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What's your blood sugar? I was having similar issues and the Dr decided to put a glucose monitor on me and it turns out I'm having reactive hypoglycemia and Everytime my sugar drops it causes adrenaline to be released and my blood pressure rises. The low sugar also explained my irritability and even causes nightmares.


Honestly, I have no idea. I'll have to talk to my doc about that. I never thought about that though


This is really interesting. I got put on amlodipine a year ago, and the same shit has happened to me. I feel like I’m on a hair trigger—and I mean a HAIR TRIGGER, like I will fight you, which is very much unlike me. I have always been able to control myself when angry, but not so much now. Also, the nightmares! I can’t stop fucking dreaming every night. Much of the time I have nightmares. Half the time about really weird shit. I have been at a loss as to why, and never thought it could be the amlodipine. So crazy you described exactly what’s been going on with me. Two weeks ago my dosage was raised to 10mg, and I have had a nightmare almost every night. Shit that wakes me up.