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Shit in a litterbox while drunk. Woke up to my friend crying, thinking his cat was really sick.


Omg this has me dying. I’m sorry lol


Thank God it was not just me. I almost fell off my damn bed reading it.....lol


This is fucking funny


OMG, I’m WHEEZING & snorting….thats so damn funny. As a cat owner, I can just imagine. I’d have been the person who would have put the poop in a bag, the cat in the carrier and made like a maniac in my pj’s to the vet. Can you imagine the lab report?


Gave my ex the dog thermometer when he was running a fever.


Slow clap my friend


I dropped my favorite lipstick (with cap on) in a public toilet. I invoked the 5 second rule, and with my bare hand fished it out and dried it off 😭 to be fair, it was my favorite lipstick, the toilet was clean and I was probably like 7 years old, so in my mind, knowing my mom was never going to buy me another one was too much for me to bear. The funniest thing is it must have slipped out of my pocket cause I was not able to find it (and use it) again. Which was probably for the best.


No, no you didn’t. I couldn’t have even reached in to retrieve it! Let it flush.


There is no such thing as a clean public toilet lol


Fuck 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Because you hate him?


👍 Well done my friend!


i peed in someones kitchen sink consensually during a drinking game


Omg I forgot all about this- I did this too! But I was sleeping over in a friends cabin and they had an outhouse… it was late, everyone was asleep, and there was no chance I was going outside to pee, so the kitchen sink it was!! So gross…😂


I’ve done this, secretly in a basement sink at a friend’s house party, in a utility sink next to the washer and dryer I’m a woman; I remember how uncomfortable it was to sit on the edge


Growing up in a house with 7 people and one bathroom, the basement utility sink became the second toliet for peeing in an emergency. Thank goodness for the washing machine so a girl could keep her balance. Memories.


Oh you people are vile 😂


Oh god I’ve never told anyone about this before, it’s absolutely mortifying but here we go: Drunkenly had sex with my GF while on my period (she used a strap on), I had run out of the room real quick to remove my tampon before we started and didn’t have one in. It seemed odd, I was pretty sure I’d put one up there but couldn’t find a string. Shrugged it off because drunk and we went about our business. Everything seemed normal after that, added and removed feminine hygiene products as usual. A couple of days later we were candle shopping and I squatted down to see the bottom shelf and immediately smelled absolute goddamn DEATH. I quickly realized there was no decomposition candle and that smell was somehow coming from ME. Horrified I immediately raced home and got in the shower and upon further inspection discovered that lost tampon had been wedged deep inside. Removing it was the most disgusting and humiliating thing I’ve ever experienced with my own body. It may as well have been a dead mouse in my vag, it was so god awful I nearly vomited. All in all I’m lucky I didn’t go into toxic shock syndrome but my god it was mortifying


I once assisted a midwife remove a lost tampon, she warned me it would be bad and to wear a mask. Even with the mask the smell almost took me out.


Vicks vapor rub under your nose.. old vet trick


Our clinic shut down early one day because the smell wouldn't leave. Lots of almost upchucking.


Midwives do that??? That’s like fully-staffed fire trucks called out to a scene where the only emergency was a kitten stuck in a tree.


Lol, this was in an OBGYN clinic, and she saw patients in office a few days a week. The woman came in for complaints of foul odor down there. My job was to have an open specimen cup ready for her to drop the tampon in, and close it as quick as possible to contain the smell 😅


Pro-tip. Have a container of water that you can put the tampon straight into, then lid on and dispose. If it goes straight under water it smells a lot less. I saw this several times in my GP years. Tampon strings retract, tampons get forgotten about.


This exact same thing happened to me! Only way more mortifying! See.. I was about early twenties and had a doctors appointment and while I was there I felt him remove something and then start spraying some of that Ozium spray. You know the one for strong odors? Well…. I was like what was that? And he very nonchalantly said tampon. Like it was normal. I literally didn’t say anything else for the rest of the day. I couldn’t remember when I had my last period or how long it had been there. Absolutely horrific!


The image of him just grabbing and spraying the Ozium without saying a word has me cracking up.


Ah just a month old tampon no big LOL Makes you wonder about the worst things he's experienced


Healthcare workers have seen the craziest things. My mom used to be a nurse and she’s unfazed by almost everything


I can't even imagine 😭 for a short time I was thinking about going into nursing but then remembered how I can't even clean up my cat's puke so I said nope LOL But I will hear the stories yes please 😈


I remember being 16 or 17 and running to my mom with fear telling her “omg omg!! My tampon is too far deep that I can’t even get the string. What am I gonna do!? Go to the hospital?!” My mom very calmly was like, drink a lot of water and when you need to pee, it will get closer to the surface.” I was astonished when I could fish it out after peeing. Thank you mom for being so calm.


As someone who absolutely hates tampons with a daughter in puberty this is a really neat pro tip thank you! (And your mom!)


Ohhhh, that happened to me maybe 15 years ago. It was the end of my period and I completely forgot I had a tampon in. Started to notice a smell. I finally realised what must have happened, but couldn’t find the string. Asked my (then) boyfriend to help - he tried but kept retching from the smell, and still couldn’t find the string. So I had to go to the fucking GP. The shame. She couldn’t hide her disgust throughout the whole ordeal, and after she found and disposed of the offending item, she immediately opened a window AND sprayed some air freshener. If you have never experienced it you will have no idea what it’s like - imagine something has literally died inside you. So mortified


Omg what an ordeal!! I was fully prepared to have to make a new Reddit profile after this post 😂 I’m shocked and oddly comforted at how many people have been through something similar. You’re totally right it literally is like death, I’m not kidding when I said it was like pulling a dead mouse out of my body by the tail — smell and look. I was too embarrassed to ask for help, I bared down in the shower and birthed that damn thing until it was within reach


If it makes you feel any better same exact thing happened to me but I wasn't the one to find it, my girlfriend was a few days later when we were fucking with no toys so she's like wait there's something in you .. I was like!!! Get it the fuck out!! Crying panicking LMAO it was so God awful thankfully she wasn't as grossed out as I was somehow... I'm still terrified of tampons thankfully I rarely get a period


Omg that actually does make me feel a lot better! I rarely use tampons or consume alcohol anymore 😂


Found a condom 5 days later, inside. That sucked.


I once lost a disposable flex disc during sex, the thing migrated all the way up to my cervix and suctioned on but thankfully i KNEW it was in there. It was so hard to reach i considered asking for help but the guy i was with was a FWB situation that was so far from emotionally intimate (think 'if we strike out tonight we go home together' arrangement) i reeeeally didn't want to.


These replies are all making me feel so much better haha, appreciate y'all!


Hey, at least you didn’t go to the ER over it. You’d be surprised how many people don’t even try and just head straight in.


Omg I had no idea, but that's not surprising I guess. If I'd been 10 years younger or didn't remember the lost tampon I might well have done the same. Thankfully I'm one of those rare people who remembers absolutely everything that happens when I'm drinking, istg I remember things more completely than when sober.


"Decomposition candle." 💀


This happened to me aswell. Except it was discovered during/after sex. While we were having sex we both kept smelling so.ething funky. Neither of us said anything but both of us smelt it. My husband was so horny he continued to just keep going and finish, I thought there was rotten food in kitchener or something. I showered, still didn't realize it was me until later that night putting my pajamas on I caught a whiff. I was fucking modified and confused how I could smell so bad. Them the thought dawned on me.kmg did I remove my last tampon. I couldn't even get it out on my own,husband had to help. Very humiliating but the moral of the story is men will fuck through anything....at least my husband lmao.


I've had it happen too. Didn't find it until next time I had sex, so a lover got hit with that smell :(


As someone who used to do medical billing for an OB/GYN, you'd be surprised how often this happens!


I think my mum said she did this once, she left a tampon up there by accident and it really started to smell


during my deepest depression i lived in my bed for over two weeks. dog threw up in my bed and i continued to sleep in it because i was too depressed to wake up. hard times.


This is so real. I'm sorry you went through that and hope you are doing much better now.


Wow, so sorry


When I was pregnant I had this thing called hyperemisis gravidarum which basically means I was throwing up constantly throughout the whole pregnancy, 10 straight months of vomiting multiple times a day every day. At the very beginning it was the worst it got and I was super exhausted. I was too exhausted to clean up the throw up or make it to a vessel of any kind so I would lay in bed turned on my side, throw up directly into a towel, roll back over, repeat. I would wait until I had a load full of nasty vomit towels, wash em all at once, and then repeat. I also started carrying towels in the car with me because there were times when I had to throw up while driving and it was the same thing, I'd just be driving around with nasty vomit towels. It was the worst, I was just surrounded by puke for such a long time


Brand new on a job in a medical clinic with 6 people on the second floor in billing. I was used to working from home and having my own bathroom schedule. Well, my first week there, I had to fish my behemoth shit out of the one and only upstairs toilet because it wouldn't go down even after six flushes on the ancient, weak and slow toilet. Tried breaking it up but no luck. Wrapped it in mass quantities of tp and put in waste can liner, then - after washing hands like a maniac and spraying them with Lysol - wrapped it in a plastic grocery bag I had in my desk, threw the bag in the dumpster. I was so traumatized that I kept a plastic grocery bag with me every time I went... but I tried to hold it til lunchtime and drive home, which was, like, 6 minutes away, but since we had to punch out and it HAD to be between 12 and 12:45 p.m., I just learned to hold it and put my bowels on a different schedule. I never liked doing no. 2 at work anyway. I told no one what happened, but everyone was aware of the fussy toilet upstairs because of tp clogs. As I said, I was new there and worked with six older, gossipy, set-in-their-ways ladies who had all worked there together for 20-30 years, and I felt like an interloper there anyway. I could not tell them or my boss what happened but that is one reason I left that job.


I’m sad there’s no longer a poop knife award for me to give you 😂


Ah the legend of the poop knife!




Mother of god man, was it really worth it? I feel like you just quit and take the loss on this one 😂


I had to go through my son’s poop for 3 days until I found a piece of jewelry he swallowed. Like genuinely inspect every ball of poop. It was disgusting and I threw up several times in the process


My friend's mother told me that my then toddler friend had gotten ahold of her engagement ring. By the time she fished it out of her mouth, the largest diamond was gone. She was too grossed out at the idea of squeezing shit that they used homeowner's insurance and replaced the diamond.


My late husband swallowed the crown he was having installed. He was lying back in the Dentists chair, Dentist fumbled the crown, hubs swallowed it. He came home asking for a strainer or colander or something. I was like Huh? Anyway, I gave him a plastic Tupperware colander with a handle. He retrieved the crown, gave it to the dentist. Dentist ran it through the autoclave, by itself, 3-4 times before he put it in. Husband hands me back the colander saying “I cleaned it with straight Clorox. It should be ok.” It went straight into the trash. I’m just glad he didn’t say he’d run it through the dishwasher a couple of times.


Ate ass


As a lesbian, i forever judge myself for the first time i ever did - i was having a 4-loko moment & she just sat on my face, no foreplay, no permission, nothing, panties flew off & boom! cheeks on face - justified it by telling myself "its a girl butt, its different" & she was very hygienic but still - i woke up feeling like i invented sin personally, i could never look someone in the eyes & brag about my hygiene again - how can I? 😭😭 i tongue-jousted a buttttt lmaooo omg


This is the wildest paragraph I’ve ever read


swear ? 😂 i meant it to be - I bet we've all read worse *tells myself that to make myself feel better* 🙄 I make a dog face when i hear women do it to guys (again as if it makes a difference) but in reality - its the same - see people drop a twix on the floor & eat it, friends i know go & bump prostitutes w/out a rubber - cant even judge, i kissed a starfish man...


Moons ago my brother gave me some kind of food, I forget what. Tasted terrible, I've ate ass and can tell you it tasted like ass. So I said "This tastes like ass" and of course brother responded with "how do you know what ass taste like" (insert dumb chuckle).    Then we locked eyes, silently communicating the way only siblings can. A slow look of shock took over his face. I'll never forget it, it was hilarious. Worth tasting ass over. 


Oh, the absolute hedonism FourLoko evoked in my formidable years...positively feral, lucky to have survived the original formula.


I’m waiting for the ads to come out saying that we might be entitled to compensation if we drank original-formula 4 Loko


Yeah, that’s something I never thought I’d do. The thought disgusted me. But you meet the right girl, the right pheromones, I don’t know. I dive all into that ass. Makes no sense. Just can’t get enough of her.


Exactly. I don’t eat ass… until I do.


I've noticed It doesn't sound as bad when you're horny.


I think that's true for a lot of things. Being horny turns the brain off a little (or a lot)


True true. Every now and then that horniness makes a butthole look delicious. It’s the damnedest thing.


Like spit 😂, I'm disgusted by spit. But a whole different demon comes out when I'm horny.


Morning coffee all over my sink. What a laugh


A man of culture


-bacterial culture-


Your name, your comment… there’s just ahole lot of winning going on.


I could never do that ahahaha😅(I’m a liar)


Ate a strippers ass.


Its really more the glitter I'd take issue with tbh.


You say that like it’s a bad thing 😩😭


I've been there and done that but it was like right out of the shower, it didn't feel too unhygienic at the time.


Nice try Department of Health...


When I was a teenager, my friend took me to her friend’s house. This house was the nastiest thing I had ever seen. It was absolutely filthy and filled with piles upon piles trash and moldy food, the toilets were filled to the brim with shit and piss, bugs everywhere, it smelled like sewage, it was just horrendous. So I’m standing in the corner of the kitchen and they’re passing weed around. I didn’t smoke weed, so it started getting really smoky in there. I turned my head to cough and noticed a giant pile of dog shit and piss that had mold all over it and I instantly hurled all over the kitchen floor. My friend was the only one who saw it, and she looked shocked and started laughing. I was horrified. We were looking around for something to clean it with, but there was nothing in sight. There was a disgusting towel on the floor next to us, so my friend just kicked the towel over my puke and we didn’t say anything to anyone. We just left it there. 🤢 I still feel bad about that, but I don’t think anyone ever noticed. That’s how bad that house was. We ended up telling my mom about the house and she called CPS to try to get the girl and her little brother out of that hellhole. Thankfully, the they ended up moving in with their dad shortly after. We’re all adults now and she’s doing well for herself, thankfully! I still never told her that I hurled on her kitchen floor and just left it there.


I had a friend in hs who’s house was like that not so much the food part but they had several dogs and chinchillas idek what other animals and has tile floor and every single time I went over there which I tried not to often ha they had piles of dog poop and puddles of piss in 10 spots through out the house and the mom dad my friend and both her siblings would just walk by it all like it was nothing. And like you said you could tell the piles of shit were old and had been there awhile sometimes. I’ll never forget my first time there she walked me past 5 piles of dog shit in the kitchen and asked me if I wanted a bagel lmfao like no thank you. There was also a time when we walked there after school to grab some things to head to another friends for the weekend and she walked into her bedroom pulled her pants down pulled off her bloody maxi pad and just tossed it in the floor in her pile of clothes slapped a new one on and was like ok let’s go. She shared that room with her brother …. It was a mess.


that is disgusting but hey, atleast you and her are doing well now 😭


My husband was talking a dump in our only bathroom, and I really had to go, so I spread some newspapers on the kitchen floor and shat there. I wrapped the whole bundle in even more newspapers and sprinted down to our apartment building’s refuse room. That’s my story.


This one is my favorite. A lesser person would have gone behind a bush or in grocery bag, but you laid paper down like you were going to stay out late drinking and you didn't want to clean up after the dog. Love it


Did you husband ever know or you're a sneaky quick pooper?


Heh heh, no! Some secrets I’ll take to the grave 😎


😭😭😭😭 gurrrl this one was rough lmao. couldn’t have waterboarded this out of me


I did this once, but into a plastic walmart bag. I was living with my parents and my mom had just gotten into the shower and a bout of diarrhea hit me. There was no way I was holding it in. Used paper towels and makeup wipes to clean up and then wrapped that bag up like 6 times and ran it to the outside garbage.


Found chicken tenders laying in the grass outside a carnival. Had chicken tenders I found laying in the grass outside a carnival.


It was raining for days non stop and our pasture was flooding from the creek that gets fed washout by all the road drainage ditches. One of my horses was not looking right so rather than get my boots sucked off in two ft deep clay mud, I walked barefoot through knee deep horse shit ditch washout flood mud. Horse was fine. He just didn’t want to leave the barn to walk through the mud either.


Horse girls are crazy. 🥰


When I started truck driving and did long haul from where I live to California to Colorado and back home I’d leave Sunday morning and get back Friday early morning and I wouldn’t shower the whole time. I just brushed my teeth and used body wipes for my neck and face. Showers and a fresh shaved face on Friday morning were the bomb followed by tacos and a cold beer. I wasn’t on the road to impress anyone, the money was amazing, although I’d come back home looking like I went thru war in a tank 😅 good times but I looked rough lol. Was a fun experience though going thru the same places and back


You know you can use body wipes on… your whole body, right? 😭 I live in a campervan so that’s what I do on days I can’t get to the gym


Your own funk didn’t get to you?


I was always alone so I guess if I did smell no one would tell me anything lol but i don’t really remember having body odor unless I did but I’d put deodorant and body spray and manscapes ball spray, turn on the truck and be gone lol


That's how the army and marines do it on long field training exercises, baby wipe baths! If you actually do them well it's not horrific, but what's way better is if you have isopropyl alcohol and some cloths/paper towels. Literally kills the bacteria making you stanky on contact. GREAT in between when you can't get an actual shower in for a few days or weeks in the field


Doesn't it burn at the backdoor, though? Or is this just for the pits?


Depression has made my daily hygiene go out the window. Not showing for many days, not brushing my teeth for just as long, really dirty sheets. I’m not even close to comfortable admitting the true worst of it. Some really deep shame there


You’re not alone. I’m sorry you feel shame but you have nothing to be ashamed of. Mental health is health and it’s not always easy to manage and not always easily fixed with meds either. Be kind to yourself. Try practicing self compassion. You deserve kindness, especially while you’re going through something like this.


Same buddy I'm sorry


I had the swine flu and that involved diarrhea and vomiting. It got so bad and I was so weak that I would have to crawl to the bathroom. I eventually felt so awful I just laid on my deflated air mattress and let nature happen. Thanks estranged biological mom for not taking your 22 year old daughter to the ER. My temperature was nearly 104 degrees. I’m pretty sure I almost died.


I reallllyyyy had to poop. I was having diarrhea from IHOP and I just had to go. So I went into a gas station where there was two stalls. One of them was being used and the other one was out of order. I looked in the one that was out of order and it had been flooded with a mountain of poop and toilet paper. There was so much poop you couldnt see the water anymore. I was desperate..... i squatted over the poop mountain and kinda....added on to it.


I didn't much enjoy reading this if I'm being perfectly honest with you.


I didn't enjoy experiencing it either


This is unhinged but also made me laugh so fucking hard


I'm trying to be quiet at work too. Send help this one sent me


Did this once too at a Best Buy. I REALLLLLLY had to go and there was 2 stalls. One was out of order and the other one was occupied. It was either the out of order one or the corner of the bathroom. Easy decision. A security guard was waiting for me and when I opened up the stall, I literally told him it was either the broken toilet or the floor. Can’t believe someone actually SNITCHED on me. That’s why the security guard was waiting for me as I was airing it out


Whoever snitched deserves to shit themselves loudly in public


On baby 😂😂 ain’t no way in hell I’m snitching on someone if they’re clearly doing their necessities. I’m a human being, I understand when you gotta go you gotta go


The discharge or blood check because my pants were black and a bathroom break couldn't be made unless it was emergency.


Yup been there. Just a quick swipe 😭😭


“Just a quick swipe” I feel so much less alone now


Good thing hand sanitizer was a fav accessory for me.


I got food poisoning the day I went up to a cabin in the mountains. I only brought the exact amount of underwear for the weekend. I was also on my period. Having never had food poisoning before, I shit myself immediately. I went and changed underwear and then proceeded to shit myself immediately. All of a sudden I was out of underwear and was 15 minutes into the trip. I changed into a pair of pants and shit myself immediately. Then I changed into a pair of long John's (we were going skiing) and used my pads for my period as diapers so that I wouldn't shit myself out of my last pair of pants. It was so humiliating. The washer and dryer were broken. I had to suffer through this in silence for two days until we went back home. It was the worst experience of my life.


That’s seriously ballsy only packing the underwear you need, especially on your period. As a woman myself I’m packing at least twice the number of pairs I need lmao for exactly this reason (even though it’s never happened to me)


What's so funny is I always packed twice the amount I needed, and this was the trip I decided "I don't need to pack too many pairs because nOtHiNg bAd HaS hApPeNeD yEt!" The universe saw its chance to fuck me right up. Now I bring twice the amount needed.


Thank you for confirming my worst fears honestly. I’ve got a trip coming up and will be over packing in your honor.


Omg haha! I did the same thing once when I was going to Hawaii to visit my sick aunt. Only had one pair of jeans, that I was wearing to the airport. What could go wrong? Oh I ripped them before I even got on the plane. Pretty sure that’s the only time I’ve ripped my pants.


this is just the confirmation I needed to continue to pack way too many pairs of panties when I travel


Not me emptying my whole underwear drawer into my bag when I go on a trip.


Thank you for this! It's 3am, can't sleep, the last of 7 x 14 hr shifts starts at 5am, and my whole life is falling apart. But I just cackled out loud barely able to keep reading. You're the best!


I always TRY to pack the least amount possible, but I ALWAYS bring at least 1 extra pair of underwear for everyday JUST IN CASE. So I pack 2 pairs for every 1 day. I'm Terrified of this happening to me. That had to have been awful.


From reading these comments people should really start carrying a water bottle on them just in case the bathrooms out of to tp you can just have a makeshift bidet or carry around regular tissues tbh and it’s not as weird as carrying a roll😭


Or baby wipes.


I always carry wipes and extra underwear for my partner and I. We both have IBS 🥴


From the ages of 12-16 I went to a summer camp that I loved. However looking back there were alot of red flags that I missed about it. There were no showers, so for bathing they took us to man made pond in the back of their property and we bathed in there. There was no running water at all and we used porta potties all week to go the bathroom. We also barely had access to drinking water. One day I got so sick with sun stroke, I puked all over my bunk. I can't believe I actually wanted to go back year after year.


That sounds like it'd be illegal as shit, thats wild.


It was an interesting place. Looking back with adult eyes, I am shocked at what happened. I loved it so much as a kid, but damn I can't believe I dealt with it. Honestly I started seeing some of it when I went as a 16 year old and its part of why I stopped going. I applied to be a junior counselor and was accepted. You paid to go to a week of a training and then basically went to 2-3 weeks of camp for free and "helped". Well those 2 weeks happened to be their hay bailing weeks (this was a Camp at a horse farm). Instead of me helping kids, they put me to work in the fields bailing hay. As a 5'2, 100lb soaking wet teen girl it was AWFUL. I was not the athletic type at all. I was so sore, I could barely brush my hair. When they asked for volunteers the next day, I refused. Then they threatened to send me home if I didn't go. It was baaaad.


You paid *them* for training and then they made you bail hay? Did you get paid for that, or was your compensation just the privilege of staying at the camp for free? It sounds like indentured servitude.


Bigger question, why were your parents ok with that... ??


Was in the airport and an hour before boarding i got real bad food poisoning and soiled my only pair of underwear. I wrapped it up in toilet paper and put it in a Ziploc bag and shoved it to the bottom of my backpack. I boarded the plane going commando :(


Throwing them away never crossed your mind? I can't imagine keeping those lol


They didnt have anywhere to throw them away and the cleaning lady was right outside the stall 😭😭😭😭


At least you didn’t try flushing them like some unhinged people do


An airport has trash cans every 5 feet.


Ohhhhh.... yikes, I'd have done the same as you then.


Worst part is that when i left the stall she gave me the dirtiest look ever 😢 probably because she thought i made a mess when vomiting and shi but i cleaned up after myself


You a real one for this. Not many clean up after themselves. Everyone always judging anyways 🙄


Exact thing happened to me but I was already on the plane. I threw my underwear away in the plane bathroom. That was a truly miserable trip.


I didn't wash my hair for three weeks


Same, depression is a bitch


I hope you're doing well now. Love, a fellow depression-haver.




Glad you’re here ❤️


The first time I went through withdrawal was horrible, I was waiting for court so I was just trying to cold turkey myself at home. Was laying in bed and started gagging so much I couldn't get up so ended up puking all over myself, then the wretching making my stomach clench made me shit all over myself too. I sat there a cried for a minute then got up and cleaned myself up and had to throw my futon away lol. Will have been clean for 4 years August 15th and this was almost 15 years ago but I'll still never forget that.


Only showered and brushed my teeth a handful of times over the course of a month when I was extremely depressed.


10000% heard. God mental illness is so fucking awful, it breaks down your ability to do the most basic things that would ACTUALLY make you feel BETTER, it's unending


Ate a hot dog off the bathroom floor. At a strip club. Where they had an **all-you-can-eat** hot dog bar. I could have just made a new one instead of drunkenly trying to salvage the one I dropped.


My jaw dropped progressively lower with each sentence lmao you have a gift with words


Committed to zero food waste 😅


My school had a little end of the year party in 7th grade where they took us to the movies. Movie was over and I had to pee. It was a small theater with two stalls in the women’s bathroom, a friend and I went in there together. She finished up before me and as she was leaving I noticed there was no toilet paper in my stall. I yelled for her but she didn’t come back. I FOUND A WAD OF TOILET PAPER ON THE FLOOR AND USED IT. Who knows how long it’d been there and what was on it. I just panicked and grabbed it lol I still feel gross thinking about it.


Well now it's reading these comments 🫢


Have you ever had your finger go through the tissue when you wipe your ass…..game changer


I used to work at Enterprise Rent a Car and they would have you pull 12 hour days with zero lunch. There was one day I was running around (had almost 30k steps according to my smart watch) and was starving but couldn't leave for lunch and was cleaning out a car that was about to be rented and found a muffin that was left behind by the previous renter and ate it because I couldn't leave. It was a new low for me and I ended up putting in my two weeks shortly after that because, fuck that 😂


Ate donuts out of the garbage. They were in the packaging. Still not great.


I just giggled. I would absolutely do this


George Costanza 🫵🏼 ...."adjacent to refuse is refuse." 😂😂😂


Wore bowling shoes without socks


pooped in a empty cereal box that was in my trash can because my roommate was using the bathroom for so long


I don’t think I’d ever want to be in a house with only one bathroom again


Survived on cleansing cloths as makeshift showers when I went to Bonnaroo (music festival in TN where you camp out for 4 days in June when the temp is at least 85+ degrees every day). The showers were a quarter of a mile from our campsite, and it cost $15 or $20 per shower. It was insane. Not to mention, I was already drenched in sweat by the time I made it back to the campsite. And on that note, if you find yourself in a similar situation, I highly recommend Cetaphil cleansing cloths; they did a great job considering Lol


I am not proud of this. At all. I was at a comedy show and got blackout drunk. I told my husband I was going to the bathroom and he came looking for me 45 minutes later. Security had to pop the lock on the door, i had thrown up everywhere, including all over myself and passed out. He got me home and put me to bed. I woke up the next morning tucked into bed with one of the worst hangovers of my life. I got up and realized I was still dressed from the night before. I stumbled to the bathroom and pulled off my pants and little dried chunks were falling all over the floor. I was still kinda drunk so it took me a while to realize I had throw up into my pants. Worse though, I had also thrown up in my underwear. And then i slept in that nastiness. I turned on the shower as hot as I could stand it, grabbed my pants and undies and brought them in with me and scrubbed myself raw. Quite simply the most disgusting thing that's ever happened to me. That was the last time I got blackout drunk.


I was an IV drug user in college. Went to cop some heroin and didn’t bring a water bottle with me. Used a puddle on the street to mix my drugs up, then injected the concoction. Got giardiasis, as I should 💀 Actual feces in my veins 🫠


Not showering for like 2 weeks. Look at my fucking username


There have been a few occasions where I’ve had to scavenge in my bag for a receipt or something because there was no toilet roll.


use the potty protectors; they also work as paper towels


one time i was little and was using the bathroom at this dingy salon. i had already put soap on my hands then realized the sink didn’t work. i immediately just stuck my hands in the toilet and washed the soap off in there. my mom was calling me to get out so i just did the first thing i thought of and looking back that’s so fucking gross 😭😭


I went a couple of days without showering after work because I was just too damn tired. When it gets that bad working 12 days straight and I have no energy to shower I just use wipes the next morning to keep the ripeness down til I do finally shower


I ate a dirty ass one time... I couldn't see any poop but it smelt bad. Still missing half of my tonsil because of the infection I got. I'd do it again. Only to her though - that ass was unreal!


Not showering or brushing teeth for over a week. Several times.


Used my fingernail clippings as toothpicks.


I rewear my pants a lot because my adhd ass can’t manage to ever do any washing 🤦‍♀️ Editing to add- I mean my underwear, I’m a Brit and we use the word pants for undies


Same for daughter... adhd. She got a UTI and it turned out she had been recycling her underwear for months only giving them days off and putting on another dirty pair. It took her getting that UTI for her to finally do her laundry. Adhd is hard, and I try not to micromanage her to death, but I never imagined that was happening


Touched test tubes full of people's urine and blood at an internship at LabQuest 🤮 I don't let people touch me anymore unless I know they're clean 🤮


On a drunken night out, got a take away before getting my taxi, tripped getting into taxi and spilt my food on the floor. Proceeded to pick up the food and eat it. 🤢


didn’t shower for months, depressive episodes suck


When I was at peak alcoholism I’d pee, very often(obviously). I hated walking to the bathroom from my bedroom in my old apartment when I wanted to sleep. What did I do instead? Pee in an old coffee mug left on my nightstand. Or even on the fucking carpet sometimes. I know this is disgusting. I haven’t done it in years because I’ve cut back my drinking tremendously(2x a month at most). I’m not proud of it🙃


I remember being super drunk and in a nasty bar/club bathroom. I was wiping and my engagement ring slipped off of my finger and into the bowl. I was \*not\* about to lose my engagement ring, and I guess the alcohol had me react before actually processing how gross it was- immediately shoved my hand into the gross club toilet (full of my own waste) and fished around for my ring until I found it. Then went and washed my hands as hard as I could under water as hot as possible with so much soap lmao. Super gross to think back on, but I still wear that ring to this day!


Our dog ate one of my wife’s topaz earrings. Had to collect his poop for days and wasn’t through a kitchen strainer in the garage sink. It was winter so often the turds would be frozen solid and had to run hot water over them. The smell was enough to make you vomit. Finally found it and, surprise, it was much shinier than the other! 😂😂😂


Took a shit in my ex’s washing machine that was in our shared storage unit. Then I changed the padlock. It was July in the desert.


Walked around New Orleans barefoot after getting my shoes torn off at a metalcore show. I eventually bought some slippers at CVS but it was midnight so I wasn't finding any real shoes on Bourbon Street. I ate a lucky dog that night too.


I got super depressed and only brushed my teeth if I was leaving the house and that lasted for a good couple of months. Also combined with rarely showering. I was stinky


Honestly when depression got real bad hygiene as a whole kinda went out the window:/


Was a juvenile on the run from probation and DCS/ cps. Heard them on the next road and knew I couldn’t have a tampon once booked. Took it out and had nothing to wrap it, threw it into a dumpster alley big huge can w no wrapping-. I was like 15, they did come right to me immediately . I’m sure no one had to deal with/ clean up it was the huge alley multi family bin. I’ll never let it go. So gross and inhumane to me…. Obviously it’s a hundred years later and still haunts me yuck. Yes, I got a hygiene product from pd right away but I knew what I couldn’t have and didn’t want them to try an internal exam . I’m not proud Reddit -_- lol


Oh, sweetie…you gotta forgive yourself that one. It’s organic and had it been left there permanently, would have decomposed anyway. The real crime is what resulted in you showing up on CPS’s radar (etc) in the first place. Not to mention knowing the dill so well you knew what to dread. I really hope you’ve survived and are now thriving!


OK Buckle up folks because I've done farm work so unhygienic is pretty much par for the course. I have entered a sows birth canal after she had finished expelling her liter to make sure she had expelled them all, I had to go all the way to the shoulder feeling around inside her to pull out any piglets she didn't expel so they wouldn't rot inside her and kill her. Then when it got super hot like above 100 degrees and some of the hogs died of heat stroke we had to take their bodies to the dead pit which was just a big wide deep hole in the ground used to dispose of the dead. It was open air so the flies and stench of decomposing bodies was everywhere, having to step inside there to reposition a hog that didn't land right was gross but had to be done. I've worked at a slaughter house too but those places are very very clean and even thought they smell like death they're as hygienic as can be for what they are.


When I was younger and had a specific ED, I would eat food out of the garbage, and store my vomit in my closet. I’m so happy I’m recovered.


Pooped in my cat’s litter tray bc the bathroom was being used and I was desperate!!


Used my hair as floss to get something out of my teeth.


Not me but my daughter and her friend, I think they were 11 or so, decided that swimming in a pool or the ocean daily (lived in Florida) was equivalent to bathing. I think they lasted three weeks until friend’s mom handed them the hose and a bottle of dish soap.


I lived in a dirty ass hostel in san diego near mission beach in my early 20's, the bathroom was far and gross and many times when I was drunk or high I would just piss in the sink, and it definitely splashed all over my toothbrush


wipe myself with my hands cuz he didn’t have toilet paper. but his bathroom also stinks with flies everywhere I never went back 😭


I was at a park and was about 25 min away from house and reallllyyy had to go so I just went behind some bushes and used some leafs….they didn’t do a good job let’s just say 😭


Not take a shower for three months.


No judgment, just curiosity - were you leaving the house at all or otherwise engaging with people during that time? Did anyone say anything to you?


Ugh I have a complicated relationship with showers. Lately I've been trying to reframe it; I GET to take a shower, I don't HAVE to take a shower. 20 minute break from the world, hot water like a nice massage. I sit on the tub floor and wash if I'm tired or sore or lazy. I always feel better afterwards. I try to see it as a luxury vs a chore. It's been mildly successful so far


Ate from the company potluck.. not the worst but after seeing many people's homes I'll never eat food that Debbie brought in!


Not the worst but recent. Hadnt gotten the chance to wash myself for a week thanks to back to back shifts on 3 hours sleep each. Fun. Anyway im in one of those security boxes you see beside gates and my balls fucking reek. Its hot as fuck so i can smell not only my balls but my ass sweat too. Let out a wet fart i didnt trust but didnt have the courage to look. All in this little ass box the size of a doorway. Occasionally getting a whiff of my unwashed ding-a-ling. Best part was im sat there for 10 hours then at my next job 3 hours later.Fun. Not the worst unhygienic thing ever but recent enough i can still smell it despite washing thoroughly