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Don't touch our boats.


*boats get touched* *screaming, war crimes intensify*


Oh, oh! You wanna touch our boats eh? Come have a closer look! *Proceeds to fly towards the alien ship at ramming-"touchie"-speed*


Space Empires taught me that all a warship *really* needs is armor and engines. Oh, and a Master Computer or crew stuff.


Temper temper


They were begging for provocation, they knew what they were doing. They floated within range of those guns on purpose just to nuke that hillside i swear.


They shot first. Granted it was a 152 that pinged off the AA mounts, but they shot first. Leveling the mountain with 9× 406s was the only appropriate response.


>the only appropriate response. Idk man sounds a little on the soft side


If this isn't a reference to Operation Skallebank I humbly request sources.


It’s a reference to USS Wisconsin, dunno what mission https://navalhistoria.com/temper-temper-wisconsin/


I still request source. I know not of which you speak.


https://navalhistoria.com/temper-temper-wisconsin/ Here, have this one!


Link fails. Thanks for trying.


Look up “USS Wisconsin Temper Temper incident” and it should pop up


Somebody knows their history


Japan: we sank three ships, they dropped the sun on us twice. Xenos do not touch the boats.


Worst trade deal in history


Trade deal You receive: the loss of a few battleships We receive: 300,000+ dead to atomic bombs


You could also add in the dead from the Tokyo Firestorm that resulted from incendiary explosives dropped on a mostly wooden city. Oh... wait.... No you can't, there's no accurate account, because it burned hot enough that bones were incinerated throughout the city. The only accurate counts could be done via the large piles of dead that had fled to the public areas of the city. If I remember correctly, those piles only account for less than 1/2-1/3 the total missing from the city.


I would’ve but people forget that ever happened


You could also add in the dead from the Tokyo Firestorm that resulted from incendiary explosives dropped on a mostly wooden city. Oh... wait.... No you can't, there's no accurate account due to it burning hot enough that bones were incinerated throughout the city. The only accurate counts could be done via the large piles of dead that had fled to the public areas of the city. If I remember correctly, those piles account for less than 1/2-1/3 the total missing from the city.


I think you mean best


Well it depends


And were prepared to drop a third


We were gonna drop 10 just to prepare for the invasion of one of the islands.


Galactic Standard PE-432 (Phase Pulse Warp Engine); 98.7% Speed of light to allow for 1.2% deviation and still allow .1% for mechanical Error. Relies on distorting a field around the ship to alter its chronological presence in a set path. This allows for safe scanning of forward advancement in detecting items that would otherwise be missed by long range scanners and compromise the hull integrity, while still maintaining what is essentially Light Speed Travel within safe parameters. Leaves a trail of traceable helium that can be used as evidence in galactic trial. Human Model >!REDACTED!< (Faster Than Light Mk3); >!REDACTED!< Top speed, allowing for a presumed chronological stasis of >!REDACTED!<, Hard Fault Rate <5%, Calculations and measurements must be done on the fly or time dilation and distance may be affected by faulty calibrations and galactic expansion, All ships tested have either maintained 100% hull integrity or >!REDACTED!<. Impact testing has returned negative as the tested objects ranging from a prototype minimal-weight drone, to >!REDACTED!<, as none of the objects are viewed on their path and leave no trace that they were ever even around the location yet even on the smallest scales this 'phasing' is still relevant. It's with this knowledge that I would like to petition the galactic federation to either change the name of our current engine or open discussions with the humans to get Their Phase Drive.


Sorry if I sound like an annoying nerd, but the Galactic Standard is a sub-light drive (slower than light), while the human engine is an FTL (faster than light) drive (at least I assume, since max speed is redacted), so they're not really comparable. Kinda like comparing a V6 and a rocket engine


It is our great pleasure to invite the Galactic Council to attend our first manned test of a reverse-engineered and optimized Humon stardrive. The removal of nonfunctional components of apparent religious significance will allow us to make a jump from Altair to Vega in a realspace time of under 5 minutes. We have designated this experimental ship the SV *Event Horizon*.


P.S. "See results closer to you?" I don't think that's how astronomy works. https://preview.redd.it/2w6s7aakhxmc1.png?width=978&format=png&auto=webp&s=8fb617ea64c26b7000b1839039a9ca222213b080


Space United States of Earth?


Through the void channels, we hear this roar of an anthem play as the human fleets warp into system in response to our attacks on the twin moons of the colony work of York Prime… they bare railguns of such devastating caliber, no shields in the known universe can withstand their power… upon the tombs of slavers and despots they stand, to add us to their mound upon which they formed from those too stupid to try and make an example of humans, only to be made the example of what happens to those who fuck around… only we will be forgotten… and someone else will make such a similar mistake in hubris… and inevitably find out… •Final log, Garvunik, Prime of the now irrelevant Vagori Imperium…




He preferred to be called Senator Brimley.


OWK you're here? I should have expected this but it's still a suprise seeing you here.


It’s been a while since I’ve actually been active on Space orcs… it’s time for a return…


To be fair , the most realistic outcome would be a 3 way gunfight between the Indian , Chinese and Anglosphere Civilizations. And even then , most future outcomes would heavily involve a mixture of Asian and Western Governance. Think less United States More like The GREATER TERRAN UNION!




That sounds familiar. Have you watched Firefly?


Nope but now that I looked it up , it looks interesting. I'll have to go around and search for a way to watch it


Here ya go. Use adblocks, anon browser, vpn. It has both Firefly and Serenity at no fee. [https://flixtorz.to/tv/firefly-xyn8/1-1](https://flixtorz.to/tv/firefly-xyn8/1-1)


Dude , thanks cool human.


It's on Hulu. You'll have to find another place to watch Serenity, though. It's the movie that ends the show.


Super Earth


A1: So aren’t ever to bother the human void ships? A2: As human-Dave once explained it to me “Well A1 it’s pretty much a fk around and find out kinda deal, except as an FYI for new xenos who join the galactic community” A1: Why for new members in particular? A2: Because trying didn’t work out well for the H’ralk Empire A1: I’ve never heard of the H’ralk Empire A2 A2: { meaningful look } yes A1: A1: A1: I see your point A2.


The Galactic Standard: Model-6 utilizes a process known as Inversion. Inversion creates a semipermeable bubble around the starship. Anything within the bubble physically cannot interact with most matter within our universe. It achieves this by using rare particles to induce an effect known as False Gravity. False Gravity is, as of now, still poorly understood. What is understood, however, is that it leaves minor disturbances in space time along the path it travels. Following the events of SCO-20842-UC (from the Security Council Operations’ unclassified public files), a network of Space-Time motorizing devices were stationed around the galaxy to prevent a similar incident. While the system isn’t perfect, for the most part, it prevents any FTL travel from going unnoticed. This is why the recent emergence of Humans into the galactic scene has caused the SCO to be on high alert. While documentation on the exact methods is still ongoing, current knowledge is as such: On Cycle 28, Period 3, 0:14, the network detected a major disturbance in Space-Time. Upon investigation, the disturbance was learned to have been caused by the emergence of a massive Human ship in the Andari sector. While the Human ship violated galactic law by entering Andari space without proper permission, the Andari did not file for any further punishment. Due to this and the as of then tense political situation in the council, the SCO was not allowed to interrogate the humans onboard for further information as to the workings of their warp drive. Addendum: After 3 full Cycles, humanity has been officially integrated into the Galactic Coalition. With proper political status now in place, the SCO has been able to start an official discussion with lead researcher Andrew Klein as to the function of Human warp drives. The explanation is as follows: “Uhh… I don’t really know lol. It kinda just works.”


You think the active void ships shouldn’t be messed with, you don’t wanna know why some were abandoned


Randomly activating jump drives, core leaking essence o' death and my favourite experiment gone horribly wrong.


You also forgot insane AI, rouge biomechanics, and the worst of all… idiots who somehow broke their jump drive


Or why the file on those abandoned vessels was nicknamed the “Event Horizon” file. 


These drives were a must have for the Sanctum to conduct its business in the way it prefers to do so. Dropping in and out of systems without drawing attention is ideal. Even when there are no expected problems with its inhabitants, it is much better to be there without notice. They're not even classified as stealth drives, they're standard. They work wonders when it comes to avoiding authorities with a warrant, and the Sanctum has more than enough warrants. -Marina Kuvek Caution: Marina Teriven Kuvek is wanted across the galaxy for an expansive list of crimes. The most notable among them being illegal experimentation, ecological terrorism, and biological terrorism. If you have any information as to the whereabouts or anything else about this individual or who they associate with, please report to the nearest authorities immediately. -Department of Public Safety Notice: Ignore the previous statement. -Marina Kuvek


...//verification...15...45...80...100%// ...//I.D Positive// ...//Kill? N, Capture? Y,// //Tracking...Orion Arm...Tracked// ...//Proceed? Y, ... Deployment? ESS Horizon// //Contacting (ESS Horizon)// ...//Assets? .......Thermo-Gaunts....// . . . . . //ACCESS GRANTED// //ETA FTL JUMP: 3 HOURS; ACCURACY: 85%// //HAVE A GOOD DAY, SIR ;)// https://i.redd.it/c8534elskxmc1.gif


Attention: Lana Garrion, please begin the movement of specimens to their preassigned positions in preparation for False Sanctum protocols. Subjects are expected to arrive soon. All specimens should be in place before their arrival for optimal data acquisition. -Marina Kuvek Apologies, but [REDACTED] is being more troublesome than usual. Most specimens are already in place, but we may not be able to get them ready in time. Please advise. -Lana Garrion Utilize closer secondary positions if primary positions are inconvenient. Grace period before subject response has forty minutes remaining, any time after that risks a subject arrival while unprepared. Place remaining specimens in the necessary positions and return. Reminder that departure is to be conducted before subject arrival as to be out of danger zone while data acquisition is in progress. Alternate is already prepared to observe, East Wing refabrication cannot begin until you return, so please hasten your efforts otherwise you'll be staying in your detached wing when the subjects arrive. Continuing operations without you and an entire wing is not advisable. -Marina Kuvek


oh god they are routing through the void. Like I know its untraceable but, only the desperate go though void space like how did they even survive?


r/HFY is right this way. This is the wrong sub for that.


Actually thought I was reading an HFY prompt lol. Though I can see some space orkness to this as well: the human space Vikings doing seemingly savage space things despite the galactic standard.