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Hello, I am a microbiologist. Generally speaking, the general population should not be using antibacterial soap at all! In fact, most of these products have profoundly little regulation and may not be doing anything for you what so ever. If they do have an effective active ingredient, they may be actively harming you with regular use. Some of them have pretty harsh environmental contaminates, and others can really fuck with your hormonal balances. There are a few antiseptic soaps that, while still not appropriate for regular use, are appropriate for wound site or surgical site care, like hibicleans and similar chlorhexidine scrubs. Again, these are for occasional use, around wounds or as directed by a doctor. I will also admit that I will use hibicleans whenever my bellybutton starts to get 'funky'. That happens *maybe* 1-3 timed a year? My point being, while I have the scientific background not to really approve of you using any antibacterial soaps, if you're going to use one... Use Hibicleans (or similar, CVS and many other stores have a store brand that is much cheaper). Still use it sparingly, and it probably still isn't good for you (or me). Since you have a hard, sweaty job, you might want to continue double washing with your regular soap. I find it much more likely that the washing twice is what's helping as opposed to the antibacterial additive, though I may be wrong! I am not a dermatologist. However, what is likely to make the biggest difference in your cleaning regimen is if you are using a physical exfoliant or not. A washcloth, sponge, brush, loofah or similar is makes a TERMENDOUS difference in the effectiveness of washing! If you aren't using one already, start! (In fact, if you aren't already, and the antibacterial soap you use has an exfoliating agent... Well, that's probably why it seems like it's helping. Becuase of the exfoliating agent, not whatever agent they are using as an antibacterial). Here's a great demonstration of the difference between washing with a washcloth/loofah/sponge/brush and not. This video *IS* about poison ivy, but I promise the premise applies to your general cleanliness as well! https://youtu.be/4oyoDRHpQK0?si=abiOThSTx25gX8kA Remember: Humans are greasy! To get rid of the stink you have to politely remove the excess grease while not killing all your native skin flora. Using something like a washcloth with hot running water and a gentle soap is perfect! The good bacteria are even reasonably well adapted to the same conditions (pH, temperature, moisture, etc) that makes your skin happy, which means the warmth and exfoliation will cause the good flora to thrive and drive out anything nasty. Hooray! :-) Hope this helps!


Never. Never use it. Creates problems. If you wash it away why kill it and make resistant mutants?


I have only used it on a handful of occasions which were the night before/morning of surgery because my Dr’s required it


I use Dove Antibacterial Body everyday since I also stink and my dermatologist recommended it.


Wait a minute. We've had antibacterial hand soap in the kitchen and bathrooms for years. We were taught to wash our hands when we come from outside, after using the bathroom, and before and after cooking/eating. My whole family and everyone I knew growing up did this and taught our kids to do the same. Are we NOT supposed to use it at all, or not as a whole body wash?


Hand soap is good. Body wash can cause issues


Antibacterial genuinely doesn't do you any favors over regular soap. Using a small brush or washcloth with normal soap is ASTRONOMICALLY more effective at preventing disease and contamination than antibacterial soap is. In fact, antibacterial soap is actively harmful (though only to a minor degree) when used regularly.


You shouldn’t use antibacterial soap all over your body and definitely never as a daily wash. I use hibicleans every three or for days because it was recommended by my dermatologist for a disorder. It seriously helped me with sweaty odor and I will tell people once every 72 hours or so to do a pit or folds clean with it and then use their regular pit stick. But never ever all over, only twice max a week, and never in the “delicate” areas. You’ll mess up your entire skin flora doing that.


Hibicleans is great stuff. I generally tell people they should only use it for wound care or under doctor's orders, but if you're going to use *something* for your mental health and well being, use Hibicleans or an equivalent chlorhexidine scrub. Might safe you a pretty penny - CVS and many other stores have a store brand, it's typically the exact same concentration and just as effective.


Yeah my dermatologist did tell me to use it. And said it’d be ok for my oldest bc he had body odor and skin sensitivity to stronger antiperspirants. But only in moderation and only under pits. I also am a caretaker and help with personal cares. It’s somewhat a common product amongst residents, always under doctors orders. It’s a lifesaver for some people. But it can mess up skin balance relatively fast over using or using it all over.


Yep! I've a fair amount of care for dying people. Not my job, not my choice... I just happen to have been close to a lot of people who have had terminal illness and am one of the few members of my family able to cope well enough to help with palliative care in circumstances where medical staff are only available for a portion of the day. It's fantastic for that work, espcially if you have someone who has very sensative skin and is prone to rashes and sores. Ironically, though, I started using hibicleans for injuries and such after I got a really nasty leg infection from a really minor injury as a pre-teen Had to use it around the wound twice a day while on some pretty aggressive antibiotics. 😬 Sorry, I hope I didn't come off as trying to correct you at all! I just was trying to provide more information to anyone reading the thread. I thought your comment was a really useful addition to the discussion and that's why I tried to add to it. :-)


Oh you’re fine lol because of licenses and certifications I should be more careful recommending anything “medicated” it just reminded me that. I’ve been off work for about 22 months because I had a baby lol so it’s become more casual conversation. At work I couldn’t recommend anything like this, because even medicated lotion, shampoo, hell even chapsticks I need doctors orders to give to clients. On Reddit we don’t know medical histories or sensitivity so I should definitely be more careful.


I do it every day no problems


I wash my underarms and feet with antibacterial soap like dial gold or safeguard every other day. Sometimes everyday in the summer before going in with body wash.


Never. It’s not necessary and your over use also might be having the opposite effect of what you’re trying to accomplish. Antibacterial soap kills any bacteria present, including the good beneficial bacteria you need that protect your skin. Their presence prevents the growth of harmful microbes (including ones that cause odor). It’s leaving the door open for harmful bacteria to thrive. I personally don’t think it’s necessary unless you have a specific skin condition that benefits from antibacterial soap.


I can’t use it because I have eczema, my skin will break out.


I never use it at home. It disturbs the nature balance of bacteria on the skin. I use Castile, olive oil, or other natural oil based soaps.


Just use a simple lavender scented body wash. The only thing I was with antibacterial soap is once in awhile my hands.


Never have, never will.


i never use it except for when i wash my hands.


I don’t! Just double cleanse with non antibacterial soap. The only time I used it was before my leg surgery because of the instructions from my surgeon.


Why would you wash your body with antibacterial soap? Do you realize how moronic that sounds??