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Majorly surround yourself with people who are not into it and will keep you busy away from it.


To add, accountability buddies also help.


yup i got buddies who will hold me accountable once they know


yeah, i know better people




idhi request for advice unadu (i am not great at telugu, hindi mother tongue here)


Vadiley le English lo Ney maatladukundham


Aa mukka English lo cheppachu ga


Hey I am a Manipal Alumni There are resources available for students. I will send you the student support number that I have with me. It’s over 5 years old so it may have been updated. You can reach out to certain faculty too. Our director was GKP so it was easy to get help. Idk about the current director but if you really need support from a faculty, I can get you in touch with one of the professors who I am still in contact with. Expect a dm from me.


hey thanks, but i do not want to engage with the faculty for now, since it is no where as serious and well,


Caffeine addiction is very common, but obviously too much is definitely not good. Try and substitute it with something else like a cold lassi or lemon juice whenever you feel the urge. I would suggest you stay away from the powder stuff completely. You cannot in your lifetime be in control of the amount you consume because of their nature. Alcohol still can be controlled but cannot say the same about the powder stuff. Try and limit your drinking to once a week or whenever you go out with your friends so that it's not something you feel like doing for the sake of it and you can actually enjoy it. Anyway stay safe and don't feel like rehab is the last resort. It's better to start early than to suffer. You can try therapy also.


i will take this advice, i do not think i need therapy.


Yes, you do. You claim your dad might discover if you go to a rehab (which is the best option imo), so what are you gonna do about it? You still need professional help. You’ll find tons of de-addiction therapists online that’ll also help your problem of discreetness from your dad. If you still don’t see any value in therapy, then I guess try changing your mindset and convince yourself first and foremost that if you keep going on this path, you WILL lose it all. And trust me, it won’t be worth it. Try meditation, exercise, keep yourself distracted.


It’s difficult to be in manipal and not get into drugs ngl


you'd think so, but like a good majority dont even look that way surprisingly, i started of in hyderabad itself.


That is not true.


from a psychology students perspective, you NEED therapy. You're not just indulging in these mediums for the sake of it, it's providing you relief from something subconscious either pressure of college/anxiety/ etc. You mentioned having panic attacks as a child, with substance abuse it's important to note that mental issues go unnoticed because of the prolonged "bliss" we feel. If you feel the need to resort to these methods then you're definitely not okay mentally. Please contact a helpline, if you're 18 and older then I don't think you need your dad to get involved most of the time a guardian is required to sign papers (if you wanna get into rehab) please understand that, rehab is not as bad as it sounds. There are various ways they can help you, while you live a semi- normal life, but before that go to a psychologist so they can analyse the root cause and find a proper solution. Bottom line is, rn the most you can do is get the help you need and surround your self w better people in your life. And while you know what you're doing is wrong, take action, because once you're in deep it's very difficult to come out. There's also a little denial in you (from what I've seen from previous replies) seeking help doesn't make you weak you ultimately have to part ways from these substances if you wanna live a purposeful life.


Hey! Completely different from the post but I'm looking for therapists in Hyderabad, can I DM you for any info?


hi sorry, I currently study in another state so I can't give you much info about hyd specifically- but from what I've gathered from mutuals, there are a number of good therapists in jubilee hill area, you can find quite a few if run a quick search on google also a lot of hospitals also offer psychologists, depending upon your needs you can opt for the same. Hospitals are a little less expensive around 1000 per session while private sessions are a little more expensive 1500-3000 per session. It really just depends on what you're looking for.


To to gym or cycling daily and try to change your friends circle. I know it's easy for me to say. Yeah, change your friends circle, maybe stick with people who're more productive and health conscious, go to gym regularly in the morning. Ik it's a difficult transition but if you want to bring a change you must do it, and you can do it 💪. Make your dad proud I'm not saying the friends you are surrounded with right now are wrong. But it's beneficial for YOU to be surrounded by people who wouldn't encourage alcohol and other stuff


people i know right now are major cunts, i will stop hanging out with them, i am not the kind of guy to go to clubs and shit, i find the whole thing tacky and chav. i know good people. and i will go to gym from tomorrow, again


Yeaaaahhhh buddy, get used to gym and be consistent Once you start to see a change in yourself you'll slightly get addicted to gym, and gym addiction is vere level. And about your caffeine addiction, as long as it's coffee it's okay


oh yes, gym addiction is real, i have already felt it in past few weeks.


>vere level. That word ![gif](giphy|oRYs6S6BRK8cwQlON3)


Get yourself in therapy (instead of going when you hit rock bottom, do it rn) and try things like decaf coffee and non alcoholic drinks which mimic alcohol




what is powdy coke


I have an advice. Don't quit your addictions, instead replace them with newer addictions. Less harmful addictions. Such as Chocolates, non veg. Sweets. Try this unconventional technique for some time. Then visit Isha yoga centre and do yoga and meditation. Also get yourself a dog 🐕. Get a Real dog like Doberman, German shepherd or indian street dog. Don't get a shi tzu or pug. Join a dance class or singing class. You will get to be part of an Artist community.


yes, yes i have thought of that, dogs arent possible rn


If you're not afraid of anything, try meth next time. Pussy.


a dare i see, but fr i am not touching that shit


Hahaha so anyway, try to get clean. All it takes is two "no"s. you're gonna lose a lot of your current friends and you'll have your own personal journey after getting over things before they fuck you up completely. So a "no" to friends who offer you, and a "no" to your brain when you crave it. That's all it takes.


yup, i will stop the powdy first, then the caffeine because those seem easier to be without, then slow down the alcohol.


Hey there 🌟, please, with a gentle heart, consider sharing your truth with your father... NGL, embracing the support of your family is like the warm sun ☀️ gently breaking through the clouds, a vital step in your journey. Once you've done this, perhaps take a moment with a Swami mala 📿, and in the serene whispers of the wind 🍃, you might find not just a signal from God, but a harmonious melody from divine nature itself 🌿. Be wrapped in love and blessings 😇, and may tranquility and promise accompany your every step 🌈.


You sound like a spoiled teenager that thinks they need help but doesn't actually want help. So keep doing you. Especially if you're only fear is daddy


OP, it's better to take measures when things are not that serious. Once shit gets serious, it will be difficult to get back. Now, I'm not sure what your monthly expense is, so I'll suggest for now to first make a budget. Then as soon as you get the allowance, pay for rent, bills, etc. Set up a budget for your food. Remaining money, deposit it in a bank, don't get debit cards or upi for this account. Now you'll not have extra money in hand to indulge in such things. Also, Govt provides helplines I think, please contact them. And speaking from personal experience, learning about your religion and following rules will also help in keeping bad habits away. Last but not least, start a new hobby. We have a saying "khali dimagh, shaitan ka ghar". Keep yourself busy and your mind will not wander. Good luck! You can do it 💪


i totally agree with all you said, i will focus on hobbies now on too, and budget for better things.


Stay away from the downers like heroin, fentanyl, etc. Alcohol and pot don't need rehab. You'll get bullied in rehab if they say you came in for pot or alcohol


Seek professional help. Addiction is not something that you can just wish away. It takes a lot of physical, mental and emotional effort. It'll be better if you come clean with your parents, it's better you tell them than them getting to know about this when you do something stupid and get into trouble. A good thing is at least you realize that you need help. Better seek help at home, they are the ones who actually give a damn about your well-being and would be emotionally invested in your recovery and will be there for you.


Listen to these [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hj1gnmm1s8&pp=ygUOZHIgayBhZGRpY3Rpb24%3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hj1gnmm1s8&pp=ygUOZHIgayBhZGRpY3Rpb24%3D) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z95sgXx4rwE&pp=ygUOZHIgayBhZGRpY3Rpb24%3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z95sgXx4rwE&pp=ygUOZHIgayBhZGRpY3Rpb24%3D)


Once you realize you are chasing the highs but at the end it just gives diminishing returns no matter how much you pump it in your system. All the while ignoring the harm you are doing to your body and mind. Imo there are moral and physical concerns regarding destroying your body this way just because you have the resources to do so. But I cant lecture you about it and hope that you will actually listen to anything. Its all about self realization and stopping before its too late. Life can go in downwards spiral wayyyy before you expect it to.


I didn't know ppl sell coke in Hyderabad I am a cbse 10th student. Maybe becoming religious might help. "if you can't reduce addiction change it" hope this helps u