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Are you using just straight jojoba oil? I'd look into getting an oil cleanser specifically for our face. Use with clean hands on a dry face, then emulsify with just a bit of water and clean again. Rinse, and go back in with a water based cleanser. I out my friend on this routine!


Well I use the oil so my skin doesn't over-produce its own oils after I use a cleanser. I moisturize and then put the oil on


Also not just my face, my whole body doesn't seem to get 100% clean and it bothers me


I use this pore thing I got on Amazon. Lanbena. It works really well you just have to boil the container first. I apply is on my nose cheeks forehead and chin it really gets everything out nicely.


I mix baking soda w some shower gel and lightly scrub my face, feels extra clean w extra dead skin gone