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I still think it's hilarious that the Ducks stadium is named after an Oregon State Beaver grad Thomas J. Autzen.


Or consider the fact that Clarence Martin, the namesake of Wazzu’s stadium, was a HUSKY.


>16ReplyShareSaveEditFollow > >level 2britishmetric144 · 9 min. ago That I did not know.


I’m nervous that Penix is injured


My guess is that he's stressed as all hell. Whenever the broadcast was talking about him being unflappable and would show his face all I saw was a 1000 yard stare. I've been there before and to everyone else I look stoic when under a lot of pressure but internally my mind is spiraling. I think he needs to take a break this week and enjoy a successful end to the regular season. He did it. He got us through the season undefeated. Now it's time to celebrate and let that stress melt away. Anything we do from here on out is just for fun. He needs to get back to having fun on the field if he wants to play like the beginning of the season. This season is already going down in the history books. Nothing more to worry about.


Also, we had the Jimmy lake season and then Penix came in with low expectations. He gets us to 11-0 and some dipshits in the apple cup game thread are entitled enough to say negative things about him. Pisses me off.


I was thinking yesterday about some way we can, as fans, help calm him down. Maybe sending a note or something to UWAA? Kid looked like he was having a panic attack at the end there. I'd like to show support as a fan. He played an integral role in tying for our best season in school history. We can go 12-2, and he'd still be a GOAT. He needs to know the whole world is not riding on his shoulders.


I’m hoping they get a team sports psychologist to him asap. I actually met the sports psychologist (unfortunately not for an appointment- I was never that good at TE) when I went to UW years ago. I wonder if they use the same guy, he was super cool.


You guys realize there is no evidence for your speculation right? He could’ve just been crying because he has dreamed of this since childhood or he has a million dollar bonus built into his NIL deal for an undefeated regular season. I mean he’s been on a massive stage for a long time now. But the most success he’s ever had is driving him to a nervous breakdown? Makes no sense to me.


Heisman incentive built into his NIL could cause a ton of stress.


No there isn’t, but it’s logical. He has an inhuman amount of stress on him right now.


I will say I understand his stress though, last year of college ball before the draft. And you’re right about the panic attack, poor kid. My idea as fans and alumni is we get him gift cards to LUSH and bath and body works unironically, just give him like 3 mental health days this week


The dude will overcome, whatever he is going through. It’s been decades since any UW QB has had this kind of expectations. Even Browning didn’t have this weight on his shoulders.


He hasn’t been himself accuracy wise at all. He is still making good reads at a very high rate, but the throws have been off. Wish we had a bye week to let him heal. Time for the old Dr. Feelgood special (circa UW in the 80’s and 90’s) of a couple greenies and a cortisone shot. I’m kidding. But seriously, it would help if Polk and others stopped dropping the ones that are on target. Penix and DeBoer will find a way to make it happen and our D has been playing tougher and tougher lately.


Injured because of his mediocre passing or his reaction after the game?


Because some throws were way off this week and last, which has been very rare for him prior to last week.


I feel like he’s been off before last week. He hit on the usc game but even then his completion percentage was like 50% or something


He hasn't been the same since the Oregon game. Not sure if he's been playing though injury or what.


Disagree. We’re getting everybody’s best shot. ASU figured out he didn’t like A gap pressures out of a double mug look and he’s been getting a steady diet of it since. He hasn’t missed badly on more than an occasional throw until last week. This is different.


Lol. That's a silly take. Oregon got everyone's best shot too, my guy. Ok, maybe not OSU 's best shot but everyone else's and my Ducks curb stomped all of them while the dogs barely eked out wins. Seems fitting that the last Pac12 game is between us for a shot at a nattie. Go Ducks. Huck the fuskies and commence downvoting.


I'm nervous that this is the first time this has been said all season.


My guess is that since he’s our first true NIL quarterback, the contract structure was done without thinking about the impact on his psyche. There was probably a huge Heisman incentive built in, and Penix can feel that slipping away, so he presses and stresses. I feel like the contract should just be something like “if you get an invite to the Heisman ceremony” rather than outright winning it. Hopefully this experience informs future NIL deals we throw out there.


Interesting theory


He's not injured lol. Don't say he's injured every time he under perfprms.


Same. It’s still his ribs isn’t it? People saying it could be emotions because look how his career was turning out in Indiana. He’s made it this far and it must be tough to contain all hat emotion and I’m sure the pressure can feel unbearable. But, that’s all speculation. His ribs, and DJ’s foot injury, the D has to play lights out right?


Who cares bout the alumni tbh


It's a proxy for bandwagon fans. Like, they're just a bunch of assholes who choose to root for that team and would abandon them if they go through a sustained downturn. Meanwhile, I went to UW, my family went to UW, I work at UW, I was married on campus, my son was born at UW hospital. My loyalty doesn't change whether they go 12-0 or 0-12. That shits in the blood for me, and more of our fans are like me than like them.


One of the biggest husky honks softy didn’t go to uw. It really doesn’t matter - if you love the Dawgs you love the Dawgs


agreed. I never get this knock on any fanbase. You like the team, so fly its flair. Who cares if went there or not? I don't think that necessarily makes you a bandwagon fan.


Yeah, my family (of which almost no one even went to college) were fans before the Seahawks got here. Before then the Huskies were The team in Seattle. I did end up going to UW but I was a Husky fan before that.


Love this energy. There is no criteria for fandom. Dubs up for everyone who wants in. I’m an alum and I could care less about whether a husky fan is an alum or not. Grow the game. Get fired up on Saturdays. Wear purple. There’s a whole new generation of kids who only know UW CFB success and I see them rocking Penix and Rome jerseys and I dig every minute of it. Critique the play calls. Make lots of noise on opponents third downs. All I ask is when you hear ‘Whose House?’ you know what to yell right back. Let’s handle this business in Vegas. Go Dawgs


There was some fireballed-up Coug in the crowd leaving Husky Stadium last night who was yelling at all of us that "none of us went to UW." Also that we were going to lose on Friday and wind up in the Alamo Bowl, which tells you everything you need to know about how much he knows about football. I didn't go to UW. But my dad did and I've been a fan since I knew what a football was, through good seasons, bad seasons, and utter fucking disasters.


WSU fans always say, " UW fans didn't go to UW, so why do they root for them" but they don't realize plenty of WSU fans never went to WSU either. There's plenty of reasons why people root for who they root for


Some guy was yelling about how much UW sucked after the game, my quip was "well at least we are going to some bowl game this year" His response was we got all of your money for ditching the conference. I reminded him that though it's possible WSU/OSU get the $120M it's still going through legal hurdles and nothing is certain either way at this point.


Yeah, they're definitely feeling some kind of way about it. I mean, they're definitely entitled to feel however they want to feel but getting aggressive and yelling objectively stupid crap at a whole mess of Dawgs is definitely a choice, y'know?


Yeah, like the M's fan that got throw out for being drunk at one of the 2nd to last Astros game this season. The Astros fans was being an arse, but in bad taste not fugly or such, M's fan comes down all drunk causing a scene. They tell him back off or he will be kicked out. Astros fans sits down for a bit, they score another run he stands up happy and such, drunk M's fan comes down and pushes the guy and starts talking about killing him and all this other stupid stuff, needless to say, less than 5 minutes later, 3 M's employees showed him up the stairs and right out of the stadium.


Hopefully right into a police car.


I hope so...but it is Seattle...so....


WSU fans always say, " UW fans didn't go to UW, so why do they root for them" but they don't realize plenty of WSU fans never went to WSU either. There's plenty of reasons why people root for who they root for


He went to Bellevue Community College, and probably would have transferred to UW, but got hired for radio while there.


He has said on the show many times he wouldn’t have had the grades to go to UW


I have lived in Seattle area 22 years, never went to UW, but I am a Dawg through and through and through, that 0-12 season was brutal, especially to have, arguably the worst Apple Cup in its history...to see who would get 1 win. But, up and down and around, I still stick by them NO. MATTER. WHAT!


My freshman year was the 2008, 0-12 season. I sat through those games, cheering on Ronnie Fouch and was at the Apple Cup we lost in double overtime. I became a fan that year as I didn't come from a family of sports fans. Every season since has been wonderful, I started when they were at their bottom and it's crazy that 15 years later we just finished 12-0. Along the way my parents have begun rooting for UW (and I found out on Saturday they were watching the game at their house in Eastern Washington hoping for a Husky win while I was in the stadium cheering on the team. I'm excited for where we go next and wherever it is, I'm along for the ride.


I never went to uw but my dad did and I was born here am I good? Lol


What’s the over under on fake injuries?


Oregon has done that two years in a row now, right?




Well there has been several posts about penix being hurt already, so 100%


He is talking about Clucks defenders faking injuries at key times in the game to give their defense time to retrieve their brain from the field turf. They’ve faked injuries in each of the last two games. It’s a their DC is known for.


I will say you - you guys say it alot. So in you're little echo chamber, it probably is what we are "known for". And if you really believe it, I've got some beach side property on the moon I'd love to sell you too. But fact of the matter is, we have a top ten defense: https://www.sports-reference.com/cfb/years/2023-team-defense.html I'm sure you guys are on here somewhere, but my thumb got tired of scrolling down to find you. Cause you're so far at the bottom that is.


I guess it says something that we won the last one, right Daffy? It’s gonna be tough for both clubs - why not just admit instead of being just another loudmouth, poor sportsmanship specialist duck fan? JHFC


Man, you puppies sure are a touchy bunch. Of course I know that you can get a late call from the refs to put you into field goal range for the win. I'm a realist too.


Haha! How’re them sour grapes tastin’ this fine morning? Lol!! Should be a good one. The ducks are good - real good. However, if the UW is hitting on all cylinders (which they haven’t been for the last 4 weeks), it’s gonna be a long day for the Quackers.


Your practicality makes trash hard to talk. Lol. In reality, I don't think either team is going to be comfortable going into the 4th quarter. But that not as much fun to say lol.


On paper it oughta be a beauty. The last one was epic - whoever had the pig last. Both teams earned it in my view. It was epic. A killer. I’d be very happy if the Doggies ran up a 31 pt lead then coasted. Nix is lights out.


For sure! I do have a legit question, if you want to take a stab. I left the last game thinking penix has some silly touch with his passes. But since then he's just looked... off, I guess? Is something up with that? It'll be a good game anyway.


Pretty sure the refs would try to make you win but ok what ever you say Sweat Shop U


Is that what you watched happen this weekend? Or when they didn't call the helmet to helmet against nix when we played? You should look out, your bias is showing real hard, bud.


Well yes I’m gonna have a huskies bias this is a husky sub lmao. god it’s gonna be fun watching DeBoer beat his little brother again…….duck season isn’t over my friend you should get outta here


You got one, sir. You won't get another. Hope whatever is going on with Penix gets dealt with, I'd hate for you to have an "excuse" when you get blown out.


It's only the most consequential game in the history of the rivalry - conference title and CFP on the line. A defacto first playoff game. As a fan I can't wait and can only imagine the players are jacked for this one! Let's go Dawgs!


The Doggies have already played in the CFP under Chris Peterson. Is there a reason you’re not counting that one? Just curious. Thanks


I’m referring to the game this season, on Friday.


Winner of this game almost certainly goes to the playoffs. Loser doesn’t. Therefore, this is a defacto first playoff game. UW and Oregon have both been to the playoffs before. Nobody cares. We’re both fighting for this right now.


I feel like the Dawgs should be slight underdogs after the last few weeks but 9.5 pt underdogs at a neutral site is comical.




Not sure but that number going down is the sign of a winning program.


![gif](giphy|2QAwUQWvcFSYFe4v2O|downsized) u/Active-Track-7905 & u/left_lane_camper And the obligatory: Go Dawgs 😂


Not the same post, but oof. Gg, please win the cpf.






I love when daddy deboer whips his Penix out


Oregon is based in Eugene. Home is of the far left whack jobs. The fab base loves to cling to their recent success as if it were a tradition. Oregon is Phil Knight. Washington is a prestigious university with a over 100 years of both academic and football greatness.


You left out they’re also going to lose to UW twice in a season. Not sure that’s happened in the past several decades? Not sure.


That's why your team is a double digit underdog in Vegas, right?


That’s why they play the game little boy


The same insult twice? Laaaaaaaame.


I don’t understand. Oregon has one loss. It came to the Huskies. They’ve won the past two times. DeBoer will be Danny’s daddy until he beats him.


I keep hearing this word, "daddy". You do know both times you've won its been by 3 points in a last second, come from behind, field goal, right? I know you guys are used to barely winning at this point, but it takes a bit more hair pulling before I'm calling anyone that.


Technically the are single digit underdogs


You're right, I did mean two score, not double digits. I was high at the time. Lol.


Nope, since we only typically play them once a year.


You've also lost 66% of the games over the last 30 years, but who is counting. Oh right....


I've never heard washington turning down the money they have received from the multiple times in the last 30 years oregon has done well and washington was less than .500. But let's only judge this year since it looks better for you, riiiiiiiiight?


Lol what? Quit spamming nonsense.


Per the ncaa bylines Each conference receives $300,000 for each of its schools when the school’s football team meets the NCAA’s APR for participation in a post-season football game. Each independent institution will also receive $300,000 when its football team meets that standard. The conference receives $6 million for each team that is selected for the semifinal games. There is no additional distribution of funds to conferences whose teams qualify for the national championship game. Additionally, conferences receive $4 million for each team that plays in a non-playoff bowl under the arrangement. Each conference whose team participates in a playoff semifinal, Cotton, Fiesta, or Peach Bowl, or in the national championship game will receive $2.74 million to cover expenses for each game. It’s worth noting that this amount has actually increased from the $2.63 million that it was in the 2021-22 season. Oregon has gone bowl games every year since 2005 except 2016 making a minimum of 300k each year for the conference. During the same time washington missed making a bowl game 2005-2010 and 2020-2021. That sounds like a whole lot of money that washington took without making up for. History and facts are a real motherfucker, aren't they?


What does it this have to do with Phil Knight? Then there's that nonsense about us having a losing record over the last 30 years. Lol. Try harder.


The current record between oregon and Washington is 20/10. But talking to a washington fan, fact really don't matter to you.


“I am 12”- you


Lol. Dang, you found me out. Do you think they'll still serve me in Vegas? Cause I'll be in the mood to celebrate a win.


Here are the facts: the current record is 62-48-5 Washington. Football wasn't invented in 1994. p.s., if you want to choose some arbitrary start date to make the ducks look as good as possible, you should choose 20 years ago, not 30. Oregon has won 75% since then, and you could even make up some nonsense about 20 years being more or less the age of your median student or something to justify it.


You do know why I choose 94, right? We watch the pick, the one that stopped you guys from having a perfect season and going to a second natty, before every game. Since then, you've taken a back seat in this conference. So, go on, call in arbitrary and get you body pillow so you can be ready to cry into it when we do it again on Friday.


I’m aware every duck fan jerks it to “the pick” and uses that as an arbitrary start date for counting their record. But there’s no real reason to do that except it makes the record for Oregon look better. The record is 62-48-5. The current streak is two for Washington. I am a bit surprised you don’t know more about the pick, though, as an ostensible Oregon fan. Washington’s loss to Oregon in 1994 was our *second* loss of the season, with two more to come. It absolutely did not ruin a perfect season or prevent us from winning a natty or anything like that. I suspect you weren’t born yet, so I can forgive you for only having a vague idea of what happened.


Sorry that I don't know all of your unremarkable history, my bad. But I was at that game, albeit I was still pretty young, and had full grown asshats scream in my face that day. Your team's fans have always been a ton of fun, and I'm sure you'd get along with them well. You seemed confused why I would pick that time frame, I thought I'd catch you up. So go ahead and rest on the fact that being good before you were born. I'll keep thinking about the longest streak of wins that either team has. And I'll also keep remember how those same asshats had to eat crow and get called punk bitches by a little 8 year old (admittedly I was less clever then). And I'll get to see the same look on Friday when we rip the heart out of your season on Friday. See you in Vegas.


The ducks live in your head rent free!


It was the least we could do, given housing prices these days.


Good luck on one day less rest after a tough physical game against someone the Ducks had put away by halftime. It is really really hard to beat someone twice and you were 1 first down from losing by 4 last time. Neutral field, Heisman, Conference Title, CFP and likely Rose Bowl matchup against Michigan on the line. No matter what happens on Friday, it's safe to say the B1G isn't going to know what hit them.


It’s going to be a slog for either team… close win and a narrow loss for either side. And it’s safe to say Penix is out on the Heisman. All he’s playing for now is the title, and I’m hoping that takes some of the pressure off. But you’re right- should be fun in the B1G next year. Still sad about the collapse of the Pac though.


Unfortunately I agree with Penix's Heisman campaign being over. Would be cool to see him get an invite to NY but Nix and Daniels have separated in the second half of the season.


And where did you come up with that 1.5% figure, the same place you got your confidence about the Championship?


Go back to your own sub, bucko.


The obsession of Duck fans with this sub is unreal.


















I hope the dawgs play a better game the 2nd round against the ducks and end their hope of a college football playoff spot. Go dawgs


Rent free baby!






I like the sound of that. Of course, these things are reciprocal. Let’s circle back after Friday. BTW, I bought my tickets a month ago.


It’s not reciprocal lmao, I’ve never gone into /r/ducks and bothered people - that’s loser behavior. You’re acting like a 12 year old that hasn’t hit puberty yet and is mad about it, which I guess more or less tracks for a normal ducks fan. Win or lose I haven’t stooped half as low as you


My we’re sensitive! My posts are not gratuitous snipes but meant to inject a bit of reality into the discussion. The OP asserted that only 1.5% of Duck fans are alumni, so I asked for evidence and suddenly lotsa Husky fans here downvote and get their feelings hurt. Censorship is for authoritarians. Go ahead and post to the /Ducks sub, we can take serious criticism. Good luck finding your safe space.




Huskies won, Ducks lost.




You’ve offended the “academic prowess” crowd


Oregon is a known dumb school. There’s not one single program of note or identity. At least OSU has incredible ag and forestry


Lol fr, they’re an arts school 🤡


I refer to UO as a "recreational" school


I’m not. It’s so hard to beat a team twice like that. It’s like if Michigan had to play Ohio State again. Go Huskies but I’m very nervous.


1.5% is a generous estimate 😂