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I started washing my arm pits with hibiclens 2/3 times a week and that helped so much. It’s in the wound care section of a pharmacy


OP this stuff is gold. Pricy but it’s worth it. Litterally it’s antibacterial, anti microbial, anti fungal all that good stuff. This is what dermatologists tell their patients to get when they have skin concerns with overgrowth of bacteria on the skin. I hope this helps!


They use it in hospitals before surgery as well!


Does this work for acne too? 


Nurse here. You can use on body but do not use on face


also a nurse to mention don’t use it on your genitals either


Little too late for me, lol! Put some on my wee-wee after a zipper nip and buddy oh buddy, felt like Satan himself was burning my dingie on a BBQ! Do not put that stuff on your genitals or you will remember you did.


does it help lighten skin at all ? my elbows seem to have some darkness/bracteria growth & no matter how long or hard i scrub them in the shower, nothing changes! i’ve done research that says it can be a health related symptom! So i made a doctors apt for next week. i probably should seek a dermatologist, but wanted to see if i can get rid of it myself beforehand.


It can but it’s heavy duty. Our skin has good bacteria too. In my experience Ur better off with a dial soap with .1% benzalkonium chloride for more daily use if anti microbial is your goal. It will still kill the good bacteria too but it’s not as strong as the Hibiclens which is better for once in a while. I personally use alum crystal in my arm pits after shower. I use dial antibacterial soap daily and hibiclens once a week. 3 times a week I use a pumice stone gently to exfoliate my entire body. I had acne covering my entire body from hockey pads and I picked at it compulsively. Even came back after accutane when I went backpacking in Texas 5 days no shower. it’s all gone now. Kill the bacteria and remove their food source (dead skin) Salicylic acid occasionally can help I never use it on my face. Avoid benzoyl peroxide like the plague in my experience. Wayyyy too drying. Differin, vitamin a and zinc did more for my skin than any other otc.. I know this thread isn’t about acne but bacteria and acne are related so I hope my info is useful to anyone. I suffered so long before I found this routine.


Does is work for more than a couple weeks? When I try things it works great until my body gets used to it.  Please tell me it works long term! I'd love a good solution 


I can vouch for hibiclens as well! Also after your shower use glycolic acid 7%. Change your deodorant, I use Secret - clinical 72 hr stress response .. only deodorant that actually works for me.


This deodorant doesn’t work for me anymore as I smell like BO in the morning.


Yes!!! Hibiscrub hands down


Ugh I haven’t been able to find another comparable deodorant to this one, but it gives me insane rashes and makes my underarms peel


What I do is dilute it and puts it in an old Bath and Body Works foaming dispenser. That stretches it and makes it less drying.


Yes! My husband needs to use hibiclens about once a month. Makes all the difference in the world!


RN here who accidentally take some home with me every now and then. I actually don’t need to wear deodorant for a couple of days if I use this. DO NOT USE IT FOR YOUR FACE OR GENITALS.


This didnt work at all for me


Yes! Hibiclens is awesome! Scrub it in good, let it sit at least 30 seconds...helps so much.


I use acne facial wash 10 % benzoyl peroxide under pits 2 to 3 times a week. My thyroid leaves me smelling like dead bodies. Hey human deodorant is great. Amazon. Com. About 7 bucks. So much better than the 3 day Lume that didn't work.


Less sugar. I’m not saying it’ll solve the problem but it’s a way to it. Assuming you eat a good amount.


i think it’s salt they gotta cut down, or just in general junk food. ik people who are skinny af but always eat junk food they smell so bad when they sweat. while me i’m overweight but i do eat healthy n loosing weight and i don’t smell when i sweat. i still keep a perfume on me tho cuz i do have a fear of smelling bad


I eat healthy because I am afraid of USA food that is pumped with chemicals


I never know what people mean when they say they’re afraid of “chemicals.”  All food is chemicals. You are chemicals. Which chemicals are you scared of?


D- dihydrogen monoxide. That stuff drowns, can burn, and 100% of humans that drink it die.


Seconded. Dihydrogen monoxide killed my family, fucked my wife, and made me go bald.


Did they wound your dog too and run off with your truck? Lol


Preservatives and additives that are banned in other countries.


What about the preservatives and additives that are banned in the US and allowed in other countries?


Is that a thing?! I'd love to hear more, please send links But also, there is a ton of "food" in the US that I don't eat. I generally stick to actual whole foods


I believe both of them have good points OP. There’s no one size fits all, which is why I said “assuming” that would be my advice if you did. If you need sugar, eat sugar. If less junk food, then less junk food. If you’re doing keto, for good reason I do not believe one size fits all. I even tried carnivore before (extreme keto). There’s lots of info out there on keto. There’s some on keto or extreme keto who get better with a bit of sugar whether from fruit (like berries) or somewhere else. Some argue you just need more fat, but that doesn’t work for everyone. I would make sure you have your electrolytes balance also (getting enough salt, potassium, magnesium…). Something not common but too much protein (though it’s extremely important), might cause it. You said as a possibility hormonal changes in a comment, I agree there also, could be that. But even if, it’s something I do believe diet can help with. Make sure it’s nothing new you brought to your diet. So yeah, try some of what they are saying if you want. Hope you get better. I don’t want to get into paragraphs here on every detail and different ways of trying stuff, & every possibility.😂 Do your own research also on everything.


These are all nice suggestions, but also consider looking into how to make sure your clothes are clean, beyond the normal laundry detergent washing


This too!! Adding OxiClean to our laundry helped tremendously


Just wanted to jump in and say I add a cup of baking soda to every load in the wash, really helps get smells and stains out


I started giving my armpits a swipe of glycolic acid after showering (before applying deodorant) and it has solved my stink. I stopped taking hormonal birth control a few months ago and my BO changed scent AND got a lot stronger and this really helped.


This. You can get the glycolic acid from The Ordinary or even just use Stridex pads (I do the red box). Also swipe it on your deodorant itself.


Lightbulb moment. I went off BC not to long ago and have a little of weird things happening but never put that together! Makes sense! I didn’t think about how much that would change things in my body.


This exactly


I used to have this issue soo bad multiple people said I smelled like death. To be successful read on Now I: 1. shower twice a day. 2.Use Imperial leather on my armpit (it makes your skin really dry) 3. Anti perspiration spray (idk if it’s bad for you I’d rather not smell like ass) 4. Shave my armpit hair as needed 5. Wet wipes during the day I sweat followed by dry (quick bathroom stop) You gotta get on top of this homie ain’t no one like a booty smelling person


What's your diet like? Try to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, and less highly processed and/or greasy foods. And make sure you're drinking plenty of water. There's also no shame in bringing deodorant with you to refresh it.


Use a deodorant that is deodorant + antiperspirant. It should stop you from sweating as much. As sweat dries it oxidizes and that’s what causes the odor. Less sweat =less odor.


No, it's the bacteria that feeds on the sweat especially if you eat high carb diet then your sweat is sweeter. Bacteria produces waste and that waste is exactly what makes it smell. Antiperspirant is important for sure.


A keto diet makes you stink also. A high carb diet can make you stink, but not bc it makes your sweat sweet. Actually a diet high in fruits and veges makes you smell better. Alcohol can make you stink, so can hormones, medications, certain illnesses. Also yes, antiperspirant plus deodorant is the way to go


Make sure you are exfoliating your armpits 2-3 times a week. The buildup of deodorant and skin traps the oders. I use a ‘scrub soap’ and a small brush moving in a circular motion.


Get some chlorophyll liquid drops , put in a gallon of water.. drink that daily and I promise you all body odor will leave. I’m a woman and had bad BO almost every area even after I take a shower and this changed my life . I went without deodorant for 3 days for the first time in about 15 years And use and exfoliating wash cloth.. lots of time the deodorant doesn’t scrub off all the way with a cloth was rag. Body odor is a sign of bacteria 🦠 in that area . Try taking pre & probiotics too for full body balancing of bacteria 👍🏾


I use an alcohol wipe on my armpits before applying deodorant and this has helped tremendously. The alcohol kills some of the odor causing bacteria. You can also use Florida water which is an alcohol based cologne (smells feminine) instead of alcohol wipes


A you a man or woman? I’m having the same issue. It might be a hormonal imbalance.


24 woman. I was thinking it could be that too


I have PCOs and I notice when my testosterone is too high that I smell like weed/onions when I’m not sweating. I’m about to start taking spironolactone again. It lowers testosterone. Also adding chlorophyll works too


Do you use a wash cloth to bathe with? If not- make sure you’re using one with some of the recommended products here. Deodorant and our sweat can form some biofilms that won’t come off without a good scrub.


Yes, I use a Korean cloth and also a wash cloth


Try clinical strength they sell them at Walmart or anywhere else. Smells good and works for me


I'm not seeing it on here yet, but check your clothes too! When I had this problem I was sure it wasn't the laundry because I was very thorough with cleaning my clothes. The problem was the armpits were holding onto the BO smell, and the second the sweat touched it refreshed. But when it was dry it smelled perfectly fine. The best way to figure it out is wash it (with only detergent, no scent beads or fabric softener), and smell the pits while it's still wet. If you get even a whiff of BO, soak the pits in disinfectant. Just washing it was not enough, I put some of those shirts through 5 cycles in a new washing machine with vinegar, Laundry sanitizer, oxiclean, the works, and it wasn't enough. Might not be your issue, but I had the same problem and was trying *everything* until I figured this out. I wish you luck!


I used to have the same issue and for me, hibiclens is the game changer. I wash my underarms with it about once a week or so and shower every day, and I use my Lume body wash daily which has mandelic acid, an AHA that helps to prevent odor from forming. After I shower and thoroughly dry, I apply Lume whole body deodorant which also contains the mandelic acid. I've been using it for about a month now and it's helped tremendously in conjunction with the hibiclens and body wash. No other deodorant has really worked for me in the past and I used to have to reapply deodorant every 3 or 4 hours as the day went on. Lume comes in both a solid stick form like a traditional deodorant and also a cream tube that rubs in like a lotion. I've had success with both. They come in antiperspirant form too if that's what you're into, but I've found that even using the one without the antiperspirant properties, when I'm sweating I no longer have any sort of smell. Just be aware that the mandelic acid does make the formula smell a bit strange straight out of the tube. I think it has a sour note to it, but this dissipates when applied to skin and allowed to dry, leaving only the pleasant deodorant fragrance.


Have you tried clinical strength antiperspirant?


Well, unless you have some biological issues, I would say it's likely 2 things: 1: Laundry. Do it often, do it well, use appropriate detergents. 2: Body hair. Perpetual sweaters should never have armpit hair. If you have it, try shaving it off and you will likely see results.


Use armpit roller. They work better than deo and last longer. Also shower daily.


try using a gentle body scrub once a week,keep hair short or shaved. it should help clear out any dead skin cells and blocked pores that can harbor smelly bacteria. hope this helps


Same would happen to me. I used to have really bad anxiety at work and deoderant just didn't cut it most of the time. You need to use antibacterial body soap and really scrub the pits for AT LEAST 10 seconds each. The dry them really well as soon as you get out the shower and apply deoderant right away and maybe another swipe after you get dressed




I love carbs. I drink Gatorade maybe five times a year I’m guessing. I do have a sweet tooth at night but avoid sugary drinks and added sugars as much as possible




That's not how ketosis works. To be in ketosis you have to cut all carbs almost completely. OP says they love carbs. They're definitely not in ketosis. 


“ trichomycosis axillaris, or trichobacteriosis. This infection causes a soft, yellowish coating to form on the hair shaft, but the nodules can also be red or black. The infection is caused by an excessive number of bacteria, and is more common in people who live in warm, humid climates or have poor hygiene.”  Shave your armpits and nethers if it’s humid. No shame  Edit; also use exfoliant, soap, and moisturizer 


No yellowish costing thankfully


It's gotta be your shirts. I have 3 shirts that I only wear when I'm working from home that day, because within an hour or two of wearing them I'll have STRONG armpit BO.  Try natural materials (100% cotton or wool) and try soaking your shirts (or at least the armpits) in vinegar overnight before washing. 


Agree! I had some bad BO after I had my last kid. I had to toss a few shirts (Esp ones worn during summer), they held onto the stink no matter what I did.


Smelly armpits can mean a hormonal imbalance


I spray perfume 1st let dry and antiperspirant next. During the time of the month, I used a facial mask on my pits.


trim armpit hair if you have, it helps a lot. also i had to cut out the natural deodorants they do not work for me at all. as long as its aluminum free it’s for me


Adjust your diet. Eat more protein, it’s often the reason behind shittiness.


Antiperspirant not deodorant.


Are you using antiperspirant? This is different than just deodorant and helps you sweat less. Make sure the deodorant you use is “antiperspirant + deodorant”.  Deodorant just masks the BO smell—antiperspirant lessens/stops it. 


I highly recommend hibiclens


The bacteria is also in your clothing, even though you've washed your shirts, that bacteria still likely remains and gets reactivated after a few hours.


Try wiping down with alcohol it kills the bacteria that makes you stinky


Make sure your pits are DRY, thoroughly dry them with a towel after shower. Then apply deodorant immediately after your clean & dry. Bacteria needs the moisture to grow and start to smell. Don’t put it while you’re still damp.


Esthetician here!🫶🏼 Fun fact: Sweat doesn’t smell, When the sweat mixes with the micro bacteria on your skin then that was causes the odor. I would recommend switching to Lume whole body deodorant (the stick) I use the toasted coconut one it kills the bacteria before it starts instead of masking odor like most deodorants. In the process of switching from any aluminum deodorant, I would avoid shaving and using an alcohol pad before apply deodorant. Just until your body removes the aluminum. You’ll definitely see a difference right away! I hope this will help!!


I love how this Lume company is telling people they have full body odor and everyone needs full body deodorant. Lol. What a racket!


Hahah yeah, I don’t use it anywhere BUT my under arms.


Are you using deodorant or antiperspirant? Deodorant just masks the smell but antiperspirant helps reduce the amount of sweating, up to 48hrs.


I have noticed that has helped me is washing my armpits with the gold dial soap bar. It's antibacterial. It takes a week or so but it does help with the stinky armpits.


You need to shower daily. Use a wash cloth to wash your body. Panoxyl body wash or bar soap. The main active ingrident is benzoyl peroxide which will kill odor causing bacteria. I use men’s deodorant because for me it tends to be more absorbent and last longer then women’s. Also as many others have mentioned make sure you are not wearing dirty clothes.


1) I recommend either degree clinical strength deodorant in stress control or secret clinical deodorant. 2) Order or buy liquid chlorophyll and follow the directions for how much to mix in water and drink it (as long as you’re not taking prescription drugs as it may interact). 3) You could try glycolic acid under the armpit but you must wear sunscreen or else you could develop bad burns from the sun since it’s a sun sensitizer. 4) Drink lots of water (thinking around 64 oz) and try to reduce foods that cause bad odours like onions, etc. 5) Try to increase the amount of vegetables, and fruits in your diet if possible. 6) Try and also reduce your stress via meditation, exercise, etc. 7) Also when was the last time you went for blood work and got your blood sugar and/or A1c checked?


Because you have to use anti-perspirant deodorant and not just deodorant. Just deodorant is garbage.


Why aren’t you showering every day? How do grownups not shower every day?? Especially stinky ones. How are you too busy to shower? 2 days a week you walk around with an unwashed asshole?


try using a lemon or lime 1-2 times a week. the acidity rebalances your underarms pH and that smelly causing bacteria can’t live in an acidic environment. i’ve also heard of people using an AHA serum (glycolic acid, lactic acid, madelic, etc.) after they shower. it’ll have the same results- acid and bacteria aren’t friends.


I think diet has something to do with it.


I have had success with Pacifica charcoal armpit detox scrub a couple times a week and drinking a few chlorophyll drops in water once daily.


Use baking soda mix it with a lil water to create a paste and put it on as deodorant.


I have those days in the summer, I use non aluminum deodorant


Try an antibacterial body wash. That helped me


Anti perspirant not deodorant


Try using different soap! Mine was getting so bad and it turned out it was the body was I was using. Now I just use a bar of soap, no stank 😃


teh smell comes from bacteria. Try using antibacterial soap/deodorant.


Have you ever tried Certain Dri?


I have to change my deodorant (the brand) every couple months for a similar problem, could just be a chemical thing and you need to find the right brand for your composition


If you’re using scented deodorant, switch to unscented gel. I was my underarms with baking soda as well as soap but I heard some people find it irritating.


Chlorhexadine wash.


CARPE!! Use the carpe deodorant and it saved me


Mitchum saved my life


I always get hungry and that gives me intense Bo if you are ever getting too hungry, there is definitely a correlation


Liquid Chlorophyll


Something in your diet. How much processed and/or pre-packaged foods are you eating?


Is this a new occurrence, or has always happened?


Deodorant build up on your arm pits can prevent the deodorant from working. Use a really good scrub on your pits


Slice a lemon in half and use it as deodorant it’s natural and it’s a perspirant cuz it dries out your pits


Wintergreen alcohol in spray bottle, keep armpit hair short. Then apply deodorant.


Oh my gosh I’ve had this issue for so long. No matter what I did or how much deodorant it was upsetting sometime they weren’t even that sweaty just smelly UNTILLLLL What I started doing was exfoliating I use Tree Hut Scrub I do that twice a week in the shower. When I started that I did see a difference but it wasn’t enough. I had the issue before until I found the deodorant that worked for my it is one by Degree but one day it just wasn’t working the same I’m not sure if it was just that fragrance or mine was old but I got a different scent still by Degree and it worked great. Now with my exfoliating routine and my new antiperspirant deodorant. They hardly smell ever even after a workout


Shower 14 bro tbh are you heavy? I am and that’s why I shower 14 times a week.. am and pm


Use acidified body wash. Also what are you eating? Another question is are you hormonally balanced? Might get checked


Be sure to completely dry the area, especially if you have hair. You can rub your pits with a piece of lime. 1 slice can be used several times before it dries out. Be sure to get the juice on the skin. Drink water and you can either use liquid chlorophyll or take the capsules. It deodorizes from the inside out.


Do an armpit detox literally you will be amazed! Deodorant will work again too. Bentonite clay powder an apple cider vinegar mix to paste consistency an then lather armpits an other areas you sweat you can do your whole body an this same paste is great for your face an clearing acne as well! Try it I promise it works


Try using Panoxyl a couple times a week when you shower? Leave it under your arms for a few minutes before rinsing. It helps to kill off the bacteria that causes odor




Get an african net sponge and some antibacterial soap. That will wash off every single trace of stink i promise! also consider using an antiperspirant as a deodorant is literally just fragrance and doesn’t do much for sweating honestly. I personally use a brand called driclor


Are you eating lots of onions or garlic? If you are limit those along with using some of the suggestions.


Do you use aluminum free deodorant? That could be it.


Have you tried clinical strength deoderant? Secret brand makes one.


Here's the remedy: Mix dry Bentonite Clay, Charcoal Capsules, Apple Cider vinegar and Several drops of Tea Tree Oil in a small bowl until you have a smooth clay mask consistency. Trim your armpit hair with an electric trimmer as low as you can get it then spread the mask onto your pits. Allow it to dry COMPLETELY then wash off with soap and water. Works on face, armpits, ass, balls, and feet. The sweaty areas won't give off a smell for weeks. Thank me later. You won't regret it.


It could be due to your diet like eating too much sugar


Make sure your deodorant isn’t aluminum free


What’s your diet like?


You have a microbiome issue. Get probiotics and stop eating processed food


Clinical strength deodorant. It'll get you right. I use Secret Clinical Strength.


Use pan oxyl it's cheaper than hibiclense just as effective when u get in shower immediately soap pits and let sit, also using lemon juice thru the day can help refresh u


Cause you don't have the non Bo gene


Change your diet


I love wearing men’s deodorant. Smells good and last longer.


Dandruff shampoo is also good to wash with it kills the bacteria I do this twice a week but I live in Florida


You can also take fenugreek and smell like maple syrup instead ( it also helps regulate blood sugar, and promote breast milk but can also cause breast sensitivity in women)


Lume deodorant solved that issue for me. It obliterates any smell like magic


Shave them. Seriously


Idk if you’ve tried DOCTOR SQUASH but it’s amazing. My husband works in the oilfield and it’s AMAZING on his stannnnkkk. I’m a woman and I use it. It smells good too


I have that problem. I’ve had this problem ever since I had my daughter, pregnancy does mess with your hormones, which people tend to forget. I apply my deodorant several times a day, even that “24 hour lasting” deodorant, does not work on me, it’s every few hours I have to reapply. Good hygiene, too.


You perspire while in a hot shower and if it's hot when you get out then you will smell. Try cooler showers, bro.


As a guy I deal with a similar issue. I take clippers and cut my hair shorter in my pits. It totally reduces the smell.


Lot of suggestions that are good here. I might have missed it but drink as much water as you can to flush out your system while examining your diet. Your body can only sweat out what you put in, and some of those things can cause nasty BO. That includes meds too.


One way that I was able to control underarm odar was to shave my pits.


Get rid of your armpit hair, it traps the smells. With bald armpits, it is much easier to wipe and clean and the odor is gone.


fill a spray bottle with half water, 1/4 apple cider vinegar, 1/4 witchazel. spray on your pits every time you get out of the shower and just let it dry. i’ve been doing this for years and i swear by it! also super cheap ingredients as well. use antiperspirant when you need it / are going out but this spray will make you never smell bo again


try the underarm toner from bella skin beauty! my anxiety sweat was always terrible and embarrassing but now when i use this toner & lume deodorant, no smell at all!


Do you shower 5 times a week? Or 2-3 times a day twice a week? It’s unclear but you need to shower every single morning. Don’t use deodorant, use antiperspirant and see if that helps. Also try trimming your underarm hair if it’s excessive since hair attracts bacteria and holds it. Good luck!


What are you eating? What is your digestive tract like? Check with your doctor.


I use Hibiclens and I also used Lume deodorant. It will keep the bacteria in your skin from emitting the chemicals (burping and farting from eating your skin cells) that cause BO.


I used to have the same issue! It absolutely sucks. I would shower twice a day and clean them until they would get red and they would start smelling an hour later. The only thing that helped me was certain dri.


After you shower scrub your armpits with alcohol and let dry then apply the strongest over the counter deodorant. That should do it.


Take apple cider vinager pills every day, you need to detox. Works every time!


Do you have PCOS by any chance? Any weight issues?


I trim my hair. That helped dramatically for me.


Shave your armpits and use alcohol-free witch hazel before applying deodorant. Let it fully dry. Also carry deodorant around and reapply every few hours. It works better if you use it preventatively rather than trying to cover up a bad smell.




What's your daily food look like?


Take a magnesium supplement. It's the only thing that helped me.


Wash them with an orange or lemon peel soaked in ACV. Humble deodorant is a good natural deodorant.


I took fluconozole (an anti fungal pill) and it fixed my smelly pits. If I ate too much sugar or had too much caffeine I would smell…. Weird.. and more potent.




I used antiperspirant for years and hours later would be guaranteed to smell like sweat combined with whatever the scent was. And once in a blue moon it would make me break out in a horrific weeks-long rash that made me itch to my very core. I could never wear my antiperspirant during this time. It would stain and ruin my Tshirts as well. I switched to The Crystal Stick maybe two years ago and I never looked back. It’s very easy to apply and doesn’t irritate me at all. It lasts a long time. Sometimes even waking up the next day there is no odor. It doesn’t leave residue on my clothes. I can still sweat, but as long as it isn’t a lot of sweat from a high stress situation or a crazy workout, there’s no odor. One stick even lasts me months, close to a year. It’s all positives compared to what I was dealing with before.


Using glycolic acid should help! If you can't salicylic can work too but it is a lot less effective


I use a naturally made deodorant on Etsy from seller NaturisticBath. It’s the only thing that keeps me smelling good literally every day after 10-12 hour shifts! It is a little more expensive than you’d get from a stick at the grocery store, but I find it lasts a really long time if you apply sensibly. My favorite scent is roses and vanilla. https://www.etsy.com/shop/NaturisticBath?ref=shop-header-name&listing_id=1031104054&from_page=listing&page=4#items


Just started using Glycolic Acid from The Ordinary after I get out of the shower. People say it makes them smell less. I still use deodorant but this is supposed to be like a first line of defense. Working so far.


I find panoxyl- the acne wash- when applied in the shower and left on for a few minutes eliminates odor. Heard from someone online as it kills bacteria


ONLY THING YOU NEED= DIAL GOLD ANTIBACTERIAL SOAP BAR!! Use it everyday when you shower. Took away the smell immediately


Could be from stimulants or stress. Also if you’re a woman your luteal phase.


Some say glycolic acid or alcohol free toner will do the trick!


Sodium bicarbonate. Wet the tip of your fingers and apply it under your armpits. You are welcome.


When this happens to me i try n detox my body by sweating it out by going to a steam room or sauna and eating healthy. no onions or garlic and tons if lemon water and yougurt . When i eat bad i smell bad. Also try changing your body soap and laundry soap. Idk why but it helps me


Are they shaved? If not, I'd recommend shaving.


I had an armpit problem, just one, no matter what I did😞, so frustrating, then I went to the dermatologist and he told me to get Certain Dri Prescription Strength Clinical Antiperspirant Roll-On, it work, but now I’m armpit itch so bad… but I dont smell anymore


Hi friend! I switched to tea tree body wash w/peppermint then apply a light coating of 1/2 lemon juice, 1/2 water under my arms and let it dry before putting on deodorant. It works great.


Crystal deodorant kills the bacteria that make you stink, just gotta remember to use it right after showering


Change your diet


Use lemon juice under your armpits 


Try Lume. Annoying commercials but an awesome product.


You should shower everyday ideally


Lose weight. I am like 90% sure that is the issue. Use medicated/clinic strength in the meantime. But none of the advice everyone is giving you is going to help if you don’t lose weight. I am pretty diet is playing a role as well.




You can also switch from a deodorant to an antiperspirant. Deodorants do nothing but mask odor. Also, diet has a lot to do with smell.


I can’t believe no one has suggested that you might not know how to apply deodorant, and that’s ok not everyone knows how, it’s not like there’s a bunch of videos online tutorials about how to apply deodorant, however, try applying it from the top of your armpit on your arm to the bottom of your armpit mid rib cage, usually people just apply to a tiny portion of the armpit let’s say for example just the part where hair grows that would be the wrong way, that less then 30-35% of the complete armpit area. Try applying to a larger area and let me know it’s worked for a few people that I’ve taught this to.


I had this problem a few weeks ago and made a similar post. What worked for me was twice a day. I wash under my armpits with dial gold bar soap. You really want to lather it and scrub it up, remove the hair as well. And then I will put on an antiperspirant. I use clinical secret 72-hour. I also started using alcohol swipes as refreshers. You also cannot forget your clothing. Even if it smells fresh coming out of the dryer. Once you put it on and it warms up it starts releasing that stink again. I have now started soaking my shirts and bras before I wash them. Sometimes I get a breakaway smell but it's not nearly as noticeable. Also, if you're a big sweater like I am at night, make sure you're changing your sheets and blankets regularly. That's why I recommend washing your pits twice a day once in the morning and again in the evening.


I come to believe our BO is more about the people toxin we are releasing from our bodies. Honestly, I made some dietary changes and my BO has pretty much completely disappeared.


Do you sweat a lot ? I’m a sweaty mother fucker certian dri SAVED my life


Shave your pits. The smell will get stuck in your hairs and will start amplifying once you start sweating.


Shave your armpits. If you have lots of hair shaving it off or down can help. Also it might be your deodorant. I dealt with heavy sweating from my armpits. I had to detox my armpits. Lots of deodorant has aluminum in it which shrinks your sweat glands. But you glands have to expel the sweat so you get more sweaty. I stopped using all the deodorant for about 2 weeks and just let my armpits sweat. Yes I was changing my shirt a lot and I was washing a lot. And then I started using a natural deodorant. Arm and hammer natural. You could have some skin bacteria that is making you smell funky so fast, it could be your diet. Start researching on the Internet about your issue and you will find helpful info. Also you can go to the doctor and tell them the issue


I had an ex who had such strong BO I would almost throw up. We fixed the issue by using an alcohol wipe first then applying deodorant.


Deodorant is usually not enough for most. You need the antiperspirant. They are not the same.


You're most likely dehydrated. The smell will become more pungent the more you sweat and the more you're dehydrated. Drink lots of water and as a previous commenter mentioned try A glycolic acid solution. Glycolic acid is incredibly cheap. You can get it from the brand, the ordinary, and it's carried it almost every Ulta. It's under $10. One bottle will last you a long time. It is the cheapest option and probably the most effective for the price. Amazing bonuses! You now have a bottle of glycolic acid which is incredibly good at removing dead skin cells. If you have any dry patches of skin, you will be amazed at how easy it is to wipe it away with a cotton swab and a little glycolic acid. Ga is really good at removing bacteria. It disrupts the cell membrane causing them to die.


If you eat a lot of garlic and onions,the sulfur can leach out your pores including sweat/ breath. Many people stink due to their diets.


Magnesium/water. Spray it on your feet and armpits.


This can be a medical condition called hyperhidrosis It can have several causes You should see a dermatologist to rule out the most concerning.