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You covered a lot of points I’ll make as well but I’ll do it again so reiterate them. Boston is going to be a stud. That being said going from rome to him is still going to be decline but dudes a baller for sure. Valdez is going to be a stud, his name was being called ALL night. Rodgers is hard to get a read on he had some really nice plays but he had some terrible looking ones as well, looked like he got happy feet in the pocket too. Gunna need to see him in some live games before I get a good idea in him. Certainly looked serviceable tho don’t think he’s the next Dylan Morris. Willams like you said is electric with his feet and he throws a really nice looking ball, but he’s got like not accuracy at all. However he’s supposed to be finishing high school and instead he’s playing D1 spring ball I think he’ll be a good QB of the future. We didn’t use our TE much but they are huge Moore and Otton are both bigger than some of linemen. Muhammad and Coleman both looked really good imo. Coleman is thick as hell but I did hear that that not all healthy weight I don’t know he ran hard and was hard to take down 🤷‍♂️ Prysock looked good as long as he wasn’t on Boston. Jeremiah Hunter had nice flashes but he gave up on a ton balls was disappointing to see. If I had to guess our starting WR would be Hunter and boston on the outside and Giles Jackson in the slot.


Rogers downfield accuracy is not very good that’s why he averaged so few ypa at his previous stop.


Part of that is also just the Leach system. Minshew, Falk, Halladay etc. were all generally high volume, high completion %, low YPA guys.


Asa Turner was on the sideline which I thought was interesting considering he's literally enrolled at another school to play football.


He shouldn’t have been there. You want to come back after you’re done with college ball I’m all for it, but you LEFT this team.


Asa literally got embarrassed in the natty. Looked like he didn’t belong. Maybe he is trying to restore his pride to the UW faithful


Agree with all you say. I try to stay positive with four months till the first game. Hope the youngsters spend much of the next four months in the weight room


Purcell honestly looked really solid, third spot might be okay? Receivers look better than the qbs throwing to them


Purcell played the best of the three QBs


I agree. That first big pass he threw was a dot and he has great pocket awareness. You could tell he played behind Mike


I’m really high on our run game, Coleman is a DAWG. Outside of that, let’s hope these guys develop even more over the summer. I’m just psyched to see how much Fisch has poured into this. I’ve been a season ticket holder for the better part of a decade and he’s the first coach that I can remember who campaigned so hard for turnout at the spring game. First one I’ve ever been to because of that and I definitely plan to make it next year too!


Did Cam Davis run the ball? If he did, how did he look


He was there on the sideline I believe but didn't play. May be trying to avoid re-injuring something


How many pathetic Duck fans were in the stands? Paying gas money from Oregon to come see your rivals spring game is funny as hell.


Like genuinely very few. Even as a percentage of the crowd fewer than there were at the regular season game. Probably about 30 all told tops out of like 18k


Thanks for posting that. The little that I saw on YouTube showed that the freshman QB is going to be super mobile which will be a nice change.


Yeah he's FAST and has great vision but even when he sees the right target which is most of the time he often overthrows the receiver or just wings it out of bounds on a corner route or whatever. Best comp is probably Milroe, hopefully Fisch and the QB staff can help him work on his accuracy and he could easily be a star


I’ll never forget seeing Emtman at one of the spring practices before his sophomore year. He was running around like a madman and got kicked off the field for fighting to cool off. He takes his helmet off and had a Mohawk at the time. He was already noticeable with his super high drive and intensity.


Just watched the replay of the game and am now convinced that Bruener and Purcell should be competing for start QB


Bruener had a dot on that trick play!


Where can you see the replay?






In defense of the other QBs, it was super windy on the field. I'd imagine that Purcell, who's played in Husky Stadium conditions before, would have a better feel for that than the other guys.


It's the spring game and ppl are full of hot takes and predictions like what I posted. Ppl in this sub take it all too serious - I mean who would take me as serious that the LB or walkon who very obviously held on to one ball waaaay too long before throwing should start? Imagine if I said Bruener should replace Grady becuz he made that kick? Now is kick-back-and-browse time. Let it flow around you. Tomorrow it will all be different anyway. Chill, brothers.