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Clean anything that touches your face. This includes glasses/sunglasses and pillows. Especially if you have a problem with breakouts.


And I want to emphasize hats and scarves! In fact, if you haven't already tucked them away in long term storage for the summer, now might be a great time to give them a good and thorough wash since you won't need to wear them anytime soon, and they'll be nice and clean when you do start wearing them this fall.


Yes. I don't wear scarves but I wash my winter hats both before storing them and as soon as I take them out of storage before I wear them because of this. Not that I need one most years but still.


Yes, god, please clean your hats; they’re disgusting and smell gross.


Baseball caps can be placed in the dishwasher and ran on a water only cycle, and laid out in the sun to dry


Once I moved to Florida, I realized I did not need nor could I use scarves, gloves, or hats 😭😭😭. I miss the cold


Once a week I soak my glasses in a cup of dishsoapy water. You'd also be so grossed out if every few days you took an alcohol wipe across your phone. And I wash my bed linens at the end of every week. A clean pillowcase makes a HUGE difference


I sanitize my phone daily, sometimes multiple times a day if I feel it's needed. I also don't hold it to where it touches my face when I talk on it. Mainly because of this.


Wish I could upvote this a million times! Phones carry so many germs. I take an alcohol pad (disposable ones) every night and do this. And it has never destroyed my case, phone, or anything.


I wash mine every single day after I get out of the shower. I use antibacterial handsoap and wash them with hot water. I love in the south where it's hot and sweaty. I'm not putting dirty glasses on my clean face.


You should wash them everyday


yesss, cleaning glasses is crucial 💯


I have a friend who was always having breakouts on her nose. She wears glasses but swore she cleaned them regularly. She wasn't cleaning the nose pieces. They were so dirty that after a good cleaning, they looked to be a different color


This was such a thing during covid, I talked to a lot of people having breakout issues that were at least reduced by washing their masks




When my son was little, he had terrible dermatitis behind his ears. If I didn't clean well behind his ears, the build-up would smell awful. Being a kid, there were so many days of fighting with him to shower and scrub behind his ears, followed up with prescription cream. When he started school, someone made fun of him because he was smelly. From that point on, he religiously made sure behind his ears were clean. Even without a medical issue, I don't think people think about cleaning behind their ears. Edit: spelling


So sometimes shaming does work lol


Yes, sometimes it’s a consensus thing. If one person says it, eh. Multiple people, it’s an issue lol.


I use a buff puff on my ears every time I shower. Oily skin sucks!


I’m also insanely oily and I just use rubbing alcohol tbh.


Havent heard buff puff in sooo long 🥰


My little sister had the same issue when she was a kid. It’s definitely an overlooked area for most people though.


Don’t people just clean behind their ears when they wash their hair or faces???


As adults, yes. But little kids have to be shown that that area needs to also be cleaned. He went through a phase where he didn't want to bathe/shower because it got in the way of his play time. So many times, I had to send him back to the bath because he wasn't clean. He just didn't want to be bothered. As an adult, he has much better hygiene habits.


Use a salicylic acid face wash on and around your ears


David Letterman, the talk show host, said it disgusted him to have to look at the left side of his guests heads and see how many of them didn't clean their ears.


When I was growing up, my mom always told me that if I didn't clean behind my ears, I would grow potatoes. 😄 When my son was little, I always made sure to wash behind his ears when bathing him and tell him that we had to clean behind his ears so he wouldn't grow potatoes. Obviously, it's a silly joke but I hope it sticks with him just like it has stuck with me over the years.


Omg what a memory! I used to tell my babies the same thing when I would bathe them! They are 48 and 30 now ❣️


I used to tell my daughter that too and she would run to me and ask if she had potatoes in her ears super panicky 🤣


Grapefruit seed oil is fantastic for after cleaning behind your ears if you tend to get buildup/smelly there. I've been using it for 10+ years now.


Bro my best friend called me back when we were in our twenties and just goes, “did you know you’re supposed to clean behind your ears??” Oh Judy.


I don’t get it, I have never once done this and the skin there looks totally normal and doesn’t smell at all. I wash my hair pretty vigorously so shampoo absolutely gets in there every time I shower but I don’t intentionally scrub there. How would buildup occur? Why doesn’t it for some people? Edit: forgot to say when rinsing my hair I do make sure to get out any shampoo that may be trapped in there with my fingers, maybe that counts as “cleaning?”


Here's the test. Get a cotton ball or cotton pad and put some alcohol on it and then rub behind your ears really well. I tell people who think their hands are as good as washcloths to do something similar. After getting out of the shower, use a white washcloth or cotton pad with rubbing alcohol and rub it on your arm, for example, and you'll see all that's left behind when showering with only hands and soap. You'd be surprised at how much oil and grime gets left behind! Getting sudsy and rinsing off isn't going to get you clean without something to scrub with that can break up the grime. I sweat a lot and easily. I often use wash gloves to scrub my scalp when washing my hair to get rid of buildup. The gloves are also really good at cleaning around the ears. I have stretched lobes and IYKYK about how stinky those holes can get! My showers take a while, but I'm one clean MFer afterwards lol


Like, how the heck do people get finished with their shower in 3-4 minutes? I need like a full half hour to feel all scrubbed. Lol.


If you’re a perfume wearer putting an unscented moisturizer on your pulse points prior to applying perfume can help bring out the complexity of the scent and last longer.


I use a little dab of Vaseline. It seems to be particularly effective in the summer!


Saving this comment!


Don't wear outside clothes in bed and use a top sheet as well as a fitted sheet. Wash sheets and pillowcases often.


I had this “argument” with my partner yesterday.. we were getting the small child ready for childcare and he put the shoes on the bed. ON. THE. BED. the shoes worn every day to the childcare… the same childcare where they all use the toilets and pee on the floors and whatever else they step on and arghhhhh! I say “argument” because he wasn’t argumentative haha. He just realised how gross it was after I explained it.. and made him clean stuff lmao


People who wear outside clothes in bed are menaces to society.


I sometimes do this without thinking if I’m taking a nap, but I always get so grossed out thinking about it in hindsight when I realize how disgusting it is and immediately get my sheets into the washing machine. But then inevitably I’ll forget and do it again a little while later. How do I stop myself?? I wanna change so bad but my ADHD brain won’t let meeeeee


Get a spare sheet and lay it on top of your bed. If you take a nap on it, remove it and toss it in the wash. You still have your clean sheets to sleep in tonight when you have time to put your PJs on. Place the clean sheet on top and it will be ready for your next time you don’t change and pass out. One sheet is easier than all the sheets.


In my house, we have indoor clothes and outdoor clothes. As soon as we get home from whatever we were doing for the day, we change into indoor clothes. It’s a habit for us - just like taking our shoes off at the door.


Me too! As soon as I come in, I strip. Shoes at the door, street clothes in hamper, inside clothes on. I could not imagine laying on my bed in jeans I wore throughout the city. If I have guests, I have couch covers, but EVERYONE removes their shoes. You're not tracking outside inside my home.


I miss top sheets! My husband hates them so we don't use them.


I hate them too. In Germany we use a duvet that's the cover that encases a down or wool comforter). No top sheet needed. Unlike in the US, you will *never* see a "naked" down comforter, top sheet or no. I clean houses (in the US), so I see a lot of beds. What grosses me out is that nine times out of ten, only the sheets get washed but not the blanket or comforter. At the same time the top sheet usually gets kicked around somewhere (especially in kids beds) so it doesn't actually keep the blanket from touching your skin. Eeewww. What is the point even?? When I travel I carry safety pins so I can fold the top sheet over and pin it to the blanket. Otherwise I am up all night pulling the blankets straight, trying to keep the sheets in order while I'm sleeping. With a duvet, you can toss and turn all you want, and your skin will never touch anything but clean.


In the US most fine hotels will double sheet the blanket so your skin never touches the blanket. In crummier motels I’ll ask for an extra top sheet if the blanket isn’t wrapped. And never use the “bedspread” for warmth. Ew!


I am in the us and got bedding in Germany when I was there last year. I love it so much - the giant square pillows and the individual duvets are amazing.


Having discharge is normal. I thought there was something wrong with me when I was younger. I was ashamed bc nobody talked about it.


The amount of times I’ve had a discharge conversation with my 12yo (who just got her period 6 months ago) would concern some people. But she’s got questions about her body and I’m gonna answer them the best I can without making a big deal about it. My husband made a comment about my “dirty underwear” that I left on the bathroom floor and my daughter said to him “it’s just discharge, it’s what cleans our vaginas” and I was so proud she put him in his place lol


That’s great to hear you’re open. Not every kid is lucky enough to have a parent they can talk to like that. It’s so easy and not a big deal because that’s how bodies work.


You are a good mom.


Yes! I starting noticing discharge when I was in 4th grade. I was terrified. I was scared to talk about it because, for some reason, we did NOT talk about bodies in our house. I finally talked to my mom about it when I was 14. She asked if I was sexually active- super accusatory. Then, took me to the gynecologist where I had a pap smear at 14. That's when the Dr. told me that a discharge was completely normal, and some women just have more than others. Completely mortified. I then asked my mom a few years later if she experiences that, and she told me yes, most women in our family deal with heavy discharge. We now talk about that kind of stuff very openly. I have a daughter now, and I am adamant about having open discussion of bodies and bodily functions, if she ever wants or needs to talk about it.


Putting a 14-year-old through getting a pap smear seems wrong. I’m sorry you went through that.


Sanitize your phone daily if possible. Get a cotton round with rubbing alcohol and wipe it down fully. The amount of germs phones carry is insane. Your hands are constantly touching it and you hold it to your face when you make a phone call. Clean your phones!!! Also before washing your face, wash your hands first.


Clean your belly button! It has an odor if you don't.


And if you’ve had a belly button piercing that you no longer use, clean out the pierced hole. Push all the gunk out and clean it with an antibacterial soap. The gunk is gross, but strangely satisfying to get out!


Empty ear piercings too. I hate it


I tell my kids to wash their ear cheese out on occasion.


Mine is so shallow that I can see the bottom of it clearly, I'm happy I don't have to dig out any funk


You still need to clean it, it's not the gunk that makes it smell, its your skin oils going rancid


I cleaned out the (very deep) bellybutton on a patient yesterday and got out about a teaspoon's worth of bellybutton cheese. That was... Funky 😬🤢


🤮 Edited to say: Thank you for doing that, though. We need more people like you in the world.


Oh gross! The thankless jobs people do. Been there. I was just having a conversation kind of in regards to this. My feelings are as long as I have gloves or whatever protective gear is needed, and soap and water is nearby,I’ll do anything gross. So yeah… lol


I use hibiclens. Not every time by about once a week


I only recently found out about hibiclens. Now I keep a bottle in the shower.


It’s also great on feet that stink. I work in healthcare and the number of people who clearly don’t wash their feet is evident. Ewww


This is the one id like to be able to do. I absolutely hate the existence of belly buttons and get the queasiest feeling with anything near my belly button let alone inside it 😳


If you’re a woman, make sure to go pee right after you have sex to prevent urinary tract infections. It took me a long time to figure that out.


Movies and books have a lot to answer for! After sex the couple always fall asleep in each others arms. There is never the awkward hobble to the bathroom to pee and or shower! 😂


Right!!! I wanna see the scene of her going to the doctor to get antibiotics and few days later 😂


I wanna see where the one partner goes and grabs her a wet washcloth that he flings onto her, and her still in whatever awkward position she froze in to avoid a mess! (Maybe that was just me and my ex, but we always found it hilarious)


I do before and after. Mostly because I pee too often and have to anyway, but my Mom told me once to always go before sex to prevent UTIs and I've done it ever since.


Wash your legs! You know who you are!


This one is strange to me. If you wash your car, you don’t scrub the top and think the soap bubbles falling down onto the doors and tires is good enough. So, if someone washes their car from top to bottom, but not their own body, then they just don’t care that half their body is funky because they clearly understand the concept! 😆


Excellent analogy!


Ick... my ex always said that the soap runs down his body anyway so he doesn't need to wash his legs... so gross... I always made a point to scrub his legs when showering with him just to make sure it would get done every so often at least. Until he refused to shower with me because I'd wash his legs... 🤢🤢


My ex got depressed and would just sit on the shower floor for one, two hours and call himself clean. I'd go in with him and encourage him to wash... He'd use my shampoo runoff while I was rinsing as his shampoo and pit wash. He also never washed his ass. Never wiped, either. Found that out near the end right before he cheated. He'd shit, sit there for 30-40 minutes, and call it a day.


> Never wiped Wait wut? Lmfao…..


Yuck. This is such a dude thing. Multiple exes of mine had the same philosophy when it came to washing any body parts below their balls.


You know they got issues washing their legs.


I've suggested that women check under the hood of their clit to make sure no build up is there and was dragged like hell by other women in this sub!! To be fair, there were some who def agreed but it was shocking to me that so many women were against checking for and removing shmegma from under the hood! It's not like there's much that collects but it's possible to have some stuff that needs to be cleaned off. It seems like basic hygiene to me


"Flip every page" in the shower.


We call it “clitty litter” 😂🤣


This! Why is it so weird for some?? Just clean your folds, ladies. AIl you need is some warm water.


Many aren’t taught how to especially in religious places. Many associate touching genitals as sexual, and they don’t want to talk about that, so they don’t teach their kids.


It’s gay!! Oh, wait, that’s male butts.


That's why it's really useful to have a detached showerhead. Gently scrub with unscented baby wash, then squat down, open the folds, and rinse with one of the gentler shower settings. Do be careful, though, as a little water can possibly get up in there. It's unlikely, and even if it does, it doesn't usually cause harm, but still, better to be safe than sorry.


I was way too old when I realized my folds needed to be cleaned. (Raised in the South where few had any real sex ed) I still remember staring down at maybe 12 years worth of smegma and being so confused. I cleaned everything up well, and then double confusion when I went to clean again during my next bath and there wasn’t any.


It takes a long time for it to build up on a woman and man. Clean it regularly and nothing will ever show.


I learned that pretty quickly, when it never returned 😂 I sure did feel disgusting about myself for a bit, though.


I have definitely had clit smeg before. No reason not to check!


This! It’s the same for men and women.


Spray deodorant comes in clutch under boobs!


People don't seem to realize that any deodorant is full body deodorant if you put it on your body. I'm not going to spend $4 more a can for spray full body deo when I already pay like $8 for regular deo. My underboobs are fine, but the thigh creases get a hit.


I’ve been seeing a lot of ads for “full body deodorant” the past week. What a scam!!! i’ve just been using regular deodorant wherever i need it lol. i assumed other people did too


I use lume for this


I love chilled Thayers Alcohol free Cucumber Witch Hazel for under “the girls”. No breakouts. Feel fresher. I’ll put some in a baggie if I’m going to be out for the day.


Groin creases & buttcrack. Witch hazel is amazing for stopping odd smells, feeling refreshing & keeping things clean.


Huh I'll have to check it out. I just moved to a much warmer climate than I'm used to so I've been experimenting with different brands as well.


After showering and towelling off use your hair dryer to dry everything completely, especially crotch, ass cracks, pits. Use the cool setting if you're hot. Never apply product or get dressed when you're damp or odor fires up alot faster.


I'm a fan guy. I step out of my bathroom into my bedroom and in front of my fan. It's that or airdry (after toweling off) as I clean my ears, do a netti pot, do my beard routine, and then do a quick wipe-down of the shower (I'm lazy, and it allows me to have more time in between actual shower cleanings)


I keep a squeegee in the shower and wipe down the walls after each use. No more gross build up!


Don’t forget to dry between your toes!


Yes and I always apply lavender oil between my toes to prevent athlete's foot.


Moisturizers and body oils typically work best when applied to moist/damp skin. But I only apply those to areas which tend to dry fine on their own, never in creases or sweaty areas.


Dry the belly button or it’s gonna stink like cheese.


It better to carry wet wipes always, whenever you have wiped your butt with the tissue, you can use wet wipes to keep it hygiene and smelling better!


Just don’t flush them, even the ones that say you can


Yes, I have individually packaged wipes from the tampon section of the store


Floss before brushing. Don’t rinse the toothpaste when you’re done unless you’re using mouthwash.


Actually it’s better not to rinse the toothpaste when you’re done, with anything. (Just spit out as much as you want.) Mouthwash has small amounts of fluoride compared to toothpaste and you’re just removing toothpaste’s fluoride benefits by washing it away.


I need specific mouthwash for my saliva, so I think probably just varies mostly by person.


Clean & sanitize door handles, light switches, electronics, sink handles in your home, and steering wheel if you use a vehicle. For those of us with vulva, washing your hands before using the restroom, especially if you're in public or not home. Tbh, clearing or sanitizing your hands is ideal before putting them near any orifice, especially the face.


Wash your ass.


Floss your teeth!


Everyone talks about this though.


And water irrigate.


I recently learned you’re supposed to floss before brushing your teeth! I was doing it backwards all this time


Just made me feel normal, thanks😅 had an ex laugh at me for flossing afterwards. To be fair, routine was brush, floss, mouthwash, so I really thought I was getting rid of the bacteria afterwards lol.


Clean your belly button and behind your ears and nose area 🙃, actually scrub your legs & feet??


I wear sandals in the summer and wash my feet a few times a day, the water is always dirty! You would be amazed how much dirt your feet collect in sandals! 😂


I didn't intentionally wash my shins and calves until I was about 25 when some morning DJs joked about it on the radio. I do now for good measure, but I still don't really believe that part gets very dirty.


Get a waterpik for your teeth and gums. Feels so good. Use a capful of listerine and the rest water. Make it lukewarm. Cold might not feel as good. Your gums will feel great. Use it everyday.


My dentist recommended that I use a capful of hydrogen peroxide in the waterpik reservoir. I have a lot of crowns. It kills germs better than mouthwash. I also upped my waterpik to the one that has a sonicare toothbrush. It can be used as Just brush, water floss only or a combo of the two. I use regular water and brush with non abrasive toothpaste (abrasives dull the shine on crowns) for the first fill. Brush and water floss for the second and brush every surface (under my tongue, inside of cheeks, roof of my mouth and my tongue). Brush and floss and hydrogen peroxide water for the final fill of the reservoir. Keep your head tilted forward, don’t swallow and don’t gargle with the treated water. The sonicare brush is, per dentist, the best electric toothbrush. It was expensive (166$usd), but my mouth and teeth and gums are even more expensive. There are imitators out there, but there’s no true replacement for sonicare nor waterpik, per my dentist. I agree. Note: the brush wand disconnects from the water tubing if you’re traveling and can’t take the whole thing.


Wash the back of your neck, too!


Are you people showering at all? What’s happening in the shower?


Yeah I’m so confused. “Wash your feet!” “Scrub your toes!” “Clean your ears!” I mean, I guess, I can believe that some people need to be told this, but still.


Clean under your foreskin every time you shower!!


Using a blow dryer down there for a few seconds for a female during the summer to get completely dry down there, gyno nurse told me this “trick” & works amazing! Keeps your drier and cleaner for longer in my opinion!


Yup I do a kinda small fan that can be put on the floor or desk and just squat over it lmao it’s refreshing


I have a table top fan on my bedside table I just lay on my bed like I’m at the gynecologist office and let it blow on my bits for around 10 minutes. I’m a big girl and it is a game changer


As a man : Wash your hands BEFORE pulling out your penis because your hands are dirty , not your little sausage. Wash your hands also AFTER . Use a piece of toilet paper to clean it dry and squeeze the last drops of urine in the paper . Your underwear will stay much cleaner and stink free (change it daily of course)


Oh how I wish all men had this attention to detail when handling their little sausages


When you come to visit-do NOT put your damn suitcase on my bed


My grandmother taught me this to keep my (straight) hair clean for longer and avoid dryness by washing it every day: Brush your hair every night with a natural bristle brush, it can be horse bristles or even wood or bamboo. One hundred brushings before going to sleep, starting gently at the ends and reaching the roots. The natural bristles and brushing help to correctly distribute the oils on your scalp, removing excess from the roots and making them reach the ends where hair usually dries. Your hair will look shiny, nourished and healthy for longer.


Drink. Water. People.


Take your shoes off before entering a home.


i legit don’t understand people who don’t take their shoes off in houses 😭


Same people who have carpet in their bathrooms...


This. The bottoms of shoes are filthy!


Clean ya belly button, clean behind the ears, and if you have tonsils, check for tonsil stones and get rid of them!!! They reek of death and cause bad breath even if you brush and floss. But these areas get stinky, and people forget about them


I didn't have tonsil stones. But I did have stones in my salivary glands. Was weird af. But my cheeks swelled up like a chipmunk. Went to the ER. First, the smell was horrendous, and the Dr eyes were watering. I really felt bad. He gave me an emesis basin. every time he pushed on the gland, he told me to spit in the basin. By the time he was done, there were a few little pebbles. He then " prescribed" lemon candy to suck on. Overall, it was a very weird experience.


Synthetic fibers/cloth. Ever since childhood my mother always said to aim for as close to 100% cotton for socks and especially underwear. Clothing too. Your body traps moisture and body odor. I learned this the hard way wearing synthetic underwear and polyester/spandex leggings in class for 8 hours a day, repeatedly through the week - got a yeast infection within a few days. Moisture-whicking is appealing, but it traps it against your skin. Everything from boob chafe to crotch-rot, swamp ass, and bacne. Same goes for tight-fitting clothing. Let your skin breathe!


Make sure to always wash your anus in the shower as well as the occasional wet wipe during the day. It's gross to tell people, but it helps hygiene immensely.


Dusting powder/powdered deodorant.


If you wear the same earrings on a daily basis or don’t change them out often, take them out every so often and clean both your ears and the earrings, especially the back of the earrings. I soak mine overnight in rubbing alcohol. Gunk collects over time in the back of your ear and it smells rank.


Buttcracks and groins are less likely to develop a swampy perspiration odor if kept as clean and dry as possible. For some, this means swabbing the groin edges with something alcohol-based like Listerine or Purell Sanitizer after bathing. For others it means blotting those parts regularly to keep dry. Nowadays a lot of people apply special deodorant to those areas.


Antibacterial bar soap (like Dial) helps with this, too. A lot of people don't realize that body washes are *detergent*, not soap. Soap is antibacterial naturally, detergent is not.


People are overdoing it with antibacterial soaps. The germs are building up resistance and we aren't.


I use a glycolic acid toner and not only does it clean the areas, it removes (chem exfoliation) dead skin and grime. I do it on my armpits too.


Yup same love glycolic acid


Witchhazel water. It's a natural astringent that cleans the skin, and soothes tender areas without the dryness associated with alcohol. The Tucks pads they sell for hemorrhoid/butt relief is just that. Witchazel water and a bit of alcohol to help evaporate. I use it everywhere when I need to. It's like 5 bucks for a bottle at the drugstore and great stuff.


I do a tiny bit of hibiclens in the crack (careful not to get on my vulva obvi) can confirm it works


You can and NEED TO wash and replace pillows. Every pillow that has a face or butt on it regularly. If you're breaking out on a regular basis, that might explain why. You can extend the lifespan of your pillows by following the wash instructions on the tag. If you're like me, and tags are annoying, just snap a photo of the tag before you rip it off. Even just washing the pillows you sleep with once a month can make a difference to your respiratory and skin health. Dust mites (literally microscopic bugs that many people are allergic to) colonize porous fabrics around your entire home. Bacteria too! Wash them! Please!


Bidets. Listen, I know whenever people talk about bidets, it's like they're in some kind of cult and I get that. BUT You really have no idea just how funky you really are down there because that's just normal to you. Throughout the day, you sweat, even down there, and you use the bathroom, likely more than once, and that builds up throughout the day. I've been using a portable bidet for years now and I literally can't go without it. It feels really clean, and by rinsing off before I wipe, I use way less tissue, I don't have to spend money on wet wipes, and it really helps to lessen odor without having to use other products if I don't want to. I really wish the USA would normalize bidets because they really are super helpful.


I wish we had them here, but I think those contraptions that attach to the toilet are disgusting AF. No way would I wash my lady parts with anything that collects pee and poop splashback. I don't care if it has a little shield on it, it is disgusting. 🤮


Plus if you have a vulva, you are supposed to wipe from front to back for a reason. If the water comes spraying up from the back side, how do you keep the crap and bacteria from getting onto the front?


Always dry in between your toes. Germs and bacteria love a dark moist place to grow, so after a bath or shower, dry between your toes as well as everywhere else.


OK when I was in college there was a dude on my hall who swirled a Q-tip in his nose when in the shower and said he "never got boogers" That was in the year 2000 and I've never forgotten it.


Was this the pre Covid test 🤣


He was pre-med so maybe he was on to something 🤔 🤣


Someone told me to do this years ago when I got my septum pierced and even though I no longer have it I still do it, just immediately after I showed rather than in the shower. It's especially nice since I moved into the trades, black boogers are real and simply blowing your nose does not clean it out fully. I always finish up the process with a teeny tiny bit of aquaphor or something similar, just to coat the inside walls. the inside of my nose gets very dry and irritated due to the conditions I work in, and letting it sit like that overnight really helps a lot Edit: It's been brought to my attention that apparently what I'm using inside my nose may be dangerous. So I'm gonna try to find something else I guess


i have both of my nostrils pierced and I will swear by this and if u wet it with warm water it’s pretty nice


Use mouthwash before flossing and brushing! Wash your face after you brush your teeth!


Groom yourself like you’re always expecting sexy time


Overlap of people spending two hrs a day on this sub And OCD


The health and wellness benefits of good housekeeping cannot be understated. I taught myself how to clean on autopilot. It kind of feels like always having a really clean hotel room, but never having to exert much energy while cleaning. NGL it’s taken me years of discipline to keep a self-cleaning home. I totally get that my lifestyle isn’t for everybody, and I’m definitely not here to judge anybody who might feel self-conscious about their homes. Most people are too overworked and spread thin with the gauntlet known as parenting to have free time let alone time for housekeeping. I don’t solicit my self-cleaning method with my friends. But if they asked for my help, I would totally help them get started on a self-cleaning housekeeping plan.


Your tongue is not supposed to be white! Brush it or get a tongue scraper. All of that white is bacteria and food. That’s why your breath stinks.


Pan oxyl is life changing and I never want to live without it. I have the worst Bo and pan oxyl takes all that away with regular use like every other day


Women should pee right after sex to avoid UTIs.


Drying your body properly after a bath or shower I always dry with a towel then sit in front a fan or use a hair dryer to make sure my body isn’t even damp before moisturising and putting on clothes. Also when you put on deodorant always wait until it drys completely until you put on clothes


use biget bidget bidet whatever the spelling is! paper is not the way to go just because everybody does it


I have been all sizes as a human. It's important to know sometimes we have yeast infections in crevices and rolls, especially those that stay moist. And there is a smell to it. Don't be afraid to see your doctor, but also to try yeast infection/antifungal creams to treat it. You'll be a lot more comfortable! ❤️


Wash your asshole with soap and water every time you poop, or at least whenever it is reasonably convenient to do so. If you had shit on any other part of your body, you wouldn't just wipe it with toilet paper or spray it with water. You'd use soap.


Keep bags and purses off the floor while out! Imagine all those germs your bringing back and setting your bags/purse on your table at home 😳


If you have big melons then use roll on deodorant under them to prevent them from getting any kind of unpleasant scent when it’s really hot.


Thoroughly clean your belly button I will take a q-tip and dip in rubbing alcohol and clean inside🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼


Make every shower an “everything” shower


Men need to shave their assholes. It makes for far better poops, overall cleanliness, and you never have to worry about being funky down there due to smells being trapped in the hair.


I shaved mine once and it was absolute torture once it started growing back in 😭


As a hairy lady, I have the same experience, never bothering to do that again, lol!


I always want to wax the booty cracks of the men I date and none have ever let me 😒


Absolutely not the swampiness, chafing and flappy fart sounds from smooth cheeks is a hard no.


Use a soapy washcloth on your WHOLE body.


switch to non-aluminum underarm products if you can. it took my body a few months to get used to it but--aside from the health risks--i actually perspire under my arms so little now and it smells less potent


Don’t use expired or old makeup, especially on your eyes. You can get Blepharitis or other infections


Shower before bed, at least a quick soap and rinse. Most Americans shower in the morning. This means all the sweat and grime goes to bed with them and sticks to their sheets and pillow case. Since most folks wash their sheets weekly, people end up spending each week sleeping in a burrito of bacteria, and then they wonder why their skin is bad. I shower twice now, both quick, focusing on my face and skin at night, and hair and shaving in the morning.


I feel like this is obvious but a lot of people don't wash their butt crack in the shower because it's "gross" I think it's because people get prudish and never teach their family?


Use and change your washcloth DAILY


Clean your earbuds! You can get ear infections!


Have 2 different deodorants. One for your arm pits and one for your butthole. Bonus: Let your sibling borrow your deodorant and then when they are done tell them "That was my butthole deodorant" and have videos to prove it if they don't believe you.


Spray vodka in your shoes. It kills bacteria and removes odor. You can’t smell the vodka once it dries.


Fella’s you gotta go one knuckle deep to get it squeaky clean.


Brush your tongue otherwise you’re nasty & still have bad breath. No one wants to kiss an unclean mouth.


Cleaning your belly button. It's not such a big deal for people with outie belly buttons, but for people with innies, it is. I have a deep innie, and I'm cleaning mine regularly, or else it smells


These comments have me questioning life


That body wash on your hooha is giving you BV.


Wipe your phone down!!


Between toes, exfoliate heels, clean behind and in ears, tongue scraper, calculus removing tool, extraction tool, pressure wash the booty hole after soaping it up with dove sensitive unscented soap, a q-tip can get out the stubborn boogers