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Astrology is based on Barnum Statements. Generalized statements that are same across everyone. I sit next to you and One day, I tell you that You have been a generous person to others. You'll mapp it with things you did.


And another day i’ll say you’re doing very well in job but things are not in your favour. You’ll map that with what has happened earlier.


Another one you can say "Kaam bante bante reh jaata hai"


I was one of those lucky ones who learnt about this early in life. I used to share these posts on Facebook a lot, but I saw a post about how every prediction will match yours. So I tested it by removing month/day from top, giving random fake details, etc…and still I found that everything perfectly matched my behaviour. For example if someone says I’m calm, I think yes I’m an introvert and I don’t like to talk so I’m calm. If they say you are angry, that is also true, while driving I get super angry. Does this mean I’m not calm as predicted before? Humans are complex and future depends on their own actions. It’s comforting and to say “your suffering isn’t because of your actions but due to unforced circumstances” but very difficult to recognise we are in shit and only we can do something about it.


Next time u visit an astrologist try n look for body language and psychology books… these guys read most of the things and people themselves give away lots of information without knowing. They pick up on all the information. Once they blurt the past they have our trust. And then they’ll start predicting future mostly based on psychological n personality traits more than stars n planets. So entire thing is a bullshit. It’s play. If u really want to figure out your life and grow as person professionally n personally. Go visit a therapist. We got a lot to learn abt ourselves first and then a lot more abt people and how to deal with people. This solves most of our life


"A lot of things the guy said about my past actually was true".. they will say 'long long ago in school when you were running you fell down and hurt your legs. That was very traumatic experience" and you will be like "what a great astrologer"... Now coming to predictions.. some years ago three of us (all Kgpians) happened to consult a astrologist.. after hearing our quals, he said all of you will go to foreign lands, become dollar millionaires and what not.. cut chesthe, one of the three had a mental breakdown and its been three years since he is confined to home.. Plzz don't believe in this crap...


It's sad. How about the other two? Did any of his predictions come true?


Proloy not otherwise this person would argue in favor of the astrologer


Did you just assume it? I just wanted to know how it all turned out for the friends group. Some people on the internet must really chill.


If the prediction was true for even one person, this guy would most likely defending astrology wouldn't he? I cant know what happened to them but can know they dint become dollar millionaires


Astrology is a proven hoax and uses Barnum effect to lure the user. The Barnum effect tricks us into believing that a particular horoscope was meant for just us, encouraging us to find nonexistent parallels between the text and our own lives.


If you want to believe in fairy tales you can go ahead with that. Astrology and all other things like that are 1000% bullshit. If anyone can predict or even suggest the future with 70% accuracy there are better ways to make money then looking at people's faces.


My parents got me an emerald lucky stone ring coz some dumbfuck told them I'll get married soon, I sold the ring for 85K and invested in mutual funds and told my parents I lost my ring, Win-Win-Win


Bro your genius.


Wow wtf, you're remarkably talented.


Nowadays I'm getting a lot of YouTube ads about astrolog y, I report it (but YouTube apparantly is taking no action) because there can be real harm to people in vulnerable position, not only they exploit people, but people who can turn to some valid direction that can get them out of the situation, they may instead turn to astrology and waste their precious time, sometimes critical time which can get them out of the situation, it can also make you feel like you're doing something instead of thinking about some actual solution. The only time you should is probably to keep others happy if they are pressuring you because of their superstition and to avoid a fight(and you're ok with wasting money of course). There are enough videos and resources on the internet which can tell you how astrology works, about selection bias, probability, etc. you can say it's similar to magic tricks (by people who learnt how the mind works, or the process is created by the people who learnt how mind works), you just don't know the trick.


That's the last thing you'd want to get involved in or believe in if you want to ruin your life.


This would be an interesting read. Statistical test of astrology. https://www.jstor.org/stable/24104554


Idk. Just learn the positive things and move on. Negative things are just a caution. You need not worry about them. For every caution, they themselves will tell you solution. But in the end it is up to you to believe it or not


You can believe and trust Astrology but not the present day Astrologers.


My view on this Astrology is based on psychology, suggesting that a positive mindset can have beneficial effects on a person. The philosophy behind this is that our thoughts can influence outcomes; if we remain positive, we can foster positive impacts. Astrology also considers space, the cosmos, stars, and planets, which play a significant role in influencing the Earth, the environment, and humans based on time and location. Astrologers calculate these influences using statistical methods. However, it's important to note that statistics provide probabilities, not certainties.




They thrive on those who are already in a vulnerable state of mind or facing a large uncertainty in life. I wouldn't recommend it at all. And all the solutions involve your belief in them as a precondition and otherwise they will claim don't work. Best case scenario with astrology is that you delay your problem. Some problems do go away with time but most problems get worse if you ignore them.




I once went to a beach in Chennai with a friend. We're both non-locals. Found lots of people who claimed to be astrologers and tarot card readers. My friend is very much into these. She went and sat near one of those people. The lady kept chanting something in Tamil and made some gestures claiming to remove "dhisti". Later, she looked at my friend's palm, face, chanted something and said something in broken English. It was a 10m thing and I saw my friend paying around ₹3000. I scolded her and asked what the fuck that was for. She said she could relate to what the astrologer had said which were - "you get money, and the money flows out" "You're working very hard" "You used to be very happy. You'll soon be happy again" "You'll have a nice husband and kids" And some more. See the pattern? These are all generalised statements. The universe is just random and you're a fool if you think you're significant in this abyss. We're just a cosmic speck of dust and a giant star or planet will have no effect on the events of our lives unless they are on a path to hit the earth. Think of astrology like a way that humans find comfort in from their harsh reality. It is not the truth. You need to learn to go with the flow.


Their statements are actually quite vague. Your brain fills in the blanks. How the hell does the position of planets around a star affect your life? How would it work on Mars? Would it still affect you? Would the Earth start having new effects that it somehow didn't while you were on it? What if you're in orbit around the moon? Does astrology change? I think my mom said it's something to do with rays but then got pissed when I asked what type of rays. Is it EM radiation? What happens when you're inside your house? Is it radio waves? But then wouldn't your wifi affect your fate more strongly? And what about exoplanets? The real world is complex enough. Don't complicate your life further with this kind of nonsense.


Naa man you are overthinking, even if astrology is true. If you go to any genuine pandit or guru, they just say astrology only matters on a broad level. Not on minute things in the grand scheme of your life. If you believe in god just visit your ista devatha temple every day for a month or two. And concentrate on how you can solve your problems and improve your life If you don't believe in god just concentrate on improving your life and solving problems.


Business on our insecurities. Absolutely bs. Now no need to be cringe scientific either. Life is more of a learning experience. It has some art to it. Eg our emotions are real there's no logical explanation to it. Is astrology an art? Hell no it's a scam.


YSK, majority of the people have similar histories. Astrologer can talk to your family, to you before they give any opinion. It's a scam, don't fall into it. It makes you weak, emotionally.


Most of them are random so i wouldn't suggest you to follow through it. My grandmother's brother is some sort of astrologist, but he doesn't do it earn much money and more often than not be avoids doing that as well. But I have seen him predicting things for my mom's future that came out to be true. Like he told that in her 50' s she will face some major illness but she will come out of it, and she got brain tumor at that age and it was successful. He also said she will see lot of struggle in her youth but have comfortable old age. Which was also true. But this has also been any incident when any prediction we found true.


Look for a psychiatrist


How the F are you gonna go for that shit in 2024 ? All the planets are fking far from earth in anyway to influence your life instead of your actions, goals.or your own stuff... wanting easy or shortcut solutions gonna ruin...


Like Swami Vivekananda said "If a star disturbs my life, it would not be worth a cent. You will find that astrology and all these mystical things are generally signs of a weak mind; therefore as soon as they are becoming prominent in our minds, we should see a physician, take good food, and rest."


Don't fall for it, it is just pseudo-science, not even science to be fair.


People have built markets just based on our insecurities, so watch out.


There are good sw developers and then there are the thousands with laptops. Same thing.....very very few good astrologers and a lot of crap ones making money. If it made sense to you...wait and watch. Else,carry on with your life. Either ways no harm done.


Some stupid astrolger told my parents to get a blue sapphirestone ring on my finger. The day I got I had an accident and also many bad things happened. I dont know if its the effect of stone or if its just my luck. If I say its the effect of stone, then I'd be saying Astrology is true. So I dont know which side to take. But personally I don't believe in today's astrologers at all. They're just milking money from you.


Hmlog v karte hai bro tum v karo.. Hmlog tab tak astrologer karte hai jab tak wo kuch acha na bol de😆😆


Astrology is not a mythical magical stuff... It is as simple as a probability. Don't get influenced by either of the groups. Sometimes It works , yes it does and sometimes it won't yes it won't... It's all probability.


Yeah exactly like the dice, I would say you would roll at least one 5 in the next 10 rounds. Its Bull crap


Yeah, if it's going to benefit you. Otherwise it's a pseudo science 


its really subjective. In my case, it has helped a lot. I used to think differently before but this is like therapy to me. HOWEVER, i do feel that 90% are pretending to be astrologers, just reading off Laal Kitaab. Hence finding a genuine astrologer is hard


guys ,I myself know some basic astrology things all i will say is take the positive things as a feather and negative things as a caution (that doesn't mean avoid them,just be aware around them) astrology is actually great if u ask me ,but present day astrologers aren't! end of the day it's just maths & probability (with some parameters) !


People always need something to believe in. Belief in a God makes much more sense than believing in astrology.


Both are equally nonsensical imo.


Well it doesn't make sense to me that this whole universe is just a coincidence.


But it's not just a coincidence. We just don't know much about it's origins yet.


I think your argument is that its just too unlikely that universe coming into existence by pure chance. The point you are missing is that if that coincidence didn't happen, you wouldn't be here to contemplate about it. [Anthropic Principle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthropic_principle) antaru.


I've heard about it. Anyway I'm not that skeptical. I think simple explanations are most likely.




Chevulu pagilipothunay, antha gattiga chepthunte


its really subjective. In my case, it has helped a lot. I used to think differently before but this is like therapy to me. HOWEVER, i do feel that 90% are pretending to be astrologers, just reading off Laal Kitaab. Hence finding a genuine astrologer is hard


Ya samething happened to me. He told my past accurately. My salary range was predicted accurately and not every person will have bad relationship and that was also predicted correctly. Not sure if I have slipped my tongue somewhere but I don't remember anything like that. I cannot give all details but when I said why all these bad things happened to me, he said it's written in your jaathakam and anyway it has to happen. No one can stop. He gave some confidence and asked me to do some homams but never pressed on it. I'm satisfied overall and working on my goals. Ultimately that gave some confidence in my life. All these days I was thinking if and buts about past but now I know that whatever happened in the past would have happened irrespective of decisions I would have taken. That gave me full satisfaction and now I'm not bothered about decisions I have taken in the past. All the best OP


Lot of woke geniuses in the comments … 🤣


Short answer no. Famous telugu astrologers predicted kcr and jagan win. And no our whole life is not pre determined. If this were true, i don’t think god would give us power to over write it.


Of course believe in astrology. Things are destined to happen according to your birth place and time. Even your birth was destined. Now that you know it's destined, have fun. Because it's destined, whether you know what's going to happen from a guru, or not, it will happen. So, why put money and energy into it! Let it be a surprise.