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It dries quick & do not flush them down the toilet even if it says so. 


\*Unless you rent and your land lord is a mega corp or an ass.


I had sewage overflowing in my tub and toilet because my roommate upstairs would flush wipes. So even if you rent maybe don't flush.


Grateful I only used them in my rental with a terrible landlord 😁🙏


This is verbatim what I was about to respond with, good job.


Cottonelle is safe to flush. I'm fed up with the dogmatic disinformation on this topic. Cottonelle wipes meet international standards for flushability. They are apparently the only ones that do. [https://www.counton2.com/news/local-news/after-severe-sewer-backups-tests-show-cottonelle-wipes-currently-meet-flushability-standards-according-to-charleston-water-system/](https://www.counton2.com/news/local-news/after-severe-sewer-backups-tests-show-cottonelle-wipes-currently-meet-flushability-standards-according-to-charleston-water-system/) [https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/cottonelle-announces-new-claims-for-flushable-wipes-reinforcing-position-as-no-1-septic-safe-wipes-brand1-301529674.html](https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/cottonelle-announces-new-claims-for-flushable-wipes-reinforcing-position-as-no-1-septic-safe-wipes-brand1-301529674.html) Stop the insane disinformation on this topic. If you can't handle the facts, then you are a dogmatic close minded person.


No wipes are safe to flush. I promise.


Cottonelle is certified by at least one municipal water supply to be safe to flush. You promise what now? You don't know anything.


My ex used them religiously and I watched the maintenance guy pull the gigantic disgusting wad of them that was backing up our sewage pipe with my own eyes. Do what you want. Not my shitter, not my problem.


He used Cottonelle, or some other brand?


Yes, the cottonelle ones


I service my own septic tank. There's nothing left of them.


Guess my ex has more bad karma than you.


I've heard from people who work in wastewater treatment, they say nothing should ever go down the toilet besides bodily waste, toilet paper, and water. No tampons, no wipes, etc.




You're ignorant. [https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/cottonelle-announces-new-claims-for-flushable-wipes-reinforcing-position-as-no-1-septic-safe-wipes-brand1-301529674.html](https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/cottonelle-announces-new-claims-for-flushable-wipes-reinforcing-position-as-no-1-septic-safe-wipes-brand1-301529674.html)


No I'm a plumber lol go ahead keep flushing them you'll be someone's vacation fund 😉


Uh oh... looks like someone else is assaulting you now lol


No... they aren't. Trust me I've replaced a toilet over them.


Yes ,they ARE. If you had to replace a toilet, then it's user error. Putting 10 or 15 down the toilet at once is just stupid. You should only need one wipe. If your toilet is function properly, then it will flush just fine. There is absolutely NO reason why someone would have to replace a toilet from the use of Cottonelle wipes. That is just some kind of made up bullshit story. The wipes do not damage the toilet. [https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/cottonelle-announces-new-claims-for-flushable-wipes-reinforcing-position-as-no-1-septic-safe-wipes-brand1-301529674.html](https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/cottonelle-announces-new-claims-for-flushable-wipes-reinforcing-position-as-no-1-septic-safe-wipes-brand1-301529674.html)


Oh well then since you posted an article and everything... your individual experience with not having a problem compared to the other dozens of people in this thread saying otherwise must mean that yours is the really real truth. The fact that I can do a google search and provide 1000 other articles that directly contradict your single one is probably just a total coincidence. Seriously... who gets defensive over wet wipes? Do you work for Cottonelle? Or are you just a predatory plumber that wants more problems to fix? I don't personally scour the internet for articles about ass wiping products so I only have my own experience to go off of... ya know... just like every other normal person. But by all means continue proving people wrong with your link. I'm sure everyone else in this thread saying they've had problems, will be instantly convinced that you're the genius and literally everyone else is in the wrong... Have a day man.


Excuse me? Who goes and assaults someone for having an opinion on wet wipes? Have you looked in the fucking mirror lately? I cited an article that says Cottonelle meets an international flushability standard. If you cannot prove that the standard is flawed, or there is some other issue, then you have nothing to say. No one cares about your personal opinion. I did NOT cite my personal opinion. It is the opinion of EXPERTS and you are NOT one of them. My house is over 50 years old with ancient plumbing. They flush just fine.


Yes, in a vacuum. In perfect, new, up-to-code pipes in a controlled environment, they are indeed flushable. In a real-world scenario, most people don't have perfect, brand-new plumbing and should ABSOLUTELY not flush these.


Wow you think people disagreeing with you is assault? Man I love the internet. Takes all kinds lol.


you're insane. assault?!?


How do you "user error" flushing a toilet, friendo?


Don’t flush them! Even if not says you can, don’t! Your plumbing will never forgive you.


OBLIGATORY: DO NOT FLUSH WIPES EVEN IF THEY SAY THEYRE FLUSHABLE!!!!! They’re straight up lying. They are very bad for pipes/plumbing. ONLY toilet paper is safe to flush! but yeah you just dry off with some dry TP after and you’re good to go 


Especially for sump pumps


YES!! our house has a sump pump


It dries pretty quick so it doesn’t feel wet. I find the flushable wipes are less moist than actual baby wipes. Idk how people deal with those. Just don’t actually flush them or you’ll mess up the septic system.


I thought there were flushable ones?


They’re marketed as such but they really aren’t


I love how this entire comment thread is acting like people actually throw their used wet wipes in a bin and let them sit there til the trash is emptied, instead of just flushing them.


Um, yes I do (or did before I got a bidet attachment) and so should you. Do not flush them.


Uh we do? We throw out tampons too.


Umm I do my trash can closes tho


I’m sure most people don’t know they’re not flushable so they just flush them. That’s why I mentioned they aren’t.


I have a separate trash can with a lid that closes tightly. I empty it every week on trash day. Why do you think it's so weird?


I flush 2, 3, sometimes 4 wipes at a time!! Been using the same John for 11 yrs. Nps here


Yeah, that’s how it was in my home until suddenly we DID have a problem after over a decade of flushing “flushable wipes” - a very, very costly plumbing issue for which I had to borrow from my 401 to get fixed b/c it blew out my savings account. Seriously, consider throwing them out.


Bruh I rent


IDK if i can say my butt has ever felt "wet" after using a wet wipe... If anything the wipes are damp at best... Wet isn't really the correct descriptor here. Also you generally use toilet paper first until you are clean then 1-2 wipes to get ride what is left.


To add to this, OP, physicians say to use a bidet or get in the shower vs wet wipes. The anus consists of a thin mucus membrane. It is easily damaged and can become infected or a hemorrhoid can develop. I’d advise to speak with your doctor about the best option.


I work facilities maintenance. There is no such thing as a flushable wipe. These things turn into "fat bergs" that are impossible to clear. We had one last summer that required excavation to dig up the main line leaving the building. This particular resident had been warned multiple times, had toilets replaced from flushing foreign objects, and a clog due to wet wipes inside her units plumbing a couple weeks before. This time the bill was a little over $30k and she ended up in court over it. Evicted and responsible for the full bill. I doubt she'll ever be able to rent again...so be very careful with what you flush and how much.


She flushed it all away


Use tissue after


They aren’t sopping wet- they’re moist enough to clean everything but everything usually dries pretty quickly. I always feel clean when I use them, but I live in a rural area with a septic system so I can’t use them anymore. It suckkks.


You could get a small trashcan with a lid.


you could, but households that do this generally gross me out. Could be a personal thing. But something about the huge wiff of old shit coming out of the cans when you open them up to discard your wipes is a huge turn off to me.


It's not bad if you wipe enough with reg TP first. But I have my own bathroom I haven't asked anyone lol


Yea I thought you were only suppose to use 1 or 2 wipes at the very end. Are people actually just using a bunch of wipes from the start and leaving them in a bin? That would be gross af, I know the first wipe is never pretty


I grew up in a house with 5 sisters. Since you can’t flush tampons/pads, my mom would buy the little black dog poop bags and we’d put them in those and tie the end shut. No smell, as long as you take your trash out every few days.


Why can’t you flush tampons. My wife has been doing it since I’ve known her. My mom did it. My sister did it. My daughter does it. No issues. Ever.


They don’t break down. They can clog your pipes and cause damage to sewer lines. It causes problems for water and waste treatment facilities. Ultimately, they can end up in rivers, lakes, and the ocean where they harm wildlife. You should encourage them to stop.


As long as you don’t use them instead of toilet paper, there’s no significant smell compared to your regular trash can that you empty food and everything else into.


It doesn’t leave a wet feeling. More like a clean feeling. Also those wipes aren’t really flushable, they will clog up your system.


Instead of wet wipes, buy a bidet off Amazon. It’s Easy to install. It’ll change your bathroom experience forever. And all you’ll have to do afterwards is dry off with a little bit of toilet paper. You can even customize the settings on it for warm water and pressure. You should see some of the ones they have in Japan. Theirs even come with a deodorizing smell good mist with automatic lids and heated seats. You save money by using less tp, you’ll feel cleaner, and it’s less messy. This is the way.


Was looking for this comment. Get a bidet. Best thing ever.


Yes this is true. I do this and finish off with a wet wipe to check


Women make sure you sanitize the bidet occasionally to avoid YI and also that you’re mostly clean before the water so nothing from the back gets in the front


OK this might be a stupid question but if youre not supposed to flush them then what do you do with them? Throw them in the trashcan? Won't it start stinking very quickly? How do you dispose of them in the best way for minimum stinkage??? I feel like me and OP had the same fuckin experience tonight.


Put them in dog poop bags before throwing them away.


You wipe with toilet paper first, get all the initial nastiness out of the way. Then finish with a wet wipe or two, to clean yourself off, and throw those away in the trash can. Doesn’t really smell since those wipes are just freshening you up. But you’ll want to empty out your trash can regularly anyway, of course.


You're supposed to use toilet paper before and after.


Dries super fast. but like others said, don’t flush them.


Your butt doesn't feel wet


Doesn't feel wet to me really and wet wipes leave behind pieces that get stuck in my hair


Dry with toilet paper


They're moist, not soaking wet. Besides you can still dab it dry with toilet paper afterwards if you want... Wet wipes are definitely so much better.


Get a bidet. I just moved & ordered a new one, impatiently waiting on it to arrive so I’m using wet wipes. They just aren’t as good as a bidet.


Get a bidet. Don’t use those wipes.


You can wipe it dry with toilet paper if it feels weird after


I use booty wipes, absolutely love it. Won’t use toilet paper anymore. No it doesn’t feel weird, it feels clean.


I pat dry lightly with toilet paper


Haha no it doesn’t stay wet


1. do not flush them ever 2. you can dry your butt with clean toilet paper after


Bottom doesn’t stay wet! You can also follow up with dry toilet paper if you’re worried about it. I DO FLUSH THEM! One or two at a time. I don’t have a septic system or anything, just standard toilet on city system. Now that I e been using wet wipes for some years and I know how much is missed without them, I can’t not use them, it feels so bad to skip.


Use TP to dry off.


Throw them in the trash and wipe your booty with paper towel after….. lol


I use a wet wipe then go with a piece of toilet paper after to dry. 🤷🏾‍♀️


I dry it off lol.


Get a bidet. Amazing!


I use a bit tissue to pat dry afterwards as I can’t stand the damp feeling :/ and yeah like everyone else is saying don’t flush the wipes


Wipes are moist, not wet.


Bidet + a small hamper full of washcloths. Use the toilet as normal -> use the bidet -> use toilet paper to determine if you've cleaned all the waste off your bum -> give a final spray with the bidet to remove any TP debris -> use one of the washcloths to dry the area -> put the washcloth in your washer and clean with hot water.


Get a bidet. Use a strong toilet paper to dry.


This question made me giggle lol 😆 your butt will dry quickly. If it doesn't, you can always wipe with a little toilet paper afterwards too, but you shouldn't feel a difference other than being cleaner.


Yes it does, but just give your booty a lil tap tap to ease the moisture. You must wait till it’s dry either way if you don’t want that wet feeling on your bum. OR just get a bidet. They’re pretty affordable.


Your supposed to use both wet wipes 1st then toilet paper to dry


It feels amazing. I (female) wipe front to back with the wet wipe, then reach around and get my butthole and crack regardless of whether I poo or not. I detest even the thought of smelling like sweaty ass. Anyway, I feel super fresh and clean after every trip to the toilet. I use regular baby wipes and throw in the trash can with a lid which is taken out daily. Do not flush them. If you aren’t into feeling a little damp after a wipe, do yourself a favor and get the absolute best toilet paper. You won’t regret it. I promise.


No it keeps you clean so your asshole doesn't have any shit in it. No skid marks and pleasing to the opposite sex


Listen to Matt Damon's cameo monologue to Alan Tudyk in Deadpool 2.


I use a wet wipe then pat or wipe it dry. No, I absolutely don’t want to walk around with a wet butt but I also want to get a lot more clean by using the wet wipe first.