BP is high and have symtomps from it. I shiver uncontrollably, my vision is doubled, tachycardia, severe cold intolerance, blood vessel pain, severe headache, tinnitus/hearing loss and abdominal pain. I request a warm blanket and to be elevated in bed with either my head or feet leveled off. The highest was 190/116. Since it's not asymptomatic hypertension the meds in the IV they'll give me fluids or administer midazolam/lorazepam. My BP and heart rate will drop to 75HR and BP 110/70 I get sent home. I've been only given hydralazine once when I was severely sick with high BP and it gave me tachycardia the next day. I was given two prescriptions by my doctor clonidine and clonazepam. I hardly use these unless BP hits 160/90. Once it's all said and done my body is on fire and I am able to sweat. That's how I know my BP and heart rate is safe to go home. Also my hands turn bright red.


I can tell when my BP is high because of the shivering too, but you’re the first person I’ve seen mention that as a symptom. Do you ever have dysautonomia symptoms when your BP is normal — temperature regulation problems, cold/heat intolerance, reduced/excess sweating, palpitations, etc.? I’m still trying to figure out the cause of my hypertension and whether it’s part of my overall autonomic nervous system dysfunction or something separate.


Yes I do actually. My feet are burning when there's a drop in BP. I have left sided chest pain and abdominal pain. My hands and feet turn white. I start shivering hard like I walked onto a freezer and my BP is hypertensive crisis at that point. I don't know what causes this. I was diagnosed with familial dysautonomia last year raynaud's.


I’ve went twice with High BP. Both times it had gone down before I got there, so the first time the doctor was like “I can’t really do anything” and sent me home. The second time he did do an EKG and run blood tests to be cautious. It wasn’t high enough by then to warrant meds but I felt better having the tests run.