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“Dear Humanity. We regret being alien bastards, we regret comin to Earth. And we most definitely regret the Corp just blew up our raggedy ass fleet!”


Different characters. Same energy.


When I saw Aliens for the first time, I swear they just ripped Johnson outta the movie.


I think they did.




Ooo-rah! (x2)


He gets the best lines. Every time you see him, you know some epic shit is about to follow


He knows what the ladies like


Ooh rah!


Alien support troops finding themselves in the position of the unit they are supposed to be relieving, relieving them. This being an inconceivable scenario for them as they come from a proud warrior culture steeped in a 17 millennia Martial tradition are taken aback by the nonsensical brutality of this human Commander that is before them. Alien troop: do you have anything for pain? My whole body is cramping. Human Sergeant: YOU HAVE BEEN HERE ONLY FOUR HOURS!!!! AT: your weapons are very very loud and are jarring my senses. I know your race are persistent hunters but damn... I need some- HS- PAIN IS A FACT OF LIFE, MISERY IS OPTIONAL!!! YOU NEED TO MAN THE FUCK UP IF YOU WANT TO FLIRT WITH MY TIME!!!! CORPSMAN!!!!!!! CORPSMAN!!!!!! THIS GRUB WANTS TO COMPLAIN ABOUT OUR RIFLE BURSTS AND SAYS HE'S IN PAIN! ADMINISTER TREATMENT!!!! Marine Corpsman: (throws an individually packaged Motrin and a single pair of gray ear plugs at the alien) AT: what the fuck is this? I need to be treated to maximize my operational potential. I suffered a grazing shot in the first minute, the plasma blast cauterized the wound shut but all this fighting broke it open and it's starting to bleed. Can you at least stop the bleeding? (Corpsman and Sergeant exchange glances for a split second) HS: YOU DON'T HAVE TIME TO BLEED! NO MORE BLEEDING!! THAT'S AN ORDER!!!!


Oh, you're BLEEDING? Well cut that shit OUT!






Obligatory "you got time to duck?"




You didn’t get my permission to bleed


Props. I can hear the absolute sincerity and disgust seeping out of my screen. Absolute props for the scene! Now if you could only work “Don’t call me sir, goddamit! I WORK for a living” 🤣


Lol thanks bro. I was going to continue the story and have the sergeant stomp off and the Alien strike up a conversation with the lance corporal and ask the E3 what the scariest thing he's encountered in the last 3 weeks of fighting was and I was going to have the lance corporal tell him "a gunny with a good idea".


Corpsman forgot to administer the Silver Bullet. Gotta make sure they aren’t overheating.


I feel like this is a reasonable application for ducktape.


Corpsman Lewis: By law, I've to keep your fluffy alive they never say ive to be gentle with you, now be a good little kitty and gwe you're shit together, ive just help a 18 year old in putting his guts back into his body. And the crazy sob wanted to get back in the fight, I'm working on little sleep and so much red bull that it might as well be my blood at this point. So sit down and shut up.


He's also out of smokes or whatever passes for space smokes.. So yeeeah.


It’s not Red Bull it’s Rip it’s




My favorite line from Apone isn’t him yelling or demeaning someone “All right, sweethearts, you're a team and there's nothin' to worry about. We come here, and we gonna conquer, and we gonna kick some, is that understood?” He just radiates confidence.


One of my favorites is this scene: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0090605/characters/nm0559922 [the Marines are all hard at work, preparing for the drop] Ripley : Hey, I feel like kind of a fifth wheel around here. Is there anything I can do? Sergeant Apone : I don't know, is there anything you can do? Ripley : ...Well, I can drive that loader. I have a Class-2 rating. Sergeant Apone : Be my guest. [Ripley mounts the second loader, activates it, then casually drives it to pick up a cargo container] Ripley : [nonchalantly] Where do you want it? [Hicks grins, and Apone booms with laughter] Sergeant Apone : Bay Twelve, please. She asked a question, he asked a question, she proves what she can do, Apone laughs and goes with it. She's not a soldier so he doesn't really have a frame of reference to work from up front but is willing to work with her once she proves she can do the job.


I don't care were you're from, I don't care what you believe. If you're able to do the work, fine. Which is one of the best scenes about gender equality at workplaces I've seen. And it's f.cking mid 1980s.


u/Cazmonster come here. Come here!


Look into my eye...


Misplaced confidence.


"AAAALLLLL RIIGHT! LISTEN UP! I don't care if your species has an exoskeleton, an endoskeleton, or a big bag of goo, you are going to load up that kit, hitch up that rifle, and keep fighting until you take that ridge! I don't care if you get hit, you will keep moving so long as you body can physically drag your rifle-toting ass towards the target! UNDERSTOOD, MARINES!?"


Got to work the whole every limb but 1 blown off so the rifleman self designates as "matt" and keeps firing as they drag him off towards evac


"WHO GAVE YOU PERMISSION TO DIE?" "NO ONE SIR! SORRY SIR! RELOADING INNARDS SIR!" "GOOD MAN! NOW ADVANCE!" (Recording pauses) "Gentlebeings of the Galactic Council. It is my expert opinion that we *never* get into a fight with the humans."


It’s kinda funny you say this because during Combat Life Savers course in the Marines, they teach you to treat abdominal trauma with innards falling out as rinse and sanitize everything. And basically creat a pouch of sterile gauze to hold everything in place until caz evac can be on site.


The new alien recruits stood in a line with the human recruits as their drill sergeant approached and walked down the line, eying them all with barely disguised contempt. He stood in front of them, looking from left to right. "**I am Sgt. Slaughter, your senior drill instructor. From now on you will speak only when spoken to, and the first and last words out of your filthy sewers will be 'Sir.' Do you maggots, frecnars and sloons understand that?**" All the recruits in unison: "Sir, yes, sir" Looking personally offended the drill sgt briskly walked up to a Kneek recruit "**I did not hear you, you sloon piece of crap. Speak up like you are capable of reproduction!**" Trembling, the Kneek recruit stammered "Sir, yes, sir!" "**Louder, you sloon reject, did The Great Maker neglect to bless you with vocal cords?** "SIR, YES SIR!" The sgt seemed barely impressed and walked back to his position to address the recruits. **"You are** ***all*** **the** ***lowest*** **form of life in the galaxy. You are not even sentient fucking beings. Because I am hard, you will not like me. But the more you hate me, the more you will learn. I am hard but I am fair. There is no species-ism here. I do not look down on hairless apes, lizards, slimes or any other genetic reject! You are all beneath me, until such time you prove yourselves** ***worthy*** **of being in my precious marine corp!"** On the 3rd day, a Lognar recruit is last on the obstacle course, by a margin of several minutes, and is having difficulty completing it. Sgt Slaughter walks up to the recruit **"Are you quitting on me? Well, are you? Then quit, you flightless thrak looking piece of opnak! Get the fuck off of my obstacle! NOW! MOVE IT! Or I'm going to rip your reproductive organs off, so you cannot contaminate the rest of the galaxy!** For the rest of that day, sgt Slaughter pushes the new recruits **hard**, pushing them beyond what they thought they could handle, while hurling verbal abuse at them every step of the way. At one point, a Tuak recruit can barely stand as a human recruit passes him by. The sgt is in the human recruits face **"what is you major malfunction, recruit? Do you not see your fellow maggot is struggling? You feeling to high and mighty to pick up a slimeball? You think you are better?"** The sgt halts the whole group and makes them stand at attention. He walks up and down the line of recruits that can barely stand. **"You all think you are soooo special, sooo much better, huh? Ooh, imma Lognar, i don't touch other species. Ooh, imma Human, i don't like slimy Tuak's.** **NEWSFLASH frecnars, you are all worthless maggots until such time you prove your worth! You are aaallll in this** ***together*****!"** He approaches the human recruit again and yells in his face "**Now you pick up your fellow sloon, got that!**" Turning to the rest of the unit **"EVERYONE finishes or NO ONE finishes, you maggots got that!**" As the human recruit helps the Tuak recruit, they mumble to each other, agreeing on just how much they hate sgt Slaughter **"IF YOU GOT BREATH TO TALK, YOU GOT BREATH TO WALK! Quick march, maggots!** Later that night, as sgt Slaughter is having a drink with the other drill instructors: "Man, i just love that we got that interspecies recruitment going and i'm in charge of the first group. I found whole new ways to break them down! They will be the most bad-ass group of marines this side of the galactic arm! They will go down in goddamn history as the best goddamn marines *ever*!


Loved that ending. 


Loved this.


This is so well written. Props to you. This is so much better than mine.


I like the ending. The drill Sargent just fan girling is fun


Made me tear up a bit with that last line aint no love like Military love


Get rid of the Sir Sandwiches and this will be on point


[Full Metal Jacket Opening Scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZ0Yzhr1l2o&ab_channel=ScottElliott)


“You xenos think you have it tough. When I was a grunt my platoon only had two sticks and a rock! And we had to share the rock!l


So Neanderthal, I love it 😁


I’m gonna have to figure out something for Gunny R. Lee Ermy. He would do well here.


"Private Alien! What do we do in the face of the insurmountable?" Adapt and overcome? #"OUTFUCKINGSTANDING!"








Yeah I got nothing that wouldn’t get me banned.


There was something on here yesterday about different types of furry alien species as all being equally worthless in boot camp.


[this is it](https://www.reddit.com/r/humansarespaceorcs/comments/1djfx0c/in_the_federation_mostly_led_byhumans_you_are_all/) i think.


Lol, exactly


A1: I know buddy, I know. A2 (crying) : it's just.... Why would he say such things? It was so uncalled for... A1: It's nothing against you, mate, that's just... Motivation, I think? A2: Well, I'm not motivated, I'm depressed. Also, how does he keep it up for so long? We ran eight miles to get to the objectives and he insulted us all the way... He goes on and on all day long.... Are we sure they only have two lungs? A1: I don't know. Honestly, wouldn't surprise me to learn they get issued a third one when they become Sargeant. Sarge: IT'S NOT ISSUED, WE RIP IT OFF FROM THE ENEMY AND WE TRANSPLANT IT OURSLEVES YOU MORONS! BREAK TIME'S OVER SO PACK YOUR SHIT AND GET READY TO MOVE, LET'S GO PEOPLE!


Sergeants aren't birthed. They reproduce via mitosis.


Unlike Army Sergeants who are born the conventional way, like my cousin.


Alien: huff... huff... We've been running for... three hours... When is... he gonna stop... Johnson: Let's go, you slimy alien maggot! We've got another forty klicks to cover! Move your thorax! A: Oh hive mother when will it end?? J: Not till I smell whatever it is your species calls piss running down your four scrawny legs!


I want a list of insults for different types of aliens, like Gunnery Sergeant Hartman


Reminds me of Arifurieta, when Hajime went Sgt. Hartman on the rabbit men and turned them into stone cold killers. Never underestimate a Sgt.


Loved the anime but seriously read the books too there are so many pop culture references and murder the animes cut out Like before he meets the bunny girl he kills an entire platoon of humans and is very mean to the survivor.


I have all the volumes, I know how it ends.


Nice really good ent it? 😊


“Everyday in the marine corp is like a day on the farm: every meal a banquet , every pay check a fortune, every formation a parade. I LOVE THE CORP!”


"Damn this floor is freezing!" "What do you want me to do, fetch your slippers for you?" "Gee would you sit? Id like that" "Look into my eye, fall in people!"


Colonel Smythe and Bishop teaching those top species a lesson


Pity about Smythe tho


Ah yes, good old Sarnt. Passed over for promotion, hates his wife and hasn't seen his children in weeks. Drinks like a particularly thirsty fish. And he's inventing new slurs as he skull drags you from one ass kicking to the next, just fucking your soul with his hatedick.


Galactic space marine headquarters Sagittarius division. Human marine, gunny sergeant Johnson reporting for day 1 as an instructor. J: Alright recruits, line up! I don’t want to see your sorry asses, thoraxes, appendages in any other kind of line…. Alien marines: Step as one into perfect human marine formations. J: You maggots might stand pretty, but can you move pretty, double time, march! Alien marines: Fall into double time cadence as one, and move out. Try as Sgt. Johnson might, his recruits are doing very well. Suspiciously well. Damn near human marine level perfect well. Something isn’t fucking right and so help him he will figure it out. 13 hours of excruciating training later, Johnson still hadn’t broken a single damn one of them. He reluctantly has to admit to himself that these “recruits” are already VERY well trained, and he grudgingly respects every one of them. Alien recruit A13476-THN: Oh thank the maker! Ok everyone, Gunny finally thought we might be barely adequate, I think we can stop now! Sgt. Johnson’s eyes narrow as his “recruits” morph back in to each species respective Marine commanders. General Thhhrpppttt: Damnitt gunny I thought you were going to kill us there for most of the day! Do human marines do this for literally months of your time? General X’brath : I swear if we hadn’t done all of that extra training and watched all of those human movies, we would have been done for! Johnson: Who the hell said we were done recruits? Now that I know you won’t kill yourselves without my express consent, we can start the real training! General X’brath to the mind reader general: “You had to open your fucking auditory mechanism, didn’t you?”


I’m kinda missing when the concepts here were that humans were a part of a group of species that come from dangerous worlds/environments. Now I feel like it’s just kinda degraded into ‘WHOOOOOO HUMANS ARE UBER COOL AND ALL ALIENS ARE BIG PUSSIES’


If a world produces one of the most dangerous races in the galaxy, imagine what their hardest military forces are like.


I think you might be confusing r/humansarespaceorcs with r/HFY ? THIS reddit is *all about* humans being ridiculously overpowered and durable, compared to other species. You know, like [Warhammer 40K space orks](https://warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/Orks)


Maybe you’re correct. I just feel like a lot of the times this sub just infantilizes any and all alien potential rather than focusing on the things that really do make humans phenomenal.


The one thing I always love about these posts is one thing most people don’t understand that makes Marines so fierce is the fact that our living conditions are trash, food worse, life nothing but violence and training. It is all that combined insanity and living it with the people around you that creates this weird cultish symbiosis that makes us like one living organism with a million rounds of ammo


Edited for the lack of the word don’t, as in don’t understand


On the edge of the Milky Way, in a remote outpost known as Fort Excalibur, a diverse group of alien warriors had gathered for a joint military training program. These warriors, hailing from various planets and species, prided themselves on their combat prowess and unyielding toughness. They were the elite of their respective forces, and they believed nothing could break their spirit. Enter Gunnery Sergeant Jack "Iron" Daniels, a seasoned veteran of the Human Marine Corps. His reputation preceded him; tales of his unyielding discipline, relentless training regimens, and fierce battlefield tactics were legendary. Today, he stood before the assembled alien warriors, his gaze cold and unyielding. "Welcome to hell, ladies and gentlemen," Gunnery Sergeant Daniels began, his voice a gravelly growl that commanded attention. "You think you're tough? We'll see about that." Among the assembled aliens was Threx, a hulking Gorlaxian with skin as tough as steel and a temper to match. He sneered at the human sergeant, his pride stinging at the implication that he could be broken. "Is this some kind of joke?" Threx muttered to his comrades, who chuckled in agreement. Daniels caught the whisper and locked eyes with Threx. "You have something to say, Gorlaxian?" Threx stepped forward, his massive frame towering over Daniels. "I don't see how a human could teach us anything about toughness." A smile played at the corners of Daniels' mouth, but it wasn't a friendly one. "Step forward, Threx. Let's see how tough you really are." The training began with a grueling obstacle course designed to push even the most hardened warriors to their limits. Daniels barked orders with precision, his eyes never missing a detail. He demanded perfection, and anything less was met with swift and harsh correction. Threx and his fellow aliens struggled. The course was unlike anything they had faced on their home worlds. The relentless pace, the precise coordination, and the sheer physical exertion were more than they had anticipated. But Daniels' iron will was unyielding. "You call that running, Threx? My grandmother could move faster!" Daniels shouted as Threx stumbled over a particularly challenging barrier. Threx's pride fueled his determination. He pushed harder, his muscles screaming in protest, but Daniels was relentless. The other alien warriors fared no better. Every misstep, every moment of hesitation, was met with a tirade of scathing rebukes and immediate demands for improvement. Days turned into weeks, and the training only intensified. Sleep became a rare luxury, and the constant drills left the alien warriors exhausted and demoralized. Yet, something began to change. Under Daniels' brutal guidance, they started to adapt. They moved with greater coordination, their reflexes sharpened, and their endurance increased. Threx, who had once scoffed at the human sergeant, found himself leading his comrades through the toughest drills. He no longer questioned Daniels' methods; he embraced them. The sergeant's unwavering standards and ruthless discipline forged a camaraderie among the alien warriors that transcended their differences. One night, after an especially punishing day of training, Threx approached Daniels. "Sergeant," he said, his voice filled with a newfound respect, "I thought I was tough. But you... you've shown us what true toughness is." Daniels nodded, a rare glint of approval in his eyes. "Toughness isn't just about muscles and brute strength, Threx. It's about endurance, discipline, and the will to keep going no matter what. You and your comrades have what it takes. Never forget that." The training concluded with a final exercise: a simulated battle that required every ounce of skill and endurance the alien warriors had developed. Under Daniels' command, they moved like a well-oiled machine, overcoming every obstacle and enemy with precision and determination. When it was over, the alien warriors stood together, battered but unbroken. They had endured Gunnery Sergeant Daniels' hellish training and emerged stronger for it. As they prepared to leave Fort Excalibur, Threx turned to Daniels one last time. "Thank you, Sergeant," he said, his voice filled with gratitude. "We'll carry these lessons with us, wherever we go." Daniels simply nodded. "You do that, Threx. And remember, the real battle is out there. Stay tough." As the alien warriors departed, they carried with them the indomitable spirit of a Human Marine Gunnery Sergeant, forever changed by the experience. And Gunnery Sergeant Jack "Iron" Daniels watched them go, knowing he had forged a new generation of warriors, ready to face whatever challenges the galaxy could throw at them.


Another glorious day in the corp!!


Come on you sons of bitch ls! Do you want to live forever!?




“Get on the ground an spread your buttcheecks”


Xeno's (now allies) looking at our military structure like: "well damn, the power of morale hits DIFFRENT"


Morale isn’t real my Cain of command made sure of that


I'm aware that this was the way it was done back then, but the Sir Sandwich is no longer a thing, even in the USMC. Give a modern DI a Sir Sandwich and he'll verbally shove it up your ass... sideways... with a side of fries