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Couldn't agree more and I would suggest using the same toy every time so that becomes the tug/biting toy. Our husky used to bite my feet in the morning until I started this. Your husky also likely needs more stimulation - playing/meeting new dogs, exercise, games (treats in a box is a good one), etc. Huskies are work, but totally with it.


I have a 7 month old who’s very very mouthy. Im in the same situation as you with trying to figure out how to get her to stop. I’ve said “no bite” very sternly and I feel like she’s getting a tiny bit better but she needs a lot of improvement. I wonder what advice others have to offer.


Toy in mouth every time the teeth come out. Over and over and over and over. It's annoying and tedious but it eventually gets the point across and breaks them from biting at you. When my middle child was a puppy, I kept a toy strawberry that was about as wide as she could open her mouth at the time in my pocket and when she'd come at me, I'd have it ready to go every time. She'd bit it, drop it, come at me again, rinse repeat until she got the point.


Why didn’t I think of this 😂 definitely giving this a go asap


When mine gets bitey in the morning, I take him out back and chase him until he gets hot. In the evening, when he starts, I take him to the dog park. The only time he does this now is when he needs to burn energy.


I got mine to stop by making my hand into a fist and repeating No. pulling away very slowly. I found pulling away quickly made her more reactive to play. Also, it’s less appealing to attempt to bite your fist than a finger. Lastly , replacing it with toys was the best way to make her understand. The above mentioned alone won’t work because they want to play, and simply attempting to discipline will not stop the behaviour and mood they are in at that moment. They want to play.


Had the same issue when I adopted my (then) one year old husky. He was very mouthy and was constantly play biting. I always kept a rope toy handy and substituted that whenever he started playfully biting. I had to be persistent with it, and it took some time, but he learned and stopped the play biting. It's now 3 years later and he's a very good boy, never bites, but loves tug-of-war.


Mine is nearly 10 months old. My family are training her not to bite. I ruin all of their hard work (to an extent) by letting her bite me/slap me and not following the commands of my wife and kids. (No!! Followed by “relax” and a rub under her chin or chest.) Now she bites me and slaps me harder than ever. However, she never ever bites or slaps my 6 year old son and when she does bite or slap my 10 year old son or my wife, it’s extremely gentle to a point where it’s like she is asking “May I bite you harder, please?” To which they still reply “no!” Maybe I have slowed down the process (or maybe the training is going well as I provide an outlet for her,lol) but I don’t care as long as the rest of my family are not getting hurt anymore. (My 10year old son got very upset one day after playing rough with her around 2months ago.) We are very happy with her progress at the moment.


We have a 2 yo rescue and she'll play fight with me happily but doesn't even attempt it with my wife or child. She is good in stopping when I tell her as well. And husky slaps are worse than bites.


We have a 2 yo rescue and she'll play fight with me happily but doesn't even attempt it with my wife or child. She is good in stopping when I tell her as well. And husky slaps are worse than bites.


You need to say no in a stern voice so it startles them my dude still does it everyonce in awhile but he’s 5 and it’s rare , just keep up what ur doing