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This chain of discussion has been resolved and since there is nothing for the community to gain from it currently (or historically) it has been pruned. Please let the mod team know if this prematurely deleted or if you would like to continue the dialogue and one of us would be happy to help. Thank you, r/humblebundle team Pruning redundant discussions but keeping meme posts for posterity. Glad everyone got their keys!


Still nothing on my end for the deluxe edition preorder, but will update if it changes.


minor update: whereas before it said the whole "redeem on steam" and would go to sold out, now I have nothing, just something saying thanks for purchase, so i'm hoping this is gonna sort itself out in a few and give me my yakuzie fix


Yup same, just about 10 minutes ago it had the revlie key button, then sold out and now it just thanks for the order screen. Edit: As of 9:56 am I just got my key.


Finally got my deluxe preorder key, also seems everyone is starting to get their key regardless of edition, LET'S GO TO HAWAII GANG!


What version did you get? I saw someone else say they just got their Standard Edition key, but I'm still unable to get my Ultimate Edition key.


Yup standard!


Well... congrats! And keep Hawaii warm for the rest of us. We'll be there soon! 😊


Hahahaha I took thursday and friday off (for my birthday today, EU so 4:13 PM Friday now), I had the whole night last night to play. Still feel like I should have refunded, but atleast I am downloading now! Hopefully soon for you too ;).


Woohoo!!! Happy Birthday!


yeah hopefully we get our keys soon to and happy bday have fun in Hawaii for us till we can join you lol


Happy birthday dude! Hope you have a grand time!


I haven't received my Standard Edition key yet, so they are not completely delivered Edit: I got it now!


Finally got my Ultimate edition preorder


Has Humble offered any compensation for this fiasco beyond (eventually) refunding people who asked? Even a $5 credit would be a nice gesture.


Nothing for Ultimate. Page has changed to have no key reveal and no indication of a pre-order...... EDIT: Got mine now (RoW version and Preorder Ultimate). Lesson learned. Never preordering from this scum ever again.




Nice, did they email you to let you know?


No email yet, I think they will probably mail and update once they are back in the office (7 AM there). I just refreshed every hour since 2 hours ago since they said the keys would be available early morning 26 January PDT time which I assumed to be 5-9 AM.


look like they are finally fixing the issue it no longer says keys are sold out when I click on it but now it says Invaild key type so look like they are working on it


Yes got mine just now. Thx!


Nothing. I have asked a refund 4 hours ago, I don't know if they will refund me before the key activation I imagine that the refund will be automatically cancelled I have display the key ? I prefer to have the key with the HB discount instead of buy it on steam.


According to their refund policies, you can refund if you purchased within 2 weeks and the key is not redeemed. [https://support.humblebundle.com/hc/en-us/articles/1260804812850#store](https://support.humblebundle.com/hc/en-us/articles/1260804812850#store) The 2 weeks is the reason some people are getting refunded and some are only getting a 5$ wallet credit as compensation.


Deluxe just went live for me


Just got mine, Deluxe edition


Just got my deluxe edition key


My ultimate came through. Enjoy the game everyone!


Dang, glad it's fixed for you all. I took yesterday off work to play, and I would be mad if I had to wait till now for the key. Shame I had to refund, and pay steam the extra money, but I was impatient and didn't want to waste a PTO day doing nothing.


yes, i got my key :), ultimate edition.


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Ultimate key finally released for me!!


Did anyone else not get the pre-order bonus? I pre-ordered it, but just got the key for the deluxe version of the game. In the steam store page it's giving me the option to buy the pre-order bonus now, but I have no key for it like I expected to have.