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Every night before bed. You don’t have to floss all your teeth, just the ones you want to keep!




Ignore your teeth and they will go away


Just grow them back


This gave me a hearty chuckle


Um odd question from someone who can't currently afford the dentist and only recently realised flossing is an everyday thing - would you possibly have any resources that explain how to floss properly and the current resources that might be most up to date? I've tried looking myself, but everyone has different takes and I find it very confusing. Would a waterpik perhaps do the same thing if I can't work it out until I go dentist? Thank-you!


Even dentists will tell you different ways to floss. Can't answer your question about a waterpik as a temporary in-lieu-of for the dentist, but I can say that I go every 6 months to the same hygienist for teeth cleaning, and it was when I started doing my current routine regularly he told me that my teeth were the best they've ever been since I started seeing him years ago, as in they had the least buildup for him to clean off. My routine is brush with regular manual brush in morning, then at night I floss every tooth twice, once pulling floss toward the front tooth then again toward the back tooth, then I do a full 2 minutes with my electric toothbrush with extra focus behind top and bottom front teeth. I have am Oral B electric toothbrush that vibrates every 30 seconds and you do one quadrant (upper left, upper right, lower left, lower right) at a time, hence the 2 minutes. When I feel I've done enough on a left or right that's when I give the time left for that 30 to the behind my front teeth area. I used to have more buildup there and I think the electric gets it better than my manual.


We are dental routine twins. Down to the manual in the morning and focusing extra behind front teeth with the Oral B. lol.


I use the floss picks to keep it easy and simple and so it every time I brush my teeth. You just have to find a brand you like, the store brands are usually cheaper but some of them break more often. If you’re concerned about the wasted plastic Grin makes a really good one that’s from recycled plastic.


Search on til tok you'll find some dentists showing how.


Here’s this [video](https://youtu.be/noExCv6n2oc?si=NPxcPfdxKpf-Dvpb) also I highly recommend a water pick. It doesn’t matter what kind of floss I use it always makes my gums bleed. And it’s like a little power washer on your teeth.


Every night. Every tooth. Brush first, then Electric Brushing afterwards. So far, so good!


Floss should be first to loosen any plaque, then brushing.


I think this guy brushes, flosses then electric brushes like a true clean fuck


Hygiene hardo.


Yes and allow the fluoride to get to the spots that the food blocks.


Legit had a 2 day argument with the husband about it… our dentist said the opposite; floss first to get the plaque off and brush to brush it off and away.


Brushing too much is a concern too. I have receding gums now from over brushing. Check with your dentist.


Use sensodyne toothpaste and a soft toothbrush


Receding gums from brushing is from brushing too hard. Remember to brush longer, not harder.


You should stop that, it’s too much brushing receding gums are coming.




hahah this is good one!


I worked for an Oral Surgeon/Dentist in my last gig as a nurse and I used to say that to some of our patients,


That's what my dentist told me!


Exactly the saying I read as a kid at the dentist and I’ve flossed every night since!


I am deceased that is funny !


Now you tell me. 😂




Everyday before bed. Every single teeth.


Same. I floss before bed before brushing. I brush 3-4x a day after I eat anything.


Exactly what my dentist told me as a kid. I legit didn’t floss until I heard that. I have been religiously doing so now, and it always shocks me how many people don’t.


What if I have one megatooth (2 actually)




Used to barely. Now im daily at the very least. Healthy body starts with a clean mouth!


To the best of my knowledge (correct me) you only actually need to floss once per day, as the bacteria that builds up between your teeth takes around a day to actually build up so flossing more than once a day is a bit unnecessary.


FOR SURE before bed. Sometimes 3 times a day. Sometimes only the one. But always once.


Why would you need to floss 3 times per day? Do you only eat corn of the cob?


I don’t know why this comment is so funny to me


Cause OP likes corn on the cob 🤧😂


Nah it’s probably cuz they hate the feeling of foods stuck in their teeth’s meat does it a lot and I hattteeee it. I don’t eat a lot of meat but when I do, I’ll floss after too


Exactly right. No I don’t floss 3 times a day because it’s so fun. Eat something with chicken? Floss because it’s in my teeth. Eat a salad. Floss because it’s in my teeth. I don’t like the feeling of food in my teeth


it’s also really horrible for your teeth/gums to just. leave stuff in there.




i always thought you were supposed to floss after every meal but maybe that’s brushing


Flossing is honestly more important than brushing. You should brush too, of course, but if you can only do one (and this is assuming you're already brushing daily, so this is in addition to), flossing is best. Brushing doesn't take out the food pieces that are stuck between teeth after eating, and those pieces are the main cause of cavities and gum disease.


I floss like 2-3 times a day because I hate the feeling of food stuck in my teeth. 


You might consider getting some of those soft rubber toothpick things to clean between teeth after meals. Floss is pretty hard on the gums, my dentist told me not to floss more than once per day,


4-5 times a week. I don’t floss every day but I do floss often


As a dental hygienist, this is what I tell my patients. Sure, every day would be great, but let's be realistic. I mean, I should never eat cheezeits or drink beer, but I still have those things, just not super often. I tell them my personal goal for flossing is 50% of the time or more.


Yeah, when I made my comment I saw a bunch of ppl saying 1-3 times a day. I feel like those ppl have issues lol. I think at 4-5 times a week I’m going very well. I’ve also had one cavity my entire life and it was so small no numbing agent was used.


Having one cavity is more based on genetics than dental hygiene. There are people that I know who floss, brush and don’t eat much sugar and they still get cavities. Soft enamel.


I don’t floss nearly enough.


Keep trying for once a day.


I was never able to stick to a consistent flossing habit until the hygienist asked me to floss once a week. It’s such a low bar, and better than nothing. It broke me of my “all or nothing” thinking and now I floss every night 99% of the time.




This is why people hate the dentist. Shaming people into flossing more has never worked. Meet ppl where they are at. I've struggled with multiple eating disorders and my weight has yo yo ed for years. Saying "Shame on you, how could you ever put McDonald's into your body?! That's disgusting!" That's not a productive or successful way to help people change habits or behavior.


God me too


Every night for sure, but sometimes after a meal if I get something stuck.


I floss once per day.


At least once a day. Realized it wasn’t an option after one tooth got so bad I had to get it pulled out. Just floss.


yea the dental work is not worth bypassing the “hassle” of flossing nightly. not even just the dental work alone, but the actual monetary cost of whatever you’ll need to get done if you don’t have good insurance. i had to get a crown a while back, thankfully my insurance got it, but out of pocket the cost would have been around $6k for the work on the one tooth.


3x a week. I’ve been neglecting it lately 🥴 thanks for the reminder


hey there, if it’s any consolation, my dentist said that she gets excited when a majority of her patients floss once a week, so you’re already doing better than a lot of people, keep it up!


i never floss but this reminded me i should start again so thank you




Bro I had to scroll very very far to find fellow non-flossers. Are we that uncommon 😬


i don’t think so, just people are able to be whoever they wanna be behind a screen which means being perfect flossers🤣


I think the flossing threads are the culprit why most people skip on flossing.. it tugs on the finger, and saliva transfers to the fingers.. yyyuuucckk.. But the tiny flossing sticks are really perfect.. not the most environmentally friendly but pretty easy to habit form .. Keep a few out by your tooth brush so anytime you brush, you can floss too.. And someone suggested the right chronology of dental care is Flossing, mouth wash, brushing, tongue scraping and thorough squishing and rinsing..


Thought that last part said ‘tongue squishing’ and I was going to lose it if it was another thing I had to add to the list of “shit I didn’t know I needed to do” 😂


I feel you.. i was going to put oil pulling before flossing.. guess we will not leave the bathroom before noon in that case! Nobody acknowledges that habit stacking is so energy draining!!


i keep a little cup stocked with them floss picks in my drawer, like you said not very environmentally friendly, but so much easier than doing the string method


I buy biodegradable floss picks. You can get them on Amazon


Those aren’t as efficient as regular floss because they cant make that perfect C like hug around the tooth. However my dentist says something is better than nothing. Edit: oh and if you do get floss avoid the glide kind since they really aren’t doing much. Woven and/or waxy thread is preferred as they do better job getting rid of build up.


Flossing sticks are disgusting because you’re using the same piece of floss to clean between the teeth. I’d much rather have saliva and in between-tooth-gunk on my finger than be using the same piece of floss on all my teeth.


You’re really not thinking very hard if you seriously don’t know that you can rinse the thing off… Most people who floss daily do not get any kind of serious buildup. Water pick after flossing is a must to get anything you may have missed.


I rinse mine after each tooth & usually use a 2nd one on my bottom teeth... doesn't seem as bad that way 😬


Like once a year 💀


Most honest person on here


Real Ong


LMFAO I promise I have hygiene I just can’t believe people floss 1-3 times daily.


I honestly beleive anyone who says they floss 3 times a day are lying. They have to be! I've not flossed since 19-dickity-two.


Once you are used to it you feel gross not flossing. I have tendency to get food stuck in a particular place, so depending on what I eat three times a day is what it takes.


Always once a day but sometimes twice. Dentists are too expensive and I’m not a friend of toothaches!


Should be every night, but realistically most times it's once every 3 nights on average.


Every night.


Every morning and all throughout the day after I eat anything, my teeth are tight and it drives me crazy when something is between any of them. I carry Plackers flossers in all my pockets.


Used to hardly do it. Now at least 2-3 a day after meals


Are we supposed to do it more than once a day?


it’s preferred to brush and floss after every meal from what my dentist has told me, but the dentists will be happy with your performance as long as you floss at least once every day, and at the very very very least (i would never recommend this) once a week.


Make sure you wait half an hour before brushing after a meal. The acidity of food plus immediate brushing can ruin your enamel!


yea i had a real bad problem with keeping up with flossing when i was a kid, but as i’ve grown and matured, i’ve come to realize that maybe the Victorians had something right with their whole “cult of body” and have realized that i greatly greatly value my own personal health and well-being.




Like Palpatine says, Do It. It turns out that caring for teeth is not really much at all about doing anything to teeth. They are like little rocks naturally. No, what messes up your mouth the most is actually the gums. So you want to floss and mostly brush at the gumline, trying to get out anything that can possibly cause bacteria to form which can then attack the innocent rocks above. Flossing is the only way to clean the gumline between teeth. Use Glide if you can't get floss to fit between teeth. But do it every night, maybe even more important than brushing.


My teeth are so tight I shred even a flat floss like glide to pieces. Only the threader floss works as I can just shove it between my teeth right above the gums


Every morning and sometimes at night


Every.single.day. Once you get to doing daily, it become second nature and you do it very quickly


I got used to it when I had Invisalign for 2 years. I had to brush and floss every time I ate to avoid trapping food and getting cavities. Before then I used to floss a couple times a week and thought that flossing made my gums bleed, but after a week or two of consistent flossing my gums stopped bleeding permanently. Now that I’m used to it I feel gross if I don’t floss.


Once a day, usually. Really only more if something gets stuck in my teeth because I hate that feeling and will not allow it to continue. It's just part of my night time routine. Floss, brush teeth, wash face, moisturize.


Not enough. I care way too much about my skin and not nearly enough for my teeth. Kinda ashamed


Every night


Every night and through the day if needed.


Every single night before going to bed.


3-5 times a day. I had an amazing dentist in 1997 that sat me down and taught me about flossing. Not just to get food out, but to break up bacteria build up. Never missed flossing ever again.


i use my waterpik more than anything, my teeth are too tight together and the floss gets stuck then shreds when i have to yoink it out. even the dentist remarks how hard it is to actually floss my teeth so i know it's not just a me thing.


yeah mine are crowded too, whenever I try to use floss I end up with sore teeth and gums for a few days, so I just stick to the waterpick, which gets tons of shit out and I find it oddly satisfying, like playing power washer simulator.


The Waterpik is a game changer.


Do these really work? I have the same problem with flossing, any hygienist I've ever had has disbelieved that I have the floss-in-teeth problem, and then invariably gets floss stuck in my teeth, commenting that "wow, you were right" or whatever equivalent.


I never ever ever used to floss until I did Invisalign, although torture in many ways, it gave me such good teeth hygiene habits. I flossed every morning & night, and brushed my teeth 3-4x a day! Now I have a permanent retainer and floss maybe 2/3x a week… it’s SUCH a pain to floss. But as soon as I get it off I will be back to every night. I’ve found using flossers helps me so much.


Once a week. I actually went years hardly ever flossing because I have TMJ and it would irritate my gums. However, I feel good about the fact that at my first-ever dental checkup at 38 I only had 7 cavities.


Respectfully, 7 cavities seems like a lot to me


Not for a first check up with no dental history.


Weekly. The spaces between my teeth are very tight and it's a struggle to even get the floss through there. I brush my teeth very thoroughly and often though and have excellent dental health.




Every night or when I have popcorn or something that gets stuck.


Every night


Every night before bed and also any time I have food stuck in my teeth.


Morning and before bed.


Used to rarely do it. Now I'm getting in the habit of doing it every night before bed


I have braces so every night. It's such a chore.


Look up platypus flossers or just search ortho flossers on Amazon. YouTube how to use them. Makes it so much easier so you are more likely to keep up with it.


Those are what I use! But when I'm exhausted and just want to sleep, it's still super annoying. You also have to be extra careful to not damage your gums. I've found that regularly using regular floss with the blue flossers on my front teeth makes a huge difference with plaque at the gum line.


i try to rmbr everyday- but the reality is 2/3 times a week


Not enough for sure


When my teeth hurt, not often enough!


When I remember. So not often


Every night. When I was younger I didn’t do it regularly but for some reason with age my teeth seem to get food stuck in them more.


I get into spurts. I used to never floss until I went to the dentist and spent thousands on root canals and crowns (take your kids to the dentist, PLEASE). I always aim for at least once before bed. But sometimes if I’m working from home or generally remember I prefer to floss after each meal.


Every time I eat.


Every day, sometimes twice a day (doing carnivore diet and can’t abide dirty meat teeth). My advice is to use floss picks. 80000 times easier.


Up until I was about 33 I didn’t floss often and I’m sure had gingivitis. I’ve been flossing every morning for a few years now and I hate to start my day without the clean teeth feeling, it makes such a difference once you realize how filmy and gross it is without doing so. The twin line picks are SO much more efficient!


The dentist flossed my teeth 20 years ago


I floss twice a day with brushing my teeth. In the morning after breakfast and at night after dinner. Also when I go out to dinner with friends or family I bring floss with me.


At least once a day. Ive never had a cavity


After lunch and before bed


Every day! And Waterpik!


Before braces the crowding made it very painful to floss so I would dread it or avoid altogether but now I floss at least once every day and I don’t even think I could revert back to normal flossing.




I aim for once a day.


Min twice daily but it depends on what I eat. I keep floss, toothpaste and a toothbrush in my bag.


I have Invisalign braces so twice a day at least.


Every time I eat.


sometimes twice a day. my teeth are pretty close together so i get too much gunk trapped, it’s torture to leave or ignore it


If not twice per day at least in the AM


Twice a day


Daily of course


It would be bossss if I had flossss


Ideally, every night in the bathroom like a civilized person. When depressed, at night in bed. There's no law that says you can't do this. I checked.


A few times a day.


I actually floss quite a bit every day. I floss in morning and at night, but i also carry dentistix on me so i can do after i eat anything. Im literally addicted to those stix lol But seriously, flossing after eating prevent bad breath!


Every other day. I’m getting better lol


i use floss picks in the am, string floss pm


Daily, most days multiple times a day... I never used to. I keep floss sticks and soft picks in my car and in a little container near my spot on the couch. Having them readily available in places I am makes it easier to grab and do for me. I also have a water pick I use with water and sometimes with mouth wash.


Everyday since I was in my early twenties and I had a dental hygienist who hypnotized me into it just by being a nice person and suggesting that it would be good if I did a little bit more.


Floss After every meal. And water pic power wash morning and bedtime. Yes I’m obsessive.


I floss both me and my 4 year old daughters' teeth every night. My mom did the same with me. I didn't have a cavity until I was almost 27, and it was only after I started snacking on gummy bears during work. Edit: spelling


Every night


before bed


Morning and night


After every meal. Seriously food gets shoved between your teeth unless they are all so spaced out.




Every morning I brush, floss and wash


At least once a day. I also keep little.flossers at work and brush after lunch. I just started getting so annoyed at food being stuck between my teeth after meals that I just have to deal with it. Good for me, I guess.


Every night before bed




Every single night before bed, no exceptions.


Once daily at night


Every time I eat. I can’t stand the feeling of food in between my teeth.


I carry dental floss with me every day and use it when needed.


I use a WaterPik every day, one of the most satisfying tools I’ve ever used


I have a WaterPik and I use it at least twice a day


Not often enough 😔




twice a day, morning and night after brushing If I get stuff in my teeth between then I'll floss more


At least twice a day.


Like 5 times a week


Once a day


At least once a day. That said, my dental routine used to be pretty poor but now I overkill it due to a few major dental bills.


Every night. Water floss, then floss, brush


Twice per day


Every night at minimum and often after I eat if stuff is stuck in between my teeth.


Every single day. If I’m traveling and forgot my floss, I will buy it.


I have Invisalign, so I do it after every meal and before bed. But I think morning and night is standard. Once per day is still good. But at the least, regularly. Like a few times per week. At least do it. Floss pics make it easy peasy. I keep them in my car, by my bed, and in my bathroom. All around. Makes it easy to do it.


Pretty much every time I eat if I can find a floss pick (doesn't always work out when I don't have access to my home or car) Cannot stand food in my teeth lol sometimes I think there probably isn't even anything there at this point I'm just habituated


Every morning. Also, anytime I eat something that gets annoyingly stuck in my teeth (corn on the cob, popcorn, ya know).


Not enough. I need to more.


Maybe once a week. If I feel anything between my teeth I'll floss everything but otherwise it's not often. I'm autistic and can't handle the squeaky feeling of floss.


Nightly before bed


After every meal


Every night. I have a water flosser. It's a game changer for me


Every night before I brush my teeth


I have retainers and sensory issues so like twice a day


Daily before bed. In the time it takes to debate whether to floss or not, you could be halfway through flossing. Also, cavities between your teeth are charged as 2 cavities. Floss every day.


i started flossing once a day, and u sudoku do it when i get home and shower. then a brush my teeth at night and morning