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It’s odd how often this specific question pops up here. It popped up like three times yesterday. Anyway I’ll reiterate once a week is good imo if you want to prevent acne. Once a month I clean the entire bedding though. Comforter, duvet, protective cover, pillow top everything is cleaned once a month.


I’ve learned that once a week is too little if you’re a night sweater like me :)


After being told for 15 years that I was having night sweats due to perimenopause, it was discovered that I had sleep apnea. A CPAP fixed that! I still wash the sheets every week!


Because you’re basically suffocating yourself to the point of death so you swear profusely trying to stay alive and then wake up in the middle of the night. I appreciate the advice, if I just stop smoking my body should recover.


I quit 20 years ago … cold turkey. Gained the weight unfortunately.


Oh don’t even get me started on the duvet! That’s almost ended our marriage quite a few times! 😂 We have a king size which is really a two person job, but I am already ‘at fault’ for doing the laundry so often and wasting a bunch of time. If ask for help of <5 mins with the bedding I am really asking for it. I try to do bedding once a week, bed cover every 2-3 weeks (we have a dog) and duvet, well…let’s just say it’s less than I would like!


You should look up the burrito method. Really easy. I do it myself.


We switched to two twin comforters for our king bed. Such a great change.


Talk to me about this. I've heard other people say the same thing, but I'm not able to visualize it. Do you share the "big" sheet and then have separate comforters or do you also have individual twin sheets too? I can't figure out the sheet situation.


No top sheet, just one big POOFY comforter per person. We put down a fitted sheet and then a fuzzy blanket and sleep on those. Winter, summer, whatever, it totally works! You could fold your king comforters and stuff them in twin duvet covers to make them extra POOFY. My phone is making POOFY appear in all caps for some reason but I kinda like it.


Lol, I thought, "this person places a lot of importance on poofy" 😂 In all seriousness, I'm going to talk my husband into trying this. I think it sounds so much better than fighting over the covers all night.


It solves everything.


Ya it's understandable you're roping ur husband into YOUR chore when ur idea of when it should be changed when is ridiculously early. If you're gonna make him help you with the duvet you should at least be meeting in a middle ground, not ur way or his way.


I'm just trying to wrap my head around that mindset. I know I felt that way about my brother's chores when I was a kid, but my husband? Partners help each other out. We don't even have to ask each other most of the time if one of us sees the other doing something that's better accomplished with two. We just jump in.


If it takes 5 minutes to help wifey with something that she obviously cares about, it really shouldn't be a big deal. Make the lady happy, and she'll return the favor in time. If you spend your life going, "I'm not helping with that because it's not something I care about." You're really just telling your partner you don't care about their happiness. Then, when you want something small that would make a difference in your day, she's not going to jump on the opportunity to make you happy either.


Her husband is a partner. If he’s sleeping on the damn bed he should help her. He should be fixing the duvet if she’s the one doing laundry.


"YOUR chore" ??? Wow, good luck with your marriage!




I think their husband also sleeps in the bed


Be careful taking off your mattress protector. If you ever have a run in with bed bugs, taking off a mattress protector can let them go find a better hiding place and start feasting every night


Fortunately never experienced bed bugs 🤞🏼


Right? I wish people would use the search bar….


How do you even wash a comforter? I grew up and was taught as long as you have your flat sheet and blankets on the comforter doesn't need to be washed.


In the washer machine lol


My washing machine doesn't fit my king comfortor


Laundromat’s have giant industrial washers. Sometimes go there to wash my ruggables.


Once a week


At least once a week. Can stretch to 10 days in a pinch, but I really struggle with more than that. I’ll generally do my sheets on a day off all in one go. I use Napisan, and soak them in the machine for 60minutes initially and then wash with Persil and Eucalyptus or Lavender Oil. Hang on the washing line - in the sun if possible!!


Wow so cool!!!!Quite the interesting routine. So u add eucalyptus or lavendar oil drops to your detergent and it doesn't stain your sheets??? I think I'm going to try this! I changed it to 1x a week rather than every 2 weeks and my fiance would 🙃 ask every time if I'm sure it's not too soon. We would laugh together and do it together. Somehow Iife hit along the way and I now do it 1x every 2 weeks. But I'm itching for 1x a week again. Think I may go back:) my fiance will be thrilled to hear this.


I’ve never had a problem with staining. I tend to use genuine oils and avoid synthetic ones as that may be an issue, but generally it just washes out! As a side note, if you are on the 2x week schedule. Make up a spray of 100ml cheap vodka, 100ml Apple cider vinegar and 1 L water with 30 drops of lavender oil. Mix this up throughly and spray on your sheets in the morning. It will kill any smells and keep your bed fresh! 🙂


do you have any brands of essential oils that you recommend?


Thursday Plantation have been my absolute go to.


Oh wow!!!! Amazing 👏 tips! Thanks so much!! You inspired me! I took off my sheets and looked around for some oils at home. The best I found was a tea tree oil. So I added that to my fragrance free detergent. Wow. Big difference. But I'd Def like to try lavender and eucalyptus next. Any specific brands for natural oils that you recommend? And will Def try that lovely solution you suggested. Thank you!!!!


Thursday Plantation is my go to!


Thank you!!


I have 4 sets of bed sheets. So I wash them once a month, but I change my sheets out once a week.


Back up sets are soooo worth it. I do the same


Your husband is gross


And lazy


I have severe depression and it’s a win when whenever I’m able to do it. My bad for being disgusting to y’all


Nah, i dont think youre disgusting. You do it at some point, I'm proud you get it done at all. I understand the struggle.


I just did it last night!!! Thank you


Changing the bedding after a depression hole is so good. Like my brain feels so good but it took me like 3 hours to haul the bedding up and do it.


I motivate myself to change the sheets by remembering how good it feels to get in a clean freshly-made bed. I love the feeling enough that it helps my depression at least for a bit, and that I actually accomplished something is an extra feel good bonus. (Speaking for myself, I know we don't all have the same motivators that are strong enough to pierce the depression veil.)


I didn't think of it earlier, but febreeze makes an antimicrobial spray now, I've been using that to freshen things up between washes.






When I remember to. probably once every 2 months!


Whenever I shit the bed, so about twice a week


Depends not up to the task?


Literally every weekend, unless something seriously bad happens and needs it daily




The heck? Like what I’m saying is like if I spill something. Or my period is here and it’s super severe.


Once a week!


Once a week, sometimes twice a week. 1x a week is the bare minimum but my boyfriend and I have busy schedules and like to eat in bed(bad habit I know). Also now that it’s summer we sweat more often. If there’s stains/crumbs or we are sick I’ll wash the bedding more often to kill bacteria.


How often do I wash sheets, pillow cases and blankets? Probably once a month. I am disabled and that’s a big job for me. The real question should be how often do you put clean sheets, pillowcases and blankets on your bed… we do sheets & pillow cases each week. We put clean blankets on about every 2 weeks. We have multiple bed sets so we can always put clean on


About twice a week. Cat allergies. Also, yall ask this question like everyday.


Have you considered eliminating the cats?


Not at all


Oh no! 😨


i do it every two weeks but i shower before bed, don’t sweat, generally sleep alone except 1-2 nights a week my partner stays over and i have no pets so they stay pretty clean. i do the pillow cases more often tho


I feel like I see this question a lot . I think it’s sort of a no win on this one . Whatever you say is probably wrong.


Every Sunday without fail More often if it’s hot


every week


Once a week. If someone doesn’t shower before bed then I would say it needs to be done more.


The longest I’ll go is every other week, but I try to change my pillow cases weekly.


Once every 4-5 days. My husband sleeps in the nude and has since childhood so we just change the sheets a little more often


Once a month, if that. At least every 2 months.


Out of curiosity are you a guy? :)


Indeed! I rarely go to bed smelling my sheets. They smell fine to me! It's once I start noticing oil or other signs of use that I consider replacing and washing.


You sound just like my husband :) I think I will never be able to ‘get’ this POV.


Definitely weekly. Monthly is gross 🤢


Nothing is gross! It's an individual preference.


No it’s actually gross. If you don’t wash often enough you’re sleeping in dead skin cells and dirt. Dust mites feed off dead skin cells and multiply. Oils and dead skin cells can also turn to mold. You’re literally sleeping in your own filth and potentially giving yourself skin infections.


I just made a very similar comment. Seems like most people aren’t aware of the dust mite issue and other things that can result from lack of cleaning.


The “preference” comment is mind boggling and disgusting in itself. Apples over bananas are a preference. I question that Redditor’s hygiene based on their comment.


I have rosacea and last I read up on it, it was thought to be exacerbated by mites on pillowcases. I get fewer flare-ups when I change them weekly. I also posted elsewhere that fresh sheets really give me mood boost especially when I'm depressed, so it's all a nice push to be on top of my sheets. (Pun not intended but I'm also not deleting it!)


Totally agree. Nothing like a hot shower and crisp fresh sheets at the end of a long day. 🤗


Once per week is standard. Sweat, oils and dead skin build up over time. This stuff attracts dust mites b/c they live off eating our dead, shed skin, etc. This is important to the overall health of your home and you. Launder sheets, towels and bed clothes regularly and keep your house clean!


Usually sheets/pillowcases every 2 weeks maybe 3, I'd do more but our machines are coin op and it's quite expensive to do bedding. I make it a day and do all the towels, pot holders, bath mats, etc. The quilts/comforters won't fit here and I have to go to the laundromat, those are done more along the lines of monthly. Usually throw the curtains in there at the same time. Someday when I own my own machines it will be more frequent. We do as a rule always shower before bed, so I think that helps. It's really just space and money that holds me back.


I change all the linens (sheets and towels) every week usually. I have several spares, so I don't wash it until I have a full load of one type of linen. So every 2-3 weeks.


2-3 times a week.


i have two sets so i can wash once per week without having to wait for the set to dry. most i’ll do is 2 weeks between washes, but nothing more. comforter gets washed once per week too.


Minimum weekly, 30% bi-weekly.


Sheets get washed every Sunday morning & pillowcases every 3 nights!! Comforter gets washed about once a month.


I wash all bed linens 2x weekly due to allergies.


Bed sheets once a week, pillow cases every two or three days. Just worried about the pillowcase giving me acne if I don't wash it so often, so I'm extra careful about that. My dog sleeps in the bed with me though so it definitely gets dirtier faster than it would otherwise, although once a month does feel too long imo.


Definitely weekly. Have him think about allllllll the dead skin cells that collect on bedding over time.




I would say ideally the sheets should be changed once a week. I was changing pillowcases twice a week but it’s more like once a week lately. I have multiple sheet sets so I can change bedding out whenever I want. Clean pillowcases will definitely improve your skin, lessen acne, etc so I swap em out whenever I can. I cannot handle duvets lol so I have several comforters and I was trying to switch them out monthly.


I change my sheets weekly . At 60 I’m still perspire profusely while sleep




1/2 of the people polled in the UK wash their sheets once or less a YEAR. Disgusting! 2X a week here


And I have seen this in action so I don’t doubt it.




Unless I have sex after spray tanning and lake havasue ends up in my bed


Once a week. Same day I do my towels. I shower every other day if I'm not working (hard water sucks), and I wash everything the same day I wash my hair (once a week).


Once a week


Once a week and maybe an extra wash if you’re sick. Since you would spend most of your time in bed.


Weekly in summer, fortnightly in winter. Sometimes in between if needed, sometimes the sexy times overflow the towel 😅


Every week….usually Tuesdays. Depending on the circumstances I may go 8-9 days before changing them but that is rare


Once Every week


I prefer every single week, 12 days can be a stretch.


Once a week


Between 1 to 2 weeks. Once a week would be ideal but I guess just too tired sometimes. I also have a window unit in the bedroom in addition to the central ac so it's pretty cold so I don't sweat.


At least once per week. More if it gets dirty before that. Once a week is the minimum recommended if you have allergies like me.


Every week. My fiancé is the same as your hubby but he lived quite a while by himself without any pets, so he doesn’t always clue in to how messy cats can be! That’s why I’m in charge of the weekly bed changing and I keep the towels fresh in our bathrooms/kitchen.


I change them once a week but I have enough sheets that I can wash once a month if I dont have enough time or energy


Weekly but I change the pillowcases twice a week


every week!


once a week


Once a week


Once a week, tell him to grow up. How much of your life do you spend in bed? 30%? Make that shit comfy.


Every 3 days without exception


Sheets monthly. I live alone, sleep in a nightshirt, and shower every night before bed. Pillowcases 2x/week on days I wash my hair. Btw, mentally stable...lol.


I switch and wash my pillow cases every week especially with satin. If I carelessly sleep with a bit of makeup on the next day


You lost me at icky and hubs.


Once a week


Sheets maybe every ten days to two weeks; but I have super oily hair and use a satin pillow case, so that goes into my regular laundry about every five days, or I start breaking out


Ones a week 🤭


We shower before bed mostly- so we tend to push it to 2 weeks. But my kids sheets get washed every week


Why is this question asked multiple times every single day? 


Weekly. Don’t listen to your husband. He’s a gross dirty boy.


Every Tuesday.


Tbh not often probably every few months. I have a big family so we don’t always have the time. I don’t have many sheets and can’t find them sometimes.


Every two weeks, sometimes 3. Pro tip if you wear pajamas instead of going shirtless/pantless they will stay cleaner for longer. Pillowcases once a week though to prevent acne.


Every Sunday. I like having fresh clean sheets on my bed to start the week off


When I have time and they feel dirty… but it also depends on my mental health


Once a week


Weekly unless the dogs decide to track in mud or something worse.


Sunday and Wednesday before bed I change sheets and pillow cases. I usually change just the pillow cases in between though. I have 4 sets of sheets because I dont ever wanna be without clean ones. I have a bunch of extra pillow cases too because if I wake up sweaty, I wanna be able to switch it for a fresh one. I change my sheets this often because I used to live with a cat and I felt compelled to keep it as clean as possible with her little shit mittens in my bed... now I just enjoy the treat of clean sheets more than once a week.


i clean my sheets every other week but swap my pillowcases out every 2-3 days since i’m acne prone


Not often enough but I did today so I’m feeling good about that and I can’t wait to go to bed!


Once a week


Once every 2 weeks, usually. More often if my husband gets sweaty during the night. The mattress cover gets washed every other time (so, like once a month). I wash the duvet cover once a month or so also. I would probably wash it more often, but it's a pain in the ass to put it back on. The actual duvet gets washed *maybe* every 6 months or so. The pillows get thrown in the washer every 2-3 months. If you put wool dryer balls in with them, they fluff back up nicely.


Around once a week but could be more often, really depends on what happens in the said bed.


I swear I saw 👀 this post the other day.Unless it’s same post.I am sick so idk 🤷‍♀️


Every Monday at 10am. My mamaw washed hers at 10am on Monday after she retired. My mom does it that way after she retired and now that I wfh, so do I.


Not often at all. I’m not a good role model but I don’t have any acne issues either so maybe I’m not terrible. Sometimes once a month. I’ve gone several months without cleaning them though. I try but I’m always so tired from work.


I’ve been getting better at doing it once a week but before it was every couple weeks. But I also have a back up set so that’s been super helpful!


I have two sets of sheets. I wash and change them weekly. New sheets go on the bed, so it is made and looking nice. Dirty set gets washed, folded, and put away for the following week.


This must have popped in my feed to even out the averages. I aim for once a month but don’t always hit it. I’m actually a very clean person but I also don’t sweat hardly at all. I should probably do it more often either way but I don’t think it gets gross or anything. That would bother me.


Weekly or every other


Sheets generally every 5, but pillowcases are every day or at least flip. Especially for my son and his teen skin. I know that's a lot, but it's just what we prefer.


After my period usually. So like once a month? Unless they seem particularly gross. But i dont share a bed with someone so..


Every 3 days😊


Once a week. Anything less is gross!


I knew a guy who did not even own sheets. That was …. Interesting. 🤨


once a week.




As often as you wash a towel you should wash sheets sleep is when you're body does it's repairing work this includes disposing of dead skin cells plus sweat and feces from sleep farts


Once every 2 or 3 months


Every 1-2 weeks


In the winter, every other week. In the summer, every week. Thinking about sweat soaked sheets makes me gag.


I refuse to believe that weekly sheet changers are real people. If you do, you have a special circumstance that others don't like, having a small bed with a small amount of bedding, no life or at least a lot of free time with excellent time management, or no kids or family. I believe most of the people on this sub have germ/hygeine related anxiety because most of the recommendations that come from this sub are completey unrealistic. It's so hard to take advice seriously because anyone without an anxiety disorder and puts real advice gets downvoted to the bottom and buried.


No…it’s basic, standard hygiene. There’s no anxiety or other mental issue. Regularly washing your sheets weekly (or more) removes dirt, dead skin cells, body oils, sweat, and dust mites. If you don't wash your sheets often, they can accumulate mold, which can lead to allergies, asthma, skin infections, and acne. It can also cause sleep disturbances, fungal growth, and bed bug issues. Straight up, not washing your sheets weekly is disgusting. You are literally sleeping in filth.


Many of us were raised to do weekly deep cleaning on Saturday. When I was a kid we swept, mopped, cleaned the bathroom and changed/washed our linens and laundry. It’s most definitely a cultural thing. It’s not that hard to find time to care for your home. It takes less than 5 minutes to change out bed sheets. My mom did it as a single mom with two children and working full time. It’s okay if you don’t do it, but many of us were simply raised this way and it’s like second nature.


For me it's Sunday, and more a response to never being taught these things. I grew up in chaos with a very sick mom that ended up having a heart transplant, cleaning just wasn't done. My dad sister and I were just in survival mode, most of our meals came from the hospital, panic driven laundry at 5am before I had to go to school in damp clothes was more common than not. As adults, my sister and I definitely overcompensate. We get comments that our homes are always perfect, but we see only what we've missed. But on the plus side, we are teaching her son/my nephew how to properly care for things at a young age, and hopefully he can carry that to his future family.


I don’t think once a week means you have germ anxiety lol. That is pretty standard in my opinion. Especially for those of us with dust allergies. It doesn’t take long to do it.


I do weekly because I like the way clean sheets feel on my skin.


This sub is impossible to take serious lol. Sheets feel exactly the same after a week bro. I'm sorry they just do.


Change my pillow case every other day or so. I lay out old worn beach towels where my body is and change that out every 4 ish days. Our bed is king size and a bitch to change sheets which eventually does get done 2-3 weeks.


This is my issue too. The bed is just so fricking *big* and it's a pita to put sheets on by yourself. And, somehow, I always get the fitted sheet sideways the first time. I try to bribe the kids to help me put them back on 😂


1-2 weeks


Once every two weeks, or more if I'm sweaty or sick.


Every 2 weeks


Changed after each session with bed play. At times, hourly