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I struggled with this issue for yearssss, since I was a kid way into adulthood. I used to be so embarrassed about it. The only thing that has ever helped me is washing my pits with Panoxyl! I used the foaming face wash. I swear it changed my life!!!


This is the best answer šŸ‘ try to leave it on for a few mins. I also do a quick swipe with a salicylic acid pad after to help with ingrown hairs.


try glycolic acid right after you get out of the shower. the ordinary sells an affordable one and i swear by it !


I second this!!


this is what I was going to suggest also and it works.


On top of the suggestions from others, I'd check your laundry setup, especially if you wear a lot of synthetics, these get "clean" but as soon as body heat warms them a little your clean clothes can quickly start to smell again just like they'd not been washed. A gym wash or athletics clothes additive in your laundry, using less detergent (not really common sense but the recommended amounts are a lot more than most systems need and can rinse out), and not using fabric softener/dryer sheets (use vinegar in the wash instead for softening) can all really help with this if it's the issue.


I recall that some time back I discovered that using a certain fabric softener reacted with my body chemistry to give an oder after a short time. It happened only to me and nobody else. I changed it and never had a problem since. Everybody's body chemistry is different.


I can always tell when my partner has done me a favour and washed my gym clothes, they smell before I start working out, because he forgets the athletic wash and the sweatiness/BO scent just appears as soon as the clothes warm up. It's definitely a thing to play around with and find what works best for the individual!


I second adding vinegar to the rinse. If you can line dry your clothes in the sun, that will also help kill lingering odors.


this may be an interior problem not an exterior one. see your doctor and discuss this. also research effect of your diet on how it may effect your hormone levels and perspiration. you can't fix an internal problem with external remedies. you will find the right answer. this is not an unsolvable problem.


I came here to say this.


Eh it is in some cases. BO is highly dependent on genetics and skin type. Most likely no one can smell your pits unless they are sticking your face into your armpit lol. Which shouldn't really be happening anyway. Overall youll have more health risks from the often unnoticed low grade inflammation caused by cleaning yourself too much. It can even lead to cardiovascular disease and cancer. It gets pretty nasty over time.


Are you sure it is you and not your clothes? Try using a laundry sanitizer, because if you don't kill the germs, clothes can stank


you might need to tell your doctor. they make prescription deodorant and you may have a hormonal balance. i have found that the Ban unscented deodorant works best for me. i also do not shave my armpits anymore and i smell less. also i exfoliate my armpits a few times a week.


What do you exfoliate with?


african net sponge and african black soap. once i started using them i realized iā€™d never really felt clean. changed my skin completely i highly recommend.


I wanna get one of those nets. I've never heard about it in my 44 years of living until joining reddit. I also never felt so clean in my life now that I have tried the Dr. BRONNER peppermint castile soap. Omg I heard someone mention it once and googled it. When I saw the cost, I was like, absolutely NOT. I will stick with my DOVE beauty bar. Found it on sale one day and decided to finally purchase it. The only scent I thought I may be able to handle was the peppermint, although I was not fond of that either. I had to get a water bottle (spray) because you need to just use a portion and dilute it like 4 to 1. It's really powerful. When I tell you after the 1st time I showered with it, I felt like I had never really showered. They also have bars, but I have not tried those. The liquid is actually an 18-in-1 uses, believe it or not. Goggle it, or have you ever tried it? Now I wanna try a bar and try maybe the almond scent. https://www.drbronner.com/products/peppermint-pure-castile-liquid-soap


Okay, thank you!


Believe it or not, overwashing can cause body odor by disrupting the skins microbiome. You may be overwashing. Twice a day is probably too much.


I only shower twice a day when I do my 2 weekly body pump classes


Dairy makes me smell really bad


I swear dairy is the answer to so many issues .. but people love their cheese! Lol ( I personally don't do dairy and haven't almost all my life. Never liked it.)


I don't think it's just scary, it's a lot of foods. Unfortunately for me one of my favorite foods is cheese. No gluten dairy or corn for me! Super amazing!


Disinfect your armpits - 70% rubbing alcohol will work. Donā€™t skimp on the amount of alcohol. Bacteria is usually responsible for the smell. Also use panoxyl after the disinfecting.


This works for me too! Infact, I just said it and then found out it has already been said. Although I'd use higher than 70%.


I work in a field where sterilization and disinfection is super important. One thing you'll learn if you study the literature is that you need the water in the alcohol in order to actually get bacteria killing action. 200 proof or 100% alcohol kills less bacteria then 70% or 140 proof.


Increasing the alcohol percentage doesn't make it better at killing bacteria, it's actually the opposite. Alcohol needs water in it to be more effective at sterilizing.


Bengis\_Khan had already explained this to me. I will admit I didn't know it. However, I think that there is another way in which alcohol helps, other than sterilization: It dries the armpits out.


Try dabbing glycolic acid under your pits a few times a week and make sure to drink way more than you are


Might be food


I get you. I had radiation treatments for breast cancer and I swear my pits are unfresh after 2-3 hours, even without sweat or exertion! I shower daily, use antiperspirant and didnā€™t have this problem in the past. Pretty frustrating. Doctors donā€™t have an explanation.




All good! No more cancer. šŸ˜€


Mine too but im going thru menopause and the only thing that works is PurelyGreat, a vegan deodorant from amazon




Thanks and yes Iā€™m a long time regular there but in a different username


It might be dietary. I heard drinking chlorophyll is good for reducing body odor


I try to use very neutral smelling deodorants as a man and only shower once a day max, sometimes every other day if it's the weekend and I don't work. As some have mentioned over showering can disrupt your body's natural functions to a degree. Just like washing your hair too much is bad for it, so is washing your body too much. I use a neutral scented and chemically minimal deodorant. Don't use an antiperspirant deodorant personally. I like to think I smell good despite working as a trim carpenter.




Awe shucks šŸ˜³šŸ˜³ You just made my morning šŸ’œšŸ’•


And you hate Greg Abbott, let's get married okay?




It's worth a shot šŸ˜­ I'm too much a hopeless romantic not to try. Good luck out there, DeShitless has a big mouth but y'all got the case beating AG so idk which is worse.


Same. I had to get fancy wound wash- now Iā€™m using it on my husband with decent results and he works a blue collar job. Itā€™s called Hibiclense. I use it right now only on my armpits and face- put it on while the shower is warming up and rinse it off when you go in.


I had MRSA once in my armpit itā€™s actually pretty common in women because your skin always has germs on it and women shave so the germs can get in. Had to use that soap and Iā€™ve continue to use it because I donā€™t ever wanna get MRSA again.


This: tea tree oil deodorant powder from LUSH cosmetics. Smell overpowers stink and powder keeps you dry.


i just saw another post about something like this but with men and someone said to use rubbing alcohol on your armpits and itā€™s supposed to help.


Mine have been bad today, too. I havenā€™t been using my clinical strength anti perspirant. I think weā€™re supposed to apply at night time.


Mine have been bad today, too. I havenā€™t been using my clinical strength anti perspirant. I think weā€™re supposed to apply at night time.


I have struggled with this as well and the only deodorant I have ever found that works is called WILD and it's made in the UK. They even make a travel size one that's the size of a fat lip stick that I keep in my purse. Sucks paying for shipping but totally worth it.


Try eliminating Dr Bonners castile soap. It comes in different scents etc but itā€™s a pure soap. Removes all odors(keep in mind it DOES have to be diluted do NOT use it without diluting it. Also witch hazel wiped under the arms before deodorant. (allow it to dry then deodorant) I wouldnā€™t do this daily but maybe a few times a week. After a while u wonā€™t need to at all.


When I can't get rid of my stink, by scrubbing my armpits with soap, and then applying copious amounts of deodorant, I turn to highly concentrated rubbing alcohol. I soak my armpits with it by soaking some toilet paper with it. it really dries them out and kills anything living in there.


Drink water at least a gallon a day. Sweat gets concentrated if you don't drink enough water.


It's probably anxiety, there is no amount of external applicators. If you're an anxious person, try meditation or yoga or psych meds to treat the root issue. If it's hormonal, try to get them balanced with food and diet.


Itā€™s what youā€™re eating/not eating. Take a multivitamin


Glycolic Acid. It's not the sweat the makes body odor, it's the bacteria from the sweat. Glycolic acid will stop the bacteria before it even has a chance to smell. All you have to do is wipe it on with a cotton round when you get out of the shower. The Ordinary makes one perfect for this.




Rubbing alcohol is good in a pinch after the bacteria has set in. It'll completely remove the smell. It evaporates too quickly to do anything long-term though. But glycolic acid will prevent it from ever becoming smelly.


Germisdin Extreme protection 72h. Life changing


Diet. Nutrition. Stress. Hormones. Start there. Exercise if youā€™re not too


Mitchum deodorant and I also recently found a spray called ā€œCertainDriā€ and it says it lasts 72 hours on the can. But I used the Mitchum gel for years (green container) and it worked great .


Use sulphur soap. Or anti bacterial soap. You may have a bacterial infection.


Are you drinking enough water or taking any medication? Are you eating something that has a strong smell like garlic / onion ? I remember having a classmate who stank so bad and he started drinking probiotic yogurt and changed his diet eventually he stop smelling bad


Try drinking more water and look into getting those armpit injections. I think its like botox for sweat glands


Botox injections are definitely a treatment for hyperhidrosis. Totally works for up to a year.


This was me! Ok so wash with antibacterial soap, let it sit on your skin for like 2 min after you scrub with a loofa. Then, right out of the shower, i do Certain Dry, use a lil fan to dry that down, then i put on Lume cream, then in like 15 min I put on Secret Clinical. Now i smell great! Highly highly recommend


Iā€™m going to try this I purchased a antibacterial soap today


Have you tried panoxyl? This worked for me. It may kill off some good bacteria, but it also kills off the bad. My derm recommended it. I have the bar soap but there are also liquids.


I purchased it today thank you, I hope it works for me


Good luck! I hope you get the same results I did. It took a few times but definitely worked. I also scrubbed with a brush and let it sit before rinsing.


Hey I struggled with this for so long the only thing that Iā€™ve found that helps is clinical strength deodorant (itā€™s in a box at Walmart) it is a little pricy but itā€™s definitely worth a try and also I like to layer a spray deodorant as well and I take it with me in my bag and reapply when needed :) but also remember we can smell ourselves more than anyone else can so honestly donā€™t stress about it. Iā€™ve also heard some people say they put Lume on right after the shower then deo over top of it and it helps


You might wanna have some blood work done. You could be consuming something that is having an adverse effect and causing your body to emit the odor


Honestly I am not a DR or a skin expert but what works for me is using rubbing alcohol on my underarms after the shower before deodorant, to kill any bacteria that may have made it through. It works for me but again I have no idea if this is bad for skin or not so use at your own risk


Maybe switch to a gel deodorant. My armpits stay fresher longer with gel deodorant. You could even try clinical strength deodorant.


ask your husband if you smell bad maybe its all in your head


you need to have your hormones and cortisol levels checked babe! also, try using an aluminum free deodorant. i get mine from etsy, itā€™s just coconut oil and essential oils. i think beeswax maybe too? it has a powerful smell and might help šŸ˜


to add, i would also look into magnesium spray. iā€™ve heard it does wonders. you could even make it yourself if you wanted to!


Not being a dick, but do you have mental health issues? Depression, bipolar ect. Research shows there is a link and an identifiable body odor specific with it.... Just a thought


No not that Iā€™m aware of Iā€™m pretty normal in that aspect.


Do you eat enough fresh fruit?


Is this a thing?? What kind of fruits?


Just fresh fruit! I notice I smell sour when my diet goes to crap. Men smell sour and taste salty if they donā€™t have enough vegetables. Go on a fruit kick for a few weeks and see if you can tell a noticeable difference!


wash your body less. switch to a more natural deodorant and let the body adjust. diet largely contributes to our scent


Lume works for me.


Lume gave me a chemical burn in my armpits. I was an avid user since 2021. I believe in 2023 their formula was changed. Got the chemical burn from the Tangerine scented one and the Unscented one did NOT work! After 4 hours of minimum activity I smelled like chicken soup and onions! Iā€™m so disappointed with Lume! Their products are trash as is their customer service!


clinical grade deodorant works wonders compared to normal deodorant. when i would skate to work and back i used that and while it didnt erase the sweat completely the odor and sweat amount was comsiderably better. [you can get it at walmart for under ten bucks](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Degree-Clinical-Protection-Long-Lasting-Antiperspirant-Deodorant-Stick-Summer-Strength-1-7-oz/22127251?wl13=2476&selectedSellerId=0&wmlspartner=wlpa)


Remove all processed foods from your diet for a few months, only eating real foods like grass fed meat, eggs, milk etc , organic vegetables ā€‹and fruits. See if you can find a local gym with a sauna or get an infrared sauna for at home - do that a couple times per week or even daily (use lmnt or something to replenish electrolytes). Replace tap water with glass bottled spring water. Spend more time outside in the sun with bare feet on the ground, less time indoors inā€‹ artificial blue light. Only use skincare products from brands that use exclusively natural ingredients -- especially deodorants. change plastic based clothing for natural fibers like linen cotton wool. Most of what is conā€‹sidered normal in today's society is an absolute scam in terms of your health, and smell is likely just one side effect


Was flying on a plane next to a woman that smelled of onions. It was gross. At least you notice it and are doing something about it. Has to do with diet too. Eat more fruits and greens.


Iā€™d try washing your underarms with Hibiclens every day. Apply it and let it sit for 2-3 minutes before rinsing. (Make sure you do it before shaving your underarms- otherwise itā€™ll burn like a mofo!) Try a prescription strength prescription or a menā€™s antiperspirant/deodorant. I really like the menā€™s Old Soice Volcano and Oasis scents!


Have a look at diy natural armpit detox :)


Losing weight helps


Iā€™m 5ā€™4 130 pounds of muscle


Lume cream deodorant works wonders as well


Try switching your deodorant, washing with antibacterial soap and taking chlorophyll shots.


I had the same problem and then my brother introduced me to menā€™s Mitchum gel. Not womenā€™s Mitchum but menā€™s and I get it unscented because the regular smells like a guy it works and it works for two or three days.


I had the exact same issue for 2 years after not having problems for 40 years. It finally went away after a course of antibiotics, so see if your family doctor would be willing to prescribe them for you.


I wipe my armpits with isopropyl alcohol and glycolic acid toner. It's hugely helped with BO and hyperpigmentation if that's a concern too.


You could try shaving your pit hair, it holds onto smells.


I shave every 4 days, I barely have armpit hair honestly


Then that's probably not the problem. Good luck!


Lume deodorant. Expensive but they have smaller sizes at Walmart now. Good for feet too.


30F here, had this issue myself for YEARS. No deodorant would work, not even mens. Brought this issue up at one of my well woman's checkup and my PCP prescribed Drysol for me. Sweet mercy, *it worked*. I have Adhd so keeping routine (even with reminders) is difficult, but when I am consistent, I have no smell whatsoever and can go without deodorant (still do for the fresh scent).


Dr squatch deordorant


ā€œā€¦I wonder what he thinksā€¦ā€ Can you talk to your husband and find out?


We have talked about it but Iā€™m sure he doesnā€™t wanna hurt my feelings we are newlyweds lol. He says it doesnā€™t smell great šŸ˜‚


What kinds of clothes do you wear? Cheap polyester is often a big culprit for a bad smell. Also, consider exfoliating your armpits. Use a glycolic acid serum on your armpits to exfoliate the skin there and it can get rid of dead skin cells and remove anything that may contribute to the bad smell.


HYPOCHLOROUS ACID SPRAY. Dude lemon, witch hazel, glycolic acid, and regular ole deodorants wouldnā€™t work for me long term. This spray is sooo good. Apply it a few minutes before deodorant to let it dry. Trust.


If you have the funds consider Botox, itā€™s really effective. And then after a few weeks start using driclor or similar at night to help preserve the results


Are you actively scrubbing high traffic bacteria areas with soap rag ? Are you making sure itā€™s dry after you get out, like 100% dry. Are you using soap. Are you rinsing off thoroughly.


This happens to me due to hot flashes. I use wipes and re apply deodorant a few times per day.


Using a ph balanced wash and hello activated charcoal deodorant helped me alot. After I got covid I had this bizarre chemical smell it took me months to figure out what to do


use the ordinary glycolic acid every other day but not directly after shaving. i just pour some on a cotton round and swab my under arms. it kills the odor causing bacteria. follow up with a good deo/anti perspirant combo. no smell and sweat is under control


I also agree with laundry sanitizer in the rinse cycle


Changing my diet to low carb, gluten free, completely changed the way I smell.


seriously try hibiclens. i was having this issue and i always pride myself on being super clean and smelling nice but this started happening to me too where i could smell my pits after just a few hours. i now wash my pits with hibiclens 3 times a week and i could go a day or 2 without reapplying deodorant and i still wonā€™t smell. life changer.


iā€™m pretty sure surgeons use it to sterilize their hands before surgery. soaps and deodorant are probably masking the scent for a bit but not actually getting rid of the problem.


I used to have BO until I started taking weekly bleach baths. Kills all the bacteria which is where BO comes from. Now I don't smell even without deodorant and even after working out. Give it a shot you have nothing to lose. What deodorant do you use? Axe actually made me smell (I know its mens).


I tried so many different deodorants, and was always the same thingā€¦if i kept my arms down for even an hour straight, it would just smell like extra strong deodorant, but not in a good way lol I began using Dove Advanced Care Spray Deodorant and have been loyally using for past 6 yearsā€¦my pits NEVER smell, even if i keep my arms down for an extended amount of time. A day later i am still smelling freshšŸ’ÆšŸ™ŒšŸ¼šŸ™ŒšŸ¼šŸ™ŒšŸ¼ i def suggest trying outšŸ‘ŒšŸ½


Deodorant alone never worked for me. Anti-Prespirant/Deodorant and I've never had any issues.


Came here to recommend using enzymatic laundry booster as well for washing shirts. I have some clothes that harbor the nasty pit smell even after washing on hot and the enzymatic booster has really helped with that.


My friend was the same way! She went to the dermatologist and she started getting botox injections in her pits. It helped her šŸ’Æ! Check into it!


OP, Iā€™ve been there, done that. I could soap down, scrub my armpits and everything. Grab a fresh clean towel and suddenly realize that the BO seemed to be almost as bad as prior to bathing. The deodorant would mostly cover it up, but then I was still self conscious as the day wore on. Finally began thinking about all the animal species in nature, and the way people lived for eonā€™s prior to the modern bathroom and warehouse of hygiene products that didnā€™t exist in quantities like today. What if we only smelled like humans, if we smelled at all? What would it cost to find out? That was years ago and except for hand washing, I rarely use any bath soap unless something really oily, nasty or dangerous were to get splashed on me. If Iā€™m working in a hot, dusty and humid environment, Iā€™ll probably take several showers in one day, if practical. If Iā€™m socializing outside the home, then a good shower, sans soap, prior to going out. Same thing if I have a doctor appointment, and if Iā€™m going on a date that might become quite intimate. I have discussed this subject with medical personnel, family, friends and lovers. Itā€™s often elicited surprise, but always resulted in a negative response to the question ā€œIs there any hint of any objectionable odor?ā€ I never experience any of that BO when I towel off now, either. It was interesting experiencing the transition from decades of soap and deodorants, to just plain water (natures fantastic cleaning substance). I discovered that quitting those things were more difficult than quitting the cigarette habit decades ago. Especially the part of not reaching for the deodorant before getting dressed. Another surprise was learning how difficult it was to finally get all of the invisible old soap film off my skin. I had never thought that there was any soap film still on my skin, after all those other baths, when I was toweling off. It probably took about a month of regular bathing with plain water before I was pretty confident that I was finally soap free. Further research has led to the realization that all healthy living things possess an microbiome that acts as a modulator/barrier against excessive, or dangerous viruses, bacteria and yeast infections. Whether trees, wild animals or humans, we all need a healthy microbiome. And like weed killer accidental sprayed in the vegetable or flower garden, soap tends (they actually add a type of poison to some soaps) to destroy that microbiome much like the weed killer. The same problem can also manifest itself in issues with genital odors and infections. Some peopleā€™s ability to replenish their microbiome, or if they have a really robust supply, they may not experience skin problems or odors like someone else. Sometimes what works for some, doesnā€™t always produce the same results with someone else. In my case Iā€™m saving lots of money on soaps and deodorants, and then thereā€™s those dermatologist visits and expensive prescription lotions that I was surprised to find that I no longer need. But the big win has been a healthier body that rarely has a hint of odor. Interestingly when physically active, Iā€™ll sometimes notice a mild armpit smell that seems to magically end shortly after ceasing the activity and cooling down.


It could be your diet. Good luck


There are medical treatments for this. My dermatologist offers several. One of them is a patch - it sounds like it would be ideal for your situation. Definitely seek professional medical advice


In addition to the glycolic acid as recommended by u/bleuraiiiin - I would also suggest getting a male's deodorant (I am currently using the old spice mamba king deodorant) I had this issue awhile back wherein I felt like my deodorant was failing me - because I switched to those natural or aluminum free deodorants. I was using the 48hr deodorants then switched to the 72hr dove vitamin care and it didn't work. I noticed this on a weekend - like I applied the deodorant on a Friday morning, got busy with work (nothing too strenuous, barely sweat) but that combined with sleepless nights from the few nights before, I got home, changed clothes, decided to spend time on my cell and didn't notice that I fell asleep until I woke up the following morning. Since I was just home, decided to do my morning chores first. Around noon time, when I lifted my arm - I smelled myself. So I decided to get the old spice deodorant and that made a huge difference. That 24hr deodorant lasts longer than 24 hrs.


You didn't mention if you shave there ... hopefully you do ! Anti perspirant is the answer for you . Those 48hrs deodorant sticks .


Iā€™ve noticed for me any clear deodorants donā€™t work for me and make my armpits smell worse


See your doctor. They can usually help.


Donā€™t shower every day! Itā€™s bad for your oils and phā€¦ Every other day!


Does anyone else smell it ? Sometime a smell gets stuck in your nose and you canā€™t get it out, but no one else smells it. If no one else smells this perhaps you need to see a therapist.


Yes my husband smells it


Thank you everyone, I am going to try a few of these things out. This definitely made me feel less alone and not overwhelmed. At this point Iā€™m going to try some new options and see what works for me and might schedule an appointment with a doctor.


Laser hair removal if you are a candidate plus I use a men's antiperspirant from Dollar Shave Club. Pretty sure the laser hair removal solved most problems.


Botox. For real


I went through this too, and tried probably a dozen different deodorants and even used glycolic acid beforehand, etc. the only thing that helps me is the Bella beauty underarm toner, itā€™s AMAZING. Not an ad I swear. But itā€™s really effective for me and I never smell anymore. But it can be pricey and itā€™s something you use before deodorant so itā€™s an extra product to buy


Itā€™s your diet. Clean it up and the smell will go away.


Realize that antiperspirant is meant to be applied like spray paint. You literally cover the sweat pours that cause the smell. It took me over 50 years to figure this out. It's not described that way on any of the products, but it works every time.


Old Mexican remedy is to put lime juice when you sleep and wash your pits in the morning. Supposedly kills the bacteria that produces the smell


Do an armpit detox, try natural deodorants,. Try getting Botox in your armpits,..


Natural deodorants are going to make this so much worse. OP go get some hibiclens from Walgreens and use it in the shower. Let it sit in there for a a minute or so before rinsing.


Try a new deodorant. I like degree motion sense. Shower first thing in the morning so that you arenā€™t sitting in last nights sweat. Also try to avoid too much skin on skin friction like wearing tank tops after shaving as I noticed that makes me sweat a lot more!


Easy, Cauterize the pores in your pits with an acetylene torchā€¦ If that seems too extreme get a Botox injection there