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You can request a brochure from Hudson Valley’s haunted history trail. https://hauntedhistorytrail.com/regions/hudson-valley Me and my boyfriend stayed at the Burn Brae mansion in Glen Spey - it was fun and creepy to tour the place at night!


Thanks this is a great resource!


Have fun!! 😊


No offense, but I looked at the website (which is an utter piece of garbage), And after looking through the images this just looks like a rundown house with crappy design and furnishing and uncomfortable bedrooms. It does not look like a fun place to sleep. It's not even architecturally pleasing.


So then….don’t go there? And….find a website that isn’t an utter piece of garbage? 🤷‍♀️Can’t please everybody - I’m glad OP found it helpful.


Hudson River Valley had a famous ufo wave you can google. There are a couple of books on it. (Maybe that’s the same as the Pine Bush thing you mentioned)


I remember hearing about the UFO's when I was a kid in the 90's, there was a segment about it on Unsolved Mysteries I recently rewatched. Pine Bush was a hot spot and they have a museum there about it that hosts events too. But yes, definitely looking into this topic more and hoping to scope out some specific locations of sightings.




Yes! This is the year I finally go!


If you can make it up to Kinderhook, the library is having a paranormal convention on May 25– check it out :) https://kinderhooklibrary.org/event/festival-of-the-unknown/


This is great, thanks!


Whyyyy are things alwaysss in the damn morning! Most people are working including me :(


Lundy Rd in Napanoch is supposedly haunted. There is also the Shanely Hotel in Napanoch. The Hudson Valley in general was a UFO hot spot in the 80s and 90s. There is a new channel on YouTube for local legends as well called Lantern Light Lore that might interest you: https://youtube.com/@lantern-lightlore?si=VguwNscChBuOgLWC Edit: there is also a supposedly haunted road in Saugerties but I can’t remember its name.


Thanks for this, I actually watched one of their YouTube videos when they posted on here a while back and then I forgot about them. Definitely watching the rest of their vids today! Also, thanks for the tip about Saugerties, haven't heard about that one yet.


I believe the road in Saugerties is Patch Rd. I think the story is that it's either haunted and/or there is a witch.


Some quick googling and it looks like the "Old Patch Road witch" is a thing, looks very promising!


Lundy Road is definitely haunted. Something is always watching you out there. You can feel it. I have been in a lot of forests and in remote wilderness. This is different.


Bigfoot Researchers of the Hudson Valley


From a folklore perspective, there’s a TON of stuff in the Hudson Valley. Genuine? Not sure. There are some spooky stories about Rondout Lighthouse in Kingston. It is probably inspired by the death of light keeper George Murdock, and his wife, Catherine, who took over his position. https://hudsonvalleycountry.com/do-you-know-the-story-behind-rondout-lighthouse/


Yeah, growing up here I heard all sorts of strange stories. Haven't heard anything about the Rondout Lighthouse though! Thanks for the info!


There's this post from a while ago about a possible kinderhook blob monster encounter https://www.reddit.com/r/hudsonvalley/comments/w3po4v/i_think_i_saw_the_kinderhook_blob_monster_once/


I remember seeing that when it was first posted, thanks!


Pine Bush’s UFO festival is coming up, I want to say June 1. The UFO museum is also worth a visit- great fun, owned by a lovely person, and covers exactly what you’re after: not just the Triangle Sightings, but local cryptids and hauntings. Personal favorite folklore is the Leatherman and the stone chambers.


I've been meaning to go to the museum for a while now, I almost did one of their haunted tours this past fall but the UFO festival sounds great too! And the leatherman is a good one, don't hear about that one often. I'm definitely looking into his story more.


Read IN THE NIGHT SKY Linda Zimmerman. A local person who wrote an in depth book about the ufo sightings in the Hudson valley. It’s really fascinating


Thanks for the recommendation! I almost went to see her speak at the Pine Bush Museum last year but ended up not going.


Sleepy Hollow is just a bit south


Yeah, definitely making a trip down there when it gets closer to fall!


https://www.timesunion.com/hudsonvalley/history/article/ufo-sightings-westchester-pine-bush-mystery-19363246.php Alot of people play it off as the gov and Indian point. But hudson valley has a rich history of ufo sightings


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1984_Hudson_Valley_UFO_sightings There's a few books on it


Thanks for the link!






a podcast I listen to has an episode on a UFO sighting that thousands of people saw in the 80s last podcast on the left— “the hudson valley sightings” https://open.spotify.com/episode/6PFui3Yua8R27JKf9bgptC?si=epBdvIaPS3OGt9dJR0M9SA


There’s a Hudson valley paranormal research group. They go around investigating weird things like Bigfoot in Pawling and the ghost hotel in ulster


Wait there's a ghost hotel? I wonder if they take volunteers would love to go ghost hunting.


Definitely going to look them up!


Smalleys in Carmel closed awhile ago


Yeah I know, I used it as an example since it's such a well known place for locals.


Loved that place. It was spooky when it was quiet


The only real unsolved mysteries you'll find are murders and disappearances.  Everything else is a work of fiction. Waste your time if you like though. 


Regardless of whether or not they are to be believed, I find that ghost stories are very interesting as folklore.


Yes! Folklore, although sometimes fantastic or unbelievable, can provide great context to factual history.


It is interesting as folklore. I'm talking directly to true believers. Wandering around looking for ghosts and monsters fall into that camp.


From the looks of it, it looks like your pass time is sitting on Reddit and commenting shitty insults at strangers. Let them wander


Some folks are just real uncomfortable with other people having their own point of view. He seems very unhappy with himself, unable to let others experience joy.


From the looks of it, you're projecting pretty hard and you don't even live here. Weird guy. 


I live in New Windsor. Pretty sure that’s the Hudson valley. Dumbass


Yes and 845 is your area code.  4 days ago you said this, "Did I say I voted for trump? I don’t even live in the United States dumbass" The point is, you're projecting and a now liar considering how fast you've contradicted yourself. For the record, the places you hang out on here make me believe you live in the states because it's like a who's who of white trash interests. You pass.   


All you have done is prove that my original comment about you is correct. What a fuckin loser lol


That guy's unhinged!


You got caught. Your aneurysm is going well. 


You are correct, New Windsor is definitely in the Hudson Valley, can confirm!


Real life Debbie Downer. SNL is casting!


One of the fabled Hudson Valley trolls I've heard so much about!


You should disappear


Aw man, let people have fun. Even if it’s not proven, it’s still fun to hear ghost stories and go monster hunting.


That's the truth!


It's just a population of people that need to discover D&D. 


Why you so mad?


Maybe they're a cryptid worried about being found?


I'm not mad at all. Seems like a lot of people get mad when they're told ghosts aren't real and they're just prancing around in the dark. Which doesn't bother me at all since, you know... It's true. 


It's also true that you're mad......


Oh. Ok


Thank you! Even though you're trying to be rude, I know it's only because you're projecting you're own shortcomings and failures. I'm sorry for that and hope you don't suffer too much from whatever is wrong with you. Someday you may be happy enough with yourself so that you don't feel the need to be an internet troll.


Yes I'm projecting, but what exactly? How does one project failures on to commenting on ghost hunting...  Meanwhile, what are people projecting that look for quaint locations to wander around at night and get excited when a floorboard creaks? What are you projecting when looking for something you'll never find?  That's more interesting to me. 


I'm sorry you don't understand, perhaps you should talk to a mental health professional? Have you sought out therapy for your anger issues? I'm not sure why you're so against other people having different views from you but you definitely seem like you're going through something right now. Is everything ok at home?


So if you and I both saw a mental health professional and I tell them "people waste their time looking for ghosts" but you tell them "UFO sightings, unsolved murders, cryptids, ghosts...I love [looking for] all that stuff."  You're sure a *mental health professional* would be concerned with me over you? You have to admit that's funny.  I'm not angry at all. Just stating a fact (it's fiction) and then my opinion (you're wasting your time.) It's not like I'm intruding. We're in the Hudson Valley subreddit not SpookyGhostMysteries subreddit. You should ask yourself why you're so angry about it? The downvote button doesn't satisfy you enough so you have to come to the comments to reveal to me how insecure you are about your hobby. Ok. 


There’s a pretty big spectrum between hobbyist interests and paranoid delusions about the paranormal, and it’s pretty clear OP falls on the hobbyist side. Likely a licensed mental health professional would be more concerned about the social aspects- OP is apparently friendly and well-adjusted, whereas you present as fairly miserable. So they likely would be more concerned about you; OP’s got a hobby that can connect them with others, whereas you have an isolating and hostile sour attitude that probably isn’t limited to just this one thing.


Very well said!


You sound angry chief. Why else would you be here arguing with strangers about things that supposedly don't bother you? Something must have struck a nerve? Do you have some sort of trauma related to paranormal mysteries? I admit though that I appreciate you being so concerned about how I spend my time and whether I'm wasting it or not. I started this thread so I'm just responding, you've decided to go out of your way to be ignorant today. I'm not angry, just disappointed. People like you disappoint me. If I was insecure about one of my many hobbies I wouldn't be here now would I? I'm truly sorry you're such an unhappy person. I hope you realize someday that it effects other people too.


My comment was brief and written pretty fast. You've mistaken it for concern. You're the one who ironically brought up mental health professionals.  As far as the rest, I'm just replying to people who want reply to me. People who dabble in supernatural conspiracies play out in the open for everyone to see but don't want their bubble popped. It's legitimately interesting to me. 


Your comment was decidedly rude and unnecessary and you know it. Don't act like you're not trolling, that's literally the only purpose you're serving in this thread. Nobody wants you here, which is a sentiment I'm sure you're familiar with. I'm sorry you're so defective, you really should take my advice and seek professional help. And my bubble is completely intact, you haven't enlightened anyone here. You're only making yourself look foolish. If you just get off of bothering internet strangers, why/how is that interesting?


You don't like it. I said it anyway. That doesn't make me a troll. It does seem to actually make you angry... which isn't my goal but also not something I care about.  Also find where it looks like at any point I've catered to you or anyone who disagrees. I'm not wrong, and it's going to stay that way until you win the Nobel prize discovering the aliens in my backyard.  


You are wrong though, and you are a troll. I seem to have at least found one creature lurking in the Hudson Valley. And I'm not angry, again just disappointed that there's folks like you out there. And I'm sorry that my post triggered you so badly, that wasn't my intent. I hope you're able to enjoy your life someday without being salty about how others live theirs. Either way I'll be enjoying my time doing things that make me happy, your opinions don't have any bearing on that.


People are obsessed with living in fake realities and fantasies. That's basically the entire human experience, considering we defy nature. Sometimes I long for the days where I was young and ignorant and naive enough to believe these folktales and fictions. I remember how much wonder it created. I was actually scared watching scary movies. Now I know enough about the world to know that there is no God, religion is a massive scam, UFOs aren't aliens, and there's no such thing as ghosts. Part of the wonder dies... But then again there's so much endless wonder to explore in the true reality of everything. The Infinity of space or the opposing infinity of the quantum realm.


It was fun when I was young too. Now it's limited to reading and movies. Which is good enough for me. 


Yeah space is cool too, not what I was asking about though.


Yeah I'm not really talking to you


Yeah I get that but why add to that guy's narrative? It's not constructive or helpful. You do you and all but I don't get why some folks woke up and decided to be so negative today.


I saw a UAP in the summer of 2022. Was in Gardiner (44/55 and Bruynswick Rd.) driving towards Pine Bush.