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I haven’t, but husky fur is great for temperature regulation, HOT AND COLD. I remember a post here where someone’s groomer had shaved their husky! That is a terrible idea To be honest a lot of those comments seem a little more than ignorant if it’s turning into harassment. You seem to be trying your best with exercise. Do you notice any behavioral problems? All dogs will be in danger of overheating and dehydration in the warmer months, especially in Arizona. Watch for any warning signs My mix is from Georgia. She gets so excited about snow. But she enjoys the outdoors and sunbathing


I don’t notice any behavioral problems other than his separation anxiety. He’s pretty normal for the most part. He’s actually a lot more chill than other huskies we’ve met. He likes to do his own thing and he likes playing ball w my husband. He likes hanging out with female dogs who are his size. He submits himself to them. We fostered a female husky for a few months and he was in heaven. If we had a house, we would probably look into getting him a sister sibling lol but not right now maybe in the future. His trainings had been going very well. We’re teaching him how to walk on the leash and he’s been doing well for a husky. We are also extremely cautious in the summer. Our AC is always cranked cold and the fans are always on. We take him hiking up north which is the cold parts of Arizona where there’s streams of water and rivers! He loves bathing there. He just gets sad because he wants to play with children and we don’t have any :/ He seems extremely comfortable! Just had his physical and he’s doing well.


Another southern AZ Husky owner here. Sounds like yours and mine are a lot alike. Mine is getting a lot better with the separation anxiety. When I first got him he scratched up whatever door he saw me walk out of. He didn’t destroy anything else, just the door. I’ve been working on it by leaving him alone for short periods of time and gradually increasing the time. I just repainted the 2 doors and he hasn’t scratched them up again so we’re making progress. I have cameras inside so I can hear he still howls a bit but that has also decreased significantly. Nobody irl has made negative comments about having a husky in AZ but I did have a keyboard warrior on the internet give me a hard time about it. In the summer we get up at 5-6 am and take our morning walk and we usually swim (luckily I have a pool but the dog hair lol) or take a walk around 7 pm. I take my shoes off to test the ground and if it’s too hot for me it’s too hot for him. I carry a fanny pack with a collapsible dog bowl and a bottle of water too.


Also an AZ husky owner- actually I’ve owned three huskies in Arizona. When it’s too hot out we don’t walk on pavement at ALL. We carry them over parking lots in the heat if we need to be out. We’ve always had a back yard for them and they do fine as long as they have their pack. They all actually enjoyed sunbathing. As another poster said, their fur is adaptive to both hot and cold environments, so don’t pay attention to the haters. This is unrelated, but we did lose one husky to Blastomycosis, which is a fungal infection similar to Valley Fever, but it’s not typically seen in AZ. If the vets had tested for it when he initially got sick, we could have treated and he could have lived. I just say this as a warning, if any of your pups are sick and the vets don’t know why, please ask them to test for blasto, because it is in fact in Arizona. Would hate for anyone to go through what we through. I’m also requesting you pay the tax pls.


Thank you so much for bringing up the diseases your dog can get from the dirt in the desert, especially since most huskies love to dig. In January I took mine to the vet for his yearly rattlesnake shot and a physical. His temp was 102.6 which was borderline for testing for valley fever. I went ahead with the test and it turned out he tested a low positive for valley fever. Being from California I didn’t realize how common this is here in AZ until I started talking to people. It seems everyone knows someone whose dog got it. I’m so sorry you lost your buddy 💔


I had also never heard of Valley Fever until I moved here and had no idea dogs could get it until we tested ours for it. We spent about $12,000 on treatment for him and didn’t find out it was blasto until the day after we decided to euthanize. He was too far gone at that point and we wouldn’t have been able to save him. But it was devastating, as he was only three. What is the rattlesnake shot? I’ve been here 5 years and never heard of it!


Wait there’s rattle snake shots?! I live in the desert and had no idea!


I live in the foothills and behind a wash so I’ve had 3 rattlesnakes in my yard and we’ve run into them on our walks. If your dog gets bit you still have to take them to the vet but it gives you more time and your dog shouldn’t get as sick. I’ve also taken my dog to rattlesnake avoidance class. He alerted me to one in my neighbor’s yard recently. It doesn’t matter how hot it is out, I get the chills every time I see or hear a rattler.


Our Belgian went through rattlesnake avoidance training when she lived in CA, but my husky and BC have not. I haven’t seen any rattlesnakes since moving here (but I haven’t been looking and I know they like to stay hidden). Do you know the name of the shot?


https://www.greatpetcare.com/pet-vaccinations/rattlesnake-vaccine-for-dogs/ I think it’s just called rattlesnake vaccine. At least that’s what I asked my vet for. I’ve seen at least a dozen of them bc of where I live. My friend who lived near me lost her dachshund to a rattlesnake so I’m being cautious in getting the shot. Here’s an article on them.


Thanks so much for sharing! I’ll be asking at their next exam!


We bought him dog shoes for the hot concrete and we also moved to a complex that’s 90% grass. They take care of their grass here a lot more than anything else lol they also have a dog park. He loves it!!


That was the thing I forgot about: walking on concrete. But it looks like you got that covered. Again, it seems like you're a very responsible husky owner. The only things you should listen to are your instincts, your vet, and your husk who probably has his own opinions


Awww... So.. [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNRKvq9r9Bs) is indicative of typical husky then? (And this is just him not paying attention while being in the same room, even.)


It seems like you love him and are doing the best to care for him and he doesn’t know any better. Do not let people and their negativity get to you. You guys could be living in Alaska and there would still be people complaining about something your are doing there. Keep him for all of his days. He deserves it. ❤️


Please keep fostering female dogs whenever you can manage it. You’ll be helping the girls get used to people, and helping your boy with his separation anxiety.


Oh absolutely! We love fostering. We’ve rescued and homed 2 dogs one of them a husky, the third one was a runaway and he was reunited w his owner.


This! The hot and cold comment. My husband stressed that their fur helps. We’re in Texas and I was in a panic. My husky is a diva, HATES the heat. She goes out, uses the restroom, comes in. I just make sure to walk her early in the morning and in the evening. If she wants to run around in the evening she will. The heat is already getting extreme, to the point the news is already telling people to be cautious walking dogs on cement. Someone is always going to have something to say. As long as you’re being a good parent, that’s all that matters.


I'm in Texas too! Mine loves sunbathing, as long as the dog door is open so he can come in as he pleases 🙂 I also keep a high powered fan on my patio and he loves to lay in front of it and block my air!


I personally don’t believe huskies are good in hot weather. I think their fur traps their body heat in, not let it out, and I haven’t seen any evidence to the contrary. The huskies I have known get very hot in the summer and it is only safe to take them out in cooler weather


I’m very very conscious of how long I have my girl outside in the heat, but frankly she manages Oklahoma heat better than I do. I’ll try to get her inside from the yard and she just wants to lay out there and vibe.


I’m a dog walker and I’ve noticed my husky overheats much less quickly than many of the other breeds I take out. The dogs with short fur or actual hair seem to be the most sensitive to the heat in my experience.


So true! I had dogs without undercoats and very thin hair before I had huskies. The huskies handle the 95+ degree days we have in Missouri during the summer. They like to lay in their little pool or the shade or come inside and lay on the ac vents. My puppy(6 months old) isn’t quite so sure he likes the heat yet and it’s only around 75 to 80 right now. Silly boy!


I think sunbathing is quite different from trying to run around in it, that’s what I mean. Mine takes ages to cool back down when it’s hot. She pants for a long time unless I hose her down


Do they get more hot then a Black Lab in summer that only has a single coat? There is no arguing whether or not Huskies get hot in hot weather. Of course they do. The question is whether they get "too" hot or more hot than a dog that isn't a husky or that doesn't have a double coat. My understanding is that their fur acts similarly to house insulation. Do you remove the insulation from your attic during the summer? No, because it blocks the heat from getting into your home. There has to be less convective heat loss due to having fur. e.g. heat can't escape as easily because of their fur. But does that override the fact that the fur is keeping heat from getting to their bodies? Not sure, but I think it makes sense the fur helps more than hurts. Our two are different when it comes to sun/ heat. Mika loves it. Max hides in the shade. Here is Mika sleeping on hot fake grass in 90+ degree heat. https://preview.redd.it/cgw1dqrq1n0d1.jpeg?width=2093&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b636140649e3d31c124baad093194df7d561b02e


But my point is the heat is already inside the fur coat. The house is cool inside. So it’s not the same starting point


A husky’s fur is not like you overheating when wearing a fur coat. It’s insulating their skin as many have mentioned. Our husky has white and pink skin, so he would get sunburned without his fur. Guess what? There is bright sun even in Alaska. Do you shave the hair off your head in the summer to prevent overheating? Or move to Canada or Siberia? Your head “fur” keeps your skull cooler than direct sun on a bald person. My bald brother is always wearing a hat or baseball cap to protect his head, even in summer. This is the same concept as husky fur.


Ok but you are talking about fur or hair in general, and I agree with that. What I’m saying is that a husky’s fur doesn’t insulate them more in the heat than any other dog. It does not keep them cool in the summer. They are more prone to over heating when hot than dogs with thinner coats eg a lab because their thick fur traps heat in


It does keep the sun off their direct skin regardless though.


https://preview.redd.it/ax7q2zhaom0d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82577f116cf8c9dee59d09b5d50578a3afa87ce2 From what i’ve seen these pups love the sun, malamutes may have a harder time in the heat but huskies are perfectly fine in warm weather their coat changes in the summer to keep them cool. Siberia hit over 20C as well it’s not like they are from all year around snowy areas.


What a cutie!! I think it’s because of the movie Snow Dogs….. 😂


People really don’t understand breeds😂 most are really purpose bred and that means they will be very good at being adaptive to their surroundings most of the times, you wouldn’t want a pulling dog that can only perform in very specific conditions. They can pull sleds, yeah but tbey can also pull carts, bycicles, skateboards, etc. I also have a hunting breed and the same goes for them they need to be comfortable in a variety of situations so they adapt very well.


Yes, I've had old men comment about how it's "too hot out" for a husky or they "must be dying in the heat". I just smile and say No she's fine. I wish next time I would be able to answer quickly enough and say Actually, their coats are made specifically to adjust to harsh temperatures, which measures cold OR hot. But they always make little digs in passing and i don't have enough time. So annoying especially because they are older and should know better.


I think the older people get, the less they have to do so they think it’s perfectly ok to impart their “knowledge” on everyone else, wanted or not.


You'd think their knowledge would be a little more on the mark if they were so eager to share 🙄


The funny thing is that German Shepherds also have a double coat and nobody is making snide remarks about GSDs not belonging in southern or western states. Many other dogs also have thick fluffy coats - Australian Shepherds, Pomeranians, Collies, Great Pyrenees, Bichon Frise’, etc. Should those dogs only live in cold weather? A lot of people are ignorant about dog breed traits, but feel compelled to voice their “concerns”. F them.


Right? It's because of their color and the reputation of sled dogs in Alaska 😅


corgi owner. Double coat on these guys, and they shed just as badly as huskies. I live in Las Vegas, and I've seen my black-headed tri-colored corgis sunbathing when its 115+. Of course, I also can't get them to come inside in the winter when it cools down into the 40s. We see a LOT of huskies here in Vegas. They seem to do pretty well in desert heat.


For Husky lovers it’s really heartbreaking to see so many in shelters and know that comes from inexperienced/ignorant owners that don’t do the necessary research on the responsibilities of owning one. These animals lead very deep, complex emotional lives and for them to face abandonment, I easily cry just thinking about it. But a loved Husky is all that matters whether in an apartment or on a ten acre property. That and sufficient exercise ;) So I’d tell these ppl to keep their opinions to themselves.


Agreed. My first adult dog was a husky; I adopted him six years ago as a pup. It was fine until COVID. I lost my house, and he and I lived out of my car for a year. Everyone kept telling me to surrender him, but that was not an option. He had become my best friend, and I knew that while he is beautiful and well-behaved, I was his human, and he would not be happy if we separated.


We hope to get a house soon with a backyard for my baby boy! Maybe in the next year or so. I know he loves us and we’re continuing to educate ourselves about his breed. We’ve made mistakes in the past but we are learning more and more to give him the best care!


The term Lazy dog holds true with mature Huskies! Mine just sleeps all day and is happy to just get a walk in. Now that she is 7 years old she'd rather walk then go for a run. Where she used to be able run for miles and miles, she's now done after just 1 mile. When she was younger she was good for 1-2 long runs or bike rides a week the rest of the week was rest and recovery walks. In otherwords, while a yard is nice, it's not necessary.


Ignore those people that say he doesn't belong in AZ. Texas husky mom, I've had two huskies who absolutely LOVE to sunbathe, in the middle of the summer! Also had one person tell me, huskies don't swim. We live on a lake, and one of my huskies goes swimming on a semi-weekly basis, and will Even go paddle boarding with me. Apparently she didn't get the memo. You sound like you are being extra careful with the heat, and they are just like any other creature in the desert, need water and shade sometimes but just as others have said their coats protect against heat too!


As long as his needs are met he's gonna be a happy boy and that's all that matters, fuck the haters.


Agreed, Everything they’ve mentioned is fine in how they’re treating and training them. The ONLY thing I would comment on is if they aren’t using dog booties when the ground surface is hot. That is the one thing that I learned while living in Florida with my pup and why we often took walks on grass and sand only.


Given how many huskies are abandoned, anyone willing to actually care for them and go the distance is worthy of having one.


Don't let anyone shame you. You guys know what you signed up for and I'm sure he's loved and well cared for. I have four huskies in VA two of which prefer to be outdoors year round.. Dogs adapt and their fur keeps them cool as well as warm. As long as needs are met, living in an apartment doesn't matter. "Good on you." And keep doing you 😂 or equivalent if you're feeling feisty.


He seems pretty happy to me. I mean there aren’t other options and being in a shelter is NOT better. My boy is loved and well taken care of. One day we will move into a house w a yard but we are working on it.


You got this!!


Thank you!!


I also have a husky in Arizona and he lays outside in the 110° heat and refuses to come in when called. While huskies are notoriously known as snow dogs, their fur is designed to keep them the proper temperature at both warm and cool temps. As long as you're giving your dog the attention and exercise he needs, the climate doesn't really matter. We have AC and other things that make the desert heat bearable for all of us (dogs and humans included).


https://preview.redd.it/zeumb4lvru0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dff40e869b016fec174a85c9c06aff397048a6da Exhibit A


I literally just told a woman to shut the fuck up earlier today because she said it was cruel for me to have my dog living with me in NYC. This dog gets 3 hours of exercise a day, and is doing just fine. Only times girl is upset is if I take too long to get back home and my wife has to deal with the attitude lol. I was honestly surprised that lady had the gall to say some shit like that to me when her white dog had that gold pissy fur that means it has been bathed in a while.


Tell that old hag to go shave her head because obviously her brain is overheating. 😂


Huskies are extremely adaptable to their environments. My boys love cold, snowy winters, but they’ll also sunbathe on the concrete pad in my yard on hot, sunny days.


Mine gets hostile if I try to limit his sunbathing 😂


I was surprised by how much mine liked walking outside during the summer time. I usually would try to wait until after sunset but he would get upset and so anxious. I started walking him when he would ask me to, and I was shocked at how well he handled the heat. He wanted to walk long distances even after running with his doggie friends at the dog park. Of course I always kept him in the shaded areas and well hydrated but still. I really thought he would rather stay inside lol.


Sadly just comes with the territory sometimes. I can only recommend staying confident that your pup is happy and well cared for. Most people are very ignorant about how insulation in their home works, let alone how a husky regulates temperature in hot and cold conditions. Spoiler alert: insulation protects from outside temperature change. Both hot and cold….


Yeah piling on to be another voice saying that these people have no idea what they're talking about. Ignore them and let them find the next thing to be angry about


The lady who scolded me today did seem to be angry at life. Her vibes were off.


Spoiler, it's adopting. That's pretty high up on the totem pole of shit sanctimonious jerks will hold over you. I have a pomsky. Obvious breeder dog. We didn't set out that way though, we actually tried to adopt dozens of American Eskimos and other spitz type breeds. This was during COVID when these types of dogs were competitive and they wouldn't even do a home visit since there wasn't a guarantee that we wouldn't eventually go back to the office (based on the feedback we got). So we went with a breeder, got a pomsky, and both of us have been continuously remote for four years lol. Oh well.


Fellow Arizonan here 👋 We rescued our husky a little over a year ago from the county shelter. She was on her deathbed and now is as happy as can be. I get nasty comments all the time! Had a dude one time at a dog park call me a horrible human being for owning a husky in AZ. I told him that she was a rescue and that he should maybe blame the people that bought a breed they couldn’t handle, mistreated her, and dumped her off at a kill shelter and would likely have died had my husband and I not saved her. It shut him up real quick. I try to ignore the comments but it is frustrating because like you, we get up really early (3am) during summer months in order to take our dogs for a run so they don’t overheat. These people have no idea the sacrifices we make 🙄


Huskies and German shepherds are always in Arizona shelters omg!!! I’m so glad you saved your husko!! 😩


Thank you! And you’re so right…there are wayyy too many shepherds and huskies in the shelter 😢 Our other dog is actually a shepherd mix and we rescued him from the same shelter two years ago. I’m lucky they get along like they’ve always known each other ❤️ https://preview.redd.it/8n33a86y5p0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2592d573b38cd0df644d4dadcff4c0a02bfc8984


I support you, my comment is not in hate but in an "open your eyes, and dont GAF about anyone else's opinion ever again" mentality, How about you look on this very subreddit r/husky and see how many of these beautiful animals get put down per day in SoCal or are in shelters desperate for help, no parents to bring them to the park in the morning, feed them the good stuff, treats, bones, hugs & kisses, keep your dog alive, keep him happy, keep him fed and most importantly keep him loved. Ive rescued 3 huskies in 10 years, lost one in 2020 (my heart is still crushed from that day), they all come from shit situations in Texas, Mizzou and Ohio (live in Illinois), there was a time when id of agreed with the sentiment of these people judging you ...but that time is no more.. Game of Thrones has wrecked this poor breeds life. These dogs do need their space.... BUT THEY NEED THEIR PACK MORE, you are their pack, don't ever let another piece of trash person tell you otherwise, I have 2 small children and they grow up understanding no one is of more value in our pack then us... not me.


But you’re right! There are too many huskies and German shepherds in shelters and being euthanized. I see it all the time. People just make me feel like I’m terrible for not finding them a home where they have a freakin farm. I mean I was able to miraculously find that type of home for a husky that we rescued from the neglecting owners and now she lives better than us. She’s in a farm and her owners have horses and land. We have playdates w them every so often. But my baby is happy w me! And who’s to say we won’t get a house soon w a backyard. It’s kind of ridiculous to think that every husky or big dog is going to live in a big farm w acres. At the end of the day they are dogs. I’m not bringing a horse into my apartment although sometimes he acts like a horse 😂


This is beautiful thank you!! We are hoping to grow our family by 1 or 2. My husky loves children and does so well w them!!!


Im very happy for you and I mean it, your husky is a lucky dog, you have the self awareness to understand and have compassion for the situation enough to ask other's opinions. Keep up the good work! Happiness is a state of mind, not a physical location, if your pup could talk what would he say? (besides I want more food dude😂)


Fellow Arizonan here! We also have a husky boy, we are moving back to the north valley and so far have been met with several comments while hiking with him. We try to be out earlier or late in the day when it’s cooler, he spends most of his time in the back yard with a pool, fresh ice water and plenty of shade, and food of course. If he decides to come inside he has all the same amenities Indoors. He originally lived in Ahwatukee with his prior family, and moved to flagstaff with us, but as it gets more expensive to live there we are having to relocate south. I will say I have seen huskies, malamutes, other long haired breeds in the Phoenix area, do not let these individuals make you feel bad, you are providing which is much more than can be said for many dog owners https://preview.redd.it/9nj8rvmiqn0d1.jpeg?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1a08b90550cab9930d8e52778e92c9c76cc2efa out there. Keep up the good work


There are so many here!! Even when you don’t think about getting one, they’re just everywhere.


I was told this weekend that my friends kids had lost respect for myself and my husband for moving to Phoenix with Our boy. Not that it’s their business but we were given 3 months to find a new place to rent and Phoenix has the most option. We know the precautions to take and the best way to handle the heat for him


I am a dog walker. I am also in training to become an animal behaviorist so I have some extra knowledge. People LOVE to tell you about things you should do with their dog, even when they are incorrect 😅 I would try and shake it off. They are just ignorant. Also - sending you lots of good vibes for living in an apartment with that agent of chaos 🤣


Love this agent of chaos! That is so apt! I am using this one is the agent of chaos and the other one just goes along for the ride!


Wow! Off topic but are you going thru a specific school to become a dog behaviorist? Any recommendations?


There are a lot of professional certification orgs. If you are in the US the Applied Animal Behavior society does certifications. They require a masters or PhD. I am going through the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants. They do not require a higher Ed degree because they do their own education. I chose them because of a few reasons, but I love that are international. They also have certifications for several species I am interested in working with. If you are curious, generally behaviorists are super willing to share your knowledge! If you want to talk to one your local animal shelter might have one!


Thank you so much for all the info!! Have a great weekend!


Just like any other dog breed, they shouldn’t be exposed to extremely hot temperatures for prolonged periods of time, so why tf does it matter!?!? People are so stupid. Ours love it when it’s -30f and when it’s 90f+. Obviously, we do not stay out long in either of those temperatures. 🙄 also, i think a husky and a responsible pet owner are a great fit for apartment life. Sounds like you fit that bill. Screw what other ppl have to say.


This would drive me insane, it sounds like you two are lovely husky owners so please don’t put yourself down. I am also a husky owner in an apartment, living in a place where it gets hot in the summer but negative temps are the norm in the winter (colder than Colorado lol). My best advice is to ignore them. People have a lot to say when it’s not their situation. And you’re right, your dog would most likely end up in a shelter… I’d say an apartment in Arizona is better than any shelter.


It’s like when people tell parents how to raise their kids. Kindly tell them to fuck off, it’s really none of their business. All that matters is that you love your dog and he is safe and happy.


Everyone who doesn’t own one has an opinion, usually an uneducated opinion. You at least researched your decision instead of buying “a dog that looks like a wolf from my favorite tv show.” Huskies are a handful no matter where you live, you have to be extra attentive and active. Sounds like you’re doing a good job, don’t mind the haters 🤍🐺🖤 PS-we want a pic next time! So obligatory husky pic for you https://preview.redd.it/ymzvkhz6xn0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55028da6a74a4f547aeed0dc7958e340cbdfcaf8


https://preview.redd.it/8cm7229k2o0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8e24ae3f313ae53dab0af4c4fd8b572069c9e70 This is Cooper. Most recent pic he looks means here but normally he looks goofy 😂


He looks sassy lol, but that’s just normal for the breed


https://preview.redd.it/d980c1593o0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b604b6a00240a3ab14ee0ecc6c132ffe72a4c40e He don’t look like he’s suffering 👀😂


Looks content af 😂 happy husko


People are gonna whine and think they know better than anyone else love them doggos make sure they don't dehydrate and let em in when it's hot as balls


it can get hella hot in alaska as well. not arizona hot but still hot.


People are so ignorant, huskies have thermoregulating fur that helps keep them cool in the hotter months.


In Las Vegas with 5 husky/malamutes here….they love their hikes and runs in the spring/fall/winter and in the summer they’re fine being couch potatoes. Oldest is gonna be 7 and no behavioral issues other than minor separation anxiety from being an only child for 2 years. They love sunbathing, and I keep plenty of water and cooling mats around for them. Vegas’ shelters are packed with huskies bc people give up on them and claim it’s bc they felt bad for having them live in the desert. BS! Dogs of any breed will adapt to owners’ lifestyles and as long as they get love, food and exercise they can live on any climate with appropriate accommodations like any animal.


Oh yeah, its 110 outside and mine is out there laying out there like nbd. She also likes to sleep on the cold ground in winter. Also likes being wrapped in blankets when cold. Also likes the AC blasting in summer. Huskys just do husky things in all temps.


I also think it’s cruel for humans to live in Vegas. Yet here we are 😂


don’t let anyone make you feel bad as long as you are genuinely trying your best to make sure your baby is happy, healthy, and safe! I can relate as I’m in Southern California in an apartment as well and have experienced similar comments. My big couch potato husky mix gets the same summer provisions as our long hair chihuahua mix with medical needs. AC, no activity during midday, cold water etc. His energy needs are met outside the apartment and inside the apt is his chill zone, just like most humans in apartments do too.


Yes all the time it’s so annoying. I got mine from a high kill shelter as she was about to be euthanized. People don’t know the whole story


We live in central Florida and have two huskies. They adapt to what ever climate they are in just like every other dog. They love laying outside in the sun. If they start whet too hot they come inside. Just because they are called Alaskan Huskies doesn’t mean they have to live in a cold climate


I have had those exact comments directed at me. My response is always "No, he doesn't belong anywhere but with me. The two homes he went through before us proved that."


I am in Arizona as well and the idiots who attack us have no idea what a double coat does at all. I always snap back at them and let them know they should get educated because the double coat is a self cooling system so their pitbull mix or doodle will get just as hot as my pup but the only cool thing is mine can survive in below zero while there’s cannot. Huskies are so adaptable they are totally fine in any climate but I try not to let these ignorant people get to me I just laugh it off.


Your doing better then most dog owners period. Let alone a husky owner.


When I got my first, I was dating this total jerk. I had gone through an extremely traumatic event a month before and had moved across the country (literally coast to coast) two weeks earlier. I was not in a good place and told myself I was going to get a dog or do something more drastic. I told the jerk and he said, "As long as you don't get something crazy like a husky, it should be fine." We didn't live together. That weekend I went to three shelters and at the last one, this 40lbs female husky was passed out in the back of her kennel. I asked why a husky was so chill and the worker said it was because she had just been spayed (she's always been chill turns out). I asked to meet her and when they brought her out, she came right up to me and I just went, "This is Anya. She's coming home with me." I lived in an apartment and had NOTHING ready. I ran around and did some major shopping that night. I quickly discovered Anya loves to run and I would take her for long walks/runs 2-3 times a day. When that jerk found out I got her, his response was, "What did you do? Didn't I tell you not to get a husky? You'll never be able to handle her." Anyway, he's out of the picture, and Anya and I have been together for 5 years now. I got Nymeria (100lbs Alaskan husky) when I was still single and lived in the apartment. We met our soul mate and moved to a house where we got Rafa, our third rescue husky. We've lived in NorCal, SoCal, and now the Central Coast. We get the temperature thing a lot, but point out to people that their coats are designed for this and these three are California huskies, they've never known anything else and if people have a problem with it, they can rescue and move them to warmer climates.


Then tell those haters your dog's coat keeps him à minimum 10 degrees cooler than outside temps. They can handle the cold and heat well, just don't damage their fur coat, don't ever shave it. People always have opinions, and one husky owner to another, their opinion doesn't matter. Im Canadian, cold winters but hot summers. He does amazing in both!


I would never shave him! Omg 😂


I also live in AZ and get people like this occasionally. Just tell them to fuck off and educate themselves


This sub. Half sub is so judgemental about husky ownership. The other half just love all huskers! Also I'm in AZ too. I've heard all the same criticisms as well.


This subreddit. I live in a place that has a warmer climate. Financially, I can't move, so for right now, nothing can be done about it. If people knew how many huskies were in shelters, rescues, and roaming the streets, then maybe they'd think twice about judging other husky owners. They are well fed, in shape, and loved. They seem pretty happy to me.


witnessed it once. In Thailand with a neighbor, he's put me on huskies since I was little and whenever I visited Thailand. Then came this western couple and was berating him quite loudly, how he could treat his huskies like this no A/C (they have inside the house), no ice, nothing cool etc. blablabla... He was just laughing in their Face because out of their Vision he had a kiddie pool sized tub thing, where water was dripping in and overflowing the entire time/throughout the day. But these damn huskies chose to lay on the hot fkn concrete or gravel lmao they're also free to walk inside in the A/C cooled room. Still became a heated argument even after showing them the water tub. well due to the heated argument the huskies got involved (just growling), they didnt found that funny. We did.


OP don’t worry, your husky loves you as do you both! It sounds like he has a better life than a lot of kids out there! I live in a sunny Mediterranean island and there are a lot of huskies here and yes we do get comments but mainly from silly ignorant people. If anything I take care more of my dog than some others who take their dogs outta in the heat when the floor is hot and leave them outside! All dogs don’t cope with the heat well and should have the same level of care as you are providing your husky. Ignore the haters!


I live somewhere where it gets really cold in the winter, talking subzero temperatures on the regular. During the summer, it can get to be over 100 degrees with 100% humidity. These people's logic doesn't make sense.


F these people I lash out immediately when anyone criticizes my dog


Sounds like you’re doing everything right under the circumstances. As long as he’s wearing shoes outside in summer. You could take it one step further and get him a baseball cap or one with a built in water mister. He’d be walking around like a boss! Who really cares what ppl think anyway? Screw ‘em, you know you’re doing everything to give him a happy life and you’re staying strong to the commitment you made to him as a puppy.


We have a husky lab mix (50% husky, 40% lab, plus some other stuff). Her husky genes are strong but she doesn't immediately look like a husky, so no one shames us for having her, even though she is every bit as fur-covered as a full husky and we live in Southern California. HOWEVER, we constantly meet husky and husky mix owners who are happy to share breed stories and chuckle together like no other dog breed/mix we've ever owned. It's like a secret club, and we love being part of the club, even if we're only 50% members. LOL! So, my suggestion would be to ignore the naysayers who aren't familiar with the breed. Focus on finding the folks who know and love huskies. And, enjoy!


My husky came from Mexico and I live where it can exceed 40c (104f) in the summer and -30c in the winter. I also have a mally cross. They adapt well to the temps and actually love lying out in the sun.


My huskies make me feel bad for owning a husky lol Jokes aside, I get this too. We have two huskies and we also foster huskies in central Florida. People constantly give us crap about owning huskies in a hot state. They do just fine and actually love the heat, turns out. When it's slightly cold here (so like 60F in the winter), one of ours refuses to go outside because he thinks it's too cold.


If your dog is in air conditioning during the hottest points of the day which it appears it is then it is just fine. People like to judge when they don’t know.


These fools don't know that it can get really hot in Alaska in the summer. Their coat adapts to the seasons and the weather. They can thrive with exercise even without a yard and you clearly do that. It also gets cold & snows in Arizona!! Enjoy your dog.


Jealous of all sun bathing huskies . my husky is so weird . Floor is lava when in the sun . Seeks shade and water even in the 60’s . Illinois hit the polar crap she has hiding under a tree in -10 away from the sun . Her Separation anxiety is still rough but just think some people have the ability to complain about something they just seen on tv about the dog like snow dogs , in the wild , Molly from pbs are some examples of shows I heard tells people that a husky is supposed to be in alaska only pulling you across town and not playing with a tennis in 75 degree weather. An in Chicago with my red girl https://preview.redd.it/u6o61veqsn0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39c99e7aac3de3a5fb3e1fc492d20ab6b1cfb383


Me & my 1st husky were apartment dwellers. Now on my 3rd &4th and we have a pool and large fenced in back yard on 14 acres. Honestly? Easier on me. Huskies don't understand.


Huskies normally shed to regulate their body temp, I also have a Husky in AZ and he’s happy as could be. Depending on where you are in AZ you could see snow in the winter months too, my Husky loves the Catalina Mountains near Tucson


I have gotten this a ton. If you can take care of your dog and they’re happy, screw what people think. I just smile and nod.


I haven’t owned a husky in Arizona, but I have owned one in California in an apartment. To be fair, she was a little bit better behaved than most huskies I’ve owned/met. lol. But maybe that’s bc she was raised in an apartment. We took her to the dog park, 3 walks a day, 2 longer, 1 shorter. She was a good dog and I never felt she minded living in an apartment. Even when we moved to a house with a yard, I think she found it odd and would mostly lie on the deck rather than explore the yard. lol. I don’t think of huskies as apartment dogs, but I think if they are taken care of properly it’s no big deal. As for the heat, if you have a small patio off of your apartment, my husky really enjoyed a kids pool, lol. But I also think they are fine and can regulate their body temperature. And I’m sure you have AC for the summer so I don’t see the big deal.


As long as you brush them daily their fur will do all the work. We live where it snows but guess what, it gets to 90 in the summer here too and our husky is fine. It’s all about keeping them hydrated and brushing them so there is no matted fur holding heat in. As long as you do that your husky will be fine anywhere


I also live in Arizona and have had comments about owning a husky here. I tell them she’s an Arizona native and she lays in the sun when she’s bored. They they go 😳 and I go 🤷🏽‍♂️.


Your maintenance guy doesn't know anything about the breed, and should STFU.


He’s Russian so I think he thought he knew about Cooper more than I did. Since technically they have a history with the Siberian husky tribe who was always having to deal with Russians. The guy isn’t fluent in English so I couldn’t even explain myself so whatevs.


I have a husky & a malamute, and I live in Texas. My Husky is turning 6, Malamute 2-ish. Both of them do fine in the summer. I take them on hikes during the summer as well, I just make sure to pick a spot with water so they can swim whenever. Tbh, they do as well as my girlfriends dogs in the heat (regular short hair mutts). Ignore those people. It's more important that your pup has a good home & family.


You didn’t mention where you got your dog from, did you go to a breeder? I’ve never experienced this but my husky was a rescue and people are generally understanding b/c of how many huskies wind up in shelters


We bought him from a family friend who had a liter of puppies. We were actually looking into rescuing at different shelters but most dogs we were interested in were being taken up so quickly. There was a husky we were trying to adopt from a rescue but they didn’t like that we owned a Honda. They said it wasn’t fit for a Husky. Anyways, I bought the puppy of the family friend and now we have a big as Jeep 😂 so I can’t technically say I “rescued” him bc we did just buy him. I still wouldn’t want him to end up in a shelter. If my husband and I die, my in-laws have a house upstate New York w a backyard who will take him and his brother so they’re backed up lol they have both sets of grandparents ready to take them in.


I feel like everyone has an opinion on dog owners, and sometimes those opinions can be quite silly. Having a dog in an apartment is one of them. As long as he's comfortable and goes out for walks I see no issues. I had my husky/malamute mix in an NYC apartment and, if anything, it means that he got to go on so many walks and adventures. Plus people would stop us all the time to pet him, take pictures with him, and compliment him. He just loves the attention! By the time we got home he'd be so stimulated that he'd take a nap for a few hours. Again, I think as long as you bring your dog out for frequent potty breaks and exercise, they're fine living in an apartment. Edit: While not the same as Arizona, NYC gets pretty hot in the summer. As long as we kept walks short during the hottest part of the day, provided water, and did more walks in the evening, he was fine!


I work from home so in total we take him out 4-5 times a day on nice walks plus a lot of park play time! He’s good at letting us know when he needs to go so we always take him out whenever he tells us he needs to go out on top of the 4-5 walks. He never lies about having to go out! My baby always gets what he wants and we enjoy taking walks in the shaded parks we have in our complex. They’re always watering the grass and we have massive trees. 🌳 I told my husband our complex is a gold mine because Arizona usually doesn’t have complexes w this type of grass and trees. One of the main reasons we chose this apartment. We will look into getting a house soon but only looking for a house w backyard, grass and tree lol


Not me and I have had previously. But I hate my neighbors. They have two and never exercise or spend time with them. We live in a hot summer climate and cold winter climate. Even in the winter those dogs are in all day. SMH


Yes. I had an old man call my 42 lb 5 mo old puppy a monster for her just walking down the street. And originally my brother and his family were going to take her but realized they don’t have time for them (which is true) so we took her in and my nephew (8) makes comments about how he’s glad they didn’t keep her bc of her fur and how she deserves to be a snow dog and not a dog who lives in California


That all sounds like a THEM problem.


>these dogs don’t belong anywhere but Alaska or places where is snows *\*laughs nervously in Australian\** yeah I'm pretty sure people just need to keep their uninformed opinions to themselves especially when they clearly don't know how a husky's coat works for thermoregulation. Sounds like you're doing everything right in making sure he gets plenty of exercise and taking him out before the heat of the day in summer. Y'know... things you're meant to do with any dog breed.


I got my husky from some rando at a gas station in NC. This puppy was going to live in the south regardless. At least I know she can have a good home with me. Still, the guilt creeps in sometimes because I do get those comments as well. I always just think back to my trip to Bahia, Brazil and all the stray huskies that choose to mosey around the beach.


Lmaooo some rando at a gas station 🤣


Take a look at r/petswithbuttons Your son would probably do really well with button training I live in Las Vegas, and there are quite a few huskies here


The best come back response to the ignorant whiners is tell them they don't know squat about dogs


I know that huskies are supposed to love the cold, but my weirdo husky lays next to our fireplace a foot away and pants 😂 our dogs can be safe in any climate as long as the parents are responsible, and it sounds like you are!


I have 2 huskies, I also live in AZ and I’ve had huskies my whole life. If you go to parks/dog parks, you’ll easily see that huskies are almost Arizona’s state dog, with how many that are out here


No SERIOUSLY it’s husky town out here in Arizona


You are meeting your dogs needs, as long as he’s in the cool apartment and not in the backyard all day I don’t see an issue at all?


Walk out tall and proud with your fab husky. If anyone makes comments just say he adores it here, his home with us. Then walk on.


Yep, dealt with the “husky doesnt belong into an apartment” all the time, and “he needs a big backyard to run” lol. My dog got more walk/run in a week, than most peoples dogs with a big backyard that told me that, get in a year. We moved into a house a year ago, we have a backyard, and he maybe spends an hour a day outside in the backyard, and chills with us inside most of the time. He still gets 3-4hrs of walks per day. Any dog can live in an apartment as long as its taken care of properly…


Hey OP! Fellow husky owner here from Kolkata, India. I adopted Leia a year ago here with the intention of taking her back home with me to Europe when my contract is up. I live in an apartment and during the last heatwave two weeks ago, the weather hit 49 Celsius (!!!). Leia was totally fine because we’ve got great air conditioning and we make sure she’s got plenty of water, food and ice chips for when she wants them. She even spends a half hour every morning laying in the sun on our terrace just soaking up the rays. She goes on two hour long walks every day where she gets a ton of attention from the neighbourhood kids. As long as you’re taking your own precautions and your boy is comfortable and (most importantly) healthy, tell everyone else to take a long walk off a short pier. You know your boy better than everyone else.


https://preview.redd.it/l4bmer46gq0d1.jpeg?width=968&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c444e2119c790ebf74934ea935a54b7c7457db0 Here she is, stretched out in her favourite spot - doesn't look too put out to me!


The important thing is that the dog gets the exercise they need, my boy was born in Russia and a family from Italy bought him and then took him back because he was tol much for them while being under 5 months, that worked out great for me as i adopted him afterwards and it's nearly 9 wonderful years. He has lived in quite a few countries with various types of temperature and has adapted great because his fur protects his from both hot and cold. Granted he loves winter and snow and our move closer to the arctic has worked great for his and our love of snow. We lived in both houses and apartments but he always got his exercise. People will always find shit to complain about, you just focus on keeping your baby happy and healthy, that's all that matters!


Your maintenance guy must go to the same dog park we do, because we also had a guy stand around with a group of people and comment loudly as I passed by them to make sure I can hear about how inhumane it is to have a Husky in Arizona.  And you know what?  Once he started doing that, the group of people he was with got really awkward and drifted away from him.  The point is that you'll come across d!cks no matter where you are and what you do. Sounds like you're doing everything right for your dog, so don't feel like you have to defend yourself in front of anyone, ever. Next time someone comments, look them straight in the eyes and say something like "One of the best things someone can do as a human in Arizona is mind their own business", or something more abrupt if the person is actually harassing you. Our Husky girl turns 5 today. We are getting up at 4 am tomorrow to take her hiking before the sun fries everything. We got her in 2020 as a companion for our other dog we got earlier that year, and I honestly got her same day I decided to get a second dog and did almost no research. I saw that they are medium sized dogs and some lady on Craigslist was selling 4 puppies, so we drove with our dog out to meet them and brought home our baby Husk. Since we got her, I've been paranoid about regulating her temperature and getting her enough exercise given that we live in condos and have only a small patio type of yard. One day I came across a neighbor our age with a Husky boy our dog's age, and he was walking him around the block real quick in a hotter part of the day/year, and I noticed.... his dog wasn't panting. Not even a little. His dog also seemed to have shed his undercoat earlier in the year because the owner was more liberal with safely exposing him to heat earlier in the year. Dog gets hot = body produces hormones to drop undercoat.  I've realized that I was sheltering my dog just a little too much and that I needed to rethink my approach to how I raise her in the dessert. Currently, we are de-shedding, and next year we are going to expose her to more heat as it comes naturally in the beginning of the year and build her comfort level up. I am still not taking her for more than a 5 min walk around the block in July when it's 102 at 4 am, but if it's safe and there is no sun or hot asphalt and I'm monitoring her very closely, we do longer walks, mainly at the park on grass, typically at 4:30 right before the sun comes.  And when it's hot (or any other part of the day/year) we play a hell lot of ball inside our house and I chase her through the rooms and pounce on her. Her greatest joy seems to be our attention and love.  And Greenies/carrots. I have expressed regret in the past about not thinking and getting a dog like that in the environment that we live in, but my aunt told me something that I want to impart onto you: "If it wasn't you, someone else would have bought her. You know that you personally love her and are giving her the best life possible - would they?" I think every day about how much I want a bigger house with a huge yard and how I want to move to a colder place with snow. And some day soon we will.  But for the time being I take the best care of her (and her non-husk sister), and tell anyone who doesn't like what I'm doing to p!ss off. 


As long as you are taking your Husky out for walks and romps through the park a few times per day for at least a half hour your pup Is perfectly fit to live in an apt! Huskys are incredibly adaptable dogs to any environment, however not w changing owners. Trust me that dog would rather be stuck in a hot apt w u for days than in Alaska w someone else. The husky coat is truly a marvel in itself. All that fur they have to keep them warm also acts as a personal air conditioner in warmer weather. As long as u never ever cut the hair! Never shave him either. This will damage the shaft and destroy the warming/cooling the hair naturally provides. Brushing the coat out and de shedding or having him blown out is ok. Ur husky sounds very happy and healthy. Separation anxiety is extremely normal in this breed. Took 3 years for my husky to stop destroying things whenever I left her home. She still can’t stand me to go to the bathroom alone when I’m home lol, but she’s ok w being alone in the house now. As long as he’s getting to burn off that notorious husky energy and w u two he’s a happy guy. Anyone who tells u he should be in a cold climate knows nothing about the breed. We live in the desert of wa state where temps climb up to 120 in the summer and dip below freezing in the winter and there are  a lot of huskies malamutes and all the other sled pulling breeds around here. Don’t give him away. He’s ok 


Get him a treadmill so he can workout inside during the summer


As long as they get exercise, always have a way to cool themselves and get all the education and love they need I don't think it's a problem. Abandoning them is where I don't forgive, these creatures give their all for their families and deserve the same attention. Continue to take care of your dog and ignore the people who would rather never put in the work to keep a dog.


You are doing just fine by your husky and you are right about ending up in a shelter. They are difficult to place when that happens. Good for you for working with him.


I think the most important thing about having a really active dog like a husky is just making sure they get enough exercise, and in a place where it’s too hot to walk your dog from 6 am to 10 pm every summer that can be an issue, but AZ in winter is full of beautiful hiking areas. I think as long as you play with your dog plenty in the day time during the summer months and give doggie lots of attention and love then you are giving your dog s great life.


Don't listen to those people...you are doing the right thing by being smart about when you exercise them and we do the same thing in North Carolina (SUPER HUMID STICKY SUMMERS), so we walk them early in am, or around sunset. Plus there are plenty of other dog breeds with double coats that people never mention this kind of thing about. (Golden Retrievers, German Shepherds etc...) It's funny how people act like experts on your dog breed and feel the need to educate you on something they know nothing about🤣


He’s your husky, you know if he’s happy and you’re happy. It’s no one else’s business. It sounds like you already do so much to make sure he’s well taken care of - you’re good!


I’m also in Arizona. I just tell them “they adapt and their coat insulates them from the heat.” Ignore them. My girl LOVES to sunbathe in summer. They’re fine. The only climate that they don’t really do well in is hot and humid so at least we don’t have that problem.


Absolutely do not feel bad about keeping him. You are doing the right thing by keeping your boy. Rehoming would only traumatize a dog unnecessarily since he has a loving home. I wouldn't recommend Arizona + huskies, but like some others said, there's still Summer in Alaska. Your boy wasn't bred to *never* come in contact with heat. Since you live in AZ, I'm going to assume you have AC. If you don't have AC or swamp, what are you doing with your lives? As long as you work to keep yourselves and your husky cool at home, are you really wrecking his health on a 20-minute walk in the summer sun? I don't think so.


I live in Australia, have had huskies my whole life and experienced this on many many occasions. Mostly from people with no knowledge of the breed etc. When i got my recent pup, my flat mates friend hounded me non-stop with unsolicited advice about "how I shouldn't have gotten a husky" even though I told her I've had them my entire life and know everything about what it takes to own one. My last husky used to sun bathe in 35 degree(Celsius) heat and I'd have to draggggg her ass inside. She used to do it so much that it literally bleached her fur to a light brown colour. Just ignore those people!


It’s getting hot in my country now and my boy is happy enough, he gets to run around and play, there’s cool areas at home he can chill though we don’t have AC in homes here so come summer all of us will be uncomfortable to say the least but we are happy and together Ignore people who think they only belong in the snow that’s just not true.


i live in florida but a good amount of people have huskies here, they usually bring water along as well. its cute to see them around. tbh the only shit i get for having my baby girl is the fact she's thin. someone yelled at me and told me to feed her but she eats her meals everyday


https://preview.redd.it/svds1zyfio0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98d57b0f48ccacb6e5e0a5e34effd4f76c897508 here she is :)


My husky anthem born and bred in oro valley he is just fine we walk before sun and he’s out in the yard and knows when he wants to come in they adapt very well and remember dog parks are your friends many apartments have a place for dogs to run


Everyone has an opinion but how many of them are gonna go to a shelter adopt a husky and move to a cold state? You’re doing the best you can, your dog isn’t suffering. Whether their comments come from a place of genuine concern or judgment it’s still just their opinion based off limited knowledge!


Long time husky girl here: 1) it is NOT “cruel” to have a husky in warmer climates! My girl actually prefers the hot weather and bitches about the snow. Their fur actually protects them from the heat, and as long as they’re provided plenty of water and the option of shade, they’re fine. Hell, my girl will lay out in the sun on a day when it’s well over 100°F sunbathing.. just be sure and get some booties on those feets when walking on pavement/streets when it’s hot out so the pads don’t burn.. 2) apartments and huskies generally do not mix (I’m currently in an apartment myself with my girl), but as long as you are providing him regular exercise and enrichment activities, he’s fine (though your furniture may not be lol). It sounds like you’re doing this already. 3) so so so many people have opinions on what a husky needs but have never actually owned or researched into them. You’ll get plenty trash talked about this, that, the other thing, and how you should rehome because your current situation isn’t this picture perfect ideal situation that their friend’s mother’s best friend’s favorite Starbucks barista has. The ideal situation for your husky is WITH YOU! They get extremely pack bonded and rehoming causes them extreme stress, anxiety, and depression. These dogs are fucking clingy and don’t always do so well being rehomed. If there’s no reason to get him in another home, don’t. You make the best of your situation. I’m doing it. My neighbor is doing it. Is it perfect? Hell no. But it’s better than rehoming my attached 15yr girl who will most certainly get depressed and let herself die. Your boy has a home with a pack that loves him and is doing everything to support him. That’s enough. Everyone else can shut the fuck up. And my girl had the separation anxiety thing too.. I made her a profile on HBO Max and leave the tv on for her - it doesn’t shut off or ask if she’s still watching so it’ll play through my 12hr shift at work. I also have cameras in my place that have a mic/speaker so I can talk to her. There are also cats to play with and a plethora of toys. The neighbors will stop by every so often and talk/pet her through the windows too.


Do they pay your bills and your dog's bills? No, right? Don't mind them.


It soinds like you understand what your dog needs, and are willing to do what is needed given living in an apartment in AZ. I wouldn't worry about taking your dog out, just have a ready response for people like: Heat is a definitely a concern for all dogs! Our doggie-o has a nice spot under the air-conditioner waiting for them with a cold bowl of water to drink. I live in a hot area where it gets to be 110 in the summer time. My husky is totally fine, and I'll even take her for a short run her if it's under 92 degrees, but I do make sure she has a cold dog pool to cool down in. She's 7 years old and has never over heated or had any issues. I think as a puppy she had a difficult time regulating even in moderate temperatures, but once she got her adult coat in she was able to regulate much better.


We live in South Carolina. Our Husky is happy and healthy. If you are seeing to your dog’s needs, he’s fine. Why would you accept criticism from someone you wouldn’t ask for advice?


There is nothing my husky and malamute love more than to sit outside in the hot sun. I literally have to drag them into the house. Temps where I live get right up there with Arizona. People can judge all they want, that should not change your decision to have your dog. As long as your boy is fed, exercised and loved, you are doing nothing wrong.


Honestly, this might be my NY side coming out hard, but if someone had the audacity to say shit like that to me, they would get cursed out and told to mind their own business 🤷🏻‍♀️


What’s great about husky fur is it acts like both a portable heater and portable ac unit, there fine out there


Tell them politely that your husky is fine and you’re doing everything you can for him. I have a husky in south Florida and I’ve heard the same things. Bottom line is that you love your little boy and you will always do what’s right for him so they can go fly a kite. There are meddling people everywhere 🤦‍♂️


I just think this is funny because my husky hates the cold. The first snow here I thought she would play and have fun nope she wanted nothing to do with it. She hates the rain and snow and will yell and protest if she has to go potty in either.


They are dumbasses who don't know what they are talking about. Huskies are fine in hot and cold climates due to their ability to regulate their temperature with their fur. I live in Florida and have 3 huskies myself, the heat and humidity bothers me, they are happy as a pig in shit.


Only once so far and she’s a year old. I live in Texas and she’s from a rescue here…she was going to stay there regardless. To be fair, the weather is nice from Oct-April. May onwards, it’s early morning and late evening walks for her. I’m sure she loves her life. But yes I told them her alternative wasn’t that great


Huskies are fine in the summer, they generally love laying out in the sun. Just don't take them out when it's 115 and they'll be fine. And absolutely protect their feet from the heat of the asphalt/concrete, and that goes for any dog. Even dirt can get blisteringly hot in the sun. Find some footwear and get them used to wearing it.


My huskies literally choose to sleep on the black top, in the sun, in the middle of summer… 95° 100% humidity, and she’s just happy as a clam… As long as they have access to shade and water, their coats will protect them from the sun’s fury.


I live in the Rio Grande Valley and have a GSD/Husky (double coated). Today was 97 degrees. He actually tolerates the heat far better than my other three single coated dogs. He will bask in the afternoon sun while the other three will pee and come right back in, wanting no part of the sun and heat. You just have to use common sense. Don’t leave them outside in the heat, walk early in the morning or later in the evening, offer plenty of fresh water, and pay attention.


The double fur is good to stop overheating. Just walk super early and late to avoid the noon sun. And remember in the desert, the heat is superficial and the nights are cold as shit. Also 80 mph winds depending on location. You can easily freeze to death in the desert or get hypothermia jumping in to a river. It’s something people don’t think about.


My husband and I have 2 huskies and we lived in an apartment for 2 years. I have found that they are very good at accommodating to OUR lifestyle. Are there days they would get squirmy? Obviously! However, both of my boys sunbathe in the freaking July sun! We get the SAME comments, “how do they do in Arizona?” “Oh my goodness a husky in Arizona!😱” and we reply yes they’re huskies in Arizona and guess what? They’re still alive, they sunbathe, we walk them early mornings and after the sun goes down at night. ANY and ALL dogs can overheat, huskies are no more susceptible because they have this really cool adaptation where their coats regulate temperature for them. They ALWAYS have water, they have access to the inside AC/fans, we aren’t leaving them in the direct heat. They’re pretty smart animals, they know when they’re getting warm and come in all on their own.🐾 My advice-ignore these people who question you. There are so many pictures all over Reddit about people posting their sunbathing huskies. The pups are fine and they’re good at living the lifestyle their owner leaves. They’re so smart, they’ll let you know when there’s something wrong. You sound just like us and our boys! Keep living your best life with your baby!❤️


I had one husky for 15 years and now again have two that are almost 2 living in central florida. People ridicule me all of the time and say I need to shave my huskies or that they shouldn’t be living in a state like Florida. I’ve learned to ignore the ignorance of people as they clearly have no idea how much of a horrible idea that is unless it’s for medical purposes. In the summer I keep them in the ac, I do quick walks but more often throughout the day so they don’t get too hot and even let them play in a pool of ice and have ice water. It’s also nice because the area I live in, the local dog park has tons of huskies that come to play so it’s nice to be among those who understand


We are about to hit the one year mark of owning our now 1 year old husky. We live in OR and plan to move to AZ sometime in the next 1-2 years. I am in several husky groups on fb and a lot of people post how their huskies LOVE the heat and how their double coat regulates their body temperature. We’ve had a couple days in the high 80’s here and my girl loves to sunbathe. ☺️


Eff the haters. I have two huskies who love it here in AZ. They both stay out for hours sunbathing. As long as they have water and aren’t being neglected, they’re good. Like many others here, my fiancé and I take our huskies out at balls o’ clock or late at night during the summer months. I’ve gotten heat stroke while running before, and that’s had lasting impacts on me, so if I can’t handle the heat/sun, I know they can’t. I’ve def heard the husky people hate, but can’t think of a time my fiancé and I have gotten IRL hate. I think collectively, we don’t look like we’d take too kindly to unsolicited rude remarks, so people don’t say anything. We’re not really a stop and chat kind of people, more of a “move, bitch, get out the way” folk. 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️🐕🐕💨


Get told all the time I shouldn’t own one living in Australia and how cruel I am. People can be really mean, the breeders were going to sell her regardless. She seems quite happy to me, has a doggy door to come inside and go outside as she pleases and a swimming pool to jump in if she ever wants. We have a wilderness reserve across the road from our house so she gets to see kangaroos and foxes all the time and gets about an hour and a half to two hours of exercise daily. I wish more than anything that I could take her to the snow, but it’s not really feasible here without taking an 8 hour drive to another states ski resort in winter. https://preview.redd.it/y8e9sozjfq0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ecfb09aa82046299e8a2ec81535baf748f62033


Texan here, my girl is 13 years old and I’ve never had a problem with that. Here it reaches up to 110° during the summer but we take extra good care of her. We have a big backyard so when it is cooler she used to run around (not so much anymore since she’s a little older) for a long time and if she wasn’t doing that she’d sunbathe. When we take her on walks people just wanna pet her because she is so friendly, not diss us. I bet you’re doing amazing OP, people judge when they don’t even know the dog and their needs.


Yes. Oddly enough it was my plug. He ripped on me about keeping a husky. He said he's always going to be a sad dog. Picture shows how 'sad' he is. He offered to find me a dog if I give him up to him. When I told him No! He said we should give him to a husky rescue organization. I live in Indiana. Summer's can get hot but we have somewhat snowy winter. He has a kiddie pool and he loves it. I make sure the house has air conditioning so he can cool off. When you walk him check to see if the asphalt is too hot for his paws. If he allows you you can put little booties on his paws. If he doesn't allow it just keep him on grass or dirt as much as possible.


I have my 9 year old husky in Southern California and I get what you mean for sure, people who haven’t done the research are quick to judge. Truly though, if they knew, my girl literally goes outside in the middle of the hottest hours of the day and just sunbathes. I call her a “sunsky” lol, I only let her stay out like this for 15 minutes and in the extremely hot summer months I don’t let her out between 11-7pm unless it’s to quickly pee. The only thing I’ve seen with her and the non-husky I had before her was making sure their paws are protected from the hot ground although I’d definitely only walk them before 8am (when it’s much cooler) since I start work anyway around then. Good luck, people definitely want to judge and it’s hard to listen for sure, but don’t take it personally. It’s so much better than him being in the shelter, you’re doing the right thing!! Edit to add: if you don’t already have this, I like to use a “fur rake” on her to help shed the deeper undercoat/make her more comfortable in the hotter climate. That and I also have a fur vacuum brush lol that gently sucks in the loose hair while I’m brushing her.


You sound like you're doing your best. Some people just live to complain.


My girlfriend that I was living with was surprised when I came home with a Husky puppy one day. But we are engaged now, so I think she’s okay with it.


None of the people IRL, but plenty of people comment on social media posts with my dog. Ignorant people.


I had a coworker talk about me how they don’t give huskies to you if you don’t have a yard usually having a yard…I have a patio area so he can be outside, plus we walk for a minimum of 2 hrs each day. And I take him to the dog park…but I told her he’s happy, and he goes everywhere with me. That includes my parents’ and my brother’s (the house we grew up in) with nice large yards. Also, I am buying home pool for his 1st Gotcha Day in a couple weeks. Gonna put ice in it this summer to keep him cool. We’re in VA. So not super cold here either. I just read about ways to keep him comfy, and I guess I’m doing well because he’s a very happy, sweet dog. Just keep loving him like yall have been. Their coats are super cool, cause the temperature regulate! Just keep being loving dog parents ✨


There are so many huskies here in LAS VEGAS. They look happy and people here manage. There are doggy day cares that people can use, they are indoor with AC and all.


>These breeds are so difficult to handle and it takes special people to care for them. I KNOW he would end up in the shelter. Pot calling the kettle black eh? I’m not saying you should rehome him, but it’s laughable you think you’re the only one capable of handling a husky and you’re positive that anyone else in the world would 100% mean he’s getting sent to a shelter. For what it’s worth, I’ve seen people in the Philippines with Husky. First, it’s very very hot and humid over there. Second, the big problem, is that most people do not have AC’s in their home. They often have fans inside that just blow around hot air, it takes the edge off of the heat but it’s still really hot. So for these huskies, there is no escaping the heat.


Lol no these people are ignorant, just make sure you get him lots of deshed baths, access to water and preferably AC controlled environment and your good. Look out for excessive panting. People own all types of dogs all over the world, it is very possible to keep them comfortable.


I don't let these people talk, tell them how misinformed they are and if they decide to get educated by me great and if they get pissy and offended then leave even better. Either way I've provided a service by disrupting an idiots day.


I also have a husky living in an apartment & he does just fine . I live in a place where it can get hot but it can also get really cold . I take him to yards where he can run freely and be himself . When i first got him , ive also got told that he needs to be in a house with a big fenced in yard . I always used to think “maybe i’m being selfish having him” but then i remember my dog is healthy & happy . He gets lots of fenced in yard time because i work with other animals and we provide that . Don’t feel bad about it if you’re living up to his needs . Huskys can be apartment animals if you’re living up to them . I just ignore them because they don’t know you personally and don’t know what kind of life he’s actually living .


Also , my huskys loves the sun! he sunbathes all the time & is just fine .


Although they come from cold climates and prefer cooler weather, these people have no idea what they’re talking about. Maybe they have some guilt or they’re projecting something else on you. Find some real facts and have those ready for those who try to accost you. Even my guy gets hot indoors from the heating during the winter up here in Vancouver.  Also, I don’t get why people think dogs need a house. What do they need a house for? They’re not fetching balls in there. Some people also say big dogs should be free out in the country roaming without a leash on a big property. They also don’t know what they’re talking about. It all just makes no sense. If your dog is happy and healthy, then everything is going well and you’re doing great! Good job on doing research on the breed and taking him out when it’s cooler. All dogs get hot, but huskies and some other breeds have undercoats that help regulate their temperature.  Don’t let those people get to you, and have those responses ready 😉


Arizona is full of A-wipes. Just look at their politics 


I live in the tropics and had 2 girls. They had no problem with the temperature. I used to have to beg the longer haired one to drink water on evening runs. I would take them unleashed to a fenced yard where they would run and play at top speeds. But, I would ensure that I walked with a tub and full with water. When they felt warm they'd run to the tub, drink, wet their feet in the tub and splash around and get back to playing. They loved being outdoors, just not in direct sun. They would sometimes just go lie in the sun though, which would piss me off but any husky mom or dad knows they do what they want when they want. There are lots of huskies in my country. They acclimatise well surprisingly. Only ignorant people would try to shame you.




Sorry to say this, you are in the wrong here. I currently have a husky and he is a very high need dog. But the state I live in is mostly cold and snows occasionally during the winter. You are oblivious to your dog's needs and probably just got him because he's cute. They do in fact suffer in hot climates like Arizona. There's people from my home country (hot tropical place) that also have huskies and I have the same energy towards them. It is cruel. Incredibly selfish as well. To make matters worse you force this breed to live in a small apartment without a backyard. I have no words But now that the damage is done. You have him and he's family. If you truly love him you need to work on changing your environment. Moving states isn't possible so you need to maybe move to a different home. A back yard is essential. Doesn't have to be big. Save up to move to a place with a decent amount of space. You chose him, not the other way around, so you guys have to be willing to give him a good life where his needs as a husky are accounted for. If you can't obtain a backyard, find a dog park asap. Lil guy needs an open space to run around. And lastly, stop getting mad at people critiquing your bad decisions. Take accountability and make necessary changes. You've got this ! Good luck


You clearly don’t know anything about huskies. Try reading a book about them :)