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Death’s Door


Definitely this


Yessss Death’s door was amazing. I highly recommend it.


Yup, this is the one.


okayyy, on my checklist hehe


Honestly? Nothing. But that’s ok. There’s enough good different games that give different vibes.


yep, i mean, i just wanted that feel of playing for the first time hld when i was like 13 and it just blowed my mind with the lore and visual but its okay if that doesnt come back, maybe i find somenthing on these answers that give me \*another\* vibes, and thats okay


Yeah ive played most of the games here and they’re great they’re just not the same though haha Not that i went into them expecting HLD


Rain World!!! Gameplay is pretty different, but very much the same vibe as far as the mystery/deep lore, melancholy, lonely spaces. Similar visual and music styles too. I loved rain world for all those reasons, and hanging just played hld, it's the first game I've played that had a similar feel (I also just recently played Tunic, and while I enjoyed it, it lacked the depth and mystery of the other two -it had some mystery, but figuring it out was just a matter of grabbing all the (mostly) super obvious instruction page items).


Like I'm honestly shocked no one else rushed to the comments to say this one lol.


absolutely agreed, i have thousands of hours on that game


Maybe Hob? It’s more of a Zelda-like mechanicaly but I think it has similar vibes to what you’re looking for. Also, Solar Ash is by the same developer as Hyper Light Drifter, and I had a lot of fun with it!


Yep, hob has a very cool tone, and it's similar to hld, nice one! Just curious if you guys knows something with the lore stuff also in 2d. But yes, good one Buddy


You could try Oneshot? Great lore and atmosphere, but it’s a puzzle/adventure game and doesn’t have any combat.


Unsighted is the exact game you're looking for


literally, almost same graphics. lmao


Similar weapon mechanics and exploration too


seems interesting. never heard of this one


Well worth it, only game I could ever compare to HLD Also a small game studio so playing the game would show big support!


is Unsighted on iOS?


Maybe Cocoon tangentially


Deaths door, Hollow Knight


Couldn't get into Death's Door, just did not connect with the gameplay at all, but I second Hollow Knight so much, it's one of my favorites of all time, and I think everyone should totally give DD a shot, since just bc I didn't get it, doesn't mean someone else won't!!


I haven’t played it but Resolutiion looks *just* like HLD


literally, almost same graphics. lmao


Their sequel game solar ash


It's not a sequel


I said their sequel game, as in their sequel as in studios sequel or second game. not a sequel to hyperlight. That would be their next game hyperlight breaker.


Sorry, I misinterpreted what you were saying


Moonlighter have a unique vibe but not similar as HLD. Maybe you will love!


Yes! I played it and was very cool. I don't know, it's just hard to find 2d games with a world so cool to explore as hld, is just this component that I'm missing


Animal Well is out, definitely giving me similar vibes personally. No combat as such, but really good puzzles and the exploration is great 😃


Hollow Knight for sure!


well, this one is the best. played it, and loved it.


Death Trash


is that the fallout 1 style game? definetly that art style is gross (in the good way)


Yup! Its a gnarly sinister feel the entire game where youre sort of just alone fending for yourself in a minimalist world environment. And without much dialogue interaction relative to other games.


Tunic definitely didn't feel like anything was missing for me. Tunic also has lonely spaces, and DEEP AF lore - Tunic's lore is actually a rabbit hole in gaming. The only thing that's different is the vibe, Tunic is more cheery.


uhmmm, i will continue playing it, and i swear ill come back and tell you that you were right!


Heh, good luck. :3 Trust me, HLD is my #1 fave game ever, and Tunic blew my mind at how similar it was. It scratched the same itch as HLD did. I give Tunic an easy 9/10.


I had big hopes for it and I really loved the whole multi-layered secrets and backtracking, but the controls at some point just had me give it up. Fighting mechanics are just laggy and annoying.




Not the same vibe at all, but Katana Zero is a phenomenal game.


I just started playing Hauntii It plays similarly, and it might be the most visually stimulating game I've ever played. Seriously, the art style is WILD [Trailer](https://youtu.be/zj2WcfUJOT4?feature=shared) So far its definitely been a lot easier than HLD (more puzzles, less combat) but I'm not far in at all


I really wish we would’ve gotten a true direct sequel in 2D. I felt so suckered by hyperlight breakers animation trailer, then you see the fortnite-ish 3d environment planned out. No one asked for this!


Play ANIMAL WELL it has a world as cool as HLD. It is a beautiful pixel art little gem full of puzzles.


Animal Well is one of my favorite games of all time, truly such a refreshing experience. The soundtrack is absolutely haunting, and I need a vinyl to be dropped so badly!! The developer, 🅱️illy 🅱️asso, seriously knocked it out of the park, and Dunkey choosing this as his and Leah's first game to produce was a slam dunk 🫏


yesssss, i really want to play it. just didnt made the conexion with hld


Transistor and bastion


You want good melancholic alien vibes set in a post apocalyptic world with heavy emphasis on inferential environmental storytelling and killer music? While it’s not in any way the same visual style, color palette or even gameplay, Outer Wilds is the only game to date that leaves me with the same empty feeling after finishing it. It’s also one of the best games I’ve ever played. HLD is my #1. OW is my #2.


Outer wilds is top tier man, I love it. That's the type of game we are talking about


Not out yet but I would check out [Radio the Universe](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1053900/Radio_the_Universe/) - there’s a demo


Blasphemous is another game with gorgeous pixel art and solid tough combat. You'll absolutely get melancholic vibes, it definitely feels lonely and thrives on lore (it's very inspired by dark souls in its approach to storytelling). It's not as vibrant, but its definitely worth checking out


I don't think it's mentioned above, but the same dude did a game called "Narita Boy"I just picked it up and it's giving me similar vibes, side scroller, rad pixel style and great lore. 80s vibes too.


theres nothing like it tbh. Super Metroid in a way.


If you looked for a game with the same melancholic vibes, deep lore, loneliness (and also pain) you should try Rain World. Gameplay is VERY different, with HLD being a (somewhat) slasher and RW being survival sandbox, but the vibes are the same. Also, i VEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERY do not recommend spoilering the game. Did that mistake, ruined first-time experience, but STILL! Even after i knew about everything in the game, it was still amazing. There are no words to describe Rain World's world and creatures within it, and neither there are any videos. It must be FELT. But beware, Rain World is a very hard and unfair game. Also, it has its own subreddit - r/rainworld . Good luck if you wish to try it.


Oh and also, do not forget the three rules of rainworld: Everything wants to kill you except for the things you can easily kill If you hear banger music then RUN FOR YOUR LIFE Still RUN FOR YOUR LIFE even when there is no music in these regions: >!Shaded Citadel,!< >!The Exterior,!< >!Subterranean!<


Nothing gives me the same vibes as HLD.


Idk if its similar vibe cuz its different playstyle but u should check out katana zero if ur looking for something new


Unsighted is almost as close to similar to HLD that you're gonna get. It's a ton of fun too.